Sat Saheb
Hail Satguru Dev!
Hail to Bandi Chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.
Hail to Bandi Chhor Garib Das Ji Maharaj Ji.
Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.
Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji
Hail to all the saints.
Hail to all the devotees.
Hail to the righteous men.
Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.
Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.
Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.
Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.
Sat Saheb.
Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi
Satguru Sahib Sant sab, dandautam pranaam| Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan
Kabir satguru ke upadesh ka, suniya ek vichar. Jai satguru milte nahin, jaate narak dwar.
Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khichaantan. Unse kabahu nahin chhoota, firata charon khan.
Kabir char khani mein, bharamta kabahu na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere satguru ke upkaar.
Jai jai satguru mere ki, jai jai satguru mere ki.
Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, amarpuri ke dere ki.
Jai jai satguru mere ki, Jai jai satguru mere ki.
Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, satlok ke dere ki.
Nirvikaar nirbhay tuhi, aur sakal bhaymaan.
Eji sadhu aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri sahibi, sab par teri Sahibi tujh par sahab na. Nirvikaar Nirbhay.
Children! Supreme Father, Supreme God Kabir ji is the master of the entire creation. He is the Lord of the Lineage. He is the creator of all, the sustainer of all, he is the Liberator who cuts the bondage of karma and Salvates from Kaal. He is Bandichod.
Children! You are lucky, you have been born with very good luck. You have received the refuge of God Kabir Sahib. And in this terrible Kali Yuga, today no one has so much time, to talk with each other, to go to a relative. Just talk on the phone. The rest of the day and night are spent in adding money. And no one seems to be a merchant. Kaal has turned everyone's mind like this. Kaal wants that after attaining human life, First this creature should not remember the name of Ram. And if someone is inspired by his past Virtues, then as it was told, that he had a conversation with God, that
Teerth Vrat Tap Man Laun, Teerth Vrat Devi-Dev Pujvaun.
And in this way I will make them engage in wrong devotion which will not yield any benefit. And will destroy his human life. And the first thing he tries to do is to make everyone an atheist. Now Servant saw the village in which Servant was born. And we had relatives in all the villages wherever we went. They were very kind, honest, good moral and civilised people. But were not close to Ram. Because they had understood this from what they had heard, that all are hypocritical saints. They go around looting the world.
Everyone tells lies, everyone does this for money. Do your work and live your life properly and honestly. Earn and eat. Everyone sitting here became an atheist. Because we have been engaged in worshiping God since Satyayug to attain him. We all practised devotion and performed the toughest penances. But due to the lack of a correct path, nothing was achieved. Nothing was found. We have been engaged in devotion since Satyayug. Performed rigorous penance while standing. Sitting in the fire. Standing in water. We read the Vedas, the sages then told us. So according to that there is only one name Om in Yajurveda Chapter No. 40 Verse 15. At one place in all four Vedas there is an indication of chanting the mantra Om. Chanting the mantra Om is of Kaal Brahm. We worshiped steadfastly. Like someone used to come to the village to demonstrate the path of devotion and preach. He also used to say that
Om naam Sabse Bada isse Bada Na koi. Om Naam ka Sumiran Kren to Uski Mukti Hoye
Now we came to know, Garibdas ji has said
Yah Yam ke Halkare Phiren Hathon me liye ved
These were all messengers of Kaal. Who misguided. Brahma Ji chanted Om mantra and performed penance. Before obtaining the Vedas, Kaal had given him a eathervoice, asking him to do penance. So Brahma ji did penance, considered that eathervoice to be the order of God. And told this to his descendants, Brahmins and sages.
So, everyone obeyed the voice of God and performed severe penance as per the instructions of Brahma Ji. Just as Brahma Ji says, ‘I performed severe penance for 1000 years. Then a celestial announcement said, ‘create’. As it was told to you, there is an incident in the first Skanda of Srimad Devi Bhagwat that Narad ji asked Brahma ji, his father: ‘Father! Who is the owner of the entire creation?’
Kabir Saheb says that till now they do not know, their doubts have not been resolved by anyone till now. Now look at Shiva Ji, he does penance, performs meditation.
Shankar Dhyan dhare Nisvasar, Ajhun Tahi Suljhave
Till now he has not understood who this God is? Nor he saw in meditation. Through these one attains penance and spiritual powers come from penance.
Narad ji asked Brahma ji, ‘Lord! Who is the Almighty? Who should be worshiped?’ Brahma ji told that ‘once I went to meet Vishnu ji. He was sitting in meditation. After a long time, when his meditation opened, I asked him, O Lord! You are the master of everyone. Creator of all. Whom do you meditate on? Whom do you worship?’ Vishnu ji said, ‘I worship Goddess Durga. And in my knowledge there is no power, no God above her. And I mostly do penance, after doing penance I attain Spiritual power, then I fight with the demons and kill them. Whenever I get some time, I stay at home’.
Now Narad doesn't know. Neither Brahma knows. Now this is about the Puranas, which they consider to be true. And neither does Vishnu know who God is. –aye haye--
Children! Look, Appreciate your luck. You have got such decisive knowledge. The sages practised. The common man understood that it is not in our power to attain God by doing so much penance and such difficult devotion. We cannot do it, so we are getting involved in our work and business, giving birth to children, raising them for Kaal and then die. So how did Garib Das ji refute these practices? That they do wrong practice and see, I will tell you a little speech. Wonderful and amazing knowledge has been given by Sant Garibdas ji
Kamdhenu ek duje taiyan, Surati-Gujari bahut hai dhan bahiyaan.
Hai Gujari mat ki matvaari, aath vakhat utre nahi khumaari.
Doojhe amrit anand kanda, peevat hot ati aananda.
Ami maharas doojhe dhenam, Kamdhenu duhiye din renam.
Ya ras ki moh chhak padi hai, shabad salone aag bali hai.
That is, we got the true mantra, Saarnaam, Satnaam, it lit the lamp like this, gave such light, gave such dedication.
“Ya ras ki mohe chhak padi hai”.
That is, I desire the joy that comes from chanting the true mantra. I have that desire, I am hungry for it.
Aur Shabd salone aag lagi hai.
sarnam ka hai gathbandhan, Garibdas toote sab phandan
Look how much secret is there in this small line, in the last one.
Sarnam ka hai gathbandhan, Garibdas toote sab phandan.
Sarnam is an association, it’s a combination of mantras. Combination means it is formed of more than one mantras. Those who have received Sarnaam understand it.
Dekho Sundar saheb Salona. Moorti madhur bajave baina. Anant koti sikhiyan ka swami. Dekha dulha antaryami.
