
Sat Saheb!

Hail Satguru Dev!

Hail to Bandi Chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor  Garibdas Ji Maharaj Ji .

Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to all the saints.

Hail to all the devotees.

Hail to the righteous men.

Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.

Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.

Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.

Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.

Sat Sahib


Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi. Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi.

Satguru Sahib Sant sab, dandautam pranaam| Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan.

Kabir Satguru ke upadesh ka, suniya ek vichar. Jai Satguru milte nahi, jaate narak dwar.

Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khainchtaan. Unse kabhu nahin chhoota, phirata charon khan.

Kabir char khaani mein bhramta kabhu na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere Satguru ke upkaar.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahebi sukh se basiyo, Amarpuri ke dere ki.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, Satlok ke dere ki.

Nirvikaar nirbhay tu hi aur sakal bhaymaan. Eji sadhu aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri Sahibi. Sab par teri Sahibi, tujh par saheb na. Nirvikaar nirbhay.

Children!  With the infinite grace of God Kabir you got to hear such nectar knowledge about which the soul has desired for ages, had will.

Children! First of all see the wonder of that Supreme Father  Kabir, of the master your capable power. From where you are hearing the celestial announcement of this nectar speech?  From where is this nectar knowledge being showered? From Satlok. Whom people call hell, today it's Satlok for you where your Guru-God resides. That is your Satlok. See, how has the supreme father done mercy. How has he done wonders?

Children, this ‘Adi Purana’ is a chapter of a scripture. I am telling you from this. A lot of conclusions will be drawn from this. As Garib Das Ji has put these stories in this, they were necessary. As you have seen sesame. Then oil comes out from sesame seeds. These are small-small white-white seeds. That sesame plant is 3-4 feet, 2.5 feet, 3 feet and in one plant there are 5-7 branches and each has a crop. There are pods and pods have sesame seeds. .

So the farmer sows sesame or sows the crop so for him everything is to get those sesame seeds. Then the oil is extracted from them. He does not have to do anything with that plant’s husk. But oil will not come without it. Those sesame seeds will not be formed.

So in this way, we will have to draw conclusions from this entire story which is required by us.

As this servant told you that Parvati Ji had died 108 times. Then she was getting births. Children! This is a big arrangement. This is a very long spiritual story. As you are doing true practice according to scriptures with this, you can even have more than 100 human births. Suppose you fragment in between after 5-7 years and if Satguru is not found ahead so this misery will remain as it is.

There is one episode in Mahabharata that Dhritrashtra and Pandavas were two brothers. Dhritrashtra was elder, Pandav was younger. Dhritrashtra was blind therefore, he did not get the throne. And the rule of the King’s is that the eldest son gets the throne.

Yet he asked Shri Krishna Ji because he was his Guru ‘O God! I remember 100 births that I did not commit any such crime due to which my eyes should burst and I become blind.

Shri Krishna Ji said ‘You should have gone one more birth behind. You could not reach here, one birth before the 100th one. You were sitting. There this ‘Teedee’ was also sitting  on the plant. You caught her and plucked a Prong of an acacia, burst her eyes and left her. She was hitting. She died at times getting entrapped in some bushes or something else. Therefore, today you are suffering that punishment.

So Children! Similarly, Parvati had died in 108 births. The earlier sacraments were good due to which she was only getting human births. But this was like carrying pebbles. Then she got married and died again. Then again she got married and then died.

Yeh Harhat ka Kuan loyee। Ya gal bandha hai sab koi।। Kidi kunjar aur avtara। Harhat Dor bandhe Kai baraa।।

Even the incarnations have taken birth and have died.

So, the servant wants to tell us that Kabir Sahib is our God. He is the father of all of us. He is the father of even Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Even they are also dear to him, just as we are to him today. It is a separate matter that they are not on the path.

Children! As this servant told you, the Almighty met them as well. He wanted that these Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh should understand than everything will become fine. But we are under the control of Kaal. Such disease is developed within us, this lust, anger, affection, greed, arrogance. All this is deeply filled till brim. Then sound, touch, beauty,  taste, smell these vices are along with.  Almighty Kabir Ji also met Shankar Ji, met Vishnu Ji, met Brahma Ji. He explained to them this entire knowledge, narrated creation of the universe, explained everything and they agreed that ‘Brother! Your everything is true. Then Kaal inspired everyone. This evidence is not in Vedas. He tells lies. They agreed on this thing as well. They considered the celestial announcement to be that of God and kept considering Kabir Sahib to be just an ordinary sage. This thing spoiled like this.

Now, Lord Shankar takes Parvati Ji to a secluded place to narrate the knowledge so that no one should listen our knowledge

Vankhand chalo Gauri diwani। Panchi sunai na hamari vaani।। Jab Shiva kar se laayee tari। Udd gaye panchi nar aur nari।।

When Lord Shankar clapped then all male and female birds flew away and the healthy eggs became birds and flew away.

Jahan ek sukha taruwar taakya। Shiva ko aasan  tahan-wahan raakhya।। Jahan ek Ganda unda tis mahi। Tis janat hai samrath saanyee।। Yug asankhya kalp bharmaya। Purva janam pichla aaya।।

Now, the sacraments of that creature, he had suffered infinite births. He had suffered 84 lakhs life-forms. There were such sacraments that again this had to start. Only all-capable God Kabir knows that.  It was His arrangement. He got it started from there again.

Now Shiva Ji says

Ab tum suno Gauri Mera gyana। Aasan mukh kar koot isansa।

Face towards North.

Aasan padam lagao gaura। Merudand sudhakar bhaura।।

Means sit straight In Aasan Padam posture, sit straight

Garib aasan padam lagaye kar, Bhanwar chadhao sunn। Anhad Nadu bajein hee, jahan lagao dhun।।

Children! Now as you are told, there is immense pressure of Kaal. He does not let the creature remain on its true path. There is a lot of nonsense filled with lust, anger, pride, greed, Ego, sound, touch, beauty, taste, smell.

As Almighty failed all powers of Gorakhnath Ji then his intellect got set. Then he listened to the knowledge from Kabir Sahib and also took initiation. But after a few days, Kaal again entered inside him. He absolutely changed his mind. The knowledge that he had heard he narrated that to the people. It is said he influenced 99 crore people. He continued for a long time, for a thousand years.

Kabir Saheb had met him many times. So the point is that Gorakh was called tremendously knowledgeable and continued doing the same tenacity, same nonsense practice.

