In this world, there is a flood of religious gurus. It is said ‘Neem Hakeem Khatra e Jaan’ (नीम हकीम खतरे जान), means a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Anyone who reads holy scriptures and becomes a bit knowledgeable in the path of devotion starts claiming himself to be a religious guru and portrays that he is close to God, is familiar with the divine and starts preaching. But the most difficult question remains unanswered for the devotees; who is the real and true satguru?
The fact remains that a Satguru is not easy to find, and not everyone can be a Satguru, a true religious teacher, a true saint.
All disciples claim their religious gurus to be Satguru but how to decide who is a Satguru? This ambiguity and confusion will be explained in detail in this write-up which will be based on the shreds of evidence from all the holy scriptures. We hope that after reading this article all devotees will themselves be able to judge; Who is a Satguru? What is the identity of a true saint? Do their contemporary religious gurus hold similar qualities which are backed by holy scriptures? If not, then it is a request to all the readers that upon identifying a true spiritual leader they should immediately abandon fake gurus and take refuge of a complete spiritual leader.
Let us move ahead and explain the following.
Satguru in its literal sense is a True (Sat) Saint (Guru); one who is the incarnation of God, and reveals the untold truth. A Satguru is identified by his knowledge. If that knowledge is attested by the scriptures, only then he is a Satguru. He imparts the true path of worship and teaches everyone to renounce all evils and leads them in the true and correct path of devotion to attain Salvation. Satguru tells us what are the benefits of doing true worship by staying in dignity. Apart from this a Satguru can destroy all sufferings. He is the giver of happiness, and loves his devotees. A true saint also teaches us to dwell beyond caste, creed, and color. A Satguru comes to free us all from the bondages of the materialistic world and guides us on how to lead our lives with an aim to attaining salvation?.
Satguru is that precious treasure acquiring whom human beings can attain the ultimate abode, ‘Shashwat’ place ie. 'Sanatan Param Dham' or the 'Eternal World'. The title Satguru is specifically given to an Enlightened Saint also called a ‘Tatvadarshi Saint’ / a ‘Bakhabar’ / a Messiah. An enlightened saint is the knower of true spiritual knowledge whose life’s purpose is to impart a correct way of worship to initiated souls with which they will get relieved from the trap of Shaitan / Devil i.e. Brahm-Kaal and will reach their native place and attain God. A Satguru is one who knows the Supreme Lord of Truth ie. Satpurush or the Param Akshar Purush who is the creator of the universe.
Kabir Sahib says
कबीर, गुरू बिन माला फेरते गुरू बिन देते दान।
गुरू बिन दोनों निष्फल है पूछो वेद पुराण।।
Kabir, guru bin mala ferte, guru bin dete daan
Guru bin dono nishfal hain, poochho Ved Puran
Satguru holds an important role in the life of a devotee. A true saint provides true worship, doing which humans can attain supreme peace. All the sorrows of life will get removed by performing the worship described by Satguru. The illness of birth and rebirth finishes once for all after following the spiritual direction of a true saint. Satguru tells us the perfect knowledge from all the holy scriptures with proof. The aim of human life is only to do true worship and attain salvation. Satguru leads us in the true and correct path of worship to attain Salvation.
"A Satguru can be a guru but not every guru can be a Satguru"
The primary aim of human life is to attain God and thus achieve salvation. Only a True Guru possesses this trait whereby he can cause the salvation of his devotees. That is why everyone needs a True Guru. People have a lot of sufferings in life and they always desire to come out of them. The only way to get relief from all sorrows is to take refuge of an enlightened saint and do true worship. The complete saint / a True Guru provides ample benefits to devotees that cannot even be imagined. Let us know what is the importance of a Satguru in human life? Why is Satguru essential?
Worshipable Almighty Kabir Ji glorifies Satguru in his speech
सात समुद्र की मसि करूं लेखनी करूं वनराय
धरती का कागज करूं गुरु गुण लिखा न जाए
Saat Samundra ki masi karun, lekhni karun vanrai
Dharti ka kagaz karun, guru gun likha ne jaaye
Kabir Ji says ‘make the ink of seven oceans, make a pen from all the trees on earth, make the whole earth a writing page and start writing qualities of a True Saint / Satguru; even then the qualities will not finish since they are in abundance’.
