48. Summary of Anurag Sagar | Way of Living

Summary of Anurag Sagar (Way of Living)

Summary of Anurag Sagar Page 3 to 5

From Page 3: - Dharmdas ji questioned Supreme God Kabir ji: -

            Question: - God! After taking initiation, what kind of belief should one have in God?

            Answer: - Supreme God Kabir ji said that just as a deer gets attracted to sound (Shabd), similarly, a worshipper should engross oneself in God.

A person who catches deer produces a special sound from an instrument that the deer is extremely fond of. When that sound is played, the deer walks towards it, and sitting in front of the hunter who is playing the sound, puts his head down on the ground in submission. He sacrifices his life. Likewise, a disciple should be surrendered to God. One should sacrifice one’s life.

Second example: -

A moth likes light a lot. To obtain its dear object, by getting attracted to a lamp, candle or a hot source of light of electricity, it falls over it with the aim of getting it and succumbs. Similarly, a devotee should sacrifice one’s life for attainment of God. One faces hardships in relinquishing the customary religious practices of the society and other scripture-opposed traditions and in following the true way of worship. One should face them, no matter what sacrifice one has to give. One should not retreat.

Third example: -

In olden days, if a husband used to die before a wife, then the wife used to love her husband so much that she used to die along with her deceased husband by getting burnt on the same pyre. At that time, the members of the family and the clan used to advise her that you have small children. Who will look after them without you? Paternal uncles do not raise anyone’s children. Until parents are alive, the people of the family do the formality of showing love. In reality, love is only among one’s own family members. Look at your small children. The children are crying in the separation of the father. They hold the border of the garment of their mother and try to stop her. That woman is also shown her gold ornaments – “Look, what will happen to these? How beautiful and precious jewellery it is! Stay with your children.” But that woman out of love used to get burnt on the same pyre and die. She did not use to withdraw her steps. Earlier, women used to become Sati like this. There used to be only one or two of such women. Later on, this custom took the shape of the honour of the family. After the death of the husband, a wife was forcefully burnt on the same pyre, which gave rise to the Sati Practice. Later, it was abolished after a lot of struggle.

The gist of this story is that a wife burns alive in the pain of separation from her husband. She gets burnt on the pyre while reciting Ram-Ram.

Jagat mein jeevan din-chaar ka, koyi sadaa nahin rahey |
Yeh vichaar pati sang chaali koyi kuchh kahae ||

            O Dharmdas! A devotee should have a similar viewpoint.