So, in this way, Garib Das Ji had said 

Gorakh se gyani ghane, Sukhdev jati jihan। Sita si bahu bhariya, Sant door asthan।।

So, in the same way, it has happened with Shiva Ji. He heard the knowledge of Almighty and is further narrating it to Parvati. He himself is practicing the same. He does meditation and does all the nonsense.

Now, I want to say that your luck is infinitely more beautiful and full of virtues than theirs, equipped with virtues. You got that true path, true devotion. In case today you would have got a good post and would have good money and 10-5 servants would be saying 'Yes man' then you would have never believed in God.

Children! I do not have to narrate this story to you. I have to fill you with knowledge, have to fill with true knowledge so that that ignorance knowledge should not get inside it.

Like the soul of King Ambresh was a King in Satyuga. Usually, the common man in Satyuga is happy. A King in Satyuga and so religious, all grandeur and servants. If it's said King then understand there are  all grandeur. God met him there as well and explained everything. He took initiation as well. After that day, then Kaal’s inspiration because 20 sages are met in a day and God comes in one year or six months because if He comes daily then they do not respect.

Somehow, He charge us from there and installs software inside us. Gradually, when this Kaal’s bubble of ours will subside, this gas of false happiness that is formed its useless then God is remembered to us. Because of that virtue the same soul became King Janak in the next birth. There was also similar grandeur, also was a scholar. They obtain knowledge from God but preach the same but do separate folklore.

After enduring the life of King Janak when he completely became a Shearer, when he was left with nothing, all virtues finished then he was born as Baba Janak. Then he accepted God’s knowledge. He was employed as a servant and earlier the world was his servant.

So, today how poor you may be, whatever money you have, it is not enough that you may do nonsense. Therefore, you have understood this thing.  Be thankful to that supreme father, Bandi Chhor. God has played all those games.

Yeh sab khel hamare kiye। Humse mile to nishchay jiye।।

This is knowledge, summarized one. This is called original knowledge. No one in this Kalyug has narrated this nor will anyone be able to tell further because the knowledge has been finalized now. Narrated but no one agreed. God told. It did not come to mind because we used to consider it a lie. 

Now, first the servant clarified to you from the scriptures that nothing else accept Kabir Sahib. There is nothing and no one

Now, what this servant is saying, all this is getting into your heart. Now see, I come to the same story.

Lord Shankar started narrating to Parvati Ji 

Chandra lagan mein surati lagao। Sooraj sur ko band khamao।।

Means, both these nose, the right is hot. It’s called the Sun and left is cold. This is called Moon, Chandra means close the right nose and breath from the left. This is Yogic activity. God tells this entire procedure  so that this creature may not have any confusion that he seems to be a naive man. What does he know about the arrangement of the body inside? What does he know about the Yogic activities?

So first these have to be told to them. These are not of our interest. All these details were told to open their eyes. Still we want to tell what knowledge they used to have? And what Parvati obtained? The mantras that Parvati received in Amarnath were the same which this servant grants you here and what do they do? They select one out of these five. They start practicing according to their will. 

I will tell you. Once we were doing Satsang-path in Najafgarh. One man listened to the Satsang thoroughly. At last, he took initiation.

So, I asked ‘brother! You will have to do all these mantras’. He said ‘No, I will do only one. ‘Shiriyam-Shiriyam’. I asked why? He said ‘I only need Money, that’s all. I will not chant the rest’. Saying this he stood up and went away. Tell, what shall they be blown? Till where should they be set? They listen to the entire knowledge but do the same only.

Like Almighty had given them all five mantras. Shankar Ji selected only one ‘Soham’ that’s all. So in this way, everything had gone wrong. Now all this has become smooth and it was necessary to explain this knowledge because you had become casual. And the knowledge that you had heard you had surely believed that only this is God and only this is knowledge. We have started getting happiness. But sometimes or other Kaal would have surely given you shock therefore, God has done mercy on you for a few days. It won’t remain always, this will not continue for long. But listen carefully.

So leave 100 works and listen to it. If you cannot listen three times then definitely listen one time. Take out time in the morning for sure.

Now what does Lord Shankar tell?

Chandra lagan mein Surati lagao, Suraj sur ko bandh khamao।।

Close the right nose and breathe from the left.

Gauri aadi Ganesh manao। Kiliyam-Kiliyam dhyan lagao।। Pratham mool Kamal ko jano। Chatur Pankhudi rang laal bakhano।। Duje swad chakra ko dekho। Shweta Varna nij surati viveko। |Shat pankhudi preet pareva। Jahan basat hai kandarp deva।। Jahan wahan OM naam dhun hoyee। Tahan vahan naam sumariyo soyee।।

Means he is telling about all lotuses that is being told to you in Brahm Bedi।

Yeh to suno swad Kamal surtalam। Jaa mein OM mantra kamalam।। Upar Mansa Kamal murari। Jahan vahan Vishwanath tripurari।। Jahan wahan Laxmi sahit viraje। Tahan wahan Hariyama-Hariyama saJe।। Ab sun hriday kamal kamalaM jahan wahan dwadash dal ka khalam।।

There is the Lotus of Shiva Ji of 12 petals

Tahan wahan Shiva Shakti viraje। Soham naad anant dhun baje।।

Now you are listening to these things. Shiv Ji is telling Parvati Ji and he himself is saying that Shiva and Shakti are seated in heart lotus Chakra.

Now, Shiva Ji was sitting outside. Then who is in that lotus? Now, the knowledge that Garib Das Ji has told us it is like we have been told in Class one ‘a’ for ‘Anar’ (Pomegranate) Moving ahead there are a lot of alphabets above this ‘a’ not just one ‘Anar-Anar’.

So this knowledge is very amazing. Here, it is to see that this Kaal is performing all these spectacles. Himself acquiring the form of these deities and Durga acquiring different-different forms he is seated and along with even Almighty is seated in all who is not visible to them. They are clearly visible to those devotees who do true devotion. Now this knowledge, this spiritual knowledge was such an entangled knot.

Now you have listened to so much knowledge therefore, this servant musters this much courage to say that probably now you will be able to understand it properly. 

Now this Shivaji is telling himself .

Ab sun  hriday kamal kamalam|| Jahan wahan dwadash dal ka khayalam।। Jahan wahan Shiv Shakti viraje। Soham naad anant dhun gajey।।

Children! Sages used to do meditation. He gives audience to few in Brahma-form, to some in Shiva form and to some in the form of Vishnu so they used to get confused. They used to tell these deities to be God. Vishnu Ji you are God. We have recognised you. We did meditation. It was you. You gave the audience.