Having understood that Satguru is essential in human life; let us now learn what the aim of true worship is.
Whatever is being obtained in human life is a collection of the deeds performed in previous lives. If one does not do true worship and auspicious deeds in the present time, then the future life will become hell. The following describes best what is the aim of true worship?.
Amongst the crowd of thousands of fake religious gurus, how should one know who is a true guru?. What are the characteristics of a complete Satguru?
Identification of a Satguru has been mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, with which contemporary Sages, Saints, Mandaleshwars etc., due to lack of true spiritual knowledge, have remained ignorant. Tatvadarshi Great Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has untangled spiritual facts from Holy Scriptures and has explained who is a Satguru? What is the identity of a complete saint?
Let us do a deep analysis about Identification of a Complete Saint from the Holy Scriptures.
Ref: Kabir Sagar and Shrimad Bhagawad Gita
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत
अभ्युथानम् अधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्
There is evidence in Vedas, pious Gita Ji, etc Holy Scriptures that whenever there is a decline of virtues and an uprise of sins and the form of the path of bhakti is distorted by the contemporary Saints, Mahants, and Gurus, at that time, God either by coming Himself or by sending His most knowledgeable saint again establishes the virtues through true knowledge. He explains the path of bhakti according to the holy scriptures.
While explaining the identity of a complete saint Almighty KavirDev tells
First identity: His identification lies in the fact that the contemporary religious gurus stand in his opposition, and by misleading the king and the people, inflict atrocities on Him.
Second identity: A True saint is a complete knower of all the religious texts.
Third identity: A complete saint will give updesh (initiation) of three types of mantras (Naam).
Fourth identity: A complete saint will provide worship three times a day.
Fifth identity: A complete saint does not allow the consumption of intoxication or meat to seekers and not to do meditation or to dance and play music.
Sixth identity: The enlightened saint will explain the upside-down hanging world like the tree mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 verse 1-4.
Seventh identity: Satguru will be one who will tell the secret of the two-words mantra- ‘Satnam’.
Let us understand the identity of a complete saint with proofs from holy scriptures.
Kabir Sahib Ji says in His speech
जो मम संत सत उपदेश दृढ़ावै (बतावै), वाके संग सभि राड़ बढ़ावै।
या सब संत महंतन की करणी, धर्मदास मैं तो से वर्णी।।
Jo mm sant sat updesh drdaavae (batavae), vaake sang sabhi raad badaavae
Ya sab sant mahantan ki karni, Dharmdas main to se varni
God Kabir Ji is explaining to His dear disciple Dharmdas in His speech that the saint of mine who will tell the path of true bhakti, all the saints and mahants will quarrel with him. This will be the identity of that Complete Saint.
A true saint is the complete knower of pious 4 Vedas, 6 shastras, 18 Puranas, Shrimad Bhagawad Gita, pious Quran Sharif, Holy Bible, and pious Guru Granth Sahib, etc.
Satguru Garibdas Ji says in his speech
सतगुरु के लक्षण कहूं, मधूरे बैन विनोद।
चार वेद षट शास्त्रा, कहै अठारा बोध
“Satguru ke lakshan kahoon, madhure baen vinod |
Chaar ved shat shastra, kahae athaara bodh ”
Satguru Garibdas Ji Maharaj is telling the identity of a Complete Saint in his speech that he will be a complete knower of all the four Vedas, six shastras, eighteen Purans, etc i.e. he who will explain their essence.
Ref: Vedas, Shrimad Bhagawad Gita, Holy Quran Sharif, Speech of worshipable Almighty KavirDev & Guru Nanak Dev Ji
It has been written in Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25 that a True Guru will elaborate the incomplete sentences of the Vedas i.e. the coded words and one-fourth shlokas by completing them. He is a beneficent saint of the world.
Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25
Arddh richaeH ukthanm roopam padaeH aapnoti nividH
PrnvaeH shastranam roopam paysa somH aapyate |25|
Translation: A saint who (Arddh richaeH) by completing the incomplete sentences i.e coded words of the Vedas (nividH) fills in (padaeH) the fourth parts of the Shlok i.e. partial sentences (ukthaanm) stotras (roopam) in the form of (aapnoti) receives i.e. completely understands and explains the partial description (shastraanam) like, one who knows how to operate the weapons (roopam) uses them fully; similarly, a Complete Saint (prnvaeH) completely understanding and explaining the Omkaars i.e. Om - Tat -Sat mantras (paysa) sieves milk-water i.e. provides the Tatvagyan-like waterless milk, by which (somH) Eternal Purush i.e. Eternal God (aapyate) attains. That Complete Saint is said to be the knower of the Vedas.
