
Sat Saheb

Hail Satguru Dev!

Hail to Bandi Chhor Kabir Sahib Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Garib Das  Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Swami Ram Devanand Ji Guru Maharaj Ji.

Hail to Bandi Chhor Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.

Hail to all the saints.

Hail to all the devotees.

Hail to the righteous men.

Hail to Shri Kashi Abode.

Hail to Shri Chhudani Abode.

Hail to Shri Karontha Abode.

Hail to Shri Barwala Abode.

Sat Sahib


Garib namo namo Sat Purush kun, namaskar Guru keenhi.Surnar munijan saadhva, santon sarvas deenhi.

Satguru Sahib Sant sab, Dandautam pranam. Aage peechhe madhya huye, tin kun ja kurbaan.

Kabir satguru ke upadesh ka, suniya ek vichar. Jai satguru milte nahin, jaate narak dwar.

Narak dwar mein doot sab, karte khichaantan. Unse kabahu nahin chhoota, firata charon khan.

Kabir char khani mein, bharmata kabahu na lagta paar. So phera sab mit gaya, mere satguru ke upkaar.

Jai jai satguru mere ki, jai jai satguru mere ki.

Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, amarpuri ke dere ki.

Jai jai satguru mere ki, Jai jai satguru mere ki.

Sada Sahibi sukh se basiyo, satlok ke dere ki.

Nirvikaar nirbhay tuhi, aur sakal bhaymaan.

Eji sadhu aur sakal bhaymaan. Sab par teri sahibi, sab par teri Sahibi tujh par sahib na. Nirvikaar Nirbhay.


Children, by the infinite grace of Supreme Father Supreme God Kabir Ji, you got the knowledge of your home Satlok. Got acquainted with the conspiracy of Kaal. Listen to one thing especially carefully and keep it in your heart. Children!  Today, this God's grace that is happening has not happened like this till date. And what is happening from where?  Kaal has done whatever injustice he wanted to do to us. But Garib Das ji says that God protects his children like in the war of Mahabharata, where fire arrows were released, Sudarshan Chakra was moving and he kept the eggs of a Titihari bird safe. Whatever the reason was made.  So Children!  The message that God is giving you today is not an ordinary thing. Now when you go to school, the teacher teaches you, you go to school, there is a holiday, on that day there is fun and the children are very happy, wow wow.  So this means that going to school is compulsory but it is not a happy thing.

And we feel happy the day we get a holiday.  But somehow we kept doing that work also.  Keep going.  The teacher warns us every day, listen carefully.  sit down.  Sit in line.  Pay attention to what I am saying.  So we sit alert.  And listen to each and every thing I say.  He leaves after giving his lecture and we jump around.  No problem.  Do that too.  But what was heard also does not go in vain.  Whatever the teacher has told also made a special place in heart.  And we kept doing the rest of the activities like playing, jumping and working.  Similarly children!  Those children studied like this and acquired such amazing knowledge.  That knowledge was acquired by listening to the teacher.  Due to which they got a very good job today.  And got support in business.

Similarly, the daily Discourses which are being narrated to you, Lord showered mercy because you did not use to listen to the  discourse daily.  You have accepted that we have got all the knowledge that's it.  Prayer was performed in the morning, evening and afternoon.  Did the mantra.  That's all.  While doing all this, there should be a special light of this knowledge in the heart, it should remain spontaneously with us.  Then that devotion will be safe.  Otherwise, sooner or later, this mind will make you waver again. 

So Children!  The knowledge that is being given to you is a special veto power of the Supreme Father,  liberator God Kabir, a unique blessing in the world.  And this new system has been given by Bandi Chhod (Oye Hoye hoye) while sitting at home listening to Almighty's True knowledge . Well, sitting at home, sitting on the bed, if it's cold, sitting under the quilt, oh God!  Such kind and Gracious!  Gives us so much happiness.  And he himself lived in this dirty world for 120 years.  Passed time inside a hut.  He leaves no stone unturned in whatever he does, he is a complete hero, a complete acting actor. 

Whatever acting he comes for, he leaves no stone unturned.  Till today he was finalized as a weaver, Dhanak and a poet.  He was god.  He is god.  And He will remain god.  He was God.  He is the same today, He will be the same in future too.  Nothing else.  There is nothing beyond this.  This knowledge came to us now when we saw God with our eyes from all the scriptures and the great men who saw God by going up.  Through their thoughts, their sacred words and their affidavits, it is proved to you that Kabir, the Weaver of Kashi is Almighty God.

Garib anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahi bhaar. Satguru purush Kabir hai, yeh kul ke srijan haar.

Garib sab padvi ke mool hain, sakal siddhi hain teer. Daas Garib satpurush bhajo, avigat kala Kabir –Oye hoye--

The creator of the infinite universe is God Kabir.   “Anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahi bhaar”.  That is, after creating so many universes, he has kept them flying in the air just as scientists have made airplanes and rockets to go to the moon and have gone there.  The man went while sitting, it is flying on its own.  Similarly, God created all the universes and they are all roaming freely within.

Anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahi bhaar. Satguru purush Kabir hai, yeh kul ke sirjanhaar.

Sab padvi ke mool hain, sakal siddhi hain teer. Daas Garib satpurush bhajo, avigat kala Kabir.

That God has all the Spiritual Powers, innumerable, all the accomplishments.  Here there are eight Spiritual Powers and nine Sidhis. This much Riddhi and Spiritual Power is all they have.  And through this devotion, you will get 24 Spiritual Power through true Mantra, Satnaam. Twenty four.  But don't even look at these Spiritual powers.  Don't use them either.

Kabir Sahib Garibdas ji Says

shabad mahal mein siddh chaubisa. Hans bichhode bisave beesa. Chaubiso ko na man chaahave. So hansa satlok sidhaave.

One who does not want these 24 accomplishments will go to Satlok.

Yahan ek siddhi sab saagar peewee.

Sage Agastya received it.  Till date the praises have been sung.  Drank the entire ocean.

