
Sat Saheb

Hail Satguru Dev!

Hail to Bandi Chhor God Kabir Sahib Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Garib Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj ji.

Hail to all the saints.

Hail to all the devotees.

Hail to the righteous men.

Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.

Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.

Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.

Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.


Sat Sahib

Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi. Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi.

Satguru Sahib Sant sab, dandautam pranam. Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan.

Jai jai satguru mere ki, jai jai satguru mere ki.

Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, uss Satlok ke dere ki.

Jai jai satguru mere ki, Jai jai satguru mere ki.

Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, amarpuri ke dere ki.

Nirvikaar nirbhay tuhi, aur sakal bhaymaan.

Eji sadhu aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri sahibi, sab par teri Sahibi tujh par sahib na. Nirvikaar Nirbhay.

With the boundless grace of the Supreme Father Supreme God Kabir Ji and the blessings of my Gurudev Ji, today the human beings of the world came to know about their real home. The essence of all holy scriptures, the spiritual knowledge revealed by God, has been obtained. The knowledge of why birth and death, suffering and misery are happening in the bodies of dogs, donkeys, and pigs has been understood. And you also have the knowledge of who our God is? You also got to know that how will you get rid of this place? All this knowledge comes from Satguru. So, whenever the servant remembers the Almighty, each and every word of guru Ji , which was mainly narrated, immediately strikes the soul and a special remembrance is created. And Kabir Ji's these eternal speech comes to mind -

Kabir, Satguru ke updesh ka, laya ek vichar. Jai Satguru milte nahi, jaate narak dwar.

Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khinchaatan. Unse kabhu nahin chhoota, phir phirta charon khani.

Kabir, char khani mein bhramata, kabhu na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere Satguru ke upkaar.

Jai-Jai Satguru mere ki, Jai-Jai Satguru mere ki. Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, uss Amarapuri ke dere ki.

When this favor of Gurudev is remembered, the soul automatically calls out to hail for him.  Children!  The knowledge that Servant is narrating is certified by all scriptures and Holy texts. And God himself came and gave us this knowledge. And then took their children up, then dropped them down. They told the truth with an open heart. Gave information about the Almighty.  Reminded the happiness of that realm and the pain of hell here, which is true.  No one is happy today, no one is happy on earth.  You should understand this easily.

Kabir Sahib Says :

Jhoothe sukh ko sukh kahe, yah maan raha manmode.

A small living was done.  Became an officer, got a job, got a car, a bungalow and roamed happily around. Tomorrow, after death, the same creature will sit outside that house becoming a dog. No one will give bread.  Remember this suffering then only devotion can be done. Otherwise devotion cannot be done.  Because the Lord gives so much relief in human life.  A lot of facilities are available. Like, children go to school and study, parents provide them complete facilities.  Beyond their status, they spend more than their worth on their children.  And if those children misuse that money by not studying.  And misuse time.  Do some nonsense, watch a movie.  Or engaged in sports.  So in the end they become labourers after failing.

Servant was in the post of Junior Engineering in the Irrigation Department of Haryana.  There work was going on, we were standing, labourers were also there.  Our work was minor irrigation.  A road was being constructed there.  The workers were there on the construction of the road.  Our job was also to cross that road by making a bridge for them.  Were standing there. Their ex-en came. And then he left after inspecting his work, etc. After my ex-en left, a labourer said, "He was my classmate, my study companion. I used to be involved in nonsense, and didn't study. Used to go to play. Used to leave school in the middle and run away. And I failed, and he passed. Look, how well he is doing now. He moves in a car. Has built a good mansion. And my children are still lying in the dirt." Saying this, tears welled up in his eyes.

Kabir Sahib Says-

acche din piche gaye, guru se kiya na het. ab pachhatava kya karen, chidiya chug gayi khet.

In the same way, children! If today you don't study properly in the college, school of the Supreme Being, if you won't listen to spiritual discourses, if you won't serve, if you won't donate, if you won't follow rules, then you will cry like this.

Kabir Sahib says -

Hidaki de de rovegi surata , Jab Tu chalegi akelee.

Hey soul! The family, the status, the wealth, the position that doesn't remind you of God today, you scoundrel! It won't go with you. The day the messengers of Yama will  drag you, Soul will collide here and there.  Will roar badly.  No one will listen to you.

Hidaki de de rovegi surata , Jab Tu chalegi akelee.

Open your eyes. Children!  These are clear things, absolutely clear.  It's a hundred percent truth, 200 percent, 1000 percent truth. But why doesn't the soul accept it? The mind doesn't let it accept. It has to be convinced. Now the way to do that is to listen to spiritual discourses, contemplate, sit for a while and think.  It is not that you are just listening to the Spiritual discourse and as soon as it ends you start running away, I will do this or that.  Do it all, God will help you in that also, you will get benefit, otherwise banging your head will not get any relief. 

If everyone could become wealthy so easily, then everyone would become rich. Everyone is running around and they don't have anything.

