Sat Saheb
Hail Satguru Dev!
Hail to Bandi Chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.
Hail to Bandi Chhor Garib Das Ji Maharaj Ji.
Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.
Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.
Hail to all the saints.
Hail to all the devotees.
Hail to the righteous men.
Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.
Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.
Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.
Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.
Sat Sahib
Kabir dandvatam govind guru, bandhu avinjan soye.
Pehle bhaye pranam tin. Namo jo aage hoe.
Gareeb namon namon satpurush koon, namaskar guru kinhi.
Surnar munijan sadhva, santo sarvas dinhi.
Satguru sahib sant sab, dandvotam parnam.
Aage-piche madhya hue, tinku ja kurbaan.
Gareeb satguru pooran brahm hai, satguru aap alekh.
Satguru ramta ram hai, ya mein meen na mekh
Beloved souls of God! Hans Souls of Almighty! Today, God Kabir ji has bestowed such immense blessings upon you, you have His infinite mercy. Today means in your present human life you came to know about the hell of this world of Kaal. Why does the servant repeat this thing again and again? Because you are children. As long as the children are sitting in the class in school, till then they listen to everything, agree and pay full attention. After that they also spend a lot of time in their worldly life. So that colour also has an impact along with it.
And this is also an education place, education is these religious classes, these are spiritual classes. And that's material class. The knowledge that is gained, alphabet knowledge learns to live according to it and Whatever means are considered appropriate are told. In this, the path to salvation is told. For which you want to live, you have attained this human body. What is the purpose of its attainment? This is what you get in these spiritual classes, in education, and teaching.
As Kabir Saheb has Said : "Mun neki karle, do din ka mehman. Mun neki karle do din ka mehmaan. Kahan se aaya, kahan jaayega, tan chhute tab kahan samayega.
Kahan se aaya, kahan jaayega, tan chhute tab kahan samayega.
Aakhir tujhko kaun kahega, guru bin atam gyan.
Mun neki karle, do din ka mehmaan. Mun neki karle, do din ka mehmaan.
In spiritual classes, in these spiritual classes, it is told who you are? where you came from? And where did you get stuck? Now, you are completely engrossed in this temporary world, in this temporary family. You have considered it as final. You have thought that this is all.
Have you ever seen it? We read in the newspapers that there were four members in a family. The fifth, the old man, was alive. That is, his son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter and His wife had died. All four of them died together in an accident.
Oh God, in this dirty world! Those who do not get hurt, till then they think that nothing has happened.
Jaisa darad apne ho aisa jaam birane
Will you live in this dirty world? Is this everything?
God had only come to tell this much, which this servant has told you in these four words. To fully define them, such thick Scriptures have been created.
Kahan se aaya, kahan jaayega, tan chhute tab kahan samayega.
Today, you don't even know where you came from?
If someone is 20 years old, where was he 21 years ago? Was this your everything? Was this the family? Don't know where you were a dog and had a family. You were jumping there. You were being pushed around. 10 years later, this will be left behind. 20-30 years, 50 years later. Then you will become a dog and will suffer roaming around again.
Aakhir tujhko kaun kahega, guru bin atam gyan.
Well Man! Who else will tell you this knowledge except a Satguru?
The people of the world can only tell you about the livelihood, children! The worldly people who are your companions, mother-father, and any relatives and friends can tell you about the information of livelihood. Like, brother, study this, do this training. Do this course. Or do this kind of business. This will bring more money.
And the saints tell, do this devotion, you will surely become rich in devotion. And will get material wealth along with.
Just as a farmer sows wheat. His main purpose of sowing wheat is that I and my family should get food. Should not die of hunger. So the purpose of wheat is not to make chaff out of it. There are many farmers who do not keep animals because tractors and machinery have started running. So they also sow wheat, they also get chaff.
So the point is, this true devotion, true knowledge, by practising this, you will automatically get material wealth. It will happen first. Then you will get salvation. That is, first the chaff will be ready in the wheat. Its stalk will grow, when the wheat plant will grow, and then wheat will come up after 3-4 months from buds, for which we have sown wheat. So that will happen first, even if we don't want it to. So the devotion that has been given to you is of this type, Children. But you don't believe that, that's a different matter. But by listening to this knowledge and the happiness that the Almighty will give you gradually, you will start believing it.
