
Sat Sahib

Hail Satguru Dev!

Hail to Bandi Chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Garibdas Ji Maharaj Ji .

Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to all the saints.

Hail to all the devotees.

Hail to the righteous men.

Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.

Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.

Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.

Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.

Sat Sahib


Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi. Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi.

Satguru Sahib Sant sab, dandautam pranaam| Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan.

Kabir Satguru ke upadesh ka, suniyan ek vichar. Jai Satguru milte nahi, jaate narak dwar.

Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khainchtaani. Unse kabhu nahin chhoota, phirata charon khan.

Kabir char khaani mein bhramta kabhi na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere Satguru ke upkaar.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahebi sukh se basiyo, Amarpuri ke dere ki.

Jai Jai Satguru mere ki, jai jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, Satlok ke dere ki.

Nirvikaar nirbhay tu hi aur sakal bhaymaan. Eji sadho aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri Sahibi. Sab par teri Sahibi, tujh par saheb na. Nirvikaar nirbhay.

Due to the infinite grace of the Supreme Father, Supreme God Kabir Ji, Children, today we have a strong inspiration to go back to our home. Children, after having special knowledge of any work, we develop interest in it. Similarly, now we have come to know that we are living in the wrong place in this world. And you are also reminded that this body will not last. We are very happy to see the family and we should be happy, but for how long will this companionship last? We never pay attention to this.

By not paying attention to this, we are suffering this great pain of birth and death. We are bearing this great pain. Till now, there was no one to tell the truth, like this. If someone would say that brother, it can happen like this, death will happen then some would say, "Brother, do not say like this, this could happen, death could come". So they used to say, "Brother, don't say such things, they feel bad, death will come too. It will also be necessary to leave the world." That is, they tried to avoid this truth.

You will also have to leave this world. That is, they used to try to avoid this truth. So children, what does a pigeon do when a cat comes near, it gets scared. Instead of flying, it closes its eyes. And thinks that the danger is averted.  And she twists his neck and eats it. Now closing your eyes will not work, you will have to open them. You will have to muster courage. You will have to fly from here, you will have to escape from Kaal.

Like, earlier there were 12 Kabir sects, before that this Hindu society, Hindu religion, after that Jewish religion, Christian religion, then Muslim religion, Jain religion and these 12 sects, the knowledge in these was told that do devotion. Otherwise one will have to go through 84 lakhs life-forms. One will have to become an animal or a bird. And the soul was afraid as well. It was also inspired for devotion. But that devotion was against scriptures. It was not proven in scriptures and that knowledge was also not proven by scriptures.

It is clarified in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23 that those who abandon the injunctions of the scriptures and act arbitrarily according to their own will, neither get happiness nor any Spiritual Power nor attain salvation. Either you say that Gita is wrong and these false gurus are true. One of these will have to be rejected. But no one will be able to reject Gita. Ultimately, these false gurus will have to be abandoned.

Children! To attain God, to attain that happiness, great men have suffered so much. We too have suffered. We became sages and did difficult practice. On the basis of the folklore legends that we used to hear, we attained Some Spiritual Power. By showing it, we became famous. On the basis of that fame, we became famous. And we became very famous as Great Sages. Now we got to know what that fame was like? Like you were told the proof of Rabiya. By 4 years of correct practice, such miracles also happened that Macca fled and came.  But her future became zero. Sacrificed Her head also, she was so inspired by God. But nothing happened. The work will be done now if it is done.

"Garib yeh jeevan sat safal hai, jab lag Ram ratant. Deh khori ko jaane de, bharam pade hain panth.”

Only those who worship God are successful in this human birth. Otherwise, it is of no use. Animals and birds also live a similar life, they perform similar tasks. Eating, drinking, defecating, producing children, wandering around all day to nourish them, and then die. Is this a life? The wrong inspiration that has been filled in you is filled by Kaal. It is very strong. It is not normal. Now, as if someone has a fever, it is not in his power to become normal. So children! Now you have to work hard. As if someone has a fever, it is not in his power to remain fine and do his work properly. So he needs medicine. And when he becomes normal, he will do all the work properly. Similarly, it is not in your power that you are getting involved in this arrangement.