Children! Just open your eyes. I will keep saying this till my last breath. Because my God has fed this into me. He has made it my duty. I will not forget my duty and karma. It is up to your destiny and your karma how much you will live up to this. How much you will follow this.

"Garib, Nyoli Naad Subhan Gati, Ladai Bhujang Hamesh.

Jadi Jaan Naam Jagdish Hai, Vish Nahi Vyapai Shesh.

How much amazing knowledge has been filled in one speech.

Nyoli naad subhan gati, ladai bhujang hamesh. 

Know the herb Jagdish's name,

Naam Jagdish Hai, Vish Nahi Vyapai Shesh.

There is a small animal. It is a little bigger than a squirrel called a mongoose. And how big is the snake? No matter how big or powerful the snake is, the mongoose kills him. He defeats him. How does he do? He knows, he teases the snake when there is some herb nearby. There is a medicinal plant and he fills the fragrance through breath in his lungs and releases it in front of the snake. The snake staggers from the smell of that herb, and the snake starts getting dizzy. There is so much power in that herb. It condemns the snake. He doesn't have consciousness. Then the snake tries to run away. And the mongoose sits on his head, grabs him, and rubs him like this. He keeps releasing it again and again, he dies. He keeps releasing his breath.

So Children!  Here is how the most revered respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj defines the knowledge of God, the power of God and the glory of this Mantra.

Garib, Nyoli Naad Subhan Gati, Ladai Bhujang Hamesh.

Jadi Jaano Naam Jagdish Hai, Vish Nahi Vyapai Shesh.—Oye hoye--

That these mantras given to you are the mantra of God.  This is that herb - Snake killer herb.

Nyoli Naad Subhan Gati, Ladai Bhujang Hamesh.

The mongoose fights with a snake many times stronger than him with the power of that herb. He spins him around, kills him.  So, similarly, the Satnaam, the true mantras that you have received, first mantra, second mantra and Sarnaam, understand these are herbs.  Leave aside the matter of these ghosts and other Gods and Goddesses, deceased ancestors etc., leave aside Bhairav-ghost, leave aside the matter of them, even if Kaal comes

Vish Nahi Vyapai Shesh.

Sheshnag is the most powerful, it has a thousand hoods, so powerful is Kaal.  You take this mantra, the mantra as per the method, it has no effect on the person whose name is broken.  Moderate devotee son or daughter, and any objection comes.  Yama's messengers want to cause some trouble.  Recite this Satnaam once.  It is said –

Vish Nahi Vyapai Shesh. 

Even Kaal will wither.

Kehari naam Kabir hai, visham kaal gajaraj. Dadoo bhajan prataap se, sunkar bhage gaaj.

So Children!  Keep these things carefully, remember them. You have become so safe that if you sit on an elephant, the dog cannot do any harm.

To swan haathi ke asvaar ko, swan kaal nahi khaaye.

You have been sitting on an elephant, you have come under the shelter of God and you have become so safe. They have become so far away from the range and reach of Kaal, just as a dog cannot harm a person sitting on an elephant.

For that you-

tan-man sheesh, eesh apne par, tan-man sheesh, eesh apne par. Palam chot chadhawe, jab koi Ram bhagat gati paawe, ho ji. Jab koi Ram bhagat gati paawe, ho ji.

Lok-laaj maryada jagat ki, trin jyon tode bagaave. Asht siddhi ki atak na maane, aage kadam bhadhaave. Jab koi Ram bhagat gati paawe, ho ji. Jab koi Ram bhagat gati paawe, ho ji.

Children!  All these formulas will have to be applied when this problem of birth and death will be solved.

Now, what is said?

Garib, hans gavan karte nahi, Mansarovar chhad. Kauve ud-ud jaate hain, khaate maansa haad.

Garib, Mansarovar mukti phal, mukta hal ke dher| Kauva aasan na bandhe, je bhoomi deen sumer.

Garib, kauva rupi bhekh hain, na pratit yakeen. Adasath ka phal meet kar, rahe din be deen. 

Garib, hans dasha to saadh hai, sarovar hai satsang. Muktaahal vaani chuge, chadhata navela rang.

Now see how well Sant Garib Das ji has explained, He has done wonders.

Garib, hans gavan karte nahi, Mansarovar chhad. Kauve ud ud jaate hain, khaate maansa haad.

Then it is said –

Garib hans dasha to saadhu hai, sarovar hai satsang. Muktaahal vaani chuge, chadhata navela rang.

hans gavan karte nahi, Mansarovar chhad.

The swan is a bird. The swan is compared to a disciplined devotee, a  devotee free from disorders, a true devotee.

Like a swan, a bird found on the surface of a lake or pond, where there are pearls. And there is also a crane, with the same appearance and shape. It is difficult to distinguish between them. They are identified by this, the one who eats pearls is the swan. And the one who eats fish is the crane. Both have the same body shape and colour, white. And crows are also there, they eat meat and fish.

The swan is the one who will starve to death, but will not eat meat, fish, or frog. He will not eat a frog.