Ek siddhi bahu jug jeeve. Ek siddhi tan hans nyaara. Ek siddhi jal pair na laayi. Ek siddhi aakashe ud jaai.

Sage Sukhdev had one Spiritual Power of flying in the sky. In that he became Chief and thought there is no one equal to me.  So this is a lack of spiritual knowledge.  Which was hurting till today. 

Now you have complete spiritual knowledge, children.  And we will have to act accordingly.  Kabir Saheb says,

Kabir peeche laga jaun tha, mein lok ved ke saath. Raste mein satguru mil gaye, deepak de diya haath.

That in this journey of devotion, I was traveling on the basis of legends, that is, I was doing devotion.  It was in this path of devotion I met Satguru.

So Children! Kabir Sahib tells you that because you were engaged in this path of devotion, you also found a true Guru.  If you were not interested in devotion, you would not have come towards God.

Garib sadhu seti maskari yah choro naal khushahaal.

Mal akhaada jeetenge , yugan- yugan ke maal.

You have tried hard in the desire of God for ages. You have not backed down in any birth. But this is due to ignorance.  This lack of spiritual knowledge and Tatvgyan was hurting us till today. 

Look at the sages, they did so many difficult penances, they surrendered  completely, they sacrificed themselves. But nothing could be achieved. Appreciate your luck. How easily God is going to be attained to you. Confused by Kaal. Kabir Sahib says,

peeche lagya jaun tha, mein lok ved ke saath.

As seen I was doing devotion, by hearsay knowledge. based on folklore. He is telling us, what has he to do? He is telling us, since you were on this path of devotion,  you have also found a true Guru.

Or Marg mein satguru mil gaye, deepak de diya haath.

Gave a torch in the form of True Spiritual knowledge. Gave a torch, gave a lamp, gave a light.

Now we will walk in its light, children. So we will walk on the straight path in the darkness, we will not wander. We will not wander in the darkness of ignorance.

Tatv bhed koi na kahe re jhoomakara. paise oopar naach suno rai jhoomakara..

kotyon madhy koi nahin re jhoomakara. arabon mein koi garak suno rai jhoomakara..

Garib Das ji had told Ramrai alias Jhoomkara ji that ‘brother, no one calls this True Spiritual Knowledge, Tatvgyan.  They don't even know it. They just talk nonsense. They have no knowledge.  And “ye paise oopar naach” they are focused only on adding money by creating their own pretence.  And this True Spiritual knowledge that I have told you will not be found in millions of people. 

“Arabon mein koi garak suno rai jhoomakara.” –oye hoye–

Gark in billions means complete in all respects. That means complete in every way.  How?- He should have the right to give initiation from the Complete Gurudev.  Have complete spiritual knowledge of all the scriptures.  And he should have the complete method of salvation, devotion. And should have this true spiritual knowledge. You will get this one in billions, in billions.  The world's population has reached about seven and a half billion people. Apart from Servant, at present no one knows this knowledge.  My Gurudev knew, Sant Garibdas Ji knew and Almighty God Kabir knew.

Children! This is the right time predetermined by God which has come today. See at the fixed time

Ghar Ghar bodh vichaar ho, durmatee doore bahaye, Kalyug mein sab ek ho bartein sahaj swabhaav||

Today, God Himself has reached every house. He has given such instruments to the children. Discussion of God is happening in every house. And books are being distributed. Through social media, people are reading, listening. It has become a topic of discussion. It is God's grace. They are also His children. We are also His children.

So children! Those who are confused by Kaal, God Kaal had said to Almighty, "When you come, your messenger will come, you will send your messenger, before that I will make them based on all the wrong knowledge, wrong stories, wrong practices. I will make them firm. Will make them staunch. They will not be ready to listen to anyone who shows them the true path.

Now, as a Brahmin Pandit named Sarvananda was considered a scholar. He used to carry the Vedas and Puranas on a bull for Spiritual debates. He said to his mother, "Mother! change my name to Sarvajit. I have defeated everyone in the Spiritual debate." His mother had a very serious illness. She was a Brahmin. God was from the Shudra caste, a weaver Dhanak. But many Brahmins who had come to the refuge of God were her relatives. They also explained, she did not agree. One day, the Almighty reached her neighborhood.

Sau Chhalchidr main krun, Apne Jan ke Kaaj

Reached there for his daughter.  Organized a discourse in the neighborhood.  Sarvanand's mother came, with the intention that I will take the test. I will not be recognized by anyone.  I Brahmin have come to weaver with a veil on my face. She was very sad. There was a lot of suffering. She had got done all the incantation, worshiped her Gods and Goddesses. His son Sarvanand had also tried his best. There was no benefit received. She came wearing a veil. At that time, people wore long, old-fashioned clothes that covered their faces, so it was impossible to recognize them. She used to cover face with a stole. God was sitting in front. Just like the person doing discourse sits in front, the rest of the devotees sit in front.  Everyone was touching Guru Ji's feet and sitting down. She went too, Sarvanand's mother, Sharada. She touched his feet, bowed her head, and guru Ji placed his hand on her head and said "Sarvanand's mother, how did you end up coming to a weaver's house? You are a Brahmin. Your religion must have been corrupted."

As soon as He placed His hand on her head, the terrible disease that she had been suffering, she came there with difficulty, was cured. She  became healthy. She immediately removed her veil and fell at His feet. From that day on, she was no longer in pain, and she took initiation and began to practice devotion.

Then Sarvanand said to his mother, "Mother, rename me Sarvajit." His mother said, "Son, what's wrong with the name Sarvanand? It's a very good name." "But Mother, I have defeated everyone in debate. I want everyone to know that I am Sarvajit.". She said ‘Son, I will keep your name but first, you must defeat my guru Ji." Who is your guru Ji?"

"Kabir," she said. "That illiterate Kabir weaver? God was  well-known. Everyone knows, he has defeated many scholars." But they were still arrogant. He said, "I will defeat him, and will return quickly.  She said, ‘brother, I will not agree like this, get it written.  Or write it down and get his thumb impression’.