This ignorance of yours will be removed by this knowledge, by this devotion. By which the fever will be affected and removed. Then your yearning will be formed in a strange way, in a different way. If this feeling is not created, then is this life good that you are living?

Koti Janam tane bharmat ho Gaye kuch na hanth lga re.

Kukar-Dog, Shukar-pig, Khar&donkey, crow, heron, tell, you have suffered innumerable times in the bodies of these creatures, innumerable times, not just once. So will you continue this procedure? My soul is not convinced that you will accept this. And even now if your eyes do not open and you do not get inspired, then you are not a human being, you are a stone, a stone.

"Koti varsh karein sangat santon ki, patthar ka jal mein kya bheejai. Chandan van mein rang la de, ek baans vitbin na sejai.”

Put a stone in water, no matter how deep it is and how many days it is kept there, water has no effect on it. Neither does water soften the substance. As soon as you take it out, rub it with another stone and the spark will come out as it was. So creatures like stones are not affected by anything. These sacred speeches will shake those pious souls whose eyes have been closed by Kaal due to ignorance. To go to the house of that supreme lord, to attain that happiness, Garib Das ji tells that

"Manshoor mahsoor kyun ho gaya, shareer faansi pravesh. Aur jaake upar aiti naubat beeti, kaisa hai wo desh.”

To attain the bliss of that Supreme God, to attain Satlok, Mansoor Ali ji got his body cut into pieces. He did not back off. So Garib Das ji says how much bliss would that be for which he even destroyed his body. No problem. And this body will not remain yours, it is guaranteed. That is why I repeatedly remind you that Kaal has put a strong addiction on us. This is not in your control. These antibiotics will keep you motivated. You will do devotion as well as avoid evils. And you will have a strong desire to go home.

Jahan asha tahan vaasa hoi. Man karm vachan sumaariyon soi.

Garib Narasimha roop satguru dhara, Prahlad bhagat ke kaaj. Hirnakush ko le gaya, Jyon teetar ko baaj.

It was God Kabir who assumed the form of Narasimha. Till now all this credit was being given to Shri Vishnu aka Shri Krishna. Whatever it is, God wants that somehow faith in devotion remains intact.  worshipping someone, keep doing it, there is no gain from them. But due to their past sacraments, the Lord himself helps them.

Garib nama ka Deval fera, mui jivai Gaaye

Pida meti sant ki, chhan chivayi aaye

Kabir Sahib says jo Jan meri Sharan hai taka hun mai daas, daas means slave

 Gail Gail laga firu jab Tak dharti Aakash

A great man named Namdev was a virtuous soul in the past. Supreme God Kabir Ji builds an ashram anywhere and stays for some time. He plays the role of a Guru and imparts knowledge to his children and children of the nearby area. The children of the cuckoo are drawn towards him on hearing his knowledge and speech. The crows stay back.

So, at that time Ranka and Banka were husband and wife. They had one daughter, Vanka. Namdev also became a disciple of God Kabir Ji at the time when he was performing divine spectacles there in the form of a saint. We listen to the knowledge. We talk about everything but we do not give up from our previous inspiration and the deeds of the previous birth. Now Namdev Ji was going, Prayer was being performed in a temple. Brahmins were performing prayer.

And he became so engrossed that he also reached the temple. He took out his shoes in his hand and started clapping like we do. Rang bells. And while playing, he reached among the Brahmins, engrossed in the Prayer. That is, he wanted to reach in front of the stone idol. The Pandits caught him and threw him behind the temple.  That this Shudra, a lower caste came wearing shoes. He corrupted our religion. He angered our God. So God, even then he was lying down and reciting the prayer of the Lord.

There was the flame of the Almighty. God turned the face of that temple towards Namdev. And the Pandit was standing at the back side and ringing the bell. They were surprised. So one day Namdev went to Ranka Banka's house. So that day Vanka, a girl Ranka and Banka had gone to the forest to collect wood. That girl was alone behind. She was preparing a bandage as if someone got injured. By applying turmeric etc.

Namdev said, sister, what happened to whom? Who got hurt? For whom are you getting bandage ready? Vanka said, hey Namdev! Don't make Guruji sad too much. You don't stay within limits, brother. What was the need for you to go to that ocean? God has not allowed us to go to temple. You don't understand. To maintain your respect, Guruji rotated the temple. His hands are hurt, brother. I will bandage them. Namdev went and saw that Guruji's hands are really hurt. And Vanka bandaged them. We also do devotion, but still we keep our  sacraments in one way or the other. They trouble God. Now the peak time has come, now this thing will not work.

