Shrimad Bhagawad Gita was scripted almost 5500 years ago by Shri Vedvyas Ji and entering into Shri Krishan Ji this was spoken by Brahm, Kshar Purush ie. God Kaal. This has been explained in detail in the earlier article Who Delivered the Knowledge of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita?
The shreds of evidence have proved that God Kaal (Kshar Purush/ Jyoti Niranjan/ Devil/ Satan/ Shaitan) gave the knowledge of Pious Gita Ji to warrior Arjun in the battlefield during Mahabharata. There is no role of Shri Krishan Ji in imparting knowledge of Shrimad Bhagawad Gita. The entire role is of Kaal ie. Kshar Purush who is the owner of 21 universes. Please read: Is-lord-krishna-really-supreme-god?
Based on the above information let us try to understand the answer to the most enduring question; what is the true message which pious Shrimad Bhagavad Gita provides to the devotees?. Let us know what is the Essence of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita?.
In Gita chapter 7 verse 18 the giver of the knowledge of Gita has told his worship, his attainment is inferior. He has said it cheap because birth and death did not end. Complete salvation cannot happen. The Sanatan ultimate abode cannot be attained and there cannot be peace to creatures without attaining Sanatan ultimate abode. While discussing the Essence of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita we will try to understand who is the worshipable God who can provide complete salvation? About whom Gita orator provides information in (Chapter 18 verse no 62, 66, Chapter 8, verse 8,9,10,20,21,22).
We will study how to attain Param Akshar Brahm (complete God) and the eternal region? Going where souls never come to this mortal world and get liberated from the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth. Let us proceed.
This concept shall be explained in this write-up by highlighting the following
Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 12
Na tvevāhaṁ jātu nāsaṁ na tvaṁ neme janādhipāḥ ||
Na chaiva na bhaviṣhyāmaḥ sarve vayamataḥ param || 12 ||
Brahm-Kaal tells Arjun, ‘Neither it is that I was not there in every age or you were not there or these Kings were not there and neither it is that further to this we all shall not be there’.
Adhyay 4 Shlok 5
Shrī Bhagavān uvācha
Bahūni me vyatītāni janmāni tava chā Arjuna ||
Tānyahaṁ veda sarvāṇi na tvaṁ vettha parantapa || 5 ||
Brahm-Kaal tells Arjun, 'You and I have had several births, you do not know I know’.
This proves the giver of the knowledge of Gita along with all creatures in his 21 universes are in a vicious cycle of birth and death.
The soul has been engaged in the search of God for ages. Like, a thirsty person craves for water. The soul after separating from God is experiencing great suffering. The happiness which was in Purna Brahm’s (SatPurush) Satlok (Ritdhaam), that happiness is not present here in Kaal (Brahm) God’s lok, whether someone is a millionaire or the Lord of the Earth (King of the whole Earth), or Lord of the Gods (the king of heaven, Indra), or is Lord of the three worlds (Trilokpati), Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv. Because birth, death and the result of the performed deed has to be borne.
Note: Therefore, God Kaal who is the giver of the knowledge of Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, has said in Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 to 4 and Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 that Arjun, go in the refuge of that God in every respect. By only His grace you will attain supreme peace and Satlok (Shaasvatam Sthanam - Eternal Place).
This means there is some other supreme power other than Gita orator who should be worshipped. Let us move ahead and know who can provide relief from the long illness of birth and rebirth and how is salvation possible?
Gita narrator Brahm-Kaal tells the procedure, how can salvation be attained? Who can provide a correct way of worship? We will discuss the following.
Ref: Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34
Tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśhnena sevayā ||
Upadekṣhyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśhinaḥ || 34 ||
I (the giver of the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita) do not know the Tatvagyan (true spiritual knowledge) and the path of bhakti of that Parmeshwar. To know about that Tatvagyan (true spiritual knowledge), go to Tatvadarshi saints (Enlightened Saints), prostrate before them in reverence and ask them politely, then those Tattvadrshta Saints will tell you the Tattvagyan of Parmeshwar. Then follow the path of bhakti directed by them whole-heartedly.
Further, the identity of a Tatvadarshi Sant is told.
Describing the identity of a Tatvadarshi Saint in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 has said that this world is like an upside-down hung tree, which has roots above and the branches below. He who knows about this world-like tree is a Tatvadarshi Saint. In Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 2 to 4, he has said that, that world-like tree has the branches in the form of the three Gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu and Tamgun-Shiv), which are extended in the three loks (Heaven, Nether World, and Earth) above and below.
