
Sat Sahib

Hail Satguru Dev!

Hail to Bandi chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor  Garibdas Ji Maharaj Ji .

Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Bandi chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to all the saints.

Hail to all the devotees.

Hail to the righteous men.

Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.

Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.

Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.

Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.

Sat Sahib


Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi. Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi.

Satguru Sahib Sant sab, dandautam pranaam| Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan.

Kabir Satguru ke upadesh ka, suniyan ek vichar. Jai Satguru milte nahi, jaate narak dwar.

Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khainchtaan. Unse kabhu nahin chhoota, phirata charon khan.

Kabir char khaani mein bhramta kabhi na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere Satguru ke upkaar.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahebi sukh se basiyo, Amarpuri ke dere ki.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, Satlok ke dere ki.

Nirvikaar nirbhay tu hi aur sakal bhaymaan. Eji sadhu aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri Sahibi. Sab par teri Sahibi, tujh par saheb na. Nirvikaar nirbhay.

Due to the infinite grace of the Supreme Father, Supreme God Kabir Ji, Children, you are listening to the immortal story and true knowledge. God has written your destiny with a separate pen. Your account is separate on which Kaal does not have any authority.

Children!  We have to accept every word of God to be true. Either, don’t get involved in devotion and suffer. If after getting engaged in devotion one has disbelief in the path of devotion then that person does not get success. In the beginning, this servant had too much desire for God and we used to hear that Draupadi's saree was increased. God encashed the Hundi of devotee Narsidas. So, the soul used to believe these things that God can do anything. But if someone says ‘No, this does not happen. This is said just like that to build faith in God. This cannot happen.

Well! The mind used to accept that this wouldn’t have happened but there is God. I was doing devotion by just accepting this. I had taken initiation also and then God did such amazing things that He erased all doubts. He increased the iron net more than one foot. He increased both, not just one.

So Children! Trust is very essential. As the example is given to you through spiritual discourse that two seekers were practicing outside one village. One was sitting for 40 years. The age was around 60. The second was practicing for 4 years. He had also renounced home. The ashram was built outside.

So children! Infact, The practice of both was against the scriptures. Due to previous sacraments there is such a strong inspiration that the soul yearns for God. It goes to search for Him and sacrifice their whole life according to whichever guide is found. With that he gets some tenacity. He starts gaining a few accomplishments. He gets influential with that. His monument was built there after his death. That unfortunate man himself went to hell and prepared the stuff for generations to come from that village to go to hell. The generations to come ahead bow head to that grave, to that idol and get their wishes fulfilled. Nothing happens to anyone and that emotion develops. One or two naturally gets it by chance. It even happens to those who do not do devotion. He has sacraments and we used to give credit to him. We were also like this. Now the servant wants to tell yet the trust works a lot

Now God gives its number separately. His faith in devotion remains even in the next life with such activities.  He who does both activities of an atheist as well as theist is overall rejected.

One messenger of God used to come from above, from the realm of Lord Vishnu. He used to discuss with both devotees about God for a very long time.

He used to question, Is God alright ? How are the arrangements there? So that angel used to sit for hours with those devotees. Lord Vishnu asked that angel 'O brother! Where do you go ? So and so are your amazing devotees. They are completely devoted to you. I go and sit there for a few days in that village. They are completely devoted to you. So Lord Vishnu said that only one amongst them is a devotee. One is just passing time like that. The angel said he must be the one who is totally devoted to you for 40 years. He has come leaving his home. Then God said 'No, the other one is a devotee who is sitting for 4 years. He has trust in me. The elder one does not have trust. The angel could not believe it. This cannot happen.

God understood that the angel does not have trust in me. So Vishnu Ji said ‘Brother Devdoot!  Do one thing, today you go a little late from the time you usually go. Then they will ask the reason for your late arrival. Then tell them like this that ‘today God had given the time in the afternoon that from the needle hole where the thread is inserted, God will take out an elephant and tell that I stopped to see that.

God crossed the elephant from the needle eye. The angel did in the same way.  First, he went to the older one because he was confused.  So, Vishnu Ji had said ‘see than how they react?’ You yourself will decide who is a devotee ? The angel went to the elder one. The moment he reached he also asked the same reason. What is the matter, Devdoot,  you got late today?  I was eagerly waiting for you.  We used to sit and discuss God. The time used to pass good. What happened? What is the reason you got late today?

