Even Shri Krishna ji could not end the three ‘Taap’ (suffering). “To curse” comes in the category of three ‘Taap’ (Divine Taap). Shri Krishna himself along with all the Yadavs became victim of the curse of Durvasa.
Shri Krishna ji advised to take bath in the Yamuna to become free from the curse. He had told this solution. The curse did not get eliminated by that, but the Yadavs definitely got eliminated. Please ponder: - How effective those advices of the other Saints and Brahmins would be to become free from crisis in this way by taking bath in a river or undertaking a pilgrimage? In other words, they are futile because when there was no benefit from the solution of bath in Yamuna told by God Triloki Nath (Lord of three worlds), then nothing is going to happen from the solutions like bath etc advised by other worthless people, Brahmins and gurus.
First, Shri Krishna ji had told the method of protection from the curse of Durvasa – ‘Grind that wok and put its powder into the ‘Prabhas’ region in river Yamuna. Neither will there be any bamboo, nor will any flute be played (End the root cause of the trouble)! Bamboos also remained and the flutes of 56 crore Yadavs were also played! (Meaning they all died due to the curse.)
Currently, man is intelligent and educated. Match the knowledge given by me (Sant Rampal Das) with the scriptures, then do bhakti and see what miracles happen.
The worship of the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has been described as ‘Anuttam’ (bad) by the Giver of the knowledge of Gita himself in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18. In Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, he has advised to go in the refuge of that Supreme God i.e. Param Akshar Brahm. He has also stated that only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace and eternal supreme abode.
In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4, there is description of the world-like tree, and the identity of the Tatvdarshi Saint has also been described. All the parts of the world-like tree, which God is the root, which god is the trunk, which god is the bigger branch and which gods are the smaller branches and the leaves-like world, have been described.
In this very Chapter 15 Verse 16, it has been clarified that: -
Kshar Purush: - He is the lord of 21 brahmands. He is also called Brahm, Kaal Brahm, Jyoti Niranjan. He is mortal. We are living in his Lok (world). We have to escape from his Lok, and we have to go back to our God Kabir in Satyalok.
Akshar Purush: - He is the lord of 7 sankh (700 quadrillion) brahmands. He is also mortal. We have to go to Satyalok through his 7 sankh brahmands. Therefore, we have to give his toll tax. That is all we have to do with him.
In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17, it has been stated that: -
Uttam PurushH tu anyaH Parmatma iti udaahrtH |
YaH lok trayam aavishya vibharti avyayH IshwarH ||
Translation: - The two gods mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16 are – one is Kshar Purush and the second is Akshar Purush. Other than these two is Uttam Purush i.e. Purushottam. He alone is called God, who by entering into the three Loks nurtures everyone. He verily is the Immortal Supreme God. (Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17) It has also been clarified in Gita Chapter 3 Verses 14-15 that Sarvgatam Brahm i.e. Omnipresent God, who is Sachidanand Ghan Brahm (True-Happiness-Giving God), is also called Vasudev about whom there is mention in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 19 that He alone is always situated in the yagyas i.e. religious rituals, that is, He alone should be worshipped as a deity.
Taking initiation from a Complete Guru, do bhakti while abiding by the rules. By treading on the path of life in this way, lead a happy life in this world and attain the destination of salvation.
FAQs about "Way of Living"
Q.1 What is 'Way of Living'?
"Way of Living" is a book authored by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, offering spiritual and social guidance based on the holy scriptures from various religions. Its primary focus is on achieving salvation, the ultimate goal of human life, and it advises individuals on actions conducive to a successful and purposeful existence.
Q.2 How can one liberate themselves from the three curses (taap)?
Individuals often seek solutions to the three curses (taap) by turning to various gurus and religious teachings. However, it is emphasized that only Complete God Kabir, presently embodied in Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, possesses the ability to nullify the effects of these curses and provide a resolution.
Q. 3 What are the three gunas, and how are they described in Srimad Bhagavad Gita?
In Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran Adhyay 5 Shlok 8, the three gunas are described as: Rajogun represents Brahma Ji, Satogun is associated with Vishnu Ji, and Tamogun pertains to Shiv Ji. In Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Chapter 7 verses 12-15, the worship of these gunas is deemed futile, lacking in spiritual benefits.
Q.4 According to the Holy Gita Ji, who is worthy of worship?
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 verses 16 and 17, delineate three types of Gods. However, it asserts that the Supreme God (Uttam Purush), who sustains all, stands apart. In Chapter 18 verse 62, the narrator of Geeta Ji (Brahm Kaal) advised Arjuna to seek refuge solely in that Supreme God who bestows peace and salvation. This worship-worthy God is God Kabir.
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Rakhi Varshney
How to recognise who is the true spiritual leader amongst so many at present when everyone claims their way of worship to be correct?
Satlok Ashram
The Identity of a true guru has been mentioned in Scriptures. In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4. One who fulfills this criteria is Satguru. Today only Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is true spiritual guru on earth whose way of devotion is all proven in holy scriptures. Without giving a second thought you take His refuge and get your welfare done
Anand Verma
In spite of being God, Why couldn't Shri Krishna save the entire Yadav clan from getting destroyed?
Satlok Ashram
Lord Krishna the incarnation of Lord Vishnu has limited power. Those who are cursed under 'teen taap' (suffering) cannot get relief by the worship of Trinity Gods or other Demi gods in Kaal's world. Only Almighty KavirDev is powerful who neutralizes all curses and destroys sins. He is the provider of salvation.
Devansh Rastogi
What is attained by chanting OM mantra?
Satlok Ashram
OM mantra is of Brahm Kaal the owner of 21 universes. Brahmlok is attained by chanting OM mantra. But this attainment is useless since creatures remains in recurrence and does not get liberated. Hence, worship of Brahm and chanting OM mantra is useless.
Rakhi Varshney
How to recognise who is the true spiritual leader amongst so many at present when everyone claims their way of worship to be correct?
Satlok Ashram
The Identity of a true guru has been mentioned in Scriptures. In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4. One who fulfills this criteria is Satguru. Today only Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is true spiritual guru on earth whose way of devotion is all proven in holy scriptures. Without giving a second thought you take His refuge and get your welfare done