The narrator of the Holy Vedas, Brahm is saying that regarding the Supreme God Kavir Dev some believe that He comes in incarnation form by taking birth; some call Him as Formless who never takes birth. Only the (Dheeranam) Tatvdarshi saints will give His information. I (Brahm) do not know (Yajurved Adhyay 40 Mantra 10).
Let us study evidence for the same from holy scriptures
First let us study the evidence from holy Gita
Its evidence is also in Holy Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34 and Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 to 4. Until a living being finds that Tatvdarshi saint, one's welfare is impossible. That saint has now come; recognise this Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal ji.
In the same way, in Holy Quran Sharif, Surat Furqani no. 25, Aayat 52 to 59, it is said that in reality, (Ibaadaii Kabira) Kabir Allah is worthy of being worshipped. This Kabir is that same Supreme God who created the nature in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day. Ask some 'Baakhabar' (one who is fully acquainted with Him) for information about Him.
The Allah narrating the Holy Quran Sharif is himself pointing towards some other God named Kabir, and is saying that even I do not know about the Supreme God Kabir. Ask some Tatvdarshi saint (Baakhabar) regarding Him.
Kavir Dev had said this same thing that I am myself Supreme God (Allah Kabir / Akbiru). I have myself come as a messenger of my sound/healthy knowledge. Try to recognise me. But, in a similar manner, earlier also Aacharyas did not allow the true knowledge of God to reach the public. They used to say that Kabir is illiterate, he does not know Sanskrit; we are educated. On this, previously devotees had become misled, but now the entire society is educated. These misled Aacharyas have neither succeeded, nor will.
Kavir Dev Himself comes as a messenger of His knowledge and Himself delivers His sound knowledge (True Tatvgyan / true spiritual knowledge).
KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) has Himself said in His sacred speech -Shabd (Hymn)
Avigat se chal aaye, koi mera bhed marm nahin paaya||(tek) ||
Na mera janm na garbh basera, baalak ho dikhlaaya ||
Kashi nagar jal kamal par dera, vahaan julaahe ne paaya ||
Maat-pita mere kuchh naahin, na mere ghar daasi (patni) ||
Julha ka sut aan kahaaya, jagat karein meri haansi ||
Paanch tatv ka dhad nahin mera, jaanu gyaan apaara ||
Satya swaroopi (vaastvik) naam Saheb (Purna Prabhu) ka, soi naam humaara ||
Adhar dweep (upar Satyalok mein) gagan gufa mein tahaan nij vastu sara ||
Jyot swaroopi alakh Niranjan (Brahm), bhi dharta dhyaan humaara ||
Haad chaam lahu na mere, koi jaane satyanaam upaasi ||
Taaran taran abhay pad daata, main hoon Kabir avinaashi ||
In the above-mentioned hymn, Supreme God Kabir is saying that neither I have any wife, nor I have a body made up of the five elements (a body made up of bones-flesh-blood i.e. made up of combination of vessels), I am (Swayambhu) self-existent and myself appearing on a lotus flower in the water of the pond named Lahar Tara in City Kashi, had made a child's form. A weaver named Neeru took me from there. I have the same name which is the actual name of Supreme God i.e mine (Kavir Dev in Vedas, Hakka Kabir in Guru Granth Sahib and Allah Kabiran in Quran Sharif). I live in (Ritdhaam) Satlok above and your God Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) also worships me.
Its evidence is also present in Satyarth Prakaash, Seventh Samullas (page 152-153, Published from Deena Nagar Punjab). Swami Dayanand ji has translated the Yajurved Adhyay 13 Mantra 4 and Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 49 Mantra 1. In which the narrator of Vedas, Brahm, is saying (5 = Rigved Mandal 10 Sukt 49 Mantra 1, and 6 = Yajurved Adhyay 13 Mantra 4) - Oh Human beings, He who was the Creator of all prior to the creation and was the Master of all, is, and will remain in future as well, He alone creating the whole nature is maintaining it. Just as we (Brahm and other gods also worship Him) do the bhakti of that God of happiness, so should you.
