Contemporary sages, saints, spiritual teachers who were the agents of Satan Brahm-Kaal due to ignorance have misled devotees by narrating folklores and legends and have diverted innocent seekers from the worship of Supreme God and have made them remain just confined to the idol worship and visiting places of pilgrimage which is simply blind worship. It is an arbitrary way of worship and is strictly prohibited according to pious Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23-24. This is what the Villain Brahm-Kaal wants so that no one could know Who is God? What is the correct way of worship by which souls can be liberated?.
Brahm-Kaal deceives and keeps all souls in his trap because they are his food and he always has a fear that by doing true worship all souls will attain their native eternal world ‘Satlok’ and his twenty-one universes will become empty.
There is no trace of happiness and peace in the devil’s / Kaal’s region. Seekers visit temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, and several places of pilgrimages to develop a connection with the divine and attain eternal peace. But is this way of worship correct? Is God seated in these so-called holy places and pilgrimages?. Evidence from holy scriptures has proved that God is in human form and is enthroned like an emperor in his ultimate abode ‘Shashwat Sthan’, ‘Sanatan ParamDhaam-Satlok’.
Read Also: Form of God
God is not found in temples, mosques, churches, and any pilgrimage. So, why do seekers visit places of Pilgrimage? Does pilgrimage provide any benefit to devotees? Let us do a deep analysis.
Ref: Pious Kabir Sagar chapter ‘Gyan Sagar’ page 62-63-speech from ‘Anurag Sagar’
After the 21 universes of Brahm-Kaal were established; the trapped souls aspired for happiness as was in their native world ‘Satlok’. Noticing our pain and to liberate us the very first time; Supreme God KavirDev descended in the twenty-first universe where Kaal resides. God Kabir scolded Brahm-Kaal for his torture on us and had an agreement to take back His beloved souls to ‘Satlok’.
Kaal said ‘Now, no one will listen to you as I have spoiled their conduct by engaging them in various useless ways of worship like visiting temples, Mosques, Churches, and pilgrimage’.
The below statement describes different ways how Brahm-Kaal puts the living beings in a maze to satisfy his hunger
Dharamrai (Kaal Niranjan) Statement
Besak Jaao gyani sansara, jeev na maanae kaha tumhara
Kaha tumhara jeev nahin maane, humaari aor hoy baad bakhaanae
Drad fanda mein racha banai, jaamein sakal jeev urjhaai
Ved-Shastra samarti gungana, putra mere teen pradhana
Teenahu bahu baaji rachi rakha, hamri mahima gyan mukh bhakha
Deval Dev pashan poojaai, teerth vrat jap-tap man laai
Puja vishva dev aradhi, yeh mati jeevo ko rakha bandhi
Yagya hom aru nem achaara, aur anek fand mein daara
Jo gyaani jaao sansaara, jeev na maanae kaha tumhara
Brahm-Kaal does not want souls to know about Param Akshar Purush therefore, misleads to perform arbitrary worship. He has divided us into several religions and has imbibed the wrong way of worship like visiting places of pilgrimage. Therefore he has established several Pilgrimages all over the world going where is a sheer wastage of precious human life.
This is the reason for the establishment of Pilgrimages.
For details read Conversation of God Kabir with Kaal
A religious person who undertakes a journey to a shrine or sacred place as an act of devotion can be termed as a ‘Pilgrim’. The devotee who has the desire to attain God travels to several spiritual places / pilgrimages with the hope that he would probably be able to meet God and will have divine’s blessings showered on him. Such a devout traveler is known as a Pilgrim.
Pilgrimage is the spiritual journey of a devotee for spiritual awakening with a particular religious belief which is based on some miracle that had happened at that location with some perfect man who had spiritual powers. Such sites are usually commemorated with shrines or temples and out of curiosity to see those so-called sacred places; devotees turn up in masses with a belief to have a glimpse of that divine personality which is now in monument form forgetting, that God does not reside in stones / idols.
Pilgrimage is practiced in all major religions and sects of the world - Hinduism, Islam, Buddism, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism. Pilgrimage possess certain features like:-
Some sage worshippers did worship sitting at someplace or near some body of water or exhibited his spiritual power. After making earnings of his worship, he took it with him and went to the lok (place) of his favored deity. That place of worship later became known as a "Place of Pilgrimage". Now if someone goes to see that place where some worshipper used to live and did welfare of many, that place is of no use anymore as there is no saint living there who would give initiation or provide benefit. He has left after making his earnings.
