16. Special Brainstorm | Way of Living

Special Brainstorm (Way of Living)

Please comprehend the act of sex with special discretion. The society recognises the union of a husband and wife that – both of you may reproduce offspring. Everybody’s parents performed the act of reproduction of children that is called sexual intercourse. By which, we and our brothers and sisters were born. So, contemplate that how sacred and good this act is, by which we got this invaluable human life. Someone became a doctor, someone a soldier, someone a minister and someone an engineer. Someone has become a farmer who has given food grain to everybody. Someone became a labourer who built your palaces. Someone became an artisan. In human life, we can do bhakti, charity and meritorious deeds and get the welfare of our soul done. This is the act of intercourse. No matter how much dirty and lustful form it is given by doing nonsense like singing or listening to vulgar film songs, this only is the mere fact. It is decency to perform this in private. Animals and birds copulate in open which does not look decent. Man is a civilised being. By doing it in private and observing the boundaries, we have to maintain the civility.

            By reading the aforesaid viewpoints, vulgar thoughts cannot arise in you on seeing any sister, daughter or daughter-in-law. This same act was performed by our grandfather and grandmother, by which our father was born. Our maternal grandfather and grandmother performed it, by which our mother was born. The mother and father who gave birth to us and raised us, how good they are. Our mother and father were also reproduced by this sexual act. So, is it indecent? Representing it in an indecent way, the wanderers giving it an obscene colour set the society on fire.

There is a provision in the constitution of India that if a man molests a woman, he will be imprisoned for three years. If someone rapes a woman, he is given a punishment of ten years in prison. A person is frightened of any wrongdoing or misconduct if one is aware of the law. It is also important for one to be aware of the law. In this way, Kaal Brahm makes one commit sin. Who is Kaal? Find out in “Creation of Nature”.

Do not have to watch films: - A film is a fictitious story, while watching which, we forget that its actors are running a business to earn their livelihood. They take millions of rupees for working in a film. Innocent youths losing discretion become their fans. They are running their business; you being befooled waste your money in watching the films. The hero or the heroine whom you are a fan of, go to their home and see. They will not even offer you water, let alone tea and food. Just think, I am eating a laddoo and you are watching me. You are saying, “Wow! You are eating laddoo with a great style.” What did you get? Similar is the state of film actors and the audience.

We have to change our way of thinking: -

Like, if we see obscene photographs, then obscenity arises in us because that provocative picture flared a spark inside us, by which the petrol started smouldering. Get rid of such photographs.
Like, if we read the biographies of patriots and see their photographs, then patriotism arises in us. There is no harm in having such a photograph at home.

If we read or hear the biographies of sages, saints, fakirs or of people of good character, then all our vices calm down and we think of becoming righteous citizens. Therefore, we are in a dire need of a Saint and a Satsang where good thoughts are preached.

We give bath to our small daughter and dress her up. Everybody does this. The same daughter goes to her in-laws after marriage. Someone else’s daughter comes to our home as our daughter-in-law. What new has happened? This needs to be thought of with a pure mind. Thus, vagrant thoughts are destroyed by practising prudence. Righteousness arises.

Even in newspapers, highly indecent pictures are published that make the youth’s behaviour abnormal. In some advertisements of underwear, girls only wear underwear and a brazier, which is wrong. Similarly, men also appear only wearing underwear for the advertisement of an underwear, which is a symbol of grave depravity. These should be banned. For this, a civil organisation is needed that struggles to get this type of vulgarity banned in a constitutional way, and that makes good books available to everyone to make human beings virtuous and kind. An organisation that organises satsangs (spiritual discourses).

Children who listen to good teachings are abstinent. It is generally seen that a daughter whose husband after a few days of their marriage goes on his duty in the army and does not return for nearly eight to nine months from his duty; some daughters’ husbands go abroad to earn their livelihood and do not return even in three years, those daughters exercise self-restraint. They do not even dream of another man in their dreams. These daughters belong to superior families. The men also exercise self-restraint during that time. Those children belong to virtuous families; they belong to genuine families. Those who are pimps, they keep giving flirtatious glances. Getting their hair cut in new styles, wearing goggles, they wander like dogs from street to street. They are wanderers. By doing some wrong deed, they ruin a settled family because if they say something inappropriate to someone’s sister or daughter, it leads to a brawl. No one knows how big a conflict may become. Someone may even die. That one pimp ruined two families. Therefore, we should make our children listen to teachings of satsang from childhood itself in order to make them sensible and of good character.