Now, as God is described formless, here Garibdas ji clarifies
Shwet chatra sir, swet mukut viraje. Shwet vastra tan par sajai.
He has a white dome. And a white crown is placed on the head. And white clothes are worn on the body.
Doore suhangam chanvar anadam. Ja nagari nahin vad vivaadam.
Surati kamal Kailash kalandar. Bathe Satguru dhani Munindr.
Dhani Munindr Moni Sai. Hai deva darvesh Gosai.
Gaaven anhad bain vilasa. Gagan gufa mandir mein vaasa.
Ek gumbad sankat mochan Purush Kabiram. Samarth sahib sukh ka seeram.
Koti-koti Ganga aur Kashi. Charan kamal tumhare avinashi.
Anand ghan pad agh hai uncha. Garibdas koi paave soocha.
It has been made clear in this that Sankat mochan Purush Kabiran. Kabir is the God who destroys and removes everyone's sorrows. Kabir is God and
Param Padarth Sukh ka Seeram.
Param Padarath means the Supreme God aur Sukh ka Seeram He is the giver of happiness.
Children! One reason for our not being liberated is that Kaal has confused everyone. As you have been told through the Creation of Nature that Kaal has said, I will put everyone on the wrong path. I will not tell anyone the true path. Children! I am telling you the Sacred Speech of the Amar Granth. From Where the servant is speaking and how amazingly God has conveyed this true message to you, you should follow it. Now see God tells about these sects that are confused by Kaal. Garibdas Ji has explained that knowledge in his words in this way.
"|| Ath Shat Darshan Ghamod Baida ||
Shat Darshan Shat Bhesh Kahavain, Bahu Vidhi Dhundhun Kar Machavain. Teerath Vrat Kare Tarvita, Ved Puran Padhat Hai Gita.
That is, they are widely propagating their worship. That is, they have created a stir. Don't know what kind of difficult practices they do. They do pilgrimages and fasts. And they read Gita, Puranas, and Vedas. And what does Garibdas Ji Says :-
Rig Yajur Hai Saam Atharv, Yeh Charon Ved Chitbhangi Re. Sooksham Ved Baanchai Sahib Ka, So Hansa Satsangi Re. So Hansa Satsangi Re.
These four Vedas are confusing, they are misleading knowledge. Regarding this topic, it is said here:"
Shat Darshan Shat Bhekh Kahavain, Bahu Vidhi Dhundhun Dhaar Machavain. Teerath Vrat Kare Tarvita, Ved Puran Padhat Hai Gita. Yo bhi beida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi behada.
That means it is useless. These too are useless practices.
Chaar sampraday 52 dvare, jinhon nahin nij naam vichaare.
Mala ghaal hue hain mukta, shat dal oova baee bakada.
Chaar sampraday aur 52 dvare, jinhon nahin nij naam vichaare.
These are all organisations. Aur mala ghal hue hain mukta. They put three-four garlands around the neck. Some rosary, some chanting rosary or some Rudraksha beads. They have put a lot of it. It is Said:
Mala ghaal hui hai mukta. Shat Dal Uva Bai Bakda. Yo bhi beida hai, beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi beida.
Bairagi bairag na jaane, bin satguru nahi chot nishaane. Barah baat bitamb bilori, shat darshan mein bhakti thagori. Yo bhi beida hai beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi bahda.
Bairagi bairag na jaane, bin satguru nahi chot nishaane
Recluses give up their homes in the detachment, desire, and attachment of God. They say that no matter how much worship you do without the true name, true devotion, perfect Guru, and true knowledge, it is all a delusion. It is useless. It is absolutely futile.”
Garibdas Ji says:-
Kele ki kopin hai, phool paan phal khahin. Nar ka mukh nahi dekhte, basti nikat na jahin. –oye hoye--
Vah jangal ke roz hain, manushyon vidke jahin. Nishadin phiro ujaad mein, nyon malik pave nahi.
God was not found. The same thing is said here:
Char sampradaya 52 dwara, jinon nahi nij naam vichaare. Mala ghaal hui hai mukta, shatdal uva bai bakda.
Then it is said
Bairagi bairag na jaane, bin satguru nahi chot nishaane.
They leave their homes and roam around as recluses. It is Told about them.
Vah to jangal ke roz hain.
Go anywhere but without the true mantra, the true Guru, and this true knowledge, the liberation of the soul cannot be achieved.
Bin satguru nahi chot nishaane. Oye hoye...
Without a Guru, this problem cannot be solved. The right mantras will not be found. The target will not be hit."
12 baat bitamb bilori.—oho-- Shatdarshan mein bhakti thagori.
The six sects are Giri, Puri, Nath, Vaishno, Sanyasi, Oghad, Nangad, Naga. It is Said that devotion is wrong in these sects. They have been cheated by Kaal, kept in confusion.
"Sanyasi das nam kahave, Shiv-Shiv karein nahin sanshay jaave. Nirbani nih kachcha nisara, bhule gaye hai Brahm dwar. –oye hoye--
What has been made clear that sanyasi dash naam kahave, ‘Dashanaami’ is a Sect. And they are Worshipers of Shiva. It is Said Shiv-Shiv karein nahin sanshay jaave. What are their mantras: They have 10 rules. Like we have 21 rules. They have 10 rules. This has to be done, this has not to be done. Worship Shiva ji and do nothing else. They do not chant any Mantra. They Say that we remember these ten rules daily.
Then what is said:
Sunn sanyasi, kul karma nashi, Bhagve pyondi, bhule dhondi. Chhalchhidr ki bhakti na kijiye, aage jawab kaho kya dijiye. –oye hoye—
Sunn sanyasi, kul kanashi
These ascetics roam around destroying all their religious activities.
Bhagve pyondi, bhule dhondi. What is Pyondi? When a plant is grafted, it is called grafting. It is said that you have got this sadhu's attire, you have got your ears pierced, you have worn red clothes, you have got big matted hair. But the path is not right
Yeh Bhagve pyondi, bhule dhondi. Chhalchhidra ki bhakti na kijiye, aage jawab kaho kya dijiye. Yeh bhi beida hai, beide se bhed alaida. Yeh bhi behada.
Bharam karam bhairo ko puje, satsabad saheb nahin soojhe. Mala mukti, kakad hukti, bana godi, bhaang bhasodi. Yeh bhi beida hai, beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida.
They Worship Bhairo on the basis of confused knowledge. They do not worship the true name of God.
Children! They worship Bhairo on the basis of confused knowledge. Some worship gods. Kabir Saheb says-:
Maai masani shed shitala, bhairo bhoot hanumanth. Sahab se nyara rahe, jo inko pujant.
