A king listened to the spiritual viewpoints of Puhlo Bai; he became very impressed. The king had three queens. The king told his queens about Puhlo Bai. The king praised Devotee Puhlo Bai many times in front of his queens. The queens did not feel good on hearing another woman’s praise from their husband’s mouth, but they could not say anything. They expressed a desire to see Devotee Puhlo Bai. The king asked Puhlo Bai to deliver a sermon (satsang) at his house. Puhlo Bai told the date and time of the Satsang to the king. On the day of the satsang, the queens wore very beautiful and expensive clothes and all the jewellery. They made every effort to show their beauty. The queens had thought that Puhlo must be very beautiful. Devotee Puhlo came to the king’s house. She was wearing dirty clothes made out of handspun cotton. She had a rosary in her hand. Her complexion was also not fair. On seeing Devotee Puhlo, the three queens burst out laughing, and said, “This is that Puhlo! We had thought that she would be very beautiful.” On hearing their statement, Devotee Puhlo Bai said: -
Vastra-aabhushan tan ki shobha, yeh tan kaacho bhaando |
Bhakti bina banogi kutiya, Ram bhajo na raando ||
Meaning: - Beautiful clothes and ornaments increase the grace of the body. This body is perishable like a clay pot. This body is short-lived. Do not know due to what reason, in what age and when a crisis may arrive. If you do not do bhakti, then in the next birth you will acquire the life of a bitch. Then you will wander naked. Therefore, ‘Raando’ has been said, that is, O women, do bhakti. The word ‘Raand’ is used for a widow. But in general conversation, women used it to address their dear friends. Now because of being educated, this word is not used. Devotee Puhlo Bai delivered the satsang. She recited the verses of Supreme God Kabir: -
Kabir, ram ratat kodi bhalo, chu-chu pade jo chaam |
Sundar dehi kis kaam ki, ja mukh naahin naam ||
Kabir, nahin bharosa dehi ka, vinash jaay chhin maahin |
Swaans-uswaans mein naam japo, aur yatn kuchh naahin ||
Kabir, swaans-uswaans mein naam japo, vyartha swaans mat kho |
Na jaane is swaans ka, aavan ho ke na hoye ||
Garib, sarv sone ki lanka thi, Ravan se randheeram |
Ek palak mein rajya gaya, jam ke pade janjeeram ||
Garib, mard-gard mein mil gaye, Ravan se randheerm |
Kans, Kesi, Chanoor se, Hirnakush balbeeram ||
Garib, teri kya buniyaad hai, jeev janm dhari let |
Das Garib Hari naam bin, khaali reh ja khet ||
Devotee Puhlo explained the reality of this world, and informed about the sufferings that one has to bear because of not doing bhakti. You are feeling so proud by attaining a small piece of land of a kingdom; this is futile. The King of Lanka, Ravan, had built houses made of gold. Because of not doing true bhakti, he even lost his kingdom. The gold also remained here and he went to hell. The king and the queens took initiation, did bhakti, and made their lives successful.
Kabir, Hari ke naam bin, Raja rishabh hoye |
Mitti ladey kumhaar ke, ghaas na neerae koye ||
Because of not doing the bhakti of God, a king acquires the body of a donkey. He carries mud in a potter’s house, and eats grass by himself going to a jungle.
Fir peechhe tu pashua kijae, dijae bael banaaye |
Chaar pahar jungle mein doley, to nahin udar bharaay ||
Sir par seeng diye man baure, doom se machchhar udaay |
Kaandhae jua jotae kua, kodon ka bhus khaay ||
Meaning: - On completing the life of a donkey, that living being acquires the life of an ox. A living being has so many facilities in a human body. As soon as one feels hungry, one can eat food, drink milk or tea, or drink water if one is thirsty. Because of not doing bhakti, the same living being on becoming an ox roams in a jungle for 12 hours from morning till evening, and is used in a plough. An ox is fed only twice a day, at midday (12 pm) and at night. But if the ox feels hungry in between and the fodder is also kept all around him, he still cannot eat it. The ploughman does not let him eat the grass. Water is also given on time, only two or three times a day. The ox has horns on the head and a tail. When he was in a human body, he used to live in rooms with coolers, fans or A.C. in it. Now he only has a tail, whether he uses it as a cooler or a fan; he has to fly away mosquitoes with that alone.