Just as we have planted a mango tree today, give it time. It will slowly grow. Protect it, take care of it, and keep watering it. And one day, within 5-10 years, it will become such a big tree. Then it will bear so many fruits that it will be laden with them. You will also eat them and even give them to your relatives. That is, it will give you so much happiness , the true seed of the Almighty that you have sown. Prepare it once and do not rush. You sowed the seed yesterday and expect it to bear fruits today. This will not work.
The purpose of Spiritual Discourse is that the soul should have the real knowledge. And the objective of the Satguru is to show the entire system of this Kaal’s world and prove to the soul with the truth that he has completely fooled us. You don't have A B C here. How long will you remain entangled in this dirty world, accumulating these false things? You have a family, and will take care of them. Getting them married, it's a good thing. Did everything.
Devotion is not done. Then what will happen? In the next life you will be born in the family of dogs, donkeys and pigs. The same work will start there also, the same. A bitch gives birth to 8-8 children. And to fill their stomach, she herself eats leftover food. She nurtures them. And what do they give her after raising - they even eat her bread if someone puts it in front. When they grow up, they don't let mother eat bread. And this situation is going to happen in Kaliyuga also.
No one cares about parents, it's almost done. So what is this happening?
Ek leva ek Deva dutam. Koii kisi ka Pita nahi putam.
Rin Sambandh Juda ek thatha. Ant Samay sab barah Bata.
If we die today, which son will die with us? And even if we die together in an accident, we don't know who will be born where? Where will someone take birth? So what is this drama? Why are you sitting with your eyes closed? You have to open your eyes. You have learned a lot of Nonsense knowledge. Now I will speak the truth. And whoever will bear this, his welfare is definite and whoever has faults will either become correct or will leave this mission. We don't need such people either.
Satguru mile to icchha metai, pad mil pade samana. Chal hansa us lok pathaau, jo aadi amar asthaana.
Are these children's songs? Or are they just stories from a novel? This is a precious gift of God for you. It is priceless knowledge.
Mun tu chal re sukh ke saagar, jahan shabad sindhu ratnaagar.
Sant Garibdas Ji came after seeing his native place going along with the Supreme God. He saw the arrangements there. He saw happiness there. He saw the eternal and immortal abode and the men and women in the form of gods and goddesses. He saw sons and daughters. Then he came down and told everything.
Mun tu chal re sukh ke saagar, jahan shabad sindhu ratnaagar. Jahan shabad sindhu ratnaagar. Ohoo
It is an immortal place. And there is immortality. There is so much happiness as nothing is visible in the ocean except sea water. Everywhere you look there is water-water only. Such is Satlok, the ocean of Happiness. Let's go there.
Until now, we had only heard of heaven. Brother, he went to heaven. Heaven has this, this happiness is there. Now, we got to know that heaven is a hotel that robs our pocket. Earn virtues on earth, eat and spend them in the hotel of heaven. And once the pocket money is finished, throw away into hell. When the whole process of suffering in hell will be borne then you are thrown back to earth to become a dog, a donkey, a pig, or even become a king or an Emperor. Then you destroy your karma.
Now what is said
Mun tu chal re sukh ke saagar, jahan shabad sindhu ratnagar.
Garib Das Ji did not used to sing. He used to lament. This is a lamentation, not a song. It is not a raga or a film song. It is the speech of the Lord, the eternal words.
Koti janam tohe bharmat ho gaye, kuch nahi haath lagya re.
Kukar sookar khar bhaya bhaure, kauwa hans buga re.
Mun to chal re sukh ke sagar, jahan shabad sindhu ratnagar. (Oye hoye)
Koti janam tujhe bharmat ho gaye, kuch nahin haath lagya re.
Today a factory owner, who has millions and crores of wealth, died in a second. Had no devotion, and even if he does, it was wrong and against the scriptures. There is no account of it. So what did that fake man get? That soul? He will become a dog and wander around that mansion. He will not even get bread to eat. Either you have become stone-hearted children! Your soul has become stone. Even after hearing such things, you do not fear. And you do not develop yearning, you do not give up nonsense. So your sins are very strong, and are deposited in your chest and mind.
