64. How Much Kali Yuga Has Passed Currently | Way of Living

How Much Kalyug Has Passed Currently (Way of Living)

In the diverse tapestry of world religions, each carries its unique set of beliefs, often offering different interpretations and explanations of spiritual concepts. Among these, the Hindu tradition stands out with its detailed understanding of time, divided into four distinct ages or Yugas: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. Kali Yuga, the final and darkest age, is said to span 4,32,000 years. According to Hindu scriptures, this era is marked by a profound decline in moral and spiritual values, characterised by widespread ignorance and the prevalence of misguided practices.

Kali Yuga is also a time when various sects, false gurus, and distorted spiritual practices emerge, leading to further confusion and degradation. However, amidst this darkness, there is hope. The sacred texts prophesize the arrival of the Kalki Avatar, a divine incarnation who will restore righteousness. Additionally, the appearance of God Kabir during this era holds significant importance. This article explores the essence of Kali Yuga, the anticipated coming of the Kalki Avatar, the manifestation of God Kabir, and the identity of the true saviour in this age of spiritual decline.

Conversation Between Kaal and Supreme God

In this universe, two forces are continuously at work: the force of Kaal (Satan) and the force of Dayal (the Supreme God). All living beings trapped in this universe are originally from Satlok, our true home. But due to our ignorance, we fell here, and the ruler of this place, Kaal, whose other name is Jyoti Niranjan, has been causing us suffering ever since. Our Saviour is our Supreme Father, Kabir Saheb, who comes here to rescue us. Read the complete creation of the universe.

When the complete Supreme God, Kabir Ji, and Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) were conversing, Supreme Lord Kabir Sahib Ji said, "I will go to earth and reveal your truth to ignorant devotees. I will give them complete spiritual knowledge and the mantra of salvation, and I will take them back to their true home, Satlok." Hearing this, Kaal became angry but could not harm the Supreme God, Kabir Ji. Then Kaal prayed to the Supreme God and said, "Please do not take these beings to Satlok in Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, or Dwapara Yuga. You may take as many as you want in Kali Yuga." The Supreme God, Kabir Saheb Ji, who knows everything, understood why Kaal said this and agreed. Then Kaal explained to the Supreme God the deceptions he would create in Kali Yuga.

In Kabir Sagar, the discussion between Kaal and God Kabir Ji is portrayed as follows

besak jao gyaanee sansaara. jeev na maanai kaha tumhaara. 133
kaha tumhaara jeev na maanai. hamaree aur hoy baad bakhaanai .134
dandh phanda main racha banaee. jaamen sakal jeev urajhaee. 135
ved-shaastr samarti gunagaana. putr mere teen pradhaana.136
teenahoo bahu baajee rachi raakha. hamaree mahima gyaan mukh bhaakha. 137
deval dev paashaan pujaee. teerth vrat jap tap man laee.138
pooja vishv dev araadhee. yah mati jeevon ko raakha baandhi .139
jag (yagy) hom aur nem aachaara. aur anek phand main daara.140

Gyaanee (kabeer) vachan

hamane kaha suno anyaee. kaaton phand jeev le jaee .. 141
jete phand tum rache vichaaree. saty shabd te sabai vidaaree..142
jaun jeev ham shabd dadhaavain. phand tumhaara sakal muktaavain.. 143
jabahee jeev chinhee gyaan hamaara.le  tajahee bhram sab tor pasaara ..144
satyanaam jeevan samajhaavain. hans ubhaar lok lai jaavai..145
puroosh sumiran saar beera, naam avichal janaavahoon. sheesh tumhaare paanv deke, hans lok pathaavahoon. 146
taake nikat kaal nahin aavai. sandhi dekh taako sir naavai..148

(sandhi = satyanaam+saaranaam)

Dharmaraay (kaal) vachan

panth ek tum aap chaloo. jeevan ko satalok lai jaoo ..149
dvaadash panth karoon main saaja. naam tumhaara le karon aavaaja. 150
dvaadash yam sansaar pathaoon. naam kabeer le panth chalaoon. 151
pratham doot mere pragatai jaee. peechhe ansh tumhaara aaee. 152
yahi vidhi jeevan ko bhramaoon. aapan naam puroosh ka bataoon..153
dvaadash panth naam jo laihi. hamare mukh mein aan samaihi..154

Let's now understand these verses in detail.