Please think:- Please consider places of pilgrimage as mortar and pestle (used for grinding substances and medicines). A person borrowed a mortar and pestle from his neighbour. He ground some fragrant material/herbs in it and returned it after washing. The room in which the mortar and pestle were kept, a fragrance started coming into that room. The members of the family wondered where the fragrance was coming from and found that it was coming from the mortar and pestle. They understood that the neighbour had borrowed it; he must have ground some aromatic substance. After a few days that fragrance also stopped coming.
Likewise, consider a place of pilgrimage as a situation similar to mortar and pestle. A person ground some aromatic substance and returned the empty mortar and pestle to the person he borrowed it from. Now if the other person just smelling that mortar and pestle becomes contented, then it is his foolishness. To attain the full benefit he will also have to get hold of the actual fragrant material.
Similarly, a holy soul living at some "Place of pilgrimage" after grinding the material of "Name of God" and wiping it off, took all his earnings with him. Later, if the ignorant devotees just by going to that place consider it to be their welfare, then it is their naivety and is due to the result of the baseless way of worship told by their guides (gurus).
Puranas highlight true stories regarding the establishment of Hindu Pilgrimages. Their study and analysis prove that visiting these places of pilgrimage is simply a blind way of worship hence, useless.
Let us study facts regarding the establishment of Hindu Tirth / Dham.
Ref: Shri Brahma Purana writer is Krishandwipayan ie. Vyas Ji. The publisher is Gita Press Gorakhpur page 167-168.
The place near the banks of Gomti river where the son of sage Bhrigu named ‘Shukr’ worshipped God Maheshwar and gained knowledge that place is known as ‘Shukr Teerth’ (Pilgrimage).
Ref: Shri Brahma Puran page 172-173
There was a King named Pururva who one day went to the assembly of Brahma Ji and saw his gorgeous daughter Saraswati. Fascinated by her beauty he proposed to meet her to which Saraswati gave acceptance. They met near the banks of river Saraswati and developed relations for years. One day Shri Brahma Ji caught them in an embarrassing situation and out of annoyance he cursed his daughter Saraswati. She got dissolved in the form of a river. The place where King Pururva and Saraswati used to have intimate relations near the banks of river Saraswati that place became famous by the name ‘Saraswati Sangam’. The place where King Pururva worshipped ‘Mahadev’ that place became famous by the name ‘Pururva Teerth’.
Ref: Shri Brahma Puran page 173-175
There was a sage named Gautam. He did not marry until the age of 10,000 years. (in early days the age of humans used to be very long). He did not know Vedas and only knew ‘Gayatri Mantra’ which he used to chant. One day he went to a cave which was on the hill. There he met with an old lady aged 90,000 years. She was performing austerity to get married as was suggested. Both got married. One day sage ‘Vashisht’ and sage ‘Vamdev’ came in that cave along with other sages. They mocked at sage ‘Gautam’ saying ‘Is this old lady your mother or grandmother?’. After those sages left; sage Gautam and the old lady became sad on the comments made by those sages. On the suggestion given by Sage ‘Agust’, both of them went near the river Godavari on the banks of river Gautami and did severe penance. They remembered Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu also from the river Ganga.
Pleased with their worship, river Ganga told sage Gautam, “O Brahman! You do anointing with my water onto your wife while chanting mantras. With this, she will become young and beautiful”. Following the order of river Ganga, both of them performed that ritual. Both husband-wife became young and good looking. With that mantra-water, the river named ‘Vraddha’ started flowing. At that same place, sage Gautam had an intimate relationship with the same old lady who became young and beautiful. Since then the name of that place became famous as ‘Vraddha Sangam Teerth’. Sage Gautam established a ‘Shivling’ at that place for worship which became famous by the name ‘Vridheshwar’. The narration of this story according to Puranas is the destroyer of all evils. It is also believed that the bath-charity, etc. done at that place provide prosperity to the devotees and fulfills all their wishes.