Translation: A saint, who fills in by completing the incomplete sentences i.e. coded words of the Vedas; perceives the fourth part i.e. partial sentences of the shlokas in the form of stotras i.e. completely understands and explains the partial description; just as one who knows how to operate the weapons uses them fully; likewise, a Complete Saint completely understanding and explaining the Omkaars i.e. Om -Tat -Sat mantras, sieves milk-water i.e. provides Tatvagyan-like waterless milk, by which one attains the Eternal Purush i.e. the Eternal God, that Complete Saint is said to be the knower of the Vedas.
Meaning: A Tatvadarshi Saint is one who explains the coded words of the Vedas in detail; as a result of which Supreme God is attained. He is said to be the knower of the Vedas.
Ref: Kabir Sagar Granth, page no. 265 Bodh Sagar
Kabir Sagar, Amar Mool Bodh Sagar, page no 265
तब कबीर अस कहेवे लीन्हा, ज्ञानभेद सकल कह दीन्हा।।
धर्मदास मैं कहो बिचारी, जिहिते निबहै सब संसारी।।
प्रथमहि शिष्य होय जो आई, ता कहैं पान देहु तुम भाई।।1।।
जब देखहु तुम दृढ़ता ज्ञाना, ता कहैं कहु शब्द प्रवाना।।2।।
शब्द मांहि जब निश्चय आवै, ता कहैं ज्ञान अगाध सुनावै।।3।।
Tab Kabir as kaheve leenha, gyan bhed sakal kah deenha
Dharamdas main kaho bichaari, jihite nibhae sab sansaari
Prathmahi shishya hoy jo aai, ta kahaen paan dehu tum bhaai
Jab dekhahu tum dridta gyana, ta kahaen kahu shabd prvaana
Shabd maanhi jab nishchay aavae, ta kahae gyan agaadh sunaavae
बालक सम जाकर है ज्ञाना। तासों कहहू वचन प्रवाना।।1।।
जा को सूक्ष्म ज्ञान है भाई। ता को स्मरन देहु लखाई।।2।।
ज्ञान गम्य जा को पुनि होई। सार शब्द जा को कह सोई।।3।।
जा को होए दिव्य ज्ञान परवेशा, ताको कहे तत्व ज्ञान उपदेशा।।4।।
Baalak sam jaakar hai gyana, taaso kahhu vachan prvaana
Ja ko sukshm gyan hai bhaai, ta ko smaran dehu lakhaai
Gyan gamya ja ko puni hoi, saar shabd ja ko kah soi
Ja ko hoy divya gyan parvesha, tako kahe tatv gyan updesha
Our Gurudev Rampal Ji Maharaj in the first stage gives Jaap of Naam of Shri Ganesh Ji, Shri Brahma-Savitri Ji, Shri Lakshmi-Vishnu Ji, Shri Shankar-Parvati Ji and Mother Sheranwali, who reside in the chakras built in our human body.
All these gods-goddesses have Aadi-Anadi Naam (eternal / Original name) mantras, of which the contemporary gurus are not aware of. By the Jaap of these mantras, all these five chakras that are situated in the spine from the base till the crown of the head open up. A human being becomes suitable for doing bhakti after these chakras open up.
Satguru Garibdas Ji gives evidence in his speech
पांच नाम गुझ गायत्री आत्म तत्व जगाओ।
ॐ किलियं हरियम् श्रीयम् सोहं ध्याओ।।
Paanch naam gujh gayatri aatm tatv jagaao
ॐ kiliyaM hariyam shriyam sohM dhyaao
Meaning: Awaken your soul by doing Jaap of five Naam which are ‘Gujh Gayatri’.
Some innocent devotees say that our Guruji arouses Kundalini power. It is a request to them that Kundalini Power can not be aroused without the Gayatri mantra; they are only misleading you.
In the second stage, Sant Rampal Ji gives Jaap of two words, among which one is ‘Om’ and the second is Tat’ (which is a secret and is only told to an updeshi / follower), which are chanted through breaths.
