

Life History of Guru Nanak Dev Ji | Video

Life History of Guru Nanak Dev Ji | Video

Which God did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet when he went to Sachkhand? Who took Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Sachkhand from river Bein? Who was the Guru of Guru Nanak Dev Ji? Listen to the discourses of Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji to find answers to all the above questions. Read more and see all evidence at this link Life History of Guru Nanak Dev Ji" Q.1 [...] Read more

What is Spirituality | Video

What is Spirituality | Video

What is the true meaning of spirituality? How can one attain spiritual peace? The ultimate aim of human life is to attain emancipation / liberation. The only way possible to liberate the soul is via spirituality. But how can one attain the true spiritual peace and salvation. Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji explains how a human can achieve it. [...] Read more

What is the proof that Kabir Sahib is God? | Video

What is the proof that Kabir Sahib is God? | Video

What is the proof that Kabir (The Weaver Saint of Varanasi, India) is God? Where does God live? What is the name of Supreme God? All the holy scriptures i.e. Vedas, Gita, Quran, Bible prove that God is Kabir. To see the evidence watch the spiritual discourses of Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj who has explained with proof from all the [...] Read more

Who is Allah | Video

Who is Allah | Video

Who Is ALLAH? | What is the name of Allah in QURAN? अल्लाह कौन है ? Watch the satsang by Spiritual Leader Sant Rampal Ji to find out the answers with evidence from Quran Sharif / Majid.

Who Is God | Video

Who Is God | Video

Who is God ? Where does He Live ? What is the Name of Supreme God ? Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji Maharaj has explained these with evidence from Holy Scriptures. Watch the video below to know answers to all these questions.

Complete Liberation is Possible after Taking Naam from Tatvadarshi Saints

Complete Liberation is Possible after Taking Naam from Tatvadarshi Saints

The purport of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 33 to 35 is that Oh Arjun! Go to the Tatvadarshi saints who have the complete knowledge and the solution of the Purna Parmatma (Supreme God). Submissively and respectfully prostrate before them, with love and courtesy ask the path to that God. Then those saints will tell the way (Satnaam and Saarnaam) [...] Read more

Actions & Sins cannot be Eliminated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas & Gita

Actions & Sins cannot be Eliminated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas & Gita

In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4 Verse 25 to 30, different types of acts of worship have been described. It has been said that some devotees are doing karmyog by doing hawan yagya, some are engaged in sadhna (restraining) of senses, and some have engaged their senses of actions and senses of knowledge in yagya of knowledge. Some are doing [...] Read more

Kabir Jayanti | 2018

Kabir Jayanti | 2018

Date & Time: 28th June, 2018 Address: TBC, Rohtak, Haryana. Everyone (The Whole World) is cordially invited.

Without Worship there is no Respite

Without Worship there is no Respite

Bin updesh achambh hai, kyon jivat hain praan | Bhakti bina kahan thaur hai, ye nar naahin paashaan || God Kabir is saying that – O innocent man! I am surprised that with which hope you are living without taking initiation from a Guru. Even your body is not yours; you will have to abandon this as well when you die. Then how can the wealth be [...] Read more

The Tale of Sage (Rishi) Chunak

The Tale of Sage (Rishi) Chunak

Evil Habits can not be Eradicated by the Way of Worship Mentioned in Vedas Once upon a time, a rishi (sage) named ‘Chunak’, according to the way of worship mentioned in Vedas and Gita Ji’s Adhyay 2 Shlok 55 to 68, by controlling his mind and senses kept doing sadhna for thousands of years. At that time, he was considered to be a great yogi; very [...] Read more

Origin / History of Major Religions of the World

Origin / History of Major Religions of the World

Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion | Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion || When the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was delivered (approximately 5550 years before 2012), at that time there was no religion. Hindu Religion, that is, those who adopted the tradition of worshipping the five gods started by [...] Read more

Can One Change Guru?

Can One Change Guru?