Let us understand the same in detail basis the evidence from holy Vedas
Samiddhoadhya manusho durone devo devanyajasi jaatvedH|| Aa ch vah mitrmahshchikitvaantvaM dootH Kavirasi prchetaH ||25||
SamiddhH - adhya - manushH - durone - devH - devan - yaj - asi - jaat - vedH - aa - ch - vah - mitrmahH - chikitvaan - tvam - dootH - Kavir - asi - prchetaH ||
Translation: (Adhya) Today i.e. in the present time (durone) wickedly in the body-like palace (manushH) the thoughtful persons engrossed in wrong way of worship (samiddhH) the lit fire i.e. the current way of worship opposite to the scriptures which is harmful; like fire burns to ashes, this is what the way of worship opposite to the scriptures does to the life of a worshipper. In its place (devan ) of the gods (devH) God (jaatvedH) Supreme God SatPurush's real (yaj ) way of worship (asi) is. (aa) kind (mitrmahH) of the Supreme God who is the real friend of the living being (chikitvaan ) healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti (dootH) in the form of a messenger (vah) who brings (ch) and (prchetaH) who imparts (tvam ) Himself (Kavir ) KavirDev i.e. Supreme God Kabir (asi) is.
Translation: Today i.e. in the present time, the fire, i.e. way of worship opposite to the scriptures which is harmful, set wickedly to the body like palace of the thoughtful persons engrossed in the wrong way of worship burns the life of a worshipper (like, fire burns to ashes, the same is done to the life of a worshipper by the way of worship opposite to the scriptures), in its place, is the real way of worship of the God of gods, Supreme God SatPurush.
One, who brings and imparts the healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti of the Supreme God who is kind and the real friend of a living being, in the form of a messenger is Himself KavirDev i.e. Supreme God Kabir.
Meaning: - When abandoning the scripture-based way of worship the devotee community is made to follow arbitrary way of worship, at that time KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) reveals the Tatvgyan (the true spiritual knowledge).
359 Samved Adhyay no. 4 Khand no. 25 Shlok no. 8
PuraaM bhinduryuva Kaviramitauja ajaayat|| Indro vishvasya karmno dharta vajri purushtutH ||8 ||
Puraam - bhinduH - yuva - Kavir - amit - auja - ajaayat - indraH - vishvasya - karmanH - dharta - vajri - purushtutH ||
Translation: (Yuva) Purna Samrath / Fully Capable (Kavir ) KavirDev i.e. Supreme God Kabir (amitauja) possessing massive power i.e. Almighty (ajaayat) making a supernatural body of masses of lights (dharta) by manifesting i.e. by incarnating (vajri) with His weapon of Satyashabd and Satyanaam (puraam ) the fort of the bondage of sins of Kaal-Brahm (bhinduH) who breaks into pieces (IndraH) Supreme God, giver of all the happiness (vishvasya) all the living beings of the entire universe (karmanH) mind-speech-actions i.e. with full faith, with undivided attention, through religious actions, by true bhakti (purushtutH) is worthy of being praised and worshipped.
Translation: The Fully Capable (Purna Samrath) Supreme God Kabir, who possesses massive power i.e. is Almighty, who forming a supernatural body of masses of lights, manifests i.e. comes as an incarnation, who breaks the fort of the bondage of sins of Kaal-Brahm into pieces, the Supreme God who is the giver of all the happiness, is worthy of being praised and worshipped by mind-speech-actions i.e. with full faith, with undivided attention, through religious actions and by true bhakti by all the living beings of the entire universe.
{Like, a child and an old person are not capable of doing everything, whereas a young person has the ability to do everything. Likewise consider ParBrahm - Brahm and Trilokiye Brahma-Vishnu-Shiv and other gods goddesses as child and old person, therefore Supreme God Kabir has been given the title of Yuva in the Ved.}
Meaning: - Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) who brings Tatvgyan to the world, He is almighty and breaks the fort of actions of Kaal (Brahm). He is the giver of all the happiness and is worthy of being worshipped by all.