Through these verses, it is explained how Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) told the Supreme God that you can go into the world, but no one will listen to you. I will deceive everyone until the end of Kali Yuga and give them false knowledge. Everyone will remain entangled in the worship of my three sons (Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiva Ji) and will not listen to you. I will make people start worshipping gods and goddesses, and I will make them worship at pilgrimages and divine places.

I will keep your souls entangled in chanting, penance, sacrifices, and fake mantras, and I will create traps to bring misery to your beings.

The words of the Supreme God:

Hearing Kaal's words, the complete Supreme God, Kabir Sahib Ji, said that whatever traps you set, I will break them with the mantra of Satnam and free all beings from you and take them back.

Kaal's words:

Then, Jyoti Niranjan said that while you will start a true path, I will start twelve fake paths that will confuse beings by using your name. First, my messengers will go into the world and divide everyone into different religions, caste and when your representative comes, no one will listen to him. This was the conversation between Kaal and Dayal. Now, let's understand further.

Are We in the Kali Yuga?

What is Kali Yuga?

First, let's understand what Kali Yuga means. Kali Yuga is a Sanskrit term that means "Age of Darkness." It is the age in which people will be sinful, hypocrisy will be at its peak, and people will cause suffering to each other through their thoughts, actions, and words. Hypocrisy will be promoted, and people will be very unhappy and endure great suffering because they will not engage in the devotion of the Supreme God.

When did Kali Yuga begin?

When did Kali Yuga begin, and how much of it has passed till now? Let's find out. The total duration of Kali Yuga is 432,000 years. Now, let's understand how many years of Kali Yuga have passed as of today (23 May 2024). Referring to the book 'Himalaya Tirth' published in Kolkata, on page 42, it is mentioned: When 3000 years of Kali Yuga have passed, Shankaracharya will be born. Referring to another book 'Jyotirmay Jyotishmath,' on page 11, it is mentioned: that Shankaracharya was born 508 years before Jesus Christ. Now, let's understand basic math. 2024 years have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ. Shankaracharya was born 508 years before Jesus Christ. Add 2024 + 508 = 2532 years.  Shankaracharya was born after 3000 years of Kali Yuga had passed. Okay! So, add 3000 + 2532 = 5532 years of Kali Yuga have passed.

How long will Kali Yuga Last?

Now subtract 5532 from 432,000, which leaves 426,468 years remaining. This means that there are still 426,468 years left until the end of Kali Yuga. In other words, we are only a small fraction of the total duration of Kali Yuga, which is 432,000 years long. So, there is a significant amount of time remaining before Kali Yuga reaches its conclusion.

What will happen in Kali Yuga?

Kali Yuga is divided into three phases.

First Phase: The first phase of Kali Yuga began when the complete Supreme Being, Kabir Sahib Ji, appeared in the city of Kashi 650 years ago. He lived as a poet for 120 years, giving spiritual teachings to people. When he ended his divine play and departed to his eternal abode, Satlok, from Maghar, fragrant flowers were found in place of his body. This event is still witnessed in Maghar today.

Second Phase: The current time is the middle phase of Kali Yuga. In this phase, people have become irreligious and are only obsessed with money. No one is happy with others' success, and everyone wastes their time trying to bring others down. No one worships the complete Supreme Being. New religious leaders are emerging daily, and their teachings contradict the scriptures. These leaders mislead innocent people for their selfish gains. Priests have started consuming meat and alcohol, and justice is nearly extinct. People have forgotten the importance of modesty and respect.