Dharamdas was a disciple of Kabir Sahib. During conversation between God Kabir and Dharmdas, Dharamdas once asked a question. Quesion (of Dharmdas):- O Lord, can one change guru? I have heard from saints that one should not change guru. (Guru ek, Gyan anek) One guru, diverse knowledge. Answer (of God Kabir): - Jab tak guru miley nahin sacha, tab [...] Read more

Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv (Trigun Maya) do not let a Living Being attain Moksha

Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv (Trigun Maya) do not let a Living Being attain Moksha

In holy Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15, Brahm is stating that Arjun! Now I will impart that knowledge to you, knowing which, there would be nothing else left to know. The narrator of Gita, Brahm, is saying that for the living beings of my twenty-one brahmands the scripture-based sadhna begins from my worship only, which has been mentioned [...] Read more

Brahm’s (Kaal’s) Advice to Arjun to Go in the Refuge of One Purna Brahm

Brahm’s (Kaal’s) Advice to Arjun to Go in the Refuge of One Purna Brahm

In Adhyay 18 Shlok 66, God (Kaal) is saying that you relinquishing all my religious practices in me, go in the refuge of one Purna Brahm. I will liberate you from all the sins. Do not worry. IMPORTANT REALITY The meaning of Adhyay 18 Shlok 61 to 66 is that Kaal (Brahm / Kshar Purush) is saying that the Purna Parmatma (the other Purushottam / [...] Read more

Fake-Guru-Free India | World Initiative by Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

Fake-Guru-Free India | World Initiative by Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

'Blind Faith' means following and worshipping any God or Deity without any thought or consideration. On top of that not accepting the true evidence-based worship is also considered as blind faith. Worship which is opposed to the injunctions of the scriptures is pernicious, as this precious human life gets wasted. Doing worship which is not [...] Read more

A Full Guide to Immortal Satlok vs Mortal Heaven (Svarga)

A Full Guide to Immortal Satlok vs Mortal Heaven (Svarga)

No one wants to become old. No one wants to die. Everyone wants to lead a healthy life without having any disease. Lead a peaceful and happy life with no sorrow, no unrest. On earth, this wish of humans is impossible to come true. But what if we get to know about some eternal world where there is no old age, no death, no sorrow and no work has to [...] Read more

How was the Temple of Shri Jagan Nath built in Puri?

How was the Temple of Shri Jagan Nath built in Puri?

In Orissa state, there was a king named Indradaman. He was exclusively devoted to God Shri Krishna Ji. One night Shri Krishna appeared in king’s dream and said that get a temple of mine built by name Jagannaath. Shri Krishna Ji also said that idol-worship is not to be done in this temple. Only a saint has to be left in it who should impart [...] Read more

Sheikh Farid took initiation from God Kabir

Sheikh Farid took initiation from God Kabir

Shiekh Farid, also known as Baba Farid was a God loving soul in Islam religion who practiced extreme austerity in order to achieve God. That wish of him only came true once he met God Kabir and took initiation from Him. He then did the worship as told by God Kabir and made his life worthwhile and reached satlok and achieved complete liberation. [...] Read more

God Kabir Appears on Earth in Every Yuga

God Kabir Appears on Earth in Every Yuga

God Kabir doesn't take birth from a Mother's womb. He travels from his "Satlok" (eternal place) and appears on this earth. He comes in all the four yugas. In Kalyuga in the year 1398 AD, God Kabir appeared on a lotus flower as an infant. Read in detail - God Kabir God Kabir Comes in All the Four Yugas - Evidence in Vedas

Name of God is Kabir - Holy Bible

Name of God is Kabir - Holy Bible

Iyov 36:5 - Orthodox Jewish Bible God is Kabir, but despises no one. He is Kabir, and firm in his purpose. Read in full - Holy Bible

