Creation of Nature - Atharva Ved

Creation of Nature in Atharva Veda

Evidence of Creation of Nature in Atharva Ved

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no.1

Brahm jagyanM prathmM purastaad vi seematH surucho ven aavH 
SaH budhanyaH upma asya vishthaH satashch yonimsatashch vi vaH 1

Brahm – ja – gyanm - prathmm - purastaat - visimatH – suruchH – venH 
– aavH – saH – budhanyaH – upma – asya – vishthaH – satH – ch - yonim´ - asatH – ch – vi vaH

Translation: (Prathmm') Primordial i.e. Eternal (Brahm) God (ja) manifesting/appearing (gyanm') by His wisdom (purustaat') on the summit i.e. Satlok etc (suruchH) by His own desire, with great passion, selfilluminated (visimatH) boundless i.e. different loks with vast boundaries, that (venH) weaver, weaving like a warp i.e. cloth (aavH) secured (ch) and (saH) that Purna Brahm only does all the creation (asya) therefore that (budhanyaH) same Original God (yonim') has created the original place Satyalok (asya) to this (upma) similar (satH) the loks of Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm; somewhat permanently (ch) and (asatH) the temporary loks etc of Kshar Purush (vi vaH) residing places separately (vishthaH) established.

Translation: The Primordial i.e. Eternal God, by appearing on the summit i.e. that weaver secured Satlok etc self-illuminated and boundless loks i.e. the different loks with vast boundaries, by His own desire, wisdom and with great passion by weaving like a warp i.e. cloth. And that Purna Brahm only does all the creation. Therefore that same Original Master has created the original place Satyalok. Similar to this, He separately established the residing places, the somewhat permanent loks of Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm and the temporary loks etc of Kshar Purush.

Meaning: - The narrator of the Holy Vedas, Brahm (Kaal) is saying that the Eternal God on Himself appearing in Satlok from Anamay (Anami) lok, by His wisdom, weaving like a cloth, secured the upper loks, Satlok etc. as boundless, self-illuminated and eternal. And the same God has temporarily established the lower seven sankh brahmands of ParBrahm and twenty-one brahmands of Brahm and also the smallest creation in them.

Request: When the readers will see the boundaries of the upper loks in the picture, then a doubt will arise in mind that in the Vedas, it is written that they have no boundaries; therefore, the picture is incorrect.
Answer: Only one lok can be boundless, any other will definitely have a boundary. Therefore, I clarify here that God’s leela is remarkable. He keeps on increasing and decreasing the extent of the other loks except Anami lok. Therefore, their diameter (circumference) is not limited.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 2

IyaM pitrya rashtryetvagre prathmaay janushe bhuvneshthaH 
Tasma etaM suruchM hvarmhyaM dharmM shrinantu prathmaay dhaasyave

Iyam - pitrya – rashtri – etu – agre - prathmaay – janushe – bhuvneshthaH – tasma – etam¢ - surucham¢ - hvarmhyam - dharmm - shrinantu – prathmaay – dhaasyave

Translation: (Iyam') this same (pitrya) Universal Father God (etu) this (agre) supreme (prathmaay) the First Maya, Paranandni (rashtri) Rajeshwari Shakti i.e. Parashakti, whose quality is known as the attractive force (janushe) by giving rise to (bhuvneshthaH) established the lok. (tasma) that same Parmeshwar (surucham') with great passion, by His own wish (etam') this (prathmaay) by the Shakti of first origin i.e by Parashakti (hvarmhyam') stopping the separation of each other i.e. attractive force (shrinantu) God ordered the gravitational attraction to prevail forever. With that never-ending (dharmm') character (dhaasyave) maintaining, has secured by weaving like a warp i.e. cloth.

Translation: This same Universal Father God, by giving rise to this supreme First Maya Paranandni / Rajeshwari Shakti i.e. Parashakti, whose quality is known as the attractive force, established the loks. That same Parmeshwar ordered this Shakti of the first origin i.e. Parashakti, which stops the separation of each other i.e. the gravitational attraction, to prevail forever. He, by His own desire and with great passion, is holding in place by weaving like warp i.e. cloth by maintaining with that never-ending character.

