

गीता सार

गीता सार

गीता ज्ञान एक महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान है जो कि काल ब्रह्म ने दिया। गीता ज्ञान दाता अध्याय 11 श्लोक 32 में स्वयम अर्जुन को ज्ञात करवाता है कि वो काल और और इस वक्त यहाँ सब को नष्ट करने के लिए प्रवृत हुआ है। अर्जुन भी उस काल को देख कर काँपने लग जाता है। सभी संतों का ऐसा मानना है कि गीता ज्ञान श्री कृष्ण जी ने दिया। इसी को आधार मान कर उन संतों ने गीता के [...] Read more

Summary of Bhagavad Gita

Summary of Bhagavad Gita

In a nutshell, the summary of Bhagavad Gita pertaining to salvation / liberation is as follows. Read it sequentially to grasp the gist of it. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita contains indicative and conclusive knowledge about Supreme God and attainment of salvation. The narrator of Gita has given the knowledge of 2 tiers in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. At one [...] Read more

Does Shri Krishan in Bhagavad Gita talk about some other Supreme God?

Does Shri Krishan in Bhagavad Gita talk about some other Supreme God?

Is there some other Supreme God that Shri Krishan Ji is talking about in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? The popular belief amongst devotee society is that Shri Krishan Ji has given the knowledge of Gita and he himself is the Supreme God. Whether Shri Krishan Ji spoke Gita or not, is a matter of a separate debate. We will here address the question whether [...] Read more

Blunders in the Translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Blunders in the Translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita gives perfect knowledge, but translators have made sinister blunders during its exegesis, which changes the entire purport of the message in Gita. These blunders prove how ignorant all these translators are (have been), and how abysmal their knowledge, and level of understanding of Gita is (was). Given below are a few [...] Read more

Interesting Unknown Facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Interesting Unknown Facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Shri Krishan Ji and Arjun but there are some very interesting facts which are unknown to the masses. Given below are some unknown facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. 1) Shri Krishan Ji did not speak Bhagavad Gita. An unknown fact is that God Kaal (owner of earth and 21 multiverses) possessed the body of Shri [...] Read more

Complete Liberation is Possible after Taking Naam from Tatvadarshi Saints

Complete Liberation is Possible after Taking Naam from Tatvadarshi Saints

The purport of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 33 to 35 is that Oh Arjun! Go to the Tatvadarshi saints who have the complete knowledge and the solution of the Purna Parmatma (Supreme God). Submissively and respectfully prostrate before them, with love and courtesy ask the path to that God. Then those saints will tell the way (Satnaam and Saarnaam) [...] Read more

Actions & Sins cannot be Eliminated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas & Gita

Actions & Sins cannot be Eliminated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas & Gita

In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 25 to 30, different types of acts of worship have been described. It has been said that some devotees are doing karmyog by doing hawan yagya, some are engaged in sadhna (restraining) of senses, and some have engaged their senses of actions and senses of knowledge in yagya of knowledge. Some are doing [...] Read more

The Tale of Sage (Rishi) Chunak

The Tale of Sage (Rishi) Chunak

Evil Habits can not be Eradicated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas Once upon a time, a rishi (sage) named ‘Chunak’, according to the way of worship mentioned in Vedas and Gita Ji’s Adhyay 2 Shlok 55 to 68, by controlling his mind and senses kept doing sadhna for thousands of years. At that time, he was considered to be a great yogi; very [...] Read more

Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv (Trigun Maya) do not let a Living Being attain Moksha

Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv (Trigun Maya) do not let a Living Being attain Moksha

In holy Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15, Brahm is stating that Arjun! Now I will impart that knowledge to you, knowing which, there would be nothing else left to know. The narrator of Gita, Brahm, is saying that for the living beings of my twenty-one brahmands the scripture-based sadhna begins from my worship only, which has been mentioned [...] Read more

Brahm’s (Kaal’s) Advice to Arjun to Go in the Refuge of One Purna Brahm

Brahm’s (Kaal’s) Advice to Arjun to Go in the Refuge of One Purna Brahm

In Adhyay 18 Shlok 66, God (Kaal) is saying that you relinquishing all my religious practices in me, go in the refuge of one Purna Brahm. I will liberate you from all the sins. Do not worry. IMPORTANT REALITY The meaning of Adhyay 18 Shlok 61 to 66 is that Kaal (Brahm / Kshar Purush) is saying that the Purna Parmatma (the other Purushottam / [...] Read more

Way of Worship Opposed to Scriptures Leads to Hell

Way of Worship Opposed to Scriptures Leads to Hell

In Gita Adhyay 16 Shlok 23, 24, it is stated that those who abandoning the ordinances of scriptures follow way of worship according to their whimsical desires {worship of the three gunas, Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv, and other gods-goddesses, idol-worship, Pitra-worship, ghost-worship – to carry out shraadhs – offer pinds, worship of [...] Read more