Ref: Shri Brahma Puran page 162-163 and Shri Markandeya Purana page 173-175
It has been written that the elder son of sage Kashyap is Aditya (Sun God). The name of his wife is Usha. (In Markandeya Purana the name of the wife of ‘Sun God’ has been written as ‘Sandhya’ who is the daughter of the great sage Vishwakarma’). The wife of Sun God used to remain sad because of not being able to tolerate the heat of Sun God. One day with the power of her accomplishments she produced another woman similar to her and told her, “Remain as the wife of my husband because you resemble me but do not reveal this secret neither to my son nor to my husband”.
After this Sandhya (Usha) left towards north Kurukshetra intending to perform austerity. She acquired the form of the mare and started performing penance. When this secret was revealed to Sun God he also went there to acquire the form of a horse where Sandhya (Usha) was performing penance and tried to develop relations. Usha (Sandhya) in the form of the mare ran and reached the banks of river Gautami. Following Usha, her husband Sun God also reached there. Usha by not recognizing her Husband and saving her honor did not allow him for relation. Due to the wrong way of the relationship between both of them; two sons took birth from the mouth of Usha, the sons of ‘Ashwani Kumar’ called ‘Nasatya and Dasr’ and with some semen which had fallen on the earth the third son was born named ‘Rewant’. That place became famous by the name ‘Ashwa Teerth-Bhanu Teerth and Panchvati Ashram’. At the same place, the meeting of the daughters of Sun God named ‘Aruna’ and ‘Varuna’ happened in the form of rivers. There is a separate gathering of different gods and pilgrimages in it. Aforesaid, Sangam has a community of 27000 pilgrims. The bath and charity did there provide inexhaustible virtues. ‘Narad! with the remembrance of that pilgrimage, through Kirtan and hearing the man becomes virtuous, prosperous, and free from all sins’.
Ref: Shri Brahma Puran published from Gita Press Gorakhpur page 161-162
King Janak asked from sage ‘Yagyavalakya’, “O Dwij Shrestha! Great sages have decided that enjoyment and salvation both are superior. You explain! How can salvation be attained by enjoyment?”. Sage ‘Yagyavalakya’ said ‘Father-in-law’ Varun Ji can answer this properly. Let us meet and ask him. Both gods went to Varun Ji who told them “Vedas have fixed this path instead of neglecting work; it's better to do Karma”. Religion, meaning, enjoyment, and salvation all these four are bind by efforts. Nrip Shrestha! With Karma everything can be achieved therefore, a man should perform Vedic Karma rituals in all ways. With this, they attain both the pleasure and salvation in this world. Karma is more auspicious than no-action. After that; King Janak made the sage ‘Yagyavalakya’ the ‘Purohit’ and performed several Yagya on the banks of river Ganga. Therefore, that place became famous by the name Jan Sthan Teerth. It is believed by contemplating that pilgrimage, by visiting and worshipping; all the wishes of a man get fulfilled and he becomes eligible for salvation.
It has been said in the evidence no 1 that ‘Shukr’ the son of sage Bhrigu worshipped on the banks of river Gautami due to which that place became famous by the name ‘Shukr Teerth’ (pilgrimage). If someone believes that merely by bathing or doing charity to useless people is attaining salvation then that person is simply ignorant. The worship of God which ‘Shukracharya’ did, if anyone will perform the same worship then he will receive the same benefits as ‘Shukracharya’ received.
Consider the same situation for evidence no. 5. On the banks of river Ganga at the place where King Janak did several Ashwamegha Yagya in which millions were spent at that time (at present that expenditure is in Arabs) then King Janak attained Heaven. If some ignorant claims that visiting Jan Sthan Teerth and by taking bath and doing charity to alcoholics will provide them the same benefit with which Heaven can be attained then; Can this be justified? After doing so much King Janak could not be liberated. The same soul took birth in Kalyug as Nanak Dev Ji in the house of Kaluram Mehta. He attained salvation by doing true worship after taking initiation from the complete God Kabir Dev.
In evidence no. 2 Saraswati the daughter of Brahma Ji was cursed by her father since she maintained the illegal relations with King Pururva. That place where Saraswati and King Pururva did heinous sin (developing physical relations without marriage) became famous by the name Saraswati Sangam Teerth.
Please Ponder - Can there be any benefit by visiting and taking a bath at such a place where both did wrong?.
