It is beneficial to do bhakti after taking intiation from Guru ji. By doing bhakti without acquiring a Guru, one does not get any benefit.
Example: -
A king’s queen was very religious. She had taken Guru-Diksha (initiation) from Supreme God Kabir Ji. She used to go daily to obtain a sight of the Guru. The king did not use to like it, but he was not able to stop his wife from going there. The reason was, firstly she was daughter of a very powerful king, and secondly, he wanted to see his wife happy.
One day, the king said to his wife, “If you do not get annoyed, shall I say something?” The queen said, “Please say.” The king said, “You go to your Guru. Bhakti can be done even without a guru.” The queen said, “Guru ji has told that doing bhakti without a guru is useless.” The king said, “I will go along with you tomorrow and meet your Guru ji. I will clarify this thing with him.”
The king asked a question from the saint, “You are befooling the people that bhakti is not possible without a Guru. Why is bhakti not successful? Naam-mantras have to be chanted. People can ask one-another and chant them. That is sufficient.” The saint said, “King! You have some substance in your statement. I will come to your royal court. I will give its answer there.” On the scheduled day, the saint went to the king’s court. The king was sitting on the throne. Soldiers were standing nearby him. A separate chair was kept for the saint to sit in. As soon as the saint went there, pointing towards the king, he said to the soldiers standing nearby, “Arrest him.” The soldiers did not budge at all. The saint repeated this sentence, order ‘Arrest him’ three times, but the soldiers did not arrest the king.
The king got angry with the saint that – ‘This accursed man was misguiding my wife so that he can acquire my kingdom.’ The king said once, “Soldiers, arrest him.’ The king was pointing towards the saint. Immediately, the soldiers arrested the saint.
The saint said, “O King! After inviting a saint to your house, you are disrespecting him. This is not good.” The king said, “What nonsense were you just saying? You were giving order to get me arrested.” The saint said, “I was giving the answer to that question of yours that why is it beneficial to do bhakti after taking initiation from a Guru? If you get me released, then I will answer your question.” The king said to the soldiers, “Release him.” The soldiers released the saint. The saint said, “O King! I had also uttered the same sentence, “Arrest him.” The soldiers did not budge. You had also spoken the same sentence, and immediately the soldiers arrested me. Your word has the power of rule. My word has the spiritual power. If you will ask someone to do bhakti of the same naam-mantra, then that mantra will not function. If I will ask to chant the same mantra, it will instantly become effective. Therefore, immediately after taking intiation from a Complete Saint, a spiritual process starts in a worshipper. Bhakti germinates in his/her soul. It has been stated in Sukshm Ved: -
Satguru pashu maanush kari daarae, siddhi dey kar Brahm bichaarein ||
Meaning: - First, Satguru by making a person repeatedly listen to Satsang makes him/her a virtuous person, and makes one quit all the vices. Then by entering the power of his bhakti into the disciple through word, he strengthens the thoughts of worshipping God in the disciple, by which the devotee’s interest in bhakti escalates day-by-day. Then that person becomes a demi-god. Kabir Ji has said that: -
Kabir, balihari Guru aapna, ghadi ghadi sau-sau baar |
Maanush se devta kiya, karat na laayi baar ||
Therefore, He has said that: -
Kabir, guru bin mala ferte, guru bin dete daan |
Guru bin dono nishfal hain, chaahey poochho Ved Puran ||
Yog, Yagya, Tap, Daan karaavae, Guru vimukh fal kabhi nahin paavae ||
Meaning: - If without acquiring a Guru, one tells rosary beads for reciting mantra and gives donation, then both of these are futile. This evidence is also in the Vedas and the Purans. Then the meaning of the last quatrain is that if after taking initiation, one relinquishes the guru, but still keeps chanting the same mantras and also keeps performing Yagya (religious rituals), Hawan (lighting lamp), charity, then that is also useless. That person will not get any benefit.
Kabir, taatein Satguru sharna leejae, kapat bhaav sab door kareejae |
Other evidence: -
Kabir, garbhyogeshwar guru bina, kartey Hari ki sev |
Kahaen Kabir baikunth se, fer diya Sukhdev ||
Raja Janak guru kiya, fir kinhi Har ki sev |
Kahaen Kabir Baikunth mein, chaley gaye Sukhdev ||
Meaning: - Sage Vedvyas ji’s son, Sukhdev, used to fly and go to Heaven with the power of his previous birth. One day, he was about to enter into the heaven built in Shri Vishnu ji’s Lok. The staff present there on the entrance of Heaven asked Sage Sukhdev, “Sage, please tell us the name of your revered Guru ji.” Sukhdev ji said, “What is the need of a Guru? Others have come here after acquiring a guru, but I myself have so much power that I have come without a guru.” The gatekeepers told him, “Sage, this is the power of your bhakti accumulated in the previous birth. If you will not do bhakti again by acquiring a guru, then the previous bhakti will only last a few days. Your human life will get destroyed.”