Aise hi jo Satpurush lau laavae | kul parivaar sab bisraavae || 1
Naari sut ka moh na aane | jagat ru jeevan swapan kar jaanae ||2
Jag mein jeevan thoda bhai | ant samay koyi nahin sahaayi ||3
Bahut pyaari naari jag maahi | maat-pita ja ke sam naahin ||4
Tehi kaaran nar sheesh jo dehi | ant samay so nahin sang dehi ||5
Chaahe koyi jalae pati ke sangaa | fir dono banae keet patanga ||6
Fir pashu-pakshi janm paavae | bin Satguru duHkh kaun mitaavae ||7
Aisi naari bahuteri bhaai | pati marae tab rudhan machaayi ||8
Kaam purti ki haani vichaarae | din terah aise pukaarae ||9
Nij swarth ko rodan karahi | turant hi khasam doosro karahi ||10
Sut parijan dhan swapan snehi | Satyanaam gahu nij mati ehi ||11
Swa tan sam priya aur na aana | so bhi sang nahin chalat nidaana ||12
Aisa koyi na dikh bhai | ant samay mein hoye sahaayi ||13
Aadi ant ka sakhaa bhulaya | jhoothe jag naaton mein firae umaahya ||14
Ant samya jam doot gala dabaavae | ta samay kaho kaun chhudaavae ||15
Satguru hai ek chhudavan haara | nishchay kar maanahu kahaa hamara ||16
Kaal ko jeet hans le jaahi | avichal desh jahan Purush rahaahi ||17
Jahan jaay sukh hoye apaara | bahur na aavae is sansara ||18
Aisa drid mataa karaahi | jaise soora let ladaayi ||19
Took-took ho marae ran ke maahi | pootha kadam kabahu hataavae naahi ||20
Jaise sati pati sang jarahi |aisa drid nishchay jo karahi ||21
Saheb milae jag keerti hoyi | vishwas kar dekho koyi ||22
Ham hain raah bataavan hara | maanae bachan bhav utrae para ||23
Chhal kapat ham nahin karaahi | niswaarth parmaarth karaen bhaai ||24
Jeev ek jo sharan Purush ki jaavae | pracharak ko ghanaa punya paavae ||25
Koti dhenu jo katat bachaayi | eta dharm milae pracharak taahin ||26
Laavae Guru sharan deeksha dilaavae | aapa na thaapae sab kuchh Guru ko batavae ||27
Jo koyi pracharak Guru bani baithe | Parmatma roothe Kaal kaan aithae ||28
Laakh athaais jhoothe guru rovaen | padey narak mein na sukh sovaen ||29
Ab kahey hain bhool bhayi bhaari | he Satguru sudh levo hamaari ||30
Boye babool aam kahaan khaayi | koti jeevan ko narak pathaayi ||31
Aisi galti na karahun sujana | satya vachan maano pramaana ||32

            The meaning of the above-mentioned speeches is that: -

            When a boy becomes young, then he gets married. After his marriage, he develops more attachment to his wife than his parents. Then he develops affection to his children. If a husband dies, then the wife does not go with him. After some time, that is, after the ritual on the thirteeth day of the death, she gets engaged and married to the younger or elder brother of her husband. She completely forgets her husband. If a woman gets burnt alive with her husband, then in the next birth they both are wandering in the lives of animals or birds.

            A wife for whom a man even gets himself beheaded; if someone looks at someone’s wife with an evil intention, and does not listen even when forbidden, then the husband fights and dies for his wife. Then the same wife after the death of her husband unites with another man. This might be the need of the hour, but it is a strong lesson for a devotee.

            Likewise, if someone’s wife dies, then he brings another wife after some time. A wife abandons her home, brother-sister, and mother-father for her husband. After the death of the wife, the husband cries out of selfishness.  But when other people ask him to remarry, then forgetting everything, he becomes ready to remarry.  

            The purport is that all the relationships are based on selfishness. Therefore, by doing bhakti, come to that Satyalok where there is no old age and death.

            Further, a warning has been given that – O devotee! A human being does not hold anything dearer than his/her body. For the protection of one’s body, one spends lakhs of rupees on medical treatment thinking that if my body will be saved then I will work hard and earn the money again. If one does not have any money, then one sells one’s property with the same viewpoint and saves one’s body. Supreme God Kabir ji has explained that – O Dharmdas!