Allah's Name is Kabir - Quran Sharif

Allah's Name is Kabir - Quran Sharif

Quran Sharif, Surat Furqani:. 25, Verse 52, 58-59 It is said in these verses that in reality, Kabir Allah is worthy of being worshipped (Ibaadaii Kabira). This Kabir is that same Purna Parmatma who created the nature in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day. Ask some ‘Baakhabar’ (one who is fully acquainted with Him) for information [...] Read more

Way of Worship Opposed to Scriptures Leads to Hell

Way of Worship Opposed to Scriptures Leads to Hell

In Gita Adhyay 16 Shlok 23, 24, it is stated that those who abandoning the ordinances of scriptures follow way of worship according to their whimsical desires {worship of the three gunas, Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv, and other gods-goddesses, idol-worship, Pitra-worship, ghost-worship – to carry out shraadhs – offer pinds, worship of [...] Read more

शरीर के कमलों की यथार्थ जानकारी

शरीर के कमलों की यथार्थ जानकारी

कबीर सागर में अध्याय ‘‘कबीर बानी‘‘ पृष्ठ 111 पर शरीर के कमलों की यथार्थ जानकारी है जो इस प्रकार हैः- 1) प्रथम मूल कमल है, देव गणेश है। चार पंखुड़ी का कमल है। 2) दूसरा स्वाद कमल है, देवता ब्रह्मा-सावित्राी हैं। छः पंखुड़ी का कमल है। 3) तीसरा नाभि कमल है, लक्ष्मी-विष्णु देवता हैं। आठ पंखुड़ी का कमल है। 4) चैथा हृदय कमल है, पार्वती-शिव देवता हैं। 12 [...] Read more

कर नैनों दीदार महलमें प्यारा है

कर नैनों दीदार महलमें प्यारा है

कर नैनों दीदार महलमें प्यारा है।।टेक।। काम क्रोध मद लोभ बिसारो, शील सँतोष क्षमा सत धारो। मद मांस मिथ्या तजि डारो, हो ज्ञान घोडै असवार, भरम से न्यारा है।1। धोती नेती बस्ती पाओ, आसन पदम जुगतसे लाओ। कुम्भक कर रेचक करवाओ, पहिले मूल सुधार कारज हो सारा है।2। मूल कँवल दल चतूर बखानो, किलियम जाप लाल रंग मानो। देव गनेश तहँ रोपा थानो, रिद्धि सिद्धि चँवर [...] Read more

चार युगों का वर्णन

चार युगों का वर्णन

चार युग हैं। - 1) सत्ययुग 2) त्रेतायुग 3) द्वापर युग 4) कलयुग। 1) सत्ययुग का वर्णन:- सत्ययुग की अवधि 17 लाख 28 हजार वर्ष है। मनुष्य की आयु प्रारम्भ में दस लाख वर्ष होती है। अन्त में एक लाख वर्ष होती है। मनुष्य की ऊँचाई 21 हाथ यानि लगभग 100 से 150 फुट होती है। {उस समय मनुष्य के हाथ (कोहनी से बड़ी ऊंगली के अंत तक) की लंबाई लगभग 5 फुट होती है।} मेरा [...] Read more

Narcotic-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

Narcotic-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

One of the cardinal teachings of Jagat Guru Rampal Ji is renunciation of intoxicants which some other gurus also profess. The biggest difference however is that when one takes "naam" (initiation) from Jagat Guru Rampal Ji, they get the grace of Satguru Rampal Ji and the power of the true naam to adhere to it and thus get deaddicted straightaway. [...] Read more

क्या पाण्डव सदा स्वर्ग में ही रहेंगे?

क्या पाण्डव सदा स्वर्ग में ही रहेंगे?