This is the only way to do it. Listen to satsang even if you do not want to. Without listening to satsang, even devotion will not happen. The Almighty has given you this little time. This is given so that you awaken again and do not forget this. Till now you used to listen to satsang formally. Now earlier you used to listen like this, just okay, very good, very good. Now these words will break that entanglement stuck inside your soul and will completely remove it, these words of God.
That is why God has given you this time so that Kaal may not entangle my children again. With great difficulty we have brought you on the path. And these evil spirits, the messengers of Kaal, roam around a lot in between who create obstacles. But you become so determined that you should not accept the words of those wicked people as true even in your dreams. I am speaking in front. I am saying, I am your guru. If that evil soul posts any video then that’s believed entirely. You saw the wicked people, they never came near me, they never met me. Don't be so childish now. Get mature.
Now why am I feeling sad? What are you to me? I know what you are to me.
You are the innocent child of that Supreme God whom anyone can fool and take you away anywhere. You are those beloved souls of God because of whom my job is intact. My wages, my daily wages are with you. You are my life, you have become the purpose and goal of my life. Because I have attained knowledge. God has entrusted me with this job and this servant, knows your pain very well, you do not know. Now see how many days have passed.
One day, two days, there are 365 days in a year. And from 1994 to today, count how many days have passed. I only chant Ram-Ram. I sing this song all day long. And I warn you. I wake you up. I bark like a dog day and night, like a loyal dog. You have to open your eyes. Now I will not let you sleep as long as I have breaths in my life. Because you will go to hell and become dogs and donkeys and suffer. You do not see this pain, but I can see it clearly. My heart comes to my mouth when I see where you will go if you leave this path. If you do not follow it properly, what will be your condition? It is being told in this.
Koti janam tane bharmat ho gaye, kuch nahi haath lagya re.
Kukar sookar khar bhaya baure, kauwa hans buga re.
Mun to chal ra sukh ke saagar, jahan shabad sindhu ratnagar.
Kukkar-Dog, Sukar-pig, Khar-donkey crow, heron eats fish, meat and all rubbish. Don't you believe that this is exactly what had happened to you? If you don't believe this, then you are not worth even one penny. You are not worthy of devotion. Your sacraments are not good either. This is clearly visible. God tells, eye-witness Saints tell this. If a blind person cannot see, it is better to believe those who have eyes and can see.
If you believe that truly by not doing devotion this happens then
Samjha hai to Sir dhar panv Bahur nahi re esa daanv
This is the only way to escape, this is the only path.
Samjha hai to sir dhar panv.
Kati tan mun shish ish apne pe. Tan mun shish ish apne pe, pehlam chot chadhave. Jab koi Ram Bhagat gati paavai ho ji.
Sir satte ki bhakti hai
Garib Das ji Says
aur kuchu nahi baat. Aur sir ke saate paiye, avigat alakh anaath.
If you attain God by surrendering your head then consider it to be cheap. Forget about other things. Nothing gets done by merely talking. If we can get God by sacrificing our head, then there is nothing cheaper than this. But we consider our head to be the most precious thing. If we get sick, we sell our property to get treatment, to save our life, to stay alive. Thinking that we can still earn money if we stay alive. That means how precious this body is? How much desire do we have to live? And it is told that if you can get Lord in exchange for this body, even for your life, consider it cheap. It is said
koti janam tanai de liye, koti shish tanai de liye, Yam Raja ki feint.
Kaal will forcefully do his work. He will kill you in a minute. Tell me, how long can you keep trying to save yourself? But in this you do not need to sacrifice your head.
Sir saunpa Gurudev ko, safal hua yo shish. Nitanand iss shish par, aap base Jagadish.
Try surrendering. Surrender yourself, God’s work is first, and later is worldly matters. Leaving aside 100 other tasks, you should develop interest in the service of the Almighty and in satsang. Then it is said
Koti Janam tu Raja Kinha
Like the biography of Mahavir Jain ji written by Jain religion, the book written by their authors was shown to you. "Aao Jain Dharam ko jane." They themselves write in it that he became king so many lakh times. Became a god so many times. Became a donkey sixty million times. And dogs 30 crore times. It is enough to become a donkey only once. All that arrogance goes away when he becomes gods or kings and emperors. So what kind of damn devotion is this? And they believe that this will definitely happen. They believe that there will be no change in this. This is their belief. Then what is the need for this devotion? If this is how karmas have to be ruined, this is how suffering has to be endured.
