54. A Devotee Should Be Benevolent | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living


Summary of Anurag Sagar Page 162 and 163: 

A Devotee Should Be Benevolent     

For instance, a cow herself grazes in the jungle or fields and drinks water, but feeds nectar-milk to human beings. Ghee (clarified butter) is made from her milk. The male offspring of a cow, that is, an ox is used for ploughing. He nurtures man. Even the cow dung is used by human beings. After the death of a cow, its skin is used to make leather shoes that protect man’s feet from thorns and pebbles. A person in human life by not doing benevolence and remaining devoid of bhakti, destroys the precious human life in committing sins. A meat-eater man by killing a cow like a demon eats its flesh, and incurs heinous sin. Please read Supreme God Kabir Ji’s following speech in this regard: -

Example of Benevolent Cow

Gauko jaanu parmaarth khaani | gau chaal gun parkhahu gyaani ||
Aapan charey trin udyaana | anchvey jal de ksheer nidaana ||
Taasu ksheer ghrit dev aghaahin | gau sut nar ke poshak aahin ||
Vishtha taasu kaaj nar aave | nar agh karmi janm gamaave ||
Teeka purey tab gau tan naasa | nar raakshas gotan let graasa ||
Chaam taasu tan ati sukhdaayi | etik gun ik gotan bhaai ||

Example of Benevolent Saint

Gau sam Sant gahae yeh baani | to nahin Kaal karae jivhaani ||
Nartan lahi as buddhi hoyi | Satguru miley amar havae soyi ||
Suni Dharmni parmaarath baani | parmaarthte hoye na haani ||
Pad parmaarth Sant adhaara | Guru sam leyi so utre para ||
Satya shabd ko parichay paavae | parmaarth pad lok sidhaavae ||
Sewa karey visaare aapa | aapa thaap adhik santaapa ||
Yeh nar as chaatur buddhimana | gun subh karm kahae ham thaana ||
Ooncha karm apne sir linha | avgun karm par sir dinha ||
Taat hoye shubh karm vinasha | Dharmdas pad gaho vishwasa ||
Asha ek naamki raakhe | nij shubhkarm pragat nahin bhaakhe ||
Gurupad rahe sada lau leena | jaise jalahi na visrat meena ||
Guru ke shabd sada lau laave | Satyanaam nishdin gungaave ||
Jaise jalahi na visre meena | aise shabd gahey parveena ||
Purush naamko as parbhaau | hansa bahuri na jagmahn aau ||
Nishchay jaay Purush ke paasa | koormkala parkhahu Dharmdasa ||

            Meaning: - Supreme God Kabir Ji has given a message and a direction to the mankind via Dharmdas ji that a human being should be benevolent like a cow. Those who have found a Satguru will become immortal. They will be saved from heinous (anghon) sins. If one does service, then one should not aspire for praise. If one will pat oneself on the back (consider oneself to be praiseworthy in order to get honour and superiority), then he will experience greater suffering. The auspicious deeds will get destroyed.

            An initiated person should only aspire for naam (mantra). One should relinquish the desire for honour and superiority from one’s heart. One should not reveal one’s auspicious deeds (donation or other service) before anyone. One should stay in Guru’s feet i.e. refuge just as a fish stays in water. A fish cannot live without water even for a second. It immediately dies. One should give importance to the refuge of Guru in this way. One should always remain engrossed in the (shabd) recitation-mantra (Satguru Shabd), which is Satyanaam, the real bhakti mantra, given by Guru ji. It is a bhakti-mantra of Purush (God). It has such an influence, such a power that a worshipper never returns in the cycle of birth and death in the world. One goes to the Eternal Supreme Abode where there is supreme peace. After going there, a worshipper never returns to the world. 

            This same evidence is in Shrimad Bhagavat Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62. The Speaker of the knowledge of Gita has stated that – O Arjun! You may go in the refuge of that Supreme God in every respect. Only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace and go to the Eternal Supreme Abode (Shashvat SthanM). (Chapter 18 Verse 62)

            In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4, the Speaker of the knowledge of Gita has stated that after gaining the Tatvgyan (true & complete spiritual knowledge), one should search for that supreme state of the Supreme God, having gone where, a worshipper never returns to the world. Only worship the Supreme God who has created the world-like tree. (Chapter 15 Verse 4)

            The Speaker of the knowledge of Gita has clarified his mortal state i.e. state of birth and death in Chapter 2 Verse 12, Chapter 4 Verse 5, 9 and Chapter 10 Verse 2 that – “O Arjun! You and I have had several births. You do not know; I know.” Readers! It has become clear from Gita that the Speaker of the knowledge of Gita (is Kaal Brahm who was speaking by entering into the body of Shri Krishna ji) is mortal; he is in the cycle of birth and death, so his worshippers also have a similar state. Therefore, they cannot obtain the benefit mentioned in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62 and Chapter 15 Verse 4. The second thing that has been proved is that there is some Almighty God, the Giver of all the benefits, other than the Speaker of Gita. The speaker of Gita i.e. Kaal Brahm is advising to go in that God’s refuge. That Supreme God is Kabir Bandi Chhod Ji. He has himself described his magnificence that you are reading in Kabir Sagar. Supreme God has mentioned in Anurag Sagar Page 13 that - who shall I make the witness of the story of the nature created by Satya Purush, because everybody was created afterwards? Earlier there was only Satpurush. The thing to ponder here is that from where did Kabir Ji gain this knowledge, when there was no one at the time of the creation of nature? It is self-evident from this, that He is himself the Complete God, the Creator of the universe. The great souls whom Supreme God Kabir Ji has met, they have also given this very testimony that: -

Garib, anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahin bhaar |
Satguru Purush Kabir hain, kul ke Sirjanhaar ||

            The meaning is clear in this speech itself.

