56. Das Muqami Rekhta | Way of Living

Das Muqami Rekhta (Way of Living)

I am writing some excerpt from Page 21: -

Bhaya aanand fand sab chhodiya pahuncha jahan Satyalok mera ||
{Hansni (pious souls in female form) Hans (pious souls in male form)}
Hansni Hans sab gaay bajaay ke saaji ke kalash mohe len aaye ||
Yugan yugan ke bichhude miley tum aay kae prem kari ang se ang laay ||
Purush darsh jab deenha hans ko tapat bahu janm ki tab nashaaye ||
Palit kar roop jab ek sa keenha maano tab bhaanu shodash (16) ugaaye ||
Pahup ke deep payush (nectar) bhojan karein shabd ki deh sab hans paai ||
Pushp ka sehra hans aur hansni Sachchidanand sir chhatr chhaay ||
Deepaen bahu damini damak bahu bhaanti ki jahan ghan shabd ko ghamod laayi ||
Lagey jahan barasne ghan ghor kae uthat tahan shabd dhuni ati sohaayi ||
Sunn sohaen hans-hansni yutth (pairs-groups) hvae ekahi noor ek rang raagae ||
Karat bihaar (stroll) man bhaavni mukti mein karm aur bhram sab door bhaage ||
Rank aur bhoop (king) koyi parakh aavae nahin karat kolahal bahut paagey ||
Kaam aur krodh madlobh abhimaan sab chhadi paakhand sat shabd laagey ||
Purush ke badan (body) kaun mahima kahun jagat mein upma kachhu naahin paayi ||
Chand aur soor (sun) gan jyoti laagae nahin ek hi nakh (nail) prakash bhaai ||
Parvana jin naad vansh ka paaiya pahunchiya Purush ke lok jaayi ||
Kah Kabir yahi bhaanti so paaiho Satya Purush ki raah so prakat gaayi ||

            Meaning: - It is clear in this nectar-speech that when Supreme God Kabir Ji in Satguru form took Dharmdas ji from Earth to Satyalok, on the way 9 places came e.g. Naasoot, Malkoot, these are Farsi words. Beyond these seven skies, beyond the places of Achint, Vishnu etc when he reached Satyalok, then Dharmdas ji is saying that Hans (males) and Hansni (females) of Satyalok while singing and dancing and playing musical instruments like drum etc came to respectfully receive me with females carrying pitcher on their heads. The brightness of their body was equivalent to the light of sixteen suns. Even the brightness of my body became equivalent to the light of sixteen suns like them.

A hans, who goes from Earth after attaining salvation, is taken to Puhap Dweep. There are all comforts there. It is a part of Satyalok. So, first of all, the soul who has gone from below after attaining salvation is kept in Puhap Dweep. Its scene is being depicted. From here, the soul is born in a family in other places. After this, there is description of that place where males and females reproduce to form a family; where groups of pairs of males and females sit and chat happily. The clouds rumble and it rains. This is a separate place where the residents of Satlok go for picnic. There are some places where no clouds are visible but it rains.

What should a worshipper do after taking initiation?

Its information is also given in Holy Kabir Sagar Chapter “Dharm Bodh”.

Please read the summary of Chapter “Dharm Bodh”: -

In Kabir Sagar, the 33rd Chapter “Dharm Bodh” is on Page 177 (1521). In this Chapter, Supreme God Kabir Ji has given special knowledge about doing (dharm) meritorious deeds. He has also clarified that in the true sect of Supreme God Kabir, Sandhya is performed three times a day. The meaning of Sandhya is ‘union of two times’. One Sandhya is in the morning when there is union of night and morning. The night departs and the morning commences. The second Sandhya is at twelve o’clock in the middle of the day. At that time, the afternoon of the ascending phase of the day ends and the descending phase of the day begins. This midday is the Sandhya of the day. The third Sandhya is in the evening. At that time, there is union of the day and night. Generally, laymen call the evening as Sandhya. The meaning of Sandhya is also “To pray to God”.

There is evidence in the Vedas that the Saviour of the world will himself do and make others do three times of Sandhya (prayer of God). He advises to do prayer of the Complete God in the morning and evening, and prayer of all the gods of the world in the afternoon. Evidence is in Rigved Mandal no. 8 Sukt 1 Mantra 29 and Yajurved Chapter 19 Mantra 26.

This same evidence is also given in Kabir Sagar, Chapter ‘Dharm Bodh’ on Page 177.

Saanjh sakaar madhyaahan sandhya teeno kaal |
Dharm karm tatpar sadaa keejae surati sambhaal ||

Meaning: - Devotees should do Sandhya (prayer) of all the three (kaal) times. While ding Sandhya (prayer) in the (saanjh) evening, in the (sakaar) morning and in the (madhyaahan) afternoon (middle of the day), one’s (surati) concentration should be on the vaani (speech) being recited in the prayer, and one should always be ready to do a meritorious task. One should not show laziness.

