God-loving souls in Hindu religion follow a variety of beliefs and religious practices. We have been researching and studying our Holy Books but, yet we haven’t reached any conclusion as to who the Supreme and the most powerful God is in Hinduism? Different Scriptures, Gurus, Pundits, and Saints glorify different Gods. Hitherto no one has been able to give us any conclusive knowledge about who that Supreme God is in the Hindu religion, worshipping whom we can get all the benefits.
In this article, you will learn several untold facts about that Supreme Almighty written in our Holy Books of Hinduism. You will know who the Supreme God is, who is the Master of all, based on our Holy Books of the Hindu religion.
The main Holy Books of Hinduism or Hindu religion are the Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda, and Atharvaveda. Holy Vedas contain the Words of God. These were narrated by Kaal Brahm, the God of this place (universe / Multiverse). After this, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was also spoken by him. It is the concise form of the four Holy Vedas and is as authentic as the Vedas. The rest of the Hindu Books — Puranas, Upnishads, and Itihas, etc. — were narrated by Demigods and Sages; though contain good knowledge but for the way of worship, are not as authentic as the Vedas.
We shall be centering our discussion on the Mantras of Vedas and Gita to identify the Supreme God in Hinduism. Some necessary pieces of evidence from the Holy Puranas will also be used.
Holy Scriptures are the constitution of Spirituality. They tell us the qualities of the Supreme God and also indicate the correct way of worship to attain Him. Though there are a number of qualities of the Supreme God described in the Holy Vedas that distinguishes the Gods in Hinduism, we in this article will consider only four qualities of Supreme God from the Vedas, and two from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
The Word of God Vedas state the following qualities of the Supreme God:
Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 3
“Shishum n Twa jenyam vardhayanti mata vibharti sachansyamaanaa|
dhanoH adhi pravata yaasi haryan jigishase pashuriv avsrishtH" ||3||
Translation: Oh Supreme God when you (shishum) acquire the form of a child i.e. appear in the form of a child then (Twa) You (mata) mother (jenyam) by giving birth (vibharti) by nurturing (n vardhayanti) does not raise i.e. Supreme God doesn't take birth from a mother's womb (sachansyamaanaa) in reality, You do Your creation (dhanoH adhi) by word power, and (haryan) to end the sufferings of devotees (pravata) by coming like a human in the lower Lokas (yaasi) You get. (pashuriv) Living beings tied like an animal in the bondage of Karma, from Kaal (jigishase) by coming with the aim of winning (av srishtH) by the method of secure creation i.e. by the Scripture-based way of worship, completely liberated.
Translation: Oh Supreme God, when You acquire the form of a Child i.e. appear in the form of a child, then a Mother, by giving birth to You and by nurturing You, doesn’t raise You i.e. Supreme God doesn’t take birth from the womb of a Mother. In reality, You do Your creation by Word Power, and to end the sufferings of the devotees, You attain the lower Lokas by coming in the form of a Human. Coming with the aim of winning the living beings, tied like an animal in the bondage of Karmas, from Kaal, You liberate them completely by the method of secure creation i.e. the Scripture-based way of Worship.
This same evidence is in Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 93 Mantra 2. This is contrary to the belief of common people that God in Hinduism takes birth from a mother.
Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 9
“Abhi imM adhnya ut shreenanti dhenavH shishum′|
Sommindray paatve" ||9||
Translation: (Ut) Especially (imm) this (shishum ) appeared in child form (somm) of the Supreme Eternal God (indraay) through comforts i.e. development of body through nourishment (paatve) for the development (abhi) completely (adhnya dhenavH) a cow who has never been troubled by a bull i.e. by a maiden cow (shreenanti) is fostered/nurtured.
Translation: This Supreme Eternal God, who has especially appeared in child form, is nurtured by a completely maiden cow (who has never been troubled by a bull) for His development through comforts i.e. development of body through nourishment.
Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 4 Mantra 4
“Mura amur n vayam chikitvo mahitvamgne tvamag vitse|
vashye vricharati jihnayaadtrorihyate yuvatim vishpatiH san" ||4||
Translation: Of the Glory of the Supreme God (mura) root i.e. origin and (amur) end (vayam) we (n chikatvH) do not know i.e. the Lila of that God is endless. (Agne) Oh Supreme God (mahitvam) His Glory (Twam ang) Himself partly (vitse) tells. (vashaye) By His Power, by Himself coming in form, His Glory (charati) by strolling around (jihnayaat) by His Words (vriH) describes properly. (virpatiH san) Even after being the Pati ( Husband / Master ) of the whole creation (yuvatim) woman (n) doesn’t (rerihyate) bear.
Translation:- We do not know the root, i.e., origin and the end of the Glory of the Supreme God, i.e., the Lila (divine act) of that God is endless. Oh God! Himself imparts the knowledge about His Glory partially. By His Power, He properly describes His Glory Himself by coming in His Body and strolling. Even after being the Pati (Husband / Master) of the whole creation, He doesn’t bear any woman.
Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18
“Rishimna ya rishikrit swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam|
Trteeyam dhaam mahishH sisha sant somH viraajmaanu rajti stup" ||18||
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that (ya) the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child (kavinam) of famous poets (padviH) attaining the title i.e. plays the role of a saint or rishi, that (rishikrt) composed by the God appeared in the form of a Saint (sahastraneethH) thousands of speeches (rishimna) for the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees (swarshaH) is the provider of happiness equal to that of heaven (somH) that Eternal Purush/God i.e. Satpurush (trteeya) third (dhaam) of the Mukti lok / lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok (mahishH) very firm Earth (sisha) establishing (anu) after (sant) being in a human-like visible saint form in a dome on a high hillock-like throne (viraajmaanu rajti) in a bright material form i.e is seated in an effulgent human-like visible body.
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that the Supreme God who coming in the form of an extraordinary child, attaining the title of famous poets i.e. plays the role of a saint or a Rishi (sage), the thousands of speeches composed by that God, who has appeared as a saint, are provider of happiness equal to that of heaven to the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees. That Eternal Purush/God i.e. SatPurush after establishing the very firm Earth of the third lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok, Himself being in a human-like visible saint form in a bright material form i.e. in human-like effulgent body is seated in a dome on a high hillock-like throne.
Some of these might be surprising to you but are true. The Holy Vedas are the Words of God. These can not be false.
Now, let's see what does the Holy Bhagavad Gita say?
The concise form of the Holy Vedas, Gita tells these qualities of the Supreme God of Hinduism:
Gita Adhyay 15 Shloka 17
“UttamH, purushH, tu, anyaH, Parmatma, iti, udaahrtH,
YaH, loktryam, aavishya, bibharti, avyyaH, iishwarH ||17||
Translation: (UttamH) Supreme (PurushH) God (tu) however, than the foresaid Gods, Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush (anyaH) is someone else (yaH) who (loktryam) in the three loks (aavishya) entering (bibharti) maintains/sustains everyone and (avyyaH) eternal (iishwarH) Parmeshwar (Parmatma) Parmatma (iti) as (udaahrtH) is called. (17)
Translation: The Supreme God is, however, someone else other than the two aforesaid Gods, Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush, who by entering the three loks, sustains everyone and is called the Eternal Parmeshwar Parmatma (Immortal Supreme God).”
Gita Adhyay 2 Shloka 17
“Avinaashi, tu, tat,viddhi, yen, sarvam, idam,tatam,
Vinaasham, avyyasya, asya, na, kashchit, kartum, arhati ||17||
Translation: (Avinaashi) indestructible/immortal (tu) indeed, you (tat) him (viddhi) know (yen) from whom (idam) this (sarvam) whole visible world (tatam) has pervaded (asya) this (avyyasya) Immortal (vinaasham) destruction (kartum) in doing (kashchit) no one (na arhati) is not capable of. (17)
Translation: You should know Him to be indestructible/immortal from whom this whole visible world has pervaded. No one is capable of destroying this Immortal.”
Gita Adhyay 18 Shloka 62
“Tam, ev, sharnm, gachchh, sarvbhaaven, bharat,
Tatprsaadaat, paraam, shaantim, sthaanm, praapsyasi, shaashvatam ||62||
Translation: (Bharat) Oh Bharat! You (sarvbhaaven) in every respect (tam) that Supreme God (ev) only (sharnm) in the refuge (gachchh) go (tatprsaadaat) by grace of that Supreme God only, you (paraam) supreme (shaantim) peace and (shaashvatam) the everlasting, Sat (sthaanm) place/dhaam/lok (praapsyasi) will attain. (62)
Translation: Oh Bharat! You, in every respect, go in the refuge of only that Supreme God. By the grace of that Supreme God only, you will attain the supreme peace and the everlasting place (dhaam/lok) i.e. Satlok.”