The angel told the same that God has to do one spectacle today in the afternoon. I have come after seeing it. So that devotee asked ‘what was the divine Play?’ ‘Brother! He did amazing?  Incredibly, God crossed an elephant from a needle eye. Brother! I have come seeing it. I stopped to see that.

The  40 year old devotee said ‘Devdoot!  Deity! Speak such a lie that one should believe. Can this ever happen? Can the elephant cross from a needle eye ? Deity, why are you speaking lies? Being a deity you are saying this. So, Devdoot lost his senses and all his experiences failed to show that God was telling the truth. He is absolutely an animal. When he does not have this much faith, God cannot do anything. He is a grass cutter like you then why are you doing devotion? The angel got up and went.

Then he went to the 4 years one. He thought who knows he might threaten me, will get annoyed with me. He would not have any knowledge till now. That four year one devotee also asked ‘Devdoot! You got late today. Your arrival was much awaited. Today, I had thought you probably would not come. What was that work like, tell me as well?

The angel said  ‘Brother! What shall I say? I cannot tell lies and no one trusts the truth. The devotee said ‘tell me, what is the matter? Today afternoon God had to perform a spectacle. I stopped to see that.  What was the spectacle? The angel said ‘God had to cross an elephant from the hole of a needle’. The devotee said ‘then what happened?’ So brother! He crossed, did amazing’. He said ‘That’s all! God can cross the entire earth from a needle's eye. You are surprised by an elephant. The angel hugged the child. He said ‘blessed are your mother-father from whom you are born’. Do devotion and there is no trust so damn is that devotion?

Kahe Kabir suno bhai sadho mein to hun vishwas mein।।

So you should not have disbelief in any activity of God. And gradually God will keep doing these spectacles with you and would have already done and even if it does not happen then so much evidence is given so trust.. Don’t go away from God’s devotion.

Children! The servant is telling you amazing knowledge which Sant Garibdas Ji obtained from God which is a decisive knowledge. The result of this entire story later will be received very well later.

Parvati Ji, wife of Shiv Ji and had died 108 times. In 109th birth she also made Shiv Ji her husband. These were their sacraments. One day Narad Muni came and explained to Parvati Ji that ‘O Mother! Lord Shankar Ji has one such mantra if he tells you then by chanting that mantra you will become eternal else you have died 108 times and that Lord for its evidence has made a garland of your skulls. They are 108, it’s counted.

Parvati Ji said ‘Brother Narad is absolutely correct, they are 108. I ask whose and what are they? So he procrastinates.

‘O Mother! Your birth-death will finish. So she said ‘Brother! I do not understand this thing that Shivaji Maharaj Ji does not hide anything from me and how has he hidden this mantra from me? He loves me too much and tells me that I used to cry badly after your death. Then Narad Ji said ’Mother! You consider him your husband till now. The day you will see God-form and will question him politely in Guru-form, by absolutely being polite then only he will tell the secret mantra.  Shiv Ji has not given this secret mantra to anyone till date because no one has such Luck. No one has such feelings. So you will have to make that feeling so that he gives you this eternal mantra.

Narad went after saying this. Mother Parvati became restless.  When Shiv Ji came to home, other days she used to talk in different ways because the wife has equal rights, is the partner. That day she laid down on his feet and prostrated. She held his feet and started crying and said ‘O God! What mistake has been done by me that you have kept hidden that precious mantra from me. O God! I died 108 times. Wouldn’t you have gotten sad? Tell me that mantra with which my birth-death ends.

Now Shiv Ji is looking at the face of Parvati and understanding all gestures and feelings. He said ‘Parvati! Which blessed soul did you meet today who changed your mind? This knowledge is not of your intellect. I know you. This thing does not used to come in your mind.  I tried, do devotion also. You used to say ‘you are God,  why do I need to?  I am with God. I am his wife’. Then Parvati Ji told that Narad Ji had come. He told me all this.

