Does God exist? Is there any proof of God’s existence? Has anyone ever seen God? Where have we come from? Where do we go after death?
These are some questions which have definitely traversed our minds at some stage whether we call ourselves a theist or an atheist. However we haven't been able to source a satisfactory answer to these questions to date.
- Theist vs Atheist; Who is right, Theist or Atheist?
- Now What should Atheists and Theists do?
- Do Theists and Atheists also need to consider what Saint Rampal Ji is preaching and Why?
All religious leaders, saints and priests have failed to provide substantial evidence to support claims they make about God. Due to advancement of science, some of these claims fall short of logic and raise more questions. Moreover there is large scale ambiguity in claims made by saints and leaders emanating from the same theological background be it Hinduism, Christianity, Islam etc which undoubtedly pushes an individual, at times, to doubt the authority of religious texts and also raise questions about the existence of God, sometimes turning them agnostic.
In this article most of the doubts about existence or non-existence of god have be cleared, that too with cogent evidence.
What is the meaning and definition of Theism and Atheism?
Before we delve in to explaining why people become atheists, let us define what is theism and atheism.
“Theism” is the belief in the existence of, at least one God, and all his relative attributes. “Atheism”, on the other hand, is the absence of belief in the existence of God.
Does an Atheist have any belief?
There are a range of belief systems prevalent among people. At one end of the spectrum there are people who rely on faith rather than reason, which is termed as “fideism” whereas at the other end there are people who reject all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless, which is termed as “Nihilism”. Atheists certainly denounce fideism as they consider the statements and stories mentioned in the religious texts to be apocryphal. They happen to be anthropocentric as they consider humans and their existence to be the most important and central fact in the universe. The concept of heaven or hell is simply not to their taste.
Facts & Figures about Atheism
Despite the fact that atheism is gaining popularity across the globe, no amount of scientific calculations are able to put life into dead. All the prevalent theories about beginning of creation including the Big Bang Theory fail to answer the cardinal question about how life came into existence? These are still theories and lack scientific evidence to back up the claim.
Atheists, like most other rationalists can't explain their own existence; and all the scientists of the world still don't have any answer to this basic question, "what puts life into the cell in the mother’s womb that leads to the formation of human body?" which is worth keeping in mind.
History of Atheism and THEISM: why atheism came into existence?
In earlier ages, everyone had faith in God. They worshipped God according to the Holy Scriptures. Children were sent to Gurukuls (schools) for attaining spiritual as well as social knowledge about life. With gradual deterioration over thousands of years, spiritual dilution occurred. Slowly the holy texts also got adulterated. Selfish priests started propagating false and arbitrary knowledge as per their own whims. People started doing pilgrimages, keeping fasts and worshipping stones and as a result moved further away from God. All these methods of worshipping God are forbidden in holy Bhavagad Gita and Vedas. This caused a gradual decline in benefits achieved from worship of God causing a further loss of faith in God. When people stopped getting the benefits of worship, their belief loosened. They thought when we have to get fruit of our karma (actions), then why is there a need to worship God?
The advent of modern day science added fuel to fire by encapsulating this concept in the bracket of "logic and evidence" which they have been unable to explore and prove to date, as their means of experimenting is faulty.
The actual term atheism emerged in the 16th century. The non-believers contented that atheism is a more parsimonious position than theism and that everyone is born without a belief in deities.
Theist vs Atheist; Who is right, Theist or Atheist?
Atheists simply don't believe in any God. One of their arguments is based on "Theodicy" which transpires, how God can exist when there is evil in the world. Another argument is based on "Existentialism", a belief which says that the world has no meaning and each person is alone and completely responsible for their own actions by which they make their own character. They tend to lean towards "Rationalism" whereby actions and opinions are based on reason rather than emotion or religion.
Theists on the other hand believe in the existence of God. The truth is that there are varied belief systems prevalent amongst theists which is due to their religious orientation. One belief system is not in agreement with the other or at least the interpretation of one is not aligned to the other. Take for instance Hinduism. Most Hindus believe in 3 gods (Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv), some believe in Goddess Durga, some believe in one Supreme God whereas there are scores who believe in 33 crore deities. Muslims believe in One God "Allah" but they know nothing more about Allah. For them Allah is formless and communicates through his messengers and never appears in form. Sikhs also believe in One God, but they don't have any name for that God. For them too, God is formless. Likewise Christians are misled. Half of them believe Jesus to be God but the other half calls him "Son of God". Despite this, they still consider him formless.
