Puranas are the ancient genre of Indian literature which describes the different mythological topics, traditional lore, and legends about the genealogies of kings, deities, sages, heroes, demigods, temples, astronomy, humor, etc. There are 18 Maha (great) Puranas namely:-
1. Vishnu Puran 2. Bhagavata Purana 3. Shiva Puran 4. Skanda Purana 5. Vayu Puran 6. Garuda Puran 7. Padma Puran 8. Matsya Puran 9. Agni Puran 10. Brahma Puran 11. Varaha Puran 12. Vamana Puran 13. Linga Puran 14. Kurma Puran 15. Brahmanda Purana 16. Markandeya Puran 17. Narad Puran 18. Brahma Vaivarta Purana
Let us analyze Vishnu Puran.
Vishnu Puran is a great Vaishnavism scripture, a medieval text of Hinduism whose supreme deity is Lord Vishnu. Amongst 18 Puranas, Vishnu Puran holds an extremely important place in Hindu scriptures. Great Sage VedVyas under the guidance of Lord Brahma Ji composed this scripture in the first phase of Satyug which contains 23000 shlokas (verses) and there are six parts (ansh). This glorifies Lord Vishnu as the creator as well as the sustainer of this brahmand. It is said that earth is named ‘Prithvi’ on the name of King ‘Prithu’, also it is mentioned in Vishnu Puran that those who attain human life are even more blessed and fortunate than Deities, since salvation and attainment of God is only possible in human birth and no other life form.
This article will throw light on the following facts. All excerpts are taken from Vishnu Puran.
Let us first study about the origin of Lord Vishnu
Reference: Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Maha Puran, Sachitra Mota type Hindi, Printer Hanuman Prasad Poddar-Chimanlal Goswami, printed by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Concise Devi Bhagwat.
Page no 123, Skand 3, Adhyay 5 provides evidence
God Vishnu is praying to Durga Ji “You are pure. This entire universe is here because of you. I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing because of your grace. We take birth (aavirbhaav) and die (tirobhaav). We are not eternal (immortal). Only you are immortal. You are the only, you are the creator of this universe (Jagat-Janani), are Prakriti, Bhakti and Sanatani Goddess”
Shreemad Devibhagwat Mahapuran, Sabhashtikam Smahatyam, Khemraj Shri Krishan Das Prakashan, Mumbai. Hindi translation along with Sanskrit, Skand 3, Adhyay 4, Page 10, Shlok 42.
Lord Vishnu says ‘Oh Mother! Brahma, I, Shiv take birth from your influence only, are not eternal ie. we are not immortal, then how can other Indra, etc. Gods are eternal. Only you are immortal, are Prakriti and Sanatani Devi’
Shlok 12 ‘You are always procreating (copulation) with your husband purush ie. Kaal God. Nobody knows your state’.
Conclusion: This proves that Lord Vishnu ji is originated from Goddess Durga and Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan). He takes birth and dies. He is not immortal. Lord Vishnu is the middle son, the elder being Lord Brahma and younger being Lord Shiva. In fact, they all are not immortal.
Lord Vishnu is equipped with Satoguna, his role is that of the sustainer of the three loks (Heaven, Earth and the Nether world) in the twenty-one Brahamands of Kaal. He nurtures living beings (according to their actions) and maintains the state by developing love and affection. According to hearsay and folklore, he is believed to be the preserver and protector.
Goddess Laxmi is his consort. He is four-armed and holds four objects representing the things he is responsible for. The Shankh (conch), the Sudarshan chakra (discus), the lotus flower (Padma) and the Kaumodaki Gada (mace). The vehicle of Lord Vishnu is Garuda, an eagle.
Once Lord Vishnu Ji to search his father (Kaal-Brahm) as directed by his mother Goddess Durga went to Patal Lok (Nether world), where there was ‘Sheshnaag’. On seeing Vishnu entering into his jurisdiction, he sprayed his venom furiously on Vishnu because of which Vishnu’s skin color turned black under the effect of the venom. Since then the color of Lord Vishnu is blue/black.