I will not be able to tell about that upside-down hung tree of the world i.e. about nature’s creation in this knowledge of Gita Ji. Here in this discussion (knowledge of Gita), the knowledge which I am telling you, this is not complete knowledge. For that, he has indicated in Gita Adhyay 4 Sloka 34, in which he has said that for complete knowledge (Tatavgyan), go to Tatvadarshi saints; only they will tell. I do not have full knowledge. Kaal has said in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 4 that after finding a Tatvadarshi saint, one should search for that ultimate abode (Param Pad) of Parmeshwar (Supreme state of the Supreme God, about whom it has been mentioned in Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62. Having gone where a worshipper does not return i.e. attains complete liberation.
So, What is the upside-down hanging world-like tree? Let us understand
Ref: Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1-4 & 16,17
The Purna Parmatma from whom the upside-down tree of the world has extended; meaning is that the Parmeshwar who has created all the brahmands. And I (the giver of the knowledge of Gita, Brahm) am also in the refuge of that same Aadi Purush Parmeshwar i.e. Purna Parmatma. By doing His sadhana, one attains Anaadi Moksh / Eternal Salvation (complete liberation).
Only he is a Tatvadarshi saint who gives full information about the root above and the three Gunas-(Rajgun-Brahma Ji, Satgun- Vishnu Ji and Tamgun-Shiv Ji)-like branches below and the trunk and the bigger branch. (Please see the picture of the upside-down hanging world-like tree.)
Purna Parmatma Kavir Dev (God Kabir) has Himself given a complete knowledge (Tatvagyan) of the nature created by Him by playing the role of a Tatvadarshi Saint through (KavirgirbhiH) Kabir Vaani/Kabir Speech
(Evidence in Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 16 to 20 and Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 90 Mantra 1 to 5 and Atharvaveda Kaand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 1 to 7)
There is a description of three Gods in Holy Bhagavad Gita which provides information about the eternal God who is apart from Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush. He resides in ‘Satlok’ and can provide salvation only to those seekers who perform true devotion by taking name initiation from an enlightened saint.
Let us study who are three Gods?.
Ref: Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 20, Adhyay 15 Shlok 16-17-18, and Adhyay 17 Shlok 23
Below is an overview of who are three Gods?
Evidence is in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 16, 17 and in Adhyay 8 Shlok 3, which is an answer to Adhyay 8 Shlok 1 that He is Param Akshar Brahm and one more evidence of the three Gods is in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 25, in which Kaal (Brahm), the giver of the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita, has said about himself that I am unmanifested/ invisible. This is the First Unmanifested God.
Then in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 8 Shlok 18 has said that this world has originated from the unmanifested (ParBrahm) during the daytime. Then at night, vanishes into him only. This is the Second Unmanifested. Kaal (Brahm) has said in Bhagavad Adhyay 8 Shlok 20 that apart from that unmanifested (ParBrahm), He who is another unmanifested (Purna Brahm), that Param Divya Purush, even after the destruction of all the living beings, does not get destroyed. This is the Third Unmanifested.
This very evidence is also in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 17 that God is imperishable, whom nobody is capable of destroying. God, the giver of the knowledge of Gita (Brahm), has said about himself in Adhyay 4 Mantra 5 and Adhyay 2 Shlok 12 that I am in birth and death i.e. I am perishable. Only he is a Tatvadarshi Saint who gives full knowledge about the world-like tree i.e. of nature.
Like, the base (root) of the above-mentioned tree of world is Param Akshar Purush i.e. Purna Brahm KavirDev (God Kabir). This only is called the Third Unmanifested God. The whole tree receives nutrition from the root of the tree. Therefore has said in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17 that in reality, Parmatma is someone else other than Kshar Purush i.e. Brahm and Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm; who enters into the three loks, nurtures and sustains everyone. He only is Imperishable/eternal in reality.
Note: Like, there is a cup of porcelain, which is white in color and used for drinking tea. It breaks as soon as it falls. Know this to be the state of Brahm (Kaal i.e. Kshar Brahm). The second cup is of steel. It appears to be more durable (imperishable) than the cup of porcelain, but it also rusts and gets destroyed, though it may take a long time. Therefore, in reality, even this is not imperishable. The third cup is made of gold. The metal ‘gold’ is actually imperishable, which does not get destroyed.