The truth of the matter is that the beliefs present in various religions are contrary to what has been mentioned in their Holy Scriptures. None of them have been able to comprehend their scriptures properly as a result of which they are all in the dark.
This brings up a larger question as to who should be called a "Theist"? Does mere belief in God classifies someone as a "theist" even if all their practices and beliefs are opposite to those ordained in the religious scriptures? However, both of these groups fail to derive any benefit, whether they believe in God or not, because their way of worship is wrong. So false way of worship feeds atheism.
Now What should Atheists and Theists do?
The ultimate aim of human life is to get complete salvation from the circle of birth and death. This is possible only by following the path mentioned in our holy scriptures and by taking initiation from a complete saint (who happens to be Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji).
Vedas are attributed to Hinduism and considered as Supreme knowledge but they are not just restricted to Hinduism, as Vedas were present before any religion came into existence. Therefore Vedas are for the entire humankind. Earlier everyone used to follow Vedas and did worship according to the Vedas and chanted ‘Om’ mantra after taking initiation from a Guru. But because Om mantra is also incomplete, they never derived full benefit from their worship. This happened because their Gurus could not understand the gist of the Vedas.
For instance in Rig Veda it is written that there is only one God whose name is Kabir (Kavir). He is eternal and looks like a human. He resides in his eternal heaven i.e. Satlok. He is the creator of the entire Universe.
Likewise, in Quran Shareef and Quran Majeed in Surat-al-Furqan 25, Aayat 52-59, it is clearly stated that Allah is Kabir. He has created the whole universe. He is in Human Form. It has been further said that if you want to know about the true way of worship of that Supreme God, then go to a Complete Saint (Bakhabar) who will tell you the right way to reach God Kabir. But the entire Muslim community believes that God is Formless. So when their belief is wrong then how could their way of worship be correct and how can they derive benefit from their worship?
In Bible, Genesis, it is clearly written that God created humans like himself i.e. in Human Form. But contrary to this, all Christians believe that God cannot be seen. They consider God to be formless. This proves that their entire concept about God is arbitrary because it does not match with Holy Bible. So their way of worship too is a complete waste and hence fruitless.
Only those who followed the true worship of Supreme God Kabir derived the full benefit. Renowned Saints like Guru Nanak Dev ji, Dadu Saheb ji, Garib Das Sahib ji, Malook Das Sahib ji and many others have followed true worship. God Kabir himself came on Earth, met these pious souls and showed them his Satlok (eternal place). The sacred speech of all these Saints defines the glory of Satlok and God Kabir, and they have also written about the true way of worship to attain God Kabir and the paramount importance of attaining a Complete Saint.
Who is that Complete Saint and how to recognize him?
At a time, there is only one complete Saint on earth. There is evidence in Holy Vedas, Holy Bhagavad Gita and other Holy Scriptures that whenever there is a decline in virtues and an increase in unrighteousness, God either appears Himself on this earth or by sending His most knowledgeable Saint reestablishes dharma by means of the true knowledge. He imparts true worship according to the scriptures.
Do Theists and Atheists also need to consider what Saint Rampal Ji is preaching and Why?
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has caused a spiritual revolution. He has revealed true knowledge from every Holy Scripture and is imparting the right way of worship to his followers. It is because of this true worship that all the followers are deriving the true benefit of worship. The benefit is twofold. One is that people are able to lead a satisfactory life in this world without any misery, disease, discontent etc. Secondly they become worthy of liberation. In reality, the worldly pleasures are a byproduct of this worship. The main aim is emancipation or moksh so as to end this misery and cycle of life and death forever.
So for the same reasons, if any person, be it theist or atheist takes initiation from Saint Rampal Ji, he or she becomes worthy of reaching the actual home Satlok (eternal place) and also get necessary worldly benefits.