Lord Vishnu is greeted with a lot of names. Few are:- Adinath, Adishesh, Akshaj, Ameyatma, Amritya, Chakradhar, Chaturbhuj, Dashavatara, Gadhadhar, Narayana, Kamalakar, Harinarayan, Jagannath, Kamalnath, Keshav, Lakshmipati, Lakshmidhar, Liladhar, Loknath, Madhav, Madhuban, Namdev, Narasimha, Padmanaabhan, Padmapati, Parashuram, Pitambar, Purshottam, Ram, Ramakant, Shree Hari etc.
People of the world believe that there have been 23 avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu till now, 24th is yet to incarnate. They are:-
1.Varah Avatar 2. Narad Avatar 3. Nar-Narayan Avtar 4. Kapil Muni Avtar
5. Dattatrey Avtaar 6. Yagya Avtaar 7.Rishabhdev Avtaar 8. Aadiraja Prithu Avatar
9. Matsya Avatar 10. Kurma Avtaar 11. Dhanwantri Avtaar 12. Mohini Avtaar
13. Narsingh Avtaar 14. Vamana Avtaar 15. Haigreev Avtaar 16. Shree Hari Avtaar
17 Rishi Vedvyas Avtaar 18. Hans Avtaar 19. ShreeRam Avtaar 20. ShreeKrishan Avtaar
21. Buddha Avatar 22. Shri Sankadik Muni Avatar 23. Parashuram Avtaar.
Much awaited ‘Kalki Avtar’ which is yet to happen.
Reference Shreemad Bhagwat, Dwadash Skandh, 2nd chapter ‘Kalyug ka Dharm’, page no. 935-936.
Lord Vishnu’s last avatar expected is ‘Kalki Avtar’ by the end of Kalyug. Let us analyse what does holy scriptures tell?
Shree Shukradev Ji tells King Parikshit-- ‘The time is very powerful. As Kalyug will approach the progressive religion, truth, Holiness, forgiveness, mercy, age, vigor and memory will be abolished. As Kalyug will increase means by the end of Kalyug, the age of people will reduce. At that time when ‘Kalki named incarnation will incarnate human’s ultimate age will be just 20 years five years out of that will be refuted, means at the age of 15 years, they will be born, they will be able to produce and will die as well. A five-year-old girl child will be able to produce children. People’s behavior will be worse, Kings will also become unfair. All four castes people will become like ‘Shudras’ (lowest Hindu caste). Cows will become of goats size, small-small, and low milch cows.
The weather condition will be worst. At that time houses won’t remain. All will live in sections by digging holes. Rains won’t happen. Fierce storms will blow. Earthquakes will come. Flick chime will blow and everyone will be meat-eaters.
‘Sukshma Veda’ is a conclusion, its complete God-given. This is explained in ‘Sukshma Veda’ also. In that it is written that King ‘Harishchandra’ (presently enthroned in heaven where he is using his virtues) will only be the 10th incarnation means the ‘Kalki Avatar / NisHkalank’ who will incarnate at the end of Kalyug. He will come by the order of God Kaal in ‘Sambhal City’, near Moradabad -U.P. in the house of the chief of the city ‘Vishnu Dutt Sharma’ a supreme Brahman. He will kill all tyrant and unjust human beings. Only some individuals who will have fear of God will be virtuous. He will leave them and will kill all the rest. Of this grazing world, He will be the Saviour and the Lord.
Important:- God Kaal sends his worthy pious souls from his lok. They are also known as incarnations. The incarnations of Kaal-Brahm destroy the risen unrighteousness on earth through a massacre. As Shri Ramchandra Ji and Shri Krishna Ji, Shri Parshuram Ji did, the same Shri NiHkalank/Kalki Avatar will do. But instead of peace, unrest rises. This is the technique of the incarnations of Brahm (Kaal-Kshar Purush) to destroy unrighteousness and establish peace. With this, it is clear that the expected Kalki Avatar will not be of Lord Vishnu but of a pious soul sent by Kaal-the devil, owner of these twenty-one Brahamands.
Hindus believe in ‘Punarjanam’ (rebirth) and perform the ritual of ‘Śrāddha’ for their deceased ancestors which will relieve souls from the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth in 84 lakh life forms. Let us analyze certain myths regarding Śrāddha as mentioned in Vishnu Puran by the ignorable.
Reference Shree Vishnu Puran published from Geeta press Gorakhpur, translator is Shree Munilal Gupt. Third part, chapter no. 16
Aurav Rishi tells to King Sagadh what ‘Pitras’ have told him.