That this is for sure.  Then, for the purpose of Spiritual debate he loaded all of his scriptures in a sack, including the Vedas, Puranas, and Upanishads, onto a bullock cart. And God showed such mercy that he felt so thirsty in the afternoon when he started entering the weavers' colony.  There was a well where God's sworn daughter Kamali was filling water.  Shekhtaki's girl who was buried in the grave after her death. God had kept her after reviving as his daughter.  The Almighty made him so thirsty that he was about to die.  And said ‘daughter! quickly give me water. I would die thirsty’.

He folded both hands, and the girl gave him water to drink from the bucket.  After drinking water, he looked around and saw, at that time, Pandit Brahmin was considered a god and used to live 10 feet away from Shudras.  When he came to the colony, weavers came out and were all around looking at him, how did this Brahmin come today?  He saw that you were insulted, what would they say?  weavers were looking standing there.  He thought that his honor had been completely destroyed.  What will people say that he drank water from a weaver's well? From Shudras? And honor was ruined.  So he started threatening the girl to save his honor. ‘Hey girl!  Which caste's well is this?’ The girl Kamali said, ‘Maharaj ji!  Pandit ji!  Only weavers' wells would be there in a weavers' colony. 

‘Why didn't you tell me earlier that this was a weavers' well?  You have corrupted my religion’. The girl laughed at first.  Said ‘Pandit ji!  When you were about to die.  You did not see any caste etc. Only Life was visible.  Now your stomach is full, you got the point.  You should have asked earlier. Why should I say that first?  You were about to die’.

Oh Pandit! Sur Gyaani. Pooch Piya Kyon Na Paani. Oh Pandit Sur Gyaani. Tune Pooch Piya Kyon Na Paani.

Paap Kare So Neech Kahavai. Yehi Baat Parmaani. Daya Dharma Hai Jinke Ghat Mein Soi Uchhe Praani.

Haad Chaam Mutra Aur Bishta Inki Deh Mein Khani. Aise Tan Ka Maan Karai Tu, Teri Buddhi Kahaan Bikaani.

Chaam Jharat Aur Haad Jharat Hai Jhar Jhar Aavat Paani. Gaay Ke Doodh Ki Kheer Jeem Li, Jab Na Kari Glaani.

Jal Ki Machhli Jal Mein Byahi, Jal Hi Mein Mar Jaani. Sootak Paatak Maahi Ghul Gaye, O Piya Tain Paani.

Raah Raaste Ki Swachhata Hoti Hai, Kahe Kamali Pramaani. Shuddhi Ashuddhi Kuch Na Jaani, Doob Mare Abhimaani.

‘Oh Pandit ji!  You should have inquired earlier.  If you take so much tension, believe in casteism and now  listen

“Paap Kare So Neech Aatma.”

This is true. 

Aur Daya Dharma Hai Jinke dil Mein Soi Uchhe Praani. 

Listen, your body is made of bones and skin. This skin is wrapped around urine, flesh, and stool. You carry all this inside And from outside you say that you are very clean. Where has your intelligence gone? –Oye hoye--

Aise Tan Ka tu Maan Karai, Teri Buddhi Kahaan Bikaani.

Then explained that just as the skin, flesh, milk, urine, and dung of a cow or buffalo are all around the milk in a separate organ, and you eat the kheer made from that milk. So why didn't you feel ashamed of the cow and buffalo?

She told many such things. She said that cleanliness is on the path. There is nothing in the nuisance, Panditji.

Then he said, "Hey girl! Listen, You speak too much. Where is Kabir?"

She  said "Who Kabir?" Kabir!

Then she said:

"Kabir Ka Ghar Shikhar me, Jahan Saleli Gail. Panv Na Tike Papil ke Tu Pandit laad Raha Bail”

Kabir's house is at the peak, in the highest abode, in Satlok. Even an ant has not been able to go there. You are carrying all the scriptures on the back of a bull. Will you go like this?”

He said, "Hey! You talk nicely."

She said, "I am talking nicely. What else should I say?”

Where is Kabir's house in this colony?

The girl said, "Come with me, Panditji. I am His daughter."

The girl went and he stood at the gate. He said, daughter! "Come back once,."

She said  "Yes?" He said, "Fill my pot with water." He was carrying a Kamandal. The girl filled it up. He said, "Fill it more, fill it more." The girl filled it up. He said, "Take it." The girl went and told , "A pandit is coming and he is saying that he wants to talk to you. It seems that he has come to argue with you."

God said, "Daughter, this is a daily occurrence. Let him come.”

He told the girl, Kamali "Take it carefully and give it to Kabir. Tell him to give me the answer to my question."

The girl took the pot gently so that the water would not spill. Went to Guru ji and said, "Guruji, he is saying Give this to him and tell what he answers."

God put a thick needle into the pot, the water spilled out and the needle went to the bottom of the pot.

Kabir Saheb said, "Give him back and give it to him. That Answer has been given."

She took it back. Asked what did he answer my question?" She said, I don't know the answer.  Don't even know the question? Guruji, Father Put a needle in it.  And Guru ji, father said, ‘daughter! give it to him, answer has been given’.

Then he came inside and said, "Hey Kabir, what is the answer given to my question?" He stood so far away.

God said, "What was your question?”

Sarvananda Said my question is that I want to change my name to Sarvajit from my mother. I have defeated all the other Pandits and scholars. My mother has put a condition on me to defeat you in a debate. Then She will give me the name Sarvajit. Write your defeat. You will not be able to stand in front of me.

My question was that ‘I am so much filled with knowledge like the pot was filled with water. The water is filled up to the top. Your knowledge will not get inside me. I have complete knowledge."

God said, "Listen to my answer. My knowledge is such that it will throw out your ignorance like this needle that I put into your pot. It went to the bottom of your pot and the water spilled out."

Hearing this he said Well, "Okay, then ask your question."