‘Dharm Bodh’ on Page 178 (1522):

Kabir kotin kantak gheri jyon nitya kriya nij keenh |
Sumiran bhajan ekaant mein man chanchal gah leen ||

        Meaning: - Even if a devotee faces crores of handships, one should certainly do one’s daily activity (the Sandhya/prayer of the three times), and restraining the unsteady mind, one should recite the mantra of God received in initiation in solitude.

Kabir bhakton aru Guru ki sewa kar shraddha prem sahit |
Param Prabhu (Satya Purush) dhyaavahi kari atishay man preet ||

            Meaning: - One should always serve one’s Gurudev and the devotees who have come to Satsang or to one’s house with respect. One should do service with devotion and love. Do the Bhakti of the Supreme God i.e. Param Akshar Purush with immense love.

FAQs about "Das Muqami Rekhta"

Q.1 What is Puhap Dweep, and how does it relate to Satyalok?

Puhap Dweep is described as a place of comfort and a part of Satyalok. It is where the souls that have attained salvation are initially placed before being born into families in other locations. This explanation provides insight into the journey of souls from Earth to Satlok.

Q.2 How are residents of Satyalok described?

The residents of Satyalok, known as Hans (males) and Hansni (females), are depicted as welcoming the souls from Earth with singing, dancing, and musical instruments upon their arrival. The brightness of their bodies is equivalent to the light of sixteen suns, and the souls also acquire this radiance.

Q. 3 What is the meaning of Sandhya, and how many times should it be performed?

Sandhya refers to the union of two times. It should be performed three times a day, which includes morning (the union of night and morning), midday (the union of the ascending and descending phases of the day), and evening (the union of the day and night). Sandhya is a form of prayer to God. The importance of performing Sandhya three times a day is supported by evidence in the Vedas, such as Rigved Mandal no. 8 Sukt 1 Mantra 29 and Yajurved Chapter 19 Mantra 26. This evidence is also mentioned in Kabir Sagar, Chapter 'Dharm Bodh.'

Q.4 What does the verse "Saanjh sakaar madhyaahan sandhya teeno kaal" mean?

This verse suggests that devotees should perform Sandhya (prayer) during all three times of the day - morning, afternoon, and evening. During these prayers, one should concentrate on the recitation and maintain readiness for meritorious deeds, avoiding laziness.

Q.5 How should devotees handle their daily activities and distractions while following their spiritual path?

In Satyalok, devotees have a beautiful, immortal body, a large residential palace, an aircraft at their disposal, and supernatural powers. They can manifest their desires through the power of their words.

Q.6 What is the importance of serving Gurudev and fellow devotees in one's spiritual journey

Serving Gurudev (spiritual saint) and fellow devotees with respect, devotion, and love is essential in one's spiritual journey. This service fosters humbleness and keeps connected to the teachings of Supreme God Kabir Ji through Gurudev's guidance and promotes the way to salvation.


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Parul Vashisth

I am a steadfast devotee of Lord Vishnu, and I've heard that there is no Supreme God greater than Vishnu, and we attain the fourth Mukti (ultimate liberation) by worshipping Him. I observe fasts for Lord Vishnu and engage in various religious activities dedicated to Him, firmly believing that this will lead me to heaven. Am I going on the right path in spirituality?

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your interest in our article. In Chapter 18, Verse 62 of the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji, the speaker (Brahm Kaal) directs Arjuna to seek refuge in the Supreme God who can grant ultimate peace. Even according to folklore if this knowledge is imparted by Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, He is guiding towards a Supreme God beyond Himself. To attain emancipation, it is essential to receive initiation from a complete Sant (enlightened spiritual leader) who tells the prescribed worship mentioned in holy scriptures. Acts such as fasting, a visit to pilgrimage or like not outlined in the scriptures will not yield the desired results. We recommend that you first understand the holy scriptures, teachings by listening to spiritual discourses by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and read the book "Jeene Ki Rah."

Sheela Singh

As mentioned in the article, I used to pray to Goddess Durga twice a day, and after reading this article, I've started praying to her three times a day. I am now confident that I will achieve salvation. Is this way of worship appropriate in attaining eternal world? Kindly advice.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we value your commitment to prayer. Indeed, to attain salvation, it is important to pray three times a day. However, this alone may not suffice. To achieve salvation, it is imperative to receive initiation from a complete Guru and chant the prescribed Mantra of God, in addition to the three daily prayers. It's also essential to note that Devi Durga is not considered the Supreme God. In the Devi Puran, she guides worshippers towards the worship of Brahm/Kaal, and Brahm/Kaal directs worshippers towards the worship of the Supreme God, Kabir, as mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji. We kindly recommend that you first listen to the spiritual teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj before embarking on your spiritual journey. You may also find enlightenment by reading the book "Jeene Ki Rah."

 ← 55. It is Mandatory to Recite (Naam) Mantra After Initiation | Way of Living       57. A Devotee Should be ‘Jati and Sati’ (Chaste) | Way of Living →