Page no. 213 - ‘O King, those who perform Shradh, with them world Gods, pitras (ancestors), grandmother, family members/relatives all remain satisfied. O Bhoopal, the foundation of forefathers is the moon and moon’s base is Yog, therefore in shradh it is superior to appoint ascetic. O King, one who eats food during shradh, if in front of one thousand Brahmans there is just one ascetic (true worshipper) then he along with the hosts can absolve everyone’.
The procedure of performing Śrāddha is mentioned which will surprise the readers. Aurav Rishi tells about offering meat to deceased ancestors during Śrāddha.
He says ‘flesh of fishes, rabbit, mongoose, swine, musk deer, black deer, blue cow (the antelope), the sheep, the cow, etc with these respectively the deceased ancestors are satiety benefited and with the meat of ‘Varghani’ bird they always remain satisfied. O Narsheshwar, in shradh ritual the meat of a Rhinoceros, kaalshak, and honey are enormously expensive and provide ultimate pleasure’.
Page no. 214 - Vishnu Puran mentions that the milk of buffalo should not be used while performing the ritual of shradh.
‘O King, that which is brought in the midnight, water which may be of undignified reservoir from which the cow cannot be satisfied, from such a pit which has stinking or froth containing water that is not worthy to be used. One hoofed animal, cow-camel, sheep, hen and buffalo milk should not be used while performing shradh ritual’.
This clearly explains how low was the spiritual knowledge of earlier sages.
Whereas the reality about Shraadh is that performing Shraadh are useless, those who carry out Shraadh do not attain salvation. Performing rituals like ‘Shradh’ & ‘Pind Daan’ are wrong religious practices. Salvation of the soul is not possible by performing Shradh ritual.
It is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita 9:25:- that ‘Worshippers of the gods go to the gods, worshippers of the ancestors go to the ancestors, worshippers of ghosts take birth amongst ghosts’.
Hence, Shradh rituals performed after one’s death for the Salvation of a living being are futile.
Ref:- Shreemad Bhagwat Gita, published from Geetapress Gorakhpur, translator is Jaidayal Goenka
This is about the fierce battle of Mahabharata and the devastation that happened. Lord Vishnu is equipped with Satogun, he is humble. He incarnated as Lord Krishna never wanted the battle to take place and made all his sincere efforts to resolve the family tussle of Kauravas and Pandavas. But Kaal God is a deceiver. He is the Lord of twenty-one Brahamands and cheats innocent souls trapped in his region. He while entering into the body of Lord Krishna like a ghost, showed his ghastly form (Gita chapter 11, Shloka 32) when warrior Arjuna resisted fighting battle, Kaal scared Arjuna and forced him to fight the battle and did the whole disaster.
Let us analyze how are Kaal’s deeds superhuman/supernatural.
Kaal God has pledged he will never appear in front of anyone in his original form, he remains hidden with his ‘Yogmaya’ and performs all his tasks remaining hidden (Gita chapter 7, Shloka 24-25). Kaal appears acquiring the form of Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, and Lord Shiva to their devotees, those innocent seekers consider them to be the supreme power and worship them.
Ref:- Shree Vishnu Puran published from Geeta press Gorakhpur, translator is Shree Munilal Gupt. (video link)
There are similar evidences of this deceiver Kaal God’s (Jyoti Niranjan) superhuman deeds mentioned in Vishnu Puran. He does Leela (divine act) and misguides disciples. Let us review how does he cheat?
Chapter 2, part 4, page no. 233, shloka 22-26
Aforetime, in Treta Yuga once a fierce battle was fought between Gods and demons where powerful Gods were defeated by demons. They worshipped Lord Vishnu. The omnipotent, protector of whole world Shree Narayana pleased with Gods, told them ‘whatever you intend I have come to know, please listen, I will partly incarnate in the body of the warrior prince Puranjay, the son of King Shashad and will completely destroy all those devils, therefore you prepare Puranjay for the bloodshed of those monsters’.