First some people were left out, no problem, God caught them again. But If your feet slip now, then who knows where you will fall. Such amazing knowledge has been given to you. Such a solution has been given to you. And at such a time, you got a human body. So open your eyes. Children!

Garib nama ka Deval fera, mui jivai Gaaye

Pida meti sant ki, chhan chivayi aaye

When Namdev Ji turned the temple around, it was the Lord who did it, but the Lord does not take credit for his actions.”

Dadu Sir dhar jeev ke aap bagal ho ja. Kare karave saiya man me lahar utha. Dadu Sir dhar jeev ke aap bagal ho ja.

His glory increased. People of Muslim religion had a problem. They told the king that he is such an infidel. He misleads the world by saying that he brings the dead to life. He turned around the temple and did this. The king caught him and called him and said that I have slaughtered this cow there. Bring it to life then only I will consider you a saint, or else I will cut your neck here today. Kabir Sahib says that I went there again for the child, for our child. And brought that cow to life.

Like in old times, everyone used to make huts with grass. And they used to become unusable in a year, so before the rains came, they used to either make new huts or repair them. Namdev's mother said, son! Repair our hut. The rains are about to come, the season is near. He said, "Okay mother. I will go and cut some reeds from the jungle. That reed-like grass.”

There was a satsang going on on the way. He listened to the satsang and then started serving there. It was evening and he came back. His mother said, son, did you not bring any grass or straw? Mother, I went to the satsang in such a way. I didn't notice. The same thing happened the next day. His mother said brother, see it will rain in a few days all our clothes will get wet. There will be a lot of damage. The same thing happened the next day.

On the third day, he thought I would listen to half the satsang and then go. He left after listening to half the satsang. He had to listen to the whole satsang then. He did not do any service etc. He left for his work. He started cutting grass and straw quickly. The axe hit his leg. The sickle hit.

He got hurt badly. He tied the bandage on his leg with the torn sheet he had taken and that day God took the form of Namdev. And brought a lot of straws on his head and made a roof. Namdev reached limping in the evening. Mother said what happened son? He said mother, I couldn't bring it even today.

Mother went beyond that hut seeing her son in trouble. What happened to my son? Mother forgive me, I couldn't bring the goods even today. It happened like this with me. I was trying to cut it quickly, mother will be sad. The axe hit my leg, the sickle hit. Got hurt and couldn't even walk. I will build hut as soon as I get better.

His mother looked at his face and said, ‘son, what are you talking about? You had just come and made the hut yourself. Son, what are you saying, when did you get this injury? Namdev came near and saw that a fresh hut had been made with amazing reeds. There was no such grass and straw in the vicinity. Namdev cried a lot, cried a lot sitting down. Mother he was God, he was God.


Jo jan meri sharan hai, taaka hoon main daas. Gail gail laagya phiru, jab tak dharti aakash.

He must have done a lot of devotion in some birth just like the bhakti of the slipped person of this era is amazing. Because this practice is according to the scriptures.

Until they attain liberation, the Supreme Being remains with them. Miracles also happen with them. They also get a name, but the work does not work out. Liberation has not happened?

So, this knowledge that is being given to you is alerting you on all aspects, children. Either give up this devotion, or become completely determined. Tighten your belts, now you have to get rid of this attachment. Enough of this flattery. We only ask for happiness, money, son, son and wealth. He will give it without even asking if your heart is determined. Any work is done with determination.

Dheere-dheere remana, Kabir sahib says, Kabir dheere-dheere re mana, dheere sab kuch hoye. Maali seenche sau ghada, ritu aaye phal hoye.

Today sown a mango sapling, it will not bear fruits the very next day, it will not bear fruits even in a month or 20 days, you will have to take care of it for years. Let it grow into a tree once, then see that it will give you shade as well as fruits so much that you eat and feed it to your relatives too.

Similarly, make this plant of devotion into a tree. Servant is seeing when I had started what was the condition of my children, devotees. They stood firm, remained steadfast, today they have been uplifted in every way. They are different from the world. And they will get salvation. This leprosy of birth and death will be cured.