In the same way, a devotee is the one who will remain on his religion and Karma, and will not do nonsense. No matter what happens.

Hans gavan karte nahi, Mansarovar chhad.

Ore Sarover hai Satsang

consider this Discourse as a lake, a pond, a tank.  And Devotee is a swan.  They don't leave this.  That means they do not abandon devotion to God. 

And Kauve ud ud jaate hain. Those people who have a crow-like nature of thoughts, they cannot stop doing nonsense.  No matter how many facilities they get in the ashram.  They cannot stop doing their dirty deeds, their nature has become so bad.

So it is said here

Garib, hans gavan karte nahi, Mansarovar chhad. Kauve ud ud jaate hain, khaate maansa haad.

That means worthless, vicious people do not stay in satsang, they leave the satsang.  And

Hans Dasha to Sadhu hai

a true devotee.  And

Sarovar hai Satsang.  Muktahal Vani Chuge

will eat the pearl in the form of nectar speech

Phir Chadat Nabela Rang.—Oye hoye--


Hearing this knowledge creates more yearning in the soul, creates a yearning for God and creates more longing. 

Muktahal Vani Chugain

- they eat  this liberating nectar-like speech. They eat I.e. listen, this is the food of the soul.

Phir Chadat Nabela Rang. .

And it has an amazing effect on this soul, there is a great impact.

Then it is said:

Garib, koti varsh karen sangat sadhu ki, patthar ka jal men kya bhije. Chandan van mein rang la de, ek bans vitanbi na sijhe.


God, Garib Das Ji explains so amazingly that -

Koti varsh karen sangat santon ki, satguru ki, patthar ka jal men kya bhije.

Put the stone in the water for as long as you want, and take it out even after 100 years, it will not have any effect. Grind it with each other, then fire will come out, sparks will burst. While everything becomes soft with water. In the same way, it is said that the worthless souls who have become stones by doing nonsense of the Kaal. Even if they stay in the satsang for days, they will not have any effect. They just have to do nonsense.

Garib, koti varsh karen sangat sadhu ki, patthar ka jal men kya bhije. Chandan van mein rang la de, ek bans vitambi na sijhe.

There is a sandalwood tree. It has a very good smell. And the nearby trees, which are near it, also start to give off a smell from its smell. If the other tree is cut down and its wood is taken somewhere outside, then it gives off a smell, people think it is sandalwood. And some fake traders also sell them as sandalwood. The point is that by staying near Satguru and listening to satsang, the good souls will definitely be affected. But Bans vitambi na sijhe.

The bamboo tree is like a reed.  You have seen bamboo, it is a tree and it has long branches.  Sandalwood has no effect on this.  So the people who are as staunch as bamboo, whose souls have fallen, are dead.  They have no effect on them.  They are such people-

Sangat me Kusangat Upje jaise Van me baans, aapa ghis ghis aaga lgave Karen vankhand ka bhi Nash

Now what is said, those who are worthless even after coming to satsang, and not getting any effect,

Doing the same nonsense.  Breaking names.  Do nonsense even after taking Sarnam.  Children!  You are listening to the nectar words, immortal knowledge. 

Now there are many devotees, it seems as if they are staunch devotees.  Live very close to us.  And in the end their deeds turned out to be so dirty that we cannot even imagine.  So these are mistakes.  You will have to improve these.

Bhai aur baat tere kaam na aavai, Santo sharanne laage re. Ke sovai gafalat mein bande, Jaag jaag nar jaag re. Jaag jaag nar jaag re.

Uth savere hukka bhar liya, Ke jaaga nirbhaag re. Sukram kiya na kari re bandagi, Foote tere bhaag re. Foote tere bhaag re.

Is tan sarai mein jeev musafir, Karta rahe dimaag re. Raat basera kar le dera, Chale savera tyag re. Chale savera tyag re.

Without true knowledge, a person spends his whole life as per his wish, thinking will do this , will do that , will build a mansion, will cheat him like that, will earn like this. I will do it here, the land is so cheap here, I will do it like this. Do it. But also do devotion with it. Prosperity has to be given by the Almighty. You won’t get more than karma. Try as hard as you can. If you want to get more than karma, you have to come to the refuge of the Divine. In the hands of this God Kabir Ji, there is that pen, which cuts off the sin of karma and writes good karma. Even If it is not in your  destiny, he also writes it. He also corrects your sacraments.

Is tan sarai mein jeev musafir, Karta rahe dimaag re. Raat basera kar le dera, Chale savera tyag re. Chale savera tyag re.

Think of this life of yours as a dream.  And when this sleep ends, death will happen, when the eyes open. When this sleep ends, it will be morning. You will not get anything in your hand.

A devotee was telling me that before taking Initiation, I used to drive a rickshaw.  I imagined that I would buy a car like this.  And I will drive it like tee-tee.  I also had a dream.  Like I have bought a nice car and have put it on rent.  I am driving very fast.  It is a good road.  I suddenly started applying the brakes, hit my foot with such force and it was like an old torn quilt, my foot passed through it.  It was also torn.  When I woke up I saw neither there was any car nor vehicle.  I am lying in that hut.