Like, ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) is also called Imperishable and in reality, Imperishable is someone else other than these two; therefore, Akshar Purush is also not Imperishable.
Ref: Chapter 8 verse 16 & Chapter 9 verse 7
Chapter 8 verse 16
Avbrahma-bhuvanāl lokāH punarāvartinH Arjuna ||
Mām upetya tu kaunteya punar janma na vidhyate|| 16 ||
Brahm-Kaal says, ‘Arjun! After the attainment of Brahamlok also all creatures are in recurrence’. Creatures who have reached Brahmlok also come back in birth and death after the fall of sacrosanct. So, this is also not salvation, not the ultimate welfare.
Chapter 9 verse 7
Sarva-bhūtāni kaunteya prakṛitiṁ yānti māmikām ||
Kalpa-kṣhaye punas tāni kalpādau visṛijāmyaham || 7 ||
Brahm-Kaal says, ‘Arjun! At the end of all ‘kalp’ (ages) all creatures are destroyed and again, in the beginning, I create all’. With this, it is clear that by worshipping Brahm-Kaal the birth and death does not end.
The description of the age of all Gods ie. Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv Ji are told. Also of Kshar Purush (Brahm-Kaal) and Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) and how are the lower regions of Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush created after the Holocaust.
Age of all Gods
Sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmaṇo viduḥ ||
Rātriṁ yuga-sahasrāntāṁ te ’ho-rātra-vido janāḥ || 17 ||
After the death of seven Rajgun Brahma, there is death of one Satgun Vishnu. After the death of seven Satgun Vishnu, there is the death of one Tamogun Shiv. When Tamogun Shiv has died seventy thousand times, then there is the death of one Kshar Purush (Brahm). This is one yug of ParBrahm (Akshar Purush). One thousand such yugas make one day of ParBrahm and the night is of the same duration. Thirty days-nights make one month, twelve months make a year and ParBrahm’s (Akshar Purush) age is 100 years. Then this ParBrahm and all the brahmands, which are below Satlok, become destroyed. After some time, Purna Brahm i.e. Param Akshar Brahm creates all the lower brahmands (loks of Brahm and ParBrahm). In this way, we have to understand this Tatvagyan. But Param Akshar Purush i.e. Purna Brahm (SatPurush) and along with His Satlok (Ritdhaam), the upper Alakh lok, Agam lok and Anami lok never get destroyed.
Therefore in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17, it is said that in reality, the Supreme God i.e. Purushottam is, however, someone else other than Brahm (Kshar Purush) and ParBrahm (Akshar Purush), who is Purna Brahm (Param Akshar Purush). He only is Imperishable/Eternal, in reality. He only is the nurturer and sustainer of all, is the root-like Purna Parmatma of the tree of the world. The part of the tree which is visible immediately above the ground is called trunk. Consider it to be Akshar Purush (ParBrahm). The trunk also receives nutrition from the base (root). Then beyond the trunk, there are many branches of the tree. Of them, one bigger branch is Brahm (Kshar Purush). This also receives nutrition from the base (root) i.e. Param Akshar Purush / Purna Brahm.
Note: Aforesaid proves, including Brahmlok, all the regions of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, etc. along with them are in birth and death, they all will end in the Holocaust. They are not immortal. As a result, their seekers remain in birth and death. After the Holocaust all will be recreated by Param Akshar Brahm who is the supreme power. (Chapter 8 verse 16, Chapter 9 verse 7)
The way of worship and powers of complete God ie. Param Akshar Brahm is told who should be worshipped. The following will be discussed.
Ref: Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1
“Urdhavmoolam Adhahshakham, Ashwatham, Prahoo, Avyayam,
Chandaasee, yasya, Parnaanee, ya Tam ved sah vedvit”
Consider that bigger branch (Kshar Purush / Brahm) to have three Gunas-(Rajgun- Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv)-like smaller branches. These also obtain nutrition from the root (Param Akshar Purush i.e. Purna Brahm) only. The other living beings in the form of leaves are dependent on these three smaller branches. They also, in reality, obtain nutrition from the root (Param Akshar Purush i.e. Purna Brahm) only. Therefore it has been proved that Purna Parmatma only is worthy of being worshipped by everyone.
