The whole world is misled on the way of worship be it any religion. Amidst the followers of various religions; where every single devotee claims his/her way of worship to be correct; it becomes difficult to judge what is the correct way of worship? Due to ignorance, everyone is restricted to the worship of the butcher called Brahm-Kaal who is a deceiver. He along with his wife Maya (Ashtangi/Durga) has spread the web of illusion and has confused the devotees. The sole aim of worship as practiced by masses to date; remains just confined to attaining the materialistic pleasures like the rise in their social status, gaining prosperity in health and wealth by pleasing that One-divine greeted by various names like ‘Bhagwan’, ‘Rab’, ‘Khuda’, ‘Allah’, ‘God’, ‘Ish’ without even knowing who is Bhagwan/Allah/God? How does he look like? Where does He reside?
This write-up will be focussed in explaining the following
Worship is the expression of reverence for a particular deity. Worship means surrendering oneself to the divine by establishing a deeper connection to earn God’s grace. Worship is to honor and thank the Almighty for his blessings which He has showered upon us in the form of nature, our beloved family members and all near and dear ones, the food and water He has provided and much much.
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Mantra 20-23- Brahm-Kaal tells warrior Arjun that ‘Whose wisdom has been stolen to achieve material desires due to ignorance; only those foolish people worship demigods who cannot provide them fruitful gains since their worship does not provide them complete salvation’.
For details, read: 'Foolish worship Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiv'
Hence, the worship should not be done with the sole aim of curing deadly disease or achieving materialistic gains. So what is the aim of worship?
The sole aim of human birth is not to gain materialistic pleasures but to do true worship; have the right connection with the divine by following the correct way of worship through the Real Saint to achieve the ultimate objective of human birth ie. attaining salvation and getting rid of the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth.
Then the crucial question for the devotee society is that ‘whom should one worship’?
Some people worship Shri Krishan and Ramchandra Ji who are the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, some worship Goddess Durga, others worship Lord Shiva, some people worship deities like Ganesha, Hanuman and so on. Then there are other religions like Christianity who worship Jesus or Mother Mary and call ‘God is formless’. Religions like Islam worship an invisible God ‘Allahu Akbar’ they call Allah is ‘Bechoon’ (formless). The Jains worship ‘Tirthankaras’ considering them to be supreme power. The fact is that the worship of Brahma, Vishnu (Krishan, Ram), Shiva, Durga, Hanuman, Ganesha, and all other deities is not in accordance with the Holy Scriptures i.e. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Quran and Bible.
Henceforth, this worship is arbitrary and not of any use i.e it is not going to grant a devotee Moksha / liberation.
According to the Scriptures; Supreme God is Kabir. So for worship to be successful, one needs to worship Almighty Kabir about whom Shrimad Bhagavad Gita provides evidence, Vedas dictate, Quran Sharif certifies also holy Bible and Shri Guru Granth Sahib.
Read: 'Who is the supreme God & what does He look like?'
Last but not the least; after reading this article the devotees should Judge themselves
By doing the correct worship one can attain salvation, attain God. Moving ahead we will clarify what is the correct way of worship.
Keeping in view that every devotee has expectations from the worship they do; it becomes important to understand; How to decide what is the correct way of worship which provides benefits to the seekers?
Evidence from holy scriptures proves that the enlightened saint whose identity has been explained in Gita Adhyay 15 Mantra 1-4 provides true worship; practicing which the soul gets liberated from the trap of the devil; Brahm-Kaal. That ‘Tatvadrashta’ provides worship three times a day as has been mentioned in Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 26. By following the directions prescribed by that true spiritual master such as the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants (Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 30) and abandoning arbitrary worship etc. and by remaining in rules of true worship the devotee gains all benefits in present life as well as attains the eternal peace after leaving this perishable human cover. Monetary and social benefits and the like are by-products of true worship; they need not be demanded.
So, the correct way of worship is to take refuge of Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint and chant true salvation mantras mentioned in Gita Adhyay 17 Mantra 23, Yajurveda Adhyay 19 Mantra 25 and Quran Sharif Surah Shura 42 Aayat 1 till the last breath by remaining in the rules of worship as directed.