God will not come near Those who worship them.
Jati jalali, pad bin khali, nam na ratta ghori gatta. Mandi basanta, odhe kanta, ban phal khawe, nagar na jaave. Yeh bhi beida hai, beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi behada." –oye hoye--
Now, what is said:
Jangam Jaini, Phokat Phaini, Naam nahin chinha, Guru bin hina. Galri zinda, Mastak binda, Googal khewe, Jantar sewe. Yo bhi beida hai, Beide se bheda alaida. Yo bhi beida.
It means this is futile.
Jangam Jaini, Phokat Phaini
They have nothing, who are associated with Jangam, Sewde, Jain religion.
Children! Your fate is amazing. Like Shri Mahavir Jain was the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, his history was narrated to you from their book.
So the child of God, Garibdas ji is narrating the same speech of the Almighty, and is explaining the same knowledge. That is Jangam Jaini, Phokat Phaini all are doing futile practice.
Khaki toda, Bang batoda, Dhooma dhami, Kaise swami. Nagan nirasha, Tan ko traasa, Pashu prani, Swann samani. –oye hoye--
They smoke, drink cannabis, and alcohol is not prohibited for them. They kill Goats. Eat their meat. And roam Naked.
Nagn nirasha, Tan ko traasa.
In vain, they distress the body, cause trouble, and endure suffering.
Pashu prani, Swann samani.
What is the difference between them and a dog? They also remain naked and Even animals remain naked. God has given human life and given wisdom in it.
Children! Dress decently. But don't distance yourself from the Almighty.
Indri cheera, Ghali janjeera, Ghunghroo baaje, Mood na laaje. Dhoomi dhama, Karte saama, Maand akhada, Rope baada. Yo bhi beida hai, Beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi behada.
Haathon karva, Kaandhe farva, Khol banave, Siddh kahave. Jata Jalandam, Bhule andham, Tan bairagi, Chhapa daagi. Yo bhi beida hai, Beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi behada.”
Then what is said that
haathon karva
they take one pot.
Aur kaandhe farva
like a shovel, will be placed on the shoulder.
Aur khol banaavein
and make a cave and hide in it. And are called perfect.
Jata Jalandam, bhule andham.
They keep big matted hair on their head. These blind people of knowledge have forgotten the true path of God.
Tan bairagi, chhapa daagi. Ved puran, katha kahani. Padh-padh bhule, arth na khule. Bhule yogi, ridhi ke rogi. Kaan chirave, bhasma ramave, yo bhi beida hai, beide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi behada.
They Read Vedas and Puranas but could not understand them properly.—oye hoye—
Ved puran, katha kahani, padh-padh bhule, arth nahi khule. Say!
And God Kabir Sahib says:
Guru bin Ved padhe jo prani. Samjhe na saar, rahe agyaani.
If they had understood Gita-Vedas and had understood Puranas, they would not have said that there is no power Superior than Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. So this proves that all of them are confused souls. Kaal has confused them. And he had said that I will cause such misery to everyone that no one will be able to understand properly.
Then what is said -:
Tode paati, aatmghaati, moodh anaadi, jad se taadi. Taal manjeera, mann nahi thheera, bahu vidhi nache, naam nahin baanche. Yo bhi baida hai. Baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi bahda.
They are destroying their lives by plucking flowers and leaves. Committing suicide.
Moodh anaadi, jad tain taadi, That is, they offer prayers in front of the stone idol.
This is amazing!!!
Now what is said further?
Yeh ud baahi, bhule saai. Dhoomar paana, bhed na jaana. Tapa aakaashi, baarah maasi, moni pithi, panth angithi. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida hai. Yo bhi bahda.
What is said: They stand with their feet up. Standing with feet up is a form of penance. Some people stand with their feet up, while others stand the same way and put a sheet under their feet for support. Some people do penance for 40 days in the month of Jyeshtha month, burning five way smokes.
They went for God. Then Kaal misled them.
"Atah Bahde Ka Granth"
"Bairagi sannyasi bhadve, chootad chhaar lagaave hai. Paancho naari, pacchisoon ladke, dhoondhoondhaar machave hain.
Kanthi mala, aur mrig chhaala, sir par jata rakhave hai. Dholak taal, jhaalari peeten, taana reeri gaave hai.”
It is said that this Kaal has misled on the wrong path. Recluse left home and became a monk. And there they tie a loincloth and cover their entire body with ashes. And in this they are assuming that they have left everything behind.
Now what does Garib Das ji tell:
Ek nari tyaag dinhin, panch nari gail ve.
Paya na dvaara mukti ka, sukhadev kari bahoo sail ve..
Left a woman and the family because this household life becomes a hindrance in devotion. God says, Garib Das ji tells that you left a woman whom you considered an obstacle. And yah panch nari gail ve aur pachiso ladake, five natures, and these five: lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, these are with you. Their five-five nature, This twenty-five, ingenious jugglery all is with you.
Kabir Sahib Says:
"Raj tajna sahaj hai, sahaj parivaar ka neh. Maan badhai irsha, durlabh tajna ye.
Can also give up the Kingdom. The family can also abandon. But this pride and jealousy still remains the same. Then what did you give up? Kaal is still sitting like this in your heart.
"Bairagi sanyasi bhadwe, chhootad chhaar lagaave hain. –aye hai-- Paancho naari, pacchis ladke, dhoom-dhoom dhaar machaave hain. Kanthi mala aur mrig chhaala, sir par jata rakhava hai. Dholak taal, jhaalari peeten taana reeri gaave hain."—aiyhey--
Sing with a high note, but they know nothing. Kept big matted hair.
Yeh bhi baida hai, baide se bhed aleda hai. Yeh bhi baida. Bahada kyun jaana, hum satguru bhetein yun jaana."
"Someone asked Garibdas ji, how you came to know that all this is useless. I Found out Satguru, that's how I came to know, brother.
"Tan ke yogi, man ke bhogi, gular pet padaven hain. Guj viraj ka maram na jaanya, bhadar bhekh banave hain. Oye hoye...
What an amazing thing has been said!
Karva aur kopeen liye jo bankhand gufa banave hai."
"Khudya guti, ghat mein duti, phir grih-dvaare jaave hain.---oho-- Karva aur kopeen liye,
Kopeen: A small loincloth like a curtain, a curtain of 4-5-6 inches is made, it is called Kopeen. And pot in hand. And they go to the forest and live in a cave.
It is said tan ke yogi, aur man ke bhogi, They look ascetic from outside, but have no control over food. They roam around the yagyas eating malpuas. They will be found at the front wherever there is a religious feast.”
Tan ke yogi, man ke bhogi, gular pet padaava hain.