Mantra Sankhya 1400 Samved Utarchik Adhyay no. 12 Khand no. 3 Shlok no. 5-H3
Bhadra vastra samanya3vasaano mahaan kavirnivachnani shansan || Aa vachyasv chamvoH pooymaano vichakshano jaagrvirdevveetau|| 5||
Bhadra - vastra - samanya - vasaanH - mahaan - Kavir - nivachnani - shansan - aavachyasv - chamvoH - pooymaanH - vichakshanH - jagrviH - Dev - veetau ||
Translation: (VichakshanH) Clever people (aavachyasv) through their speeches, instead of telling the true path of the way of worship of Purna Brahm, by directing towards the worship of others, in place of nectar, (pooymaanH) pus from a boil in the form of the worship of others [like, ghost-worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas {Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shankar} and worship of Brahm-Kaal] (chamvoH) are respectfully making sip the wrong knowledge (bhadra) the supreme happiness-giving (mahaan Kavir ) Supreme God Kabir (vastra) in a body in an ordinary attire i.e. {the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. Chola means body. Like, if a saint leaves his body, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, (samanya) acquiring another body made up of mass of lights [tejpunj] similar to that of Satyalok (vasaanH) by spending life like a common man and living in the world for a few days (nivachnani) by means of his Shabdavali (hymns & verses) , the true knowledge (shansan) by explaining (Dev) of the Supreme God (veetau) hidden Sargun-Nirgun knowledge (jagrviH) awakens/brings awareness about.
Translation: Clever people, through their speeches, instead of telling the true path of the way of worship of Purna Brahm, by directing towards the worship of others, in place of nectar, are respectfully making sip the pus from a boil i.e. wrong knowledge of the worship of others {like, ghost worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, Tamgun-Shankar) and worship of Brahm-Kaal}. At that time, the Supreme-happiness-giving Supreme God Kabir, acquiring another body made up of masses of lights (tejpunj) similar to His body in Satyalok, appears in body in an ordinary attire {(vastra) the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. 'Chola' means body. Like, if a saint leaves his body, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, and by living like an ordinary man for a few days in this world, explaining the true knowledge by means of His shabdavali etc., brings awareness about the hidden Sargun-Nirgun knowledge of the Supreme God.
Meaning: - Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) appears in this world to explain Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) to the devotee society dependent on the pus-like i.e. dangerous way of worship opposite to the injunctions of the scriptures. At that time, He comes while wearing another body like cloth (of fainter light) over His radiant body. (Because the actual radiant body of the Supreme God cannot be seen with naked eyes.) He performs a divine act by living a life of a common man for a few days and brings to light the knowledge for attaining (him) the Supreme God.
Shishum jagyaanm hry tam mrjanti shumbhanti vahin marutH ganen ||
Kavirgeerbhi kavyena Kavir sant somH pavitrm atyeti rebhan ||
Translation: Supreme God (hry shishum ) in the form of an extraordinary human child (jagyaanm ) appears intentionally and His true knowledge / Tatvgyan (tam ) at that time (mrjanti) with purity (shumbhanti) utters (vahinH) who blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God (marutH) devotees (ganen) for the group of (kavyena) by poetic insight, through poems (pavitrm atyeti) many speeches with purity (Kavir Geerbhi) Kabir-speech i.e. by means of speech of Kabir (rebhan ) recites by addressing loudly (Kavir Sant somH) that Eternal Purush/God i.e. SatPurush alone in the form of a Saint i.e. a Rishi, is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet). But He is Supreme God only. His actual name is KavirDev.
Translation: Supreme God intentionally appears in the form of an extraordinary human child and at that time utters His Tatvgyan / True knowledge with purity. For the group of devotees blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God, He recites many speeches through poems with poetic insight by calling out loudly through Kavir Vaani i.e. Kabir Vaani. That Eternal Purush/God i.e SatPurush alone in the form of a saint i.e. a Rishi is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet). But He is Supreme God only. His actual name is KavirDev.
Meaning: In Rigved Mandal no. 9 Sukt no. 96 Mantra 16, it is said that let us know about the real name of the Supreme God. In this Mantra 17, that God's name and His full introduction is given. The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that Supreme God Kavir Dev by appearing in the form of an extraordinary human child explains His real, pure knowledge to His hans souls i.e. devout followers by means of His Kabir vaani by addressing i.e. uttering, through poems and proverbs. Because of absence of this Tatvgyan, not recognising the God present then, only consider Him to be a Rishi, Saint or a Poet. That God Himself also says that I am Purna Brahm, but on the basis of lokved (folk knowledge), believing God to be formless, the people do not recognise Him.