So Children! Now you should understand from this that the knowledge that is being told is hundred percent true. This is a gift from God, a reward to you. It is said
Koti janam tu Raja Kinha miti na Mun ki asha ।
Bhikshuk ho kar dar dar ghuma
i.e. You even renounced home, have begged for food, gone into the forest and eaten it, and even practised devotion. But by not getting this special knowledge, this special devotion, by not finding the complete Satguru your wandering has not been removed yet.
It is said that even Indra and Kubera, --ohoo – leave aside the great kings and emperors alone, you have become Indra, the king of heaven.
Once sage Markandeya was looking at an anthill. When ants move, they form a long queue. Some are coming in, some are going out. Sage Markande was sitting in the jungle and observing them. Sage Indra reaches there. Indra is the king of heaven and said, ‘O Maharaaj! What are you looking at these ants so attentively? Sage Markande said, ‘I am seeing which ant has received the title of Indra how many times? Had been the King of heaven? Enthroned as king of heaven’. Indra asked, Lord, what did you see? ‘That among them there is an ant, this soul who has attained the title of Indra only once. The rest have become Indra many times’.
Children! Take a look and ponder. After getting the kingdom of Indra, they again become ants, insects and suffer here. Indra, Kuber the god of wealth of these three worlds. That means Finance Minister. You have attained the title of Lord Indra, Kuber and even the titles of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Brahma Varun Dharmarai. Varun is the god of water. Dharmarai is the chief justice, all of them take birth and die repeatedly. And then a new soul gets this position whoever has more virtues, has more penance.
Now it is said
asankhya Janam tane Martya ho Gaye Jivit kyun na mare re.
Dwaadas Madhya Mahal Math Bore, Bahur Na Deh Dharai Re.
Dwadash dar Madhya
ahead the twelfth door, is Satlok. After going there you will not be born again. You have gone through countless births and deaths, let once die alive. You were told an example of dying alive. I keep telling you, you also listen to satsang. If you go towards satsang, Kaal will put many obstacles.
And think as if this satsang has happened at your home. You don't even need to go. Even in this, there will be obstacles. If even in this, Kaal does not let you listen, if you do not have determination, then he will create some or the other disturbance around you. Someone will tell a story, make up a story. There it happened, like this. Let's do this there. So you will have to die alive.
Now today, take out 3 times, half an hour or 45 minutes. This is what you anyway waste by gossiping, playing cards, or talking nonsense here and there, or if there is any tension, you will lie down and think. It had to go to waste.
Aur baat tere kaam na aave , santo sharane laag re. kyon sove gaphalat mein bande, jaag - jaag nar jaag re ..
So now, this association with the saints, means that if you go to the saint, he will tell you the story of God. Now you are starting to listen to Satsang sitting at home. This is to die alive. You go to satsang for service. If any trouble crops up, let it happen. You keep going. Get into service.
Just think, If you don't go to satsang and something wrong happens and you die suddenly, then your work is gone permanently. You can never come back and do it further. And going to satsang doesn't cause any harm. It's a guaranteed thing. And let's say something wrong happens, it will happen. If it happens, we can come back the next day and fix it. But if your ticket is cut confirmed from here, if you die, then when will you fix it? Then you will belong neither here nor there.
You will belong neither to God nor your home remained, nor your business remained. You will have to convince your mind this much. If you don't convince yourself this much, you will not be able to become so devoted. It is fine, whatever service, remembrance, and charity you do, Lord will surely give you the fruit. But the problem, the disease of birth and death, remained as it is.
Asankh janam tanai martaa ho gaye, jeevit kyon na marai re.
Dwadash dhar madhya mahal math bore, bahur na deh dharai re.
Dozakh bhist sabhi tain dekhe, rajpaat ke rasiya.
Teen lok se tripat naahin, yo mun bhogi khasiya.
It is said, Dozakh is hell, bhist is heaven, due to the practice you kept doing in the pursuit of this, you went to heaven and then to hell. Became a king and then at last became a donkey, dog, and pig.
Dozakh bhist sabhi tain dekhe, rajpaat ke rasiya.
Teen lok se tripat naahin, yo mun bhogi khasiya.
