Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji
Published on Feb 9, 2020

दहेज का खात्मा
This short video showcases the scenario of a girl named "Diksha" who visits a family of disciples of Sant Rampal Ji and gets astonished to discover that the family considers accepting and giving dowry a sin.
Despite numerous efforts by the government, this demon of dowry remains an unscalable mountain to climb. Millions of families have been destroyed by this curse of dowry.
By following the teachings of Sant Rampal Ji, this social evil along with many others is being eradicated at grass root level. The disciples of Sant Rampal Ji are setting a precedent by shunning dowry. In this way a very noble society is being created. By denouncing dowry & ostentations a sense of calm and peace is beginning to prevail in the civil society.