God Kavir Dev Ji himself comes and tells this true spiritual knowledge. He tells his glory all by himself. He himself only tells about His creation. He says-
“Akshar Purush ek ped hai, Niranjan wakee daar aur,
Teeno deva shakhan hai, paat roop sansar”
This can also not be said that in supplying the nutrition to the leaves, the trunk, bigger branch and the smaller branches do not have any contribution. Therefore, all are respectable, but worshippable is only the base (root). There is a difference between worship and respect.
Note: For example, a wife, who is loyal to her husband, shows respect to everyone; like, to elder brother-in-law like an elder brother, to younger brother-in-law like a younger brother, but only worships her husband; which means the feelings a loyal wife has for her husband, she can not have for another man.
Second example: - Once, Haryana state was hit by the flood. At that time, a loss of 600 crore rupees was incurred. The Haryana government could not compensate for the loss because the budget of the Haryana government for the whole year was only 900 crore rupees. The prime minister of the country had compensated for it. The distribution of those six hundred crore rupees was done by the officials and workers of the Haryana government. Those who receive aid, who are ignorant, they consider the distributors only to be the giver of the aid. They keep worshipping (bribing etc) them. But those who are educated, they know how much contribution these workers have. They show respect to them but do not worship (bribe) them. Nor do they expect the accomplishment of any other task by them.
After the distribution of the flood relief money, the minister of the state visited that place. He said that I gave ten lakh rupees to your area and read names from the list of that same village. 1. Gave ten thousand rupees to Ramavtar ……. etc. Then the Chief Minister of the state visited that same village. He also read the same list and said that I gave ten lakh rupees to your village. 1. Gave ten thousand rupees to Ramavtar……..etc.
The Prime Minister of the country came to the same village. He also said that I gave ten lakh rupees to your village and read the same list, in which it was written 1. Gave ten thousand rupees to Ramavtar. Ramavtar is saying all these are lying. The Registrar gave me the money. That ignorant Ramavtar, out of ignorance, by only worshipping the Registrar of the village, wishes all his other tasks to be accomplished. Those who are educated, they understand that had the Prime Minister not given the aid, the chief minister, minister, and the registrar could not give anything.
If the chief minister had distributed money from his relief fund, he would have been able to give hundred rupees each with difficulty to those affected by the flood, which would have been nominal. In this way, a wise man understands what capability one has, and based on that only, has faith in them. Nobody is unrespectable, but for the sake of worship, he makes a selection discreetly.
Ref: Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 46
Similarly, in Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 46, has said that after attainment of a very large reservoir of water (whose water will not end even if it does not rain for ten years), the faith which is left in a small reservoir of water (whose water ends if it does not rain for a year); after becoming acquainted with the knowledge of the benefit obtained from Purna Parmatma you will have the same faith left in the other Gods. That small reservoir of water does not appear bad, but we know its capacity, that it is a makeshift.
Ref: Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15
In Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15, has said that whatever is happening from the three Gunas (like, production of living beings from Rajgun-Brahma, preservation from Satgun-Vishnu and destruction from Tamgun-Shiv), I (Brahm/Kaal) only I am the main cause of it. Those worshippers who worship the 3 Gunas such as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (Rajgun- Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv), they, with demoniac nature, the lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, do not even do my, Brahm’s, bhakti. Then he has called his bhakti as very bad/inferior (anuttamam) in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18.
That is why, it has been said in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 4 and Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 that only by doing bhakti of the Purna Parmatma, full benefit – complete liberation is attained, which is scripture-based bhakti, and the sadhana of the other gods as a deity, because of being against the scriptures, is useless (evidence in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 16 Shlok 23, 24).
Note: For example, bringing a mango plant from a nursery we dig a hole in the ground and plant its roots in it. Then when we will water (worship) the roots, the plant will grow and become a tree. Then the branches will bear fruits. If someone will plant the branches in the ground and keeping the roots above will water the plant, then the plant will die
The meaning is that if a worshipper does sadhana (worship) of Purna Parmatma (root) regarding Him as the deity, then the trio, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (smaller branches), only will provide its result to him. Because these Gods give the result of the actions performed as it is.