So Children!  - this dream will end, you will wake up and cry holding your head.  So this is a dream.  In Which you are walking slowly ‘tee-tee’.  For How many days will you go?

Is tan sarai mein jeev musafir, Karta rahe dimaag re. Raat basera kar le dera, Chale savera tyag re. Chale savera tyag re.

Oomda chola bana anmola, Lage daag pai daag re. Do din ki guzaran jagat mein, Kyon jalai birani aag re. Kyon jalai birani aag re.

Kubuddh kaanchli chadhi gayi chit pai, Tu hoya manush te naag re.

(Oye hoye) means that whoever has whatever strength. Until he has knowledge, he will keep hurting someone or the other. If He is powerful, he will say such a wrong thing with his words, the soul of that weak, helpless person will keep crying. Or he will rob someone. If He is a big officer, he will run his pen like this, whether die or live. Some unjust judge is unjust, he will do injustice, die or live.

So here it is said:”

Kubuddh kaanchli chadhi gayi chit pai, Tu hoya manush te naag re. –aye hai--

From human became a snake, a snake. As Durvasa gave a curse, 56 crore Yadavs died. Sage Chunak had done penance. Damm! Was this penance? He carried the burden. And the ordinary person who does not do devotion, and gets some position or power, in the village, or in the city, or he has  a field, a share of grain. He is being told by Garib Das Ji-

Kubuddh kaanchli chadhi gayi chit pai, Tu hoya manush te naag re. Sooje nahin sajan sukh saagar, Bina prem bairag re. Bina prem bairag re.

Har sumire so hans kahaave, Kaami krodhi kaag re. Bhaura na bharme is vish ke van mein, Chal Begampur baag re. Chal Begampur baag re.

Shabad sain satguru ki pichhani, Paya atal suhaag re.

Shabad sain indication

Shabad sain satguru ki pichhani, Paya atal suhaag re. Nitānanda mahboob gumaani, Pargat pooran bhaag re. Pargat pooran bhaag re.

Har sumire so hans kahaave

one who performs devotion remaining in decorum is called a Swan

 Aur kaami krodhi kaag re. Bhaura na bharme, is vish ke van mein.

O soul!  You go around taking this fake pleasure of doing nonsense, somewhere you drank alcohol, somewhere you drank cannabis, somewhere in the greed of a house, in the greed of a car, you are looting the world and doing nonsense.

Har sumire so hans kuhaave, Kaami krodhi kaag re. Bhaura na bharme is vish ke van mein,

This is a forest of poison, these fake happiness will destroy your life.

Then it is said that

“Shabad Sein Satgur ki Pichani”

Understand a sign of your Gurudev.  Sein, signal.  And the devotees should understand the signal, otherwise what will happen?  There will be misery after death.  There are two days of life.  Is this life?  Moving happily in it.  This is ‘sein’ Signal.  And we told it openly.  A hint is sufficient for the wise.

Shabad Sein Satgur ki Pichani, Paya Atal Suhag re.

This is the hymn of Kabir Saheb, still let it be as it is. 

Nityanand Mehboob Gumani, Pargat Puran Bhag Re.

Now the conversation started with Satguru.  Nitanand ji also says that my beloved Satguru Gumani Das, there were some good fate of me that I met him.

Nitanand Mehboob Gumani, Pargat Puran Bhag Re.

Children! Pay more attention to these things that are told in Satsang. Satsang is a teaching, a teaching. And children listen to this teaching carefully, listen to this study carefully, follow it, follow what the teacher tells. Because the teacher tells from the syllabus. And whatever knowledge is told from the syllabus, students remember it properly, practise it, then when the exam comes, they are successful.

Now, this class of yours is a special grace of God Kabir on you. It has happened separately. And whenever needed, the Supreme God is providing the same facility to his children on time. You should listen to satsang very attentively during satsang. Understand that Guru Ji is standing in front and watching. Like a teacher stands in the class, teaches, a professor teaches. So the children listen to each and every word carefully and politely. Then after the teaching, they also do their normal things. They do everything from bathing, washing, eating, drinking.

They also do farm work. They also help their parents. But what he has heard during the teaching, it is not forgotten. He will give them something else. And listening to him, listening to him, one day he becomes an MSc, MTech, engineer, doctor,  becomes a scholar by reading who knows what. In the same way, you will keep listening to this knowledge, you will have to listen. Now the servant is narrating from here directly, then there are thousands of satsangs filled. Listen to them like this. You must put in one hour everyday. Even if you spend1 hour a day, you will still get a lot, you will not forget. There is a lot of pressure from Kaal on you, a lot of pressure.

You listen to so much knowledge, the inspiration that the slave wants is not yet developed within you. But a lot of things have come close. Be close. And keep listening. It is also a very big thing that you are listening three times. And it is also the grace of the Almighty to find this time. Otherwise, I don't know where Kaal will waste this time, in misery, or will create some other problem.