Chapter 3, part 4, page no. 242, Shloka 4-6
Aforetime, in Rasatal there used to reside six crore Gandharvs named Maunay. They had seized the entire authority and treasure of the chief of Naagkul (Snake Lineage). Insulted by the valour of Gandharvas, those Nageshwars worshipped, upon hearing their prayers His lotus-like blooming divine eyes opened, awaken at the end of deep sleep, that God residing underwater all supreme deities bowed and Naag-gann (the chief of the snake) said ‘how will the fear generated out of these Gandharvas be composed?’ Then the true superior God said (means Kaal) ‘in the son of his highness Yuvnaashav named Purukuls, I will enter inside him and will destroy completely those wicked Gandharvas’.
Points to ponder:- This Kaal entered into the body of Arjuna, Puranjay, and Purukuls respectively and destroyed all devils and Gandharvas. It is this Kaal (Satan/devil) only who made the fierce battle of Mahabharata happened and is responsible for the whole destruction. This is how Kaal’s deeds are supernatural. He is a deceiver. Innocent devotees remained mistaken that it was Lord Vishnu who did everything and considering him to be the supreme power continued glorifying and worshipping.
How are vices hindrance in the path of Salvation?:- Every human being is born possessing virtues and vices. These vices are associated with each viz:- Lust (Kaam), Anger (Krodh), Affection (Moh), Greed (Lobh) and Arrogance (Ahankaar), Joy-sorrow, love-hatred, pride-honour, profit-loss born from Trigun Maya which becomes a hindrance in the path of devotion thereby, hampering souls in attainment of salvation.
Due to lack of Tatvagyan (true spiritual knowledge) traits like arrogance, anger and being glorified remained at its peak amongst sages and deities. There is a tract, after the battle of Mahabharata, Yudhishtir (the eldest son of Pandavas) was at unrest since he use to have nightmares. He sought for the solution from Krishan Ji who suggested him to perform ‘Yagya’ and hold a grand feast and invite all sages, Gandharva, deities, etc which might resolve his ailment. But even after performing, all went in vain, reason being vices prevalent amongst all invitees.
Despite earlier Rishis worshipped for lacs and crore years (did hathyoga) the vices in them did not subdued due to which they remained in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth and could never attain salvation. The hatred between great Rishi Vishwamitra and Rishi Vashishtha is not hidden from the world. Once Rishi Vashishtha Ji greeted Rishi Vishwamitra Ji, ‘Come Raaj Rishi’. He felt so highly insulted on this statement that he murdered hundred sons of Rishi Vashishtha. Such a disaster is done only by the monsters.
Ref:- Shree Vishnu Puran published from Geeta Press Gorakhpur, translator is Shree Munilal Gupt, Chapter 4, Shloka 72-94
Sage Vashisht Ji cursed King Nimi of death out of arrogance, the king, in-turn cursed Sage Vashisht Ji of death and both died. The reason being, Sage Vashisht was the priest of King Nimi. King Nimi took a resolution for performing ‘Yagya’ for one thousand years and requested Vashisht Ji to perform Yagya. At the same time, Lord Indra (King of Gods) invited Sage Vashisht Ji to lead and perform Yagya for five hundred years. The greedy Rishi Vashisht Ji decided to perform Yagya for Lord Indra first, with the desire to get huge wealth and later of King Nimi. When the king got to know he started performing Yagya by Rishi Gautam Ji for one thousand years. After completing Lord Indra’s five hundred years Yagya when Rishi Vashisht Ji returned he saw some other sage performing the ritual and he got annoyed. He cursed the King Nimi of death, in turn, the king also cursed the same and both died.
Vices like arrogance, anger, hatred lead to death of both.
Pious Gita is the most trusted holy scriptures amongst Hindus. In chapter 4, Shloka 34 it is mentioned by the giver of the knowledge of Gita that search for a Tatvadarshi saint (an enlightened Saint) and do true worship as He provides, by which one attains salvation. Gita Chapter 15, Shloka 17 mentions about the Imperishable God who nurtures the whole universe. He is only the eternal God ie. Parameshwar worthy to be Worshipped by which souls will be liberated.
Ref:- Shree Vishnu Puran published from Geeta press Gorakhpur, translator is Shree Munilal Gupt
Here we will throw light on the way of worship done in Kaal’s region such as hathyog, austerity and other similar Sadhnas. Earlier sages performed Yagya, did meditation, hathyog with which they might have gained accomplishments but vices in them remained as it is.