Kabir Sahib said, "Who is the father of Brahma? Who is the mother of Vishnu? Who is the grandfather of Shankar? Tell us.”

Now he started to stammer. He said, "They have no parents. They are immortal-eternal. They are like this, like that. They are eternal- immortal. They are the masters of the entire creation."

Almighty said, "You carry the Vedas around. Is it written anywhere in the Gita or Vedas that they are  masters of the entire creation?"

He  said, "Yes, it is written. That is why I am saying it."

Now this was the problem. He was saying that it is  written, but Kabir Sahib said ‘it is not written’.

Who would explain this to them? So, today things have become clear.

When he could not answer the question, Garib Das ji has made a comment on it, a very beautiful “Ang” has been created.

“Karani Bina Kathani ka Ang”

"Garib kathni ke soore ghaney, kathai atambar gyaan. Yam ke dwaare jayenge, shabad hamara maan.

Garib kathni ke soore ghaney, kathai atambar gyaan. Paarakh nahi prem ki, so kathni pahan jaan.

Kathni means those who have memorized the scriptures and keep reciting them.  And do all the practice contrary to them.

Garib kathni ke soore ghaney, ghar mein kehte gyaan. Bahar jawab na aave hi, leed karein maidan.”

(Oye Hoye) Like before, there used to be the race of horses, and when the race used to start, the weak horses would start pooping in the middle by standing. Why? They didn't have the courage to run, they didn't have the courage. So it is said that Garib kathni ke soor ghaney, ghar mein kehte gyaan. That is, they were becoming scholars in their respective circles. When God asked the question, Sarvananda started pooping.

He said that they don't have parents,  this and that. God said ‘brother, okay, when you don't agree, then tell what do you want?’ To write that you lost he said.  ‘Yes, I lost. Who would hit the head with such fools?’

Jo Sacche ko to Jhutha Batavein, In Jhutho ka Aitbaar

Then all the listeners started clapping, proving Sarvananda's victory. What does Kabir know about the Vedas? He Lies. They don't even have parents.

So Children! Now Sarvananda said that ‘it is nowhere in the Vedas and Puranas, it is not written in Gita like this. You lie. Neither, it is written in the Puranas that they have parents”. So all the listeners, especially the weavers gathered there, seeing what happened to them today. We will listen to what they tell, and what will be the talks. Everyone clapped in support of Sarvananda. That they cannot have parents at all. And they all sang such songs. God said ‘brother, okay, I lost. You won. Say what do you want now? Go do your work’. So he said ‘no, write it down. Then my mother will believe’. God said ‘okay, write it down, I am illiterate. I am uneducated’. The Brahmin wrote it – ‘Sarvananda won in the scriptural debate and Kabir lost’. Got God's thumbprint.

He came to his mother and said, Mother!  He absolutely lost it as soon as I went. I have defeated all the great scholars." Mother said, "Read and tell me." He began to read quickly, "In the Spiritual debate, Sarvanand was defeated, Kabir won." As soon as he said this Mother said, ‘oh son, you have come back after losing.  I had said that if you come back victorious then I will call Sarvajeet’. He looked at the writing again and again, wondering How did this mistake happen? " He said, "Mother, I am the one who has written it wrongly.  Now I am going again.  Yes go brother.  Went again. His mother said, "Yes, go, brother." He went again and said, "Kabir, I wrote it wrong by mistake. I will rewrite.” My mother didn't agree. Write it down, I will put my thumbprint on it again.

He then read it two-three times and then got a thumbprint.  Then he came and said, ‘look mother, a mistake was made.  should I tell?’ Yes, tell my son.  ‘Sarvajit lost in debate’, did not read further.  She said ‘brother, I have understood next.  Kabir won’. He said Mother! again it was a mistake, I should go again’.  Went again.  Now for the third time when he got it written and  brought it.  From his side, he wrote, when he started entering the gate that  it is fine till now, what happens after going inside.  What happens?  Reading, reading, reading, reading like this, he went near his mother. The letters changed.  Sarvanand lost, Kabir won.  His mother said, ‘why don't you speak?  Read scholar’.  Didn't speak, no breathing up or down.

His mother said, "Son, God is coming Almighty. Why are you destroying your karma? Make your life successful. My life will be successful. I was so worried for that day that my son, who loves God so much, would go to hell. Go and take Initiation, Son.”  So he said, ‘Mother, I am feeling ashamed, please get me initiated’.  When Sarvanand's mother took him along.  And said ‘Maharaj!  Accept your son.  Then all the Brahmins became enemies and opponents of Sarvanand. 

So Children!  Till today this lightning was falling like this.  There were such wrong paths.  Now God has blessed you.  You got the true knowledge which was not available on earth till date.  There was not even a speck anywhere.  (Oye hoye) God had made sworn.

"Dharamdas, Meri Lakh Duhai, Yah Mool Gyan Kahin Bahar Na Jayi.

Do not share such knowledge anywhere right now. 

Yah Mool Gyan Bahar Jo padihi

In the hands of these fake saints, this Radha Soami, Dhan Dhan Satguru, these Jai Gurudev, all these are absolutely fake.  They don't even know the A B C D of spiritual knowledge.  And if this knowledge was earlier propagated somewhere in the book then they had  just taken it from Kabir Sahib's speech and added it into their separate knowledge.  Even they could not understand this properly.  So then they would also share the same knowledge that Servant is telling.  And they would have given Same mantra.  So today how could you believe that I am right, I am authorized.  And they are not authorized.  Now their knowledge has also become wrong, their devotion has also become wrong. It is in front of you. 

So Children!  Be extremely thankful 100-100 times for the blessings that Almighty has bestowed on you.  Now what is said? Let me tell you a few more speeches from ‘Kathani Ka Ang’.

Garib, kathni kathi to kya hua, shabad na cheenha chor. Upar dikhat sadh hai, bheetar kathin kathor.

Memorize the words, you have memorized Gita, you have memorized Vedas, but you do not know the mantra that will lead to liberation. And because of that, humility has not come. Subordination did not come. If someone speaks even a little, you are ready to cut and kill. You get angry.