All the tension will keep spinning in that mind there. Or if there is any illness, tension on that. Will be lying in the hospital. So this is the infinite Grace of the Supreme God on you, a pen-breaking grace. And these things are not for saying and listening. It is to be done. Pay attention. You have been fully acquainted with the condition of this dirty world. There is no trust for a moment here, why are you sitting with your eyes closed in this dirty world? Will you be entangled in this system?

Okay, you have to do it for your livelihood, keep doing it.  But the yearning for God should remain separate in your heart.  It's not like you casually heard it, I told it, you heard it.  It is good that you have chanted a few mantras and performed Prayer in the morning, afternoon and evening.  But if this yearning does not arise, then the matter will remain incomplete.

Now what is said -

Gareeb, darash pars nahi antara, roomi vastr beech. Paaras loha ek dig, palatai nahi abhich.

He gives an example, like many devotees appear to be such great devotees from outside and it seems as if they are very close to Guruji, very close, and have very good faith.  But this will not work, unless you love Gurudev and Almighty from your heart.

The example has been given that

 "Darash Parash nahin antar, Rumi vastra beech."

The Philosopher's Stone is a stone that turns iron into gold as soon as it touches it. And it is said that if iron and Philosopher's Stone are placed together, if even a Rumi cloth, a Rumi cloth is as thin as a hair, if even a gap remains between the Philosopher's Stone;  and an iron, keep it for many days but no change will happen in it. No change will happen.

Similarly, until your faith in your guru and God is not connected from your heart completely, you will not feel that yearning in your heart yourself. That no one is yours in this world. As much as family and relatives are, these are our previous births dealings, this debt is entangled. The Almighty will also easily solve this debt now. Will not even let you know. Will change your past sacraments. Will change your dealings. Will do for those who will connect with heart.

Will be dedicated to the Almighty with body, mind, money, mind, deed, and word. I will give you proof. like a son, a daughter is some of our previous deeds, some debt. Like nowadays, a daughter has to get married, how much expenditure is incurred. I tell you, a person was saying. He said that I have three daughters. And we spend a lot here. We spend at least 10-20 lakhs on marriage. And then the girl has a child, then we call her home to her mother's house. And on top of that, there is another 10 lakh rupees expenditure. This is another marriage done in ours. We have kept such traditions in our heads. And see in other societies, too, there are a lot of expenses. And we have made the girl a burden ourselves.”

Children! Now, how has the Supreme Being showered grace? The servant followed God's command and clarified all virtues and vices, stating that such actions lead to loss, such actions lead to gain.

Now, as the example is given to you regarding marriage of children, it is written in Sridevi Purana that the Goddess married her three sons in such a simple way, with a vow. Created three daughters.  There were three sons already.  They were born from the word power.  They were created by worldly activities.  And she called all three and said, Son, this is your wife, this is your husband, go and settle your house.  There was no wedding procession, no relatives were present, neither frying pan was used, nor musical instruments were played. This nonsense started later.

Sacraments are joined like this. So now we are doing it the same way. And don't know how many thousands of daughters were married in such a simple way. These rituals have changed. This transaction of dowry has been cut off by the Almighty with a pen. And you children have also realised that this is really a waste of nonsense. A daughter is a sacred relation, a daughter is like a wealth form cow. She earns while she is with her parents. When she goes ahead, everyone keeps her tight like this for some days.  And she never says no. So we had kept such a sacred soul as an enemy due to our transaction debt. We started killing her in the womb. Now the daughter is not a burden by the grace of God. So these sacraments have been changed. The Almighty has cut it off with a pen. He has ended our transaction. Now we will do devotion. Even now, those who will not do devotion will remain in nonsense. Almighty has made it all so light. So how will God like them?”

So children! Now take care of this time. And become aware of the power of this God. Understand this dirty world well. You cannot live here. And keep a separate yearning inside, that it is okay to live together with the family as long as you are here. And keep everyone entangled in the words of your Almighty. And gossip less. And the nonsense of gossiping is useless. Start discussing your God when you have time. Watch some stories. Talk about some brothers and sisters, see that they were so sad, but due to the mercy of Lord, they became so happy.  This will keep the mind under control.  If after listening to the satsang, you keep talking about your household and other nonsense while sitting on the phone.  Meet him, do it with him.  So God will not be happy with this.  You will start suffering.

Garib, swar naad na deh dil, tan man nahi mukam. Kaun mahal hansa gaye, kahan liya vishram.

Garib, char mukti Baikunth Bat, sapat puri sailan. Aage dhaam Kabir ka, hans na paave jaan.

Now what is said, that these four liberation states are Vaikuntha, Sapatpuri, Brahmlok, 21 regions of the universe of Kaal.  Seven hundred quadrillion worlds of Akshar Purush Parabrahm, beyond all these there is  the place of Lord Kabir.

Garib, char mukti Baikunth Bat, sapta puri sailan.

