Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages - Sam Ved


Mantra no. 822 Samved Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand no. 5 Shlok no. 8 (Translated by Sant Rampal Das)

ManeeshibhiH – pavte – poorvyaH – Kavir′ - nrbhiH – yatH – pari – koshaan′ - asishyadat′ - tri – tasya – naam – janayan′ - madhu – ksharanH – na – indrasya – vaayum′ - sakhyay – vardhyan′

Translation: (PoorvyaH) Primordial i.e. Eternal (Kavir nrbhiH) Supreme God Kabir, by acquiring a human form i.e. appearing as a Guru (maneeshibhiH) to a devout soul who does bhakti with devotion and loves Him from heart (tri) three (naam) giving mantra i.e. naam updesh (pavte) by purifying (janayan ) birth and (ksharanH) from death (na) makes free from and (tasya) his/her (vaayum ) the countable life-breaths which are put according to destiny (koshaan ) from His store (sakhyay) on the basis of friendship (pari) completely (vardhayan') increases (yatH) as a result of which (indrasya) of Supreme God (madhu) the real happiness (asishyadat ) makes him attain by His blessings.

Translation: The Primordial i.e. Eternal Supreme God Kabir assuming a human form i.e. appearing as a Guru, giving three mantras i.e. naam updesh to a devout soul who does bhakti with devotion and loves Him from heart, by purifying him, releases him from birth and death, and completely increases his/her countable life-breaths, which have been put according to the destiny, from His store on the basis of friendship. As a result of which, makes him/ her attain the real happiness of Supreme God by His blessings.

Meaning: It has been clarified in this Mantra that Supreme God Kavir i.e. Kabir manifesting in the form of a Guru in human body, by giving jaap of three naams to God-loving soul, makes him/ her do true bhakti, and by purifying that devotee friend, by His blessings, makes him achieve complete happiness by attaining the Supreme God. He increases the age of the worshipper.

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