The one who has no bread to eat thinks, ‘O God! I may get a daily wage. I should work and raise children. And if he gets a daily wage, he celebrates with gratitude. He begins to earn his living properly. And if he has more money than this, he starts thinking nonsense. Make this, should make that. Let me do this. And if there is more money and facilities due to past sacraments. Then he thinks of becoming the Sarpanch of the village.
Then thinks it did not work out as head of the Village let me be a Chairman. Becomes chairman, then thinks about becoming MLA. Even his stomach doesn’t fill becoming an MLA, it doesn't satisfy him, so he wants to become a minister. When he becomes a minister, he thinks to have control over a department. After becoming a Minister then he has to face the wrath of the chief minister. Then he thinks ‘O God! If he gets the chance to become the chief minister, then it will work.When he becomes the chief minister, he starts thinking about becoming the prime minister so that he should have command over the entire country. This mind is so wicked and nothing has to become. And even if it becomes then What a big deal? After death, will become a donkey if he does not do devotion. Even if you give this mind the three realms, it will not be satisfied. This mind is so wicked.
Teen lok se tirpat nahin, yo mun bhogi khaisiya.—oye hoye--
Such useless is our attitude, of this mind.
Now what is said:
Satguru mile to ichha mite, pad mile padhe samaana.
Chal hansa uss lok pathaun, jo aadi amar asthana.
That if you meet Satguru, he will remind you of all these things and take your mind away from here. Then it will work.
As there was a king, Ibrahim Sultan Adham Sultan was the emperor of Balkh Bukhara. He was a very wealthy king. He had so much wealth that it could not be counted. He had eighteen lakh horses and all the other nonsense, worldly pleasures that kings believe. He had done several marriages as well. He had Naulakha garden and all the other royalty. We consider this as wealth.
You people do Devotion because you are financially weak. But your spiritual wealth is very strong. Because you have received the shelter of Lord. Now your intentions are: "O God, let me have a good life. Let me have a car and a house." Now, so much knowledge is being given to you and so many powerful things are being told to you. They are being told to you so that your mind sways from here. You continue to do this devotion as you were told.
A farmer who sows wheat does not have the intention of getting chaff. His intention is to get wheat. The lives of his children should be saved. The entire family should get enough food. But the chaff will grow automatically when you have sown a wheat crop.
The Devotion that we are giving you will automatically give you this material wealth. This is the first mantra that is given. Without it, the other mantras will not work. When you sow wheat, the first thing that comes up is the stalk, which is the chaff. And the stalk will grow very tall, two to three feet. Then the wheat will come, the grain in buds. In which the wheat will grow.
So in the same way, this devotion that the servant is giving you, given by God, by the order of Gurudev, gifted by his grace. It will work like this. Even if you do not ask for material wealth, it will be given to you. It will come, this is beyond control. But you will have to have patience. You will have to be content. So that the crop can be ready. Sown today and tomorrow there will be neither chaff nor wheat in the crop. So you don't need to stress too much about this, you don't need to take too much tension, you just need a little patience. And you will have to remain within limits of devotion.
Now Garib Das ji says –
Kalpe Karan kaun hai, Kar seva nihkam
Serve selflessly, without any desires. Keep doing devotion.
Aur mun ichcha fal devega jab pade dhani te kaam.
Now, as you are travelling. And there is an accident. There it is the work of God. There neither the president, nor the prime minister, nor your wealth and children can protect you. Nor can you protect your children.
Kalpe kaaran kaun hai, kar seva nihkaam mun ichcha fal det hai, jab pade dhani te kaam.
Just as Draupadi had torn a piece of cloth 6-7-8 inches wide, 3 feet long from her sari and had given it away. She had given it selflessly. She didn't even know why she was giving it. She did not think that I would get any reward. She gave it out of religious duty, humanity, and seeing a Sage. When the time came for God's work, when they started to disrobe her, there it was the work of God.
Garibdas ji Says
Kalpe kaaran kaun hai, kar seva nihkaam aur mun ichcha fal det hai, jab pade dhani se kaam.
There it was the work of Almighty
khainchat khainchat khainch kashisha
sir par baithe hain jagadisha. draupadi suta ke chir badhae, sankh asankhon par nahin pae.
Draupadi suta ku dinhe lir, jake anant badhae cheer.
