

Intoxication Free World

Intoxication Free World

Majority of the world’s population is involved in intake of intoxicants of one kind or the other, not realizing the bitter fact that they are adding in their life account, some heavily paid sins! Numerous people want to leave their habit of intoxication, but, every effort ends in vain. With the heart mending true spiritual knowledge provided by [...] Read more

Eliminating Social Evils

Eliminating Social Evils

In this world where people are cursed for sins that are carried out unknowingly, there are people who are found indulging in vices knowingly as well. Malpractices like meat consumption, intoxication, female foeticide & infanticide, adultery etc. have taken a toll on the thinking abilities of people and have converted them into devils! Saint [...] Read more

Blood Donation Camps

Blood Donation Camps

More than any sort of wealth or technology, all that is needed by the world at large, is “humanity”! Blood Donation Camps organised all over India With the divine teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, His devotees actively take part in blood donation, which is a treasure for the entire humankind as many people die due to non-availability of blood. [...] Read more

Awareness of Religious Hypocrisy

Awareness of Religious Hypocrisy

As the world lies in a deep slumber of spiritual ignorance, the Almighty God Himself descends to provide the true spiritual knowledge, which alone stands as the truth in this mortal land where everything is fake! This human body is the most priceless possession, as only in this cover, can we follow the true method of worship by coming under the [...] Read more

Alcoholism | A True Story

Alcoholism | A True Story

God Kabir says that consumption of a drop of alcohol gets one 70 lives of a dog in the next births. Alcohol and other intoxicants apart from being social evils are a detriment in the path of worship. If a soul is addicted to any kind of intoxicant such as cigarette, tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc., achieving salvation is an impossible task. One has [...] Read more

Feeding the Hungry

Feeding the Hungry

Every currency is useless if there is no food to buy! The glory of food and water can’t be undermined and has been mentioned by all pious souls. In this world where there are inequalities in terms of everything possessed, let us play our part in feeding the hungry. The Biggest of all donations Providing food to hungry people is the greatest of all [...] Read more

Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji

Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji

दहेज का खात्मा This short video showcases the scenario of a girl named "Diksha" who visits a family of disciples of Sant Rampal Ji and gets astonished to discover that the family considers accepting and giving dowry a sin. Despite numerous efforts by the government, this demon of dowry remains an unscalable mountain to climb. Millions of families [...] Read more

Way of Living | Sant Rampal Ji | Web Video Series

Way of Living | Sant Rampal Ji | Web Video Series

A person’s journey of life begins at birth. His/her destination is pre-determined. Here in this holy book, there is a detailed description of the path of a person’s journey of life. The goal of a human being (man/woman) is attainment of salvation. Ruined families will become prosperous after reading this book. A family that will have this book [...] Read more

Fake-Guru-Free India | World Initiative by Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

Fake-Guru-Free India | World Initiative by Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

'Blind Faith' means following and worshipping any God or Deity without any thought or consideration. On top of that not accepting the true evidence-based worship is also considered as blind faith. Worship which is opposed to the injunctions of the scriptures is pernicious, as this precious human life gets wasted. Doing worship which is not [...] Read more

Narcotic-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

Narcotic-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

One of the cardinal teachings of Jagat Guru Rampal Ji is renunciation of intoxicants which some other gurus also profess. The biggest difference however is that when one takes "naam" (initiation) from Jagat Guru Rampal Ji, they get the grace of Satguru Rampal Ji and the power of the true naam to adhere to it and thus get deaddicted straightaway. [...] Read more

Dowry-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

Dowry-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

The greatest societal evil which has snatched peace and happiness from the lives of numerous girls and their parents is undoubtedly the self imposed curse, called dowry! It works like a termite with a never ending greed for materialistic possessions and wealth from the side of families-in-law, which hollows the lives of so many girls. Though there [...] Read more