35. One Would Have to do Bhakti in Worldly Turmoils Only | Way of Living

One Would Have To Do Bhakti in Worldly Turmoils Only (Way of Living)

One Would Have to do Bhakti in Worldly ‘Cheen-Chu’ (Turmoils) Only

A constable mounted on a mare was going for some work in his region. It was the month of June and the heat of one o’clock in the day; Haryana state. A farmer was irrigating his field via a Persian water wheel. The Persian water wheel was driven by oxen just like an oil mill. A chain of buckets used to run over a pulley by which water was drawn from the well and thrown in a drain going to the field. The Persian water wheel was making a loud noise of ‘Cheen-Chu’. The constable and his mare were both very thirsty. The constable moved towards the Persian water wheel to quench his thirst and to make his mare drink water. Because of the loud noise of ‘Cheen-Chu’ from the Persian water wheel, the mare fearfully ran away. The constable said to the farmer, “Stop this ‘Cheen-Chu’.” The farmer stopped the oxen. The Persian water wheel stopped working. Water stopped coming out of the well. The water that had earlier come out was absorbed by the ground. When the constable brought the mare near, he saw that there was no water in the drain. The constable said, “O farmer! Draw water.” The farmer made the oxen move again. The water started flowing and the ‘Cheen-Chu’ noise from the Persian water wheel also started coming. The mare again ran away, and stopped at a distance of an acre (200 feet). The constable was mounted on it. The constable again said, “Farmer! Stop the noise.” The farmer stopped the oxen. As soon as the water went from the drain to the ground, it got absorbed. The constable brought the mare nearer and on not finding the water, again ordered the farmer to draw water. As soon as the Persian water wheel started moving, the mare ran away. The farmer said, “Constable! You will have to drink water in the ‘Cheen-Chu’ of this Persian water wheel; otherwise, you will both die.” The constable dismounted from the mare; grabbing the reins, he slowly brought the mare nearer. They both drank water while the Persian water wheel was moving and saved their lives. Therefore, one will have to do bhakti, charity, meritorious deeds, and recitation of mantra while performing wordly tasks. Certainly do it.    

FAQs about "One Would Have to do Bhakti in Worldly Turmoils Only"

Q.1 What does it mean to do bhakti in worldly turmoils?

Doing bhakti in worldly turmoils means continuing to worship God even when you are facing challenges. It is important to remember that God is always with us, even in the midst of difficult times. When we do bhakti, we are connecting with God and receiving His strength and guidance.

Q.2 What constitutes the most effective way to worship God?

The most effective way to worship God is to receive initiation from a complete saint and diligently follow the prescribed guidelines, including chanting the given mantra while continuing with one's worldly activities.

Q. 3 How can one carve out time for worship within a hectic schedule?

Finding time for worship, even amidst a busy schedule, is possible by dedicating a few hours each day. Prior to commencing worship, it is crucial to seek initiation from a complete saint and faithfully adhere to His instructions.

Q.4 What are the advantages of practicing bhakti?

Practicing bhakti offers numerous benefits, such as relief from stress and anxiety, the assurance of a purposeful life, protection from misfortunes, material gains, improved health, and the absolution of sins. Ultimately, the primary goal of worship is attaining complete salvation, which surpasses all other benefits.

Q.5 What lesson does the tale of the farmer and the mare impart to us?

The story of the farmer and the mare imparts the lesson of persevering in one's devotion to God, even when faced with inconvenience or challenges. Regardless of life's hardships, maintaining a connection with God can alleviate difficulties and lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.


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Amrit Gupta

Given the overwhelming workload that defines our lives today, finding time for worshiping God can indeed be challenging, leaving minimal room even for familial connections. Despite my appreciation for stories about deities and the act of worship, my packed schedule often leaves me with little time to engage in worship of God.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we commend your active involvement with our article and your contemplation on this matter. In the whirlwind of contemporary life, the pursuit of wealth often takes precedence over familial bonds, and the lack of spiritual understanding can lead us to neglect the essential practice of worshiping God. Rather than treating it as an optional activity, we emphasize that it is a fundamental necessity for human existence. We encourage you to peruse "Jeene Ki Rah" and immerse yourself in the spiritual teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. This will help you comprehend the significance of incorporating God into your life and provide insights on time management.

Shivani Deswal

In our family, we diligently observe practices such as fasting, daily temple visits, and the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra five times every morning—a tradition passed down by my parents. Could these practices not be sufficient to garner the favor of God?

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we extend our gratitude for the extensive reach of our content and your active participation in it. While your current practices reflect your dedication, to truly please God, it is essential to engage in scripture-based worship under the guidance of an enlightened saint. We recommend that you delve into the pages of "Jeene Ki Rah" and immerse yourself in the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. By doing so, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the correct methodology for worship, which is integral to achieving divine favor.

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