Rishi Parashar who was the grandson of Rishi Vashisht Ji and son of Shakti Rishi got married. He got to know that his father was brutally murdered by people of other caste. Soon after getting married he decided to abandon home to do Sadhana and attain spiritual powers. His wife said ‘we have just been married and you are abandoning home for Sadhana, please go after having children’. He did not agree and told his wife that children who will be born after doing Sadhana will bear noble instincts. After some time, I will send my semen (equipped with spiritual power) through a crow, you may accept it. He then left home and departed to the forests. He did Sadhana for one year and gained accomplishments, then he took out his semen, encashed it on the leaf of a peepal tree, protected the semen by his spiritual power (mantras) and gave to a crow to give it to his wife and wrote details on a ‘taarpatra’ (palm leaf). The crow took it and flew, upon crossing the river, another crow saw and attacked him thinking he is carrying a piece of flesh in his beak. In this scuffle, the packed semen dropped in the river and a fish ate it, she became pregnant. After nine months, a fisherman also the boatman caught that pregnant fish in the web, cut her stomach from which came out a beautiful baby girl. He brought her up as his daughter, cared like father. She grew, at the age of thirteen she used to bring food for her father and helped him in his work to take visitors to other shore of the river in the boat. Her name was Satyawati, also Machhodri (since she was born from the stomach of a fish).
After fourteen years Shri Parashar Ji returned after finishing Sadhana. On reaching near the river he called the boatman and told ‘quickly take me across the river’. The boatman at that time was eating food, since leaving food in between would be the insult of food God (Ann Dev). The boatman knew well that these sages after performing Sadhana gain spiritual powers and if refused for desired services they might get annoyed and curse and destroy everything. Therefore, the boatman delegated this responsibility to Machhodri. Machhodri too was aware.
She took Rishi Parashar Ji in boat. She was a young girl of twelve years. After reaching in the middle of the river the foul intention aroused in Rishi Parashar Ji towards the girl born from his seed-power from fish (ie. his daughter). He put forth his desire to the girl. Macchodri to save her honor told Rishi Ji that ‘you are a Brahmin, I am Shudra’ Rishi Ji under the effect of Rajoguna became helpless and did not agreed. She further said that she smells foul of fish. Rishi Ji took some water from the river, sprinkled over the girl and by his supernatural power he finished the smell. Then the girl said ‘Rishi Ji, people are watching at both ends, it will be shameful’, Rishi Ji threw some river water in the sky and created fog in surroundings with his supernatural powers. He fulfilled his desire with his daughter despite the girl told him that she was born from a fish. Rishi Ji knew well that his semen protected by mantra which was sent through crow had fallen in the river and was eaten by the fish, then also he ignored everything.
Back home the girl apprised her foster mother the whole incident, who further narrated everything to her husband. Macchodri told that the name of the Rishi was Parasar who is the grandson of Rishi Vashishth. When the time arrived, that unmarried girl gave birth to a son who was named Vyas, who is popularly known as Rishi Vyas.
Important: Despite being knowledgeable and being a sage he could not win over the effect of Rajo Guna. He did hath yoga for fourteen years gained accomplishments, but vices remained as it is. Similarly, everything in this Kaal’s region is done forcefully to innocent souls trapped who become helpless and are deceived. This phenomenon is present in all human beings because of the effect of the mind (Kaal Niranjan).
Rishi Parashar Ji describes the knowledge of Vishnu Puran to Shree Maitreya Rishi Ji, which had been narrated by Daksh-etc, Munis (seers) to King Purukuts on the bank of river Narmada. Purukuts narrated same to Sarasvat and Sarasvat told Rishi Parashar Ji, it's all hearsay.
First Adhyay, Shlok no. 31, page no.3- Rishi Parashar Ji says this universe has originated from Vishnu, it is situated in him only. He only is the composer of its state and rhythm.
Adhyay 2, Shlok 15,16, page no.4- It is said ‘Oh Dwij! The first form of ParBraham appears to be like Purush i.e. God, but 'manifested' (to appear in Maha-Vishnu form) and 'unmanifested' (to reside in the invisible form in actual Kaal-form in the twenty-first brahmand) are his other forms and 'Kaal' is his main form. God Vishnu who presents in Kaal-form and manifested and unmanifested form, this is his childlike exploits.
