

The Most Important Verse in Quran

The Most Important Verse in Quran

Which is the most important verse in Quran Sharif / Majid? The most important verse in Quran is Surah Al Furqan, verse no 58 and also 59. But why is it so? Background Belief The accepted fact amongst the Muslim faith is that "Quran" is a word of God. In other words, it is believed that the knowledge of Quran has been given by God. Although this [...] Read more

Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah

Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah

Sacrifice of an animal is not the order of God. Animal sacrifice is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. This practice is arbitrary and has been propagated by ignorant mullah / Qazis. It is a cause of great sin. Quran does not advocate sin. All the creatures are children of God, and God is never pleased if someone kills His beings. Slaughter in the [...] Read more

Allah's Name is Kabir - Quran Sharif

Allah's Name is Kabir - Quran Sharif

Quran Sharif, Surat Furqani:. 25, Verse 52, 58-59 It is said in these verses that in reality, Kabir Allah is worthy of being worshipped (Ibaadaii Kabira). This Kabir is that same Purna Parmatma who created the nature in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day. Ask some ‘Baakhabar’ (one who is fully acquainted with Him) for information [...] Read more