This was also mentioned in the satsang that the cause of discord at home is if a person because of not understanding the law of God follows the nature of the world. A member of the family does not want to cause any loss in the family. If due to some reason, a loss occurs, then one should not cause conflict because of it. Whatever loss had to occur has occurred. It cannot be set right. To cause futile discord is not wise. One should say to the person who has accidently caused a loss that – ‘O son/daughter/mother/father/mother-in-law/daughter-in-law! Whatever thing we have lost, it was not in our fate. You have not done it intentionally.’ By saying this, peace is maintained at home. Kaal resides in a discord. Ghosts and spirits reside in that house. Those who do not quarrel live happily. A house in which God is worshipped (prayer, ‘Jyoti Yagya’ – lighting a lamp is performed), gods reside in that house.
After listening to the satsang, everybody went to their respective houses. The satsang was held from 12 noon to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The daughter-in-law did not know that the mother-in-law had gone to the satsang. The next day, after milking the buffalo in the morning, just like every day the daughter-in-law was about to hang the bucket full of milk on an iron hook on the roof. She felt that the bucket has been hung, but the handle of the bucket had hit the hook from the other side. The daughter-in-law thought that it has been hung and left the bucket. The bucket dropped to the floor and the milk got spilled. On hearing the noise, Bhateri came in. Instead of looking at the milk, the daughter-in-law was despondently looking at her mother-in-law. The daughter-in-law did not feel appropriate to say anything because she knew that her mother-in-law did not use to accept any clarification. She was thinking – “The entire day today will go in a discord. In the evening, my husband will come; she will also get me beaten up by him. O God! What has happened? I had never committed such a mistake. O Satguru! Show some mercy. I have even started to forget your bhakti. I only remember the taunts of my mother-in-law the whole day.” Bhateri said, “Daughter! Whatever had to happen has happened. Milk is not in our fate today. Do not worry. Collect the top layer of the milk with hands in a bucket, and feed it to the buffalo.” On saying this, the mother-in-law started reciting the mantra she had taken in initiation (spiritual instruction). The daughter-in-law could not believe her ears. She was thinking that – ‘Don’t know what station (radio station) mother-in-law caught today. These soothing words were not in Bhateri’s bag. It was full of oil cakes. Even when she used to go past me, she used to grumble.” The daughter-in-law’s name was Nisha. She was thinking that: - “Nisha aaj nisha (night) mein buri hogi teri dasha (Nisha, your condition will be made bad tonight.”
Nisha was thinking that – “She will tell it to my husband. After listening to his mother, he does not listen to me. He will scold me. The entire day and night will go in crying.” Putting the milk in the bucket, Nisha fed it to the buffalo, and then washed the bucket. Bhateri came and said, “Daughter! Have food. Do not worry. Daughter! Yesterday, I had gone to satsang in the daytime with my sister Dayakaur. My eyes have opened. I had become very quarrelsome. Daughter, if possible, forgive me. Whatever has happened so far, let it be, but from now on, I will give all my love to my daughter. You are my real daughter. My biological daughter was someone else’s; she went away. We share the same joys and sorrows. Only one day of satsang has opened my eyes. Daughter! You may also come along next Sunday; I will also go. Gradually, we will take my son too.” Nisha had hid her Guru ji’s photograph in the clothes. Taking the photograph out, she kept her head in Guru ji’s feet and said, “O Guruvar! Today you have listened to my prayers. You have turned my home into heaven.” When Chattar Singh arrived in the evening, his mother did not even mention about the spillage of milk. After a few days, she got Chattar Singh initiated as well. After some time, Nisha’s Guru ji came. Nisha told him, “Guru ji! My mother-in-law is very nice. She has also taken initiation from a Guru.” Bhateri said, “Maharaj ji! Nisha never told me that she has already taken initiation. She must be frightened of my strife. She has told me now when I have taken initiation. She did the right thing. If she had told me earlier, I would have tortured her more, and would have incurred sin.” Nisha’s Guru ji said, “Mother Bhateri! You have come out of the frying pan into the fire because your spiritual instruction is not according to the scriptures. Without true way of worship, salvation is not possible. Like, only after taking a correct medicine, a disease is cured. Similarly, by following the true way of worship, one gets freedom from the disease of birth and death.” Nisha thought that mother-in-law might get annoyed. Therefore, she interrupted and said, “Guru ji! I have heard that you have written a new book. The congregation has got it published. Do you have it with you?” Guru ji said, “O daughter! I have come to give it to you.” On saying this, Guru ji went into another room where he was staying. There was a bag kept there. Nisha also went inside with him, and said, “Gurudev! Do not touch the beehive. It has calmed down with great difficulty.” Guru ji said, “O daughter! Now your mother-in-law has full interest in bhakti. Now she will accept it.” Guru ji stayed for three days; explained tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge). Bhateri also changed her guru and got her welfare done.
The house turned into heaven by satsang. There was peace everywhere. Where bombs of abuses were released all day long, now the ganga of the knowledge of God started flowing there.
