A farmer had a baby boy. When his son became eight years old, the farmer’s wife died. The farmer had 16 acres of land. A few years later, the farmer remarried. He had a baby boy from the second wife too. The farmer’s son from the first wife turned 16. He married him off. The farmer also died. The younger son at the age of 10-12 years became ill. He was given medical treatment for a few days, then his elder brother (step-brother) and his wife thought that – “Why are we spending on his medical treatment? If he dies, the eight acre land of his share will remain with us.” On contemplating this, they said to the doctor who used to come from the neighbouring village for his treatment, “Give poison in the medication to this boy. We will give you money for this.” In the greed of five hundred rupees, the doctor gave poison to that boy by mixing it in his medication, and killed him. The villagers were told that the boy died from the illness. Nobody had any suspicion. Everybody believed that the boy died from the illness.
A year after the death of that step-brother, the elder brother had a son. They were thrilled. They provided a communal meal to celebrate the birth of their son. Sweets were distributed in the whole village. They did not have any child after that. They raised their only son with love. They made him robust by feeding good amount of ghee, milk and yoghurt. They married him off at the age of sixteen. At that time, child marriage was considered to be a thing of pride. That boy became ill. Doctors after doctors were called. The most expensive medication was given to him, but all in vain. In those days, he was given medication worth a thousand rupees in a month. Even the ash of diamond and pearl was mixed in the medication and fed to the boy. Due to which, eight acres of land had also to be sold, but the illness instead of subsiding kept on escalating, and the last day came. The boy’s father was sitting in an anxious state with his son. At that very moment, the boy said, “Brother! Do one thing.” The father said, “Son! I am your father.” The boy said, “I am that brother of yours whom you had got killed by giving poison. I have taken birth as your son to take my revenge.” That boy’s mother was also present there. The boy said, “Eight acres of land was of my share; I have now recovered it. Now only the account of the shroud and the wood is remaining. Arrange them.” On hearing this, the father alias brother was taken aback. Both of them repented on their actions. The law of God is unchangeable. The elder brother questioned the younger brother born as his son, “God has given us the result of the sin that we committed out of greed. The motive with which we had taken your life, we have lost those eight acres of land, and we do not have any other child. Someone else only will take the remaining land. We have been ruined, and this ought to have happened. God delivered justice. But the girl that has come as your wife, what sin has she committed? Due to which, she will be burnt alive with you subject to Sati Practice. God has done injustice with her.” The younger brother alias son said, “Two years after my death, that doctor, who had poisoned me in the lure of five hundred rupees, had died. This wife is the soul of that doctor only. She will get its result; she will be burnt alive. At that time Sati Practice was at full swing. After the death of a husband, the wife was burnt alive on the same pyre.
Dear Readers! Please think, nothing is hidden from the sight of God. As you sow, so shall you reap! In this way, people have become associated to each other in every family due to the (Sanskar) impressions of deeds of their previous lives. Someone is born to repay debt of previous life; someone is born to recover the debt of previous life. For example: -
A father gave education to his son. The son died in an accident just two days prior to his marriage. He had come to recover his debt from the father. A son became young. He started doing a job to earn his livelihood. His father became ill; lakhs of rupees were spent on his treatment, but to no avail; he died. This father had come to recover the debt of previous life. He had also come to repay some. He married his daughter off. Two years later, his daughter died. He had given a lot of dowry in her marriage. That son-in-law recovered the debt of previous life by taking his daughter as well as the money. At present, those who appropriate money by deceiving someone, the other person will recover that money by becoming their son-in-law in the next life. This is a hard and fast rule of God. A word to the wise is sufficient. The abovementioned account is not just a story; it is a reality. Some people say that these stories have been composed to frighten others. Who has seen what will happen? Like, gentlemen advise a thief that – “Brother! Do not commit a theft. If you are caught, first the public will beat you, then the police will beat you and then you will have to suffer in the jail as well.” If someone says that – “This has been said to frighten the thief. Who has seen what happens in future?” Just think, by making a thief familiar with the truth, we have scared him, but it is the truth as well. If the thief getting scared of the truth will quit stealing, it will be good for him. If he will say, “Who has seen what happens in future?”, then he will undergo all that has been mentioned earlier. Similarly, it would be a misfortune of those who will only believe that the above-mentioned story is for advising and frightening people. Consider it to be as true as the advice given to the thief.
The author had heard this story of the farmer and the two sons that has been mentioned above in 1978 from a veterinary doctor. He used to narrate this story to everyone who sat with him, but he himself never used to put it into practice. By giving a medicine worth ten rupees and giving injection of distilled water, he used to charge 200-300 rupees. Then when he used to meet me in the evening, he used to tell me about his deeds that – “If I will charge fewer rupees, the buffalo owner will think that good medication has not been given. The buffalo had to get better with medicine worth ten rupees only.” Please ponder, when there is so much difference in the speech and action of such people, how can these stories narrated by them have any influence on others? Saint Garibdas ji has said that these things are not mere words, these have to be acted upon. Comprehending the law of God, lead a pure life. Make your path of life free of thorns.