Now, what is said? Later, Sri Krishna was her guru, he came, then Draupadi asked him, "O, gurudev! O, God! What kind of grace has been bestowed upon me? What kind of religious duty or deed did I do? That God did like this for me." Then, with divine vision, Sri Krishna saw and told him. "When you were unmarried and living in your mother's house, you went to bathe in a river. A sage was bathing in the river. He had only one loincloth. It had swept away in the water. He was standing there in shame. And you tore a piece of cloth from your sari and gave it to him. In return for that, God has protected your honour." Now tears filled Draupadi's eyes. "O, God!
Ek leer ke Karane”
because of a small piece of cloth,
Mere Badh gaye cheer apaar. Je mein pahle Janti to Sarvas deti vaar.
I would have dedicated myself to such a great man. I would have held his feet. I would have also ensured my own well-being. So, children! Don't make the same mistake. You will have to regret it later. If you don't pay attention now. Don't take it lightly.”
Then what is said
satguru mile to ichcha metai, pad mil pade samana.
The servant wanted to say that since you are poor and beggarly ask for wealth. The childless chants for children. With this knowledge, one comes to understand what to ask for? Kabir Sahib says,
Kya mangu kuch thir na rahai
Nothing is permanent. Aur dekhat nain chala jag jai।
ek lakh poot sawa lakh nati. us ravan ke aaj diva na bati.
A lakh of sons and one lakh and a quarter of grandsons, today there is no one to light a lamp for him. So Ibrahim Sultan had everything. The Lord took that dear soul out of that hell. What you go begging for, give it, give money, give a car, give it. There is no need to ask for this. As you have been told the devotion, do it selflessly. Do it with a true heart. One day will come, you cannot even imagine, the Almighty will give you so much happiness. But give him time. Any time, any object demands some time.
Satguru mile to iccha mete pad mil pade samana
Chal Hansa uss lok pathaun jo Adi Amar Asthana
In Gita chapter 18, verse 62, it is said, Arjun! You go to the shelter of Supreme God with all your heart. By his grace alone you will attain supreme peace and the Sanatan supreme abode. The Sanatan supreme abode is Satlok, the imperishable place where there is no suffering after going there. No birth and death.
Then it is further told,
Char Mukti Jahan Champi karti Maya ho rhi dasi
Das Garib abhay pad parse mile Ram Avinashi
Char Mukti Jahan Champi karti Maya ho rhi dasi
Das Garib abhay pad parse mile Ram Avinashi—oye hoye--
That there will be eternal happiness of the fourth liberation abode. Here it ends even after coming from heaven. And you will attain Ram, the imperishable God, who is told in Gita.
Das Garib abhay pad parse mile Ram Avinashi—oye hoye--
As it is said in Gita chapter 2, verse 17, that ‘know Him to be immortal from whom this whole visible world has pervaded. No one is capable of destroying this Immortal’.
It is also said in Gita chapter 15, verse 17, that
"UttamH, purushH, tu, anyaH, Parmatma, iti, udaahrtH,
YaH, loktryam, aavishya, bibharti, avyyaH, iishwarH
avyyaH: he is Imperishable Supreme God. The Supreme God is different, ‘uttam purush means Purushottam is different from Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush. The one who enters the three worlds and sustains and nourishes all is called the Supreme God. He is truly the imperishable God.
such as
Dharmadas yeh jag baurana, koi na jaane pad nirvana. Yahi karan mein katha pasaara, sabse kahiye ek Ram nyara. Nyara means other.
Yahi gyaan jagjeev sunao, sab jeevo ka bharam nasaao. Bharam gaye jag Ved purana, uss aadi Ram ka maram na jaana. –oho--
Garib Das ji Says garib anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahin bhaar. Satguru purush Kabir hain, kul ke srijanhaar.
Garib sab padvi ke mool hai, sakal siddhi hai teer. Das Garib sat purush bhajo, avigat kala Kabir. Garib ajar amar sat purush hain, soham sukrit sheer. Bin dam deh dayal ji jaaka naam Kabir.
Who is that Kabir? Who kabir?
Garib hum sultani Nanak tare , dadu ko updesh diya. jati julaha bhed na paya vo kashi mahe kabir hua.