Then Lord Shankar said ‘Parvati listen! As many times as you died my condition used to become like a mad. Once you died after burning in the religious ritual of King Daksha. I roamed around carrying your skeleton on shoulders. for 10,000 years saying ‘Parvati-Parvati’. A Sudarshan chakra came and tore your body into pieces. Then I felt cheated. I was left empty-hand. Then you were born, then got married. This was forgotten. This is such an amazing mantra that it cannot be told to an ordinary person.  Lord Shankar Ji said ‘now your soul is demanding with true heart. Now, I will give you this mantra.

Garibdas Ji says that as there is an oyster, an animal, a conch shell. Like these shells of a hard body like this. It is called an oyster.  When it’s hot then the oyster has a demand for water. He has an inspiration  to produce a pearl as the animal has to conceive. At that time, the oyster comes to the surface of the sea. Above, the clouds are thundering. If his mouth is open and even one drop of rain goes inside his mouth then with that the pearl starts getting formed.  After intaking that drop the Oyster dives back into the sea. A pearl is formed in it. And if the mouth of the Oyster is closed then even if it may rain the whole season, the pearl would not be formed.

So it was explained to Parvati that now the mouth of your oyster, your soul has opened. Now I will give this mantra. It will be effective.  Earlier the mouth of your Oyster soul was closed. Therefore, I could not waste this precious mantra. Then he said ‘come’. They reached a lonely place early in the morning. There was a dry tree, even leaves were not there. They sat beneath it.

Children! Then there he clapped with both hands. The birds around flew and ran away. There was such a loud noise and the eggs hatched to children and flew. There were Parrots eggs in the hollow place in the hole of the same tree. Those eggs, the healthy eggs became children and flew away. One egg was unhealthy. It was completely rotten and dirty. It remained there. Lord Shankar did not know that there is a Parrots baby inside it, there are eggs.

He knew in case there would be eggs then they would have become children and would have gone.

Now Children! A lot of stories will be understood to you with this one story.  Like, what do they do? They do not do devotion and die. Then they pick up those bones, the burnt bones. They pick them and flow in the Ganga. Their purpose is that they should be put deep inside the water that whichever person dies, woman or man when he becomes a Phantom he comes back to his home.

He searches for his body in the house then he goes to the graveyard. He realizes that those who are recently burnt, this is your bones. Considering those bones to be his, that ghost sticks to them and then keeps roaming sometimes in the house and sometimes near those bones. He troubles the family members. So what do they do? Therefore, they pick it up along with the bones and put them in such a place that he does not get a clue. He wanders and goes.

So Children! Neither do we have to do these activities because we will not become ghosts. Ours is true devotion and there is no solution with that. So, in this way what this servant wants to tell is that even after death that creature was considering those bones to be his and that these are mine. He sticks to them. Similarly, the egg that was rotten that soul was stuck to it that it’s mine. Infact, it was completely finished. In a few days, it would have dried, and would have finished. Then it would have left it and moved on.

So that soul was stuck to it. On the other side he started narrating the story to Parvati Ji.  He narrated the eternal story because Garibdas  Ji says Kabir Sahib has told

Hum Vairagi Brahampad , Sanyasi Mahadev। Soham mantra diya Shiv Ji ko, vo kare hamari sev।।

So Kabir Sahib had told the eternal knowledge to all of them. Narrated the entire creation, Satlok one. God is like this, God is above. God is like this. He is the master of all. He agreed at that time, and took the first one mantra. Gave OM to someone, gave Soham to someone, gave shiryam-hariyam to someone, kiliyam to someone

In this way, God made them His and then had thought I will come the second time. If their intellect will work, if their faith remains alright then I will give them the first mantra afresh. When God went the second time, Kaal had changed the mind of all of them. They did not even listen to Kabir Sahib therefore, Kabir Sahib came back.

Now Shiva Ji had that knowledge and he told Parvati and gave her the mantra. Now Children! Shiva Ji was told five mantras. But Shiva Ji specifically chants one Soham mantra.  The matter is that what the guru tells, by not sticking to it few certainly do as per their desire and God Kabir Ji had told Shiva Ji the secret of all lotus chakras. He was a Yogi. Not even one Lotus chakra was resolved with him, not even one and hasn’t been resolved yet. But had told the entire knowledge and Parvati was being narrated the knowledge. Parvati was doing ‘Yes'  Look, this is Moolkamal. Move ahead it’s Swad chakra, then is Nabhi kamal, then hriday kamal. So and so are gods. So is Kanth Kamal. He made her reach till Trikuti Kamal, that’s all. 