It has been said in evidence no. 3 that sage Gautam got married at the age of 10,000 years with an old lady who was of 90,000 years. Intending to become youth both of them performed penance near the river Godavari on the banks of river Gautami. Both anointed mantra-water on each other and became youth. Then they act as husband-wife and that place became famous as ‘Vraddha Sangam Teerth’
Please Ponder- Visiting such pilgrimages will only ruin instead of self-welfare. No ultimate deliverance is possible.
It has been said in evidence no. 4 that the wife of Sun God was performing penance in the form of a Mare. Excited Sun God in the form of a horse went near his wife who was in the form of a Mare who by not recognizing her husband did not allow him for relation. Due to the wrong way of maintaining relation two sons took birth from the mouth of the Mare and one from fallen semen. That place became famous by the name Ashwa Teerth. There two daughters of Sun God became rivers and started flowing due to which that place became famous by the name ‘Panchvati Ashram’. The same place is also famous as ‘Bhanu Teerth’. The belief is the bath and charity done at this place provides innumerable benefits to the devotees and relieves them from all sins.
Please Ponder - Is there any benefit by listening to such useless stories and visiting these pilgrimages?
Important - Complete Salvation is only possible by doing scriptures-based worship (five Vedas and pious Gita Ji) and not by listening to these shameful stories or by visiting these so-called places of pilgrimage.
Almighty KavirDev had an agreement with Brahm-Kaal when the very first time God came in the twenty-one universes of devil-Kaal that he would help in the construction of Jagan Nath temple. Upon the instructions given by Lord Krishna in the dream to Indradaman, the King of Orissa; he got the Jagannath temple constructed five times utilizing the maximum wealth of his kingdom but every time the Sea demolished that temple. According to the promise, God Kabir helped King Indradaman build the temple. This is the only temple in India where from the beginning, there has been no untouchability. The idols of God Shri Krishna, Shri Balram Ji, and their sister Subhadra Ji are kept just to view. None of the idols have digits in both hands, they are physically defective (stump). Those idols are not worshipped to date.
Important - Sacred monuments are respectable but self-welfare is only possible with true worship as provided by the enlightened saint.
For details please read How was the Temple of Jagannath Puri built
God Shiv Ji gave initiation (mantra) to his wife Parvati Ji in a solitary place with which she got liberated till Lord Shiv Ji will not die. Earlier Parvati Ji had 107 human births. But 21 universes of Brahm-Kaal are mortal. Shiv Shankar Ji’s age is also fixed. He is in the cycle of birth and death. With the true mantra given by Shiv Ji to Parvati Ji, her age became equivalent to that of Lord Shiva. Real incidents are known to devotees where there had been natural disasters in Amarnath Dham and people were buried under the snowstorm. This way of worship is against the scriptures hence, raises doubt in the mind of the devotees
For details read How Amarnath Dham was Established
Once the daughter of ‘Daksh’ named ‘Sati’ who was the wife of Lord Shiva Ji got upset with her husband and left home. She went to her parent’s house where her father ‘Daksh’ was performing Yagya (sacrifice) and had invited many renowned sages, saints, Mandaleshwars, deities, Kings. etc. but not ‘Shiv Ji and Sati’. Daksh did not give respect to ‘Sati’ rather insulted her as well as her husband Shiv Ji. Annoyed with this, Sati jumped into the fire-pit in which the religious ritual (Hawan) was going on and was burnt to death. When Lord Shiva got to know about this mishappening he got highly upset and took the burnt dead body of ‘Sati’ and roamed all over the earth for 10,000 years carrying that skeleton. Later Lord Vishnu chopped the dead body into pieces with his ‘Sudarshan Chakra’. Then Shankar Ji got disillusioned. The broken body parts of ‘Sati Ji’ fell at several places.
Where the trunk of that skeleton fell, the devotees buried it in the ground and made a temple-like monument to maintain the memory of this religious incident. Over a period, the people started visiting that place and started worshipping. Hence, that place became famous and the temple of Vaishno Devi thus got established.
For details read How was Vaishno Devi Temple Established
The place where the eyes of ‘Sati Ji’ had fallen; there the devotees buried those eyes and made a temple-like a monument so that the evidence of this religious incident remains for generations to come and no one can raise doubt on the story mentioned in Puranas. This is how the temple of Naina Devi was established.
In ‘Kangda’, Himachal Pradesh at the place where the burning tongue of ‘Sati Ji’ had fallen, the devotees have made a temple as a memory. This is how the temple of ‘Jwala Ji’ was established’.