Children! Saint Garib Das Ji, the beloved child of God, has made it clear that Kabir, who was a weaver in Kashi and used to do the work of a weaver, is the owner of all creation. He is the one who has liberated us all, Ibrahim Sultan Adham, Baba Nanak, Sant Dadu Ji etc. And “Jati Julaha no one could understand the real identity that he is God.
Children! 600 years ago from today there was no media, no speakers, there was no means of transportation And at that time, God used to stand in one place and deliver satsang. Or whatever. And in thousands of places because the population was less than. He can also be in crores of places and can also appear in billions of places. In thousands of places, in 5-10 thousand places He would stand and look like you watch TV these days, like a speaker speaks from one place and nowadays people hear his words in lakhs of places through TV.
Similarly, there, through spiritual knowledge it used to work like this. And there He used to appear real as if he was standing here. And after delivering the same satsang to everyone, he took 64 lakh disciples in his shelter through knowledge. Knowledge is also amazing, even if an illiterate person listens to it once, then there once definitely a yearning develops.
God Kabir Sahib Says
Sathi Humare chale Gaye hum bhi chalan haar, koi
Kagaj me baki reh rhi tante lagi hai vaar
Even a common man understands such things. Truly, brother, there is no time left, everyone has gone and we will also go. Then he used to tell this, do this in it. And there is no support for this. And there is no choice. Do this devotion, with this your birth will improve also your welfare happen in future. You will attain Satlok.
So even this much is understood. And with the blessings of God, they became so happy that the spit of their mouth dried telling others. Like it's happening with you today. Others do not used to believe that he has gone mad. What does he talk about? And they used to also say that if he is God, Kabir, a weaver, a poor man, why doesn't he build a palace? He is working as a labourer, weaving clothes. By talking like this, they used to confuse the devotees.
Children! That God lived for 120 years in the same condition. In a hut, playing the role of a poor man. And after 120 years, he walked on foot to the place of Maghar and in front of two kings, thousands of soldiers and spectators, he spread a sheet below and covered himself with one. Below, the devotees had spread 2-2 inches flowers as a respect for him. After two minutes, he said, he had covered himself with a sheet. After going up, there was an ethervoice that lift the sheet, there was nothing. Everyone looked up. God was going in a corporeal, luminous body, full of shine. When the sheet was lifted, there was a fragrant pile of flowers as big as the body. And he had said to divide it in half. Don't fight, fools, what have you understood till today? Even now you are sitting as two, Hindu and Muslim. Your anger and hatred has not gone away. You are nothing.
So seeing the faults in us, God departed renouncing us. He had done a divine spectacle, sitting on an elephant and filling a bottle with Ganges water, people thought he was drinking alcohol. And God made the city's famous prostitute sit on the elephant along with him. The Almighty put his hand on her shoulder. Tell me, the world can say anything, but their mind should have come to its senses. Would such a great man, who has so much knowledge, will do such nonsense? Will drink alcohol? And will do prostitution? But we had no mind. Kaal had captured it. We all got away. And he wanted to do it too.
"Gareeb bhadwa - bhadwa sab kahain, koi na jaane khoj. Das gareeb Kabir karam, baantain sir ka bojh.”
That he has made so many disciples, he cannot take all this weight because they were not developing the gesture of devotion. So it is said that he distributed the burden of his head, threw them away. But he charged them. You turned away from the Guru, but did not become a traitor to Guru. He charged you. You are getting human lives. And you also have the desire for God. Now, you are caught again.
So children! Today, it is proven from all the scriptures, eyewitnesses, Saint Garib Das Ji, Shri Dadu Sahib Ji, Saint etc. have made it clear Kabir is god . Who?- Kabir, the weaver of Kashi.
So children! He was also God that day, but our intellect does not work. This should work, your eyes should be open now. He is still God today. He will remain God. He is forever God. Everlasting God.
So children! Pay close attention to this if you want to get out of here, the limits should not break. And do not know, in how many ways does this limit break? For example, we have given service to someone, brother, do this service. Thank you, God. Became happy to get the service. Then we said, give it up. Leave it. Give it to someone else. Tell me, why did you feel bad then? Then you feel bad, even with so much knowledge, you talk like this.
So be thankful and fold your hands a hundred times, brother, it is very good, it’s the order of Gurudev, this brother will do the service. Give me too some other service. My intention is to serve. And if you don't get it, be patient and do devotion. Go to satsang, there are hundreds of services to be done in the ashram for the willing person. There are many services. One should not sit tied to one thing. These prayers come to me, give the service of the coordinator again. This is also a weakness.