For example: - Currently, the battery of the inverter has been charged by connecting with a charger. If the charger is removed, still the inverter will continue to perform its task because the power has accumulated in it. After some time, it stops performing all the tasks; neither the tube will glow, nor the fan will function. It is imperative to recharge it. A charger is needed for that. Consider the guru to be the charger, and God to be the electricity.
Sage Sukhdev had ego of his (siddhi) supernatural power. He did not agree. The matter went to God Vishnu ji. Shri Vishnu ji also said the same thing that – ‘Sage, first acquire a guru, then come here.’ Sukhdev ji said, “God, there is no one equivalent to me on earth, neither is there any worthy guru. You may please tell me whom shall I make my guru?” Shri Vishnu ji told that – ‘You may make King Janak your guru.’ On saying this, Shri Vishnu ji went inside his palace. Sage Sukhdev returned on earth. After taking initiation from King Janak, he chanted the mantras of bhakti given by him, and then Sage Sukhdev was allowed to reside in heaven. Therefore, success is possible only by doing bhakti after acquiring a guru. To do bhakti, charity etc without acquiring a guru is futile.
The Guru should be complete. No benefit is obtained from a fake guru.
Answer: - The characteristics of a Guru have been mentioned in Sukhmved: -
Garib, Satguru ke lakshan kahun, madhurey baen vinod |
Chaar ved chhH shaastra, kah athaarah bodh ||
Supreme God Kabir Ji had met Sant Garibdas ji (Village-Chhudani, District-Jhajjar, Haryana). He had taken his soul above to His Satyalok (Eternal Supreme Abode). After showing him all the higher loks, He had left him back on earth. He had imparted the complete spiritual knowledge to him. Supreme God Kabir Ji had (enlightened him) opened his Gyan Yog. Based on that, Sant Garibdas ji has told the indentity of a Guru that the true guru i.e. Satguru imparts such a knowledge that his words please the soul; they seem to be very melodious because they are based on truth. The reason is that the Satguru explains explicitly the knowledge of the four Vedas and all the holy scriptures.
Supreme God Kabir Ji has given the same evidence in Sukshmved, Kabir Sagar, Chapter “Jeev Dharm Bodh” on Page 1960: -
Guru ke lakshan chaar bakhana, pratham ved shastra ko gyana ||
Doojey Hari bhakti man karm baani, teesrey samdrishti kar jaani ||
Chauthey ved vidhi sab karma, yeh chaar Guru gun jano marma |
Translation: - Supreme God Kabir Ji has stated that a true guru has four main characteristics:-
In the Vedas (four Vedas - Rigved, Yajurved, Samved, and Atharvaved) there is only one mantra ‘Om’ for recitation.
Evidence = Yajurved Chapter 40 in Mantra 15 and 17
It has been stated in Mantra 15 that chant the ‘Om’ naam (mantra) while doing work, chant it with a special yearning, and chant considering it to be the prime duty of human life. By chanting ‘Om’ mantra unto death, one will attain as much eternity as is obtained by the chanting of ‘Om’ mantra. (Yajurved 40/15)
In Yajurved Chapter 40 Mantra 17, the giver of the knowledge of Ved is Brahm alone. He has stated that – He who is Complete God is hidden (unmanifested). He does not appear before everyone. (His information has been given in Yajurved Chapter 40 Mantra 10 that only Tatvdarshi Saints know his true knowledge. Hear from them.) Then in Yajurved Chapter 40 Mantra 17, he has further stated that (Aham Kham Brahm) I am Brahm. My naam (mantra) is ‘Om’. I reside above in the divine sky-like Brahm Lok. (Yajurved 40/17)
This same evidence is in Shri Devi Mahapuran: - (Published from Gita Press Gorakhpur, Sachitra Mota Type Only Hindi) Seventh Skand, on Page 562-563 – Shri Goddess has told King Himalaya that – “King! If you want your welfare, then abandon everything along with my bhakti. Only chant one ‘Om’ mantra. Have the goal of attaining Brahm. You will attain Brahm by this. That Brahm resides in the Brahmlok-like divine sky.” This clarifies that in the Vedas, there is only one mantra ‘Om’ for chanting. Shrimad Bhagavat Gita which is a summary of the Vedas, it has been stated in it in Chapter 8 Verse 13 that: -
Om iti ekaasksharam Brahm vyavahaaran maam anusmaran |
YaH pryaati tyajan deham saH yaati parmaam gatim ||
Translation: - The Giver of the knowledge of Gita, Brahm, has said that – Only ‘Om’ this one word is for me, Brahm. A worshipper who while chanting it, abandons his body, he after death attains the supreme salvation obtained by the recitation of ‘Om’ mantra, that is, he goes to Brahm Lok.