Aage dhaam Kabir ka, hans na paavai jaan.

That one cannot reach there by ordinary devotion or by devotion to Kaal.  What is said for that, one has to come in the shelter of this Supreme Father Supreme God, in the shelter of Kabir Saheb.

Garib, kaaya Kashi man Magahar, dohu ke madhy Kabir. Kashi taj Maghar gaya, paaya nahi shareer.

Garib, kaaya Kashi mun Maghar, arsh kursi beech mukam. Jahaan julaidi ghar kiya, aadi ant vishram.

Children! God says that Weaver resides in Satlok. To go there, you need a Complete Guru. And you have to remove the vices of your mind. Like, you have taken mantra and do a lot of service, you do devotion, it is a good thing. And if there is the same upheaval and defects, hatred, greed and indulgence in the mind, then what devotion did you do?

Once upon a time, Gopichand and Bhartari, both were kings. And there is no shortage of money with the kings. All happiness, money, diamonds, pearls, ruby. To attain God, they left all that happiness and became disciples of Gorakhnath ji. They became completely ascetic. They used to wear only a loincloth on their body. They held a Karamandal, as is their attire, they held it. One day Gopichand and Bhartari were going at night. The moonlight was good. Someone had spit on the road after eating betel. And its bubble was formed.

They were both going there. So in the moonlight, that bubble sparkled. Bhartari thought that this was Rubby, a red diamond. He immediately hit his hand to pick it up. His hand sank in the spit. And Gopichand laughed. Gopichand said, "Nath ji! What did you find? How did you sit down while walking? He said, "Oh, this is amazing. He said that someone had spit. I thought it was rubby." Gopichand laughed a lot. Said, "well, you couldn’t get over from ruby yet?" He Said, "Brother, this mind is very bad. I thought I would pick it up, what will it do lying  here? Will do bhandara somewhere, will spend it." He Said okay.

So Garib Das ji says.  Garib Das ji gives one more example.

Garib bera saantai bechiya, bairagar sultan. Malin ko jaana nahi, bebuddhi khanchataan.

Garib, ser ber paladai chadhe, ek pada bho maanhi. Malin aur sultan ku, hilkare le jaahi.

Dhaai lakh ki paavdi, ek paise ka ber. Dekh Adham sultan koon, kaisi daari mer. –Oho--

It is said that shoes were worth two and a half lakhs. In which ruby and diamonds, emeralds were attached. And the berry is worth one paisa. That is, the gardener said that I will give the berry for two and a half annas per ser. Two and a half annas per ser. Sultan was hungry when he left the house. And had renounced everything, had wrapped a blanket, a shawl on his body. And was wearing expensive shoes. He was dying of hunger, so he said give me berries. And you keep these two shoes. It is worth two and a half lakhs. She weighed berries worth two and a half annas, one ser. And kept the shoes. While weighing, one berry fell down from the scale. Sultan picked it up quickly. And the gardener put her hand on it, saying it is mine. Sultan says it’s mine.

Now God says that

yah dekh Adham Sultan ne, kaise chhodi mer ?

That is, what greed has been given up?  Well!  You are harbouring such greed deep inside your mind.  That nonsense.  Tell, he didn't think that you were wearing shoes worth Rs 2.5 lakh.  Why is he talking nonsense over berries worth a penny?  So we will have to remove all these vices. You will have to raise your intellect so high. 

Such is the behaviour of worldly people.  But after renouncing everything, God says he slapped him and he Came back in real form.  Said to him  ‘good man! What kingdom have you given up?  You are roaming around with the kingdom inside you. He  realised his mistake.  Maharaj, this mind is very low. 

See how much nonsense has been filled.  A big mistake is made.  Almighty!  Have mercy.

So Children! In this way you will also have to rise a little higher.  For the sake of God, one should not put any hurdle on small matters.  Whatever may be the customs of worldly people, keep your religious principles ahead.  Because of that you will rise up.

Garib, naulakha Nanak naad mein, das lakh Gorakh teer. Lakh dat sangi sada, charano charch Kabir.

Garib, nau lakh nad mein, das lakh Gorakh paas. Anant sant pad mein mile, koti tire Ravidas.

Garib, Ramanand se lakshya guru, taare shishya ke bhaaye. Chelon ki ginti nahi, pad mein rahe samaaye.

Garib, khoji Khalik ko mile, gyaani ke upadesh. Satguru Peer Kabir hai, sab kahu upadesh.

Garib, Durvasa aur Garuda se, kinya gyaan samod. Arab Ramayan mukh kahi, Valmiki koon shodh.

God, whoever is engaged in devotion, he meets all his Children. Met Durvasa, met Garuda.  Met Kagbhushand, met Shivji, met Vishnu ji, met Brahma ji.  He meets all.  Met Goddess.  He doesn't leave anyone. Our intellect has been completely twisted by Kaal.  We did not understand this.

Now what is said is what miracle God performed in the form of Valmik in the Ashwamegh Yagya of the Pandavas.