Garib Kabir Keshav banjara hua, aap bhakti ke het. Kaankar boi jaan ke, dhanna bhagat ke khet.—oye hoye--

Devotee Dhanna ji had a very strong devotion. He was a steadfast devotee. Saints have compassion. When it rained, all the farmers started sowing sorghum. Dhanna's wife also gave him five kilos of sorghum that go and Sow them in the field. Dhanna Ji was going with the bulls and the plough. On the way, four-five devotees were sitting hungry.

Now the devotee, seeing the saint, naturally said Ram-Ram. He stopped the bulls and sat down to pray to God for two minutes early in the morning. He got to know that they had not eaten food for three days and was on the verge of death. They said, devotee, we are near death, we have not got any food anywhere. Because the desert Rajasthan means that earlier the condition of the people was not good. If it rains, there will be crops, otherwise they would die of hunger. So Dhanna ji kept all the sorghum seeds in front of them. They were dying of hunger and ate it all.

Now they left, Dahnna ji thought that now the family members will fight. His wife was also short-tempered. And in this, anyone can say about the seeds, where did he eat and where did he lose it? The life of a farmer is the seed.  But he sacrificed his family. He collected pebbles to show to others, just as he was sowing seeds, scattered pebbles and ploughed the field and came home in the evening. He did not go to the field to see. After a few days, the sorghum of others was growing very well. And in devotees field, countless vines of gourds (tumbe) grew and thick gourds grew.

Now what happened was that in Dhanna Ji's field, in devotee Dhanna Ji's field, many vines of gourds grew. And the gourds grew so thick. They were lying up and down, so the field looked full. After a few days, what happens? Due to lack of rain, there was a famine-like situation in that area. Some people had sorghum, some had very little, and some had none at all. So those are later things. Someone went and told devotee Dhanna Ji's wife that you did not sow sorghum? She said we did sow.

Devotee went and sowed. No, your gourds are growing, there is no sorghum. She was sad. Where did he eat the sorghum? So she went and saw that indeed there were thick gourds lying. She took a gourd (tuumba) and walked away. Devotee Dhanna Ji knew that the matter had gone wrong today. As soon as she goes out, devotees used to come there. They would not come when she was there. She came back quickly.

Devotee Dhanna had thought that she would come by evening. So he told the devotees that you go, the matter is messed up today, she had kept the gourd on head. As soon as she came, she hit devotee Dhanna Ji on the head with the gourd.  Devotee Dhana tried to save himself a little but it hit the ground and broke. As soon as it broke, sorghum came out of it, just as the seed was sent clean. Now Dhanna ji was trying to save his head. And she was looking sometimes at Devotee Dhanna, sometimes at the sorghum. She asked, from where did this sorghum come? Devotee Dhanna did not say anything.

She went to the field again. She picked up the sorghum and kept it inside. There she saw, she spread a cloth and started cracking the gourds on it. A heap was formed. She tied the bundle and started carrying the sorghum. And the sorghum of others became like a complete waste. It did not grow at all. It stood but did not produce seeds. It stood dry.

Now she brought three-four bundles, 5-6 bundles full. Devotee said, keep as much as you should have in your field. Do not bring more, Bhagatmati. She said, you always do like this, God has given me, I will bring all. She filled the bundle and left, when her share was completed, the load kept coming till there, it was a lot of load. When she took it off, it turned into straw. She brought one again, that too became like this. She sat down defeated.  Then, jowar (sorghum) grew in devotee Dhana's field, jowar (sorghum) grew in the gourd, the village gathered. Devotee said, "Brother, share it among yourselves, the village will be saved from dying of hunger." So everyone took a little of their own. And even then it kept coming out.

Children! These things are not made up. God never grabbed of those who surrendered to God, those who surrendered to God.

Charon Yugon me dekh lo humne kiska rakha maar

So children! These stories of great men will be useful for us today. Try to follow this path once. There will be no room for ifs and buts in your mind. God will satisfy you in every way.

This Servant will tell one of his stories. We used to hear that Lord  had extended Draupadi's saree. But we didn't know why he had done it?  Now it has been clarified with this True Spiritual Knowledge that God Kabir had performed a spectacle and accepted her clothes. And it was extended because of that.