Nisha’s Guru Ji was Supreme God Kabir Ji who used to wander in a different attire to propagate the true way of worship (bhakti). He told which God should be worshipped? Read further amongst other topics.
Conclusion: Supreme God Kabir has stated that: -
Man neki kar le, do din ka mehmaan ||tek||
Maat-Pita tera kutumb kabeela, koye din ka ral mal ka mela |
Ant samay uth chala akela, taj maya mandaan || 1
Kahan se aya, kahan jayega, tan chhutae tab kahan samaayega |
Aakhir tujhko kaun kahega, Guru bin aatm gyaan || 2
Kaun tumhara sachcha Saain, jhoothi hai ye sakal sagaayi |
Chalne se pehle soch re bhai, kahan karega vishraam || 3
Rahat maal panghat jyon bharita, aavat jaat bharae karae rita |
Jugan-jugan tu marta jeeta, karva le re kalyaan || 4
Lakha chaurasi ki sah traasa, unch-neech ghar leta basa |
Kah Kabir sab mitaayun raasa, kar meri pehchaan || 5
Meaning: - Supreme God Kabir addressing His man (mind) has alerted us, living beings, that – “You are a guest for only two days, that is, for a short duration in this world. In this short human life, due to absence of knowledge about the soul (Aatm Gyaan), by accumulating numerous sins you destroy your human life and die. The men of this world can tell you the method of earning money, but except Gurudev Ji nobody will impart you the knowledge about the soul (Aatm Gyaan), that is, from where has the soul come?; what is the main goal of a human being? Without acquiring a Guru, that is, without taking initiation (spiritual instruction), a soul’s human birth is destroyed. Nobody will tell this except a Guru. Even if you become a King of the entire earth, you will get an animal birth in future. The cycle of birth and death cannot end without the knowledge imparted by Guru ji and the initiation mantra (naam). Until the cycle of birth and death ends, it has been stated that: -
Yeh jeevan harhat ka kuan loyi | ya gal bandha hai sab koi ||
Keedi-kunjar aur avtara | harhat dor bandhey kayi baara ||
Meaning: - For example, a well with a Persian wheel has an iron wheel on which buckets are welded. In olden days, it was driven by oxen and camels just as a traditional oil mill is driven by oxen or camels (it was more prevalent in the olden days). The bucket of the Persian wheel scoops water from deep inside the well. It becomes empty on the top. This cycle goes on forever. Similarly, one fills up a bucket with sins and merits from this earth-like well and empties in the heaven and hell above. In this way, a soul remains in the cycle of birth and death foreve. This very thing has been explained in the above hymn that abandoning the family and the wealth in the world, one day you will depart alone. Then on taking birth in a different place, by performing the same action, you will depart again. If you go to another city from your home, before you depart you make sure that – “We will go there. After that we will take rest there.” But on leaving the world, you never think where you will take rest. O soul! You undergo torture in the births of eighty-four lakh types of living beings. You take birth (attain the life of a new creature) and die. Sometimes you are designated to the upper-class by becoming a king, and sometimes when you become a pauper, you are considered to be of lower-class. God Kabir is explaining that even the incarnations (Ram, Krishna etc) because of not getting the true way of worship are in the cycle of birth and death. The true way of worship is available with me. O living being! Recognise me. I am the Omnipotent God. I will end all the hassle of your birth and death.
(Hymn No. 2)
Naam sumarle sukarm kar le, kaun jaane kal ki ||
Khabar nahin pal ki (tek)
Kaudi-kaudi maya jodi baat karey chhal ki,
Paap punya ki baandhi potariya, kaise hove halki ||1||
Maat-pita parivaar bhai bandhu, tiriya matlab ki,
Chalti bariyaan koyi na saathi, ya maati jungle ki ||2||
Taaron beech chandrama jyon jhalkae, teri mahima jhalaa jhalki,
Banae kukra, vishta khaavae, ab baat karae bal ki ||3||
Ye sansaar raen ka sapna, os boond jal ki,
Satnaam bina sabae sadhna gaara daldal ki ||4||
Ant samay jab chalae akela, aansu naen dhalki,
Kah Kabir gah sharan meri ho raksha jal thal ki ||5||
Meaning: - God Kabir has stated that – “O innocent human being (man/woman)! Recite the (naam) mantra of God, and perform auspicious deeds. Who knows what tragedy may take place tomorrow, that is, in future. We do not even know about a single second.
One cannot accumulate wealth without deceit. Then one also spends some money out of it in meritorious deeds. Thus, one ties two bundles of sins and virtues. How will these become light? One bears the sins in hell and the virtues in heaven. Mother-father, brother-wife etc relatives think of things relevant to them. They have become associated with us in the form of a family due to the previous births. Whoever’s time will come to an end, whoever’s dealings with others will finish, he/she will immediately depart (die) from the family. Like, a compartment is full in a train. Wherever’s ticket one has taken, one gets down there. This family is like a compartment of a train. After death, this body turns into soil. At that time, none of the family members would be your companion.
