Sultan of the Lodhi dynasty, Sikandar Lodi was the most successful ruler. He was not just the conqueror but also an incredible supporter of craftsmanship and a great writer and poet of the Persian language. History portrays him as a capable ruler both in terms of administration as well as enhancing trade during his reign. A great victor, Sikandar Lodi made several attempts to save the depravity of the Delhi Sultanate. Several such historical facts regarding Sikandar Lodi’s valour are well known to people but what is unknown to masses will be explained in this write-up.
Very few people are aware of the fact that the merciful Almighty Kabir met Sikandar Lodi 600 years ago when God Kabir had descended in Kashi, Varanasi, and was playing the divine spectacle of a weaver; to whom people believe He was just a poet. God Kabir took Sikandar Lodi in His refuge and made him eligible for the attainment of salvation.
Let us know more about what happened 600 years ago when God Kabir met Sikandar Lodi.
God Kabir is the owner of infinite universes. He is the creator of the Universe and the Saviour of this world. He is Omnipotent. He preaches in the spiritual discourse- Who is God/Allah/Rab/Khuda?. 600 years ago; God Kabir descended on earth and had stayed in Kaashi for 120 years. He had 64 lakh disciples at that time. Several Hindu and Muslim religious gurus strongly opposed His preachings. Once, they all gathered in large numbers and made a false complaint regarding the same to Sultan Sikandar Lodi. The Hindus and Muslims were furious with the teachings of God Kabir who used to tell that God/Bhagwan/Allah (Khuda) is not found in Temples, Mosques, and Churches. They complain to Sikandar Lodi that weaver Kabir is spoiling the image of their venerable deities.
Muslim religious gurus told Sultan that God Kabir condemns slaughtering and eating meat and tells that meat-eaters are sinners of Allah since eating flesh is not the command of Khuda, such sinners will be thrown into hell.
God Kabir tells in His nectar speech
कबीर, मांस अहारी मानई, प्रत्यक्ष राक्षस जानि।
ताकी संगति मति करै, होइ भक्ति में हानि।।1।।
कबीर, मांस मछलिया खात हैं, सुरापान से हेत।
ते नर नरकै जाहिंगे, माता पिता समेत।।3।।
कबीर, मांस मांस सब एक है, मुरगी हिरनी गाय।
जो कोई यह खात है, ते नर नरकहिं जाय।।6।।
Kabir, maans ahaari manai, pratyaksh Rakshas jaani
Taaki sangati mati kare, hoi bhakti mein haani
Kabir, maans machaliyan khat hai, surapan se het
Te nar narkey jahenge, Maat pita samet
Kabir, Maans-maans sab ek hai, Murgi Hirni Gae
Jo koi yeh Khaat hai, te nar narkahi jaye
Muslims started calling Kabir a ‘Kafir’ (a disbeliever) who himself worships and makes others worship the opposite of their religion. Sikandar Lodi ordered his soldiers to arrest Kabir and present him in the royal court. The same was done. Ignorant Sikander Lodhi asked Allah Kabir, “Who are you? Why don’t you speak? You call yourself Allah”. Kabir Ji replied that “He is only Allah / Bhagwan / God”.
हम ही अलख अल्लाह हैं, कुतुब गौस और पीर।
गरीब दास खालिक धनी, हमारा नाम कबीर।।
Hamhi Alakh Allah hai, Kutub gose aur peer
Garibdas khalik dhani, hamra naam Kabir
Arrogant Sikandar got furious on this statement of Kabir Ji and said ‘You do not believe Hazrat Muhammad was a Nabi. He was all-powerful who killed a cow and then restored her life”.
Note: It has been mentioned in Sukshamveda
मारी गऊ शब्द के तीरम, ऐसे थे मोहम्मद पीरं |
शब्दै फिर जिवाई , हंसा राख्या मांस नही भाख्या, ऐसे पीर मोहम्मद भाई ||
Mari gau shabad ke teeram, aisey hote Muhammad Peeram
Shabdey phir jivai, hansa rakhya maans nahee bhakya, aisey Peer Muhammad bhai
Hazrat Mohd. Ji killed a cow with his word power and then restored her life but he did not eat the meat of a cow.
