Sacrifice of an animal is not the order of God. Animal sacrifice is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. This practice is arbitrary and has been propagated by ignorant mullah / Qazis. It is a cause of great sin. Quran does not advocate sin. All the creatures are children of God, and God is never pleased if someone kills His beings. Slaughter in the name of God or religion is a wrong practice and a cause of great distress in the human society.
Saint Rampal Ji has given this supreme knowledge.
FAQs about "Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah"
Q.1 Is animal sacrifice mentioned in the Holy Quran?
No, the Holy Quran does not mention or endorse the practice of animal sacrifice. According to Suksham Ved, this practice is arbitrary and has been propagated by ignorant mullahs/ Qazis. The Quran does not advocate sinful actions.
Q.2 What is the stance on animal sacrifice?
The animal sacrifice is not in accordance with the order of God. It is deemed as a wrong and sinful practice, causing distress in human society. God is displeased when His beings are killed in the name of religion or God.
Q.3 Why is the practice of animal sacrifice criticized by God Kabir Ji?
The practice of animal sacrifice is criticized by God Kabir Ji because, according to the viewpoint presented, it is not aligned with the teachings of the Holy Quran. It is arbitrary, and is a cause of great sin and distress in human society.
Q.4 What is the role of mullahs/ Qazis in the promotion of animal sacrifice?
The ignorant mullahs/ Qazis have propagated the practice of animal sacrifice. This promotion is not in line with the true teachings of the Holy Quran and is an arbitrary and wrongful practice, hence useless.
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Tanveer Alam
If you are not familiar with our religious practices, it is advised not to spread misinformation. We consume meat as a sacred offering with a valid religious reason – a practice done for Allah.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we highly appreciate your perspective on our article. Our intention is not to target any specific religion or community; rather, our primary goal is to offer a genuine spiritual path for all of humanity. This aims to prevent the precious human life from being wasted on arbitrary religious practices. We are all children of the same God, and it is the misinformation in spiritual knowledge that has led to divisions among us in the name of God. True spiritual knowledge has the power to unite us solely for the sake of God. Our content draws evidences from the Holy scriptures of all the religions, emphasizing that Allah cannot find happiness in the killing of His children. Whether it's an ant or a human, we all share the same divine origin. For deeper spiritual insights, we recommend engaging with the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and delving into the book Gyan Ganga, which is rooted in the Holy scriptures of all religions.