In the third stage, Sant Rampal Ji gives Saarnaam which is a complete secret.
It is clear from the aforementioned speech that a Complete Saint provides mantras up to Saarnaam in three stages and in the fourth stage provides Saarshabd.
Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23
(ॐ,) Om Tat, Sat, iti nirdeshH, BrhmnH, trividhH, smritH,
BrahmnaH, ten, vedaH, ch, yagyaH, ch, vihitaH, pura
Translation: (ॐ) /Om is the mantra of Brahm (Tat ) Tat - this is the indicative mantra of ParBrahm and (Sat ) Sat - this is the indicative mantra of Purna Brahm (iti) in this way, this (trividhH) of three types (BrhmnH) of sumiran of Naam of Supreme God (nirdeshH) an direction (smritH) is said to be (ch) and (pura) at the beginning of nature (brahmnaH) the scholars told that (ten) that same Supreme God (vedaH) Ved (ch) and (yagyaH) Yagya, etc (vihitaH) created.
Translation: ॐ /Om is the mantra of Brahm –Kshar Purush, Tat - this is the indicative mantra of ParBrahm –Akshar Purush, Sat - this is the indicative mantra of Purna Brahm -Satpurush, in this way, this is said to be the direction of sumiran of three types of Naam for attaining Supreme God, and at the beginning of nature, Brahmins i.e. learned men used to do sadhana based on this only and they told that same Supreme God created Ved and Yagya, etc.
Samved Mantra no. 822 Samved Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand no. 5 Shlok no. 8 (Translated by Sant Rampal Das)
ManeeshibhiH – pavte – poorvyaH – Kavir′ - nrbhiH – yatH – pari – koshaan′ - asishyadat′ - tri – tasya – naam – janayan′ - madhu – ksharanH – na – indrasya – vaayum′ - sakhyay – vardhyan′
Translation: (PoorvyaH) Primordial i.e. Eternal (Kavir nrbhiH) Supreme God Kabir, by acquiring a human form i.e. appearing as a Guru (maneeshibhiH) to a devout soul who does bhakti with devotion and loves Him from the heart (tri) three (Naam) giving mantra i.e. Naam updesh (pavte) by purifying (janayan) birth and (ksharanH) from death (na) makes free from and (tasya) his/her (vaayum) the countable life-breaths which are put according to destiny (koshaan) from His store (sakhyay) based on friendship (pari) completely (vardhayan') increases (yatH) as a result of which (indrasya) of Supreme God (madhu) the real happiness (asishyadat) makes him attain by His blessings.
Translation: The Primordial i.e. Eternal Supreme God Kabir assuming a human form i.e. appearing as a Guru, giving three mantras i.e. Naam updesh (initiation) to a devout soul who does bhakti with devotion and loves Him from heart, by purifying him, releases him from birth and death, and completely increases his/her countable life-breaths, which have been put according to the destiny, from His store based on friendship. As a result of which, makes him/ her attain the real happiness of the Supreme God by His blessings.
Meaning: It has been clarified in this Mantra that Supreme God Kavir i.e. Kabir manifesting in the form of a Guru in the human body, by giving Jaap of three Naam to God-loving soul, makes him/ her do true bhakti, and by purifying that devotee friend, by His blessings, makes him achieve complete happiness by attaining the Supreme God. He increases the age of the worshipper.
Important: It has become clear from the above-mentioned description that even the four Holy Vedas are testifying that the Supreme God alone is worthy of being worshipped. His real name is KavirDev (Kabir God) and complete salvation is attained only by the Jaap of the three mantras.
Ref: Holy Book Kabir Sagar, Adhyay Jeev Dharm Bodh, Shaakha Bodh Sagar on page 1937
God Kabir had forbidden Dharamdas Ji to give Saarshabd and had said that if any messenger of Kaal gets hold of Saarshabd, then the Hans of the intermediate generation will not get liberated. Like, at the beginning of Kalyug, the devotees of the first generation were illiterate and at the end of Kalyug, the devotees of the last generation will become ungrateful and in the present time, the intermediate generation has started after the independence of India in the year 1947 A.D. Now, all the devotees are literate. Scriptures are available with us. Now, this true path, true sadhana will spread in the whole world and the fake gurus, saints, and mahants will keep hiding.