Similarly, he said to Brahma Ji. They had the misconception that we are God. Both Brahma and Vishnu fought on this. Then this Kaal came in between them and rowed a pillar. They got scared, got surprised. They stopped fighting. He himself came and stood acquiring the form of Shivaji and made Durga in Parvati form.

There first, they had confusion that Shiva Ji had come. Then he tells further in Shiva Purana in Vidheshwar Samhita that ‘Sons! You are not Ish. You are not god. You have been given one-one departments each Rajogun and Satogun as a result of your austerity. Similarly, I have given to Rudra, Shankar this Tirobhav, means destruction. So, he was the fourth there.

So Children! Now Shivaji was meditating and was telling about lotuses. He was seen sitting there, that Shiva, Parvati form.

Now, Parvati's name has not been written here, Shakti has been written. This Durga along with Mahakaal, along with Shiva, along with Kaal, Shiva was seated in Shiva form and that Shakti, Goddess Ashtangi was sitting along with him.

So, this is the Sukshma Veda of Garib Das Ji.

Now you, when children come in higher classes then they understand these code words. They are easily understood. This Kaal is sitting in 21 universes spreading his web. No one can cut this web except the Supreme God and that God is found to you, got the complete guru. Appreciate your luck. It is necessary to narrate this speech because this has been spoken from the mouth of a great man and is the story of that Supreme Father. This is the story of that Supreme Father, eternal. At last it stops there.

Now what do they tell?

Garib, Jahan wahan Shiva Shakti viraje, Soham naad anant dhun baaje।। Garib ghaat baat

nahi taas ke, Avigat nagar nidan। Satguru ke prataap se, koi pahunche sant sujaan।।

Garib Das Ji has given his knowledge in this couplet. Now the quadruple begins.

Bankapur ki banki nagri, ghaat baat kuchh panth na dugri Baat kuchh panth na dagri।। Trikuti upar mahal hai nyara||

 Now, Shivaji is telling

Trikuti upar mahal hai nyara। Yojan ek Sahanstra vistara।।

Here, Almighty Kabir Sahib is seated in a separate form.

Jane base Nirlep Niranjan yogi, khaye na peeve sab ras bhogi।। Parashakti jaki hai rani। Shankh kalp yo akele nishani।। Jahan wahan baje anhad nadam। Shabd na sawal Vida na vadam।। Raas Vilas hote tis thaura। Jahan tum dekho devi Gaura।। Nau lukh paatr mal akhada। Koti urvashi karein singara।। Koti-koti baikunth vilasaa। So tum Gauri dekh tamasha।। Ek sur swarg ko jahi। Vaar paar kuchh keemat nahi।। Koti-koti sooraj prakasha। Sushman dware pive swansa।। Ja par jata kundli kahiye। Sun Gauri hum Vani lahiye।। Punj roop ek punah darshau। Jata Kundli mein le jaaun।। Jata Kundli dhaam hamara। Sahans padam jhilmil ujiyara।।  Aage 16 sankh surang apara। Ja par ek kalash nirdhara।। Jahan Brahma, Vishnu na Shankar jaayee। Mool uchaar shabad gauhraye।। Jahan Naad Daman booti vistara। Surati sanjeevan bade darbara।। Garib, Surati sanjeevan laiye, Sindhu shabad ke mahi। Jooni sankat moksha hove, bahut na aave jahin।।


Now, Shankarji is himself saying that when I will go from here, my residence is in Jata Kundli on the peak of Kailash mountain and these people believe that the place of Shankar Ji is superior most and is elevated.

So, what is being said here? Shiv Ji is saying that ahead this

Aage16 Shankh surang apara, surang। Tahan par ek plus nirdhara। Jahan Brahma Vishnu na Shankar jaayee। Mool uchaar shabad gauhraayee। Jahan naag Daman booti vistara। Surati sanjeevan bade darbara। Yeh naad Daman booti||

Who has Sarnaam and who recites the original knowledge can attain that place. As Garib Das Ji has said in one hymn

Jat kundal upar aasan hai, Satguru ki sail suno bhai। Jahan Dhruv Prahalad nahi pahunche, Sukhdev ko marag na paayee।। Narad Muni muskaye rahe, datt Gorakh se ko soocha hai। Badi sail Adham Sultan kari, Satguru takiya tuk uncha hai।।

Dharmraj jakaa dhyan dhare, Aadhya adhikaar batawat hai। Do likhwa Chitra Gupta jake, Satguru takiya nahi pawat hai।।

Jat kundal upar aasan hai, Satguru ki sail suno bhai। Jahan Dhruv Prahalad nahi pahunche, Sukhdev ko marag na payee।। Narad Muni muskaye rahe,

Amongst  accomplished  Datt, Dattatre and Gorakh whom do you consider to be superior.

Narad Muni muskaye rahe, Dutt Gorakh se ko succha hai। Badi sail Adham Sultan kari Satguru takiya tuk uncha hai।।

Now this is the problem as Almighty told the entire knowledge to Ibrahim Sultan Adham and gave mantra. He constructed a hut in a lonely place in the Jungle and started living in it. Then he started meditating whereas this path of ours is not of meditation and God has granted devotion on the basis of virtues of previous sacraments so he did devotion firmly while sitting at home.

So during meditation her concentration started going up very high. But with meditation they cannot go to Satlok. We only have to do what this servant tells you.

Jaise Hali beej dhun panthi se batlave। Jame khand pade nahi, aise dhyan lagave।।

As the farmer sows seeds and the OX are walking and some passenger comes alongside the road and he inquires about the village home, I have to go to that village. Am I going on the right path?’

So, the farmer does not stop the plough while working because his time is very precious, has little time.

It rained at that very time. Later, if it dries then seeds won’t germinate. Therefore, he continues  working quickly. He even continues talking to him but his concentration is on the seeds he is dropping and does not let even a single seed move front or back.

So it is said

Jaise Hali beej dhun,

his concentration is on the seeds

Aur panthi se batlave। Tame khand  pade nahi, aise dhyan lagawe।।

So, here Garib Das Ji says that

Narad Muni muskaye rahe||

Even he got tired by meditating. Then he laughs and says ‘brother! It’s beginning and end are not found, they laughed. At last they are Irritable.

Naradmuni muskaye rahe, Dutt Gorakh se ko succha hai। Badi sail Adham Sultan kari, Satguru takiya tuk uncha haI।।

Means Adham Sultan could also not reach there with meditation. The Almighty's throne means the seat is very high.

So Children! It was required to tell all this by this servant because the story of Shankar Ji that was narrated it finally stopped to the Supreme Father, Supreme God.