Swa tanu sam priya aur na aana | so bhi sang na chalat nidaana ||

            There is nothing dearer than one’s body, but even that body does not go with you. Then considering which other object as yours, you are feeling elated and have forgotten God. The entire wealth and relatives are with you like a dream. Supreme God Kabir ji has stated that – “In my opinion, by taking Satyanaam (mantra of true worship) from a Complete Saint, get the welfare of your soul done. And until you are in this dream (world), till then while watching this dream go in the refuge of a Complete Saint and by taking True Mantra (Satyanaam) attain salvation. All the living beings are travelling in this train of life. The compartment in which you are sitting is your city. The berth on which you are sitting is your family. Whoever’s journey will come to an end, they will disembark at their respective station. Similar is the state of this world. Like, the travellers know that they are companions for a short period of time. Civilised people live happily in that journey. They assist each other. Likewise, we have to spend the human life of our dream. When we will wake up from the dream, that is, when we will abandon our body, then we will find out what it was. Where is that family and the wealth accumulating which we wasted our invaluable life. There is no one in the world other than God who can help you when at the time of death the messengers of Yam will throttle you. Supreme God only helps that person who has taken initiation from a Complete Saint. Supreme God helps the disciple in the form of that Satguru. Therefore, after coming in the refuge of the Satguru, a knowledgeable worshipper should develop so much interest in the Supreme God as is developed by a 1. Deer 2. Moth 3. Sati and a 4. Warrior. They do not retreat from their goal. Warriors consider it to be better to drop to the floor by being cut into pieces. They never withdraw their steps. It has been mentioned in the Purans and Shrimadbhagavat Gita Chapter 2 Verse 38 that – Arjun! If a soldier is killed in the war, then he attains the bliss of heaven. If a devotee while struggling on the path of bhakti does bhakti and leaves his/her body, then he/she becomes happy forever in the ocean of bliss of Satlok. The crisis of birth and death terminates forever. Like, we were born on earth. We did not know in whose house we will be born as a son or daughter. Then we did not know whom we will marry. We did not even know whether we will have a son or a daughter. All this kept happening as a result of the impressions of the deeds performed in the previous life. We developed immense love and attachment to each other. We wish to always live together. We keep wishing that no one should die. In this Lok of Kaal Brahm, nobody will live forever. Sooner or later everybody will keep dying one by one. The wealth that we accumulated in the entire life will be left here. A soul will go empty-handed. But one who will do sadhna of the true naam (mantra) by taking initiation from a Complete Saint will go to Satyalok. There, one will be born just as one is born on earth. In a similar manner, a family will be formed. No work has to be done there. All the edible substances are available in abundance in Satyalok. There are evergreen plants-trees, gardens, dry fruit (cashew nuts, raisins, manuka raisins etc), oceans of milk there. There is neither old age nor death in Satlok. This is called Akshay Moksh (everlasting salvation). It is called complete salvation which is mentioned in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62 and Chapter 15 Verse 4, and the Siddhi, power of salvation, that has been called “Naishkarmay” Siddhi and is mentioned in Gita Chapter 3 Verse 4 and Chapter 18 Verses 49 to 62. In the region of twenty-one brahmands of this Kaal Brahm i.e. Jyoti Niranjan, all the living beings acquire food by doing work. It is not like this in Satyalok. All the items of comfort are available there without doing any work. For example, there are trees and vines laden with fruits in the garden. Pluck a fruit and eat. All types of grains are also grown like this. They are evergreen. Whatever one wishes, one can create and eat. One does not have to cook food there. Whatever you want to eat, keep it in the kitchen; it will automatically get prepared. All this happens with the power of the Supreme God. To attain that Satlok (Eternal Place), you will have to sacrifice yourself like a Sati and a warrior. The purport is that to attain your goal, that is, complete salvation, if you have to relinquish all the incentives and benefits of this world, then you do not have to think about it. Relinquish them immediately and remain engrossed in the recitation of your mantra. If one did not acquire the refuge of Satguru, then at the time of one’s death, the messengers of Yam (god of death) will throttle a Bhaktiless person. No member of the family can release a person from those messengers of Yam (god of death). Only a Satguru helps at the time of that crisis. Therefore, Supreme God Kabir Ji has stated that: -

Ant samay jam doot gala dabaavaen | taa samay kaho kaun chhudaavae ||
Satguru ek chhudaavan haara | nishchay kar maanahu kahaa hamara ||

            If a devotee after understanding the knowledge and taking initiation, through discussion of knowledge and publicity of the true kmowledge, brings other innocent and misled beings into the refuge of Satguru and gets them initiated, then he/she gets so much virtue as is obtained if one saves one crore cows from being slaughtered by a butcher. This is how precious a human life is, and it is obtained as a result of innumerable virtues. If a foolish propagator in greed for fame himself/herself starts giving initiation and becomes a guru, then he/she is a big sinner. Supreme God becomes angry with him/her and Kaal takes him/her away by dragging them from their ear just as a butcher takes a goat or a billy goat. There is evidence in Kabir Sagar, Chapter “Ambusagar” Page 48 that: -