Parvati got engrossed in meditation. She fell asleep and stopped speaking.

On the other hand, by listening to this story that Parrots eggs became healthy and started roaring. Shiva Ji saw some other voice come. Parvati is sleeping. She was napping while sitting. From where has the Voice come? He saw one bird in that empty space in the hollow of the tree. The Parrot flew and ran away. Shiv Ji followed him that he stole my knowledge. He flew in the sky and was behind him, to the creature of the Parrot.

There were powers-accomplishments in Parrots soul also by listening to the eternal story of the Supreme God. This knowledge has more impact by listening from an authorized great saint equipped with accomplishments. Lord Shiva is the supreme of three realms. He has spiritual powers. Clubbed with his spiritual powers, God's speech, the immortal story went inside his body as well.  Accomplishments came to him. Salvation is very far. This is a long chapter, a long story But all little-little hints are to be given to you. So that someone might not misguide you. Shiva Ji is filled with accomplishments, 8 powers and nine treasures and accomplishments come even with his words if he says to someone. But what shall we lick these accomplishments? Salvation will not be attained.

The point is, flying, the soul of the Parrot reached to the Ashram of Vedvyas, and Shiva Ji was behind.  Leaving the body there, Vedvyas’s wife had yawned. Via her breaths that subtle creature went inside and when the time came to conceive he got a place in her womb. He entered inside the body of that child. He remained there for 12 years.

The story will come next. I will tell you that. Now I will tell this speech which will be easily understood to you.

Moksh mukti ka lakha na bhewa। Bhrame putr Vyas Sukhdeva।। Satguru Mila Mahadev banka। 84 ki mitee na sanka।।

He even met Mahadev yet their cycle of 84 lacs did not end.

Athottar janam Gauri bharmai। Shiv ko rund mala gal laai।। Ardh shareeri Devi  gaura। Jinka thir bhaya nahi bhaura।। 

Parvati kept taking birth and dying for 108 births and Shiva had made the garland of her skulls and had worn them in his neck. 

Ardh shareeri Devi gaura। Jinka thir bhaya nahi bhaura।।

Parvati was the wife of Shiva even though she could not be liberated. 

Narad Muni updesh bakhana। Girija suno moksh pad gyana।। Sun hey Devi gaura maai। 68 teerath parbhi nahai।।

Pind pradaan kiye Kai baraa। Khula nahi mukti ka dwara।। Yadi pind pradhaan।

It is said that by offering ‘Pind’ the ghost life-form is released.

Pind pradan karant। Garib Das Jinda kahe, nahi mile bhagwant।।

As Parvati becomes a ghost, ‘Pimd’ is offered, the ghost life form is left and does not know in which life form does the creature goes. She had good sacraments. She got human birth, of a girl. She got married to Shiva Ji. There can be many human births due to the power of devotion in previous births but by not attaining salvation Parvati again had to go in 84 lacs life-forms. She would even go further. Even Shiva Ji will die. Parvati will also die and then they will go in 84 lakh life-forms. It is said:

Chand Suraj ki aayu lug, jai jeev ka rahe shareer। Satguru se bhenta nahi, to ant keer ka keer।।

If the body of the human remains till the age of the Moon and Sun and the complete Satguru is not found then in the end they will become worm-spiders. Now Narad Ji is telling to Parvati Ji

Sun hey Devi Gaura maai। 68 teerath parbhi nahai।। Pind pradan kiye Kai bara। Khula nahi mukti ka dwara।।

I did all rituals after your death yet you were not liberated. You were born again.

Rund mala Shiva ke gale mahi। So Devi tum Jano nahi।।

Garib rund mala Shiva ke gale, Girija ke sab shees। Bhakti durai dev ko, na parsa jagdeesh।। Tumhara Devi roop vishala। Shiv to pehar rahe rund mala।। Bhautik pralay ho-ho jaai। Lambi umr Shiv Kali mahi।। Deerghayu Shiva hai anuragi। Tum Devi gauri Dil tyagi।। Mool mantra nahi naam sunaya। Tate kalp Hove Teri kaya।। Mahadev devan patideva। Jaki Kari na gauri sewa।। Kar vandan kar sheesh nivavo। Tab mun arpo sheesh chadhao।। Shiva hai moksh mukti ke data। Tose bhed kahun gauri mata।। Charan gaho chintamani kera। Tate praan abhay ho tera।। Kamal roop devi Dil keena। Narad Muni updesh hi chinha।। Jab aaye Shiv Mandir avdhoota|| Devi Charan liye satroopa।।

It is said Parvati ji, Gauri Devi made her heart completely pure like a lotus on Narad's advice. There is no dirt on the lotus. Neither dust lasts on it, nor water lasts and not even mud. So the heart was made so pure.