Now, what is said?

Jaa Kamla par Kamal ananta। Jase agam shabad mahamanta।। Sunat shabad Brahma hoye jaayee। Lok deep Brahmand upayee।। Jahan purush puranjan base puratan। Suno Gaurija Gyan adhyatma।

The complete God resides up there very high because God has already told, tells everyone this knowledge, creation of the universe because all children are His. He does not differentiate even this much  between anyone. Like, a father may have many sons and daughters, there cannot even be a little difference. The soul does not agree.

Similarly, even if someone becomes worthless still the feelings towards him do not get spoiled. He will ruin his deeds, what else will he do?

Similarly, here it is told, all of them were given knowledge. Shankar Ji is telling the same knowledge as heard but he also is very capable. He is filled with spiritual knowledge.

So, the speech that is uttered from his mouth, that is also very effective and at last he narrated the story of God.

Jahan Purush Puranjan basey puratan।

 Where this eternal man that divine man resides 

Suno Gaurija ye Gyan adhyatam।। Anant koti Jake Brahma Vishnum। Aur murli madhur bajave krishnam।

There are infinite koti Brahma Vishnu and the flute player like Krishna.

Anant koti Jake avtara। Jaise Gagan mandal mein tara।। Kirti naad  Bano adhini। Anant koti hai uske Shambhu sangi।।

Do not know how many such Shambhu like us, God-man are sitting besides him.

Anant koti Jake Devi dasi। Satya purush avigat avinashi।। Brahmanand pad surati lagao। Amar kuchh pad Paras paao।। Sune gune suni aur dekhee। Mool uchaar tire viveke।  Koti timar mite hai andhiyara। Suno Gauri tum Gyan hamara। Nihsandeh nirantar dhyao। 14 bhawan palak phir aao। Paramhans ka gyan prakasha। Anant timar Girija ka nasha।

This is that sesame oil that the servant wants to draw from it. That dirty egg was lying and Shiva Ji told the entire glory of that immortal God at last. Its effect is created then the immortal story is narrated. When it’s narrated from the mouth of an authorized person then it has an impact.

Like the snake had to bite King Parikshit on the seventh day. There was no sage on earth as they used to blow the trumpet that we will narrate the story, and will recite path. No one dared because the result of the path and story done by them was to come on the seventh day.

Sukhdev was called from Heaven. That Sukhdev who had gone above with King Janak. Now he is suffering his karma there. Then he will come down in animal life-form and maybe God can meet him as He met Baba Nanak. That Nanak was Janak only.

So, it will only work when the complete Guru will be found as the mercy has been showered on you.  Of course, he may be seated in Heaven; he won't find anything there. He is exhausting his capital.

So he came from there and narrated the story to King Parikshit. Then he got benefit from it as it was to happen from it.

Similarly, the effect of the immortal story of the Supreme Father that was uttered from the mouth of Shankar Ji was so much that the egg of the bird became healthy. It became a bird. That soul got charged from this story only.

Children! The speech that the servant tells is God's knowledge that directly came from the lotus-mouth, nectar-mouth of Garib Das Ji. It got scripted through that crystal clear pious soul.

Today, my revered Gurudev’s mercy has been showered on this servant. That self-evident speech, as it is, that you are listening from the mouth of this servant and will continue to listen ahead have been recorded. This will have an amazing effect on you and all creatures as it did on that bird, dirty egg.

So, who can understand the graciousness, the mercy of this master?

Now, in this way, millions-trillions of creatures will again obtain human life wherever this speech will run. They will be released from this life like dogs, donkeys, pigs are also roaming there.

Now Children! This story ends that Parvati being explained. She got into meditation, she started concentrating and in that she slept. She got into meditation. On the other side, that dirty egg became healthy, became the bird and started roaring.

So Children!  Shiva saw what mess is this?  Parvati is not speaking. Where is this voice coming from? Who has heard our knowledge? Whereas God used to get everyone swear that this knowledge should not go anywhere. Do not tell it without an authorized. Unless Parvati did not become authorized she continued taking birth and died 108 times. She was not told. 

Atee aadheen Deen ho prani। Jako kehna yeh amar kahani।। Garib Das Ji

Kabir Saheb has told to Garib Das Ji not to tell the common man. Now all of you have become authorized because God has fixed this time now. That right time has come and all of you are authorized therefore, God has told everyone. So you are of the  middle generation. All this was stopped for you. After this, Garib Das Ji has told about Sage Sukhdev that earlier infinite births have gone, God made some coincidence. There his body was destroyed otherwise, If this soul was healthy  he would also have flown.

So there he was charged. After that, it started for him. He obtained human life. He would have suffered in Parrot’s life-form than he would have come.

God’s mercy showered, he got that power, got accomplishments, powers and he received the human birth. His infinite earlier human births had gone a waste. He tells himself and he was suffering in donkey’s life form in earlier births. He got blind. His story has been narrated to you. You have suffered infinite such births innumerable times and when human life comes you get puffed up. The nonsense does not finish, it does not get complete, keep rejoicing and there is no trust for one second.

This Kaal is deceiving you. Open your eyes. These are not children’s folk songs or this servant is not narrating any novel. I am narrating to you that immortal speech that is uttered from the mouth of a great man who has seen the Almighty.

Appreciate your luck 100-100 times. Say thanks to that Supreme father Kabir Ji millions and billions times. 100-100  times. O Supreme God! You only have done everything. The creature cannot do anything believe this truth.

The creature should definitely do this much that he should not go far away now from this master.

Sharan pade ko guru sambhale, Jaan ke balak bhola re। Kahe Kabir tum Charan chit rakho, Jyon suee mein Dora re।। Jyon suee mein Dora re।।

You will have to keep this much at least. It won’t work if you won’t keep this much. You will have to stick like this. You will have such inspiration on the basis of knowledge. It cannot happen otherwise, even if you may try hard. This knowledge will tie you, the mind from all four sides. At the end, this nonsense will have to be ended. You kept doing nonsense and also continued doing drama of devotion then you will have such a miserable death that you will remember. The human body is obtained with much difficulty and this time. How has God brought this knowledge by saving?

Dharamdas meri lakh duhayee। Yeh mool Gyan kahin bahar nahi jayee।। Tell! Mool Gyan bahar Jo padahee। Woh bichlee peedhi Hans nahi tarahi।।

For you, you are the Hans, son and daughter of the middle generation. Almighty has done all this for you. If you ignore this precious knowledge then there is no child and a stupid like you on this earth.

