Sant Rampal Ji Teachings Before Starting True Worship

Sant Rampal Ji Teachings Before Starting True Worship

In today's world, the relentless pursuit of fame and fortune has fuelled a growing greed that blinds people, diminishing our collective humanity. It's crucial for us to seek a meaningful way of life, fostering personal growth that, in turn, contributes to the prosperity of society.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the one and only spiritual teacher Who is giving society the right way of living through His divine spiritual sermons and proving it also with spiritual texts. By adopting the right way of worship given by Him and adhering to the rules and teachings given by Him, one cannot fail in life. Let us explore some of those teachings given by Him in great detail:-

The following are Key Points

  • True Worship: Remedy to Every Disease
  • Surrounding Yourself with Virtuous Company
  • Pilgrimages hold No Benefit
  • The Truth about Observing Fasts on Ekadashi, Karva Chauth etc
  • Sant Rampal Ji Scrutinizes the Relevance of finding Auspicious Timings, or ‘Muhurat’
  • Sant Rampal Ji’s Perspectives on Corruption, Stealing, and Dishonesty
  • Sant Rampal Ji Advises Against Both Blessing and Cursing Anyone
  • Ideal Behaviour at Work: Sant Rampal Ji’s Guidance for Employers and Employees
  • Sant Rampal Ji’s Stand Against Dowry: Advocating Equality and Respect

True Worship: Remedy to Every Disease

People around us have forgotten the power of God and true worship. As a result of it, people are doing sins without even thinking about what it will cost them in the future. But Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has shown us with the power of His true worship that His way of worship can even raise the dead, forget about curing incurable diseases.

People have forgotten God but Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has proved that the power of true worship of God Kabir is unmatchable. And one should rely on the power of true worship obtained from a true Guru as he is capable of doing those things which we cannot even think of.

Surrounding Yourself with Virtuous Company

The company we keep plays a crucial role, a point often overlooked in worship, as emphasized by Sant Rampal Ji. He stresses the need to stay away from negative influences to safeguard one’s actions and also brings peace of mind. Associating with virtuous individuals allows us to imbibe positive values and thoughts, and vice-versa.

Pilgrimages Hold No Benefit

People often visit their favourite place of pilgrimage as a mark of their trust and belief in God. But contrary to it, it is one of those tasks which is nowhere mentioned in our Holy Scriptures.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has effectively highlighted the omnipresence of God and explained to us the specific importance of pilgrimages as well which is surely not salvation. These are places where some saints once lived. And after their death,, there is nothing left in that place to look for. One should find a True Guru to know the right method of worship as mentioned in our Holy Scriptures.

The Truth about Observing Fasts like Ekadashi, Karva Chauth etc.

Fasting is yet another non-scriptural ritual being followed blindly by devotees. It has been mentioned in Holy Gita ji chapter 6 verse 16 that whosoever is observing fasts, his yog (practice) is not successful. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has shown this to us. In spite of reading Holy Gita ji for years, yet not understanding its true meaning signifies the need for a Tatvdarshi Sant.

Sant Rampal Ji Scrutinizes the Relevance of Finding Auspicious Timings, or ‘Muhurat’

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has focused His teachings upon adopting the true method of worship and doing the right karmas. The myth of following the auspicious timings and right Muhurat has originated in society in the absence of true spiritual knowledge as it is against our Holy Scriptures.

He (Sant Rampal Ji) has told that if one does worship and karmas in accordance with the true Guru every day becomes auspicious to a devotee as God Kabir praises those who adhere to the words of a true Guru.

Sant Rampal Ji’s Perspectives on Corruption, Stealing, and Dishonesty

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has focussed on maintaining good karmas throughout our lifetime. These good karmas include prohibition of corruption, stealing, dishonesty and other such acts. He strongly condemns these kinds of acts and has prohibited these in His initiation rules.

Devotees are instructed to abstain from adultery, the use of intoxicants, consuming any kind of meat, gambling, theft, and cheating. As accumulating wealth by dishonest means will accumulate unwanted debts on us which we have to repay in our next births. Kabir Saheb says:

Kabir, Yeh Maya Atpati, Sab Ghat Aan Adi |

Kis Kis Ku Samjhau, Kuye Bhaang Padi ||

Sant Rampal Ji Advises Against Both Blessing and Cursing Anyone

People may agree on the prohibition of cursing anyone but it will be difficult for people to digest that one should not also bless anyone. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has explained in His true spiritual knowledge that we are living in a world of Satan (Kaal Brahm) who does not want us to do true worship and attain salvation. And that's why he keeps us distracted by doing different sorts of things so that we lose our wealth of worship.

Cursing and blessing anyone is yet another form of losing our wealth of virtues. It may appear to be illogical to people but one should take the refuge of a True Guru Who is a power house of blessings. Taking blessings from each other is like puncturing our own tyres to refill another's. It is for us to understand, how much we can roll like this.