So when someone told this to anyone, he did not believe it. Is this a thing? How can it happen? It cannot happen like this, it cannot happen like that. We also used to believe that it will not work, but God exists. And He has done a lot of work. The mind believed that God can do anything. Because faith is formed only when there is a feeling that God can do whatever He wants. The word impossible does not exist in His dictionary. Let me tell you, I took the initiation. It was just two-three years. I took the initiation in 1988. It was about 1990 or 89.  88 or 89. So I built a house upstairs, I have built a house upstairs. In a gallery I made a place of worship of 5.5 by 15 feet. 

There was a window in the street. And there was a good cross ventilation in the courtyard. So, in a hurry, I brought the ready-made jungle worship place. After washing and cleaning them, I painted them and put them in them. Glasses were also installed. One glass was broken, just one of the windows, which is double. I thought I would get it installed later, the work will be done quickly. I got this Bhakti Bodh printed and kept it there.

I thought that I will hand it over to Guruji when he comes, he will keep giving it to the devotees in future when someone takes initiation. I started serving like this. What happened was that rats entered through the broken glass and started biting it. And what happened at that time when i installed the grills, i had brought a net, this iron net which is installed on the outer side of the windows to protect from mosquitoes.

And by mistake he cut it wrongly and gave it. I wrote that size and gave it to that iron shop saying brother, cut it and make it ready. Make the bill for it.  I came back with more stuff. He had packed and wrapped it, I picked it up and left after paying the money.

I came and said brother, get it installed, so this elder son and another tenant lived there. They said we will fix it, I had brought nails etc. They put up the ladder. I told them and left. When I came in the evening, it was not installed. I asked brother! What was the reason why it was not fixed? He told me that it is small, it is small by at least 9 inches. I had written 3 feet 9 inches. He cut three feet. Or the servant cut it after looking at it or he made a mistake, however it happened. Then I thought, "Let it go, brother. Who will I argue with now? They will say it's my fault. You gave this size. I don't used to get into these arguments. I got it removed and put it in the store.

One season of rain has passed. Yes, I got the book "Nitya Niyam" printed and rats started coming in. I also tied a cloth they cut. I thought that the net is not complete. Then it came to my mind, brother, do it this way, there is a problem with this one window, adjust the net up and down and set both of them together. So the same two tenants, the elder boy was small, 12-13 years old, 14-15 years old. So I told them and went to my duty.

Their mother Anaro took the net out from there and put the mesh down from the store, brother put it. They put it in the evening. I came back and asked that one mesh that was installed was complete. One was lying down. I came back from duty at 5:00 in the evening. That thing was bothering me, the children must have installed it properly. Otherwise, I will install it myself by working with them. I saw one mesh lying down. One was installed above on glass which was broken. I was not getting time to get that glass installed. Because I had duty far away,  the headquarters was on Kosli side. I had to go 77 kilometres.  I wanted to do this temporary arrangement, saying do it now and then I will do it comfortably.

So I asked Anaro whether he had put up the net? They have just put it up. Since the morning I was telling him to put it up, brother. But this careless person was not paying attention. Now he saw that father was about to come, so he quickly called Anaro and got it done. I asked did he bring another net? She said no, there is no other one. This is the same one which was kept on the top in the store. I had told him this morning as soon as you left, brother it is kept and install it .

I cannot believe it, tell me the truth, did you get it replaced? She said how could we replace it? It was put up with great difficulty, how could it be replaced? I was surprised, I cannot believe it. One cannot be complete. Even after being complete, it was hanging 6-7 inches like this after turning sideways. It grew 9 inches, and 6 inches extra on the same side. I saw the second one, the second one was also like this. Then I brought elder son after searching,  he was playing somewhere. I said, tell me, did you get this mesh replaced or is it the same one? It is the same one, my mother had taken it off and kept it here, I installed it. I said, swear on me in the name of Kabir Saheb? swear in the name of Kabir Saheb, it is the same.