Look, keep listening to this amazing knowledge gradually. This mind will move to the corner. The soul will absolutely stick to the Supreme God.

The day it will stick, it will understand it correctly that day the mind will not have any status that it may wobble you. Therefore, to listen to this knowledge, it is necessary  to listen to it time and again. Keep listening to it. The child does not do BA, MA in one day. The matter is the same, alphabets are the same but moving ahead there is a difference in the knowledge.

So similarly, this servant is a teacher. You are a student. Do attend this period. Your salvation will happen with this only. Your knowledge will enhance. When knowledge will increase then courage will increase, trust will increase and if you have trust then you will be liberated.

Now Children! I will tell you that immortal speech that has been spoken by God’s dearest soul, fully equipped with devotion, pure soul Sant Garib Das Ji  who saw the Almighty with his eyes, met God. We were little children, they used to listen like this. We used to discuss with each other. The old or mother-father used to tell someone. He used to say ‘this matter is like this’. So they used to say ‘Are you coming after meeting with Ram?  You are saying with so much confidence’.

So Garib Das Ji was coming after meeting with Ram. Everything was trustworthy.

Now I will narrate the eternal speech about Sukhdev from Amargranth, this immortal speech. The story has been told to you. Wherever it will be necessary I will also tell it verbally. When Sukhdev’s father, when Sukhdev was born and Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh came there and he tells them, ‘stop your illusion then I will come out

Bole panchi vachan uchari। Mata ko sukh deenha bhari।। Mata keh putra Sukhdeva। Garbh jooni mat aao bheva।।

Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh came and said to the wife of Vyas that ‘there is a child in your womb’. So his mother said ‘I did not realize till today that there is a child in my womb. I did not have any pain else the mother remains very sad if there is a child in the womb. Therefore, the mother named her son Sukhdev even before the son was born, Sukhdeva means he gave happiness to his mother inside her womb, he did not troubled.

Bole Sukhdev vibal vaani। Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar dani।। Koti-Koti bhugti chaurasi। Kato phand purush avinashi।।

I have suffered this distress of 84 lakhs type for millions and billions times. ‘O the indestructible! Now they were considering Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva to be indestructible. Cut this sin of mine . Cut my  noose.

Tihun deva jab thambi maya। Garbh udar se bahar aaya।।

Then the three Gods stopped the illusion. Then he came out of mother’s womb 

Orenaal kasee kanar nutanga। Chala Sukhdev ban khand sanga।।

Now see, from where did it started? Some of his battery was charged. He got the power to fly in the Sky. How did it come? By listening to the glory of that eternal man, capable power from the mouth of Shiva Ji because in the earlier discussion Mahadev tells Parvati Ji in the end that ‘that Almighty is capable. He resides at the topmost and at the end. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and no one can go there’. The speeches of his path have been told. That was the immortal story  and the remaining battery that was to be charged in him got charged. The same got charged to ParvatI.

Parvati was a human, she got a mantra. She chants it. So she has long age. She obtained a human body. Now what do they say?  When he came out of the womb of mother then he put his umbilical cord on his waist, on shoulders, the umbilical cord of the child breaks from the navel of the mother and hangs in the navel of the child means he tied it like a belt. It is told like this and flies in the Sky. He moved towards the sky. His father Vyas followed him.

Orenaal kasee kamar mutanga। Chala Sukhdev ban khand sanga।। Putr -putr Vyas kar tere।

Vyas ‘Son! O Son! Stop. Sukhdev said

Maya moh kachhu nahi mere। Kaun putr ko pita kahave। Shabd swaroop rahe nardave।। Kaun putr ko pita kahave। Shabad swaroop rahe nardave।। Panch tatva gun teen samana। Paan paan mein pad ghaltana।। Vyas putr se kinhay pyara।।

Vyas loves him like the affection for the son

Sukhdev shabad bhara shabad hunkara। Khoj na paya Vyas gosain। Mila nahi ulat Ghar aayee। 

When he went ahead and flew in the sky and Vyas Ji

did not get the son, he returned.

Aage jaye bahe prachanda। Jaise nadi 18 ganda।।

Now Sukhdev took initiation from King Janak. His story is as follows.

Surnar Muni gan gandharv gyani। Sabse uncha hai abhimani।। Adhar viman chale mun roopa। Garbh yogeshwar Gyan swaroopa।।

On the basis of his arrogance he used to consider himself superior to all demons, humans, sages, Gandharvas, and Scholars and used to argue with everyone.

Adhar Viman chale mun roopa। Garbh yogeshwar Gyan swaroopa।।

He was called ‘Garbh Yogeshwar. He came out of the mothers womb as Yogi, as a devotee.

Garib, vadi Yogi vaad kar, vichara teeno lok। Satguru Janak videhi bin, pave nahi moksh। Vadi

yogi, one who argues, continued wandering in all three realms. But until he did not make King Janak his Satguru, Janak Videhi, he did not get the facility to go even to heaven.

Indri paanch paccheeso sadhi। Karm Yogeshwar Yogi vadi।

Indri paanch paccheeso sadhi। Karm Yogeshwar Yogi vadi। Ahu vyadhi bandhan bahu bhari। Sukhdev jeeta hurambha hari।। Ahu Agni hriday prakasha। Gyan dhyan Jale Jyon ghasa।। Koti Gyan surpati satsanga। Jaaye ahilya kinha sanga।। Ahu Agni kete bauraye। Sukhdev Yogi Indra digaye।। Sukhdev ko to Maan ghanera। Surpati lupt kaam dal khera।।


This is the speech. From this, we will solve and understand of our interests.

As you were told in the story verbally. Everyone above told and explained to  sage Sukhdev. So Sant Garib Das Ji has given that discussion in it very beautifully and differently.

Sukhdev Kalp vraksh ki chaayeen। Janak Videhi kare guru nahi। Janak bada auk Sukhdev Yogi। Dus sahans Rani rus bhogi।। Sukhdev bole Gyan viveka। Hum stri ka mukh nahi dekha।। Hum hai garbh yoni se nyara। Gyan khadang Indri prahara।। Kaise Sheesh niwaun jaayee। Janak videhi Raja bhai।।

Now, this thing stuck to him, his arrogance, ego stuck. I am a child celibate and they have accomplishments since birth.

They keep beating drums if they get one accomplishment and Garib Das Ji says that they do not know for how many days they perform austerity etc. to get one power. They wander being puffed in this itself. Garib Das Ji says with these mantras that have been given to you

Shabad mahal mein siddh chaubisa। Hans bichode biswe beesa।   Inn Chaubeeson ko na mun chahave। So Hansa Satlok sidhave।।

Even these 24 will also not be desired. They were rejoicing even on one. 