If you have to attain a job in a company, then you have to worship the owner of the company (factory). You have to request him through an application form to attain a job. One does service (worship) of the owner only. Like, whatever task is given to that servant he does it during his working hours. This is worship (service) of the owner. The wages of the service (worship) are given by another servant (worker or an officer) of that owner. Like, a shift officer based on the attendance calculates the wages (the reward of the work done) and sends it to the cashier. From there that servant receives the reward of his service (worship). The shift officer and the cashier only give the work done. They can not make any changes to it. Neither can they give a Rupee extra, nor can they deduct it. If that servant (worshipper) of the owner of the company does service (worship) of the owner with honesty, then that owner only increases the wages of that servant and as an adjunct gives extra money as a reward. If someone giving up the service (worship) of the owner starts doing service (worship) of other officers, then he stops getting the reward of money from the owner. Because of that, the fool becomes poor. The officers can not remunerate him equally. Because of getting very few facilities compared to those given by the factory owner, that servant of the other officers, i.e. a person who relinquishes one master worships others, becomes highly distressed.
Please understand the knowledge of Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Ji on the basis of Tatvagyan in this manner.
By abandoning the worship of Purna Brahm, the Master of the lineage and by doing the worship of other Gods, a worshipper does not obtain full benefit and the worshipper even while doing sadhana keeps experiencing intense sufferings.
Ref: Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15 and 20 to 23, Adhyay 9 Shlok no 25
In Holy Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15 and 20 to 23, Brahm has called the worshippers of the three Gunas i.e. the three gods (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu and Tamgun-Shiv Ji) to be of demoniac nature, the lowest among men and evil-doers, foolish that they do not worship (serve) me (Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. the shift officer of the factory owner).
Meaning is that those who worship the three gods and other gods (who serve the cashier) have been called as demons with demoniac nature. Like, a person whose means of earnings is low, he surely does some manipulation. Sometimes resorts to deceitful ways like theft or adulteration. As a result of which is rejected by society and becomes poor.
Likewise, by worshipping the three gods (Shri Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiv Ji) and the other gods, one does not attain full benefit. Because of which the worshipper continues to lie and deceive and do other wrong-doings. Then also has to bear the punishment of sinful acts. Therefore Brahm i.e. Kshar Purush (shift officer) is saying that these foolish worshippers do not even worship (service) me. I can give more wages (money for work done) than these Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv. Then he has mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 18 that my worship (service) is also not fully beneficial. Therefore, God, who is the giver of the knowledge of Gita (Brahm / Kshar Purush), has described his pooja to be utterly useless i.e. of a lower order (Anuttamam).
Note: Aforesaid, proves that worship of divinities and three Gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv) and worshipping ghosts and deceased ancestors (carry out Śrāddha) is said to be the worship done by foolish. They will be put in grave hell. (Chapter 7 verse no 12-15 and 20-23, Chapter 9 verse no 25)
Now, the question arises who is Supreme God? Who should be worshipped?.
With the worship of the complete God ie. Param Akshar Brahm who resides in ultimate abode (eternal region) ie. ‘Satlok’ the souls will get complete liberation from the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth. Complete God is seated in the heart of each soul and always remains with all creatures like air remains with odour. Gita orator God Brahm-Kaal tells Arjun to even abandon his worship and go in the refuge of Puran Brahm (complete God) ‘by going in His refuge you will attain complete salvation ie. you will be completely liberated from the cycle of birth and rebirth’.
God Brahm-Kaal also tells Arjun that his respected deity is also the same Param Akshar Brahm (Chapter 18 verse no 62, 66, Chapter 8, verse 8,9,10,20,21,22)
He can be attained by chanting three mantras ‘OM-Tat-Sat’ (indicative) after taking initiation from a Tatvadarshi Saint (Chapter 17 Verse 23)
Aforesaid, has proven that Supreme God ie. Param Akshar Brahm is the liberator, the savior. His name is KavirDev. Now, we summarise what is the essence of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita?
Points to Ponder:
Teen dev ki jo kartey bhakti unki kade naa hovey mukti
Only by doing true worship of Param Akshar Brahm, complete God, Param Akshar Purush Kabir Saheb, by chanting two-word ‘Satnam’. We can destroy our sins. That God by destroying all our previous bad accounts writes new accounts. Accept that Supreme God, no other God whom we consider Gods, ie. Kshar Purush, Akshar Purush, Shri Brahma-Rajgun, Shri Vishnu-Satgun, Shri Shiv Ji Tamgun, cannot make any changes.