The place where the navel part of ‘Sati Ji’ had fallen; there a temple was established as a memory of this religious incident and the arbitrary worship started. This is how the temple of ‘Annapurna Devi’ got established.
Please Ponder- In all these places ‘Sati Ji’ is not present only the memory of that incident is there as proof. Therefore, visiting and worshipping in these temples does not provide any spiritual benefits to the devotees. They can just have a glimpse but no welfare can happen to seekers. This is simply blind worship which is useless.
Epic Mahabharata provides evidence that Pandavas (Yudhishthir, Arjun, Bheem, Nakul, and Sahdev) during their last days spent time in the Himalayas and performed austerity. One day Sadashiv means Brahm-Kaal acquired the form of a milch buffalo and started wandering in that area. Bheem ran to catch him with the intention to get milk then the buffalo began to penetrate into the earth. Bheem firmly held the back of the buffalo which was remaining outside the earth. It turned into a stone and remained above the earth. That became ‘Kedarnath’. Wherever the other body parts of the same buffalo like front and back legs etc appeared they became another ‘Kedar’. Like this, seven ‘Kedar’ were established in the Himalayas.
The head of that buffalo appeared in ‘Kathmandu’-Nepal which is called ‘Pashupatinath’. The temple was made at both places for memory.
Important - All pilgrimages have similar stories that could be visited but worshipping at these places is useless. Almost 100 years ago; due to the excess rainfall on Kedarnath, the swamp was increased. For nearly 60 years there was no worship done; neither did anyone visit. Later, for the last 30-40 years, the visitors again have started going there.
In the year 2012 lakhs of devotees died in Kedarnath due to heavy flood. Because of blind devotion, many families were ruined. This is arbitrary worship. Had this worship been according to the method stated in pious Gita Ji then based on their virtues; all the devotees even after death would have reached the court of God. But by not practicing according to the holy scriptures and by doing arbitrary worship they have ruined their precious human birth.
तीरथ बाट चले जो प्राणी, सो तो जन्म-जन्म ऊर जानी |
जा तीरथ पर कर है दानम, आवत जावत जीव मरे अरबानम ||
Teerat baat chaley jo praani, so to janam janam urr jaani
Ja teerth par kar hai danam, aavat javat jeev marey arbanam
Almighty Kabir tells in his nectar speech that all those devotees who go for pilgrimage kill millions of subtle (suksham) creatures while on way, instead of getting any benefit they rather inturn; incur sins. Hence, doing charity, taking baths, and visiting places of pilgrimage provides them no gain. Such seekers do not attain salvation and remain in the trap of Brahm-Kaal suffering in 84 lakh life species.
The real-time incidents of natural disasters like in Kedarnath, Amarnath Dham, etc. have proved that there is always the risk of life to the devotees also the fear of Stampede which becomes the reason for the death of millions at a time.
Why do we suffer even after worshipping these deities with reverence?. This signifies our way of worship is not correct. Everyone worships to attain peace, to attain God but by not doing true worship which is scriptures based the creatures remain in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth, remaining in Brahm-Kaal’s trap. To get freedom from Kaal’s trap there is a need for scriptures-based true worship as told by Satguru who destroys even grave sins by the grace of God.
माशा घटे ना तिल बड़े, वेदना लिखे जो |
सच्चा सतगुरु मेट कर उपर मारे मेंख ||
Masa ghatey na til badhey, vedhna likhey jo lekh
Sachha Satguru met kar, upar marey mekh
सतगुरु शरण में आने से आई टले बला |
जै मस्तक में सूली हो तो कांटे में टल जाए ||
Satguru sharan mein aaney se aayee taley bala
Jai mastak mein shooli ho to kantey mein tal jayee
Salvation is not attained by visiting pilgrimage (teerth/dham). Salvation is attained only by true worship of Almighty Kavirdev who guarantees
अमर करूं सतलोक पठाऊं, ताते बंदी छोड़ कहांऊं |
बंदीछोड़ हमारा नामम, अजर अमर है अस्थिर ठाणम ||
Amar karun Satlok pathaun, tatey bandichod kahaun
Bandichod hamara naamam, ajar amar hay asthir thanam
Welfare is possible only by doing worship of God rather than visiting a place of pilgrimage. For that one has to find a Tatvdarshi Sant; take name-initiation (mantra) from him and then by doing worship throughout life, one can attain salvation.