So when Shiv Ji came home in his feet

Charan liye Satroopa।

Touched feet with true feelings.

Charan pakad rovat hai bala। More sheesh kiye rund ma। Mose bhakti durai deva। Mein jaani nahi tumhri sewa।। Mose bhakti durai swani। Humse bhed kaho nijdhami।। Mein abla hun Bala bholi। Paar nibhao humri doli।।

She started saying holding his feet. I am an innocent girl and cross my fleet.

Children! This whole story has been told to you verbally. There is its entire conclusion in these speeches  Now what is told?

Garib mool mantar Mehboob ka, Ish sunao mohi।

Parvati Ji says to Shiva Ji that tell me the original mantra of  that God, the supreme power.

Now they do not know the original mantra. Whichever mantra  they keep a secret, the special mantra that they have, they were considering it to be the original one.

Garib mool mantra mehboob ka, Ish sunao mohi। Yugan-yugan ke paap kate, chootai Dil drohi।। Poorv janm ki katha sunao। Moolmantra Hume Shiv gauhrao।। Bhool Rahi bhavsagar hum hi। Moksh mukti ke data tum hi।।

Shiva said

Sun Devi bataa। Ko updeshi Mila vidhata।। Yeh to nahi Gyan tumhara। Hum se bhed kaho parwara।।

The way you are speaking today this thing is not of your intellect. Which blessed soul did you find who changed your mind.

Girija kahe suno Shiva swami। Taran Taran aadi ghannami।। Narad Muni updesh samogham। Deenha Gyan dhyan pramodam।। Shiv samrath bole hai jab hi। Gauri Gyan sunaya tabhi।। Koti kalap pralay yug beetee। Gyan dhyan sabhi par chitti।। Tumraa mun Narad Muni phera। Suno Gyan tum gauri mera।। Bankhand chalo Gauri diwani। Panchi sune na humri bani।।

Come to such a place where even the bird cannot hear our talk.

Jab Shiva kar se laayee tari। Udd gaye panchi nar aur nari।। Jahan ek sukha taruwar takya।

There they saw one dried tree.

Shiva ko aasan tahan wahan raakhya।

They placed their  seat beneath and made Parvati sit beside him. 

Jahan ek Ganda unda this mahi। Tis janat hai samrath saayin।। Yug asnkhya kalap bharmaya। Poorv janam koi pichla aaya।। Ab tu suno gauri mera gyan। Aasan mukh kar koti nishana।। Aasan padam lagao. Gaura। Merudand sudha kar bhaur।। Garib aasan padam lagay kar, bhanwar chadhavo sunn। Anhad Nadu baje hi,  jahan lagao dhu।।

Now what is said? A spoiled egg was lying beneath that tree in a hole. Several births of the creature in that dirty egg had been in 84 lacs life forms. From here his fate arose. Others became birds and flew. It could not become a bird. It flew later when the entire story had an impact on him.

Children! As the servant tells you a lot of time. This eternal story which is the speech of Garib Das Ji is several thousand and lakh times more powerful than the immortal story of Lord Shiva, it’s more influential.

Now, I do not have any intention to narrate this story. I will draw such conclusions from this that you will be surprised. Like one cures a snake bite. Now there are medicines. Earlier there used to be ‘Garadu’ who used to remove poison by chanting mantras. The person used to get unconscious who was bitten by the snake, completely fainted as if he had died. He used to breathe and what does the Garadu do? There is one mantra of 5-4 lines. He accomplishes it in his lifetime by spending 5-4-7 -10 years. That speech gets accomplished. Then he keeps speaking to the one sitting besides him who is bitten by the snake. At that time, the person bitten by the snake is unconscious.