Garib kathni kathi to kya hua, shabad na cheenha chor. Upar dikhat sadhu hai, bheetar kathin kathor.

Garib kathni ke soore ghane, yeh karni kirka nahin. Mujhe andesha bahut hai, yeh avadhoo kit kun jaaye. ---Oye hoye--

Garib, Kathni ke  These warriors of words, who do nonsense will be found a lot.

Garib Gorakh se gyaani ghane, aur Sukhdev jati jahaan. Sita si bahu bhariya, sant door asthaan.

Garib warriors of words will stand up and give beautiful sermons and deliver such witty Speech that they mesmerize the audience and the listeners feel that these are the real devotees and saints.

Aur karni kirka nahin.

Kirka means that they aren't even a particle of true devotion. I know very well about where these people will go. They will go to hell.”

Garib kathni se kaaraj nahin, karni kiriya loye. Shabad sindhu mein mil raho, aaga-peeche khoye.

Garib kathni kela vriksha hai, thotha thook biloye. Jis paide satguru gaye, voh mag lijai joye. ---oho--

Their words are like a banana tree. You pluck one leaf, then another leaf, but in the end, there is nothing left. Just leaves. Useless. That is, they are speaking useless nonsense.

Chautha Thook biloye

Follow the path that Kabir Sahib took. Took that path. Without devotion, this soul suffers so much. The soul wants to do devotion, but cannot find the path.

"Garib Das Ji says,

Satguru aaye Daya Kari ese dindyal. Bandi Chhor Birad Taas ka Jathragni Pratipaal

He came and showed his identity to his beloved soul, Garib Das Ji. He took him to Satlok and showed him the entire universe.

"Children look, you should first have faith that the one you are worshiping is Omnipotent Almighty. And the Devotion you are doing is the right Devotion. And the knowledge is complete.

For this, first of all, our scriptures, the holy Vedas, Gita, Puranas, and the Suksham Ved given by God, all four combined together give us information about God.

Along with this, God made Sant Garib Das Ji his witness. His eye witness. He took him up and left him down. In fact, He made six eye witnesses. And all of them said the same thing: Kabir is God.

Who Kabir? Garib Das ji has made it clear that

Hum Sultani nanak taare ,dadu ko upadesh diya. jaati julaha bhed nahi paaya, kashi mahe Kabir hua. That Kabir.

So Children, Now you should have this much faith that the knowledge that Almighty  gave and that the saints who have seen with their own eyes have told cannot be wrong. Apart from this, what we have heard and what we have been told was completely false, a folklore, all that was a lie. This is clear.

So now what is Said?

Samjha hai to Sir dhar paanv Bahur nahi re Aisa Daanv

How does this creature suffer without devotion? How does it destroy this precious life and go away? How much suffering does he have to suffer after that? Sant Garibdas Ji tells this in his Sacred Speech many times and at many places.

Children!  Pay attention.  Be dedicated.  This is not a matter of saying or listening, this is a matter of doing.  Don't take them lightly, see Servant has been preaching this for 27 years.  And before that he used to do his devotion and preach.  He used to get others' initiation from his Guruji.  This responsibility was handed over to Servant from 1994.  After that Servant has kept it on his head till today.  So the servant was clicked by this thing which Garib Das ji had said in his speech:

Sahib se chit la le re mun Garbh Gumani.

O arrogant mind!  Concentrate on God and remember God.

It is said

Nabhi kamal mein neer jamaaya, tera deenha mahal banaaye.

Neeche jatharagni jalai thi, voh din yaad karaaye.

Nain naak mukh dwaara dehi, nakh shikh saaj banaaya.

From the nails to the top of the head. Your eyes, nose, mouth, this whole body, from your beautiful nails to the top of your head, how lovely arrangements have been made.

"9 -10 maans garbh mein rakhya wahaan teri kari sahay.

Daant nahi jab doodh diya tha ami maharas khaye.


Neeche sheesh charan upar koon, --oho—vo din yaad karaye.

Neeche jatharagni jalai thi, tere lagi na taati baye.

Bahar aaya bharam bhulaya baaje tuur shahanaay. Tu hi, tu hi to chhod diya chala adham kis raah?

You had all the information in your mother's womb.  And there was fear.  And remembered everything that human life is not obtained  again and again.  And I will get my welfare done by taking initiation from a complete saint.  No one belongs to anyone. But it all gets forgotten outside. Now I will remember. I will search for a Complete saint. I will take Initiation from the true guru. I will not do evil. I will work, but I will focus more on God’s remembrance.

Now it is said,

tu hi, tu hi to chhod diya chala adham kis raah?

Now you have quit remembering God. O God! O Almighty! You remembered God in sorrow in the mother's womb . Now you have forgotten. O vile one! O worthless soul! On which path have you gone?

Daayi aayi ghutti pyaai mata gode khilai. Jo din aaj so kaal nahi re, aage hai dharmaraya.

As it is today, after death, when you go to the court of Dharmaraja, you will again be in trouble.

Dvadash varsh khelte bite, phir leenha byah karaye. Taruni naari se gharbaari, tu chala mool gavaaye.

It means that earlier, marriage used to happen at the age of 12. It is said, you were only busy with this work. Marriage happened, children were born, and the whole life was lost in their upbringing. Devotion should have been done along with it, what would have happened if you did not do it, it has been told. It is said  that marriage was done, then children were born, their upbringing. Then He died after marrying them

Phir jo din aaj so kaal nahi rahe aage phir dharmaraya.

Then he goes there again and stands with his head down. He says, "Oh God! I made a mistake. Give me human life again, God. I will not make a mistake this time." Then God shows him, "You have made such mistakes thousands of times, you worthless one. Look. All his past lives are shown to him. Then he cries, "Oh God! I made a mistake." God says, "

Achhe din pachhe gaye guru se kiya nahi het. Ab pachtaye kya kare chidiya chug gayi khet.