This same evidence is also given in Adhyay 18 Shloka 66.
So, the Holy Vedas and the Holy Gita says that the Supreme God neither takes birth from a mother nor does He have any wife. He spreads His knowledge through poems and proverbs and is nurtured by the milk of maiden cows. Also, that He is indestructible and is other than the speaker of Holy Gita.
Let’s now analyze which God in Hinduism has these qualities.
So, we have read the qualities of the Supreme God mentioned in our Holy Books of Hinduism. Let’s see which God stands that definition of the Supreme God. The Demigods and the Demi Goddesses Hindus have, there are 33 crore (Koti) Demigods and Demi Goddesses in Hinduism, hold different powers. Like, there are cabinet ministers in a state: one holds the irrigation department, another holds the finance department, and so on. Similarly, these demigods hold different departments, like Indra Dev holds the department of rain, Kuber holds the department of wealth, and Varundev holds the department of water. Misled by the names of these Demigods {say for example, Surya Dev (Sun) }, some people think that the object (Sun) is being referred to when someone mentions “Surya Dev” as a result of which people call Hindus Pantheistic.
The gist however is, as their designation suggests, these all are Demigods, and thus not the Supreme God.
The Lord of the three lokas Shri Vishnu Ji has sixteen Kala. Shri Ram and Shri Krishna were his incarnations only. It is well accepted that both these incarnations took birth from a mother and later died leaving the body of the five elements. Hence, these can not be considered Immortal Supreme God mentioned in the Holy Books of Hinduism. Like, some say that Shri Krishna is the Supreme God of Hindu religion whom even Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu, and Shri Shiv worship – are totally misled. In reality Shri Krishna is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu Ji; he cannot be more powerful than Shri Vishnu Ji.
Lord Vishnu, who is Satogun (Sattva) and is considered the Almighty God of Hinduism, also has births and deaths. In the third Skandh of Shri Devi Bhagwat Mahapurana, Shri Vishnu admits:-
“I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing by your grace. We have birth (aavirbhaav) and death (tirobhaav). We are not eternal (immortal). Only you are eternal, are the mother of the world (jagat janani), are Prakriti, and Goddess Sanatani (existing for time immemorial).”
In this Skandh only, Shri Shiv Ji also admits:-
“If god Brahma, and god Vishnu have taken birth from you, then am I, Shankar, who was born after them and perform Tamoguni leela (divine play), not your son? Henceforth, you are my mother too. Your gunas are always present everywhere in this world’s creation, preservation, and destruction. The three of us, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, born of these three gunas (qualities) remain devoted to work according to the regulations.”
Now, the question arises that what should one transpire from Shri Vishnu Purana that claims Shri Vishnu to be the Creator and Sustainer of all? And, Shri Shiv Purana, that depicts Shri Shiv to be the Almighty Creator? Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj tells us that indeed these Puranas do say so, and these are not wrong. He has clarified that the Vishnu (or Shiva) who are depicted as Supreme in the respective puranas are not the Vishnu or the Shiva which are the lords of the three lokas, but God Kaal (also known as Brahm, Mahabrahma, Mahavishnu, Sadashiv, and Mahashiv) who doesn’t appear in his original body in front of anyone, and rather acquires the form of these three gods to accomplish his tasks. He is the God of these 21 Universes only. For instance, in Shri Shiv Mahapurana, Vidhyeshwar Sanhita, this Kaal taking the form of Shri Shiv calls Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva), and Rudra (a deity in Shiv Lok) his “sons” and tells them that they are not God. This Kaal is the father of the three gods as written in Holy Puranas of Hinduism. Read the section “Who is Brahm in Hinduism?” below to know more.
The mother of the three gods, Durga is the wife of Kaal Brahm as is also written in Rudra Sanhita, Shri Shiv Mahapurana, and also in the Third Skandh of Shri Durga Puran. Holy Vedas also give information about the birth of Shri Aadi Bhawani Ashtangi Durga.