Ideal Behaviour at Work: Sant Rampal Ji’s Guidance for Employers and Employees

The teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj tells us to be humble with our employees while working and to work with utmost honesty while working as an employee. This sort of behaviour tends to create a positive working environment for both the employee and employer.

The power of true worship given by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj gives us this wisdom to follow His teachings. As during working it is very difficult to maintain a positive working environment as there are many unexpected hurdles, but the power of true worship can even make impossible, possible.

Sant Rampal Ji’s Stand Against Dowry: Advocating Equality and Respect

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has focussed His teachings on avoiding making unnecessary debts while living our lives. Dowry is yet another form of getting tied up in the web of karmas. It will make you indebted to one another as it is an unnecessary exchange of money.

Moreover, dowry is a curse to the society and poor families who cannot afford it. The government has tried to stop or minimise it but hasn't achieved any significant success yet. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, by His power of true worship has successfully ended the need to exchange dowry among His devotees. His dowry-free initiative of Ramaini has set an example for the world to witness the power of true worship of God Kabir.


Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has purified us through His teachings and rules of initiation, restoring the significance of righteous living. While some may appear content without following these principles, it’s crucial for humanity to realize that neglecting the true path of worship is depleting our virtues. It’s time to acknowledge that our moral batteries are diminishing, and embracing the genuine path is essential for our spiritual replenishment.

Listen to the divine spiritual sermons of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to know the right and authenticated path of worship. For more information visit Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's YouTube channel.


FAQs : "Sant Rampal Ji Teachings Before Starting True Worship"

Q.1 What is the importance of true worship?

By providing the evidence from Holy scriptures, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj teaches that true worship is a powerful remedy for every disease and can even achieve the impossible, such as curing incurable ailments. He explains that true worship, as prescribed in the Holy Scriptures, brings transformative benefits to one’s life, promoting both physical and spiritual well-being.

Q.2 Why does Suksham Ved discourage pilgrimages?

According to Suksham Ved, pilgrimages offer no true benefit because the concept of salvation through pilgrimage is not supported in the Holy Scriptures. These sites only hold historical significance and do not contribute to any wordly benefits or salvation.

Q.3 What is the truth about observing fasts like Ekadashi and Karva Chauth?

Sant Rampal Ji points out that fasting is a non-scriptural ritual. He refers to the Holy Gita, which states that the practice of yoga is not successful for those who observe fasts.

Q.4 Why does Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj advise against focusing on auspicious timings or ‘muhurat’?

According to Suksham Ved, the concept of auspicious timings or 'Muhurat' is a myth that originated due to a lack of true spiritual knowledge. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj emphasises that every day is auspicious for a devotee who performs true worship and righteous actions as guided by a true Guru.

Q.5 What is Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s perspective on corruption, stealing, and dishonesty?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj strictly opposes unethical acts like corruption, stealing, and dishonesty. His teachings emphasize maintaining good karmas and avoiding acts that lead to accumulating negative karma, which must be repaid in future lives.

Q.6.Why does Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj discourage both blessing and cursing others?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj teaches that both blessing and cursing deplete one’s own spiritual virtues. He explains that the worldly system distracts people from true worship, and retaining one's spiritual strength is crucial for progress on the path of salvation.

Q.7 What guidance does Sant Rampal Ji offer for ideal behaviour at work?

Sant Rampal Ji advocates for humility and honesty in the workplace. Employers should treat their employees with respect, while employees should perform their duties with integrity, which fosters a positive environment, making daily challenges easier to overcome.

Q.8 What is Sant Rampal Ji's stand against dowry?

Sant Rampal Ji views dowry as an unnecessary exchange of money that creates debt and perpetuates inequality. He has successfully ended the practice of dowry among his devotees, demonstrating the transformative power of true worship.


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Prajjwal Arora

To be honest, I have read Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's book and found his knowledge to be correct overall.I truly appreciate his efforts in working to eradicate social evils.However, some of his perspectives seem out of sync with today's society.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, thank you for sharing your thoughts. We understand that certain teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj may appear challenging to those who haven’t fully absorbed his spiritual wisdom. Once one comprehends the complete spiritual knowledge he provides, there’s a clear rationale behind each teaching, aiming to bring a holistic solution. For more insights, we encourage you to explore Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's spiritual discourses, available on various social media platforms, and to read his book Gyan Ganga.

Kamlesh Sharma

It's good to take a stand against dowry. However, I see that followers of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj don’t observe any rituals, which I feel is inappropriate. We should marry according to our religious customs.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your engagement with our article. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj seeks not only to eliminate social evils but also to address the disparities found across religions. Many marriage rituals performed today aren’t supported by our sacred texts, which raises questions about their true significance. In contrast, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s marriage ceremony, lasting just 17 minutes, is based on the Suksham Ved which includes praising the all deities, offering spiritual benefits to the devotees. This approach reduces unnecessary expenses, making it suitable for everyone. For further information, we recommend you explore Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's spiritual discourses on various social media platforms and read the book Gyan Ganga.