Adhyay 2, Shlok 27, page no 5- Oh Maitreya! At the time of destruction, on Pradhaan's i.e. Prakriti being situated in a state of equilibrium i.e. on Purush's being situated separately from Prakriti, God Vishnu's Kaal form manifests.
Adhyay 2, Shlok 28 to 30, page no 5- Immediately thereafter (at the time of creation) that ParBrahm Parmatma, the Universal form, Omnipresent, Lord of all living beings, the universal soul, Supreme God by His own desire entering into the vikaari Pradhan and avikaari Purush agitated them|| 28, 29|| Just as smell, even when not active, only by its proximity agitates the mind; similarly, Parmeshwar by His proximity influences Pradhan and Purush || 30 ||
Adhyay 2 on page no. 8 Shlok 66- The same God Vishnu, being Srishta (the creator - Brahma), does his own creation.
Shlok no. 70- It is written - God Vishnu only is the one who does creation through Brahma etc states. He only is created and he also dies.
Adhyay 4 Shlok no. 4 on page 11- It is written that there is some other Parmeshwar (Supreme God) who is also the Ishwar (God) of Brahma, Shiv, etc Ishwars (Gods).
Adhyay 4 Shlok 14-15, 17, 22 on page 11, 12- It is written - Earth said, "Oh one with Kaal appearance! Salutations to you. Oh God! You only, for the creation, etc of the universe, adopt Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra form. Whichever form of yours appears in incarnation form, the gods worship that only. You only are Omkaar.
Adhyay 4 Shlok 50 on page 14- then that God Hari becoming equipped with Rajogun, acquiring four-faced Brahma form, created the nature.
This description from Vishnu Puran confirms that Rishi Parashar Ji composed Shri Vishnu Puran basis hearsay knowledge. (Purna Paramatma) the complete God comes in all four yugas, when He appeared in first Satyug He imparted the actual knowledge to Lord Brahma Ji who told some knowledge together with self-made imaginative knowledge to his descendants. This flow of lokved reached Shri Parashar Ji who portrayed Kaal as well as ParBrahm as Lord Vishnu. The above-mentioned description proves that Vishnu ie. Kaal in Brahm form produces nature by taking birth as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahm Kaal himself appears in three forms in Brahm Lok, does spectacle (divine act) and deceives everyone. He also dies, he is not immortal (Gita Adhyay 8, Shloka 17).
In that very Brahm Lok, Brahm has created three places. One is Rajogun dominated, second is Satogun dominated and third is Tamogun dominated where this very Kaal-form Brahm, lives by acquiring his Maha-Brahma, Maha-Vishnu and Maha-Shiva form respectively keeping his wife Durga (Prakriti) in the form as a wife as Maha-Savitri, Maha-Laxmi and Maha-Parvati form respectively. The son born in Rajogun dominated place from the union of Maha-Brahm (Kaal) and Maha-Savirti (Durga) form is named Brahma. Likewise, in Satogun dominated place the son born from the union of Maha-Vishnu (Kaal) and Maha-Laxmi (Durga) form is endowed with Satgun and is named Vishnu. Similarly, when he lives in Tamogun dominated place in Maha-Shiv/SadaShiv form and keeps his wife Durga in Maha-Parvati form and name their son Shankar.
Lord Brahma’s role is to produce living beings in one brahmand. Lord Vishnu’s role is to maintain the state in the three loks (Earth, Heaven and Nether World) in one brahmand. (Evidence: Shiv Puran, published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Translator: Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Chiman Lal Goswami, Rudra Sanhita Adhyay 6, 7 Page 102, 103). The role of Shankar Ji is to kill the living beings of the three loks and produce food for this Kaal the devil.
In Vishnu Puran, the knowledge up to Adhyay 4 is that of Kaal-form Brahm i.e. of Jyoti Niranjan. The mixed knowledge from Adhyay 5 onwards is of the divine acts (leelas) of the Kaal's son Satgun Vishnu and is the knowledge of his incarnations Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, etc. Important to note here is that even the knowledge of only one brahmand is incomplete.