धर्मदास तोहि लाख दुहाई, सार शब्द कहीं बाहर नहीं जाई।
सार शब्द बाहर जो परि है, बिचली पीढ़ी हंस नहीं तरि है।
Dharmdas tohi laakh dohaai, saar shabd kahin baahar nahin jaai
Saar shabd baahar jo pari hai, bichli peedi hans nahin tari hai
Evidence in Guru Nanak Dev Ji's speech
Chahaoon ka sang, chahaoon ka meet, jaamae chaari hataavae nit ||
Man pavan ko raakhae band, lahe trikuti trivaeni sandh ||
Akhand mandal mein sunn samaana, man pavan sachch khand tikaana ||
Only he is a Complete Satguru who gives Naam (mantra) in three stages and tells the method of sumiran (remembrance of Naam) with breath. Only then the salvation of a living being is possible. Just as God is true, similarly, the interview with God and also the method of attaining salvation is also eternal and true, which never changes.
Ref: Quran Sharif in Surat-Shura 42 Ayat 1
It has been mentioned in holy Quran Sharif; to attain Allahu-Akbar there is a three-word mantra Ain-Seen-Qaaf. The giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif ie. Brahm-Kaal has made clear that there is a mantra to attain Allahu Akbar. The Bakhabar/Illamwala/Tatvadarshi saint who will tell these three mantras correctly and will tell the method to chant them that will be the knower of true spiritual knowledge. He will be a Satguru.
It has been written in Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 26 that a True Guru will impart worship three times. In the morning, worship the Supreme God; in the afternoon, regard the gods of the world, and will tell Sandhya Aarti (evening prayer) separately. He is a complete saint of the world.
Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 26
Ashvibhyam praatH savnm indren endrm madhyandinm
Vaishvdaivm sarasvatya trteeyam aaptm savnm |26|
Translation: That Complete Saint tells the worship of the three times (ashvibhyaam) on the basis of a day formed by the rising and setting of the sun (indren) foremost, the Master of all gods, Supreme God's (praatH savnm) tells to do pooja in the morning, which (endrm) is for the Supreme God. Second (madhyandinm) tells to do at midday, which (vaishvdainm) related to the regard of all the gods (sarasvatya) says to do sadhana through sacred speech, and (trteeyam) third (savnm) pooja in the evening (aaptm) attains i.e. one who tells to separately do the sadhana of the three times, he is a true Saint of the world.
Translation: That Complete Saint tells the sadhana of the three times. On the basis of a day formed by the rising and setting of the sun, it tells to foremost do the worship of the Supreme God, the Master of all the gods, in the morning, which is for the Complete God (Supreme God). Tells the second to be done at midday i.e. tells to do sadhana through sacred speech which is related to the regard of all the gods, and attains the third pooja in the evening i.e. tells to do sadhana of the three times separately. He is a true Saint of the world.
Meaning: The Complete Saint about whom there is a mention in Mantra 26, he tells us to worship three times (morning - midday - and in the evening) in a day. Tells to do worship of Supreme God in the morning, regard of all the gods at midday, and in the evening Sandhya Aarti, etc by means of sacred speech. He is a well-wisher of the entire world.
Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 30
Vrten deeksham aapnoti deekshya aapnoti dakshinam
Dakshina shraddham aapnoti shraddhya satyam aapyate |30|
Translation: (Vrten) by keeping fasts of the vices i.e. a worshipper who abstains from cannabis, alcohol, meat, and tobacco, etc (deeksham) initiation from a Complete Saint (aapnoti) attains i.e. becomes a disciple of the Complete Saint (deekshya) the Complete Saint, from the initiated disciple (dakshinam) charity (aapnoti) attains i.e. a saint only takes donation from one who takes Naam from him. Thus, according to the rule (dakshina) one who performs meritorious acts by giving charity-donation as directed by Gurudev, by that (shraddhaam) devotion (aapnoti) attains (shraddhya) by doing bhakti with devotion (satyam) the ever-lasting happiness and God i.e. the Eternal God (aapyate) attains.