Saying this Sikandar Lodi split a pregnant cow into two halves with his sword in front of many people and challenged Kabir Ji “If you are Allah then restore this cow to life; otherwise, you will also be beheaded”. Allah Kabir touched the broken pieces of both dead cow and her calf and instantly both became alive. Then, Kabir Saheb milked the cow and filled a large bucket and said
गऊ अपनी अम्मा है, इस पर छुरी न बाह।
गरीबदास घी दूध को, सब ही आत्म खाय।।
कबीर, दिनको रोजा रहत हैं, रात हनत हैं गाय।
यह खून वह बंदगी, कहुं क्यों खुशी खुदाय।।33।।
कबीर, खूब खाना है खीचडी, मांहीं परी टुक लौन।
मांस पराया खायकै, गला कटावै कौन।।37।।
मुसलमान गाय भखी, हिन्दु खाया सूअर।
गरीबदास दोनों दीन से, राम रहिमा दूर।।
गरीब, जीव हिंसा जो करत हैं, या आगै क्या पाप।
कंटक जूनि जिहान में, सिंह भेढिया और सांप।।
Gau apni amma hai, iss par churi na bah
Garibdas ghee doodh ko, sab hi aatam khaye
Kabir, dinko roza rehat hai, raat hanat hai gae
Yeh khoon veh bandagi. Kahun kyon khushi khudai
Kabir, khoob khana hai khichdi, mahee pari tuk laun
Maans paraya khayeke, gala katavey kaun
Musalman gae bhakhi, Hindu khaya suar
Garibdas, dono deen se, Ram Rahima door
Garib, jeev hinsa jo karat hai, ya agey kya paap
Kantak jooni jihan mein, Singh Bhedia aur Sanp
When Kabir Saheb stood up His body was highly radiant that was visible to Sikandar Lodi. Seeing the divine radiant vision he soon realized that Kabir Ji is no ordinary man. Sikandar Lodi apologized for his ignorance and mistake and prostrated to Kabir Ji and said
आप कबीर अल्लाह हैं, बख्सो इबकी बार। दासगरीब शाह कुं, अल्लाह रूप दीदार।।
Aap Kabir Allah hai, baksho ibki baar, Das Garib shah kun, Allah roop Deedar
Then, Sikandar Lodi sent Kabir Ji with complete dignity in a Palanquin to His residence. Sheikh Taki was the Muslim religious guru of Sikandar Lodi and was highly influential amongst his community. He got jealous of Kabir Ji and mislead Sikandar by saying that “Kabir is an expert in spell and charm. He is a magician, no big deal if he restored the life of the cow. Anyone practicing black magic can do this”. Sikandar Lodi was swayed by the words of Sheikh Taki. Although Sikandar Lodi saw the divine form Kabir yet he was misled and took this divine action lightly.
It has been mentioned in the nectar speech of Almighty Kabir
मन तू पावेगा अपना किया रे, भोगेगा अपना किया रे |
Man tu pavega apna kiya re, bhogega apna kiya re
Meaning: God Kabir says as you sow so shall you reap. The person gets the reward and punishment of the good and bad deeds he/she performs.
Once the King of Delhi, Sikandar Lodi, suffered from the disease of burns. In the disease of burns, the body does not appear burnt from anywhere, but the pain is excessive. When the sins of the creature increase, the medicine also becomes ineffective. The same happened with the ruler of Delhi. Sikandar Lodi got his treatment done with several renowned medical practitioners of his time, he even tried Tantrics, Sorcery, charms, and spell but everything went in vain. Several Hindu astrologers were also asked for a solution who told Sikandar that ‘this pain is pre-destined, you will have to bear’. When the person gets ill then the boundaries of religion or caste breaks, he only desires to get his treatment done no matter whosoever cures. Sikander Lodhi was told about the miraculous man Kabir in Kashi who can cure his illness. Although Sikander Lodhi had met divine Kabir earlier who restored the life of a dead cow and her calf; he forgot that episode because he was misled by Sheikh Taki.
To get rid of the illness Sultan Sikandar Lodi went to Kashi and met with the King of Kashi, Veer Dev Singh Baghel who was the disciple of Almighty Kabir. He told Sultan that you have come to the right place finally, now you will be cured. Both Sikandar Lodi and Veer Dev Singh Baghel went to the ashram of Swami Ramanand Ji who was the religious guru of weaver Kabir.
Note: (Acquiring Swami Ramanand Ji as guru was the spectacle of God Kabir. In fact, He is supreme and guru of everyone)
Swami Ramanand Ji used to hate Muslims hence did not allow Sikander Lodhi to enter into the ashram and said ‘I do not want to even see the face of Muslims. Tell him to sit outside’. Sikander Lodhi was arrogant, listening to these words of Swami Ji he felt insulted hence, got furious. He went inside the ashram and beheaded Swami Ramanand. Soon he realized his mistake that he killed the guru of Kabir Ji now He will not cure him. He is a sinner. While he was leaving ashram just then God Kabir arrived. Beerdev Singh Baghel prostrated to His guru ji seeing this, even guilty and fearful Sikander prostrated.
