1. Question: It has been proved from the above-mentioned essence of Gita that the worship of Brahma ji, Vishnu ji and Shiv ji is useless. But I have been worshipping Shri Shiv Ji for 30 years, and God Shri Krishna ji is very dear to me. I can not leave these Gods; I have developed special attachment to these. I read Shri Gita ji daily. I do jaap of Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, Radheshyam, Sita Ram, Om NamH Shivay, Om` Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay etc naams. I also fast on Monday; also bring Kavar (A way of worship opposite to the scriptures, whereby a worshipper brings water from the river Ganges near Haridwar city and pours it over the idol of God Shiv in a Shiv temple near his place) and also go to the places of pilgrimage to do charity. I also go to temples to do idol-worship. I wish to go to heaven and because of customary worship , have also taken updesh (initiation) from a mahant. 

Answer: - Please you may again read the above-mentioned "Essence of Shrimad bhagwat Gita". Until you will become fully acquainted with the Tatvgyan , this thorn of doubt will keep on pricking you. Like, there is an example above that the world-like tree is hanging upside-down, whose base (root) is Supreme God. It has the three gunas-(Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu and Tamgun-Shiv)-like branches. Suppose you have planted a mango plant. If you will water (worship) the roots (base) by which it will become a tree, then the branches will bear the fruits. You are not told to break the branches. See the picture of the 'upright sowed plant of bhakti i.e. way of worship according to the scriptures'.

Likewise, we have to worship the Supreme God i.e. the root. Then the fruits of actions will be borne on the three gunas-(Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv)-like branches. Therefore, you do not have to leave anything; only have to plant your plant of bhakti upright i.e. have to start worship according to the injunctions of the scriptures.

In the present time, the entire holy devotee society, abandoning the injunctions of the scriptures, is behaving arbitrarily i.e. has planted the plant of bhakti upside-down. If someone has planted a plant like this, then he is called a fool only. (Please see the picture of the 'upside-down planted plant of bhakti i.e. way of worship opposed to the scriptures').

Therefore in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 18, those who have their mind limited to the worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma Ji, Satgun-Vishnu Ji and Tamgun-Shiv Ji), who do not worship anyone apart from these, they have been said to be of demoniac nature, the lowest among men, evil-doers and fools, and it has been said that they do not even worship me (Brahm / Kaal). Then God (Brahm i.e. Kshar Purush), the giver of the knowledge of Gita, has even called his sadhna as very bad (anuttamam ) i.e. useless. Therefore, he has said in Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62, 64, 66 and Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 to 4 that go in the refuge of that Supreme God (worship the root of the upside-down tree); worship Him according to the way instructed by the Tatvdarshi saint. (In Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34, has indicated towards the Tatvdarshi saint). Only by doing scripture-based worship of that very Supreme God, a worshipper attains supreme peace and Satlok i.e. attains complete salvation. God (Kshar Purush / Kaal), the giver of the knowledge of Gita, is saying that even I am in His refuge only i.e. that very Supreme God is also my venerable God; even I worship Him only, others should also worship Him alone. You read Gita ji daily, but still are doing sadhna opposite to the method mentioned in Gita ji. The jaap of the mantras (Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, RadheyShyam Sita Ram, Om Namo Shivay, Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay etc mantras) that you do and the other religious practices, fasting, bringing kavar, going to places of pilgrimages (Teerth and Dhaam) for charity and worshipping, Ganga-bath and bath in the festival held at places of pilgrimage, because of not being mentioned in the Gita Ji, abandoning the ordinances of the scriptures, is arbitrary behaviour (way of worship), which has been called as useless in Gita ji Adhyay 16 Shlok 23, 24.

Resolution of Doubt

FAQs about "Resolution of Doubt"

Q.1 Is worship of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva is useless?

The essence of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita emphasizes worshiping the Supreme God, the root of the upside-down hanging tree, rather than focusing solely on the worship of Brahma, Vishnu, or Shiva because they can't provide complete salvation.

Q.2 Should one abandon the worship of Hindu Trinity Gods?

No need to abandon the worship of Hindu Trinity Gods. The Suksham Ved suggests aligning the worship with the scriptures by focusing on the Supreme God, the root of the tree by taking refuge of complete Saint.

Q.3 Can one continue reciting mantras like Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, Radheshyam, etc., along with following Gita teachings?

Mantras like Hare Ram, Hare Krishna, Radheshyam are not mentioned in our Holy scriptures and it's arbitrary mantras against scripture, hence useless. The key is to align the worship according to the scriptures and the teachings of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.

Q.4 Is fasting on Mondays and performing rituals like bringing Kanvar supported by the Gita?

Fasting and rituals like Kanvar are not explicitly mentioned in the Gita. The emphasis is on following scriptural guidelines for worship, avoiding arbitrary practices contrary to Gita teachings.

Q.5 Can one go to temples and engage in idol worship?

Temple visits and idol worship has been condemned in Gita Ji, its not useful. The Gita emphasizes worshiping the Supreme God according to scriptures. Ensure your practices align with the recommended way of worship.

Q.6 How can one attain supreme peace and salvation, according to the Gita?

Gita Ji recommends taking refuge in the Supreme God and following the guidance of an enlightened saint. Scripture-based worship of the Supreme God leads to supreme peace and attainment of Satlok or complete salvation.


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Vidhya Verma

Shri Krishna is very dear to me the same as he was to Meerabai. I recite the Gita path everyday. Lord Krishna is supreme power.

Satlok Ashram

Lord Krishna took birth and died. Does God die? It means he is not powerful. He was Lord Vishnu's Incarnation who is in the cycle of birth and death. Meerabai was also mistaken like you but after gaining true spiritual knowledge she got to know that Shri Krishna is not a powerful God so she took refuge of Supreme God, did true devotion of Kabir Sahib and became eligible for the attainment of Salvation.

Nidhi Shukla

Should one perform Brahm Sadhna to attain heaven?

Satlok Ashram

Brahm's worship means worshipping Satan Brahm Kaal whose mantra is OM. Practising this seeker attains Brahmlok not heaven. This attainment is inferior since salvation is not attained and the seeker remains in recurrence. Worship only one God who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent means KavirDev and attain eternal world Satlok. Attainment of heaven is useless. Its temporary.

Jatin Singh

I am a worshipper of Lord Shiva and have a great passion for Shri Krishna. They are all powerful God

Satlok Ashram

Lord Krishna was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Both Lord Vishnu and Shiva are mortal. They are in the cycle of birth and death. How can their worshippers be liberated? None of the two is all powerful. They have limited powers. Hence, worshipping them is sheer wastage of human birth. Worship Supreme God the creator of entire universes means Almighty KavirDev who is mentioned in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62 and 15:1-4.

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