धर्मदास जी ने कबीर परमेश्वर जी के चरण पकड़ कर अति विनम्र होकर आधीन भाव से प्रश्न किया। प्रश्नः- हे बन्दी छोड़ कबीर परमेश्वर जी! क्या पाण्डव अब सदा स्वर्ग में ही रहेगें? कबीर परमेश्वर जी का उत्तरः- नहीं धर्मदास! जो पुण्य युधिष्ठर ने उनको प्रदान किए हैं। उन पुण्यों का तथा स्वयं किए यज्ञ आदि धार्मिक अनुष्ठानों का पुण्य जब स्वर्ग में समाप्त हो जाएगा तब [...] Read more

दास की परिभाषा

दास की परिभाषा

एक समय सुल्तान एक संत के आश्रम में गया। वहाँ कुछ दिन संत जी के विशेष आग्रह से रूका । संत का नाम हुकम दास था। बारह शिष्य उनके साथ आश्रम में रहते थे। सबके नाम के पीछे दास लगा था। फकीर दास, आनन्द दास, कर्म दास, धर्मदास। उनका व्यवहार दास वाला नहीं था। उनके गुरू एक को सेवा के लिए कहते तो वह कहता कि धर्मदास की बारी है, उसको कहो, धर्मदास कहता कि आनन्द [...] Read more

राम सेतु का निर्माण कैसे हुआ

राम सेतु का निर्माण कैसे हुआ

नल तथा नील को शरण में लेना त्रोतायुग में स्वयंभु कविर्देव(कबीर परमेश्वर) रूपान्तर करके मुनिन्द्र ऋषि के नाम से आए हुए थे। एक दिन अनल अर्थात् नल तथा अनील अर्थात् नील ने मुनिन्द्र साहेब का सत्संग सुना। दोनों भक्त आपस में मौसी के पुत्र थे। माता-पिता का देहान्त हो चुका था। नल तथा नील दोनों शारीरिक व मानसिक रोग से अत्यधिक पीड़ित थे। सर्व ऋषियों व सन्तों [...] Read more

सांसारिक चीं-चूं में ही भक्ति करनी पड़ेगी

सांसारिक चीं-चूं में ही भक्ति करनी पड़ेगी

एक थानेदार घोड़ी पर सवार होकर अपने क्षेत्रा में किसी कार्यवश जा रहा था। ज्येष्ठ (श्रनदम) का महीना, दिन के एक बजे की गर्मी। हरियाणा प्रान्त। एक किसान रहट से फसल की सिंचाई कर रहा था। बैलों द्वारा कोल्हू की तरह रहट को चलाया जाता था। बाल्टियों की लड़ी (ब्ींपद) जो पूली (चक्री) के ऊपर चलतीथी जिससे कूंए से पानी निकलकर खेत में जाने वाली नाली में गिरता था। [...] Read more

तम्बाकू से गधे-घोड़े भी घृणा करते हैं

तम्बाकू से गधे-घोड़े भी घृणा करते  हैं

एक दिन संत गरीबदास जी (गाँव-छुड़ानी, जिला-झज्जर वाले) किसी कार्यवश घोड़े पर सवार होकर जींद जिले में किसी गाँव में जा रहे थे। मार्ग में गाँव मालखेड़ी (जिला जींद) के खेत थे। उन खेतों में से घोड़े पर बैठकर जा रहे थे। गेहूँ की फसल खेतों में खड़ी थी। घोड़ा रास्ता छोड़कर गेहूँ की फसल के बीचों-बीच चलने लगा। खेतों में फसल के रखवाले थे। वे लाठी-डण्डे लेकर दौड़े और [...] Read more

Rig Ved - God is in Form

Rig Ved - God is in Form

Rig Ved Mandal 1, Sukt 31, Mantra 17 परमात्मा साकार है और बह राजा के समान दर्शनीय है ! और उसका नाम कविर्देव है! वेदों में परमात्मा साकार है मनुष्य सदृश्य है और सतलोक में तेजोमय शरीर में विद्यमान है।

भक्ति मार्ग पर यात्रा

भक्ति मार्ग पर यात्रा

जब तक आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान नहीं, तब तक तो जीव माया के नशे में अपना उद्देश्य भूल चुका था और जैसा ऊपर बताया है कि शराबी नशे में ज्येष्ठ महीने की गर्मी में दिन के दोपहर के समय धूप में पड़ा-पड़ा पसीने व रेत में सना भी कह रहा होता है कि मौज हो रही है। परंतु नशा उतरने के पश्चात् उसे पता चलता है कि तू तो जंगल में पड़ा है, घर तो अभी दूर है। कबीर जी ने कहा है [...] Read more

केदारनाथ मंदिर भारत में तथा पशुपति मंदिर नेपाल में कैसे बना?