Garibdas Ji Maharaj recognising the God who had appeared in Kashi expressed His glory, and whatever glory that God had explained about Himself, mentioned that as it is in his speech -
Garib, jaati humaari Jagat Guru, Parmeshwar hai panth |
Dasgarib likh pade, naam Niranjan kant ||
Garib, hum hi Alakh Allah hain, kutub gos aur peer |
Garibdas Khaalik Dhani, humra naam Kabir ||
Garib, ae swami Srishta main, srishti humre teer |
Das Garib adhar bassoon, avigat Sat Kabir ||
Even after clarifying this much, people call Him Kavi (Poet) or Saint, Bhakt (devotee) or a weaver. But He is Supreme God only. His real name is Kavir Dev. He is Himself SatPurush Kabir in the form of a Rishi or Saint. But on the basis of ignorant principles of the rishis (sages) and saint gurus who are devoid of Tatvgyan, people do not recognise the God who has appeared as a guest at that time because those ignorant rishis (sages), saints and gurus have already explained God to be formless.
Rishimna ya rishikrit swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam Trteeyam dhaam mahishH sisha sant somH viraajmaanu rajti stup
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that (ya) the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child (kavinam) of famous poets (padviH) attaining the title i.e. plays the role of a saint or rishi, that (rishikrt ) composed by the God appeared in the form of a Saint (sahastraneethH) thousands of speeches (rishimna) for the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees (swarshaH) is the provider of happiness equal to that of heaven (somH) that Eternal Purush/God i.e. Satpurush (trteeya) third (dhaam) of the Mukti lok / lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok (mahishH) very firm Earth (sisha) establishing (anu) after (sant ) being in a human-like visible saint form (stup ) in a dome on a high hillock-like throne (viraajmaanu rajti) in a bright material form i.e is seated in an effulgent human-like visible body.
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that the Supreme God who coming in the form of an extraordinary child, attaining the title of famous poets i.e. plays the role of a saint or a Rishi (sage), the thousands of speeches composed by that God, who has appeared as a saint, are provider of happiness equal to that of heaven to the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees. That Eternal Purush/God i.e. SatPurush after establishing the very firm Earth of the third lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok, Himself being in a human-like visible saint form in a bright material form i.e. in human-like effulgent body is seated in a dome on a high hillock-like throne.
Meaning: It is said in Mantra 17 that Kavir Dev acquires a child form. Then, He grows up while doing a leela (divine play). Because of describing the Tatvgyan through poems, attains the position of a poet (kavi) i.e. people start calling Him a Rishi, Saint, and a poet. In reality, He is Supreme God Kavir only. The sacred speech composed by Him is known as Kabir Vaani, which is comforting like heaven to the devotees. That same God, establishing the third lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok, is seated in form in a bright human-like body on a throne in a dome.
In this mantra, Satlok has been called the third Dhaam. Like, one, lok of Brahm which is an area of twenty-one brahmands; second, lok of ParBrahm which is an area of seven sankh brahmands; third is the Satlok of Param Akshar Brahm i.e. Purna Brahm because Purna Parmatma (Supreme God), sitting in SatPurush form in Satyalok, has created the lower loks. Therefore, the lower loks have been counted.
This very eye-witnessed evidence was given by Saint Garib Das ji -Ars kurs par safed gumbaj hai, jahan Satguru ka dera. The meaning is that in the highest point in the sky above, Supreme God Kabir ji lives in a white dome.
Chamusat shyenH shakunH vibhrtva gobinduH drps aayudhaani bibhrt ApamoorbhiH sachmanH samudrm turiyam dhaam mahishH vivakti
Translation: (Chamusat ) holy (govinduH) Supreme God KavirDev who fulfils all the desires like Kamdhenu (vibhrtva) is the sustainer of all (shyenH) white-coloured (shakunH) possesses auspicious charateristics (chamusat ) is all-powerful. (drpsH) like there is a method of making curd out of milk, similarly, by scripture-based sadhna, giver of the curd-like complete salvation (aayudhaani) possessing the bow of Tatvgyan, which destroys the web of Kaal, is Saarangpaani / a bow-bearer God. (sachmanH) real (vibhrt ) rears everyone (apamoorbhiH) with deep water (samudrm) deeply thoughtful i.e. huge like an ocean (turiyam ) fourth (dhaam) lok i.e. in Anami lok (mahishH) on bright, very firm Earth (vivakti) also lives separately in a different place. KavirDev Himself gives this information distinctly in detail.