Three Gods say ‘we can only do routine tasks. As are one’s deeds we provide them their work done’ (evidence in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran). Salvation is also not possible by the worship of Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush.
Therefore, this is the advice to all human beings that Saint Rampal Ji is the Tatvadarshi Saint on earth today. He is the complete God descended in this deceased region for the welfare of human beings. He is the Liberator, the Savior. All must take His refuge and get their well being done.
The Bhagavad Gita is a well-known Hindu scripture that is part of the Mahabharata, an Indian epic. Originally composed in Sanskrit.
The Bhagavad Gita consists of a summary of 700 Concise verses in 18 brief chapters.
The knowledge of Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Ji was delivered by Brahm-Kaal the owner of 21 universes (Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32).
The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita answers nearly every fundamental question about human life. These are spiritual-related questions such as:
The moral of Bhagavad Gita is that Purna Parmatma is the complete God, Almighty who created all the universes and the giver of the knowledge of Gita is Brahm. A Tatvadarshi Saint is one who gives full information about the root, three Gunas, the trunk, and the bigger branch of the world-like tree (Chapter 15 Verse 1-4 & 16,17). By doing His worship, one attains Anaadi Moksh/Eternal Salvation.
The Gita is a holy book in Hinduism that instructs the reader on real worship and how to attain the Spiritual God? How to attain salvation?
Enlightened Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj penned the essence of the Bhagavad Gita.
In the Holy Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14 Verse 3 to 5, Brahm (Kaal) is saying that Prakriti (Durga) is his wife and he is her husband. The three gunas (qualities) (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv) along with all the living beings have originated from the union of the two. Brahm is the father of all the living beings and Prakriti is their mother. The three gunas (Rajgun Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv) originated from Prakriti and bind the living being to a body based on its deeds.
The Narrator of Gita asks Arjun to go to the refuge of the enlightened Saint who will grant him the true salvation mantra "Om Tat Sat" (17.23) (coded) chanting which one attains salvation. To do so, one must relinquish the earnings of the mantra to the narrator of Gita (i.e. Kaal) in whose universe we are living. Only after this will one achieve complete salvation.
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Apart from being religious scripture, Gita is a scripture of life as well. It teaches about duty, action and renunciation.
Satlok Ashram
The core message of Gita is, know the right method of true worship of Almighty KavirDev by which humans would get freedom from the disease of birth and death. How to attain salvation?
Rakhi Verma
Lord Krishna's disciple Chaitanya used to chant his holy name 'Hare Krishna Hare Rama, Rama Rama hare hare' to demonstrate the essence of Gita that one should surrender to him so as to attain him. What do you say about this?
Satlok Ashram
'Hare Krishna hare Rama, Rama Rama hare Krishna' is an arbitrary mantra that holds no evidence in any holy scriptures. Chanting it is sheer wastage of human birth, Its useless. Neither is this ideology of surrendering to Lord Krishna to attain him by Chaitanya is true. Lord Krishna has no role in giving the knowledge of Gita. The essence of Gita is to achieve the sole purpose of human birth means attain salvation by doing scriptures based true devotion of Supreme God KavirDev. Rest all theories provided by fake gurus and translators just mislead devotees.
Shikha Gupta
The essence of Gita is that Lord Krishna wants everyone to surrender to him and become his devotee as is the evidence in 18:66
Satlok Ashram
Ignorant interpreters have wrongly translated Gita 18:66. First, Gita's knowledge was not given by Shri Krishna rather it was delivered by Brahm Kaal. In this Verse He directs to 'go' in refuge of the supreme God to attain salvation not to surrender to him. For details please visit our website.
Kamal Kumar
The essence of Gita is 'whatever is happening around is Good and its happening by God's will and whatever will happen in future will be good'.
Satlok Ashram
This is wrong interpretation. Had this been truly the essence of Gita then the current Pandemic Corona situation would mean that such disaster happened for good. The fact is living in this world of Kaal is a curse to humans. They should make efforts to get rid of this dirty world, get freedom from birth and death disease by worshipping Supreme God KavirDev by taking refuge in enlightened Saint and get liberation.
Sarvesh Singh
What is the core message given in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita?
Satlok Ashram
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita tells that the sole purpose of human life is to worship Supreme God KavirDev who is the creator of entire universes and attain emancipation. He only is the provider of salvation. The enlightened Saint tells the procedure to attain Him.