Atharvaveda Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 5
“Sa budhnyaadaashtr janushoabhyagrM brhaspatirdevta tasya samraat |
AharyachchhukrM jyotisho janishtath dhyumanto vi vasantu vipraH ||5||
Sa – budhanyaat - Aashtr – janusheH – abhi – agram - brhaspatiH – devta - tasya – samraat – ahH – yat - shukram - jyotishH – janisht – ath – dhyumantH – vi - vasantu – vipraH
Translation: (SaH) that same (budhanyaat') from the Original Master (abhi-agram') on the very first place (Aashtr) Ashtangi/Maya/Durga i.e. Prakriti Devi (janusheH) originated; because the first place of the lower loks of ParBrahm and Brahm is Satlok; it is also known as the Third Abode (tasya) even the master of this Durga is also this (samraat) King of the kings (brhaspatiH) the Greatest Lord and Jagatguru / Guru of the universe (devta) is Parmeshwar (yat') from whom (ahH) everyone got separated (ath) after this (jyotishH) from Jyoti-Swaroop Niranjan i.e. Kaal (shukram') seminal fluid i.e. by the power of seed (janisht) arising from the stomach of Durga (vipraH) devout souls (vi) separately (dhyumantH) in the world of Men and Heaven world, by the order of Jyoti Niranjan, Durga said, “ (vasantu) live, i.e. they started living.
Translation: From that same Original Master, Ashtangi / Maya / Durga i.e. Prakriti Devi originated in the very first place because the first place of the lower loks of ParBrahm and Brahm is Satlok; it is also known as the Third Abode/Dhaam. Even the Master of Durga is also this King of the kings, the Greatest Lord and the Guru of the Universe, Parmeshwar, from whom everybody got separated. After this, having born from the semen i.e. the power of seed of Jyoti Niranjan / Kaal through Durga’s womb, the devout souls started living separately in the world of men (Earth) and heaven. By the orders of Jyoti Niranjan, Durga said, “Live.””
So, it is evident that even Shri Durga is not the Supreme God mentioned in the Holy Books of Hinduism. She also takes birth and dies. That’s why this Kaal Brahm says in Holy Gita Adhyay 15 Shloka 17 and Adhyay 2 Shloka 17 that the Supreme God alone is known as the “Avinashi God” (Eternal God).
In Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 16, the information about the name of the Supreme God has been sought.
Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17 gives the answer:
“Shishum jagyaanm hry tam mrjanti shumbhanti vahin marutH ganen||
Kavirgeerbhi kavyena Kavir sant somH pavitrm atyeti rebhan||
Translation: Supreme God (hry shishum ) in the form of an extraordinary human child (jagyaanm ) appears intentionally and His true knowledge / Tatvgyan (tam ) at that time (mrjanti) with purity (shumbhanti) utters (vahinH) who blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God (marutH) devotees (ganen) for the group of (kavyena) by poetic insight, through poems (pavitrm atyeti) many speeches with purity (Kavir Geerbhi) Kabir-speech i.e. by means of speech of Kabir (rebhan ) recites by addressing loudly (Kavir Sant somH) that Eternal Purush/God i.e. SatPurush alone in the form of a Saint i.e. a Rishi, is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet). But He is Supreme God only. His actual name is KavirDev.
Translation: Supreme God intentionally appears in the form of an extraordinary human child and at that time utters His Tatvgyan / True knowledge with purity. For the group of devotees blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God, He recites many speeches through poems with poetic insight by calling out loudly through Kavir Vaani i.e. Kabir Vaani. That Eternal Purush/God i.e SatPurush alone in the form of a saint i.e. a Rishi is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet). But He is Supreme God only. His actual name is KavirDev.
Meaning: In Rigved Mandal no. 9 Sukt no. 96 Mantra 16, it is said that let us know about the real name of the Supreme God. In this Mantra 17, that God's name and His full introduction is given. The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that Supreme God KavirDev by appearing in the form of an extraordinary human child explains His real, pure knowledge to His hans souls i.e. devout followers by means of His Kabir vaani by addressing i.e. uttering, through poems and proverbs. Because of the absence of this Tatvgyan, not 132 recognising the God present then, only consider Him to be a Rishi, Saint or a Poet. That God Himself also says that I am Purna Brahm, but on the basis of lokved (folk knowledge), believing God to be formless, the people do not recognise Him.”