Garib, phir Pandavon ki yagya mein, shankh pachayan ter. Dwadash koti pandit jahan, padi saban ki mer.

Garib, phir Pandavon ki yagya mein, shankh panchayan ter. Dwadash kote pandit jahan, padi saban ki mer.

That is, everyone's arrogance was gone. When God went in the form of Supach, in the form of Valmiki, and blew the conch in the Ashwamegha Yagya of Pandavas, 12 crores Pandits were sitting there.

Garib, 33 koti yagya mein aaye, sanhas athaasi saare. dvaadash koti ved ke vakta, supach ka shankh baja re.—oye hoye--

It is said that in the Sacrifice of the Pandavas, 33 crores of gods, 88 thousand sages and 12 crores Scholars who memorised Vedas and used to read them daily, could not do that work. And the conch was blown by Supach, Harijan Shudra baalmiki. That is, devotion. It is said that there is no link of the Lord with caste or religion after attaining human life. The devotion to God should be true, everything is obtained with it.

Garib, phir Pandavon ki yagya mein, shankh panchayan ter. Dwadash koti pandit jahan, padi saban ki mer.

Garib, kari Krishna Bhagwan kun, charanamrit se preet. Sankh panchayan jab baja, liya Draupadi seekh.—oye hoye--

It is said that after washing the feet of Valmik, Shri Krishna ji drank it.  And Draupadi drank it then  the conch sounded.

Garib, dwadash koti pandit jahan, aur Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Charan liye Jagadish kun, jisko ratata Shesh.

Garib Das ji is saying that there were 12 crore Pandits, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh.  And Krishna Ji, whom even Sheshnag worships, touched the feet of that Balmik and drank nectar of his feet.  Everyone is misled.  Sheshnag also considers Shri Krishna and Vishnu Ji as God  And now you know who God is?  So, the task could not be accomplished with even the one whom you consider to be Supreme power, and the conch was blown by a Balmik from the lower caste.  Precious work was done.

Now Children! Ponder! whom we considered to be God, all of them failed in front of God Kabir Ji. It is said

Garib, dwadash koti pandit jahan, aur Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Charan liye Jagadish ne, jisko ratata Shesh.

Garib Valmiki ke Baal Sam, nahin tino lok. surnar munijan Krishan samet, pandav pai pokh.

Children! You used to hear this in the Mahabharata too. And they used to tell, the question used to arise, that brother, the conch did not blow from Krishna ji and how did it blow from that Balmik Supach Sudarshan? And whatever answer our religious guru used to give, we used to believe it to be true. Because we ourselves did not know. They used to say that Sudarshan was his supreme devotee. God gives glory to the devotee. It now comes to mind. 33 crore gods, 88 thousand sages, 12 crore Brahmins, did he not have any devotee among them? Shri Krishna ate the bread. Shivaji ate it. Brahma ji ate food. It's now understood what this story was.

So this was Tatvgyan. This was entangled in nine pounds of thread.

Kabir Saheb says – 

Nau man soot uljhiya, rishi rahe jhak maar. Satguru aisa suljha de, uljhe na duji bar."

Now this nine pounds of thread has been untangled. Now it will not get tangled in this Kali Yuga.

So children! The Almighty has done amazing, He broke the pen on you. He gave you such a decisive spiritual knowledge. Look, you receive education, that is a good thing. You have done engineering, become a doctor. You have become an IAS, IPS. Or you have gone into the teaching line. This is just daily bread work. There is no other benefit from this. And this daily bread is not available to everyone. There are so many children who study, receive education. God has given you this education so that you can get your welfare done.

Otherwise, God Kabir, Garibdas ji has explained

Koti janam tane bharmat ho gaye, kuch nahi haath lagya re. Kukar sookar khar bhaya bore, kauwa hans buga re."

"Koti janm tun raja kinha, mite nahi man ki aasa. Bhikshuk hokar dar-dar ghuma, mila na nirgun raasa."

"Indr Kuber Ish ki padvi, Brahma Varun Dharma raya. Vishnunath ke pur ko jakar, tu phir apootha aaya."

Now it's okay, you consider this as final.  Son and daughter studied very well and got very good jobs.  wah-wah-wah and now it is said

"Inder Kuber Ish ki padvi, Brahma Varun Dharmraya. Vishnunath ke pur ko jakar, phir bhi vapis aaye."

"Garib, teen lok ka raj, jai jeev ko koi de. Laakh badhai kya karein, jai nahi naam se neh.”

A small post or position or become a Chief Minister, Prime Minister. Leave these things, there is nothing in these things. A creature is not worth a penny who does not have true devotion. The grace that the Lord has bestowed on you, virtuous souls! You are not ordinary souls. It has been 27 years for the servant to sing the glory of God with this voice. I am the dog of God. It is his instruction, order, so I am waking you up, virtuous souls. Barking. And when the dog barks, the owner must understand that there is some problem. Must get up and wake up. Must look around. Should take care of your wealth. Open your eyes. Sacrifice yourself.