What is said

‘dvadash varsh khelte bite, leenha byah karaaye. Taruni naari se gharbaari, chala mool gavaaye. Raato sove janam bigove, dhundi khet kamaaye. Bina bandagi baad jaat hai, tera janam akarath jaaye. Kaare kaag gaye ghar apne, baithe svet bugaaye. Daant jaad tere ukhad gaye, ab rasna gayi tutlaaye.”


It is said that after sleeping at night, he went to the fields as soon as he woke up in the morning.  Without devotion your life is destroyed. And you have grown old, your hair has become white and your tongue has started stuttering. Teeth were uprooted.

Jam kinakar sirhane baitha kharch kade ka khaaye. Rasna beech jo mekh maar hai. Saino daam bataaye.

Now, in the end, when a completely unfortunate man dies, his tongue becomes silent. And the first thing the messengers of Yama do is to shut his tongue, so that he may not say Ram. He may not tell anyone that the messengers of Yama are standing there. And then they complete his breaths one by one. Because life is made up of breaths.

And then it is said:

aise soom bahutere jagat mein, dhara dhakya rahe jaaye. Kul ke log jangal mein lekar, phir deenha thok jaraaye.

Now the same people, the Family members will pick them up and go to the cremation ground and burn them.  From Where the body will not burn, they will break it and burn his chest.

Phir piche tu pashua kijai, gadha bail banaaye. Char pahar jangal mein dole, toh nahi udar bharaaye.

Now children! These are not just words to be said. These are not ordinary things. These are absolutely proven things. And they are one hundred percent true. So how much sorrow will it be?

In human life, see that when we are hungry, we eat food. When we are thirsty, we drink water on time. If there is any discomfort in the body, we get treatment from the doctor. When we want, we make laddoos, jalebis, or halwa-kheer as per our capability. How terrible is the plight of this creature if it does not do devotion.

Phir piche tu pashua kijai, gadha bail banaaye. Char pahar jungal mein dole, toh nahi pet bharaaye.

That is, the bull is taken to the field and ploughed into it. There is food nearby, he gets hungry, he feels like eating, but who will let him eat? 

Sir par seeng diye man bore, dum se machchhar udae.

Kandhai jua, jotai kuan kondhon ka bhus khae.—Oye hoye hoye--

It is said that you have been given horns on your head. A tail is attached to the end. Now fly insects with it, or blow air. Today look at fans, coolers, ACs and what a thing has said. But this is not a child's play, that you will get them like this. This is now you will work hard, do labour for God, serve, donate, then you will get them when you get human life. And without devotion and wrong devotion, even human life is not given. We have to get rid of the chase, we will go to Satlok.

Then what is explained :

Sir par seeng diye man bore, dum se machchhar udae.

You have one tail, make it Fan or consider it a Cooler. And the tails of many unfortunate animals are also cut off. A one-and-a-half-foot stick keeps waving. So many karmas fall on human life. Work in the fields. The straw of the millet is very thorny, being hungry he eats it.

Tooti kamar pajave chadhe, kaga maas gilaaye. Phir peeche tu khar kijayega kuradi charne jaaye.

‘Khar’ donkey. After that you will become a donkey and will go to the garbage area to eat.

Tooti kamar pajave chadhe, kaga maas gilaaye.

Oh, that’s amazing

Then he will become a donkey, and will graze in the garbage area, who are eating cashews, raisins, kheer and halwa today who are not doing devotion. And on top of that, the donkey's or mare's back breaks from putting bags or bricks. Then the potter/ owner leaves him and says, "Go." They come to the forest to fill their stomach, eat grass and the crow sits on their back and pecks at his beak and eats the meat of that burst wound. And tears fall from the eyes of that donkey or mare. No matter what animal it is. So they took this pain. So much havoc has broken down. Without this small thing. How much injustice will be done with us due to not doing devotion.

Children! Open your eyes.—Oye hoye hoye--

Phir peeche tu khar kijayega kuradi chugne jaaye. Tooti kamar pajave chadhe, tera kaga maas gilaaye.

Sukhdev ne 84 bhugati, kaha rank kaha raay. Aisi maya kalabali ki, Narad muni bharamaaye.

Dhruv Prahlad aur Kabir naamdev, rahe nishaan ghuraaye. Das Garib Kabir ka chera, shabdai shabad samaaye.

Now God's son Garib Das ji is telling that Sukhdev also became a donkey once. Now whom will he spare?  He has caused misery to the sages. 

Aisi maya kalabali ki Narad muni bhramaye. Dhruv, Prahlad, aur Kabir naamdev rahe nishan ghuraye.

That is, they believe that Dhruv and Prahlad were common man and were  liberated by doing devotion and attaining salvation. But how much did they attain? They will have a respite of 1008 yugas, equal to one day of Brahma. They will remain in heaven for the 1008 years, Brahma's one day. After that, they will come down again. It also depends on their devotion, like Dhruv will remain there for one Era.

In this way, God tells us that Kabir Sahib attained complete salvation. Salvation will now be achieved through Sarnam, Sarshabd.

Dharamdas meri Lakh duhai Sarshabd kahin bahar nahi jayi. Mool Gyan kahin bahar nahi Jayi.

Until now, God had not revealed this Sarnam, Sarshabad to anyone. Now it has been revealed.

Now Salvation will be yours, children, and it will happen easily. You are not less fortunate than Namdev, Dhruv and Prahlad. You are more fortunate than them because you will get direct salvation. They will have to take birth again sometimes in this Kaliyuga. You should accept this as true. Do not understand this as a child's talk. I am not a storyteller wasting my spit. I am saying the matter of thorns. But if you take this lightly, then the misfortune will start again.

This cycle will start again.

Yeh harahat ka kuwaan loi, ya gal bandha hai sab koi. Keedi kunjar aur avatara, harahat dore bandhe kai baara.