Like an old man went to a doctor, a weak one, in old age the body becomes a skeleton. He went and told ‘doctor Ji, I get dizzy when I stand up. What is the reason?’
The doctor said it is a weakness. Weakness of the body. He said, ‘my joints and legs are in pain’. The doctor said it is a weakness. Then the old man said, ‘I have a pain all over my body. That is, there is pain all over the body. The pulse throbs’. The doctor said it is a weakness. The old man got angry and said to the doctor, ‘are you a doctor or a fool? You know only one thing, its weakness, weakness? Will you tell me something else as well?’ The doctor said this is also a weakness, this is all due to weakness. This anger also comes more to a weak person. This is also a weakness.
Children! All these are weaknesses that you indulge in, crossing the limits. Do whatever you want. Do not take limits lightly. Just like we have made so many rules. If you want to do devotion, you will have to follow them. Otherwise, by becoming a donkey you will have to follow the potter's rules. You will not be able to take even a single step of your own will. You will be put in a nose ring after becoming an ox. You will be yoked to a buggy becoming a mule. Will your desire work then?
Asankh janam tanai martaa ho gaye, jeevit kyon na marai re.
Dwadash dhar madhya mahal math bore, bahur na deh dharai re.
So children! Now die alive. Take these things to heart. Place them in your heart and brain. Believe this and don't make the same mistake again. If you had that much sense, wouldn't God have taken you away at that time when he came?
Children! From Where are you getting this immortal story, this immortal speech? This ethervoice. Accept that it is coming from Satlok. God has broken such a pen on you. Believe this truth, that he has hugged his children to chest. And remain at the feet of Almighty.
Dwaar dhani ke pada rahe, dhakke dhani ke khavae। Sau Kaall jhakjhor hi, dwaar chhor nahim javae।।
Tie this knot. Take a note.
Kabir, Dwaar dhani ke pada rahe, dhakke dhani ke khavae। Sau Kaall jhakjhor hi, dwaar chhor nahim javae।।
Garib yeh sansar samajhda nahi, kahanda sham dopahre nu।
Garib das yeh waqt jaat hai, rovoge is pahare nu।
Those who do not do devotion will cry anyway. And those who make mistakes while doing devotion will also cry.
samajha hai to sir dhar paanv। Bahur nahin re aisa daanv।।
May God give you salvation. Keep you happy always.
Sat Saheb.
The purpose of spiritual discourse is to provide real knowledge to the soul and reveal the true nature of the world, showing how we are trapped in a temporary material existence.
The Suksham Ved explains that souls repeatedly take birth in different forms - sometimes as humans, kings, gods, and other times as animals like dogs, donkeys, and pigs - based on their karmic actions.
The Suksham Ved emphasises serving selflessly without expectations, suggesting that true devotion comes from a pure heart and that material benefits will automatically follow.
The discourse portrays the human mind as insatiable, never content with what it has, always craving more power, wealth, and position, regardless of how much it achieves.
A Satguru's role is to reveal the true nature of the world, guide souls away from material attachment, and show the path to complete salvation.
The Suksham Ved warns that without proper spiritual devotion, souls will continue to suffer, taking birth in lower life forms and experiencing repeated cycles of birth and death.
The ultimate goa of a human life is to get rid from the cycle of birth and death, attain spiritual knowledge, and reach Satlok, the eternal, blissful realm of the Supreme God.
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Shraddha Sharma
The knowledge presented in the article is so deep and heart touching. However, treating Kabir as God is not accurate. Kabir Ji was a great saint and I do respect him but we should follow his teachings and he teaches to worship Lord Rama.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your thoughtful engagement with our article. It's wonderful to see your respect for God Kabir Ji and your interest in his teachings. However, your understanding might be limited. If you explore the complete knowledge of Kabir Saheb Ji, you'll discover that he refers to a different Ram, distinct from the king of Ayodhya. Kabir Ji speaks of the fifth Ram (Adi Ram) whose identity has been revealed in the discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj by presenting the evidence from our Holy Scriptures. To learn about this Supreme Ram, we encourage you to read the book "Gyan Ganga" and listen to the spiritual teachings of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, available on various social media platforms.