Fight between Shri Brahma Ji and Shri Vishnu Ji
Shri Shiv Puran (Vidhyeshwar Sanhita Adhyay 6, Translator: Deen Dayal Sharma, Publisher: Ramayan Press Mumbai, Page 67 and Editor: Pandit Ramlagn Pandey; "Vishaarad" Publisher: Savitri Thakur, Publication: Rathyatra Varanasi, Branch - Naati Imli Varanasi Vidhyeshwar Sanhita, Adhyay 6, page 54 and Translator: Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Sahitya Ayurved Jyotish Aacharya, M.A., PhD, D.Sc.A. Publisher: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 38 U.A. Jawahar Nagar, Bungalow Road, Delhi, Sanskrit Sahit Shiv Puran Vidhyeshwar Sanhita, Adhyay 6, Page no 45.)
Shri Brahma Ji came to Shri Vishnu Ji. At that time Shri Vishnu Ji along with Lakshmi was sleeping on the snake bed. Servants were also sitting next to them. Shri Brahma Ji said to Shri Vishnu Ji, "Son, get up. See, your father has come. I am your Lord." On this Vishnu Ji said, "Come, sit. I am your father. Why has your face become crooked?" Brahma Ji said - Oh Son! Now you have become arrogant; I am not only your guardian, but am the father of the entire universe. Shri Vishnu Ji said, "Oh thief! What superiority are you boasting of? The entire universe resides in me. You originated from the lotus on my navel, and are talking like this to me only." After saying this, both the gods started fighting with each other with weapons. They attacked on each other's chest. On seeing this SadaShiv (Kaalform Brahm) placed a bright ling (phallus) between the two; then their fight stopped.
(This above-mentioned account has been excerpted from the Shiv Puran of Gita Press Gorakhpur. But it is correct in the one with the original Sanskrit which has been mentioned above, and in Shiv Puran of other two editors and publishers.)
Please think: In Shri Shiv Puran, Shri Vishnu Puran and Shri Brahm Puran and Shri Devi MahaPuran, there are descriptions of the divine acts (leela) of the lives of the three gods and SadaShiv (Kaal-form Brahm) and Devi (Shiva / Prakriti). Based on these only, all the sages and gurus used to deliver knowledge. If someone imparts knowledge different from the Holy Purans, then because of being opposite to the syllabus, it is useless.
The description of the above-mentioned fight is from Holy Shiv Puran, in which both the gods are quarrelling like five-year-old kids. They say that you are my son, the second one says, "You are my son; I am your father." Then holding each other's collar, fight by punching and kicking. The same is the character of the lords of the three loks.
There was no fight mentioned in Scriptures that would have happened between Shiva and Brahma Ji. However, evidence from Sukshamveda proves that once due to misconduct by Shri Brahma Ji on his daughter Saraswati annoyed Lord Shiva who scolded him and asked to discard his body else he will go in dog's life form. Brahma Ji abandoned his body. Then Goddess Durga his mother with her word power inserted the same soul into another body similar to his age. At present the same soul is seated on the throne of Lord Brahma.
The fight between Brahma and Vishnu was over supremacy, over the topic as who is the father of whom?. And it ended up with the conclusion that Sadashiv Kaal Brahm is the father of both.
Both Vishnu and Brahma had a misconception that they are the father of each other. And they were fighting on the topic of them being the creator. But the fight ended with the conclusion that SadaShiv Kaal Brahm and Durga Ji are the parents of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. None of them is supreme.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are born by the husband wife relation of Satan Kaal Brahm and Durga Ji. In the form of MahaBrahma and MahaSavitri they gave birth to Brahma Ji, in MahaVishnu and Mahalakshmi form, gave birth to Vishnu Ji and in MahaShiv and MahaParvati form they gave birth to Shiv Ji. Due to lack of true spiritual knowledge there is always a confusion about who is the creator of whom? Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are real brothers. Satan Kaal Brahm does this to keep us distracted about the right way of worship of God Kabir.
Lord Vishnu is equipped with Satogun and is the sustainer in 21 universes of his father Brahm Kaal. The demons are his enemy with whom he fights as per evidence from Puranas. In fact, Vishnu Ji is a pious soul who based on his virtues has obtained this post. Satan Kaal Brahm plays foul and wipes up virtues by making some soul a deity, a King, a millionaire etc. He ruins their virtues then throws them in 84 lacs life forms.
Brahma is not born from Vishnu Ji, they both are the sons of Satan Kaal Brahm and Durga Ji. Evidence of which is given in Concise Shiv Puran, Rudra Samhita Chapter 6, 7 and 9 Pages 103-110 and Concise Shiva Purana, Vidhveshwar Samhita, Page 24-26.
It is because of the fact that Brahma Ji is cursed by his mother Durga Ji. After his birth when he was made conscious by Durga Ji he wanted to know who is his father? to which his mother Goddess Durga said that he will not be able to see him. Still he went in search of his father and did not find him. But after coming back he told a lie to Durga Ji that he had successfully met his father and prepared fake witnesses also. Since then he has been cursed. Because his father Satan Kaal Brahm does not appear in his natural form in front of anyone as proved in Holy Gita Ji Chapter 7 Verse 24 and 25.
Both are into the cycle of birth and death and are equally powerful. Brahma Ji is equipped with Rajoguna while Vishnu Ji heads the Satogun department in the 21 universes of Brahm Kaal. Their powers are limited. They can only give what is already there in our destinies, they cannot destroy our sins. Supreme God Kabir is only Powerful since he is eternal immortal and can destroy our sins and is the provider of salvation.
Goddess Savitri is the wife of Shri Brahma Ji who is the form of Durga Ji. She was obtained during the churning of the ocean. Then Goddess Durga married both of them.
As stated in Concise Shiva Purana, Rudra Sanhita 6th Chapter, Page no. 102, Vishnu Ji took birth from the husband wife relationship of Satan Kaal Brahm and Durga Ji.
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Divya Rani
Who is supreme amongst the two - Lord Brahma or Lord Vishnu?
Satlok Ashram
Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu are brothers possessing powers of equal level. None is superior to each other.