Children! Think that just like today's human life, if there is another human life, then the same procedure will happen. Born, educated, grew up. Then married, had children, then raised them, then died. Then let's say there are still one or two births, then again the same. Died, became old, sometimes died in the middle. Some children died, sometimes we died. Such misery is happening, get rid of it. And that time has come, children! Be firm towards God.

So What does Bandi Chhor says:

Chal hansa Satlok hamare chhodo yo sansara ho. Is sansar ka kaal hai Raja Maya jaal pasaara ho. Maya jaal pasaara ho.

Chaudah khand jaake mukh mein basat hain, sabka karat aahaara ho. Jaar-baar koyla kar daare, phir phir de avatara ho.

Phir phir de avatara ho. Brahma Vishnu Shiv tan dhariya, aur ka kaun vichaara ho. Brahma Vishnu Shiv tan  dhariya, aur ka kaun vichaara ho. Aur ka kaun vichaara ho.

Sur nar muni jan sab chhal bal maare, chaurasi mein dara ho. Madhya aakash aap jahan baitha, jyoti swaroop ujiyaara ho. Jyoti swaroop ujiyaara ho.

Wake paar ek aur nagar hai, jahan barse amrit dhaara ho. Swet swaroop phool jahan phoole, hansa karat vihara ho. Hansa karat vihara ho.Chal hansa Satlok hamare, chhodo yo sansara ho.

Chal hansa Satlok hamare, chhodo yo sansara ho. Chhodo yo sansara ho.

Koti chandra surye chhip jaave, jaake ek room chamkaara ho. Kahe Kabir suno Dharmadasa, lakhon purush darbaara ho. Lakhon purush darbaara ho.

Chal hansa Satlok hamare, chhodo yo sansara ho. Chal hansa Satlok hamare, chhodo yo sansara ho. Chhodo yo sansara ho.

Is lok ka kaal hai Raja, karam jaal pasaara ho. Chaudah khand jaake mukh mein basat hai, yeh sabka karat aahaara ho. Sabka karat aahaara ho.

God Kabir ji is saying children!  Leave this dirty world. Come to our Satlok where there is no sorrow.  And what he does, he blows on the hot rock and extracts juice.  And then gives birth.

It is said that

Brahma Vishnu Shiv tan dhariya, aur ka kaun vichaara ho. 

Whom else should I tell about, trinity god's are also within birth and death.  He eats them too. 

Sur nar muni jan sab chhal bal maare, 

Chhalbal means that by force, he makes them do wrong things. Sages went to the forest for meditation, he made their lives miserable. Some nymph was sent.  She ruined their karma and ran away.  So, he is misusing us, making women out of God's children and making men out of them and filled them with such dirty feelings. And they are engaged in destroying each other. Creation of children is being done by force. Take note.  In case your eyes may be closed somewhere.  And for whom? For his own food. He has no other purpose.  But now that you have come to the refuge of God, children! You are out of his range. Now this is your family, this is your world. And then do not remain immersed in it.  Make preparations to move ahead there. Children! You will have to maintain that yearning separately, and you too.  Then we will be able to go home and escape from this dirty world.

It is said

Sur nar muni jan sab chhal bal maare,  chaurasi mein dara ho. Madhya akash aap jahan baitha,

Above,in the twenty-first universe he is sitting. He is sitting in the sky above inside each universe.  Then it is said that

Vake Paar ek aur nagar hai

beyond this world of Kaal, there is another city

jahan barse amrit dhaara ho.

That is Satlok. 

Shwet swaroop phool jahan phule, hansa karat vihara ho. Koti chandra surya jahan chhup jaan

that is, the light of crores of moons and crores of suns also becomes pale in front of the light of one hair follicle of Him.  This is the light of one hair follicle of Almighty.

Keh Kabir suno Dharmadasa, Lakhon purush darbara ho.

Look at that court of God, that true place

Now Garib Das ji says, convinces this mind,

chal sukh saagar le jaaun re, tane man agah desh dikhaoon re. Kar sukh saagar aasanaana re, chal dekho desh deewana re. Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan koti padam ujiyaara re.

God tries to explain in every way. He explains to us by making our mind a recipient.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan tat shabad jhankaar re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan koti padam ujiyaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan koti padam ujiyaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan tat shabad jhankaar re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan ujjwal bhanvar gunjaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan chanvar suhangam daara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan chand soor nahi taara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, nahi dhar umbar gainaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan anant phool guljaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan bhaathi chanve kalaara re.

Chal dekho desh hamara re, jahan ghoomat hai matwaara re. Are man keejiye daaram daara re, tujhe le chhodo darbaar re. Phir bhavsaagar nahi aave re, Satguru sab naach mitaave re.

Chal ajab nagar vishraama re, tum chhodo dahna baama re. Chal dekho desh amaani re, jahan na kuch paavak paani re.

Chal dekho desh amaani re, jahan jhalke baarah baani re.

Chal dekho desh amaani re, main Satguru par qurbani re. Chal dekho desh bilanda re, jahan base Kabira jinda re.

Chal dekho desh agaaha re, jahan base Kabir julaaha re. Chal dekho desh amoli re, jahan base Kabira koli re. Chal dekho desh amaana re, jahan bune Kabira taana re.

Children!  Child of God, beloved soul of God, Garibdas ji came after seeing that world of God and he is telling us,

Chal dekho desh agaaha re, jahan base Kabir julaaha re.--- Oye hoye -- Chal dekho desh bilonda re, jahan amoli re, jahan base Kabira Jinda re

Chal dekho desh amoli re jahan base Kabira koli re. Koli means weaver. Chal dekho desh amaana re, jahan bune Kabira taana re.

Now, in Satlok, Kabir weaves the warp. Weaving the warp is what the weavers who made clothes used to do by putting one thread after another, and they called it the warp. That is, he is weaving the warp. He is weaving the cloth. So, inside Satlok, Kabir Sahib is creating the whole universe, creating the whole universe. Therefore, they have been told there,

"jahan bune Kabira taana re.

 In the Vedas, God is also called a weaver. Just as a weaver weaves cloth, so God creates the whole universe.