Kabir Ji blessed both the rulers. He put His hand on the head of King Sikandar Lodi and within a fraction of seconds the chronic disease of Sikandar vanished. After getting relief Sikandar Lodi came in tears. His chronic disease was cured.
It has been mentioned in Sukshamveda
मासा घटे न तिल बढे, विधना लिखे जो लेख। सच्चा सतगुरु मेटकर, ऊपर मारे मेख।।
Masa ghatey na til badhe, Vedna likhe jo lekh, Saccha satguru metkar, upar mare mekh
Meaning: A Satguru destroys even grave sins of a true seeker. Sikandar Lodi’s destined sinful deeds were nullified by Almighty Kabir.
Note: This mind is a sinner, it is the agent of devil-Kaal. It cannot stand in front of a true saint since he gets scared and then this soul dominates because God is the companion of the soul. God Kabir says ‘अंतर्यामी एक तू आत्म के आधार’. Almighty Kabir is the fulcrum of the Soul.
God Kabir shoots many targets with one arrow. Sikandar Lodi as well as Swami Ramanand both were arrogant. God had to fix their vices. Swami Ramanand Ji used to differentiate people based on caste and religion. This vice was although resolved by God Kabir but Swami Ji still used to hate Muslims. Similarly, Sultan was arrogant of his power.
God Kabir tells in his nectar speech
अति आधीन दीन हो प्राणी, ताते कहिये ये अकथ कहानी | ऊँचे पात्र जल न जाई, ताते नीचा हूजै भाई |
आधिनी के पास है पूर्ण ब्रह्म दयाल | मान बढाई मारिये बे अदबी सिर काल |
Atee aadheen deen ho prani, tate kahiye yeh akath kahani, Unchey paatr jal na payee, tate nicha huje bhai
Aadhinee ke paas hai Purna Brahm dayal, Maan badhai mariye be adbee sir Kaal
Meaning: God Kabir is far from arrogant. Unless the person becomes humble God does not shower blessing. God takes a person in a refuge only when he becomes modest. God is always with a debonair. Magnification in the path of worship should be discarded.
Murder of Swami Ramanand Ji by Sikandar Lodi was a pre-destined basis for their deeds. This act made Sikandar guilty. He realized his mistake and got afraid of Kabir Ji. Later. God Kabir restored the life of his Gurudev Swami Ramanand Ji and preached all present there and fixed their prevailing vices. Sikandar Lodi became the lover of Kabir Ji and glorified Him a lot. This miraculous episode by Kabir Ji further engraved the feeling of jealousy within Sikandar Lodi’s Muslim religious guru; Sheikh Taki.
A famous ‘Ganika’ (Whore) became the disciple of Kabir Ji. People used to talk nuisance about that ‘Ganika’ and stopped her coming in Satsang. She told Kabir Ji regarding the same. God Kabir told ‘Ganika’ to continue attending spiritual discourse. He preaches:-
कुष्टी होवे संत बंदगी कीजिये | हो वैश्या के विश्वास चरण चित दीजिये ||
Kushti hove sant bandagi kijiye, Ho Vaishya ke vishwas charan chitt dijiye
Meaning: Whosoever attends Satsang be it a handicapped or a whore, give respect to everyone and treat them with affection. Do not discriminate. It has been mentioned in Gita chapter 9 verse 30 that ‘If even a person who is devilish develops faith in God and does spiritual practice, then he should be treated with respect as a monk/great saint’.
Noticing the bad behavior of devotees God Kabir played spectacle to examine the trust of all 64 lakh devotees to be doubly sure if they are worth attaining salvation. He told His dearest devotee Ravidas Ji to hire an elephant for a day and He along with ‘Ganika’ and Ravidas will wander on the streets of Kaashi riding on the elephant. The same was done. God Kabir filled a bottle with Ganga water, sat on the elephant along with ‘Ganika’, and told Ravidas Ji to ride the elephant and move towards the main market on the streets of Kaashi. When the people saw this act they started passing nuisance comments regarding weaver (God) Kabir and ‘Ganika’ due to which all 64 lakh disciples lost the trust of God because it proved none of them believed Kabir is God. Their distrust made them far from God thereafter, none could attain salvation but the seed of devotion was sown.