There is no mantra other than ‘Om’ for the worship of Brahm in Shrimadbhagavat Gita and the Vedas.
It has been proved that the recitation of ‘Om’ mantra is certified in the scriptures.
The Giver of the knowledge of Gita has clarified that – Arjun! You and I have had several births, and will also have in future. The sages and the gods do not know about my origin. (Gita Chapter/Verse – 2/12, 4/5, 10/2)
This proves that the Giver of the knowledge of Gita is mortal, and he takes birth and dies. His worshippers will also remain in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, it has been stated in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that the worshippers who have gone to Brahm Lok also remain in rebirth. Therefore, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has said in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62 that – O Bharat! You may go in the refuge of that Supreme God in every respect. Only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace and the eternal supreme abode i.e. Satyalok.
Then in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has stated that after gaining Tatvgyan from Tatvdarshi Saint and performing worship according to his instruction, one should search for that supreme state/place of that Supreme God, having gone where, the worshippers do not return to the world. Only worship that Supreme God.
In Gita Chapter 7 Verse 29, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has stated:
Jaraa maran mokshaay maam aashritya yatanti ye |
Te Tat Brahm viduH kritsnam adhyatm karm ch akhilam ||
Meaning: - The Giver of the knowledge of Gita has said that – Those, who gain Tatvgyan from the Tatvdarshi saints based on the knowledge given by me, that is, as advised by me, who strive to become free from the suffering of old age and death, who do not wish for any valuable object of the world in return for their bhakti, they (Tat Brahm ViduH) know that Brahm, the entire spirituality and all the actions.
Arjun asked in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 1 that – What is ‘Tat Brahm’? The Giver of the knowledge of Gita has given its answer in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 3. He has said that – He is ‘Param Akshar Brahm’.
In Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5 and 7, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita is asking to do his bhakti and has assured that – By doing my bhakti, you will attain me. By doing my bhakti, the cycle of birth and death will continue. You will have to fight too. You cannot attain supreme peace.
Then immediately in Gita Chapter 8 Verses 8, 9, 10, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has stated that – He who worships ‘Tat Brahm’ i.e. ‘Param Akshar Brahm’ attains that Sachidanand Ghan Brahm, that is, he will attain the divine Supreme God other than me.
Similarly, the magnificence of Param Akshar Brahm has been described in Gita Chpater 15 Verse 17. In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16, two gods have been mentioned. One is Kshar Purush. He is the Giver of the knowledge of Gita who owns an area of 21 brahmands. He is Brahm, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita.
The second has been said to be Akshar Purush, who owns an area of 7 Sankh Brahmands. Both of these have been said to be mortal. All the living beings in their loks (worlds) have also been said to be mortal.
It has been stated in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17 that: -
Uttam PurushH tu anyaH Parmatma iti udaahrtH |
YaH lok trayam aavishya vibharti avyayH IshwarH ||
Translation: - Uttam Purush = Purushottam i.e. Param Akshar Brahm is someone other than the above mentioned Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush who is called Paramatma, who by entering into the three loks {one lok of 21 brahmands of Kshar Purush, second lok of 7 sankh brahmands of Akshar Purush, and the third lok formed by the higher four loks (Satyalok, Alakh Lok, Agam Lok, and Anami Lok) – the three loks formed in this way} nurtures everyone; He actually is the Immortal God.
In Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23, the mantras of attaining this Param Akshar Brahm have been mentioned:
Om Tat Sat iti nirdeshH BrahmnH trividhH smritH |
BrahmnaH ten vedaH yagyaH ch vihita pura ||
BrahmnH = Sachidanand Ghan Brahm i.e. Param Akshar Brahm. The mantras of the bhakti of Param Akshar Brahm, that is, the mantras for attaining that supreme state/place of the Supreme God have been mentioned. Having gone where, worshippers never return to the world. They attain supreme peace there. It is the Eternal Supreme Abode (Sanatan Param Dhaam).