Yes. He is Kabir God whose Glory all these Holy Books of Hinduism sing. He is the Supreme God, called Kabir who appeared in Kashi, India nearly 600 years ago, and enlightened the pious souls in Hinduism and Islam both. He spread His true and complete spiritual knowledge by means of soul-touching poems and proverbs. He didn’t marry, neither He took birth from a mother. He Himself appeared on a lotus-flower acquiring an infant’s form in a lake named Lahartara. From where the childless couple Neeru-Neema took Him home. The people of the entire Kaashi city went to see the beautiful body of God Kabir in the child’s form.
God Kabir Himself said:
“Avigat se chal aaye, koi mera bhed marm nahin paaya ||(tek)||
Na mera janm na garbh basera, baalak ho dikhlaaya ||
Kashi nagar jal kamal par dera, vahaan julaahe ne paaya ||
Maat-pita mere kuchh naahin, na mere ghar daasi (patni) ||
Julha ka sut aan kahaaya, jagat karein meri haansi ||
Paanch tatv ka dhad nahin mera, jaanu gyaan apaara ||
Satya swaroopi (vaastvik) naam Saheb (Purna Prabhu) ka, soi naam humaara ||
Adhar dweep (upar Satyalok mein) gagan gufa mein tahaan nij vastu sara ||
Jyot swaroopi alakh Niranjan (Brahm), bhi dharta dhyaan humaara ||
Haad chaam lahu na mere, koi jaane satyanaam upaasi ||
Taaran taran abhay pad daata, main hoon Kabir avinaashi ||”
Supreme God Kabir didn’t eat or drink anything for 25 days. Neema became extremely distressed about this and remembered the Hindu deity Lord Shiva. Then by the secret inspiration of God Kabir, Shri Shiv Ji, in the attire of a Saint, came from his lok and asked Neema the reason for her being upset. Neema told him everything. Shri Shiv Ji took God Kabir Ji in his arms. Both the Gods talked seven times. As told by God Kabir Ji, Shri Shiv Ji asked Neeru to bring a maiden cow and a new pot. Same was done. Shri Shiv Ji patted on the back of the maiden cow. Just then, by the Blessings of God Kavirdev, the maiden cow gave milk. God Kabir Ji drank that milk. After this, that maiden cow used to daily give milk after putting the pot under her.
This evidence is in the nectar-speech of God Kabir Ji and Saint Garib Das Ji.
This shows that He only is the Creator and sustainer of the entire creation mentioned in the Holy Hindu Books. He is the Supreme God of all religions, including Hinduism, who does destroy the sins of His devotees, and changes their destiny.
Atharvaveda Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7 says that the Supreme God Kabir is the Father of the Universe and doesn’t betray like Kaal (of Hinduism):
“YaH – atharvanm' - Pitram' - Devbandhum' - Brahspatim' - namsa – av – ch –gachchhaat' - tvam' - vishwesham' - janita – yatha – saH – KavirdevH – na – dabhaayat' - swadhavan' |
Translation: He, who is unchanging i.e. eternal, Father of the universe, the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul, Guru of the universe, and who takes a polite worshipper, i.e. worshipper who worships according to the scriptures, who has gone to Satlok, to Satlok with safety; the Creator of all the brahmands, Jagdamba i.e. who is also endowed with the qualities of a mother, who has the nature i.e. qualities of not betraying like Kaal, He is, as it is, Himself KavirDev i.e. in different language He is also called Kabir Parmeshwar.
In this Mantra, it has also been made clear that the name of that God, who has done all the Creation, is KavirDev (God Kabir).”