They will eat to their heart's content. They will eat in the morning and not have to beg for food anywhere until evening.
Guj viraj ka marm na jaanya, bhadar bhekh banave hain.
From outside they show off like ascetics so amazingly. And the True knowledge is not known.
Karva aur kopeen liye, jo bankhand gufa banaava hai.
Went to the forest and started living in the cave. They get hungry. Then what? Then they come to the door of a householder. "Give me some food, mother! Give me some food, mother!”
It is Said that
Kikar ka uthaya lath diyo mai! Diyo mai! Gore jaakar laga liya bhath."
"Is liberation achieved?
Yeh bhi baida hai. Baide se bhed aleda. Yeh bhi baida. Bahada kyun jaana. Hum satguru bhete yun jaana.”
Khaki aur Nirvani Naga, Siddh Jamaat chalaave hain. Ransingh Turahi Tutkara, Ghaghad Bhaang Ghutaave hai. Kashi, Gaya, Prayag mein udghaatan, Jagannath ko jaave hain. Lohagar aur Pushkar parsv, Dwaara Daag Dagaave hain. Yeh bhi beida, baide se bheda alaida. Yeh bhi baida. Baida kyun jaanya. Hum Satguru bheṅṭe yun jaanya.
Khaki aur Nirvaani Naga—oye hoye- Siddh Jamaat chalaave hain.
Many gather together and walk.
Ransingh Turahi Tutkara aur Ghaghad Bhaang Ghutaave hain.
It is said that such cannabis is mixed and drunk which is very intoxicating. Go to Kashi, go to pilgrimages. Go to Jagannath. Go Lohagar, Pushkar etc. all pilgrimages. Go to Dwarka.—oye hoye--
Bhai jo guru vachan par dat gaye, re kat gaye fand chaurasi ke. Kat gaye fand chaurasi ke. Re kat gaye...
Vastu mili thaur ki thaur. Mit gayi man papi ki daud. Vastu mili thaur ki thaur. Mit gayi man papi ki daud. Bharam mite Mathura Kashi ke. Bharam mite Mathura Kashi ke. Bhai jo guru vachan par dat gaye. Kat gaye fand chaurasi ke.
Now how clear it has been made, that they wander in these pilgrimage places, there is nothing, absolutely nothing there.
Teer tupak talwaar kataari, jam dhad jor badhaavai hain. Hari paidi har het na jaanya, vahaan ja ye teg chalaave hain. Katen sheesh nahi dil karuna, jag mein saadh kahlaave hain. Jo nar inke darshan ko jaavain, unko bhi narak pathaavai hain.—oye hoye hoye--
A long time ago, a fight broke out between Worshippers of the three gunas :
Giri, Puri, Naga, and Vaishno. Vaishno are worshippers of Vishnu, and the Naga are worshippers of Shiva. The Naga said, "We are the most superior. We are renouncers and ascetics. We have no desires. We don't even wear clothes. We will bathe first." At Har Ki Pauri, there was ‘Parbhi’ during the Kumbh Mela. The Vaishno said, "You are dirty beggars. You don't even wash your hands after defecating. You don't bathe, Today you are about to take a bath. You just wander around wrapped in ashes. We are worshippers of Vishnu. Vishnu is the supreme God. We are clean and tidy. We bathe and wash. We wear clean clothes." This led to a fight between the two groups. 25,000 of these trigun Worshipers were chopped and killed.
Gita, chapter 7, verses 12 to 15, these Verses come to mind involuntarily. Come to mind Automatically. O God! O Liberator! Those whose knowledge is limited to the worship of the three gunas, Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu and Tamgun Shiva, are not willing to listen to anything beyond this. Those whose knowledge has been destroyed by Kaal, by this ignorance, such individuals who have demoniac nature, who are lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, Knowledge giver of Gita Says that they do not even worship me –aye haye--
Here Garibdas ji has clarified the Same thing
Teer tupak talwaar kataari, jam dhad jor badhaavai hain. Har paidi har het na jaanya, vahaan ja ye teg chalaave hain. Katen sheesh nahi dil karuna, ye jag mein saadh kahlaave hain. Jo nar inke darshan ko jaavain, unko bhi narak pathaavai hain.
O Son of Liberator! have done wonders. wielded a sword. They stabbed each other, inserted them and killed each other. It is said that
Har paidi har het na jaanya,
after going there they attack with swords.
Katen sheesh nahi dil karuna.
There is no mercy in their hearts. And in the world they are called sages. Those who go to see them and become their disciple will also be sent to hell. Will only give this education, what else do they have?
Yo bhii beida hai , Beide se Bhed aleda. Yo bhi Baida. Baida kyun jaana. Hum satguru bhete yun jaana.”
Sanpatt Shila ko sahab kehte, chetan saar chalave hai. Andha jagat pujari jaka, duniya ke mann bhavaye hai. Parakh lije, shabad patije, salig shila poojave hai. Tulsi tode marode moorakh, jad par phool chadhawe hai. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahada kyun jana, hum satguru bheten yun jana.
It is said that
Sanpatt Shila ko sahab kehte,
A stone statue is called God and human beings, walking and talking creatures, bow their heads to it.
And those who tell such practice are called
Andhe jagat poojari jaka These devotees of these ignorant people, the people of the world, their worshippers are pleasing to the mind of the world.—aye haye—
Parakh lijiye, shabad patiye, aur shalig shila poojavai hai.
That means understand the knowledge of God properly. They make us worship stone idols.
Aur tulsi tod marodai moorakh. Phir jad par phool chadhave hain.
"pluck the leaves and flowers of Tulsi and offer them to the Shivling. Fortune have been shattered, and forgotten everything, past and future."
Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bheda alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahada kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Jaise kutta sair saray ka, parikrama de aave hain. Jaise ritvanti sunhi ke peeche, gindak gailan jaave hain. Kakad bhang tambaku peeve, bakre kaat talaven hain. Sanyaasi Shankar ko bhule, bam Mahadev dhyaaven hain. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alag. Yo bhi baida. Bahada kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Yeh dashanami daya na jaane, geru kapda rangave hain. Parabrahm se parichay nahi, Shiv karta thaharave hain. Dhumrapan kare man mukhi, suchit aasan laavai hain. Ya tap seti raja hoi, dhundh dhaar bah jaavai hain. –oye hoye–
It is said that Sanyasi Shankar ko bhule,
forgot the name of God.
And they yell slogans of Bam Mahadev. Now see, those who brought Kavad completely left God. Either Bhole! Or Bam Bam, Bam Bam, Bam will be raised the whole day.
