Traits of a True Guru - Yajur Ved

Qualities of a True Guru

It is written in Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25, 26 that a True Guru will elaborate the incomplete sentences of the Vedas i.e. the coded words and one-fourth shloks by completing them, and will impart the worship of three times. In the morning, worship of Supreme God; in the afternoon, regard of the gods of the world, and will tell Sandhya Aarti (evening prayer) separately. He is a beneficent saint of the world.

Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25

Arddh richaeH ukthanm roopam padaeH aapnoti nividH 
PrnvaeH shastranam roopam paysa somH aapyate |25|

Translation: A saint who (Arddh richaeH) by completing the incomplete sentences i.e coded words of the Vedas (nividH) fills in (padaeH) the fourth parts of the Shlok i.e. partial sentences (ukthaanm ) stotras (roopam ) in the form of (aapnoti) receives i.e. completely understands and explains the partial description (shastraanam ) like, one who knows how to operate the weapons (roopam ) uses them fully; similarly, a Complete Saint (prnvaeH) completely understanding and explaining the Omkaars i.e. Om - Tat -Sat mantras (paysa) sieves milk-water i.e. provides the Tatvgyan-like waterless milk, by which (somH) Eternal Purush i.e. Eternal God (aapyate) attains. That Complete Saint is said to be the knower of the Vedas.

Translation: A saint, who fills in by completing the incomplete sentences i.e. coded words of the Vedas; perceives the fourth part i.e. partial sentences of the shloks in the form of stotras i.e. completely understands and explains the partial description; just as one who knows how to operate the weapons uses them fully; likewise, a Complete Saint completely understanding and explaining the Omkaars i.e. Om -Tat -Sat mantras, sieves milk-water i.e. provides Tatvgyan-like waterless milk, by which one attains the Eternal Purush i.e. the Eternal God, that Complete Saint is said to be the knower of the Vedas.

Meaning: A Tatvdarshi Saint is one who explains the coded words of the Vedas in detail; as a result of which Supreme God is attained. He is said to be the knower of the Vedas.

Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 26

Ashvibhyam praatH savnm indren endrm madhyandinm
Vaishvdaivm sarasvatya trteeyam aaptm savnm |26|

Translation: That Complete Saint tells the worship of the three times (ashvibhyaam ) on the basis of a day formed by the rising and setting of sun (indren) foremost, the Master of all gods, Supreme God's (praatH savnm ) tells to do pooja in the morning, which (endrm ) is for the Supreme God. Second (madhyandinm ) tells to do at midday, which (vaishvdainm ) related to the regard of all the gods (sarasvatya) says to do sadhna through sacred speech, and (trteeyam ) third (savnm ) pooja in the evening (aaptm ) attains i.e. one who tells to separately do the sadhna of the three times, he is a beneficent Saint of the world.

Translation: That Complete Saint tells the sadhna of the three times. On the basis of a day formed by the rising and setting of sun, tells to foremost do the worship of Supreme God, the Master of all the gods, in the morning, which is for the Complete God (Supreme God). Tells the second to be done at midday i.e. tells to do sadhna through sacred speech which is related to the regard of all the gods, and attains the third pooja in the evening i.e. tells to do sadhna of the three times separately. He is a beneficent Saint of the world.

Meaning: The Complete Saint about whom there is a mention in Mantra 25, he tells to do worship three times (morning - midday - and in the evening) in a day. Tells to do worship of Supreme God in the morning, regard of all the gods at midday, and in the evening Sandhya Aarti etc by means of sacred speech. He is a well-wisher of the entire world.

Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 30

Vrten deeksham aapnoti deekshya aapnoti dakshinam
Dakshina shraddham aapnoti shraddhya satyam aapyate |30|

Translation: (Vrten) by keeping fasts of the vices i.e. a worshipper who abstains from cannabis, alcohol, meat and tobacco etc (deeksham ) initiation from a Complete Saint (aapnoti) attains i.e. becomes a disciple of the Complete Saint (deekshya) the Complete Saint, from the initiated disciple (dakshinam ) charity (aapnoti) attains i.e. a saint only takes donation from one who takes naam from him. Thus, according to the rule (dakshina) one who performs meritorious acts by giving charity-donation as directed by Gurudev, by that (shraddhaam ) devotion (aapnoti) attains (shraddhya) by doing bhakti with devotion (satyam ) the ever-lasting happiness and God i.e. the Eternal God (aapyate) attains.