Translation: A worshipper, who keeps fast of vices i.e. abstains from cannabis, alcohol, meat, and tobacco, etc, obtains initiation from a Complete Saint i.e. becomes a disciple of a Complete Saint. A Complete Saint receives charity from an initiated disciple i.e. a saint takes donation from only that person who obtains naam from him. Thus, one, who adequately performs meritorious acts by giving charity-donation as directed by the Gurudev, attains devotion. By doing bhakti with devotion, one attains everlasting happiness and God i.e. the Eternal God.
Meaning: A complete Saint only makes that person his disciple, who always maintains good conduct; who gives the assurance of not consuming the prohibited food and intoxicating substances. A complete Saint accepts charity from only that person who becomes his disciple, and who after taking initiation from Gurudev, then gives charity-donation, by which devotion increases. By doing true bhakti with devotion, the Eternal God is attained i.e. one becomes completely liberated. A Complete Saint will not wander about asking for alms and donations.
Glorifying the identity of Satguru KavirDev Ji mentions in his speech
संतो सतगुरु मोहे भावे, जो नैनन अलख लखावे
ढोलत डिगे ना बोलत बिसरे, सत उपदेश दृढ़ावे
आंख ना मुंदे कान ना रूदे, ना अनहद उड़झांवे
प्राण पुंज क्रियाओं से न्यारा, सहज समाधि बतावे
Santo Satguru mohe bhavey, jo nainan alakh lakhavey
Dholat digey na bolat bisrey, sat updesh dradavey
Aankh na mundey kaan na rundey, na anhad urjhavey
Pran punj kriyanyon se nyara, sahaj samadhi batawey.
This means, a true saint is the one who does not preach forced meditation (close eyes and ears and worship) or to do dance and play music. This is prohibited in the path of worship. He tells a simple way of worship.
“Urdhavmoolam Adhahshakham, Ashwatham, Prahoo, Avyayam,
Chandaasee, yasya, Parnaanee, ya Tam vedsahvedvit”
Meaning - ‘Urdhavmoolam’ means upwards is the root, consider the eternal man, Almighty God, the original one, means Aadi Purush, supreme God the root of the world-like tree. ‘Adhah’ means below is the branch ‘Adhahshakham’, below are the three qualities – Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Ji form branches and the world like Peepal-tree is called immortal. ‘Chandaasee’, meaning - ‘Chand’ means division, pieces. That world-like tree, the man, the saint who knows that tree from its original element ‘sahvedvit’–who will tell all its parts, all its divisions-who is the trunk? Who is the originator? Who is a branch? who leaves? according to the Vedas. He is an enlightened saint.
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita talks about obtaining this mantra from Dheenaram / Tatvadarshi (having complete knowledge) saint in Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34. And in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 to 4, the identity of a Tatvadarshi (True) saint has been given, and it has been said that after knowing the Tatvagyan (true knowledge) from the Tatvadarshi Saint, one should search for that Param Pad (supreme state) of Supreme God. Having gone where devotees do not return to the world i.e. they become completely liberated. That same Supreme God has created the world.
Kabir Sahib Ji says in His speech
‘Kabir, Akshar Purushek ek ped hai, Niranjan waki daar,
Teeno deva shakha hai, paat roop sansar’
In the world-like hanging tree, the creation of nature and three Purush (Gods) are explained. The root is Almighty KavirDev. He is Param Akshar Purush/Satpurush. The bigger trunk is Akshar Purush / ParBrahm and the branch arising out from the heavy trunk is Kshar Purush / Brahm-Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan). Three small branches are three Gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Ji) and the leaves are people of the world.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji in his speech says
जै पंडित तू पढ़िया, बिंन दो अखर दो नामा
प्रणब नानक एक लघाएं, जै कर सच समाना
Jai pandit tu padhiya, bina dou akhar dou nama
Parnav Nanak ek laghayen, jai kar sach samawa
Guru Nanak Ji says, ‘The truth is that the secret two-word mantra will make you reach that eternal world’. A complete saint provides ‘Satyanaam’.
सोए गुरु पूरा कहावे जो दो अक्षर का भेद बतावे
एक छुड़ावे एक लखावे तब प्राणी निज घर को आवे
Soi gur pura kahavey jo do akhar ka bhed batawey
Ek Lakhavey ek chudawey tab prani nij ghar ko aavey
Guru Nanak Ji says, ‘He is a complete saint who tells the secret of the two-word mantra ‘Satnam’. One word (mantra) relieves the soul from Kaal’s region, the power of second name (mantra) provides a vision of the eternal world upon reaching the eleventh door. Chanting a two-word mantra helps the soul attain the immortal abode. Then the soul is liberated and goes to its native place.