Neither is he listening to the speech nor is he understanding what its meaning is? So after sometime due to the influence of that speech the venom in his body finishes and that person becomes alive. He becomes conscious.

Similarly Children! If God’s immortal story is heard from the mouth of the authorized then he surely gets the benefit of that level. So there was a dirty egg. The creature was stuck to it. This dirty egg could not listen neither could he speak nor he can understand what is Shiva Ji telling? And by speaking those words  that egg becomes completely healthy and even that egg becomes healthy. A child was also created in it. His wings also grew even he flew and ran away.

Similarly, the mercy that has been shown to today's human beings, the immortal  speech of  Garib Das Maharaj Ji is even stronger than this. Now this will run in Akhand Path from the mouth of this servant. It will impact even the birds around. It will have an impact on all surrounding animals-birds, living organisms, creatures, trees-plants as it did on this one and gradually all of them will start leaving their body from here and will keep getting human body. Then they will directly come to the feet of the Almighty.

Children! They will surely do devotion and when they do devotion then God will surely meet them somewhere.

Now I will tell you about Sage Sukhdev also. Parvati’s is done. Now ponder one thing that where Parvati Ji received the mantra, got the immortal mantra, got that mantra to do devotion means she became the disciple, so that place can be ‘Amarnath’ for Parvati. As today, they go there to bow head, to see, to have an audience for them it’s not Amarnath.

As you have taken name-initiation from this servant from any Ashram or initiation center or anywhere else then that place is Amarnath for you. But there is nothing to do with that place. Salvation will happen with the mantra.

So Children! Salvation is not with that place. You will remember that place the entire life that I received initiation there, that’s all and I obtained this immortal knowledge. But liberation will be from the mantra. And the naive souls who go to such high mountains, that we will come after having an audience.

Now ponder, as this servant has explained to you many times, what are these Pilgrimages? What are these abodes? Like Parvati took the mantra there and came to her house after taking the mantra. Now she is doing devotion. What is there now?  Now, like there are Pilgrimages, some sage or a devotee took support of some Pond. Earlier there used to be ponds only for drinking water as well as for bathing and washing. Even the wells also used to be very deep. One man cannot dig. So he used to sit there and do devotion. Whatever pebbles he accumulates because now you have received the true practice, the entire world will receive after four eras.

So whatever tenacity he did, whatever devotion he did, basis that he went to that realm. There is nothing now. Now as we bring someone's mortar and pestle and crush the ingredients of religious ritual in it and return it after washing-cleaning. A Mortar is an iron grinder and there is its 1.5 feet long iron pestle, they crush with it, like the Chutney is pounded in a mortar so there was some smell in the mortar-pestle even though it finished in 5-4 days. They returned it to the one from whom it was borrowed. So those members of the house felt that there was some smell coming from it. Some ingredients are crushed and that smell also finishes after some days. They cleaned the ingredients completely and kept it in their home.

Now they smell that smell time and again. Oho! It’s amazing, a lot of smell came then it finished. Come, let’s bring the smell. Nothing is going to happen with that smell, with those ingredients, ‘googal-kheu’. Those ingredients will have to be made.

Similarly, this has to be practiced to attain salvation. So there is no benefit going there where some sage had ever practiced. Those pilgrimages have been built.

So Kaal has said to God when the Almighty came in Jogjeet-form, in the form of His child, Gyani. He keeps coming in many forms, Jogjeet-form, Sahaj das form.  Then Kaal made God promise everything then he showed his wickedness. He had said

Jaao gyani, beshak jaao Jogjeet sansara| Jeev na mane kaha tumhara।। Jeev tumhara kaha na mane। Humri ode ho vaad bakhane।। Teerath vrat aur jhoote Jap Tap mun laaun। Devi dev deval pujwaun।। Ya vidhi jeevon ko bharmaun।। Dwadas panth karun mein sajaa। Naam tumhara le karun awaja।। Dwadas panth naam jo leyee। So mere mukh mein aan samoyee।। Aur anek panth chalaun। Ya vidhi jeevon ko bharmaun।।

So today he has done all that work. Now you try to explain to someone they start arguing. You say like this to our deities. You tell our practices to be wrong. Going to pilgrimages is not correct, it is not right to keep fasts. So Kaal had said

Humri ode wo baat bakhane।।

They will take my side and will argue. Now Children! What this servant is telling that wherever the immortal recitation, continuous recitation or the speech otherwise or spiritual discourses are happening or will happen or they run, will be done there even the surrounding birds will also get relief and as sage Sukhdev, Sukhdev entered inside the stomach of the wife of Vyas Ji, inside womb. After that, he remained inside the womb for 12 years. There he remembered that infinite births have been lost and there was no devotion. This time I have got a human body and the moment we go outside we forget. The oppression happens. Due to that outside fear he did not come out. 12 years have passed. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh got tensed. These three came.