Third Phase: In the final phase of Kali Yuga, the lifespan of people will be reduced to just 20 years, with deaths occurring as early as 15 years of age. Women will become pregnant at the age of 5. Human height will decrease to only 1.5 to 2.5 feet. Rain will be sparse, falling like a drizzle. There will be no fruit-bearing trees left. People will live in burrows instead of houses, and there will be no fertile land. Humans will resort to eating raw human flesh.

Emergence of several religions, and sects in Kali Yuga

"As Kaal had told Kabir Parameshwar Ji that until you come to provide true knowledge in Kali Yuga, I will send my messengers and establish numerous paths and religions, and then everyone will firmly believe in my deceitful ways. Even your truth will not be accepted. At present, new sects are emerging, and hundreds of sects have been existing for some time. The remarkable thing to observe and consider is that the knowledge of all these sects is different from each other. Some impart one type of knowledge, while others give another. Everyone claims to be the true Guru and criticizes others.

The innocent devotees faithfully follow every prescribed worship method taught by them, but no one is benefiting because the worship methods they teach are completely wrong. Everyone desires devotion; everyone wants to attain benefits from the Supreme God and live a happy life. It is for this reason that we have been divided into different religions and sects, and we are doing everything instructed in the name of God's desire.

Moving forward, Dharamdas Ji, a disciple of Kabir Parameshwar Ji, was informed by the Supreme Being that when 5505 years of Kali Yuga pass, I will come and eradicate all these fake sects and establish a genuine Kabir path.

Verse :

paanch hajaar aroo paanch sau paanch jab kalayug beet jaay. mahaapurush pharamaan tab, jag taaran koon aay.. 66
hindu turk aadi sabai, jete jeev jahaan. saty naam kee saakh gahee, paavain pad nirvaan.. 67
yatha saritagan aap hee, milain sindhu main dhaay. saty sukrt ke madhy timi, sab hee panth samaay.. 68
jab lag poorn hoy nahin, theek ka tithi baar. kapat-chaaturee tabahi laun, svasam bed niradhaar.. 69 
sabahee naaree-nar shuddh tab, jab theek ka din aavant. kapat chaaturee chhodi ke, sharan kabeer gahant.. 70 
ek anek hnai gae, punah anek hon ek. hans chalai satalok sab, satyanaam kee tek.. 71
ghar ghar bodh vichaar ho, durmati door bahaay. kalayug mein sab ek hoee, baraten sahaj subhaay.. 72
kahaan ugr kahaan shudr ho, harai sabakee bhav peer(peed).. 73
so samaan samadrshti hai, samarth saty kabeer.. 74

Meaning: Parameshwar Kabir Ji has revealed, 'O Dharamdas! I had also informed Jyoti Niranjan, also known as Kaal Brahm. Now, I am informing you as well. The straightforward meaning of verses 66 to 74 of the Swasambhav Bodh: When 5505 years of Kali Yuga pass, a great soul will come to transcend the world. Regardless of Hinduism, Islam, or any other sect that exists, and as many living beings are present in the world, they will attain liberation by taking the true mantra from that great soul after acquiring human bodies.

The great soul who will propagate the path of truth, Kabir Panth, will absorb all other sects into itself spontaneously, just as various rivers flow freely and merge into the ocean. No one can stop them. In this thirteenth sect, all sects will swiftly merge into one true sect.

However, until the right time arrives, meaning until Kali Yuga completes 5505 years, the knowledge I am imparting in Swasambhav Ved will seem baseless when you write it down. When the designated time comes, men and women, through elevated thoughts and pure conduct, will forsake deceit and cunningness and take refuge in me (Kabir Ji).