Ek siddhi aakashe udd jaye| Ek siddhi jal pair na layee।। Ek siddhi kuch khave na peeve| Ek siddhi jo bahu jug jeeve।।

Such 24 accomplishments have been told.

Now what is said? He says that ‘I am a child celibate, Yogi, seeker and King Janak has 10,000 queens, has done marriages. 

Janak bade auk Sukhdev yogi।

Sukhdev says ‘whether I am big or King Janak? He keeps 10 thousand queens.

Sukhdev bole Gyan viveka। Hum stri ka mukh nahi dekha।। Hum hai garbh yoni se nyara। Gyan khadag indrayee prahara।। Kaise sheesh niwaun jayee। Raja Janak vidhehi bhai।

King Janak is ‘Vaidehi’, King Janak is like this. I am a Brahman, sage because regarding Brahman it is a matter in front of us. Even if there used to be a small boy was called ‘Dada’ and the small girl ‘Dadi’.

They had so much respect till now.

So, go far behind it in Treta Yuga.

So, Brahmans were worshiped in the form of a deity. So, one he is a sage and on top of it a Yogi means a child celibate and has gained accomplishments. He got puffed up. Even the sages explained a lot. How did they explain? Then he explained. When he spoke, he told everyone that

Kaise sheesh niwaun jayee|| Raja Janak videhi bhai।। Pundrik Narad Muni vyasa। Sage Pundrik, Sage Narad Muni and Vyas, father of Sukhdev Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh upasa।। Aasan aadhar ati adhikara। Sukhdev sakal mahi sartara ।।

Means, seeing so much power and knowledge in that small child everyone used to respect him and was considered the most superior.

14 Bhawan phire pal mahee। Sukhdev samaan dooja nahi। Sur tenteeso sahans atthasi।

Sukhdev ki sab kare khawasi।।

Even 33 crore deities, 88 thousand sages used to give him honor.

Vashist Vishwamitra Gyani।। Kaagbhusundi kaho pravani ।।

Now Kaagbhusand exposed him.

Garib, Kaagbhusandi dhyan dhar, bahe jo pad pravana। Aadhini adhikar bin, Sukhdev mood agyan।।

Children! When Kaagbhusand said that ‘you even hadn’t made a guru. You are being so proud’. Then he told about himself as well  that even though I was like this, I was completely worthless.  I had no interest in devotion. He told his entire story but Sukhdev had pride. He did not agree to even one. 

Sanak Sanandan Narad bhai। Sukhdev ko Gyan bahut samjhayee।।

And said that ‘you are talking like this, how shall I make King Janak my Guru? How shall I bow my head in his feet?’

Children! Here I will give you an example.  Like, the Prime Minister or the President of India falls sick, he falls ill if he takes medicine from the doctor. As the doctor says ‘lie down like this , lie down facing face, lie down straight, turn away and he examines, takes medicine from him and gets his disease cured so is the post of the President lowered? Is he insulted?

So, Guru is a doctor, is a Physician. He keeps the medicine of birth-death. There can be no big or small in this. He is not demoted with this. Some big officer may think how shall I go? Rampal is a small man and I am a big officer. 

So he was facing this problem, Sukhdev. So, there is no insult going to a doctor or the position does not come down.

Now, here he was explained through an example.

Sanak Sanandan Narad bhai।

Sanak, Sanandan, Brahma Ji have four sons who have taken a boon that our age should remain of 5 years only. No fault should develop in us. There shouldn’t be any vice in us. The vices come upon growing.

Sukhdev was explained a lot of knowledge. What example was quoted?

Narad ko jheemar guru keenha|| Kahan Gyan mein ho gaya heena।। Bole Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha। Sukhdev nahi Gyan pravesha।।

When everyone got to know that he had not acquired any guru then he was explained that ‘Look, Once Narad Ji made Jheemer, the fisherman his guru. Did his post of a sage end?  What insult did he face? Did they become small or big?  Who was this fisherman? I will tell you this further. Presently, another episode is going on. He was a fisherman then he became a devotee. He got such a shock. Now, I will tell you further.

Bole Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha Sukhdev nahi Gyan pravesha।। Cheenha nahi Purush avinashi। Sukhdev Garbh jooni ke vasi।। Janak videhi Karo guru soyee। Garbh jooni se chutave tohi।। Janak videhi ka gyan hai nyara। Sukhdev Garbh jooni avatar।। Jooni sankat deh kahayee। Garbh jooni aage hai bhai।। Jooni sankat deh kahave। Garbh jooni koi birla nasave।। Garbh jooni hai Maan badhayee। So Sukhdev tu nahi basayee।।

This pride is the main reason for going in 84 Lakh life-forms. God does not like arrogance.

Janak Videhi Karo didara. To tu Garbh yoni se nyara।। Pind brahmand dou hai jooni। Ichha beej Sukhdev bhooni।। Chaudah bhawan phir paal mahi। Uda phire pakshi ki nayee।।

He was explained that this body is also a troublesome life-form and you roam around in the universe, fly in the Sky this is also life-form. Salvation will not be without going out of it

Chaudah bhawan phire pal mahi| uda phire pakshi ki nayee।

You fly like a bird, will salvation be attained with this? Do you consider this salvation?

Tap ka tej Gyan asvara। Paya nahi mukti dwara।। Sukhdev Gyan dhyan tab heena। Jab lag Raja guru nahi keena।।

Until he made King Janak his guru till then his knowledge wasn’t even one penny.

Garib, Raja Yogi Janak hai, teen lok tatsaar। Mehar kare Gurudev jab, Sukhdev utre paar।।

It was said that if you will take initiation from King Janak then you will receive benefits else 84 lakh life-forms are ready for you.

Now, Sage Sukhdev is being explained that flying like a bird in the sky is not salvation. Everybody explained that as

Gung ang par chare। Tumra Moksh Janak ke dware।। Jaise Gung ang par chare। Tumra Moksh Janak ke dware।। Manya vachan kalpana chadi। Sukhdev lagi lagan jab gadhi।।

When everyone is told in one voice that devotion does not happen without guru and as Ganga is a pure water. With this the body becomes clean. It is cold water. It brings happiness in summer. Similarly, the dirt within you will finish by making King Janak your Guru means you will obtain knowledge.

To Manya vachan kalpana chadi.

He left the thinking of his mind, his pride.