Meaning: - The Universal Father God with His word power created a Rashtri, the First Maya Rajeshwari. Through that Parashakti only, He has established all the aforesaid brahmands with the neverending quality of holding each other with an attractive force.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 3

Pr yo jagye vidwanasya bandhurvishwa devanaM janima vivakti 
Brahm Brahmn ujjbhaar madhyatneechaeruchchaeH swadha abhi pratasthou 3

Pr – yaH – jagye – vidwanasya – bandhuH – vishwa – devanam - janima – vivakti – BrahmH – BrahmnH – ujjbhaar – madhyat - nichaeH – uchchaeH – swadha – abhiH – prtasthou

Translation: (Pr) first of all (devanam') of the gods and the brahmands (jagye) the knowledge of the origin (vidwanasya) of a curious bhakt (yaH) who (bandhuH) the real companion i.e. Purna Parmatma only, to His personal servant (janima) whatever has been created by Him (vivakti) Himself tells correctly in detail that (BrahmnH) Purna Parmatma (madhyat') from within Him i.e. by word power (brahmH) Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal (ujjbhaar) by giving rise to (vishwa) the whole world i.e. all the loks (uchchaeH) above Satyalok etc (nichaeH) below all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm (swadha) by His acquirable (abhiH) attractive force (pr tasthau) properly established both of them.

Translation: Purna Parmatma who is the real companion of a curious bhakt, first of all, Himself correctly tells in detail the knowledge of the origin of the gods and the brahmands and whatever has been created by Him to His personal servant (disciple) that, Purna Parmatma, giving rise to Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal from within Him i.e. by His word power, properly established the whole world i.e. all the loks, both the Satyalok etc above and all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm below by His acquirable attractive force.

Meaning: - Purna Parmatma Himself correctly tells the knowledge of the nature created by Him, and the knowledge of the origin of all the souls to His personal Das (servant/disciple) that, the Purna Parmatma gave rise to Brahm (Kshar Purush / Kaal) from within Him i.e. from His body by His word power and has secured all the brahmands, the Satlok, Alakh lok, Agam lok, and Anami lok above and the ParBrahm’s seven sankh brahmands and Brahm’s 21 brahmands below with His acquirable attractive force.
Like, Kabir Parmeshwar (KavirDev) Himself told the knowledge of the nature created by Him to His personal servants / disciples i.e. friends, Shri Dharam Das Ji, Respected Garib Das Ji etc. The above-mentioned Ved Mantra is also supporting this.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 4

Sa hi divH sa prthivya ritstha mahi kshemM rodsi askbhaayat 
Mahaan mahi askbhaayad vi jaato dhyaM sadam paarthivM chrajH 4

Sa – hi – divH – sa – prthivya – ritstha – mahi – kshemm - rodsi – askabhaayat - mahaan - mahi - askbhaayad - vijaatH – dhaam - sadam - paarthivm - ch – rajH

Translation: (Sa) that same Almighty God (hi) undoubtedly (divH) all the upper loks like, Satyalok, Alakh lok, Agam lok, and Anami lok i.e. the loks equipped with divine qualities (ritstha) established in true form i.e. eternally (sa) similar to them (prthivya) all the lower loks of the Earth like, the seven sankh brahmands of ParBrahm and the twenty-one brahmands of Brahm/Kaal (mahi) with the element of Earth (kshemm') with safety (askbhaayat') set in place/established (rodsi) with the element of Sky and the element of Earth, the upper and lower brahmands {like, sky is a subtle element; the quality of sky is shabd/sound; Purna Parmatma created the upper loks in form of shabd, which He has made from masses of light, and created the lower seven sankh brahmands of ParBrahm/Akshar Purush and the twenty-one brahmands of Brahm/Kshar Purush in a temporary form with the element of Earth}(mahaan') Purna Parmatma (paarthivm') of the Earth (vi) different-different (dhaam') loks (ch) and (sadam') the residential places (mahi) with the element of Earth (rajH) small-small loks in every brahmand (jaatH) by creating (askbhaayat') fixed them.