To gain benefits from the Supreme Being, various panths (religious communities) have been formed from a 'human' religion; they will all merge again. All swans (devotees free from worldly desires) will depart to Satlok through the power of the true name. Discussion of my spiritual knowledge will take place in every household, leading to the end of everyone's ignorance. People will live peacefully, practising simplicity in Kali Yuga. It won't matter whether one is a dacoit, a thief, or a butcher, whether one is a low-caste or indulges in other vices.

The Supreme God will alleviate the worldly sufferings of those who practice true devotion, thus ending their worldly afflictions. Through true worship, everyone's worldly sufferings will cease, and the initiator of the 13th (Thirteenth) sect will view everyone with equal perspective, meaning there will be no discrimination between high and low. That capable truth will indeed be Kabir. (I am a saint, know myself).

Which is the thirteenth sect, and who is its initiator? The thirteenth sect is the 'Path of True Sat Kabir.' Its initiator is Kabir Parameshwar Ji Himself. Currently, its administrator is His servant Rampal Das, son of Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj.

Now Let's Understand about The Kalki Avatar

The Kalki Avatar

Who is Kalki

According to Hinduism, Kalki is the tenth avatar, who will be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, when unrighteousness prevails, and will eliminate those who do not believe in God with his long sword. Only those who practice devotion will be spared.

When will Kalki Appear

According to the Kalki Purana, Kalki will be born on the 12th day of the Madhava month, which is two days before the full moon. The description of the Kalki Avatar in Kabir Sagar, the fifth Veda known as Sukshma Veda, states that King Harishchandra will take the Kalki Avatar at the end of the Kali Yuga with the blessings of Lord Vishnu, and his birth will take place in the home of Vishnu Datt Sharma in the Sambhal Nagri, in U.P., India. Kalki Avatar will be of immense stature, and he will cut down everyone like a farmer cuts grass, with his sword being very large.

What will Kalki Do

Due to increasing unrighteousness and sin, when humans forget their place and loot, steal, indulge in adultery, and do not practice true devotion, Kalki Avatar will come from the abode of Vishnu to eliminate those who are sinful, unrighteous, and corrupt. Kalki's primary role is to destroy the forces of evil and restore righteousness. He will eliminate the corrupt rulers, false gurus, and deceitful leaders who have led humanity astray. His arrival will mark the end of Kaliyuga and the beginning of a new cycle of time, starting with Satya Yuga, the age of truth and virtue.

What are the Signs of Kalki's Arrival?

The signs of Kalki's arrival include:

  • Complete Moral Decay: Society will reach a point where all moral and spiritual values have been lost. Corruption, violence, and injustice will be rampant.
  • Widespread Suffering: Humanity will face immense suffering due to natural disasters, wars, and plagues. The world will be in a state of chaos and despair.
  • Loss of True Knowledge: The true knowledge of God will be forgotten, and people will be trapped in ignorance, following false paths and practices.

However, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj offers a unique perspective. He explains that while Kalki will appear at the end of Kaliyuga he is not the true saviour, the true saviour in Kaliyuga is God Kabir. God Kabir's teachings provide a direct path to liberation, without the need to wait for the end of Kaliyuga.

Living in the Kali Yuga

How to Live During Kali Yuga:

Living in Kaliyuga presents significant challenges, but it is possible to lead a spiritually fulfilling life by adhering to the teachings of God Kabir Ji which is shown by Saint Rampal Ji Mahara at present. The key to living in Kaliyuga lies in maintaining spiritual awareness and practising true devotion.

  • Surrender to the Supreme God: The first step is to surrender to the Supreme God, recognizing that worldly pursuits will not bring lasting happiness or liberation. True devotion and remembrance of God are essential.
  • Seek the Guidance of a True Guru: In Kaliyuga, finding a true Guru who can impart the correct knowledge of God is crucial. A Complete Guru can guide the seeker on the path to salvation, helping them navigate the challenges of the era.
  • Abandon False Practices: It is important to abandon the false practices prevalent in Kaliyuga, such as idol worship, fasting, and rituals, and focus on the true worship of the Supreme God as taught by the Holy scriptures.