Om = is the mantra of “Brahm” i.e. “Kshar Purush”, who is visible.
Tat = this is the recitation-mantra of “Akshar Purush”. This mantra is indicative. The actual mantra has been mentioned in Sukshm Ved. This mantra is revealed to the initiate at the time of the initiation. It is not disclosed to anyone else.
Sat = this is the mantra of “Param Akshar Brahm”. This is also indicative. It is told to the initiate at the time of the initiation. The actual mantra is written in Sukshm Ved. This very evidence is also in Samved Mantra no. 822 that the Complete God is attained by the recitation of three naams (mantras).
Mantra no. 822 Samved Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand no. 5 Shlok no. 8 (Translated by Sant Rampal Das):
ManeeshibhiH pavte poorvyaH KavirnrbhiyatH pari koshaaM asishyadat |
Tritasya naam janayanmadhu ksharannindrasya vaayuM sakhyaay vardhayan ||8||
ManeeshibhiH – pavte – poorvyaH – Kavir – nrbhiH – yatH – pari – koshaan – asishyadat – tri – tasya – naam – janayan – madhu – ksharanH – na – indrasya – vaayum – sakhyaay – vardhyan
Translation: (PoorvyaH) Eternal i.e. the First to appear (Kavir nrbhiH) Supreme God Kabir, by acquiring a human form i.e. by appearing as a Guru (maneeshibhiH) wise devotee (tri) three (naam) giving mantra i.e. initiation (pavte) by freeing from sins i.e. by purifying (janayan) birth and (ksharanH) from death (na) makes free from and (tasya) his (vaayum) the life-breaths that are put in definite numbers according to destiny (koshaan) from His treasure/store (sakhyaay) on the basis of friendship (pari) completely (vardhayan’) increases (yatH) as a result of which (Indrasya) of Supreme God (madhu) the real happiness (asishyadat) makes him attain by His blessings.
Translation: The first to appear i.e. Eternal Supreme God Kabir by assuming a human form, that is, by appearing as a Guru, by giving three mantras, that is, initiation to wise devotee, by freeing him from sins, that is, purifying him, releases him from birth and death, and completely increases his countable life-breaths, that have been put according to the destiny, from His treasure on the basis of friendship. As a result of which, He makes him attain the real happiness of the Supreme God by His blessings.
Meaning: It has been clarified in this Mantra that Complete God Kavir i.e. Kabir manifesting in the form of a Guru in human body, by giving jaap of three naams (mantras) to a God-loving soul, makes him do true bhakti, and by purifying that devotee-friend, by His blessings, telling the true path of attainment of the Complete God i.e. of Himself, makes him attain complete happiness. He increases the age of the worshipper. This same evidence is in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 that “Om-Tat-Sat iti nirdeshH BrhmnH trividhH smritH”. The meaning is that there is direction of recitation of Om (1) Tat (2) Sat (3) this mantra for attaining the Complete God. Obtain this naam from a Tatvdarshi Saint. There is mention of a Tatvdarshi Saint in Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34, and in Gita Chapter 15 Verses 1 to 4, the identity of a Tatvdarshi Saint has been given, and it has been stated that after knowing the Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) from a Tatvdarshi Saint, one should search for that Supreme State/place of the Supreme God. Having gone where, devotees do not return to the world i.e. they become completely liberated. The world has been created by that same Complete God.
Important: It has become clear from the above-mentioned description that even the four Holy Vedas are testifying that only the Complete God is worthy of being worshipped. His real name is KavirDev (Kabir God), and complete salvation is only attained by the recitation of the three mantras.
There is evidence in Shrimadbhagavat Gita, which is the summary of the four Vedas, that by these three mantras, that place is attained, after going where, worshippers never return to the world. It is the Eternal Supreme Abode. One attains supreme peace after going there.
This invaluable mantra of the three naams is unclear i.e. indicative in the Vedas and the Gita. Therefore, that Place and God cannot be attained by doing sadhna according to the four Vedas and the Gita. Therefore, in Gita Chapter 4 Verses 32 and 34, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has clarified that (BrahmnH Mukhe) Sachidanand Ghan Brahm i.e. Param Akshar Brahm imaprts the true knowledge of the yagyas i.e. religious rituals by uttering from His lotus mouth. It is called the speech of the Sachidanand Ghan Brahm. It is also called Tatvgyan and Sukhm Ved. After knowing it, one becomes free from all the sins. All the mantras and the method of bhakti have been described in it. (Gita Chapter 4 Verse 32)
Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34 = Understand that Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) by going to the Tatvdarshi Saints. By prostrating before them, asking question politely without deceit, those Knowledgeable Mahatmas, who are well-versed with the essence of God, will instruct you in Tatvgyan. (Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34)
Gentlemen! That Tatvdarshi Saint is this Das (Sant Rampal Das). That Tatvgyan is available with me. At present, it is not available with anyone except me. The human population of the world is approximately 7 billion. Among these billions of human beings, there is no one who knows this knowledge.