Translation: The Holy Supreme God KavirDev, who fulfils all the desires like Kamdhenu, is the sustainer of all. He is white in colour, possesses auspicious characteristics and is Almighty. Like, there is a method of making curd out of milk; similarly, He is the giver of curd-like complete salvation by scripture-based sadhna. He possesses the bow of Tatvgyan which destroys the web of Kaal and is therefore called Saarangpaani / the bow-bearer God. He is the real rearer of all. He, deeply thoughtful like an ocean with deep water i.e. huge, also lives separately in a different place on the bright, very firm Earth in the fourth lok i.e. Anami lok. Kavir Dev Himself gives this information distinctly in detail.
Meaning: In Mantra 18, it is said that Supreme God Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) lives in the third lok of salvation i.e. Satlok in a dome. It is said in this Mantra 19 that the Supreme God who is extremely white-coloured, who fulfils all the desires like Kamdhenu (A cow of heaven who fulfils the desire of all kinds of eatables immediately) ; in reality, He only is the sustainer of all. That same Kavir Dev, who comes in the mortal world in a child-form, He only, like there is a method of making curd from milk; similarly, by telling the scripture based way of worship for attaining complete salvation, provides the curd of complete salvation. Because of being equipped with the weapon i.e. bow of Tatvgyan, He is known as Saarangpaani (Bow bearer), and just as an ocean is a source of all the water; likewise, everyone has originated from the Supreme God.
In Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 3, it is said that after cutting the tree of the world with the weapon of Tatvgyan i.e. after clearing all the doubts by Tatvgyan, one should search for that (Param Pad Parmeshwar) Supreme God with supreme state, having gone where worshippers never return to this world i.e. become completely liberated. The God from whom the tree of the whole world has extended, that Purna Prabhu lives in the fourth Dhaam i.e. Anami lok. Like, first is Satlok, second Alakh lok, third Agam lok, and fourth is Anami lok. Therefore in this Mantra 19, it has been clarified that KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) alone in form of Anami Purush also lives in the fourth Dhaam i.e. Anami lok by acquiring another effulgent form.
MaryaH na shubhrstanvam mrjaanH atyaH na srtva sanye dhanaanam Vrshev yootha parikoshm arshan kanikrdat chamvoH ira vivesh ||
Translation: Supreme God Kavir Dev who lives in the fourth dhaam i.e. Anami lok and in the third dhaam i.e. Satyalok, that same God (na maryaH) is like a man, but is imperishable i.e is eternal (mrjaanH) in form with a clear face (atyaH) very (shubhrstanvam ) big, acquiring a white coloured body, is present in the upper loks and from there (srtva) moving, of which nobody becomes aware that identical God (ira) on Earth (vivesh) another attire i.e. different form (chamvoH) comes by acquiring. Performs a leela [divine act] on Satlok and Earth (yootha) to a very big group, real (saanye) eternal way of worship/ sanatan pooja (vrshev) showering (na dhanaanam ) those poor in the earnings of the wealth of Ram-naam (kanikrdat ) makes them worship in low voice i.e. uttering in the mind through incoming-outgoing breaths, as a result of which the whole group of the infinite followers (pari kosham ) the treasure of nectar of the former ocean of happiness i.e. Satlok (arshan ) attains by doing worship.
Translation: Supreme God Kavir Dev who lives in the fourth dhaam i.e Anami lok and in the third dhaam i.e. Satyalok, that same God is like a man, but is imperishable i.e. is Eternal, has a clear face, and acquiring a very big white-coloured body is present in the upper loks, and moving from there, of which nobody becomes aware, that same God acquiring another attire i.e. a different form comes on Earth. He performs leela (divine act) on Satlok and Earth. By showering the real eternal way of worship (Sanatan pooja) on a very big group, He makes those, poor in the earnings of the wealth of Ram-naam, worship in a low voice i.e. by uttering in mind through incoming and outgoing breaths. As a result of which the entire group of the infinite followers, by doing worship, attains the treasure of the nectar of the former ocean of happiness i.e. Satyalok.