Sukhdev lagi lagan jab gadhi।।

Means there was a desire through God to make a guru, had aching

Sukhdev chodi maan badhayee||

Janak Videhi Kiya guru jayee।। Agar phalel hamam chadhaya। Raja Janak nahan ku aaayaa।। Dus sahans mein jo patrani।  Kare khawasi jal hal pani।। Jalai angithee balai tis neechey। Raja Rani prabal seenche।।

He went to King Janak to make him Guru. So, King Janak arranged a seat for him when the sage came. It is our great honor. We got audience of a Brahman audience early in the morning and arranged a seat. He did not sit on the seat. He sat down on the floor and said ‘I have come to acquire you my Guru’.

The King knew that he used to consider me inferior, used to consider me small, considered me worthless and a man with vices.

Now, when everyone tells him that he has come here. So unless he will have trust that King Janak is no ordinary man even if he may take initiation he will not be determined.  That trust wouldn’t have formed.

So, Sukhdev sat down. So he said to Sukhdev that ‘Sage! Let me take a bath. After that we will talk, will discuss, and share knowledge. Then if you consider it appropriate, take initiation. He got a stove lit in front of him. He got a big cauldron put over it means of 10 - 20 kgs to take a bath in which 50- 20- 30 kgs water comes and got fire burn below it.

The water boiled like tea boils and at the distance of 2 feet from him the stool for King Janak was placed to take bath and out of 10,000 queens, the eldest one, Patrani, the main one dips a mug into it, dips hand and takes out the boiling water and poures on King’s head and rubs from hand, gives him bath.

Sage Sukhdev shrinks like this. She pours water on the King which gets collected. This Sukhdev, Garbh Yogeshwar.

Then King Janak said that ‘Sukhdev, you are a child celibate. You are equipped with great powers. You fly in the air. Put your finger in this water that has gone below after I had taken a bath. It goes through this drain into the gutter. Put your hand in this’. He said ‘I will not put it on. My finger will absolutely  cut and will separate’. 

Children! Now listen to the nectar speech.

Agar phulel hamam chadhaya।। Raja Janak nahan ku aaya।। Dus sahans mein jo Patrani। Kare khawasi Jal har pani। Jale angithee bale tis neeche। Raja Rani parmal seenche।। Aao Garbh Yogeshwar yogi। Hum Raja Indriye ras bhogi।। Jo tumri deh Agni jal jaaye.

To jhootha Sukhdev yog kamayee।। Jai tumri dehi Agni mein jal jaayee||

Put your finger in it.

To jhootha Sukhdev Yog kanayee।

You have done false devotion.

Malyagir Rani tan laave agar phulel hamam nehlave।। Raja Rani shabad swaroopa। Sukhdev pade andh gehre koopa।।

You are lying in the deep well of ignorance. Now what does Sukhdev say?

Jab phulel lagave angree।

If I will put my hand, finger in this boiling water

 Ungli ungri humri jal Jaa Kaya sangri।।

If I put my hand in this then my whole body will burn. It is so hot.

Raja vihans dei jab taari। Aur hume asnaan karave naari।।

The King clapped with both hands and laughed. He said like this "This wife is giving me a bath. Even her hand also does not burn. You were saying that ‘I am a Yogi, I am like this’.

Kar asnaan takhat par aaye। Sukhdev Param Gyan gauhraye।।

The King came after taking a bath and sat on the throne. First, he explained the knowledge to him as he had heard the knowledge about all of them from Almighty Kabir Ji.

Now he explains the same, similar knowledge and carries the same stones. They do not do the correct devotion till Heaven.

Bole Janak Videhi Raja। Indri Daman Kari kis kajaa।।

That you have suppressed your senses means you want to control them. 

Tell me what is its meaning? What is your purpose?

Brahmanand pad Mila na toku। Aisa darshat hai sab moku। Sukhdev, suno Vyas ke poota।

O the Son of Vyas listen

Indri laar lagee sanjoota।। Mun gun Indriyan karam na jaane। Vyas putr tu Gyan diwane।। Indri karam lagao kiske। Jivya lep nahi madhuras ke।।

Now, as honey is eaten, neither the honey sticks to the mouth nor to the tongue. Who gives this taste? He who examines has this fault, has grief. He takes the taste. Similarly, if there is any sorrow-happiness, it is to him. It has nothing to do with the body, with senses.

Indri karam lagao kiske। Jaise jivya lep nahi madhuras ke।।

The honey does not stick to the tongue, does not coats. It takes the taste and moves it inside. 

Nain patan mein idhar bhaga। Dekh sakal roop anuraga।। Basa ugree gandh sugandha।

Aatam roop pada galphanda।। Shravan sune vachan Jo kana। Behra kaha kahe vidhi nana।

Now, the point is, after explaining everything to him he was explained that

Pratham Ann jal sanyam rakhe. Yog yugat sab Satguru bhakhe।।

The point is, that we should do our devotion according to what our scriptures tell. Now, as you are explained

Dere dande khush raho||

Garib Das Ji says

 Khusre lahe na moksh। Dhruv Prahalad udar gaye, phir dere mein kya dosh।।

Now, what is said? The practices that you have done are like this, listen that

Tum khelat kul banat jana। Ishwar pad ka nahi dhyana।। Jaise chandan sarp liptaye।। Sheetal tan mun bhaya Vish nahi jaayee।। --Oho—

Aisa yog kamaya poota। Kya hua jo Indriye doota।।

Now, how amazing an example has been given that you do such practice like you performed devotion, did austerity. You believed that you gained accomplishments and believed its peace. We have achieved a lot and reached till heaven and enjoyed for a few days in heaven. For how many days you will live in that heaven?

Here, one amazing example has been given that

Jaise chandan sarp liptayee। Sheetal tan bhaya Vish nahi jayee।। --Oye hoye–

Like, there is a snake, serpent, snakes. When it is too hot then they wrap around the sandalwood tree because it provides coolness, sandal is cool. So, they get relief with heat and the heat is due to the poison within them. So, it has been said that the suffering you have, the 84 lakh life forms that are suffering is due to your sinful deeds. Those will not finish with these practices. Did devotion till heaven and went to heaven. Then will have to come to suffer. You got relief for sometime.

Jaise chandan sarp liptayee aur sheetal tan bhaya Vish nahi jaayee।।

Snake's body got relief  but the poison is as it is.

Similarly, with these activities of yours, with these practices of yours this disease of birth-death will not end. After relishing happiness in heaven for a few days then you will suffer here only.

To aisa yog kamaya poota.