What is Forbidden in Kali Yuga:

Not only in Kali Yuga but in all Yuga all the spiritual practices which are against scriptures are forbidden. However, in Kaliyuga, certain practices are explicitly forbidden as they lead to spiritual degradation:

  • Idol Worship: Idol worship is condemned in the scriptures, as it diverts attention from the Supreme God.
  • Fasting and Rituals: Fasting and rituals performed for worldly gains are discouraged. True spiritual practices involve devotion to the Supreme God by taking Initiation from the complete Guru.
  • Following False Gurus: Avoid following false gurus who exploit devotees for personal gain. Seek a true Guru who can impart the correct knowledge of God.
  • Engaging in Deceptive Practices: Deceptive practices, such as lying, cheating, and exploiting others, are forbidden. These actions lead to negative karma and spiritual downfall.

How to Follow Dharma in Kali Yuga?

Kali Yuga is a time when most individuals, whether knowingly or unknowingly, engage in various sinful activities. The path to following Dharma in this challenging era begins with taking initiation from a complete and true Guru. Only through the guidance of such a Guru can one discern between right and wrong actions. With the Guru’s blessings and the grace of God, a person can successfully abandon sinful behaviours and embrace a righteous life. In Kali Yuga, adhering to the teachings of a true Guru is the essence of living following Dharma.

The Secrets of Kali Yuga

According to the conversations between Kaal and God Kabir, Kali Yuga is a unique era where God Kabir reveals the true knowledge of spirituality to all of humanity, a wisdom that was previously hidden. In this period, the true mantras of worship are disclosed, offering an unprecedented opportunity for complete salvation. By taking initiation from an authorized saint and engaging in sincere devotion to the Almighty God Kabir, individuals can attain liberation. Kali Yuga, therefore, holds the secret of ultimate salvation through the revealed knowledge and guidance of God Kabir.

The End of Kali Yuga

What are the Signs of the End of Kali Yuga?

The end of Kaliyuga is predicted to be marked by various signs, including:

  • Complete Moral Decay: Society will reach a point where all moral and spiritual values have been lost. Corruption, violence, and injustice will be rampant.
  • Widespread Suffering: Humanity will face immense suffering due to natural disasters, wars, and plagues. The world will be in a state of chaos and despair.
  • Loss of True Knowledge: The true knowledge of God will be forgotten, and people will be trapped in ignorance, following false paths and practices.

When will the Dark Age (Terrible Kali Yuga) Start?

While we are already in Kaliyuga, the scriptures predict that the age will become progressively darker and more challenging as time passes. The "terrible Kaliyuga" refers to the final phase of this age, where moral and spiritual decay reaches its peak. This phase is still many thousands of years away, but the signs of its approach are already visible in the world today.

What Happens at the End of Kali Yuga?

At the end of Kali Yuga, a period of spiritual cleansing and renewal will take place, preparing the world for the next cycle of Yugas.

Fake Gurus in Kali Yuga and Wrong Practices vs. the Right Way of Devotion:

In Kali Yuga, the prevalence of fake gurus and distorted spiritual practices has led many astray. These false teachers often prioritize material gain and manipulate their followers for personal motives. These gurus promote practices such as:

  • Idol Worship: Promoting the worship of idols, which leads to spiritual ignorance and deviation from the true path.
  • Fasting and Rituals: Encouraging fasting and rituals that are performed mechanically, without understanding their true purpose.
  • Commercializing Spirituality: Turning spirituality into a business, where blessings and spiritual services are offered in exchange for money.
  • Misinformation: Spreading misinformation about the nature of God, the purpose of life, and the path to salvation.