Sant Rampal Ji is the Tatvadarshi Sant on earth to date; who is providing scriptures based worship. There are four sequential fundamental conditions which have to be fulfilled to worship to attain spiritual benefits.
If the above mentioned four points are followed then only a devotee derives all the benefits.
Take note of the sacred speech
Almighty Kabir wakes-up his dear souls and inspires them to identify God and do true worship.
Aaja bande sharan Ram ki, Fir peeche pachtayega
Dia lia tere sang chlega, Dhara dhaka reh jayega.
Aa yamm tere ghatt ne ghere, Tu Ram kehan na paavega
आजा बंदे शरण राम की , फिर पीछे पछतायेगा |
दिया लिया तेरे संग चलेगा, धरा ढका रह जाएगा |
आ यम तेरे घट ने घेरे, तू राम कहां ना पावेगा ||
The mode of true worship is elucidated by the enlightened saint, i.e., Tatvadarshi Saint mentioned in the Holy Gita Ji, specifically in Chapter 4 Verse 34. His characteristics are further described in Gita, Chapter 15 Verse 1. He is a Tatvdarshi Saint, possessing comprehensive knowledge of all holy scriptures, and is authorized to bestow the true Mantra of worship accordingly.
Genuine worship follows the guidance of the Holy Scriptures, holding the potential to grant both materialistic happiness and salvation. Conversely, fake worship lacks validation in the holy scriptures and fails to confer any benefits upon the worshiper, as highlighted in Gita Ji Chapter 16 Verses 23-24.
God is pleased when a devotee engages in the worship of the supreme God under the guidance of an authorized enlightened Saint, who provides direction in accordance with the scriptures. Lord Kabir Ji emphasizes the significance of the Guru in His divine speech:
"Guru Bhakta Mam atam hoi| Vakai hriday rahu samoi||"
Worship possesses a power that transcends scientific understanding. Authentic worship has the capability to bestow both worldly benefits and emancipation. Furthermore, it can even alleviate severe illnesses and extend the devotee's lifespan, as stated in Yajurved Chapter 5 Verse 32
Gita Ji, in Chapter 7 Verses 20-23, elucidates that those who seek mere worldly gains tend to worship deities who lack the ability to confer such benefits or salvation. Therefore, the primary aim of true worship is to attain complete salvation, consequently encompassing all worldly benefits as well. Lord Kabir Ji conveys in His divine words:
"Kabir, Kalpe karan kaun hai, Kar seva nih kam |
Man ichcha fal deunga, Jab pade Mere se kam ||"
The characteristics of true worship encompass:
Gita Ji, in Chapter 7 Verses 22-23, regards the worship of demi-gods as inferior due to their inability to confer benefits. The text advocates worship of the One Almighty God mentioned in Chapter 15 Verse 17, identified as Param Akshar Braham, Lord Kabir, who possesses the capacity to bestow all kinds of benefits upon devotees.
Upon receiving initiation from an authorized Saint and adopting the correct way of worship, a devotee attains the blessings of the Almighty. Gradually, they witness progress in all facets of life and are assured of achieving complete salvation by diligently adhering to the true method of worship throughout their life.
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Kartik Saini
When we hear the word "Moksh," it often feels like a challenging goal to attain. People traditionally sought salvation primarily during Satyug or ancient times. Achieving salvation now seems difficult, as nowadays mostly people worship God for health, progress, and materialistic benefits only.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your perspective on our article. The quest for God and salvation is not bound by any specific era or time period. The human body's purpose is to attain salvation and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death. Among the 84 lakh body forms, the human body is considered the most superior. It must have a profound reason beyond mere enjoyment and family life, akin to animals. Our scriptures also emphasize the preciousness of the human body and its sole purpose of achieving salvation. We encourage you to recognize the value of human life and spirituality by exploring the enlightening teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and reading the book "Gyan Ganga."