In Gita Chapter 7 from Verse 12 to 15, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has stated that – those who worship the three gunas (Rajgun Brahma ji, Satgun Vishnu ji and Tamgun Shiv ji) have 1. demoniac nature, are 2. lowest among men, 3. evil-doers, 4. fools, who do not even worship me.
Then the Giver of the knowledge of Gita in Gita Chapter 7 Verses 16 to 18 has described the state of those who worship him that – Four types of people (1. Aart, 2. Artharthi, 3. Jigyasu, 4. Gyani) worship me. Only the ‘Gyani’ worshipper is the best amongst these, but even he, because of not having Tatvgyan, remains fixed on my i.e. Brahm’s anuttam i.e. bad salvation.
In Gita Chapter 7 Verse 19, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has stated that – Even my worship is rarely done by a (Gyani) knowledgeable soul in the last birth after several births. Otherwise, people remain engrossed in other religious practices only. Such a Mahatma is very rare who tells that only the Vasudev i.e. Sarvgatam Brahm is everything. Only by His bhakti, supreme peace is attained. Only by His bhakti, the Eternal Supreme Abode is attained. Only by His bhakti, that supreme state/place is attained; having gone where, worshippers never return to the world. That Param Akshar Brahm is the Creator of all. He alone is the root of the world-like tree who by entering into the three Loks (worlds) nurtures everyone. He only is the destroyer of sins. He only is the giver of complete salvation. One should only worship Him.
Dear Readers! Currently, that Tatvdarshi Saint is this Das (Sant Rampal Das). I have the knowledge of all the Vedas and Holy Books. I have all the mantras of the bhakti of Vasudev God.
In the spiritual path, having a Guru is essential. According to Suksham Vedas, the Guru serves as a spiritual guide, initiating disciples into the path of devotion. Only by receiving initiation (Diksha) from a Complete Guru does one's devotion (bhakti) become fruitful. The Guru imparts knowledge and mantras that empower spiritual practices and guide individuals towards supreme peace and the Eternal Supreme Abode.
The identification of a Complete Guru, as per our Holy scriptures, involves specific characteristics: -
According to our holy scriptures like Gita Ji Chapter 17 Verse 23, the chanting of three essential mantras is essential for salvation: -
These mantras, when received through initiation from a Tatvdarshi Saint (a Saint who imparts true spiritual knowledge), lead the devotee towards the attainment of supreme peace and the Eternal Supreme Abode, i.e., complete salvation.
Our holy scriptures stress the significance of acquiring spiritual knowledge from a Tatvdarshi Saint to understand the true path of devotion and attain complete salvation. This knowledge, imparted by a Tatvdarshi Saint, enlightens individuals about the essence of God and the correct method of worship, ensuring liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
According to our Holy scriptures, the worship of various deities such as Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv Ji is considered incomplete. It is suggested that only the worship of the Param Akshar Brahm (Sarvgatam Brahm) leads to supreme peace and the attainment of the Eternal Supreme Abode.
Sukshm Veda is regarded as a profound source of spiritual knowledge provided by Almighty God Kabir Ji which is the ultimate guide for understanding the significance of mantras, the nature of the Complete God, and the true path to complete salvation. It contains essential teachings necessary for the liberation of the soul.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Ritika Kumari
After reading this, I've come to know about the true Guru and his identification, but I'm worshiping according to my own perspective and faith, and I am benefiting from it. My whole family is following the same path, and I'm following in their footsteps. It's not possible for me to turn to this path.
Satlok Ashram
Dear Reader! Thank you for showing your interest in this Article. As you mentioned that you are engaging in worship practices according to your own perspective and faith, and you are following your family's guidance. Now, let me tell you the truth: the benefits you are experiencing are a result of your good deeds from previous lives, which are benefiting you in this birth. However, when all your good deeds are exhausted, you will have to face suffering because this is the harsh reality of this world. Just like we charge our phones, they work until they are charged. Similarly, we function based on our past deeds. So, please consider listening to the Satsang of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj; it will clear your doubts. Thank you.