Sanyaasi Shankar ko bhule, bam Mahadev dhyaaven hain.
This Bam is believed to be Mahadev.
“Yeh dashanami daya nahi jaane, geru kapda rangavehain”
This Dashanami doesn't have mercy. And wears saffron, red clothes.
Paarbrahm se parichay nahi,
don't have knowledge of Satpurush,
Supreme God And Shiva is called God.
Shiv karta thaharave hain. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bheda alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahada kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Dhumarpan karein man mukhi, suchit aasan laavein hain. Yeh tap seti raja hoi, dhundhadhar bah jaave hain—Oye hoye--. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi bahda. Bahda kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Yeh dashanami daya nahin jaanai,
by colouring clothes red they are sitting as Sages. It is said ‘they do not know about Paarbrahm, do not have knowledge about complete God, param akshar brahm,
yeh Shiva ko karta bataate hain. Aur dhoomrapan karein manmukhi,
means perform arbitrary practice, against scriptures.
Aur suchit aasan laave hain. Tap karte hain jo is tap seti raja hoi, phir dhundhadhar bah jaave hain. Tap se raaj, raaj mad maanam, janam teesre shookar swaanum.
Sanyaasi udaasi baala, rukhadiya kahlaave hain. Aatam tatva ka maram na jaane, sunn mein pavan chadhava hai. Jharne baithe tape panch agni, urdumukh jhool jhulaave hain. Gyaani purusha nikat nahin jaave, murkhon ko reejh rijhaave hai. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bheda alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahda kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.—aye haye--
Look what an amazing thing has been said
“Sanyaasi udaasi baala, rukhadiya kahlaave hain. Aatam tatva ka maram nahi jaane, sunn mein pavan chadhava hain”.
They practise shortening the breath and then holding the breath.
Jharne baithe means either standing or sitting below a waterfall falling somewhere. Or a pot is placed on a tripod and hundreds of holes are made in it and during the summer months, hundred pot pitchers are poured on the head from inside it for 40 days. Sit for 3 hours, 2 hours.
It is Said
Jharne baithe tape panch agni, urdumukh jhool jhulaave hain
Those who perform penance by burning five smokes
aur Koi urdumukh jhool jhulaave hain
Some put a sheet and stand on it. Do penance while standing. It is said that wise men do not go near them. An intelligent person and one who has gained complete knowledge does not even go near these worthless people.
Ye to murkhon ko reejh rijhaave hain.
Making fools happy.
Aasan karein, kapali taali aur upar charan hilaavein hain. Ajappa seti marham nahi, sab dam khali jaave hai.
Chaar sampraday 52 dwar, bairagi ab aave hain. Kude bhekh kaal ka bana, santo dekh risaave hai. Yeh bhi beida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida, bahda kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Aasan karein, kapali taali aur upar charan hilaave hain.
That is, they perform penance by doing Sirsasana. And they have no knowledge of Ajappa Jaap of Satnam. All precious breaths go to waste..
Chaar sampraday 52 dwar,
let me give the account of all these ascetics.
Yeh kude bhekh kaal ka bana.—Oye hoye--
These fake saints are trapped in Kaal's trap.
Aur santo ko dekh risaave hai.
Seeing our devotees, they fight with them and Get angry.
Laye ghaat Manjari baithe, billi muse khaave hain. Badnaami ka dhyan dhare Yam Kinkar aan durave hai. Kothaliyon mein haath dhashorai, mala gupt phiraavai hai. Mann manke ka pher na jaane sahab dar nahi jaave hai.
It is said that it is like a cat betting on a mouse. Similarly, These bugs are like this and they are filled with faults. And then Yama's messengers catch them and take them away, just like a cat takes away rats.
Kothaliyon mein haath dhashore
no Mantra and No true devotion. Will put garlands in bags and rotate them in secret. Don't let anyone see. Will not speak.
Aur mann manke ka pher nahi jaane, sahab dar nahi jaave hain. Trikali asnaan karein, phir dwadash tilak banaave hain. Jal ke machhla mukti na hoi, nish din prabhi nhave hain. Salokya, saamipya, saayujya, saaroopya kahlaave hain. Chaar mukti mein maram nahi, aage ki kya paave hain.
What is said is that they take baths three times a day on those pilgrimages. And make12 tilaks, which will show off like this and create a stir.
Doonda sadh ka.
Garib kanthi mala sumarni, pehre se kya ho. Upar doonda sadh ka, antar raakhya khoye.
Will take a bath three times.
Aur phir dwadash tilak banaave hain. Yeh jal ke machhla,
Fish live inside water. They remain in that Pilgrimage day and night. They do not attain salvation.
Salokya, samipya, sayujya, saaroopya kahlave hai.
They hope for four liberations.
It is said that they do not get this through these practices, they cannot get this also.
Char mukti mein marham nahi, aage ki kya paave hain. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahda kyun jaana. Hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Eti sonjh bakhanai murshid, so satguru kahlave hai. Kanfunka guru kaluva bhairo, so hamko nahi bhaave hai. Moni moorti ghadhi thathere kaise aayi hriday tere. Aihran ghadha hathauda ghardiya, ja upar ghan saara jhardiya. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahda kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
It is said that the decisive knowledge that I am giving if a saint,
“Aiti Sonj Bakhane Murshid, so Satguru Kahlave hain.”
The Guru who gives such decisive knowledge deserves to be called Satguru.
Aur kanfunka guru kaluva bhairo,--Oye hoye—
These people who blow in the ears, who wear earrings or make other ostentation, pretend to be saints. It is Said I don't like him.
Moni Murti Ghadi Thathere
You consider an idol as God which cannot speak. And the ironman gave this shape to the iron by heating it or hammering on it. And how did your heart accept that this is God?
Patthar peetal se kar hai neha, bhool gaye Narayan deha. Aatma tatva ka marm na jaana, pujat phirein jad paashaana. Kaale mukh ka patthar boli, ya moorti tumse nahi boli. Moorti ko to patte todain, Mohan bhog aape loadein. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Bahda kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Garib Das ji, the child of God, is saying that you are in love with stone and brass idols, and you have forgotten Satguru who has come in the form of Nar Narayan body.
Aatma tatva ka maram na jaana, pujat phirein jad paashaana.
You worship the inert stone. You have no knowledge of the Supreme God.