In contrast, the right way of devotion, as taught by God Kabir and Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, involves:

  • Worship of the Supreme God: True devotion is directed towards the Supreme God, not towards idols or images.
  • Sincere Devotion: Devotion should be heartfelt, not based on rituals or external practices.
  • Chanting the True Name of God: Chanting the true name of God, as given by a Complete Guru, is the most effective way to attain salvation.
  • Living a Righteous Life: True devotion is reflected in how one lives their life. Righteous living, compassion, and non-violence are essential aspects of the spiritual path.

Appearance of God Kabir in Kaliyuga

600 Years Ago

Approximately 600 years ago, God Kabir manifested in the city of Kashi (Varanasi) in India. He appeared mysteriously, floating on a lotus flower in the Ganges River, and was discovered by a childless weaver couple who raised him as their own. God Kabir Ji lived as a humble weaver but was, in reality, the Supreme God incarnate.

During his lifetime, God Kabir Ji exposed the false practices of the time and imparted the true knowledge of God. He rejected idol worship, caste discrimination, and ritualistic practices, instead advocating for the worship of the Supreme God. His teachings, known as Vaanis, have been preserved in the form of sacred verses that continue to guide spiritual seekers today.

At Present

In the present time, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has emerged as the true representative of God Kabir Ji, continuing his mission of spreading the true knowledge of God. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj explains that the same God Kabir who appeared 600 years ago is guiding humanity today through his teachings.

The teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj emphasize the importance of recognizing the Supreme God and following the path of true devotion. He provides the correct interpretation of the scriptures, exposing the false practices that have become prevalent in Kaliyuga, and guiding seekers towards liberation.

Who is the Savior in Kali Yuga: Kalki or God Kabir?

The question of who is the saviour in Kaliyuga has been a topic of much debate. While the Kalki avatar is traditionally seen as the one who will appear at the end of Kaliyuga, however, the saviour of Kaliyuga is not the Kalki. Let's know the real saviour.

Kalki: The Traditional Saviour

Kalki, the prophesied tenth avatar of Vishnu, will appear at the end of Kaliyuga to restore dharma and bring about the transition to Satya Yuga. Kalki is often depicted as a warrior who will destroy the forces of evil and re-establish righteousness.

However, the appearance of Kalki is still far in the future, leaving humanity to grapple with the challenges of Kaliyuga in the meantime.

God Kabir: The True Saviour in Kaliyuga

Suksham Ved reveals that God Kabir is the true saviour in Kaliyuga. Unlike Kalki, who is expected to appear at the end of the age, God Kabir has already manifested in Kaliyuga to guide humanity back to the true path. His teachings offer a direct and immediate way to attain salvation, without the need to wait for the end of Kaliyuga.

God Kabir's message is one of universal love, compassion, and devotion to the Almighty God. He teaches that salvation is possible in this very lifetime through the grace of God and the guidance of a true Guru and at present that true Guru is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Conclusion: Attaining the Salvation in Kaliyuga

Kaliyuga, the age of darkness, presents immense challenges to those seeking spiritual fulfilment. The moral and spiritual decline, the proliferation of false practices, and the influence of Kaal make it difficult to discern the true path. However, the appearance of God Kabir in Kaliyuga offers a beacon of hope for all souls trapped in the cycle of ignorance and suffering.

Through the teachings of God Kabir which is shown by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, humanity is given the tools to overcome the darkness of Kaliyuga and attain liberation. By abandoning false practices, seeking the guidance of a true Guru, and dedicating oneself to the worship of the Supreme God, one can rise above the challenges of this age and attain eternal peace.

In the end, the true saviour in Kaliyuga is not the Kalki avatar who will appear at the end of the age but God Kabir, who has already manifested to guide us back to the path of truth. By embracing his teachings and living a life of righteousness and devotion, we can transcend the darkness of Kaliyuga and attain the ultimate goal of liberation.

FAQs about How Much Kalyug Has Passed Currently

Q.1 How long is one Yuga?