Sikander Lodhi was informed about this ‘Ganika’ episode. The King has the arrogance of his power therefore, sins. Not to displease masses Sikander ordered his soldiers to bring Kabir Ji in the royal court. The same was done. In the sacred speech of Great Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj, the questions raised by Sikander Lodhi have been mentioned. Forgetting that Kabir Ji cured his chronic illness of burn he ill-treated with Kabir Ji and asked
कहो, कबीर यह क्या किया, गणिका लीन्ही संग | गरीबदास, शाह कह, पड़या भक्ति में भंग ||
कह कबीर शाह से सुनो अर्ज आवाज़ | गरीबदास, वह राखसी जिन्ह यो साज्या साज
Kaho Kabir yeh kya kiya, Ganika linhee sang, Garibdas shah kahe, padya bhakti mein bhang
Kahe Kabir shah se suno arj aawaz, Garibdas veh rakhsi jin yo sajya saaj
Meaning: Sikandar Lodi questions Kabir Ji that ‘what blunder have you done? Your devotion is obstructed because of ‘Ganika’ then Kabir Ji told Sikandar, ‘Listen! the creator of this universe who has made me act will only protect me and my worship.
Sikandar Lodi even disrespected his Savior to pacify the public. He tied Kabir Ji’s hands with handcuffs, legs with fetters, and cast heavy iron chain in His neck and ordered his soldiers that according to public desire make Kabir sit in the boat and dunk him in the middle of the Ganges river and kill him. But his efforts went in vain because Almighty Kabir is immortal. The handcuffs, fetters, and iron chain in the neck of Kabir Ji broke on their own and He sat on the water as if He is sitting on the ground. Sultan’s Muslim religious guru; Sheikh Taki was also the companion in crime. Blaming that Kabir is expert in the supernatural practices and therefore is saved, thereafter, they tried to torture Kabir Ji in many ways.
They tied Him with heavy stones and threw Him again in the middle of the river so that He may drown but the bondage opened and all stones drowned instead. Kabir Ji again sat on water unharmed. Arrogant Sikander and Sheikh Taki still could not identify that Kabir is Almighty.
Sheikh Taki ordered everyone present there to kill Kabir Ji by pelting stones. The same was done but nothing happened to Allah Kabir.
The Archers were ordered to kill Kabir Ji but no arrow could even touch Him rather their direction changed.
Continuously for 12 hours, the soldiers hit cannonballs on Kabir Ji to kill Him but none could touch Him rather they all fall in different directions or got fused with the power of Almighty Kabir. The conscience of the people was destroyed by religious leaders. Still, no one could identify Kabir is God. Kabir Ji did mercy on them and after 12 hours he submersed Himself into the water so that the tired soldiers should take rest. Sheikh Taki became happy that finally Kabir was drowned and killed.
Almighty Kabir went into the hut of Ravidas Ji and started playing ‘Ektara’ (a musical instrument) glorifying God. Sheikh Taki was highly embarrassed seeing Kabir alive.
King Sikandar then ordered to kill Kabir Ji by crushing Him by the foot of an elephant. Kabir Ji was tied with chains and thrown in front of a drunkard elephant. Almighty Kabir did spectacle. He showed a Lion standing nearby Him to that elephant and the Mahout (elephant rider) and both ran away fearing Lion. All shackles broke on their own then God Kabir showed only Sikander Lodhi His Virat (huge) radiant form. Seeing this Sikander Lodhi got afraid and apologized for his mistake.
Sikandar Lodi requested Kabir Ji to accompany him to Delhi and stay there along with him and impart true spiritual knowledge to people so that there could be peace and prosperity in his empire. God Kabir agreed and came to Delhi. Arrogant and Jealous Sheikh Taki did not like Sikandar Lodi’s fascination for Kabir Ji. He did several attempts to torture and kill Kabir but every time he failed because Allahu Akbar Kabir is immortal.
It has been mentioned in Sukshamveda
कबीर, राज तजना सहज है, सहज तरिया का नेह, मान बढाई ईर्ष्या, दुर्लभ तजना ये !
Kabir, Raaj tajna sehaj hai, Sehaj tariya ka neh, Maan badhaai Irshya, Durlabh tajna ye!
Meaning: Magnificence and jealousy have disastrous consequences. Sheikh Taki did 52 bullying in the knowledge of Sikandar Lodi but could not harm Allah Kabir rather incurred sins.
Jealous Sheikh Taki conspired to burn Kabir Ji in a cauldron of boiling oil but Kabir Ji sat in the cauldron as if the oil was cool. It did not harm Him. Sheikh Taki again said that Kabir is a magician. He has cooled oil with magic. Sikander Lodhi thought to check the temperature of the oil if its really cool, “How can Kabir sit in the hot oil so pleasantly”. Sikander Lodhi dipped his finger in the oil assuming cool, and immediately his finger got burnt and broke apart. Sikandar Lodi fainted due to immense pain. God Kabir fixed his finger. Then Sultan took refuge from Allah Kabir and became worthy of the attainment of salvation.