Teerth vraton phirein khulaasa, jyon paani gal jaat patasa. O taalib supne nahi aaya, asht kamal khoji nahi kaaya. Saat dhaat ka panjar pinda, ta mein sakal deep nau khanda. Hardam dam jagaaya nahi, taate lukh chaurasi jaanhi. Saat dhaatu ka pinjar pinda, ta mein sakal deep nau khanda. Hardam dam jagaaya nahi, taate lakh chaurasi jaanhi. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
Now see what an amazing thing has been said
“Teerath vraton phirein khulaasa”
It is said that they go on pilgrimage and fast and consider this as final. You will be destroyed like a Sugar melts in water, not even a trace of you will be found. You will roam around like dogs, donkeys and pigs.
‘O taalib supne nahi aaya
That means you have no knowledge of God who is the Supreme God.
Asht kamal khoji nahi kaaya
If you do not worship the eight Chakras inside your body, that means your devotion will not bring any benefit.
Saat dhaat ka pinjar pinda, jaa mein sakal deep nau khanda. Hardam dam jagaaya nahi,
Inside this body one can see the entire universe. And you don't need to wander anywhere again. Where are you wandering? Do true devotion in such a beautiful body which has been given to you. Search for the complete Satguru. And Hardam dam jagaya nahi, that is, did not perform remembrance of breath. Therefore, you will attain eighty-four lakh births.
"Kartik maas mahatm nahave, Gaya Prayago pind bharave. Rasna Ram ratya nahin koi, agli pichli sab hi khoyi.
Look, it is said that they do wrong practice, against the scriptures. They tell the importance of bathing in the month of Kartik. Bathe in the Ganga in the month of Kartik or in the morning for the whole month, 15- 20 days. Those who take bath in the morning in Kartik and Gaya
Prayago pind bharave
People go to Prayag in Gaya to get pind filled there.
Rasna Ram rata nahin koi, agli pichli sab hi khoyi.—Oye hoye—
Did not practice true devotion, did not chant the mantra of the true God, and destroyed the previous sacraments. The virtues cannot be achieved by wrong practice.
Pande path padhein bahu bhanti, yeh hai jam kinkar ke nati. –oho--Sutak patak Jiman jahi, saat janam sukhar ke payi. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jana, hum satguru bheten yu jana.
Look at what an amazing thing has been said, Garibdas Ji had no hobby or enmity towards these Pande mentors. He wanted to save them from this evil, he wanted to improve their lives.
Pande path padhe bahu bhanti, yeh hai jam kinkar ke nati.
Because they do not know devotion, they only recited Bhagwat. Recited Ramayana. And extorted money from reciting Garuda Purana. Just know this much.
Sutak patak Jiman jahi,
Sutak is when a child is born and pandits gather at the host's house and when someone dies it's called Patak, they eat. It is said that due to this sin you will take seven consecutive births as a pig. This much sin will be incurred. Tell, then why should you endure such hell?
"Pahar janeu phule fale, Brahman hokar bahu ghar ghale. Ujjad khede jhota mara, taten Brahman ka mukh kara. Yeh hai Bhairav Bhoot Betala, pahrai Rudrakshon ki mala. Chandan chite tilak banave, baithe gadd gadd gaal bajave.
This explains their actions. That these Brahmin people do not have the knowledge of true devotion and will spoil their karma by doing wrong practice. They will face a lot of sorrow ahead.
Then it is told Rig, Yaju, Saam, Atharva bhakhein, laade bail aur tattu hankain. Khar ki juni dharoge dehi, bhool gaye ho shabad snehi. –aye hai—
It is said that you carry the four Vedas on oxen and move around. You argue and debate with each other, and carry around the Quran, reciting it,
khar ki juni dharoge dehi, bhool gaye ho shabad snehi.
After pig, you will get the life of a donkey. You have forgotten the true mantra of God.
Sana murka Prahlada badhaya, bhakti het Pande nahin paya. Hiranyakeshi chhati tudvayi, Brahman bana karam kasai. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jana, hum satguru bheten yu jana.”
Sana and Murka were two Pandas. Panda means teacher, who used to teach Prahlad. And they used to say to Prahlad, chant the name of Hiranyakashipu. Prahlad used to say no teacher! No Gurudev! Chanting the mantra of God brings liberation. So they complained to Hiranyakush. Hiranyakush was also a Brahmin. But Hiranyakush had become arrogant. He had asked for a boon that I should not die like this, I should not die like that. This was childish talk. So what is said
Sana murka Prahlad badhaya, bhakti het Pande nahin paya”
they also had no knowledge of God. And troubled the child.
And then it is said that
Hiranyakush chhati tudvayi, Brahman bana karam kasai.
From outside, he was a devotee because he did a lot of penance of Brahma Ji. Brahma Ji became happy. Being a Brahmin and had bad deeds. Became son's enemy.
Hiranyakeshi chhati tudvayi, Brahman bana karam kasai. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jana, hum satguru bheten yu janya.”
Ravan Brahman bahu tap kinha, Mahadev ki diksha leenha. Ramchandra ki Sita hariya, das mastak mund muhane padiyan—oho--.
Ravan was a Brahmin. And he worshipped Shiva Ji, and did devotion to Mahadev. Was Called a demon.
Gita ji also tells the same in verses 12 to 15 of the seventh chapter, that those who worship these three gunas, Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, Tamgun Shivaji, such individuals who have demoniac nature, who are lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, do not even worship me.
So here it is told that,
Ravan Brahman bahu tap kinha, Mahadev ki diksha leenha. Ramchandra ki Sita hariya.
Abducted Sita Ji.
Dus mastak munde munh pada.
That means ten heads were cut off. He lost his life and was called a demon.
Bhrigu laat Vishnu ku maari, yugan-yugan yun bhae bhikari. Yeh dekho aisi hui na hui, yugan-yugan aise Brahman guru drohi.
Bhrigu Brahman, the sage kicked Vishnu ji in the chest. It is said look, haven't seen or heard anything like this anywhere? What did it mean? The one whom people worship was kicked in the chest. It is said ‘yugan yugan’ that the Brahmins who do such nonsense since ages are traitors to Guru i.e. they are useless souls.
Vishwamitra sun vistara, sau putr Vashishth ke mara. Rajrishi se bahut risaye, Brahmarishi se rizh rijhai.—oye hoye-- Vishwamitra sun vistara, aur sau putra Vashishtha ke mara.
He used to do penance and as soon as he came, he killed hundred sons of Sage Vashishth because Vashishth ji called him Rajrishi, he had ego and not submissiveness. Felt sad about this, why don't you call me Brahmarishi? The sinful soul killed hundred sons. And these are called Brahmins, sages.
It is said
Brahmarishi se rijh rijhai.
When he was called Brahmarishi then he became happy again.
Harishchandr Satyug mein the raja, jinke kaun bigade kaaja. Vishwamitr deyi traasi, Harishchandra baan bikaaye Kashi. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bhed alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jaana, hum Satguru bheten yun jaana.