They said, "Sukhdev! Come out. It is not correct to be inside the womb for 12 years. Our decorum ends. The mothers keep the child inside the womb for 9 months. They get troubled and keeping for 12-12 years leads to a wrong tradition. You do not do this, come out.

So, sage Sukhdev said, "O Lord! O Gods!  Now I have got to know that as soon as we come out of your illusion, this Trigunmayee Maya makes us unconscious. It lets us forget everything. Stop this illusion then I will come out. They said 'Brother! Even we cannot stop it for long. It is even stronger than us. It is beyond our control. We can stop it for just a few seconds. Then he said 'stop it for a few seconds. So they stopped for a few moments in the meantime, Sukhdev came out. So the inspiration for devotion remained in him. He remembered God. At that time, 9 Naths, 84 perfect means 93 more children, boys were born. This was a coincidence, their sacraments. Even they remembered these things. Out of them 9 became Naths and 84 were called perfect. They got inspired for devotion from childhood itself. They remembered the Master but by not finding a true guru they wasted time.

Children! The complete knowledge has come and the destined time has come. Guru is complete, the knowledge is complete, God is complete. Now this speech that runs and will run from the mouth of this servant will completely create havoc. Do not know how many arrangements of Kaal will it break. How many creature’s welfare will happen.

What to tell about humans, even the animals, birds, worms, spiders will get it’s support. This story is from these Puranas and this truth is in front of you like this.

Now Children! When sage Sukhdev came out he flew and ran away from there. The father said ’Son! Vyas Ji said ‘Son! Show your face once. We waited for 12 years that the son will come, the son will be born’. Then he said

Ek leva aur ek deva dootam। Koi kisi ka pita nahi pootam।।

Father! Do not know how many times you became my father, do not know how many times I became your father. Now I have understood. I will not look at your side. I will fall in love with you. This love is a contagious disease. I will tell this in detail some other time. We ourselves intentionally get into it. But this was his mistake.

He only had this much understanding due to ignorance that he committed a mistake at that tIme. Well! Whatever was his thinking. On that basis he went from there. The father followed  long out of affection. From there he flew in the sky and disappeared.

Going ahead then he appeared again. The umbilical cord, the naval of the child that is attached with the naval of the mother came out along with and broke. That is cut later. He did not even get it cut. He put it on his shoulder and flew away. I will cut it further.

Now he got the power to fly in the sky with that mantra, with that immortal story.

Shiva Ji told the magnificence of complete God in that immortal story which Kabir Sahib had narrated to him. There are a lot of episodes in this. Now there isn’t that much time that I should tell you entirely.

When God Kabir will shower mercy then I will explain them in detail in the bigger Jail. So the point is ‘sage Sukhdev got proud that I am a great accomplished man. I fly in the air.

So Children! He started going to Heaven. All the deities, sages, great sages give him complete respect. They do his Aarti that you are so blessed, you have attained a lot of accomplishments.  They just know this much about accomplishments and since birth, from the small age you attained so much. You have achieved great heights. So everyone used to keep love with him, sing glory

One day he expressed the desire to go to heaven in the realm of Vishnu Ji. He was not allowed to go there because he did not have a guru. The matter reached to Vishnu Ji. Vishnu Ji asked, "O Rishi Ji! You haven’t made a guru?’ No! What is the need of a guru, Maharaj? Those who have made guru could not come and I have come even without a Guru.  

Lord Vishnu said ‘Alright, that is a separate thing. Here only he can stay who has acquired a Guru. Then there is another disease that no one on earth is a guru equal to me. I am a Child celibate. There is no such saint. Whom shall I make a guru? Vishnu Ji said ‘King Janak is my greatest devotee. You take initiation from him.