For details read Identification of a True Saint
Let us study what do holy scriptures guide on the same?
Ref: Shri Devi Purana Skand 6th chapter 10 page 417
Vyas Ji told King Janmajay Ji “King! This is certain that pilgrims do clean the body scum but Pilgrims do not have the power to wash the dirt of the mind. ‘Chitshuddh’ (Teerth which purifies the soul) is believed to be even more pious than Ganga etc. If fortunately, one happens to attend the discourse form pilgrim of a true spiritual master then there remains no doubt in getting clean the dirt of their mind. But King! To get the discourse that purifies heart and soul (Chitshuddh Teerth) the requirement is to attend the discourse of a Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint. It is very difficult to purify the soul through Vedas, Shastra, fasting, penance, and charity’. Sage ‘Vashisht’ was the son of Brahma Ji. He had studied the Vedas properly. He used to reside on the banks of the river. In fact, due to malice, he had unpleasant relations with ‘Vishwamitr’. Both cursed each other and fought. With this it is proved that the soul should be purified with the spiritual discourse of a real saint otherwise, all other means like the knowledge of Vedas, austerity, fasting, charity, and religion cannot serve any special purpose.
Please Ponder - With aforesaid, description of Shri Devi Purana it is clear no pilgrim is superior to the spiritual discourse of an enlightened saint and welfare is only possible by the practice told by a ‘Tatvadrishta’ (enlightened) saint. Pilgrimage, fasting, tenacity, charity, etc. are all useless efforts. In the absence of a Tatvadarshi Sant with merely the way of worship mentioned in four Vedas, complete salvation cannot be attained.
Almighty Kabir Ji has said
सतगुरु बिन वेद पढ़े जो प्राणी, समझे ना सार रहे अज्ञानी
सतगुरु बिन काहु ना पाया गयाना, ज्यों थोथा भुष छिड़े मूढ किसाना
अड़सठ तीरथ भ्रम -भ्रम आवे, सर्व फल सतगुरु चरणा पावे
कबीर तीरथ करि- करि जग मुआ, उड़े पानी नहाए
सतनाम जपा नहीं, काल घसीटे जाए
Satguru bin Ved padhey jo praani, samjhey na saar rahey agyani
Satguru bin kahu na paya gyana, jyon thotha bhush chadey mud kisana
Addsath tirath brahm-brahm aavey, sarv phal Satguru charna pavey
Kabir tirath kari-kari jag mua, udey paani nahaey
Satnaam japa nahee, Kaal ghaseetey jaae.
It has been mentioned in Sukshamveda
अड़सठ तीरथ भ्रम-भ्रम आवे, सो फल सतगुरु चरणों पावे |
गंगा, यमुना, बद्री समेंते, जगन्नाथ धाम है जैते ||
ब्रह्म फल प्राप्त होय ना जैतो, गुरु सेवा में फल पावे तेतो |
कोटिक तीरथ सब कर आवे, गुरु चरणों फल तुरंत ही पावे ||
सतगुरु मिले तो अगम बतावे, जम की आंच तही नहीं आवे |
भक्ति मुक्ति का पंथ बतावे, बुरा होन को पंथ छुड़ावे ||
सतगुरु भक्ति मुक्ति के दानी, सतगुरु बिना ना छूटे खानी |
सतगुरु गुरु सुर तरु सुर धेनु समाना, पावे चरण मुक्ति परवाना ||
Addsath teerth bhram-bhram aavey, so phal Satguru charno pavey
Ganga, Yamuna, Badri sametey Jaggannath dhaam hai jaitey
Bhram phal prapt hoye na jeyto, guru sewa mein phal pavey teyto
Kotik teerth sab kar aavey, guru charna phal turant hee paavey
Satguru miley to agam batawey, Jam ki aanch tahee nahee aavey
Bhakti mukti ka panth batawey, Bura hon ko panth chudawey
Satguru bhakti mukti ke daani, Satguru bina na chutey khanee
Satguru guru sur taru sur dhenu samana, pavey charnan mukti prawana
Explanation - It has been told in the nectar speech by the complete God ie. in Sukshamveda that there is no benefit visiting pilgrimages. The real pilgrimage is listening to the spiritual discourse of Satguru (Tatvadarshi Sant). The place where the spiritual discourse of Satguru happens is the superior most pilgrimage. The same evidence is provided in concise Srimad Devi Bhagavata Mahapurana. In its 6th Skand in chapter 10, it has been mentioned that the superior pilgrimage is ‘Chitt Shuddh Teerth’ (purification of the soul) where the spiritual discourse of an enlightened saint happens. With that true spiritual knowledge the soul purifies. The scriptures based true spiritual knowledge and worship enhances; with which the soul’s well-being happens. Rest all other pilgrimages are mere confusion. In the very same Purana, it has been mentioned that Satguru form pilgrimage is rarest of the rare.