Account of Shiv Ji imparting mantra to Parvati Ji
When Shri Shiv had given initiation (Eternal Mantra) to his wife Parvati while sitting under a dry tree in Amarnath, a female parrot had laid eggs in the hole of that tree’s trunk. Healthy eggs turned into baby parrots by the clap of Shiv Ji and flew away. Among them was an unhealthy egg. Its soul was inside it. When Shri Shiv ji narrated the initiation mantra to Shri Parvati, that unhealthy egg became healthy, and became a baby parrot. He developed wings and became capable of flying. Parvati ji entered into a state of trance. She stopped saying - “Yes-Yes.” The parrot started saying, “Yes-Yes”. Shri Shiv ji saw that Parvati is in a meditative state; she is not listening or saying anything. Whose voice is this of “Yes-Yes”? He saw that a parrot is speaking from the hole of the trunk of that tree. As soon as Shri Shiv ji tried to kill that parrot, he flew away. Shri Shiv ji flew behind the parrot with his supernatural powers to kill him. Sage Vedvyas’s wife yawned. As she opened her mouth, the soul in the body of the parrot left his body and entered into her womb through her mouth. Shri Shiv ji said to Vyas’s wife, “A soul stealing my knowledge has left the body of a parrot and entered your womb through your mouth. He is my thief. I will kill him.” Meanwhile, Sage Vedvyas had also arrived there. He was listening to everything. Vyas ji asked, “O Lord! What kind of thief?” Shri Shiv told, “I was giving initiation to Parvati. As I was the disclosing the secret of the internal lotuses, this parrot overheard it. If he will tell those mantras to an undeserving person, that person will become immortal and torment people. He has become immortal. I will kill this living being.” Vyas ji said, “O God Shiv! If he has become immortal, then how will you kill him?” On hearing this, Shri Shankar returned to Parvati. He told everything to Parvati. Shri Vedvyas ji saw with his divine vision that there is a boy in his wife’s womb. After twelve years, the son was born. The mother used to say that – “I have to name my son as Sukhdev. While he was in my womb, I did not experience any grief. I was always happy in my mind, and always felt blissful. Therefore, she had named Sukhdev while he was in her womb.” Because of being in the egg of a parrot and then immediately acquiring a human body, the Brahmins also used to call him Shuk Dev (Shuk means Parrot). As soon as Sage Shukdev took birth, his body turned into that of a twelve years old boy, and he got up and started walking. So, Sage Vedvyas ji said, “O Son! Where are you going?” Turning his back towards his parents, Shukdev said, “You and I had only this much of interaction (Sanskar). Sage Vyas ji said, “O Son, Sukhdev! We waited for twelve years for your birth, and today you are leaving us! At least show us your face once.” Sage Sukhdev said, “O Rishi (sage) ji! Many times you have become my father and numerous times I have become your father. It is a big problem. I will do bhakti and gain freedom from birth and death. I am not turning my face towards you because I might develop affection in you.” Saying this, Saint Garibdas ji has explained through his speech: -
Ek leva ek deva dootam, koyi kaahu ka pita na pootam |
Rin sambandh juda ek thatha, ant samay sab bara bata ||
Meaning: - Shukdev ji said, “The members of the family who are in the relation of a son and father etc, all these have become associated with each other to recover or repay the debt of previous lives. In reality, no one is anyone’s father or son. After death, everyone according to his/her respective deeds goes to a different place and acquires another body. Therefore, no one is anyone’s father or son.
The Readers have read above in the story of the sons of the farmer that the elder brother got his younger step-brother killed in the greed of eight acres of land. Then the same soul took birth as his son to recover his debt, and died after settling his account. Therefore, it is said that: -
Ek leva (one who recovers debt) ek deva (one who repays debt) dootam. Koyi kaahu ka pita na pootam (no one is anyone’s father or son). Rin sambandh juda ek thatha, that is, everybody appears to be living comfortably in the form of a family. Suddenly one dies. Ant samay mein bara bata, that is, after death, one will take birth somewhere else, meaning everyone will take (bara) 12 (baat) routes. (Everyone will take a different route.)
After having this conversation with his father, Shukdev flew in the sky and went to a different place. Dear Readers! Hence, do bhakti and get the welfare of your soul done. Do not ruin your life by only clinging to your family. The debt will also be easily paid off with the bhakti of God.
The story emphasizes the consequences of one's actions and the concept of karma. The story revolves around a farmer who had two sons, one from his first wife and another from his second wife. The elder son conspire to poison the younger son for his share of land. Years later, the younger son is reborn as the elder son's child and reveals his true identity on his deathbed. The story teaches that actions have consequences, and justice prevails, highlighting the principle of "as you sow, so shall you reap." It warns against greed and wrongdoing.
The article emphasizes this point to underscore the concept of karma, where all actions, even those hidden from others, are ultimately known to Almighty God. It serves as a reminder that one's actions carry consequences, whether experienced in this life or the next.
Sage Shukdev refrained from forming attachments with his parents because he recognized the impermanence of relationships and the cycle of birth and rebirth. He was determined to focus on his spiritual path and attain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.
Sage Shukdev's actions emphasize that familial bonds are temporary, and individuals are held accountable for their karmic debts from past lives. The story underscores the importance of spiritual pursuits and the quest for liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
The article advises readers to comprehend the concept of karma, live a virtuous life, and remove obstacles from their spiritual journey. It encourages people to engage in devotion of Almighty God to attain spiritual well-being and not become overly attached to family relationships, as these relationships are part of the cycle of rebirth and the settlement of karmic debts.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Madhur Gupta
A tragedy recently occurred in my family. I lost my 12 years old son. I am completely broken. Hope the soul of my son must be in peace.
Satlok Ashram
All relations here are temporary and are based on give and take due to sacraments of previous births. You had some debt to pay to a soul who was born as a son to you. The moment that sacrament was fulfilled your son died. This is God’s law. You should get involved in spiritualism to understand the reality of relations here which will heal your wound and provide you relief. Listen to nectar sermons of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.