FAQs about Why are People Atheist
Q.1 Which country is the most Atheist?
On the list of atheists, China comes in first place. The percentage of atheists in China is about 91%.
Q.2 Who are Theist and Atheist?
A theist is someone who believes in at least one God and all of his related characteristics. On the other side, an atheist is someone who holds the view that there is no God.
Q. 3 Why do atheist not believe in God
Fideism is undoubtedly condemned by atheists, who believe that the claims and stories described in religious books are apocryphal. They are anthropocentric in the sense that they see people and their presence as the most significant and central reality in the cosmos. The notion of paradise or hell just does not appeal to them.
Q.4 Can Atheist explain the existence of human life?
Atheists, like most other rationalists, cannot explain their own existence; and all of the world's researchers still have no solution to the basic concern, "what puts life into the cell in the mother's womb that leads to the formation of the human body?". Even all popular theories about the origins of creation, including the Big Bang Theory, fail to answer this fundamental question.
Q.5 Why atheism came into existence?
Everyone used to believe in God and worship according to the Holy Scriptures. However, spiritual dilution and tainted texts reduced the benefits of worship, leading to a decline of faith. By encapsulating this notion in the framing of "logic and evidence," modern science provides fuel to the flames. Atheism arose in the 16th century, with non-believers contenting themselves with the fact that everyone is born without a belief in deities.
Q.6 What are the roots of Atheism?
Ignorant Religious leaders, saints and priests have failed to provide sufficient evidence to support claims they make about God. This has led to questions and ambiguity in claims made by saints and leaders from the same theological background. This has caused individuals to doubt the authority of religious texts and raise questions about the existence of God, thus people started rejecting religion.
Q.7 What are the 3 types of Atheism?
Atheists can be classified into three types: nonreligious, nonbelievers, and agnostics.
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Vinay Katiyar
If God really exists then why do we suffer so much? Why can't He heal our pain?
Satlok Ashram
God exists there is no doubt in this. But the fact also is that we all are residing in the world of Satan Kaal Brahm where there is no trace of happiness and everyone is suffering due to their deeds. Here all are misled and perform arbitrary worship which is useless. To gain benefit from God one must perform scriptures based worship of Almighty Kabir then humans get rid of all sorrows because God heals all wounds of His true worshippers.
Being an atheist doesn’t mean you’re sure about every theological question, have answers to the way the world was created, or how evolution works. It just means that the assertion that God exist has left you unconvinced.
Satlok Ashram
Non believers in God have been unfortunate to have not found an enlightened Saint who knows the true essence of God and tells true spiritual knowledge with which one recognises God and performs devotion to attain salvation. Those who are unconvinced about the existence of God should come in refuge in Tatvdarshi Saint. For that one needs to gain Knowledge. You may visit our website, also you can read books and subscribe to our YouTube channels.
Babita Sahani
Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.
Satlok Ashram
Atheism is due to ignorance and this disbelief in God is due to wrong preachings by religious Gurus of all religions since ages. But now with true spiritual knowledge atheism is finishing. Devotees are identifying God since we are all educated and can read our holy scriptures which clearly provide evidence 'Kabir is God' who is in human form and resides in the ultimate abode Satlok.
Robin D'souza
What is positive (strong/hard) atheism with negative (weak/soft) atheism?
Satlok Ashram
There is nothing like positive or negative atheism. Atheism is the outcome of lack of true spiritual Knowledge. The fact is God exists and everything in the universe runs with His command only. Evidence in holy scriptures of all religions proves this fact.
Sagar Singh
The burden of proof lies not on the atheist to disprove the existence of gods but on the theist to provide a rationale for theism.
Satlok Ashram
Since ages fake religious Gurus of all religions out of ignorance have preached wrong which arose disappointment amongst devotee society. Moreover we all are residing in the world of butcher Brahm Kaal where there is no trace of happiness. Since with arbitrary worship devotees did not get happiness in their life it resulted in disgust and non belief in God. But in the light of true spiritual knowledge we got to know that God exists and He is the healer. All those who practice according to injunctions of scriptures get benefitted thus a belief in God rises. Else Atheism is the outcome of ignorance.