Allah Kabir also restored the life of a dead boy in front of Sikandar Lodi and thousands of people and named him ‘Kamal’. Similarly, on the challenge of Sheikh Taki, Allah Kabir restored the life of his daughter. She was named ‘Kamali’. Thereafter, Allah Kabir raised both ‘Kamal’ and ‘Kamali’ as his son and daughter.
Also read Kabir Sahib & Emperor Sikandar Lodi
Even once in a lifetime if any soul comes in the refuge of Allah Kabir, He ensures of his emancipation no matter it may take a few more human births. He imparts true spiritual knowledge as a ‘Bakhabar’ and makes the seeker worthy for the attainment of salvation by providing true mantras. With true worship, the soul gains spiritual power which helps him get rid of the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth and become the permanent resident of the eternal world ‘Satlok’. Sikandar Lodi was one such pious soul who took refuge from Allah Kabir.
Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the same Allahu Akbar; Kabir disguised in the form of a ‘Bakhabar’. Identify soon and take refuge and become eligible for the attainment of emancipation.
During the reign of Sikandar Lodi, the king of the Delhi Sultanate, the contemporary figure was Kabir Sahib. Around 600 years ago, Sikandar Lodi encountered God Kabir Ji to seek a resolution for his chronic ailment. Following this meeting, God Kabir Ji performed several remarkable feats for Sikandar Lodi.
After Sikandar Lodi's encounter with God Kabir for his chronic ailment, a series of miracles were ascribed to God Kabir Ji's influence. Some of these incidents are outlined below: a. God Kabir revived a cow that had been killed by Sikandar Lodi. b. Almighty Kabir Sahib healed Sikandar Lodi's persistent ailment. c. God Kabir mended a broken finger of Sikandar Lodi. d. God Kabir brought back Swami Ramanand Ji to life after Sikandar Lodi killed him. e. God Kabir revealed a radiant form to Sikandar Lodi.
Sikandar Lodi, the King of Delhi, suffered from a painful disease without visible burns. Despite seeking various treatments, including mystical remedies, his pain persisted due to increasing sins. Hindu astrologers suggested his fate was to endure. Learning about Lord Kabir's healing abilities, Sikandar sought Him out in Kashi. Rejected by Swami Ramanand due to his Muslim identity, Sikandar impulsively killed Ramanand. Realizing his error, Sikandar met Lord Kabir, who cured him instantly, erasing his sins. Lord Kabir's blessing removed Sikandar's chronic ailment, illustrating the power of true spiritual worship to absolve even grave sins.
God Kabir removed the feeling of discrimination against religion from the mind of Swami Ramanand Ji through a significant incident. When Sikandar Lodi, feeling insulted, beheaded Swami Ramanand due to his hatred towards Muslims, Lord Kabir Ji appeared and cured Sikandar Lodhi's chronic disease, showing that arrogance hinders blessings, and resurrected Swami Ramanand Ji. This event taught Swami Ji a lesson and resolved his bias. Lord Kabir Ji's actions emphasized humility in worship and addressed the vices of both Swami Ramanand Ji and Sikandar Lodi. This incident led to Sikandar's transformation and changed his perspective towards Lord Kabir Ji.
While Kabir Sahib has traditionally been recognized as a revered saint and poet, references in sacred texts and the attributed miracles suggest that He is more than a mortal being. Kabir Sahib is the Almighty God who crafted the universe and all life within it. He is revered as the Creator, Sustainer, and, Savior of all souls.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Sushila Das
I'm a Kabirpanthi and possess a book describing 52 miracles of Satguru Kabir Ji. I often wonder about the incredible capabilities he had, and I'm puzzled as to why he remains relatively unknown, despite performing such remarkable miracles. Even now, many of his miracles are not widely heard of. I find Kabir Sagar to be quite mysterious, and I struggle to fully understand everything. I seek a clear understanding of Kabir Sahib Ji.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your interest in our article. It is true that the mystery surrounding Kabir Sahib Ji remains unsolved because understanding Him requires His divine grace. Kabir Sahib Ji was the manifestation of the Almighty God, who appeared to impart true spiritual knowledge. The miracles attributed to Him are but a small glimpse of the immense power of the one who can create and destroy the entire universe in a fraction of a second. The revelation of the true knowledge of God Kabir Ji is being carried out by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in this current age of Kalyug, as per the divine plan of God Kabir Ji. We recommend reading the book "Gyan Ganga" and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to gain a comprehensive understanding of God Kabir Ji.