केदारनाथ मंदिर भारत में तथा पशुपति मंदिर नेपाल में कैसे बना?

(केदार का अर्थ दलदल है) महाभारत में कथा है कि पाँचों पाण्डव (युद्धिष्ठर, अर्जुन, भीम, नकुल व सहदेव) जीवन के अंतिम समय में हिमालय पर्वत पर तप कर रहे थे। एक दिन सदाशिव यानि काल ब्रह्म ने दुधारू भैंस का रूप बनाया और उस क्षेत्रा में घूमने लगा। भीम दूध प्राप्ति के उद्देश्य से उसे पकड़ने के लिए दौड़ा तो भैंस पृथ्वी में समाने लगी। भीम ने भैंस का पिछला भाग [...] Read more

गुरू बिन मोक्ष नही

गुरू बिन मोक्ष नही

प्रश्न:- क्या गुरू के बिना भक्ति नहीं कर सकते? उत्तर:- भक्ति कर सकते हैं, परन्तु व्यर्थ प्रयत्न रहेगा। प्रश्न:- कारण बताऐं? उत्तर:- परमात्मा का विधान है जो सूक्ष्मवेद में कहा है कबीर, गुरू बिन माला फेरते, गुरू बिन देते दान। गुरू बिन दोंनो निष्फल है, पूछो वेद पुराण।। कबीर, राम कृष्ण से कौन बड़ा, उन्हों भी गुरू कीन्ह। तीन लोक के वे धनी, गुरू आगे [...] Read more

अंध श्रद्धा भक्ति - खतरा-ए-जान | Andh Shradha Bhakti

अंध श्रद्धा भक्ति - खतरा-ए-जान | Andh Shradha Bhakti

अंध श्रद्धा का अर्थ है बिना विचार-विवेक के किसी भी प्रभु में आस्था करके उसे प्राप्ति की तड़फ में पूजा में लीन हो जाना। फिर अपनी साधना से हटकर शास्त्रा प्रमाणित भक्ति को भी स्वीकार न करना। दूसरे शब्दों में प्रभु भक्ति में अंधविश्वास को ही आधार मानना। जो ज्ञान शास्त्रों के अनुसार नहीं होता, उसको सुन-सुनाकर उसी के आधार से साधना करते रहना। वह साधना जो [...] Read more

Astrophysics From Vedas

Astrophysics From Vedas

Origin of Universe, formation of Stars, Planets & Galaxies from the Vedas The realm of astrophysics explores the origin of the universe by applying the principles of physics, and so far remains in its infancy and with their current abysmal knowledge base is unlikely to ever get an answer to the universal question on how the universe was [...] Read more

Dowry-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

Dowry-Free India Campaign by Jagat Guru Rampal Ji

The greatest societal evil which has snatched peace and happiness from the lives of numerous girls and their parents is undoubtedly the self imposed curse, called dowry! It works like a termite with a never ending greed for materialistic possessions and wealth from the side of families-in-law, which hollows the lives of so many girls. Though there [...] Read more

Free Download Jeene Ki Raah Book in PDF, The Way of Living

Free Download Jeene Ki Raah Book in PDF, The Way of Living

Today, our world is going through such a huge turmoil given the widespread pandemic, mother nature in its most ferocious form, and acts of violence undertaken in the name of religion. All these have led to a situation of chaos and fear amongst the people with such an enormously high death toll. Those whom people called friends are no longer [...] Read more