Kabir Saheb Ji has also said:-
कहीं कबीर अखर दो भाख
होगा खसम तो लेगा राख
Kahe Kabir Akhar dou bhakh,
Hoga khasam to lega raakh
Kabir Saheb Ji says there is a two-word mantra that will help you attain God.
Having understood the identity of a complete saint let us move ahead and know what is the concept of a true saint according to different religions?
God is one and the method to attain God is also one. God himself comes in this deceased world and in the form of Satguru preaches true spiritual knowledge to his dearest souls. Different religions greet the knower of true spiritual knowledge with different names. Let us study what do different religions tell about a true saint?
A true saint ordained by God is a living embodiment of scriptural truth. A Satguru or the spiritual master has a direct connection with the divine. The tradition of holding gurus has been customary amongst Hindu society for ages. Even Lord Rama and Lord Krishna held guru. A Satguru in Hinduism is greeted as an enlightened saint/Tatvadarshi saint/ Dheenaram.
The giver of the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagawad Gita ie. Brahm-Kaal directs Arjun in chapter 4 verse 34 to go in the refuge of the Tatvadarshi saint (Satguru); prostrate before them in reverence and ask politely the knowledge about that Param Akshar Brahm, supreme God. Then follow the path of bhakti directed by them whole-heartedly. This proved that it is Satguru only who tells how to attain God?
Glorifying Satguru Almighty Kabir says
‘Guru bin kahu naa paya gyana, Jyon thotha bhus chadey mudh kisana
Guru bin Ved padhey jo praani, samjhey na saar rahey agyanee”
Without a true guru, no one can understand spiritual knowledge. It is only Satguru who preaches mythological facts hidden in holy scriptures. In the absence of an enlightened saint, everyone remains ignorant. This has been the reason why the innocent disciples continued worshipping Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga and 33 crore deities considering them supreme and have remained trapped in the cycle of birth and death. They could not be liberated because they remained unfortunate by not getting a Satguru.
The one who is God-realized; who is commanded by God to retrieve the souls is a Satguru in Christianity. Christians believe a true spiritual master is a ‘Messiah’/a messenger of God; who is an agent of God who preaches the path of salvation. God is invisible but he becomes visible when tuned through spiritual perception by a devotee who is in constant remembrance of God. Jesus proved that a ‘Messiah’, a true guru acts solely at God’s behest. He said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw me”. Giving credit to the power of God who alone resides in the body temple Jesus held Satguru/‘Messiah’. Fulfilling the same divine law Jesus Christ acknowledged John the Baptist as his Satguru. Jesus Christ said, “Whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but Him that sent me”.
Sikh religion gives much importance to the guru. There has been a mention of ten gurus in Sikhism. Almighty KavirDev met Guru Nanak Dev Ji and took him to Sachkhand, the eternal abode. After that, Guru Nanak Ji glorifies Satguru in Raag Maru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mehla 1
(G.G.P. 1037) The Glory of Satguru has been told:
The speech is as follows:
Sunhu brahma, bisanu, mahesu upaye | Sune varte jug sabaye ||
Isu pad bichare so janu pura | Tis miley bharmu chukaida ||(3)
Sam vedu, rugu jujru atharbanu | Brahme mukh maaia hai traugun||
Ta ki kimat kahi n sake | Ko tiu bole jiu bulaida ||(9)
The essence of the aforesaid sacred speech is that the Saint, who will narrate the whole story of nature’s creation and will tell who came out of the two-halved egg and created the Brahm lok in the vacuum space i.e. gave rise to Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in a secret place, and who is that God who made Brahm (Kaal) narrate the four Vedas (Holy Rigved, Yajurved, Samved, and Atharvaveda) and that the Purna Parmatma makes every living being say whatever He wishes, if you find a saint who fully tells about all this knowledge, then go to him. He who clears up all your doubts, only he is a Complete Saint i.e. is a Tattavdarshi.