Translation: A worshipper, who keeps fast of vices i.e. abstains from cannabis, alcohol, meat and tobacco etc, obtains initiation from a Complete Saint i.e. becomes disciple of a Complete Saint. A Complete Saint receives charity from an initiated disciple i.e. a saint takes donation from only that person who obtains naam from him. Thus, one, who adequately performs meritorious acts by giving charity-donation as directed by the Gurudev, attains devotion. By doing bhakti with devotion, one attains the ever-lasting happiness and God i.e. the Eternal God.

Meaning: A Complete Saint only makes that person his disciple, who always maintains good conduct; who gives the assurance of not consuming the prohibited food and intoxicating substances. A Complete Saint accepts charity from only that person who becomes his disciple, and who after taking initiation from gurudev, then gives charity-donation, by which devotion increases. By doing true bhakti with devotion, the Eternal God is attained i.e. one becomes completely liberated. A Complete Saint will not wander about asking for alms and donations.

FAQs about Traits of a True Guru - Yajur Ved

Q.1 What Veda says about Guru?

The Vedas describe various features of a guru. In Yajur Veda, several traits of a true guru are elaborated, these are:

  1. The guru can explain the incomplete sentences of the Vedas (Adhyay 19 Mantra 25).
  2. The guru teaches the worship three times: morning, afternoon, and evening (Adhyay 19 Mantra 26)
  3. The guru is the well-wisher saint of the world (Adhyay 19 Mantra 26).
  4. The guru only makes that person his or her disciple who always maintains good conduct (Adhyay 19 Mantra 30).
  5. The guru accepts charity from only that person who becomes his or her disciple (Adhyay 19 Mantra 30).

Q.2 What does it mean for a guru to elaborate on the incomplete sentences of the Vedas?

Elaborating on the incomplete sentences of the Vedas means a true guru can decipher the hidden meanings and coded words present in the sacred texts, guiding their disciples to a deeper understanding.

Q. 3 What differentiates a true guru from a false guru?

The distinction between a true guru and a false one lies in the presence of the qualities described in Yajur Veda. A true guru possesses these traits, while a false guru lacks them and may take advantage of the individuals for self-gain.

Q.4 What is one feature of Yajur Veda?

Yajur Veda contains essential features, including one of the important feature about the descriptions of the traits of a true guru in Chapter 19 verses 25, 26, and 30. Finding such a guru is crucial for spiritual growth and liberation.

Q.5 Who is the original guru?

The original guru embodies the qualities mentioned in Yajur Veda, such as the ability to explain the Vedas, teach worship three times a day, and select disciples who follow the rules and regulations.

Q.6 What kind of worship does a true guru teach?

According to Yajur Veda Adhyay 19 Mantra 26, a true guru imparts the practice of worshiping three times a day—morning, midday, and evening. This worship connects the devotee with God based on Vedic principles.

Q.7 What conduct does a true guru expect from disciples?

A true guru expects their disciples to lead a life of good conduct, adhering to the moral and ethical principles instructed by him based on the Holy Scriptures, only then He gives initiation to them.

Q.8 What kind of charity does a true guru accept?

G A true guru accepts charity given by their disciples but does not ask for or seek donations from others.


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How shall we identify who is true Guru?

Satlok Ashram

The identity of a true Guru has been mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter 19 Verse 25, 26. Kindly go through our website for details.


The principal deities of Yajurveda are Surya, Agni the sacrificial fire and Soma, the ritual drink dedicated to Indra.

Satlok Ashram

God is one and only KavirDev the creator of entire universes. Deities like Surya, Agni, Indra are revered only in 21 universes of Brahm Kaal.

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