Translation: That same Almighty God, undoubtedly, established all the four upper divine loks like, Satyalok, Alakh lok, Agam lok and Anami / Akah lok i.e. the loks equipped with divine qualities, in a true form i.e. in an eternal form. Just like them, safely established all the lower loks of Earth like, the seven sankh brahmands of ParBrahm and the twenty-one brahmands of Brahm/Kaal with the element of Earth. Purna Parmatma created both the upper and lower brahmands with the element of the sky and earth respectively. {Like, sky is a subtle element; the quality of sky is shabd/sound. Purna Parmatma created the upper loks in form of shabd, which He has made from masses of light, and created the lower seven sankh brahmands of ParBrahm/Akshar Purush and the twenty-one brahmands of Brahm/Kshar Purush in a temporary form with the element of Earth} Purna Parmatma by creating the different-different loks and residential places of the Earth with the element of Earth and the small-small loks in every brahmand fixed them.

Meaning: - The Supreme God has permanently i.e. eternally created the upper four loks, Satlok, Alakh lok, Agam lok and Akah/ Anami lok. The same God has also temporarily created and secured the lower Brahm and ParBrahm’s loks and the other smaller loks.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 5

Sa budhnyaadaashtr janushoabhyagrM brhaspatirdevta tasya samraat
AharyachchhukrM jyotisho janishtath dhyumanto vi vasantu vipraH 5

Sa – budhanyaat - Aashtr – janusheH – abhi – agram - brhaspatiH – devta - tasya – samraat – ahH – yat - shukram - jyotishH – janisht – ath – dhyumantH – vi - vasantu – vipraH

Translation: (SaH) that same (budhanyaat') from the Original Master (abhi-agram') on the very first place (Aashtr) Ashtangi/Maya/Durga i.e. Prakriti Devi (janusheH) originated; because the first place of the lower loks of ParBrahm and Brahm is Satlok; it is also known as the Third Abode (tasya) even the master of this Durga is also this (samraat) King of the kings (brhaspatiH) the Greatest Lord and Jagatguru / Guru of the universe (devta) is Parmeshwar (yat') from whom (ahH) everyone got separated (ath) after this (jyotishH) from Jyoti-Swaroop Niranjan i.e. Kaal (shukram') seminal fluid i.e. by the power of seed (janisht) arising from the stomach of Durga (vipraH) devout souls (vi) separately (dhyumantH) in the world of Men and Heaven world, by the order of Jyoti Niranjan, Durga said, “ (vasantu) live, i.e. they started living.

Translation: From that same Original Master, Ashtangi/Maya/Durga i.e. Prakriti Devi originated in the very first place because the first place of the lower loks of ParBrahm and Brahm is Satlok; it is also known as the Third Abode/Dhaam. Even the Master of Durga is also this King of the kings, the Greatest Lord and the Guru of the Universe, Parmeshwar, from whom everybody got separated. After this, having born from the semen i.e. the power of seed of Jyoti Niranjan / Kaal through Durga’s womb, the devout souls started living separately in the world of men (Earth) and heaven. By the orders of Jyoti Niranjan, Durga said, “Live.”

Meaning: - The Purna Parmatma (Supreme God) gave rise to Aashtra i.e. Ashtangi (Prakriti Devi / Durga) in Satyalok, the first from below (lowermost) among the upper four loks. He only is the King of kings, Guru of the Universe and the Purna Parmeshwar (SatPurush) from whom everybody got separated. After that, all the living beings, having born from Jyoti Niranjan’s (Kaal’s) seed (semen) through Durga’s (Aashtra) womb, started living in Heaven lok and Earth lok.

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no.6

NoonaM tadasya kaavyo hinoti maho devasya poorvyasya dhaam
Esh jagye bahubhiH saakamittha poorve ardhe vishite sasan nu 6

Noonam - tat - asya – kaavyaH – mahH – devasya – poorvyasya – dhaam – hinoti – poorve – vishite - esh – jagye – bahubhiH – saakam - ittha – ardhe – sasan - nu

Translation: (Noonam') undoubtedly (tat') that Purna Parmatma i.e. Tat' Brahm only (asya) this (kaavyaH) devout soul, who does bhakti of Purna Parmeshwar according to the ordinances, back (mahH) Almighty (devasya) of Parmeshwar / Supreme God (poorvyasya) former (dhaam) lok i.e. Satyalok (hinoti) sends.
(Poorve) former (vishite) specially desired for (esh) this God and (jagye) after knowing the knowledge of the creation of nature (bahubhiH) lot of happiness (saakam') with (ardhe) half (sasan') asleep (ittha) thus properly (nu) prays from a true soul.