Tab dekha dootan kah jaai | chauraasi tahan kund banaayi ||
Kund-kund baithe yamdoota | det jeevan kah kasht bahuta ||
Tahan jaay ham thaad (standing) rahava | dekhat jeev vinay bahut lava ||

“State of false Kadihaar (Fake Satguru)”

Padae maar jeev karein bahu shora | baandh-baandh kundan mein bora ||
Laakh athaais padey kadihara | bahut kasht tahan karat pukara ||
Ham bhoole swaarth sangi | ab hamre naahin ardhangi ||
Ham to jarat hain agni manjhaara | ang ang sab jarat hamara ||
Kaun purush ab raakhe bhaai | karat guhaar chakshu dhal jaayi ||

“Gyani’s (Kabir Ji) Statement”

Karuna dekh daya dil aava | arey doot traas bhaas dikhava ||

This speech is fabricated. The actual speech is below.

Durdasha dekh daya dil aava | arey doot tum jeevan bhrmava ||
Jeev to achet agyana | vaako Kaal jaal tum bandhana ||
Chaurasi dootan kah baandha | shabd dor chaudah yam sandha ||
Tam ham sabahan kah maara | tum ho jaalim batpara ||
Hamre bhagtan ko tum bhramaava | pal pal surati jeevan digava ||
Gahi choti doot ghasiyaaye | yam ru doot vinay tab laay ||

“Doot’s (who had become fake gurus) Statement”

Chuk hamari chhamaa kar deejae | man maane tas aagya keejae ||
Ham to dhani (Kaal) kahyo jas keenha | so vachan maan ham leenha ||
Ab nahin jeev tumhara bhrmaavaen | ham nahin kabahu guru kahaavaen ||

“Gyani’s (Kabir Ji) Statement”

Sun Gyani bahute hansaayi | dootan dusht bandh na chhodo jaayi ||
Pal ik jeevan sukh deena | tab sansaar gaman ham keenha ||

            Meaning: - Supreme God Kabir Ji told that those who by becoming false Satgurus in the greed for fame inspired by Kaal mislead innocent beings, they also get punishment. They are also put in hell and tortured. Their disciples are also thrown in the same hell. When I went near that hell, in which those people who out of greed for honour and superiority had become fake ‘Kadihaar’ (Kadihaar - he who takes one out from this world i.e. Satguru) and who had glorified themselves; they by making lakhs of disciples brought those disciples also along with them to hell. According to the law of Supreme God, because of being criminals they themselves were also lying in hell. There are large tanks in that hell. Souls are lying in every tank and messengers of Yam are tormenting them. Those twenty-eight lakh fake satgurus on seeing me appealed to me that – “Please save us, Lord!” The reason was that all the messengers of Yam, who were beating them in hell, started trembling in front of the power of Supreme God Kabir Ji. Because of this, those fake satgurus felt that this is some God with supreme powers. Supreme God Kabir Ji said, “You misled the innocent beings. You proved yourself to be Complete Satguru. You even knew that you did not have the authority to give initiation and that you did not have the knowledge of complete salvation. For your self-interest, you destroyed the precious lives of lakhs of people. They remained trapped in Kaal’s web.” Then I beat those messengers (Kadihaars made by Kaal) and the other messengers of Yam. I dragged them by their topknots. Then the fake satgurus said, “We have obeyed the orders of our Master, Kaal Brahm. Now we will do as you say.” I said, “Now you will not be left.” The souls, who had destroyed their lives by becoming disciples of those fake gurus, were also lying there in that hell with them. Until I (Supreme God Kabir Ji) remained there, those souls were not experiencing the suffering of hell. In this way, by giving them relief for some time, I departed from there and came to the world. After my departure, those fake gurus and their foolish disciples again started experiencing the atrocities of hell. Therefore, in the aforesaid speech, it has been stated that – “If a propagator himself/herself becomes a guru, then Supreme God will become angry with him/her and Kaal will pull his/her ears, that is, will cause grief to them.” Therefore, O Gentlemen! Never commit this mistake. Consider my words to be authentic.