There is No mention of Prophet Muhammad in Vedas

There is No mention of Prophet Muhammad in Vedas

Is Mohammad (Muhammad) mentioned in the Vedas? Zakir Naik claims that the Vedas talk about Prophet Muhammad. Zakir Naik is lying. FACT: There is no mention of Prophet Muhammad in the Vedas. This word "Muhammad" or "Mohammad" is not mentioned in the Vedas. In Atharva Ved, Kand 20, Sukt 127, Verse 1,2, there is a word called "Narshansa". Further it [...] Read more

Na Tasya Pratima Asti | न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति

Na Tasya Pratima Asti | न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति

Response to Dr Zakir Naik by Sant Rampal Ji on Yajur Ved 32.3 - न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति - Na Tasya Pratima Asti. Zakir Naik uses this verse from Yajur Ved 32.3 to stake a claim that the Vedas also say that the God is formless. Sant Rampal Ji refutes this claim of Zakir Naik and proves that God is in form. Vedas clearly say that God is in form. FAQs [...] Read more

Bhagavad Purana - Kalki Avatar & Prophet Muhammad

Bhagavad Purana - Kalki Avatar & Prophet Muhammad

Zakir Naik has wrongly understood the Bhagavad Purana. He is wrongly portraying Prophet Mohammad as the Kalki Avatar where as the truth is that Kalki Avatar will appear after millions of years (from 2013). Zakir Naik is just manipulating the facts to fit them to Prophet Mohammad and wrongly quoting Bhagavad Purana. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has [...] Read more

Bhavishya Purana - Prophet Mohammad | Malecha मलेच्छ

Bhavishya Purana - Prophet Mohammad | Malecha मलेच्छ

The Truth about Mohammad Malecha from Bhavishya Purana by Supreme Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. What is the meaning of Malecha? The actual meaning of "Malecha" is: Low, Mean, Ignoble, Abject, Despicable. Bhavishya Purana addresses Prophet Mohammad as a Malecha. Malecha is a word of Hindi / Sanskrit origin and only means "Neech" (नीच) [...] Read more

Is worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh forbidden by Satguru Rampal Ji?

Is worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh forbidden by Satguru Rampal Ji?

How to Worship to attain Moksh / Liberation There is a misconception amongst the masses that Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj prohibits the worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Durga etc. Garib Das Ji Maharaj says "गरीब, तीनो देवा दिल में बसे, ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश प्रथम इनकी वंदना फिर सुन सतगुरु उपदेश" The line above by Garib Das Ji talks about doing [...] Read more

Can God forgive our Sinful Deeds

Can God forgive our Sinful Deeds

Can God Dissolve Karma and Destroy Sins? The general consensus amongst saints and rishis is that God cannot forgive our sins. All of them believe that we have to bear the hardships in life which are due to consequences of sins we have either done in the previous lives or the current life. They believe that is the only way to expend the bad karma. [...] Read more

Why and How is consuming tobacco a hindrance in achieving God?

Why and How is consuming tobacco a hindrance in achieving God?

Consumption of tobacco has been described as the most sinful act and the biggest hindrance in achieving God. Even offering tobacco to someone is highly sinful. Those who worship but also consume tobacco or alcohol can never attain God. Possibly this is why tobacco is forbidden in Sikhism and is not cosumed by Sikhs. Part 1: God's Punishment for [...] Read more

उत्तम (Uttam) & अनुत्तम (Anuttam)

उत्तम (Uttam) & अनुत्तम (Anuttam)

The straightforward meaning of अनुत्तम (Anuttam) is the "opposite of उत्तम (Uttam)". उत्तम (Uttam) means GOOD and अनुत्तम (Anuttam) means BAD. Those unknowledgeable saints who do not have any knowledge of creation of nature and those who consider Shri Krishan Ji to be the Supreme God have caused a catastrophe by translating this word "अनुत्तम [...] Read more

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