Translation: Undoubtedly, that Purna Parmatma i.e. Tat' Brahm only sends this devout soul, who does the bhakti of Purna Parmeshwar according to the ordinances, back to the former lok i.e. Satyalok of the Almighty God.

After knowing this former God, who is specially desired for and the knowledge of the creation of nature, while half asleep in lot of happiness, thus properly prays from the true soul.

Meaning: - That same Supreme God takes a devotee, who does true sadhna, to the same first place (Satlok) from where we all got separated. On attaining that real happiness-giving God there, he (devotee) being carried away by happiness prays with joy that Oh God, the wanderers of infinite births have now found the real living place. Its evidence is also present in Holy Rigved, Mandal 10, Sukta 90, and Mantra 16.

In the same way, Supreme God KavirDev (God Kabir) Himself, granting true bhakti (way of worship) to Respected Garibdas Ji, took him to Satlok. Then in his sacred speech Respected Garibdas Ji Maharaj said: -

Garib, ajab nagar mein le gaye, hamkun Satguru aan |
Jhilke bimb agaadh gati, soote chaadar taan ||

Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7

YoatharvanM PitraM DevbhandhuM BrahspatiM namsaav ch gachchhaat
TvaM vishweshaM janita yathaasH KavirDevo na dabhaayat swadhavan 7

YaH – atharvanm - Pitram - Devbandhum - Brahspatim - namsa – av – ch –gachchhaat - tvam - vishwesham - janita – yatha – saH – KavirdevH – na – dabhaayat - swadhavan 

Translation: (YaH) who (atharvanm') unchanging i.e. eternal (Pitram') Father of the Universe (Dev bandhum') the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul (brahspatim') Guru of the universe (ch) and (namsa) polite worshipper i.e. a worshipper who worships according to the injunctions of scriptures (av) with safety (gachchhaat') who takes those who have gone to Satlok, to Satlok (vishwesham') of all the brahmands (janita) Creator, Jagdamba i.e. who is also endowed with the qualities of a mother (na dabhaayat') who does not betray like Kaal (swadhavan') who has the nature i.e. qualities of (yatha) as it is (saH) He (tvam') Himself (KavirDevH / Kavir'DevH) is KavirDev i.e. in different language is also called Kabir Parmeshwar.

Translation: He, who is unchanging i.e. eternal, Father of the universe, the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul, Guru of the universe, and who takes a polite worshipper, i.e. worshipper who worships according to the injunctions of scriptures, who has gone to Satlok, to Satlok with safety; the Creator of all the brahmands, Jagdamba i.e. who is also endowed with the qualities of a mother, who has the nature i.e. qualities of not betraying like Kaal, He is, as it is, Himself KavirDev i.e. in different language He is also called Kabir Parmeshwar.

Meaning: - In this Mantra, it has also been made clear that the name of that God, who has done all the Creation, is KavirDev (God Kabir).

God who is unchanging i.e. is ‘eternal’ in reality. (It is also evident in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 16 –17), the Guru of the universe (Jagat Guru), the basis of the soul; who takes those, who have gone to Satlok after becoming completely liberated, to Satlok, the Creator of all the brahmands, who does not betray like Kaal (Brahm), is, as it is, Himself KavirDev i.e. God Kabir.

This God only, because of creating all the brahmands and living beings by His word power, is also called (Janita) Mother and (Pitram') Father and in reality, is (Bandhu) Brother also and He only (Dev) is the Supreme God. Therefore, only this Kavir Dev (God Kabir) has to be worshipped. “Tvamev Maata ch Pita Tvamev, Tvamev Bandhu ch Sakha Tvamev, Tvamev vidhya ch dravinM Tvamev, Tvamev sarvM mm Dev Dev” : You only are my Mother and Father, you only are my Brother and friend, You are my knowledge and wealth, You are my God of all gods.