FAQs about "Summary of Anurag Sagar"

Q.1 What guidance does Supreme God Kabir provide concerning the beliefs of a worshipper after receiving initiation?

Supreme God Kabir advises that a worshipper should wholeheartedly immerse themselves in devotion to God, much like a deer is naturally drawn to a specific sound. This means surrendering one's life to God and remaining steadfast on the path of devotion.

Q.2 What are the examples used to highlight the concept of sacrificing one's life for God?

Three illustrations are given to underscore the idea of sacrificing one's life for God: the attraction of a deer to a sound, the devotion of a moth to light, and the historical practice of Sati, where a wife willingly immolates herself with her husband. These examples serve to demonstrate the depth of devotion and sacrifice expected from a true worshipper.

Q. 3 Why is the practice of Sati referenced in the article, and what lesson does it impart?

The mention of Sati is used to emphasize the concept of selfless devotion and sacrifice. It serves as a poignant example of how people, out of profound love and attachment, were willing to sacrifice their lives. Similarly, such unwavering dedication is expected from a devotee in their pursuit of salvation.

Q.4 How is the impermanence of worldly relationships and attachments described in the article?

The article stresses that all worldly relationships and attachments are inherently transient, akin to a fleeting dream. When we depart from this world, we leave behind everything, including our wealth and family. Only Almighty God Kabir remains as our eternal companion.

Q.5 What is the significance of receiving initiation from a Complete Saint?

Initiation from a Complete Saint is paramount for attaining salvation. Only the Supreme God can assist a person in the challenging moments of death, and this divine aid is channeled through the Satguru (Complete Saint) of Almighty God Kabir.

Q.6 According to Supreme God Kabir, what is the ultimate goal for a devotee?

The ultimate goal for a devotee is to achieve complete salvation, often referred to as Satlok. This is a realm of everlasting bliss where there is no aging or death. A devotee is encouraged to maintain unwavering determination and devotion, akin to a warrior on the battlefield, without allowing sacrifices and hardships to deter them from their goal of salvation.

Q.7 How does the article stress the value of human life and the importance of making the most of it?

The article underscores that human life is priceless and is obtained through an accumulation of countless virtues. To maximize the potential of this life, one should focus on virtuous actions and the pursuit of salvation.


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Aditi Singh

This is an incredible story about Kabir Ji and Dharmdas Ji, but sometimes, it can be hard to believe. There is evidence, yet doubts still arise. So how can I get sureity?

Satlok Ashram

Aditi Singh, we value your interest in the story of Kabir Ji and Dharmdas Ji. Spiritual narratives can indeed pose challenges in belief, even when supported by evidence. It's only natural for questions and uncertainties to emerge. We are delighted that you found our blog to be an excellent resource on spirituality. So if you want to clear all your doubts and confusion in the mind you can read jeene Ki rah book which written by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and also you can listen the Satsang of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on YouTube channel.

Nitish Kumar

I have come across the story of Dharamdas in various blogs and articles, but I never found a comprehensive source that provided clear information about Dharmdas ji and his spiritual journey. However, after reading this article, I am thoroughly satisfied with the knowledge shared here and am eager to delve deeper into it.

Satlok Ashram

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We take pride in providing authentic and accurate information based on the Vedas. If you wish to learn more about this story, we recommend reading the book 'Jeene Ki Rah' or watching the Satsang of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on our YouTube channel.

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