FAQs about "Special Brainstorm"

Q.1 What is the purpose of marriage?

The purpose of marriage is primarily for procreation, as it ensures the continuation of the human race through the birth of offspring.

Q.2 What does it mean sex is sacred?

When people refer to sex as sacred, they are emphasizing that it should only occur between a pure relationship of husband and wife after marriage. It is considered a means of creating new life and achieving spiritual salvation, which is the ultimate goal of human existence.

Q. 3 Why should one not watch movies?

One should not watch movies because films contain explicit scenes and content that corrupts the mind and also waste precious time of human life obtained for attaining salvation. Watching such movies can lead to moral degradation and distract young people from their future and career aspirations.

Q.4 How can individuals maintain purity in a society with increasing indecency?

In a society marked by increasing indecency, individuals can maintain purity by following the spiritual knowledge and guidance provided by a complete saint. By adhering to the teachings of such a saint, one can lead a virtuous life and avoid committing sinful actions.

Q.5 What steps can parents take to shield their children from societal indecency?

To protect their children from the effects of societal indecency, parents should connect their children with a complete saint who can provide them with spiritual guidance. This guidance will help protect them from distractions and negative influences in society.

Q.6 Why has indecency become more prevalent in society in recent decades, and what can be done to address this issue?

Indecency has become more prevalent in society in recent decades due to the explicit content featured in TV shows, movies, and newspapers. To address this issue and reduce indecency, it is essential to broadcast the true spiritual knowledge of a complete guru, at present Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, on all media platforms. This will help improve people's moral values and decrease indecency in society.


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Deepti Bhardwaj

For several days now, I've been noticing the buzz surrounding the book "Jeene Ki Rah" on various social media platforms. I came across this article that appreciates and discusses its significant impact on social reform. However, the notion of completely abstaining from watching movies doesn't resonate with me. Movies are a source of enjoyment during holidays and leisure moments, allowing us to share good times with friends and family. Balancing work with enjoyment is crucial, and both have their places in our lives.

Satlok Ashram

Dear readers, we are delighted that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's book "Jeene Ki Rah" is reaching people and positively influencing their lives. The content of this book is rooted in holy scriptures and the teachings of God, as conveyed by saints who have had divine encounters. These divine sources remind us that human life is a precious gift, urging us not to squander it on watching movies and indulging in vulgar content. We recognize that contemporary society finds it challenging to accept this truth. Yet, neglecting these teachings could lead to adverse consequences, contributing to the decline in moral and ethical values, subsequently resulting in the rise of crimes. It is our humble request to society to engage with "Jeene Ki Raah" and embrace the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, thus ensuring the success of their human lives.

Rajesh Chaurasiya

I hold Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's efforts in eradicating social issues in high regard. My concern deepens when I observe my children engrossed in watching explicit songs and movies on platforms like Netflix. My daughter spends her time creating videos for social media, often in immodest attire, which has attracted unwanted attention from boys, causing her distress while venturing outside. Similarly, my son's academic focus wanes as he indulges in shows on platforms like Hotstar and Netflix.

Satlok Ashram

Dear Rajesh, we genuinely appreciate how our articles are making a positive impact on people's lives, resonating with your concerns. The current trend among the youth, forsaking parental teachings and instead idolizing actors and actresses, is disheartening. In India, we see young individuals preoccupied with appearances and fashion, often at the expense of their careers and futures. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's teachings have brought about remarkable transformations in His followers. By abstaining from movies, they invest their time in worship of God while fulfilling their worldly responsibilities. We kindly urge you to engage with Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's discourses and explore "Jeene Ki Raah," His authored book. Furthermore, guiding your children towards understanding His wisdom can not only contribute to their professional growth but also safeguard their invaluable human lives.

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