The magnificence of this very God has been described in detail in Holy Rigved Mandal no. 1, Sukta no. 24.

FAQs about Creation of Nature - Atharva Veda

Q.1 What is the main message of Atharva Veda?

The main message of Atharvaveda is for us to recognise our true father Kavir Dev (Kabir Sahib) Who asks us to do devotion abiding by His rules. Following it, further He will take us to Satlok from where we all came from. Hence, we will attain salvation.

Q.2 Who is the God of Atharva Veda?

There is no such God of Atharva Veda but the one who has complete supremacy over everything is Kabir Saheb or Kavir Dev as mentioned in Holy Atharva Veda Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7. He is Supreme God.

Q. 3 What kind of book is Atharva Veda?

Atharva Veda is a Holy book followed by Hindus and is one amongst the five Vedas. The book asks us to recognise the prime motive of our human life which is the attainment of salvation. It provides us with the identity of Almighty God Kabir in its holy verses. It is holy religious text that contains information about the creation of the universe and its creator who is none other than Supreme God Kabir.

Q.4 Who wrote the Athara Veda?

Holy Vedas at inception were given to Satan (Kaal Brahm) by Supreme God Kabir in return for his austerity which he destroyed and hid in ocean. Later by inspiring sage Ved Vyaas, Satan (Kaal Brahm) got them all scripted.

Q.5 Is Atharva Veda the last Veda?

No, there is yet another Veda which is called Suksham Veda which is not known to the devotee society. It contains the information that the Supreme God is Kabir Sahib. This Suksham Veda is Holy Kabir Sagar. It is the nectar speeches uttered from the Lotus mouth of Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm.

Q.6 Who is described in Pious Atharva Veda?

Supreme God Kabir is described in all of the Holy Vedas including Atharva Veda. It has been revealed in Holy Atharva Veda Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7 that Kabir Sahib or Kavir Dev is the Supreme Almighty Power who is nurturing everything everywhere.

Q.7 Who created Atharva Veda?

Supreme God Kabir is the creator of Holy Vedas which were later narrated by Satan (Kaal Brahm) by inspiring sage Ved Vyaas.

Q.8 Is Atharva Veda the oldest?

No, Rigveda is the first or say the oldest Veda amongst five Vedas.

Q.9 Who wrote all 4 vedas?

In actual, Vedas are 5 in number: Holy YajurVeda, Holy Rig Veda, Holy Atharva Veda, Holy Sama Veda and Holy Suksham Veda. All the initial four Vedas were created by Almighty Kabir and were given to Satan (Kaal Brahm). Since he destroyed them so in order to fulfill the lost spiritual knowledge about God, Suksham Veda was being disclosed by Supreme God Kabir only and was written by Dharamdas ji from Mathura Uttar Pradesh. However all the 5 Vedas are being created by Supreme God Kabir only.

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Manish Verma

In the beginning, Brahma sprang from the cosmic golden egg and he then created good and evil and light and dark from his own person.

Satlok Ashram

Unfortunately devotee society till date has remained ignorant about true spiritual knowledge. Evidence from holy scriptures states that it was not Brahma but his father Jyoti Niranjan Kaal who came out of an egg in the beginning of the creation when Almighty was creating everything. Its details are mentioned in Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 1 till 7 also at several other places in all holy books of all religions

Kajal Singh

The god of Hinduism is Satan, all the gods in Hinduism are man-made gods

Satlok Ashram

Satan or butcher Brahm Kaal is the owner of 21 universes. He is not worshipable. His attainment is inferior since recurrence remains of the creatures who have attained Brahmlok. God is one and only KavirDev. Vedas and all scriptures provide evidence.


Brahma is the respected God of Atharvaveda

Satlok Ashram

The only worshipable God is Kabir Dev since He is the provider of emancipation. Brahma Ji cannot grant salvation since he himself is trapped in the cycle of birth and rebirth.

Hemant Sahani

Supreme power who rules over the entire world of humanity, animals and birds, that lord of peace and bliss shall we worship with homage. Which supreme power is talked about in this?

Satlok Ashram

Supreme power is Almighty Kabir the creator of entire universes whose evidence has been mentioned in Atharvaved Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no.1 till 7 and at many other places. He is only talked about in this.

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