Chal avigat nagar nivasa re, jahan nahi man maya ka vaasa re. Chal akshar dhaam lakhaaoon re, main avigat panth lakhaaoon re. Kar makaratar piyaana re, jyoon shabde shabd samaana re. Jahan jhilmil dariya nagar re, jahan hans rahe sukh saagar re.

Kabir Saheb Says: 

"Naam sumarle, su-karm kar le, kaun jaane kal ki. Khabar nahi pal ki.”

We are living in such a filthy world that has no religion or faith. There is no justice here. And there is no guarantee for even a second. What can happen in a second? And yet we are happy. Why? If an accident happens to someone, we think that it will not happen to us. Kaal is killing everyone. Now we have come to the refuge of God, Kabir Sahib. Now we can say, if we are within limits. So now we are in the refuge of God, we are out of these attacks of Kaal. But the day the name is broken because when happiness comes, this mind definitely goes towards nonsense. And makes one act wrong. He first breaks the name and then kills. Keep this in mind

Naam Sumar le Sukram kar le kaun Jane Kal ki khabar nahi pal ki

This is a matter of thorns. Do devotion, do good deeds. What is the guarantee of tomorrow? There is no guarantee for even a moment. Now see, we have seen people who were walking around happily and they died in such a way that there was no one even to give them water to drink. They died in an accident. They used to boast big-big and brag about them. We have seen many such people. And after that, when I started on the path of mantra, I gained the knowledge of the path of devotion. With this true devotional knowledge , all those things started coming to mind. Oh God! What would have happened? Oh God! It was absolutely tyranny. I became like a madman when I understood this true knowledge.

Oh that’s amazing, See, they used to walk around happily. weighed the earth. And the work that had to be started did not even start. Oh Liberator! That means this thing did not come out of my heart for many days. Like someone survives an accident in such a way and then lives in fear for many days. So this was the condition of this servant. Oh God! You have shown great mercy. Oh Almighty! How did you take me to your refuge. See how much havoc would have been fallen. I would have become a dog, a donkey, with insects in my head. Sitting in the street. No one to handle on time. No bread, no clothes, no rags. Children! Until this fear is in your body, you cannot do devotion. You cannot attain liberation. Devotion will not be done without fear. And fear is also true. There is no lie, no such scary thing. So that is why

Yeh sansar samjhda nahin, kehnda shyaam dopehre nu. Garibdas yeh vakt jaat hai, rovoge is pehre nu. Garib das yeh vakt jaat hai, rovoge is pehre nu.

Children!  That's all for today.  May God give you salvation.  Keep you happy always.  Take this path.  Get your welfare done.  May your yearning become more intense in Almighty.

Sat Sahib…



FAQs : "Special Message Part 10: Do Practice for Devotion Not Just Talk About It"

Q.1 What is the significance of Satlok?

Satlok is the eternal home of the soul, free from the cycle of birth and death. It is the ultimate spiritual abode where Supreme God Kabir Ji resides.

Q.2 What is the role of Kaal in the spiritual context?

Kaal is the father of trinity Gods and the controller of 21 universes who creates obstacles and spreads false knowledge to prevent souls from attaining true spiritual knowledge and reaching Satlok.

Q. 3. What is the importance of listening to daily scripture-based authentic discourses?

Listening to Daily scripture-based authentic discourses are emphasized as crucial for reinforcing spiritual knowledge and keeping the mind focused on devotion, preventing it from wavering due to worldly distractions.

Q.4 How did Supreme God Kabir Ji prove his divinity in the story of Sarvananda?

In the story of Sarvananda, Kabir Ji demonstrated his divinity by curing Sarvananda's mother of her illness and answering Sarvananda's spiritual questions in a way that revealed Sarvananda's ignorance and arrogance.

Q.5 What is the significance of the needle and the pot analogy?

The needle and the pot analogy illustrates how Supreme God Kabir Ji's knowledge can penetrate and displace the ignorance of even the most learned individuals, symbolized by Sarvananda's filled pot of knowledge.

Q.6 Why is Kabir Ji's knowledge considered unique and powerful?

Kabir Ji's knowledge is considered unique and powerful because it provides a complete understanding of spirituality and the true method of salvation, which is said to be rare and not easily found.

Q.7 How does Kabir Ji's teaching challenge traditional caste-based beliefs?

God Kabir Ji's teaching challenges traditional caste-based beliefs by demonstrating that true spiritual knowledge and purity come from within, not from external rituals or caste distinctions. This is exemplified in the story where Sarvananda drinks water from a weaver's well and realizes the futility of caste discrimination.


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If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Jitendra Gupta

I have seen Kabir Saheb Ji speaking against hypocrisy spread among different religions, but how can we believe that Kabir Saheb is telling the truth? Anyone can criticize others to prove themselves supreme.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we value your opinion on our article. First, we want to make you aware that Kabir, the weaver, is mentioned as the supreme God in the holy scriptures of all religions. The words spoken by God Kabir Ji are completely true, and their proof can be found in our holy scriptures. Just think, the Kabir Saheb, whom everyone considers illiterate, revealed the mysteries of holy scriptures that no saint has understood until now. Those saints who have seen God also sing the glory of God Kabir Ji in their couplets. There is a lot of evidence from holy scriptures proving that Kabir the weaver is the supreme God. For further information and evidence, we recommend reading the book "Gyan Ganga" and listening to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, available on various social media platforms.

Ramansh Sharma

The article is really impressive and awakens the soul to worship God. I am a God-seeking soul who has been looking for the true spiritual path for 20 years. I have changed many gurus but have not found satisfaction from any of them. I have never encountered such deep spiritual discourses with this much explanation; it's something different, and I want to know more about it.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we value your opinion on our article. It is unfortunate that you have spent 20 years searching for God without success. But now your search will end as Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the complete saint at present, providing scripture-based true spiritual knowledge and the true mantra of salvation. For further insights, we recommend reading the book "Gyan Ganga," available free of cost, and listening to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, available on various social media platforms.

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