This servant is not a fool who is saying it again and again. I have no selfishness from you. But your future, your misery, is visible to this servant. Your such misery has happened countless times. You have been kicked by becoming dogs, donkeys, pigs. And still you are not afraid? Now this intoxication of you people should come down.  I just speak, you listen, do not make this a sheep’s bean. Sacrifice yourself for Him. Get attached to God. Cling to Him. Sacrifice yourself. This is not a matter of saying and listening, it is a matter of doing. Was Garib Das Ji a fool to write such a thick book? Did God have any greed from you that he suffered for 120 years in this dirty world among us. You are his children. You are his soul. He is our father, our mother. He is everything. He is a brother, he is a sister.

Tavmev mata cha pita tavmev, bandhu cha sakha tavmev. Tavmev vidya cha dravinam

You are my knowledge and wealth God.

Tavmev sarvam deva deva.

O God of Gods!  O Lord of Lords!  You are my everything, this feeling should be yours children.

He is our father, He is our father, He is our mother, He is our brother.  He only is our true companion or friend, if you will ponder.  On whom you are sitting with your face washed, on whom you are taking support.  Even if the Prime Minister is your friend, the Prime Minister himself dies, what support did he have? Prime Minister dies himself, what protection can he provide?  And this God is also a companion here, when you will leave this world, children, then also he is a companion. Forgetting such a companion, you are sitting with your eyes closed. Open these eyes. Open it children! Die to get this Lord.   May God give you wisdom.  May you always remember this dirty world.  May your future not become hell.  May he give you salvation.

Sat Sahib.



FAQs : "Special Message Part 11: Difference between Swan and Crow"

Q.1 What is the real home of human beings?

The real home of human beings is described as the eternal realm beyond the cycle of birth and death, a place where true happiness resides. This knowledge is revealed by the Supreme God Kabir Ji and emphasized by the Satguru.

Q.2 Why do suffering and misery occur in the lives of beings like dogs, donkeys, and pigs?

Suffering and misery occur in the lives of these beings due to the consequences of their past actions (karma) and their separation from true spiritual knowledge. Understanding this is essential for realizing the path to liberation.

Q. 3. Why is human life considered precious?

Human life is considered precious because it provides the unique opportunity to attain liberation through devotion and understanding of true spiritual knowledge, which other forms of life do not offer.

Q.4 What role does Satguru play in a devotee's spiritual journey?

Satguru is crucial in a devotee's spiritual journey as he imparts true spiritual knowledge, guides the soul towards liberation, and helps the devotee overcome the illusions of the material world.

Q.5 How does one ensure that spiritual teachings have a lasting impact?

To ensure that spiritual teachings have a lasting impact, devotees must listen attentively to satsangs, contemplate the teachings, and integrate them into their daily lives. Merely attending without applying the teachings will not lead to spiritual progress.

Q.6.How does the swan's behavior differ from the crow's?

The swan symbolizes a true devotee who has attained spiritual wisdom and the ability to discriminate between truth and falsehood, while the crow represents a worldly person who is attached to material pleasures and ignorant of spiritual knowledge.

Q.7 How does true spiritual knowledge help in overcoming difficulties in life?

True spiritual knowledge helps in overcoming difficulties by providing a deeper understanding of life's purpose and the transient nature of worldly challenges. It empowers devotees to face hardships with the confidence that they are on the path to liberation.

Q.8 Why is the remembrance of God emphasized in every aspect of life?

Remembrance of God is emphasized because it keeps the soul aligned with its true purpose, preventing distractions by materialistic desires. Constant remembrance helps in maintaining a spiritual focus and strengthens devotion.


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Ananya Sharma

Why do I feel drawn to the words of Kabir Saheb Ji whenever I read them? I feel a deep connection to his Vaani, and this article seems to resonate with my soul. However, I'm confused about the article's depiction of Kabir as God.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your thoughtful engagement with our article. Kabir Saheb Ji is indeed the Almighty God and the creator of all, as evidenced by various scriptures and the couplets of saints who encountered God. Numerous references from the holy texts of different religions affirm that Kabir Saheb Ji is the Supreme God. The words of God inherently resonate with the soul, which is why you feel drawn to the couplets of God Kabir Ji. For a deeper understanding, we recommend reading the book “Gyan Ganga” and listening to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Vishnu Nagar

The article provides profound insights into the purpose of human life and its preciousness. However, I struggle with the idea of leaving worldly things behind for salvation, even though I want to escape the cycle of birth and death. Is there a solution?

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your questions regarding our article. According to our holy scriptures, worshiping God does not require abandoning worldly responsibilities. Many saints have achieved salvation while fulfilling their worldly duties, and this path is currently taught by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He offers the true mantra and method of worship for salvation, which brings immense benefits in both this life and the hereafter. Human life is indeed precious, and its true success lies in receiving initiation from a complete saint. For further guidance, we suggest reading "Gyan Ganga" and listening to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

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