The time period of all yuga is different. The durations of the different Yugas are as follows: Satyuga - 1,728,000 years, Tretayuga - 1,296,000 years, Dwaparyuga - 864,000 years, and Kaliyuga - 432,000 years.

Q.2 How much time of the Kali yuga age has been spent?

Currently, 5,530 years of the Kaliyuga have passed. Aadi Shankaracharya was born 508 years before the birth of Jesus. Since the birth of Jesus, it has been 2022 years. The number of years that have passed since Shankaracharya's birth is 2022 + 508 = 2530 years. If we calculate chronologically, Shankaracharya was born after 3000 years of Kaliyuga had passed. Therefore, as of 2023, 5530 years of Kaliyuga have passed.

Q. 3 How many years are left for kalyug to get over?

As of now, 5,530 years of the Kaliyuga have passed. The total duration of the Kaliyuga is 432,000 years. Therefore, 432,000 - 5,530 = 426,470 years of Kaliyuga are still remaining.

Q.4 Are we in the final stage of Kali Yuga, and are we just waiting to be destroyed?

No, we are currently in the initial period of the Kaliyuga. Only 5,530 years have passed out of the total duration of 432,000 years. This is considered a golden period to attain salvation by taking initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, so it is not a period of destruction. The destructive period will occur in the last years of the Kaliyuga.

Q.5 Which year Kali Yuga will end?

Kali Yuga will come to an end after a total of 432,000 years have passed. At present, we have plenty of time to save ourselves from the destructive period of Kalyuga by receiving initiation from the true saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Q.6 Which God is alive in Kalyug?

In the present time, the Almighty Kabir is present on Earth in the cover of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Lord Kabir Ji has said in his profound speech: "Kabir, paanch sahashra aru panch sau, jab Kalyuga beet Jaye. Satpurush farmaan tab, jag taaaran ko aaye" It means when 5,500 years of Kaliyuga have passed, the Supreme Being will Himself come to save the world.

Q.7 Which yuga is golden age?

The current period of Kalyuga is considered the golden age because it is the destined 'Bhakti' period by Almighty Kabir when he Himself will be present on earth to provide a true path of worship, leading to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Today that devotion is available under the guidance of the complete Guru, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj (alias Almighty KavirDev). He provides the true mantra of salvation that was hidden by Lord Kabir for this specific period and has not been revealed until now.

Q.8 Which Yuga is bigger?

Satyuga is the longest among all the four Yugas, lasting for 1,728,000 years.


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If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Shashikant Dubey

I found the article very interesting, especially because it's backed by evidence and knowledge. However, I've heard various opinions from different people regarding how much time has passed in Kalyug and the impending arrival of Kalki Avatar. Have the predictions made for the current period about Kalki Avatar's arrival?

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your interest in our article and your desire for evidence-based knowledge. The information we've presented in our article is rooted in authentic sources and our Holy Scriptures, which are difficult to dispute. Regarding Kalki Avatar, Kalyug has a total duration of 432,000 years, of which only 5,530 years have passed. Kalki Avatar, who is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is prophesied to appear towards the end of Kalyug, during a time when there will be a prevalence of unrighteousness. While there may not be a specific prediction for his arrival date, there are prophecies about a spiritual leader's emergence who will guide people toward salvation. We recommend reading the book "Jeene Ki Rah" and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj for deeper insights.

Shruti Jain

The varying opinions on the duration of each yuga, including Kalyug, can be quite confusing. How can readers believe the information in your article when there are conflicting views on this topic?

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your concern and value your perspective. The information presented in our article is not based on mere opinions but is derived from authentic sources and Holy scriptures. We encourage you to place your trust in these sources and cross-reference the information with other reliable references, including the book we've cited as evidence. Additionally, for further clarity, you can listen to spiritual discourses by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, who has extensively studied and expounded upon the teachings of various Holy scriptures. Reading the book "Jeene Ki Rah" can also provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this topic.

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