A man used to love his wife a lot. When he grew old, his death was near. He said to his wife, “Will you come with me?” She instantly declined, “No, I will not die with you. I am three years younger to you.” The old man was shocked that day. He stopped talking to her. Whenever she used to come near him, he used to turn his face away. He did not use to say anything. After 60 years of companionship, for the first time that old man felt that nobody belongs to anyone. If that old woman had some sense and really loved him, then she would have said, “Take me also with you.” The old man was not going take her with him anyway. He would have at least become pleased. He would have died peacefully. Who could have killed the old woman before her time? This proves that the real love is a long shot. Everybody is linked to you due to self-interest. O human being! Due to the (jap) recitation of mantra, (tap) penance and the meritorious deeds performed in the previous birth, you are getting fame in the present life by becoming a minister, prime minister or a high official, just as a moon enjoys glory in the midst of all the stars at night. If you do not listen to the viewpoints of satsang, then without the knowledge of the soul, by not doing bhakti of God, you will eat faeces on becoming a dog in the future birth. Now you talk about your power, that is, physical strength and power of position, but in future you will suffer badly after becoming an animal.
Nar se fir pashuva keejae, gadha-bael banayi | chappan bhog kahan man borey, kuradi charne jaai ||
In this world, your life is similar to a dew drop which is shining on the grass in the morning and disappears after some time. Therefore, by taking Satnaam, that is, True Mantra from a Complete Satguru, do bhakti and get the welfare of your soul done. Apart from the true scripture-based mantra of bhakti, all others religious practices that are against the scriptures are like the mud of swamp. Instead of taking one out, they make one drown even more. The true way of worship was with Supreme God Kabir, and Supreme God Kabir only had told it to a few other saints, but He had forbidden them to tell it to anyone else. Currently (from 1997), that way of worship is available with me (Rampal Das). Apart from me, no other saint or guru has the mantras of bhakti that have been proven in our scriptures. Come and take initiation, and make your and your family’s life successful. If you took initiation from a saint or guru of any other sect, then it would be like jumping out of a frying pan into the fire. You will neither belong to the house nor the riverside. Earlier I (author) used to deliver satsang in every village. People used to listen to my satsang that shakes one’s soul, but they did not use to take initiation from me. They used to take initiation from other saints. They did not get any benefit from there. They became happy after taking initiation from me.
The conclusion of the above mentioned statements of satsang is that if one gets to listen to the viewpoints of satsang, then a home becomes heaven. Without it, one has to lead a hell-like life. In this way, the welfare of the world is possible. Everyone can attain salvation by leading their life with love and affection. This is very important.
Puhlo Bai was a devoted follower of Supreme God Kabir Ji, renowned for her modest lifestyle and profound spiritual wisdom.
Puhlo Bai advised the queens against taking pride in their beauty and wealth, emphasizing their transient nature. Instead, she encouraged them to prioritize practicing bhakti (devotion to God) as the path to true happiness and salvation.
Practicing bhakti yields numerous benefits. It enables individuals to overcome negative traits like anger, greed, and lust, while fostering positive qualities such as compassion, humility, and love. Bhakti also alleviates suffering and pain, ultimately leading to complete salvation and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
A Guru plays a crucial role as a spiritual teacher who guides seekers along the path of bhakti. A genuine Guru is one who has attained realization of God and imparts authentic spiritual wisdom based on the sacred scriptures of various religions.
The core message of this article underscores the impermanence of physical beauty and urges individuals not to take pride in it. Instead, it emphasizes that human existence is an opportunity to attain salvation through the correct worship of Almighty God Kabir, with guidance from an enlightened Guru. Failure to do so results in continued suffering in this life and in future births. Therefore, it underscores the importance of connecting with the complete Guru to achieve ultimate salvation.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Komal Yadav
It appears that your article draws from ancient life, but times have evolved significantly. Adapting to the modern era is essential. We don't necessarily require a guru for worship any more.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, thank you for engaging with our article. While many aspects of life change over time, the fundamental principles of divine constitution and karma remain constant. The teachings in the scriptures hold true, and deviating from them can lead to adverse consequences. Adapting is important, but divine rules and karma's consequences are unchanging. People worship without gurus, but they often face sufferings. In the holy Bhagavad Gita and the holy Vedas, seeking a guru for initiation is emphasized. Without it, one might suffer in this and future lives due to bad karma. We encourage you to explore the teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj for your welfare.