Children! It is that day and today the Almighty has given such amazing faith. It was nothing, it could have been brought more, but he showed, leave the cloth aside, we increased the iron. This Almighty Kabir Saheb increased the iron mesh, one of them is still present. Virender had sold that house after I came on this path.  The devotee who took it, donated it back saying that I will not be able to keep such a priceless capital safe. I am giving it back to you. Today it is the same again. It is covered with a net. We have not yet made it permanent. Now as we will have some free time, we will deal with it from here and after completing the mission, we will keep it as a memory.

So children! Have faith in this master.

Kahe Kabir Suno Bhai Sadhu mai to hu Vishwas me

And nothing will be gained by performing worng practices.

What is siad :

Garib Kabir keshav banjara hua, aap bhakti ke het.

kankar boee jaan ke, dhana bhagat ke khet.

vahan kankar se ann hua,  from pebbles kankar .

vahan kankar se ann hua vahan keshav se hua kabir.

vaar paar pavai nahin, gati kuchh gaher gambhir

Now, due to fake gurus, all this spiritual knowledge has been destroyed.

Kabir Sahib tells about it. Garib Das Ji tells about it.

Garib vishnu triloki nath ke, parche koti anant.

bhagat vachchal bhagwan hai, kyon nindit hai sant.

That is, in order to maintain faith in God, the Supreme Being performed many spectacles in the form of Brahma and Vishnu.It is said do not consider them special, they are also good souls. They are the lords of the three worlds. Now, just as a minister has power, it is said to him, "You are nothing, the prime minister is everything." These are fighting words. This is just a statement of position, they have so much authority, so much power, and so much of this. We cannot stay away from them. And we cannot worship them as a favoured deity. They have become the doers, in themselves. They are not the doer that they should be.

Garib karta oopar chot hai, kete hain kartaar.

mool lahe nahin murkha, ginte hain kyon daar.—Oye Hoye--

That you have created so many Gods  yourself, Ram Krishna and Vishnu don't know how many you have created.

"karta oopar chot hai ''

Those who become doers except the one God, their fate is miserable. Look at Ramchandra, he was unhappy all his life. And he was becoming a doer. People called him God and he would accept it too. He suffered all his life and at the end, he took samadhi in the Sarayu river and drowned.

Krishna Ji was unhappy all his life, he never had a moment of peace. Sometimes Kansa, sometimes Kesi, sometimes Chanur, sometimes Putana and finally his entire family was destroyed in front of him due to the curse of Durvasa. The one whose family dies in front of him and he lives after that is the most unfortunate person. He spent his time crying and watching all the sufferings. In the end, he was killed by a poisoned arrow. was killed by an arrow dipped in poison.

Now what is said ,

Garib, karta oopar chot hai, kete hain kartaar. mool lahe nahin murkha, ginte hain kyon daar.—Oye Hoye--

Why don't you worship the root? Why are you counting these branches, how many Gods are there, how many branches are there.  Everything happens from the root.

Garib satguru saheb ek hai, dooja bhraam virodh.

bin satguru soojhe nahin, chahe padho 18 bodh.

Garib gal ghota guruva ghane, fansi dey adae.

dwadash tilak banae kar, jampur Dey dhakaye

That these people who destroy human beings and ruin human life, by doing outward show, will make twelve Tilaks. Will wear rosary garland, Red clothes, will keep big beard and moustache or will shave their head.

“Yah Gal Ghota hai”

these people are roaming around with the noose of Kaal.

After making people do false Practice, it is said that

‘dwadash tilak banae kar’,

people would sacrifice for them that they are sages and

‘jampur Dey dhakaye’. 

That is, they push them into that hell. This Practice itself is wrong, he will go there himself.

Garib jhoothe guru ka naak le ,phir shravan aur nain. sataguru bolai saakh ye ,door kar phokat phain..

It is said, These fake Gurus should be beaten with shoes, their noses should be cut off, the point is stay away from them, stay away from them, blow them away. Blow them away does not mean to set them on fire or kill them. This is how we say it. There is a saying in our place that blow them away.

Like you have ordered something, but it is not needed, why did you bring it, blow it away. This means throw it away.

Garib Das Ji says that

jhoothe guru ke naak kaan kaat de.

This means that keep them away from you completely.

Garib jhoothe guru ko jhatak de, shishya swami ko phoonk. Ya main dosh jara nahin, shabd kaha hum kook. Garib Das ji says jhoothe guru ko jhatak de

And those fake disciples who believe in them and are clinging to them, blow them too. Blowing them does not mean killing them, rather let them lie on one side.

