Is Brahm (Speaker of Gita) Free from Birth & Death?

Speaker of Gita is Mortal God

Question: In Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 2 and 3, Speaker of Gita has said that no one knows about my origin. He who knows me as beginningless, as one who never takes birth, in essence, he becomes free from all the sins. It is clear from this that Brahm has no birth and he destroys all the sins.

Answer: Read the Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 2 again in which it is said that neither gods (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv etc) nor the great sages know about my origin because all of them have originated from me.

It is self-evident from this that God, the giver of the knowledge of Gita, has an origin i.e. has taken birth, but the gods and sages born from Kaal (Brahm) do not know about it because they have originated from Kaal. Like, children do not know about the birth of their father, but the father of their father i.e. the grandfather only tells about it. Supreme God, by Himself appearing in Kaal's lok, has told about the origin of Brahm. Please read the 'Creation of Nature' for detailed information.

The translation of Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 3 has been done wrongly. Like, in Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 12 and Adhyay 4 Shlok 5 and  9, has called himself perishable and that he has repeated births and deaths, and in Adhyay 2 Shlok 17 and Adhyay 8 Shlok 3, 8 to 10 and 20 and Adhyay 15 Shlok 4, 16, 17, has said about some other Imperishable Eternal God.

Therefore in Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 3, has said that the learned person amongst human beings i.e. a Tatvdarshi Saint who knows me and that Eternal God, who does not take birth in reality, the Maheshwar (the Greatest God) of all the loks i.e. Supreme God in essence, that Tatvdarshi saint utters true knowledge; consequently, by doing bhakti based on the true way of worship told by that Tatvdarshi Saint one becomes free from sin. Its evidence is also in Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34. Please read the actual translation of Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 3

Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 2

Na, me, viduH, surgnaH, prbhavam′, na, mahrshayH, Aham′, aadiH, hi, devanam′, mahrshinam′, ch, sarvashH ||2||

Translation: (Me) my (prbhavam ) origin (na) neither (surganaaH) the gods know and (na) nor (mahrshayH) great seers (viduH) know (hi) because (aham ) I (sarvashH) in all respects (devanam ) of the gods (ch) and (mahrshinam ) also of the great seers (aadiH) am the cause of beginning i.e. origin.

Translation: Neither do the gods, nor the great seers know my origin because I am the cause of the beginning i.e. the origin of the gods and also of the great seers in all respects. 

Gita Adhyay 10 Shlok 3

YaH, mam′, ajam′, anadim′, ch, vetti, lokmaheshwaram′, AsammoodH, saH, matryeshu, sarvpapaeH, prmuchyate ||3||

Translation: (YaH) a learned person, who (mam ) me (ch) and (anadim ) the Everlasting i.e. Primordial God (ajam ) who does not take birth (lok maheshwaram ) the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God (vetti) knows (saH) that (matryeshu) who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e. who is equipped with the knowledge in accordance with the Vedas (asammoodH) i.e. Tatvdarshi scholar (sarvpapaeH) all the sins (prmuchyate) says in detail i.e. he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. liberates one completely from ignorance. Because of which all the sins of a person, who does bhakti based on the true sadhna told by the Tatvdarshi Saint, are destroyed.

Translation: A learned person who knows me and the Everlasting i.e. Primordial God who does not take birth, the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God, he, who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e who is equipped with the knowledge in accordance with the Vedas, i.e. Tatvdarshi scholar, speaks about all the sins in detail; which means, he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. he liberates one completely from ignorance. Because of which, all the sins of a person, who does bhakti based on the true sadhna told by that Tatvdarshi Saint, are destroyed. 

FAQs about "Is Brahm (Speaker of Gita) Free from Birth & Death?"

Q.1 Who is Kaal in Bhagavad Gita?

In the Holy Bhagavad Gita, specifically in Chapter 11 verse 32, it is clarified that the knowledge-giver is Kaal Brahm, not Lord Krishna. Additionally, in Chapter 8 Verse 13, the knowledge-giver of the Gita describes himself as Brahm and introduces the mantra "Om." This Brahm is the possessor of 21 universes.

Q.2 What does the Bhagavad Gita say about death?

The Bhagavad Gita, in Chapter 2 verses 26-30, presents the concept that birth and mortality are intrinsic to existence. It emphasizes that all beings are bound to experience death, much like changing garments. This idea signifies the eternal nature of the soul, which transitions between various bodies. This concept applies universally, even to Brahm and other souls.

Q. 3 What is the age of Brahm?

Brahm, the overseer of 21 universes, possesses an age that far surpasses that of all living beings within these 21 universes. However, this divine entity is not immortal, as eventually, Brahm will experience an end. The Holy Suksham Veda reveals that Brahm's age corresponds to the span of 70,000 Shiv Ji. Hence, after 70,000 cycles of Shivji's existence, Brahm's death will occur.

Q.4 According to the Holy Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji, how can one cleanse themselves of sins?

In the Holy Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Chapter 10 verse 3, Brahm Kaal expresses that those enlightened individuals who possess comprehensive knowledge of both him and the eternal God and are well-versed in scriptures are capable of guiding others away from the darkness of sin. Such enlightened saints elucidate the nature of sins and lead people toward the right way. Worship in alignment with the teachings of these true saints results in the eradication of sins.

Q.5 Is Brahm Kaal immortal?

Although Brahm Kaal's existence spans beyond that of any living being in the 21 universes, he is not eternal. The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 verse 2 clarifies that Brahm Kaal's origin remains elusive. Furthermore, Chapter 4 verse 5 reveals that Brahm Kaal and others like Arjuna have undergone countless cycles of birth and death. This attests to Brahm Kaal's mortality, as he is subject to the cycles of birth and death.


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Gautam Roy

How can immortality be attained?

Satlok Ashram

Immortality can only be attained by doing true devotion of the Supreme God after taking refuge in an enlightened Saint. It cannot happen here on earth since even the owner here is mortal so is everything within him. (Evidence Gita Chapter 10:2, 2:12, 4:5 and 9).

Tripti Sahu

Shri Krishna the knowledge giver of Gita is eternal immortal, supreme power.

Satlok Ashram

The narrator of Gita's knowledge is not Shri Krishna but Brahm Kaal who is in the cycle of birth and death as is evidenced in Gita Chapter 10:2. He cannot be supreme power. The Supreme God is KavirDev the creator of entire universes.

Tarun Kumar

Are Deities in heaven immortal?

Satlok Ashram

Everything in the 21 universes of Brahm Kaal is mortal, be it himself or heaven and the deities residing there or all living beings. The eternal world is Satlok which is the residence of Almighty KavirDev.