11. Ungrateful Son


A person had two sons. He was retired from army and used to get pension. The sons started living separately. The younger son kept the mother with him at his home because his own children were small. The grandmother was needed to look after them. The father went with the older son. The father said that – ‘I will give my pension money to that son at whose place I will have food.’ The younger son used to say that – ‘Distribute half-half pension to both of us.’ The father refused. So, one day the younger son hit his father on his head with a stick. The father immediately died. The son was sentenced to life in prison. Because of having a son, having that person’s sight was considered auspicious, but misfortune happened to him. Now let us weigh this on the spiritual scale (balance) that whether obtaining sight of a childless person is auspicious or inauspicious. Like, in this very book, it has been clarified above that a family is formed by sanskar (impressions of deeds performed in previous lives). Some have come to pay their debt and taking birth in a family as a son, daughter, wife, mother, father, brother, sister etc appear to be living in great luxury, but many die when they are in their youth. Some die just after getting married. As soon as all of these have paid their debt, they die immediately. Those who have not had any child do not have any transaction left. If on taking initiation from a Complete Guru they do bhakti, then there is no one as fortunate as them. Neither they have anyone’s birth to rejoice, nor grieve on anyone’s death. It is very auspicious to have the sight of those childless people. Whether they have children or not, if they do not do bhakti, then both of them destroy their lives. If they do bhakti, then obtaining a sight of both of them is auspicious.

FAQs about "Ungrateful Son"

Q.1 What defines an ungrateful son?

An ungrateful son is characterized by his failure to recognize and value the love, care, and sacrifices his parents have made for him. His behavior might include disrespect, entitlement, and even mistreatment of his parents.

Q.2 Is it considered fortunate to not have children?

Yes, from a spiritual perspective, not having children can be seen as a form of fortune because it means not having any karmic debts tied to parenthood, thus leading to a clearer path toward spiritual liberation.

Q. 3 How are families believed to be formed according to spirituality?

Families are believed to come together due to karmic imprints from past lives, referred to as Sanskar. Individuals who have karmic connections or debts with one another are reborn within the same family, giving rise to the formation of families.

Q.4 Does encountering a childless person in the morning hold any negative connotations?

No, there is no inherent negativity associated with encountering a childless person in the morning. In fact, these individuals are often considered to be spiritually pure, having resolved their past debts, and are thus closer to attaining spiritual salvation. This perspective sees them as virtuous souls in the eyes of God.


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I do not have children due to which people avoid me considering me unlucky. I feel guilty what shall I do?

Satlok Ashram

You should read the book 'Jeene Ki Rah' through which you will come to know that according to spirituality those who do not have children are fortunate because they do not owe to anyone. The aim of human birth is to perform true worship and attain salvation. Listen to the spiritual Discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to know in detail.

Mona Kumari

My son and daughter-in-law ill-treat both me and my husband and are sending us to old age house. They are so ungrateful. What should we do?

Satlok Ashram

Several ruined families are leading a happy and prosperous life after reading an amazing book 'Jeene ki Rah' also ask your family members to read it. This can help you and your family have a happy life too.

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