Saying this Vishnu Ji went away. The guards threw him out. He came to Heaven. He narrated the entire story there in another heaven, common heaven. Then he came below to other sages. He told them. Then all of them said ‘Sukhdev! You have made a great mistake. If you won’t make a guru then you will become a donkey.

So, suddenly the reel of my previous birth started running that once I had become a donkey. I had become blind. The master, the Potter, left me and I got stuck in a drain while wandering. People made my pulley and started coming and going. I could not come out. I died of hunger while wandering, and my life ended. He got worried due to that fear. Then he comes back to his father.

Vyas Ji became very happy when he saw that his son had come. He asked everything. Then he told all his problems in front of his father. Father! Such and such is the matter. God has said that make King Janak your Guru.  Then Vyas Ji, because all great men speak in one tone. They do have this much knowledge that things do not work without a guru. He had not listened to the special knowledge. That battery got charged. With that he was flying around. He did not have knowledge.

So Vyas Ji said ‘O Son! I was happy, well the son did not come to me but such discussion is going on that the son of Vyas is so great. Now you have not made a guru. Brother! You have done amazing. You aren’t a creature worth two-penny. Tomorrow  your life will end. This battery will finish and Son, you will go to hell. These things do not happen without a Guru.

So, in the end,  by defeating he said ‘O Gurudev! O father! How shall I make King Janak my Guru?

Raja Janak grahasthi bhai –Oye hoye—aur kaise sheesh niwaun jaai।। Janak videhi Raja bhai|| Kaise Sheesh niwaun jaai।।--aha—Sukhdev bole Gyan viveka। Humne istri ka mukh nahi dekha।।

Then his father said when God has said then you are still doing ‘ifs and buts’. You aren’t a creature worth one penny. You do not know anything. Then where will you go? There they will not let you enter Heaven. What to do when one dies? He went to King Janak’s door. There he bowed head in his feet and asked the path for his welfare.

Children! Because here the time given is very short. You will have a lot of information with this. You will have amazing knowledge because till now this servant has shown you only all the proof, has untangled all scriptures. Has freezed number one knowledge in your heart that what this servant is saying is all correct.

Now if this servant will explain the knowledge in code words, in indications then also your soul will catch it together.

Garib, gota marun swarg mein, Jaa baithun pataal। Garib Das dhoondhta phirun, apne heerey moti laal।।

Children! You are those diamonds, pearls, rubies. You are not ordinary souls. Look how God is painting you in colors.  How is He feeding you nectar milk while sitting at home? You do not know what will be its return. Mother-Father feeds milk to the child. Feed good food. They know how much benefit he will get out of it.  The child does not know . They forcefully feed. If he is playing then the mother will call and bring him ‘come brother! Come daughter. She will feed milk. Even while drinking milk the child thinks  she should leave me and I will run and come after playing outside.

Now she leaves after feeding milk. Go Brother! Come after playing. So Children! This is nectar milk for your soul. Do your work, do your worldly work. Then do your day's homework and classwork. So this is the impact of work. This won’t go to waste. It will give so much strength to your soul in which the devotion will be absolutely very strong. It will keep remaining secure because there will be no defect in mind. No mistake will be made.

So everything will remain safe. God has not left any stone unturned for your salvation. Whatever possible arrangement is there, all that has been done.

Children! You also pity, do mercy on that supreme father and see the age of this servant and where is this servant for 9 years? See this and what this servant has done for you from here? Look at this master carefully. You are not children. Your soul should understand what is happening? Sacrifice, forget worldly things. Get dedicated to the knowledge that I give. 

Tan mun dhan sab arpiye, bhakti mukti ke kaaj। Jinke urr mein bandagi, phir kya Indra ka raaj।।

Children! Indri karam na lage lagaram, jo Bhajan kare nirdund re। Garib Das jug keerti hogi, jab lag suraj Chund re।। jab lag suraj Chund re।।

Children! The coming generations will remember you as well. Your name will remain till the Moon and Sun will remain that which of our mother-father, which grandfather, great grandfather, grandmother brought such nectar knowledge in our clan.

You are responsible for the welfare of coming generations Sacrifice. May God grant you salvation. May He keep you happy always.

Sat Sahib

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