Mantra Sankhya 1400 Samveda Utarchik Adhyay no.12 Khand no. 3 Shloka no. 5 says that the Supreme God Kabir manifests on Earth to spread awareness about the correct spiritual knowledge by means of His Shabdavali:
“Bhadra vastra samanya3vasaano mahaan kavirnivachnani shansan ||
Aa vachyasv chamvoH pooymaano vichakshano jaagrvirdevveetau|| 5||
Bhadra - vastra - samanya - vasaanH - mahaan - Kavir - nivachnani - shansan - aavachyasv - chamvoH - pooymaanH - vichakshanH - jagrviH - Dev - veetau||
Translation: (VichakshanH) Clever people (aavachyasv) through their speeches, instead of telling the true path of the way of worship of Purna Brahm, by directing towards the worship of others, in place of nectar, (pooymaanH) pus from a boil in the form of the worship of others [like, ghost-worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas {Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shankar} and worship of Brahm-Kaal] (chamvoH) are respectfully making sip the wrong knowledge (bhadra) the supremehappiness-giving (mahaan Kavir ) Supreme God Kabir (vastra) in a body in an ordinary attire i.e. {the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. Chola means body. Like, if a saint leaves his body, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, (samanya) acquiring another body made up of mass of lights [tejpunj] similar to that of Satyalok (vasaanH) by spending life like a common man and living in the world for a few days (nivachnani) by means of his Shabdavali1 , the true knowledge (shansan ) by explaining (Dev) of the Supreme God (veetau) hidden Sargun-Nirgun knowledge (jagrviH) awakens/brings awareness about.
Translation: Clever people, through their speeches, instead of telling the true path of the way of worship of Purna Brahm, by directing towards the worship of others, in place of nectar, are respectfully making sip the pus from a boil i.e. wrong knowledge of the worship of others {like, ghostworship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, SatgunVishnu, Tamgun-Shankar) and worship of Brahm-Kaal}. At that time, the Supreme-happiness-giving Supreme God Kabir, acquiring another body made up of masses of lights (tejpunj) similar to His body in Satyalok, appears in body in an ordinary attire {(vastra) the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. 'Chola' means body. Like, if a saint leaves his body, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, and by living like an ordinary man for a few days in this world, explaining the true knowledge by means of His shabdavali etc., brings awareness about the hidden Sargun-Nirgun knowledge of the Supreme God.”
Supreme God Kabir has also been addressed as the Liberator and the Giver of the Supreme peace in the Yajurveda Adhyay 5 Mantra 32
A number of Shlokas of the most revered Text of Hinduism, Holy Bhagavad Gita, state the Glory of Supreme God Kabir Ji:
The way to destroy our sins
Gita Adhyay 18 Shloka 66 states that by going into the refuge of that Supreme God Kabir, we will be freed from our sins.
“Sarvdharmaan, parityajya, maam, ekam, sharnam, vraj,
Aham, tva, sarvpaapebhyaH, mokshyishyaami, ma, shuchH ||66||
Translation: The Supreme God in whose refuge it has been directed to go in Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62, regarding Him only is said in this Shlok 66 too that (Mam) my (sarvdharmaan) all the religious practices (parityajya) relinquishing (ekam) of that one unique i.e. Complete God (sharnm) in the refuge (vraj) go (aham) I (tva) you (sarvpaapebhyaH) from all the sins (mokshyishyaami) will release, you (ma, shuchH) do not grieve. (66)
Translation: Relinquishing all my religious practices in me, you go in the refuge of only that one unique i.e. Complete God. I will release you from all the sins. You do not grieve.”
Supreme God is attainable by undivided devotion only
Gita Adhyay 8 Shloka 22 says. that the Supreme God is attainable by undivided devotion only, i.e., by not worshipping other Gods of Hinduism :
“PurushH, saH, parH, paarth, bhaktya, labhyaH, tu, ananyyaa,
Yasya, antHsthaani, bhootaani, yen, sarvam, idam, tatam ||22||
Translation: (Paarth) Oh Paarth! (yasya) the Supreme God, whom (antHsthaani) under (bhootaani) all the living beings and (yen) the Sachchidanandghan God [True Happiness-giving Supreme God], from whom (idam) this (sarvam) whole universe (tatam) has pervaded/is complete [about whom there is mention in aforesaid Shloks 20, 21 and Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1-4 and 17, and Adhyay 18 Shlok 46, 61, 62, 65 and 66] (saH) that (parH) Supreme (PurushH) God (tu) indeed (ananyyaa) undivided (bhaktya) devotion only (labhyaH) is attainable. (22)
Translation: Oh Paarth! The Supreme God under whom are all the living beings, and the Sachchidanandghan God (True Happiness-giving Supreme God) from whom this whole universe has pervaded i.e. is complete, about whom there is mention in aforesaid Shloks 20, 21 and Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1-4 and 17, and Adhyay 18 Shlok 46, 61, 62, 65 and 66, that Supreme God is only attainable by undivided devotion.”