O Son! O Son! He was sitting becoming a Yogi then he absolutely bowed down after listening to the knowledge.

God Kabir had given this knowledge. King Janak was telling number one knowledge and used to do devotion till heaven. We are from those only. We were also like this earlier. God opened all cards.

Aisa yog kamaya poota। Kya hua jo indri doota।। 

Controlled these senses. ‘I will not get married, will not get this done, will go to the jungle’. Is liberation attained with this? If salvation is attained like you celibate so all these transgenders would have been liberated. Devotion will have to be done be it transgenders or others. Like Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh all three are married and their worshippers say one should remain a celibate. Not a celibate but remain virtuous.

God says like stay home and do your worldly work. Definitely do devotion to the Almighty. The guru should be complete. Then either remain at home or stay outside. It is not that salvation will be attained  by getting married or will happen by not getting married. Nothing like that means salvation will be attained with mantra, true mantra, do devotion. But work will have to be done for the stomach therefore, work also.

Naam uthat naam baithat, Naam sovat jaag ve। Naam khate naam pite, Naam seti laagve।। 

So all saints have told this path. Gita tells this. I am narrating you Sukshma Veda.

Now what is said? Salvation will not be attained without Guru Guru should be complete. Whatever salvation was to be attained through King Janak, only heaven was attained, that’s all.

So the devotion that you do is the attainment till heaven and even after going to great heaven, Brahmlok those people come back.

Now Garib Das Ji tells the speech

 Surati Shabad mein lagi dori। Tate badi Umar bhayee gauri।। Sankh asankhon janam poorable।

Ganda unda tan kaya bhoole।। Yog sanyog mile jab aayee। Shiv Girija ko katha sunayee।

There was some coincidence of time that Shiva Ji narrated this story to Parvati Ji. Even his coincidence came at that time, that of a dirty egg for Sukhdev to get human birth.

Sunat Gyan unbhay pad Vani। Unda phoota Chetan bhaye prani।। --Oye hoye–

Koti-Koti janam ke bharma। Daman kiye cheenhe nij dharma।। Aisa Gyan agam gauhraya। Par jaami Chetan hoye aayaa।।


That egg became a bird.


Uske Par jami||

His feathers grew and he became conscious, became alive.

Chetan hue bharya hunkara। Shivyogi mun mahee sambhara।


It started roaring

‘Han-Hun’ Girija bha

yee Gyan galtana। Panchi kaun vrash gauhrana।।

Shiva Ji suspected that Parvati is very happy and where did the bird speak from?

Ajar naam cheenha pad bhari। Uda soovta pankh pasari।। Veh suwa tota udd chala। Shiva Yogi jab bhaya khichana। Panchi suna humara gyana।। Shiva Yogi jab bhaya chichana। Panchi suna humara gyana।। Gyan ka chor Gyan nahi pave। Panchi tab tal udar samave।।

Now, Shiva Ji said that he stole knowledge. I will kill this thief. He will tell further

So, leaving the body of the bird, he went inside the womb of the wife of Vyas, and went in the stomach.

Brahma, Vishnu dhyan dharaye। Shivyogi ko beg bhulaye।। Aanand vachan kahe tripurari। Sun hey vachan Vyas ki nari।। Yahan ek chor humara aaya। Tumre udar aan samaya।। Mata boli Vani niki। Humko khabar nahi tun jiki।। Dwadash varsh rahe tan mahi। Lagee samadhi dhyan dhun tahee।।

Children! Now, these three gods came there. He says to the wife of Vyas that the thief of our knowledge is in your stomach. So, the wife of Ved Vyas says ‘Ji, I do not know’.

Bole Brahma Vishnu Maheshwari deva। Sun panchi tu Gyan pareva।। Bahar aao vachan sun mohi। Tumra nash kabahu na hoyee।। Garib, Shiv ko Sukhdev se kaha, mano vachan hamar। Uttpatti pralay met hun Charan kamal deedaar।।


Bole panchi vachan uchari। Mata ko sukh deenha bhari।। Mata kahe putr Sukhdeva। Garbh jooni mat aao bheva।। Bole Sukhdev vibal vani। Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar dani।। Koti-Koti bhugti chaurasi। Kato phand Purush avinashi।। Tihun deva jab thambi maya। Udar garbh se bahar aaya।। Orenaal Kasi kamar mutanga। Chalya Sukhdev vankhand sanga।। Putr putr Vyas kar tere। Maya moh kachu nahi mere।।

He put the umbilical cord on his shoulder and moved ahead and Sukhdev flew away as soon as he came out of mother’s womb. He came at the age of 12. 

Putr Putr Vyas kar tere।

Vyas Ji started saying Son-Son.

Son! Son! Then Sukhdev said

‘Maya moh kachu nahi mere।। Kaun putr ko pita kahave। Shabad swaroop rahi nirdhave।। Panch tatva gun teen samana। Paan-Paan mein pad galtana।। Vyas putr se keenhe pyara। Sukhdev bhara shabad hunkara। Khoj na paya vyas gosain। Mila nahi ulta Ghar aayee।।

He flew in the Sky and disappeared. He was not found due to which he returned home.

Aage jaye bhaye prachanda|| jaise nadi 18 Ganda।। Surnar Muni gan gandharv gyani। Sabse uncha hai abhimani।। Adhar Viman chale mun roopa। Garbh yogeshwar Gyan swaroopa।। Garib, vadi Yogi vaada kar, vichra teeno lok। Satguru Janak Videhi bin, pawat nahi moksh।।

Well, you were told the story verbally. He used to go up flying through accomplishments. If these people receive one power then by getting one turmeric knot they become a grocer. Some of these sages gained one power or some got two and destroyed someone with some power or developed someone. This is how they were becoming famous.

 72 akshoni akshay kari, Chunak rishishwar ek। Deh dhare Jaura phire yeh sabhi Kaal ke bhesh।। --Oye hoye–

Wasted time in useless practice the entire life and gained power and Sage Chunak killed the 72 crore army of Mandhata Chakravarti King. They were praised by the entire world.

Garib Das Ji says that they have become moving death.

Yeh chalti phirti maut. Deh dhare Jaura phire, yeh sabhi Kaal ke bhesh।।

Children! You are lucky. Such decisive knowledge.  You get the clarified butter absolutely heated 2-3 times. This is so pure. Purest of the pure. You are fortunate. May God give you salvation . May He always keep you healthy.

Sat Sahib!


 ← Special Message Part 22: The Moral of Kagbhusandi Story       Special Message Part 20: Satguru is a Key to Salvation →