It has been told in Sukshma Veda that Satguru is like ‘Kalpavraksh’ and ‘Kamdhenu’ as mentioned in Puranas who fulfills every wish. Similarly, Satguru by providing true worship provides all happiness and comforts in life to the seekers and provides many benefits with his blessings. With true worship, Satguru eases the path of liberation for His dearest soul. Therefore, It has been said
ऐके साधे सब सधे सब साधे सब जाए, माली सीचे मूल को फले फूले अधाय ||
Eke sadhey sab sadhey, sab sadhey sab jayee, Maali seechey mool ko, phaley phooley aghayee
Meaning- By visiting Satguru form pilgrimage; all benefits are received. With other pilgrimage and blind worship, all benefits finish.
Followers of all religions visit places of pilgrimage according to their belief and the same concept applies to all that Allah / God / Rab is not seated in any of those pilgrims.
Buddhists visit Bodh Gaya-Bihar, Sarnath-Varanasi, U.P., in India. Patliputra, Nalanda, Gaya, Kapilavastu, Kosambi, Lumbini in Nepal and at a lot many places across the world like in Japan, Tibet, Indonesia, China, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, etc
Muslims go to Hajj, visit Mecca-Madina, Marian shrine in Portugal. In India, the place of pilgrimage for Muslims includes the shrine of Khwaja Moin-Ud-Din Chisti in Ajmer, Haji-Ali Dargah in Mumbai, Hazrat Nizamuddin shrine in Delhi, etc.
Christians visit the Vatican City, Church of Holy Sepulchre, The Garden of Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa, Church of the Ascension, in Jerusalem, Israel etc.
Sikhism place of Pilgrimage is Golden Temple Amritsar, Anandpur Sahib, Fatehgarh Sahib, Damdama Sahib, Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, Delhi, etc.
Jews - Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism, The Western Wall, Rachel's Tomb, Biblical Mount Sinai etc are few more.
People can visit these pilgrimages just for the sake of visiting but not with the intention to meet divine. It is the advice to the followers of all religions that Identify God. Do true worship and make the most of your precious human birth.
Now that it is clear that pilgrimage does not provide any benefit rather incurs sins it becomes imperative to know who is worshipable God?
It has been mentioned in Gita chapter 4 verse 32, 34, to know that true spiritual knowledge of that supreme God understands that tatvagyan from the Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint which God himself has spoken in his nectar speech from his lotus-mouth’.
In Gita chapter 18 verse 62 Brahm-Kaal says, ‘O Bharat! By all means, you go in the refuge of that God. With His grace only you will attain eternal peace and Sanatan ultimate abode’. Evidence of worshipable Almighty God is also provided in chapter 8 verse 8-10, chapter 18 verse 62, chapter 15 verse 1-4 and 17, etc.
Therefore, worship that one-god who is Param Akshar Brahm, the complete God because ‘Lord of the lineage is just One’ (कुल का मालिक एक है- कबीर देव) His name is Kabir Dev. All holy scriptures provide evidence.
Blind worship is highly dangerous for humans. It is a request to the educated society beware of fake spiritual teachers who tell worship which is against our holy scriptures. As guided by fake gurus; visiting places of pilgrimage is the sheer wastage of human birth. The devotees should strongly oppose contemporary gurus who are simply running their business and ruining the precious human birth of devotees.
Almighty KavirDev says
मोती मुक्ता दर्शत नाही यह जग है सब अंध रे |
दीखत के तो नैन चिसम इनके फिरा मोतियाबिंद रे ||
Moti mukta darshat nahee, yeh jag hai sab andh re
Deekhat ke to nain chisam, inke phira motiya bind re
This means these fake gurus seem to be intelligent but they are zero in spiritual knowledge. They do not know the ABC of spirituality. Devotees should not follow these ignorants. They should stop visiting places of pilgrimages.