As discussed above, Brahm (ब्रह्म) is the husband of Goddess Durga. He is the Kaal who narrated the Holy Vedas and Holy Gita. He revealed his name in Holy Gita Adhyay 11 Shloka 32. Saints also call him "Jyoti-Swaroop Niranjan". Those who worship Brahm consider him to be the Eternal and the Supreme God of the Hindu religion. However, our Holy Books of Hinduism prove that he is not the Supreme God and neither is he Eternal.
Holy Vedas
Holy Atharvaveda Kand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 3 tells the origin of Brahm:
“Pr yo jagye vidwanasya bandhurvishwa devanaM janima vivakti
Brahm Brahmn ujjbhaar madhyatneechaeruchchaeH swadha abhi pratasthou ||3||
Pr – yaH – jagye – vidwanasya – bandhuH – vishwa – devanam - janima – vivakti – BrahmH – BrahmnH – ujjbhaar – madhyat - nichaeH – uchchaeH – swadha – abhiH – prtasthou
Translation: (Pr) first of all (devanam') of the gods and the brahmands (jagye) the knowledge of the origin (vidwanasya) of a curious bhakt (yaH) who (bandhuH) the real companion i.e. Purna Parmatma only, to His personal servant (janima) whatever has been created by Him (vivakti) Himself tells correctly in detail that (BrahmnH) Purna Parmatma (madhyat') from within Him i.e. by word power (brahmH) Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal (ujjbhaar) by giving rise to (vishwa) the whole world i.e. all the loks (uchchaeH) above Satyalok etc (nichaeH) below all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm (swadha) by His acquirable (abhiH) attractive force (pr tasthau) properly established both of them.
Translation: Purna Parmatma who is the real companion of a curious bhakt, first of all, Himself correctly tells in detail the knowledge of the origin of the gods and the brahmands and whatever has been created by Him to His personal servant (disciple) that, Purna Parmatma, giving rise to Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal from within Him i.e. by His word power, properly established the whole world i.e. all the loks, both the Satyalok etc above and all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm below by His acquirable attractive force.”
It shows that Brahm was born from BrahmnH (ब्रह्मण). “BrahmnH” here indicates God Kabir.
Holy Gita Adhyay 10 Shloka 2 and 3 also indicate the origin of Brahm.
This might have come as a shock but this is true. The Trinity, Shri Durga, Jyoti Niranjan — all take birth and die. The "illiterate" Kabir Sahib Ji Himself used to tell that —
The Gods whom Hindus and Muslims (at that time, there were only these two religions in India) worship are not the Supreme God mentioned in the Holy Books of both Hinduism and Islam religion. These Gods have limited power. The Supreme God has unlimited Power.
“Kabir, chaar bhuja ke bhajan mein, bhuli pare sab sant|
Kabira sumiro Taasu ko, Jaake bhuja anant||”
Kabir Sahib said, "The Holy Books tell me the Supreme God and sing my Glory alone. The spiritua leaders of Hinduism and Islam are themselves ignorant and are misleading other people."
“Kabir, Ved Kateb jhuthe nahin bhai| Jhuthe hain jo samajhe nahin||
Kabir, Ved Humara bhed hai, Main milun Bedon mein nahin|
Jon Bed se Main milun, vo Ved jante nahin||”
But, our ignorant Spiritual Leaders insisted that Kabir Ji is illiterate; He cannot know what’s written in the Holy Books. We, being ourselves illiterate, believed those fake gurus and went away from our God.
Saint Rampal Ji tells that the significant benefit we have of education is that we can recognize our Supreme God by seeing ourselves what’s written in our Holy Books of Hinduism that we used to revere the most.
Hindu followers recognize Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva as the three primary deities. Nevertheless, in the Holy Samved Sankhya 1400 Sankhya 395 Chapter 4 Khand no 25 Verse 8, Kabir Saheb is identified as the Ultimate Lord who descends on earth to bring enlightenment to humanity.