Haath sumrani, pet katrani, gale mein maala tilak nisrani. Vish ke laddu bhagat kahaave. Dagadho baithe fansi lave.
It is said that they do drama, sitting on the way, they say let me see your hand, let me tell you the future, they do such nonsense.
Juni jiv udyan kaisotain, atam ghat karein jam ghotain. Jiv ki daya dard nahi ave. Brahmaṇ hokar kard chalave. Pokhar pivat gau khandave, hilkare ho gam phunkavave. Brahman bagh bhediya hoi, sure gauka pivaen lohi.
Children! God says that Kaal has put all of them on the wrong path of worship. Now what is said That those fake gurus whom we used to call Brahmins, Brahmin does not mean any caste, not all Brahmins, who do Panditism, sitting on the Guru's seat, it is said about them. My revered Gurudev ji was a Brahmin. He was in the Brahmin caste. But he was not a Pandit. He was not one who used to do this fake show. He was a true Brahmin of true knowledge. Now it is said about those Brahmins, who are preparing to go to hell.
What is Said :
Pokhar pivat gau khandave, hilkare ho gam phunkavave. Brahman bagh bhediya hoi, sure gauka pivaen lohi.
Then he will become a wolf, this fake Brahmin and will drink the blood of a cow.
Adi ant Brahman hilkare yugan yugan inhe julam gujare, Brahman hokar kude phande Kora naaj kalkara ranjhe
Now you have been told that God did not say a particular caste as Brahmin. Only those who make mistakes, today, the people of the Brahmin caste have become a hundred miles away from this Panditism. Not even 1% do the work that they do. At that time when they used to do it. They all used to do it. And all of them go to hell. So Garib Das Ji is saying a clear thing, that this is wrong, do not do this. Do like this, and see your welfare will be done. And he tells the mistakes that they used to do:
"Bees haath se pade uchanka, yeh hai dane Raakshas Lanka. Marne se dartey nahi dayan, paanch ser ka karain lagaayen.”—oho--
Earlier, this Pandit used to come to the house whenever someone was born, whenever someone died, they used to prepare kheer on their own, and used to eat so much that their stomach felt like bursting, in case there would be no chance in the evening. Here Garib Das ji says,
paanch ser ka karain lagaayen, ye Marne se dartey nahi dayan
These Butcher's don't even fear death. Foods are someone else's, but the stomach is their own. If it bursts, it will be difficult.”
Bees haath se pade uchank, yeh hai daane Raakshas Lanka. Marnese darte nahi dayan, paanch ser ka karain lagaayn. Kaccha pakka fukkein fakkein, galad khaan ye door door haankain. Pet papolein choti rolein, adkaaro aur thaado bolain.
Translated all activities in Hindi which they used to do. It is said they Eat to their heart's content.' Then they pat their stomachs and say, 'Oh brother! I'm full!'
aur dakare choti papole. pet papolen, aur choti rolen.
They all used to perform activities in this way. Because Garibdas Ji had seen it with his own eyes. The point is, the mistakes that they make they must understand and do good deeds
Then it is said,
yeh jalali khaki khelye, kukat phire anjaanam belye. Matha cheere chot lagaave, mindon ki jo magaz bhirave. Kil kil karai Khalila, yeh hai Vankhando ke bhila. Makar fakiri tan ka sikka, jinko lage gaib ka dhakka.”
One day those who are misleading the world and leading them on the path of Kaal will experience such sorrow that they will remember
sir kora kachakol banaven, jake upar bhasm ramaven. mrig chhala asan vistara, bhatakat phiren anajan nivara.—oye hoye--
These others who go around pretending to be saints, some of them get big locks of hair and grow out beards and moustaches. Some people just shave their heads and get their hair shaved. And Mrigachala Asana Vistara, they keep deer skin with them and will sit on it and meditate. Don't know ABC. No knowledge of God. Neither have the way to chant the mantra nor have a true mantra.
Sira kora kachkola banavain. Jake upar bhasma ramavain.
Then they cover it with ashes.
Mrigachhala asana vistara, bhatak firai anjaan gavara. Phumbhi naad sapele ghori, bana bhekh dharain hain thori. Ghar-ghar naag nachave kare, jinke bajra na khule taare. Yo bhi baida hai, baide se bheda alaida. Yo bhi baida. Baida kyun jana, hum satguru bheten yun jana.
Unche asana kaan chiraven, bilori mudra paharaven. Seli singhi bhagwa bheka, jinko grihi kahe adesha.”
Garib Das ji did wonders. It is said that sitting in high posture and putting earrings in the ear. Became a staunch devotee by wearing a single ring around the neck and showing off. And to such fools the householder prays command Baba, command Baba.
Garib Das Ji Says
jhoothe guru kai leetar laavai, ghar se kada ghasitain. Inke peete paap nahi, inko nischay pitai.
Vrit kehain rakt bahu rakhein, nana varan vyanjana bhakhein. Saat dhatu sanche anusara, jinko vrit kahe gawara.
Garib Das ji is explaining the knowledge received from God in a proper way.
Roond moond kuch bhekh na baana, tahi na Hindu Musalmana. Sarbangi kahlave soi, deen dooni mein dhrasht hoi.
Means, someone was crazy, wandering around, not eating or drinking, not even washing hands after going to the toilet. People say, "Brother, he is Sarbangi Baba, Sarbangi. He is Olia. He is very accomplished .
They say like this
roond moond kuch bhekh na baana, tahi na Hindu Musalmana. Neither Hindu nor Muslim. Sarbangi kahlave soi, deen dooni mein bhrishtai hoi. Suar jangli khate Hindu, bhool gaye hain bana bhondu. Hari bana dhare avatara, jinko bhakshe karein gawara.
You say that Lord Vishnu took the form of a boar, stole the Vedas, brought the Vedas i.e. took away the earth and took the form of a boar twice. And then Hindus eat pigs. Hindu people eat pigs. Muslims eat cows. It is said, don't eat cows, don't eat pigs. Now Muslims are told
Muslaman Madari rola, bhool gaye hain Murshid Maula. Musalmist farawayin peera, pag mein langar loha jhanjeera. Haq haq karta hai hakka, teesoon roze sabat rakha. Saanjh padi jab murgi mari. Us dargah mein hogi khawari.
“MuslAman madari rola”
means they don't have any knowledge. Murshid has forgotten the Supreme God, Satguru. And they have no knowledge of God. Then what is said,
"Haq haq karta hai hakka, teesoon roze sabat rakha”
Stay hungry all day for 30 days and kill chicken in the evening. What kind of fast is this? What religion did you follow? –aye haye—
"Saanjh padi jab murgi mari. Us dargah mein hogi khawari.