Almighty KavirDev wakes souls through nectar speech
कबीर, मानव जन्म दुर्लभ है, मिले ना बारंबार |
जैसे तरुवर से पत्ता टूट गिरे, बहुर ना लगता डार ||
कबीर, कहता हूं कहीं जात हूं, कहू बजाकर ढोल |
स्वास जो खाली (नाम बिना ) जात है, तीन लोक का मोल ||
Kabir, Manav janam durlabh hai, miley na barambaar
Jaisey taruwar se patta toot girey, bahur na lagta daar
Kabir, kehta hun kahee jaat hun, kahun baja kar dhol
Swans jo khaali (naam bina) jaat hai, teen lok ka mol
The welfare of human beings is possible only by the true worship provided by the Real Saint. Human birth is precious. It is attained after bearing pain in 84 lakh life species. Like a leaf falls from the tree cannot be fixed again; in the same way, every breath holds utmost importance, it should only be utilized in true worship of Almighty Kabir. He preaches the same time and again.
It is the advice to all, today the scripture-based true way of worship (evidence in Gita chapter 17 verse 23, Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25, Samved Mantra no. 822 Samved Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand no. 5 Shlok no. 8, Quran Sharif in Surat (Surah)-Shura 42 Ayat 1) is available only with Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj. Please obtain it free-of-cost.
pilgrimage is a journey undertaken by devotees to a place of religious significance in the hope of seeking spiritual enlightenment, worldly benefits, or salvation. However, it is important to note that the idea of pilgrimage is not supported by our Holy scriptures, and therefore, no genuine spiritual benefits are obtained through this practice.
place of pilgrimage is a location that holds religious significance, often associated with saints, deities, or miraculous events. However, it is crucial to understand that these places only hold cultural and religious importance and do not guarantee any spiritual rewards or blessings according to our scriptures.
India is home to numerous pilgrimage sites, such as Kashi (Varanasi), Haridwar, and Puri. However, it is important to remember that the notion of attaining salvation or dying at these places for spiritual benefits is not supported by our scriptures. True salvation can only be achieved through the guidance of a complete Saint and by following the true Mantra described in the Holy scriptures.
Pilgrimage holds religious and cultural significance for believers, who believe that undertaking such a journey can lead to spiritual growth, blessings, and salvation. However, it is crucial to note that there is no concrete evidence in any scripture supporting the notion that pilgrimage guarantees such benefits. According to Lord Kabir, true benefits can only be obtained by taking shelter in the complete Guru and following the teachings provided. Lord Kabir says in his profound speech that: "Addsath teerth bhram-bhram aavey, so phal Satguru charno pavey"
The tradition of pilgrimage started as a way to commemorate specific events, saints, or deities associated with particular locations. Over time, it evolved as people sought spiritual awakening, material benefits, and salvation through these journeys. However, it is important to understand that the concept of pilgrimage lacks spiritual authenticity and often leads people to waste their time and resources on a practice that does not yield genuine spiritual benefits.
A pilgrimage typically involves the movement of devotees to a sacred place where they engage in practices such as penance, prayers, or rituals with the aim of attaining spiritual awakening or salvation. However, it is essential to emphasize that genuine spiritual awakening and salvation can only be achieved through listening to the discourses of a complete Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, and receiving initiation from Him. He is the provider of scriptures-based worship in the world today.
The Kumbh Mela is considered the largest pilgrimage in India. However, it is important to note that due to the incorrect practices and lack of spiritual knowledge, this event often leads to conflicts and clashes among the participants. Instead of obtaining spiritual benefits, people end up harming each other.
Pilgrimage is observed in several religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism, and Judaism, among others. However, it is crucial to emphasize that people often engage in these pilgrimages without proper spiritual knowledge, leading to a misguided belief in the benefits of such journeys and they end up wasting their precious human life.
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Swati Gupta
What is the correct way of worship - is it Pilgrimage, or visit to temples, mosques, church, Gurudwara or recitation of path of holy scriptures?
Satlok Ashram
None of the above stated practice is correct according to facts mentioned in holy scriptures. Pious Bhagavad Gita prohibits all such practices since they are arbitrary and cannot grant salvation.