

Who is God, What is he like & How to Identify in Holy Scriptures?

Who is God, What is he like & How to Identify in Holy Scriptures?

The most basic question that comes to everyone's mind is “Who is God”? The answer to this enduring question is not available with contemporary sages, saints, Mahants, Kazis, Mullah, Priests, and all religious gurus. They all claim God is formless and misguide innocent souls due to ignorance. Great enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has proved [...] Read more

Lord Shiva - Fact Sheet

Lord Shiva - Fact Sheet

Lord Shiva is one of the three main Gods in the Hindu Trinity. He is known as the destroyer and his quality is "Tamguna". His wife is Goddes Parvati. Lord Shiva is known to reside at the Kailash Mountain. Unknown Facts About Lord Shiva 1). Lord Shiva is the youngest amongst Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva are brothers with [...] Read more