Your Misery will be done in the court of God.
Kaaji Khalk Mulak ko dekho, sab ghat ekai bana dekho. Gau vinashe adamakhora. Kaaji Mulla garat gora. Musalman imanam kije, par dvare ghar chhuri na dije. Bhojan chhod rudhir kyun khai. Daya bina darvesh kasai—oye hoye--
Garib Das ji has said such a lovely thing.
Kaaji Khalak Mulak ko dekho. Sab ghat ekai bana bheko.
Everyone has the same soul inside them. How would you like it if someone kills your children and eats them?
Aur Gau vinashe adamakhora,
flesh--eaters Don’t kill cows
Children! This is priceless knowledge, listen to it. It is amazing, every word is carefully chosen.
Now what is said
Kaaji Khalak Mulak ko dekho, sab ghat ekai bana bheko.
Everyone has the same living being. I saw a sister abusing her husband, a mother, man-eater! I told you like this, why don't you get the work done? Why didn't you come with the buffalo? He ate the buffalo's food. So here Garib Das ji is threatening these Muslim children with the same tone
Gau vinashe adamakhora. Kaaji Mulla garat gora. –Oye hoye--
It is said that these man-eaters, meat-eaters kill cows. And this Qazi Mulla will go to hell because of this sin.
Musalman imanam kije, par dvare ghar chhuri na dijai. Bhojan chhod rudhir kyun khai, Daya bina darvesh Kasai. Musalman imanam kijai.
Fear God. Don't put a knife to another's throat. Leaving the food see
Ann dhan toku bahut diya kyun gosht khaa gulama.
Hey, servant of the tongue! Why do you consume meat? Have given you cashew, raisin, apple, orange, make halwa kheer, and eat that.
Daya bina darvesh Kasai.
He is not a devotee. Such a person is not a saint; rather, they are a butcher.
Yeh bhi baida hai, bade se bheda alaida. Yeh bhi baida. Baida kyun jaana, hum satguru bheten yun jaana.
What does Garib Das Ji tell? that those who are raising the flag of a saint by showing off :
Kabir kanthi mala sumarni pahele se kya ho, upar doonda sadh ka aur andar rakha kho.
There is no power of devotion within? No true worship. You practise against the scriptures.So this tonsured and bald, clean shaved, clean, shaved head, wearing a garland, wearing red clothes, applying tilak etc., has raised the hood of a monk. Some have kept big, big locks, some have kept a beard and moustache, and some have worn red and yellow clothes, or completely tied a loincloth and rubbed ash, showing like he is a saint who has met God. The devotees would cut and die. They look like saint who have found God.
Garib Das ji says
chundit mundit sab pakad liye, inse jamkinkar na darta.
Now what is he trying to explain here?
bina bhajan bhay mitai nahin Yam ka.
Unless you do true devotion, these messengers of Yama will not be afraid of you. Their fear will not go away.
Samajh boojh re bhai satguru naam daan jin dinha un santon ko mukti paayi.
Children! You are very lucky. You have got such precious knowledge, such solid knowledge and Almighty, Supreme God, true knowledge, complete Satguru and complete devotion.
Ab samjha hai to sir dhar paav. Bhaur nahi re aisa daav.
Those who are not taking the initiation will cry, and those do not maintain decorum after taking Initiation will also cry.
Yeh sansaar samajhda nahi, kehnda shaam dupehre noon. Garib Daas yeh vakht jaat hai rovoge is pahele noon.
Children! Pay attention, God has done such a miracle that you are drinking nectar of devotion sitting at home. True knowledge, true devotion is becoming decisive. He has exposed everyone. God had said to Kaal: I will send my saint (ansh). Terahvein ansh mitai sakal andhiyara. It is starting to fade away, children.
May God give you salvation and keep you happy always.
Sat Sahib!
Supreme God Kabir is described as the master of the entire creation, the Lord of the Lineage, the creator and sustainer of all, the Liberator who cuts the bondage of karma, and the one who salvates from Kaal. He is also referred to as Bandichod.
In the current state of Kali Yuga, people are too busy with their own lives, mainly focused on earning money and neglecting true devotion. It suggests that Kaal has influenced people's minds, leading them away from remembering the name of Ram and engaging in true devotion.
Receiving the refuge of God Kabir Sahib is seen as a great fortune. It is considered a rare opportunity in Kali Yuga to receive the true knowledge and the correct path of devotion, which leads to salvation.
The Suksham Ved criticizes traditional forms of worship and penance as misguided and futile. It states that practices like chanting the arbitrary mantra, performing severe penances, and following rituals from the Puranas are ineffective without true knowledge and the correct path of devotion.
The Suksham Ved refers to various sages and practitioners who have preached false paths of devotion as messengers of Kaal. These individuals have misled people by promoting incorrect practices and rituals that do not lead to true salvation.
Garib Das Ji’s speech emphasizes the importance of receiving the true mantra, Sarnaam, and following the true path of devotion. It highlights that true devotion leads to enlightenment and liberation, unlike the misguided practices propagated by Kaal.
The Suksham Ved describes how even deities like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are unaware of the true Almighty. Brahma worships Vishnu, Vishnu worships Durga, and Shiva performs penance without knowing the true God. This indicates that these deities are also misled and confused.
The Suksham Ved portrays various sects, including Giri, Puri, Nath, Vaishno, Sanyasi, Oghad, Nangad, and Naga, as misguided and engaging in incorrect practices. It criticizes their rituals, penances, and worship methods as being influenced by Kaal and not leading to true salvation.
The ultimate message of the Sukasham Ved is that true liberation can only be attained through the correct path of devotion, as prescribed by God Kabir. It emphasises the importance of true knowledge, the true mantra, and the guidance of a perfect Guru for achieving salvation and avoiding the traps set by Kaal.
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Sankalp Tiwari
The various sects described in the article, such as Naga, Giri, and Puri, are considered supreme and hold immense respect. Their sacrifices are unparalleled, and they are revered by us Hindus.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, thank you for engaging with our article. The Suksham Ved provides genuine insights about spirituality and gurus. While we respect gurus who guide us correctly, many in the current age are misguided and follow arbitrary worship practices against scriptures, which are futile. These misguided practices are not only misleading devotees but also ruining precious human lives, which is a grievous sin. Through the teachings of Suksham Ved, we aim to make people aware of the true way of worship, ensuring they gain both worldly benefits and salvation. Once this precious human life is lost, nothing remains. Hence, we encourage you to read the book "Gyan Ganga" and listen to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj available on various social media platforms.