The belief among Hindus is that Brahma is the initial god responsible for the creation of the universe. However, Kabir Saheb is the true first God and the creator of infinite universes. This assertion is supported by references in various Vedic texts, including Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 49 Mantra 1 & 6, Atharvaved Kaand No. 4, Anuvaak No. 1, Verses 1-7, and Yajurveda Chapter 13 Verse 14.
No, The number of types of gods is 33. The Sanskrit word "koti" has two interpretations, which are crores and types. These 33 varieties of gods play a vital role in maintaining the world, with one supreme deity presiding over all.
The Hindu religion does not have a singular concept of a single deity. Within Hinduism, Shaivites consider lord Shiva to be the ultimate being, whereas Vaishnavites worship lord Vishnu. Nevertheless, it is believed that Kabir Saheb, as stated in Rigveda Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Verse 17-19, is the Supreme Almighty who takes care of existence in three different forms.
It is commonly believed in Hinduism that Lord Shiva does not have any parents. However, this belief is not accurate as he indeed has parents. In Hindu scriptures, there is evidence that his mother is Goddess Durga, and his father is known as Kaal-Brahm, also referred to as Satan. This information can be found in Shri Shiv Puran Vidhyeshwar Sanhita Chapter 6, which was published by Ramayan Press Mumbai and is available on page 45 and in Rudra Sanhita Chapter 6 published by Geetapress Gorakhpur on page 99.
Kabir Saheb is the most powerful God. Atharvaved kaand no 4, Anuvaak no 1, and Verse 1-7 proves this.
Kabir Saheb is the most powerful god. According to the Yajurveda Chapter 5 Verse 32 and Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Verse 15, Kabir Saheb is regarded as the most powerful God who has the ability to eradicate all sins and grant liberation to devotees.
Kabir Saheb is the creator of us all. Evidence for the same can be found in Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Verse 1- 5
According to Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Verse 1, Kaal-Brahm (Satan) is considered the god of 21 universes, which includes the one we currently reside in. However, Kabir Saheb is regarded as the Supreme God and the creator of an infinite number of universes, which includes the 21 universes governed by Kaal-Brahm.
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Laxman Singh
Lord Shiva is the Supreme God in Hinduism. He is Mrityunjay, Kalinjay, Sarveshwar
Satlok Ashram
Lord Shiva is the youngest son of Brahm Kaal and Goddess Durga who is equipped with Tamogun. His responsibility in 21 universes of his father is to kill creatures and prepare food for his father. He has not won over death. He is in the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Lord Ganesha is 'Vighnaharta means remover of obstacles he is supreme God since he is worshiped first as he is the Lord of new beginnings
Satlok Ashram
This is a myth. Lord Ganesha could not avert his assassination from Lord Shiva how can he remove obstacles of his devotees. The Supreme God in Hinduism is Adi Ganesha the immortal God whose evidence is found in holy scriptures. For that you must visit our website.
Advocate Chetan Shah
Lord Vishnu is the sustainer of the world he is supreme God
Satlok Ashram
Lord Vishnu is the son of the owner of 21 universes means Brahm Kaal and is the younger brother of Lord Brahma and elder to Lord Shiva. He holds the responsibility of only the Satogun department. He is also in the cycle of birth and rebirth. He has already taken 9 incarnations and the 10th is yet to come. He is not the supreme God.
Rohit Kumar
Lord Brahma is the creator, undoubtedly he is supreme God
Satlok Ashram
Lord Brahma is the son of Satan Kaal and is the head of only Rajogun department in his world who is responsible for creation only in Brahm Kaal's 21 universes. He is not the creator of entire universes. He is not Supreme God and is in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Supreme God is one who created entire universes whose evidence is found in our holy scriptures.
Goddess Durga is Jagat Janani, Of Course she is Supreme God
Satlok Ashram
No, Goddess Durga is not the Supreme God. Evidence from pious Devi Bhagwat Purana proves that Goddess Durga herself tells King of Himalayas in an episode mentioned in Skand 7 Chapter 36 that she should not be worshiped rather there is some other supreme God who is worth worshiping. Also Goddess Durga is in the cycle of birth and death.