Lord Brahma Ji gave the knowledge of other Puranas as well along with Shree Devi Puran, Shree Shiv Puran, etc. Hence, the knowledge imparted by Shri Parasar Ji in Vishnu Puran can not be similar to the knowledge delivered by Shri Brahma Ji. Therefore, to understand Shri Vishnu Puran, help will be taken from Shri Devi Puran and Shri Shiv Puran. Because this knowledge has been given by Daksh-etc Rishis' father Shri Brahma Ji. To understand Shri Devi Puran and Shri Shiv Puran, assistance will be taken from Shrimad Bhagwad Gita and the four Vedas. Because this knowledge has been imparted by God Kaal-form Brahm himself, who is the originator i.e. father of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
To understand the knowledge of Holy Vedas and Holy Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Ji, we will have to take help from Swasam Ved i.e. Suksham Ved which has been given by Kaal-form Brahm's originator i.e. father Param Akshar Brahm (KavirDev); which SatPurush, on appearing, had Himself uttered through (KavirgirbhiH) Kavir Vaani / Kabir Speech. (Evidence is in Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 16 to 20).
True worship holds no boundaries, whether a sage or someone who leads the family life, can attain salvation provided he/she gets devotion from a Tatvadarshi saint (a true spiritual leader) and worships according to holy scriptures. Vishnu Puran provides evidence where various famous legends who had done true worship, leading a family life have attained salvation. Therefore, the myth according to folklore that only sages/saints can attain God is proved wrong. Anyone and everyone who does the true worship can be blessed to attain God, hence salvation. In the path of true devotion marriage and family life is not a hindrance but humans bearing evil conduct is wrong.
Devotee Prahalad was the son of Hiranyakashipu (the evil demon king) and Kayadu. Hiranyakashipu was granted a boon by Lord Brahma that he cannot be killed by anyone whether a man or an animal, neither during day time nor during night, neither from anything born from the living womb, neither on land or in the water, nor in the air, either outdoors or indoors even not with the man-made weapon. Hiranyakashipu became arrogant and considered himself to be the eternal God. He used to ill treat his son Prahalad because he does not want him to worship Lord Vishnu but to worship him. Prahalad was a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
A tract, once a potter was preparing mud pitchers in fire. Few kittens were in one of the pots about which the potter was unaware and he kept that earthenware in the fire. When the cat, the mother of those kittens came and noticed her kittens’ pot is kept in the fire she started screaming. The wife of the potter was humble hearted, she being the mother fully realized the pain of the cat, hence prayed to God to save kittens. At the same time, Prahalad was passing from there. He saw and asked the wife of potter that ‘can God save these kittens from burning?’ she replied ‘yes God can do anything’, he said if these kittens will be saved I will agree there is God, else you need to believe that my father Hiranyakashipu is God and worship him, (due to immense pressure somehow, for some time he thought that his father too might be God). This was the teaching given in his gurukul by his tutors Sanda-Marka.
It was all the spectacle of the Supreme God (KavirDev) to bring his dear devotee Prahalad in His refuge. Soon the cold breeze blew and that extinguished the fire. The third day, when it was searched, all kittens were found safe. This enhanced Prahalad’s belief that God is immensely powerful and He can do anything. His father may be a king but he cannot be God, he couldn’t save kittens from a fire. He told his tutors Sanda-Marka that whatever they are teaching is wrong (worship Hiranyakashipu as God). He will only worship Lord Vishnu as he is supreme. This engraved the tussle between the father and the son. But Prahalad was a firm devotee. Even in the worst situation and despite his father was cruel he did not leave worshipping Lord Vishnu.
He was bearing all atrocities and torture of his father. When devotee Prahalad attained the age of ten years, one day during dusk the supreme God (KavirDev) acquiring the form of Narasimha God (man-lion chimera) appeared from a pillar, killed arrogant Hiranyakashipu saved Prahlad from his cruel father. Supreme God (KavirDev) blessed Prahalad, he ruled thereafter, he became the King. Later devotee Prahalad got married, did true worship and attained the eternal place.
Devotee Dhruv was born in Satyug to the King Uttanpad and Queen Suniti, a religious and humble female. King Uttanpad had two wives, the second was Suruchi (sister of Suniti) who was a jealous and crooked lady. Both had a son each. Dhruv along with his mother was kept in a separate house due to ill-treatment by Suruchi. They were provided only 1.25 mann grains for survival. One day Dhruv’s aunt (Suruchi) ill-treated with him and threw him away from the lapse of his father. He went to his mother crying and narrated the whole incident. His mother told ‘it is their throne and not ours’, then Dhruv questioned his mother ‘who gave the throne to my father?’ His mother told this is God’s spectacle, it is He only who nurtures everyone. Since that day, Dhruv left home with the aspiration to get kingdom. It is mentioned in Vishnu Puran that Dhruv’s cousin brother Uttam got associated with him but was murdered after some time by some political enemies.