Ref: Quran Sharif Surat-Al-Furkan chapter 25 Aayat no. 52-59
Satguru in Islam is called a ‘Bakhabar’/Illamwala (who is the knower of great God-Allahu Akbar). The giver of the knowledge of the holy Quran Sharif provides knowledge of his level and in the end, leaves an option to ask the information about ‘Allahu Akbar’, means about the ‘Param Akshar Brahm’ from ‘Bakhabar’/Illamwala ie. from an Enlightened Saint because he is ignorant.
In Gita chapter 18 verse 62 Brahm-Kaal tells Arjun, ‘You, in every respect, go in the refuge of that Supreme God. By the grace of whom you will attain the supreme peace and the eternal abode’.
In Gita chapter 15 verse 4 it is said that after attaining an Enlightened saint, one should search for God’s supreme abode going where the soul does not return to this world. Worship only Him and discard all others. His information will be provided by a true spiritual leader ie. a Satguru / Tatvadarshi saint. He will tell who is supreme God? and how can God be attained?
A Satguru dispels all doubts. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the one who has revealed the mystery behind the creation of the universe and has revealed the true salvation mantras as mentioned in holy scriptures, the two-word secret mantra ‘Satnam’ whose sumiran is done with breath which was never told by contemporary religious gurus. He provides true spiritual knowledge and tells the correct method of how to attain God?
As mentioned in the holy Quran Sharif; Allahu Akbar is attained by reciting three-words Ain-Seen-Qaaf. The same has been mentioned in Bhagavad Gita chapter 17 verse 23. To attain that Supreme God there is a three-word mantra ‘OM-Tat-Sat’. The saint who will tell these three mantras correctly and will tell the method to chant them will be a Tatvadarshi (Enlightened) saint. He will be a Satguru.
Aforesaid, all qualities of Satguru mentioned in all holy scriptures fit accurately on the great Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is the same as Tatvadarshi Saint / Dheenaram / Bakhabar / Illamwala / Messiah. He is the living Satguru on earth to date. This is a request to all; identify him, abandon fake religious gurus. Take initiation from him and become eligible for attainment of salvation.
The most powerful saint is the one who is in tune with the Supreme God and who has complete knowledge of the scriptures. This saint is the true spiritual master who provides the true way of worship which helps seekers attain liberation. At present Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is a true Saint who is providing scriptures-based true devotion and granting true salvation mantras.
A great Saint can grant Salvation to the whole universe by granting the true mantra of worship as certified in pious Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23.
The saint who provides true spiritual knowledge and grants true salvation mantras with which sins of the seeker destroy will be the one who will protect from evil. This happens with the power of true mantras he provides.
According to scripted evidence from holy scriptures the identity of a complete saint can be summarized as follows:
A true saint is the representative of God or God Himself plays the role of the enlightened Saint. He provides true spiritual mantra and knowledge so as to attain salvation. His teachings are based on the holy scriptures and his characteristics match with what is mentioned about a true saint in the Holy Scriptures.
The word "Satguru" means "true Guru." In Gurbani, Guru Nanak Ji glorifies Satguru in Raag Maru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mehla 1 (G.G.P. 1037) The Glory of Satguru has been told: A satguru's knowledge will be based on holy scriptures and can tell the whole creation of nature and can solve all doubts of a devotee with his spiritual knowledge.
The saint who provides true spiritual knowledge which is in accordance with holy scriptures and grants true salvation mantras is the real saint. Also the identification of a Saint is that he is opposed by contemporary gurus, possesses extensive religious knowledge, grants three types of mantras, conducts thrice-daily worship, prohibits intoxication and meat, discourages meditation, dancing, and playing music, explains the concept of the upside-down hanging world from Gita Chapter 15, and reveals the secret of the two-word mantra 'Satnam' (True Name).
Before choosing Saint one should look into all characteristics of a true Saint provided by Almighty God Kabir. If a Saint possesses all those characteristics one can choose that Saint for the spiritual journey of the soul to God.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the most powerful and famous saint in the whole world including India due to His amazing spiritual knowledge and social reforms.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Ankit Mishra
I've heard from many people about the importance of a Guru in one's life and decided to take initiation, but I'm unable to identify which guru is right, as there are many misleading gurus all over the world.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your engagement with our article. Indeed, there are many gurus in the world who are misleading and cheating devotees, but not all gurus are the same. To identify the right guru, it's essential to consider our holy scriptures, which describe the characteristics of a true guru. To learn more in detail, we recommend you read the book "Gyan Ganga" and listen to the spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.