            The meaning of “Koorm Kala Parkho Dharmdasa” is that like a ‘Koorm’ i.e. a tortoise at the time of crisis, hiding his face and feet inside him, becomes inactive, and immediately after the crisis is over, moves off on his path. Likewise, if the worldly people cause hindrance in the path of bhakti of a devotee, then the devotee instead of responding to them should hide one’s bhakti and keep it safe. As soon as the circumstances become normal again, one should start doing sadhna at the same speed. By doing so, “Nishchay Jaay Purush Ke Pasa” that worshipper will definitely go to God.

            Anurag Sagar on Page 163 (281):

Sortha: - Hans tahaan sukh bilsahin, aanand dhaam amol |
Purush tanu chhavi nirakhahin, hans karein kilol ||

            Meaning: - By performing religious practice (sadhna) according to the abovementioned knowledge, a worshipper goes to the eternal abode. He/she enjoys bliss there. That Satlok is invaluable. On seeing the splendour of the body of Satyapurush there, worshippers feel blissful. 

FAQs about "A Devotee Should Be Benevolent"

Q.1 What is the message conveyed by Supreme God Kabir Ji in relation to being benevolent like a cow?

Supreme God Kabir Ji emphasizes that humans should be benevolent like cows and offers examples of how cows provide various benefits to humanity through their milk, clarified butter, cow dung and other products. The male offspring of a cow, the ox, is used for plowing and other agricultural purposes, thus nurturing humans.

Q.2 What consequences are mentioned for those who consume cow meat?

The article states that those who consume cow meat incur heinous sin, and it likens such actions to that of a demon.

Q. 3 What is the significance of not seeking praise when performing acts of service?

It is suggested that individuals should not desire praise for their service and should instead focus on the purity of their actions, as seeking praise may lead to greater suffering.

Q.4 What is the significance of the term "naam" or mantra in this context?

The article encourages individuals to focus on reciting the Satguru Shabd, which is a true and complete spiritual mantra, leading to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Q.5 Who is referred to as the Speaker of the knowledge of the Gita Ji?

The Speaker of the knowledge of the Gita Ji is identified as Kaal Brahm, who spoke through the body of Shri Krishna ji. The article suggests that Kaal Brahm is mortal and part of the cycle of birth and death.

Q.6 Who is the Supreme God beyond Kaal Brahm?

The Supreme God beyond Kaal Brahm is Kabir Bandi Chhod Ji. The article asserts that Supreme God Kabir Ji is the Creator of the universe.

Q.7 What does the phrase "Koorm Kala Parkho Dharmdasa" mean, and how is it applied in the context of the article?

"Koorm Kala Parkho Dharmdasa" refers to a devotee's ability to remain discreet about their bhakti (spiritual practice) during difficult times and to resume it once circumstances improve. This concept is presented as a way to ensure progress in one's spiritual journey to attain salvation.

Q.8 How does the article describe the state of worshippers who attain the eternal abode of Supreme God Kabir Ji?

The article states that those who attain the eternal abode of Supreme God Kabir Ji experience immense bliss and find it invaluable, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the teachings of complete Guru and following the spiritual practice guided by him.


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Satbir Singh

I am a very benevolent person and always help those in need. I serve people by providing seva in the gurdwara and also give food to hungry individuals. I believe this is enough for me to attain salvation.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your engagement with our article. Salvation is a broader concept that encompasses various activities to be performed under the guidance of a complete Saint. Being benevolent is inherent to every human being and is a fundamental aspect of humanity. While helping and serving others is a noble endeavor, for salvation, it is essential to take initiation from a complete Saint and engage in the spiritual activities necessary to attain salvation. Therefore, we kindly suggest that you first gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge required for salvation by reading the book "Jeene Ki Rah" and listening to the discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Sakshi Sharma

I observed a person in my neighborhood who was exceptionally benevolent. Unfortunately, he passed away in an accident at the age of 50. He was not associated with any Guru, and he also consumed non-vegetarian food. Despite his kind nature, I don't believe his kindness helped him in any way.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your perspective on our article. While being benevolent is a commendable quality, it alone may not guarantee the blessings of God. To receive God's blessings and protect oneself from misfortunes in life, it is crucial to connect with the right Guru and follow their guidance. It is true that kind-hearted people do receive positive outcomes according to the laws of God. However, to extend one's life and alleviate suffering, it is essential to take initiation from a complete Guru. Additionally, a person who is not compassionate toward animals and consumes non-vegetarian food may not be considered entirely benevolent, as kindness should extend to all of God's creatures. We recommend that you read the book "Jeene Ki Rah" and listen to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to better understand the laws of God and the correct path to salvation.

 ← 53. Characteristics of a Hans (Devotee) | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living       55. It is Mandatory to Recite (Naam) Mantra After Initiation | Way of Living →