Dhruv was five years old when he was worshipping in jungles and was blessed by supreme God (KavirDev) who appeared to him and graced him the throne. Grown young Dhruv was married and lead a happy family life. He did true worship and attained salvation.
Important:- With true worship of supreme God (KavirDev) one attains all comforts here in this life as well, and also attains the eternal peace (Salvation). Only supreme God can provide everything provided one remains dedicated.
Points to Ponder –Vishnu Puran
Certain facts revealed in Vishnu Puran
Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12-15: The worship of the three Gods Rajgun Shri Brahma Ji, Satgun Shri Vishnu Ji and Tamgun Shri Shiv Ji has been said to be futile.
Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18: The giver of the knowledge of Gita even called his bhakti as Anuttam (inferior/bad).
The above evidence from Vishnu Puran has made clear that innocent devotees mistakenly worshipped Lord Vishnu. Therefore, they were not far from vices and suffered a lot all through their life.
It was only the supreme God (KavirDev) who blessed them at that time. He destroyed unrighteousness through true spiritual knowledge. He provided them true worship by which they all lead a happy life till they remained on earth and finally attained that supreme peace, the eternal place-Satlok.
Today Sant Rampal Das Ji Maharaj is the only incarnation of Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm) who has descended on earth to liberate souls. Identify Him, take His refuge and be blessed.
The whole Vishnu Purana is encircled around Lord Vishnu ji and one thinks that worshiping him can give us happiness but it is not true. As mentioned in Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Maha Puran, Sachitra Mota type Hindi, Printer Hanuman Prasad Poddar- Chimanlal Goswami, printed by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Concise Devi Bhagwat page no 123, Skand 3, Adhyay 5 provides evidence that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are into the cycle of birth and death. Hence not immortal.
Vishnu Puran is important for us to know that Lord Vishnu is not the Supreme Almighty. As Holy Gita also states in chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 that worship of Three Gunas of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is prohibited.
It is being composed by great sage Ved Vyas under the guidance of Brahma ji in the first phase of Satyuga. It contains 23000 shalokas and there are six parts.
The aim of purana is to reflect the knowledge of Holy Vedas and Holy Gita ji.
Avatars of Lord Vishnu are always seen to be humble, kind, peace making and generous. For example like Shri Krishna (an avatar of lord Vishnu) never wanted Mahabharat to happen but Satan Kaal Brahm entered into the body of Shri Krishna and executed Mahabharata forcefully as mentioned in Holy Gita ji chapter 11 verse 32.
As per Vishnu Puran, Vishnu ji is said to be the Supreme God but it is not true. As stated in Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Maha Puran, Sachitra Mota type Hindi, Printer Hanuman Prasad Poddar- Chimanlal Goswami, printed by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Concise Devi Bhagwat page no 123, Skand 3, Adhyay 5 that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are in the cycle of birth and death. And the one who himself is in birth and death, how can he give us salvation?
As stated in Holy Gita ji chapter 14 verse 3 to 5, Satan Kaal Brahm is the father of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
As stated in Holy Gita ji chapter 14 verse 3 to 5, Durga ji or Prakarti Devi is the mother of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It is also stated in Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Maha Puran, Sachitra Mota type Hindi, Printer Hanuman Prasad Poddar- Chimanlal Goswami, printed by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Concise Devi Bhagwat page no 123, Skand 3, Adhyay 5.
The age of Vishnu ji is 7 times that of Brahma ji.
As stated in Holy Shiv Puran on page 19,86,115,131 that Shiva has taken birth from SadaShiv and Durga ji. Sadadhiv is none other than Satan Kaal Brahm.
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Niharika Jain
Is Lord Vishnu self proclaimed or is he born?
Satlok Ashram
Lord Vishnu is the second child of Brahm Kaal and Goddesses Durga. The theory prevalent about him being self proclaimed is mere folklore.