Garib peeche gayi so jaane de, le rehti kun raakh. Utari laav chadhaiyon, karo apoothee chaak.

Garib Das Ji says that whatever happened in the past is past. Forget it. Now take care of the rest of your remaining life.

Utari laav chadhaiyon, karo apoothee chaak.

Like, without doing true devotion, all our works take a lot of time. They are not done at all. There is always trouble. And when we find a true Guru, those works start getting done quickly. 

In ancient times, water was drawn from wells. Irrigation work was also done from wells. Bulls were tied. There was a rope. That bucket used to go down. There used to be a wooden pulley, there was no such system of iron. Then pulleys started being made of iron. Above there was, the laav i.e. rope, a thick rope, very strong.

When it would get aside from the pulley, that pulley would not rotate. It was like a spinning top, it would not rotate. And it would stand stuck and the rope would fall down when it came along. Then they tell it to be put up and again put it on the pulley and then pull it, it will rotate easily. And water will come out quickly. By doing practice against scriptures, by getting away from devotion, from God you are suffering. Start devotion again, then you will be happy.

Garib peeche gayi so jaane de, le rehti kun raakh.

Keep safe the remaining life.

 Utari laav chadhaiyon, karo apoothee chaakh.

Garib boye bin paavai nahin, jeevit kaisa yog. 84 aasan karein, mitai na sanshay shok

Without dying alive, one cannot attain the Supreme God. As you are engrossed in such nonsense.

 Jeevit kaisa Yog

devotion cannot be formed like this.? And those who perform 84 asanas as a show are not going to attain liberation.

'Garib Panch Agni Paakhand Hai, Mooni Tape Aakash Jharne baithe kya hua, kya jeeme panch graas.

They light five fires and sit in the middle to indulge in hypocrisy. They have only this much intelligence. They do not have knowledge. Some keep silence, some do penance. After making holes in the earthen pots, they place them on a tripod and get 100 pots of water poured on their head daily for 40 days during the winter months. And the innocent villagers do circumambulate around that hypocrite. And someone says I eat only five mouthfuls of food, I don't eat more. They attract the public with this kind of drama. They don't understand anything.

Garib doodhadhari siddh hai, paan phool phal khaahin. Ghat mein naam nahin sanchare, ye bandhe jampur jahin.

Many tell that there is a Sage who drinks only milk, he is a great accomplished. They call him Doodhdhari. And he eats fruit only sometimes, some eat only flowers and fruits.

So Garibdas Ji says

Garib doodhadhari siddh hai, paan phool phal khaahin. Ghat mein naam nahin sanchare, ye bandhe jampur jahin. 

This is not true devotion, they will go straight to hell.

Garib chundit mundit bhadra, moni mahal na paavein. Dhoomrapaan thadesari, yeh dojakh dhakke khave.

Garib yog nahin yeh rog hai, jab lag nij naam na cheenh. Ghar ghar dvaare bhatakte, bhekh bina yakeen.

Garib bhekh liya to kya hua, jab lag nahin vivek. Teen kaal nipajai nahin, nahin mite karam rekh –oho--

That these Chundit Mundit have kept matted hair on their heads, have grown beard, wear garlands etc. and do a lot of drama. They wear red clothes. Or have got their head shaved. It is said that nothing will be gained from this, some keep quiet.

Garib chundit mundit bhadra, moni mahal na paavein. Dhoomrapaan thadesari, yeh dojakh dhakke khave.

They smoke, take drugs, smoke sulpha. They do penance by standing (Thadesari). It is said that they will be pushed to hell. They will go to hell.

Children! This is original knowledge. This is True Spiritual knowledge. And the knowledge that is being given to you now will be a blessing for you. It is a gift from Kabir Sahib. Take care of this grace. Don't take it lightly, children.  Sacrifice yourself. You have spent countless births doing this business. You were not satisfied anywhere. Listen to the satsang in his shelter. Do service. And give charity. Follow the decorum. Do devotion. You will see, the Almighty will bring a different colour. May the Lord give you salvation. May he give you good sense. May you always remember your home.

Sat Saheb…


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