Meaning: Supreme God Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir) lives above in the third dhaam i.e. Satyalok and that same Supreme God by acquiring another human-form lives in the fourth Dhaam i.e. Anami lok. That very God, in an identical human form with a beautiful face and white-coloured body, also comes in form on this Earth, and by making aware about His actual way of worship, makes a very big group i.e. the entire group of devotees rich in true bhakti. The entire group of the infinite followers, by doing worship, attains the former lok of happiness, the treasure of complete salvation i.e. Satyalok with the earnings of true bhakti.
YotharvaanM PittraM DevbandhuM BrhspatiM namsaav ch Gachchhaat|| TvaM vishveshaaM janita YathasH Kavirdevo na dabhaayat swadhaavaan||7||
YaH - atharvaanm - Pittram - Devbandhum - Brhspatim - namsa - av - ch - gachchhaat - tvam - vishveshaam - janita - yatha - saH - KavirdevH - na - dabhaayat - swadhaavaan ||
Translation: (YaH) Who (atharvaanm ) changeless i.e. eternal (Pittram ) Jagat Pita / Father of the Universe (Devbandhum ) the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul (Brhaspatim ) the greatest Teacher i.e. jagatguru / teacher of the universe (ch) and (namsa) polite worshipper i.e. a worshipper who worships according to the rules (av) with safety (gachchhaat ) who takes those who have gone to Satlok, to Satlok (vishveshaam ) all the brahmands (janita) the creator of (na dabhaayat ) who does not deceive like Kaal (swadhaavaan ) nature i.e. with qualities (yatha) as it is (saH) He (tvam ) Himself (KavirdevH Kavir -DevH) is Supreme God Kabir i.e. Kavir Dev.
Translation: He who is changeless i.e. Eternal, Jagat Pita / Father of the Universe, the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul, Jagat Guru / the greatest Teacher of the Universe, and one who takes a polite worshipper i.e. a worshipper who worships according to the rules, who has gone to Satlok, to Satlok with safety; the Creator of all the Brahmands, who has the nature i.e. the qualities of not deceiving like Kaal, He Himself is, as it is, Supreme God Kabir i.e. Kavir Dev.
Meaning: The Supreme God about whom it is said that - Tvamev Mata ch Pita Tvamev (You only are Mother and You only are Father), Tvamev Bandhu ch Sakha Tvamev (You only are Brother and You only are a friend), Tvamev Vidya ch Drvinm Tvamev (You only are knowledge and wealth), Tvamev sarvam mm Dev Dev (You only are my Greatest God of all gods). He, who is eternal, is the Mother, Father, Brother, and Friend of all, who in the form of a Jagat Guru (Teacher/ Guru of the Universe), granting true bhakti to everyone, takes to Satlok, who does not deceive like Kaal, who is the Creator of all the brahmands, is Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir).
Kavir Dev is the name of the Supreme God in Holy Vedas Who has created the entire universe and nurtures all three worlds. He is the same Kabir Sahib Who came into the holy land of Kashi, Banaras 625 years ago.
Kabir Sahib or Kavir Dev is the name of the Supreme God mentioned in Vedas.
Holy Kabir Sagar is the Holy book of Kabir Sahib which is also called as Suksham Veda or the fifth Veda. It contains the speeches of Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm which means Almighty KavirDev.
Supreme God is one and only KavirDev glorified in four Vedas. Evidence in Holy RigVeda Mandal 9 Sukt 1 Mantra 8-9, Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27, Sukt 96 Mantra 16-20, Holy YajurVeda chapter 5 mantra 32, chapter 29 mantra 25 and at many other places.
Kabir Saheb is the Supreme God as per Holy RigVeda.
It means that Kabir Sahib is the creator and nurturer of the entire universe. He has complete supremacy over everything. And He is the one Who can destroy our sins and give us happiness and salvation. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
Kabir Saheb is the Supreme God and no one else. The rest are Demi gods who are responsible for one department in the 21 universes of Brahm Kaal. For example- Lord Brahma heads Rajogun department, Lord Vishnu heads Satogun department, Lord Shiva heads Tamogun department.
Fifth Veda is called Holy Suksham Ved and it is the Holy Kabir Sagar. The true spiritual knowledge was written by Dharamdas Ji as received from Kabir Saheb Ji.
Kabir Saheb is the father/creator of the entire universe as certified in Holy Vedas, pious Gita Ji, and other holy scriptures of all religions.
As Kabir Saheb is the sole creator of the universe, He is the sole father and mother of the entire universe. All Holy scriptures provide evidence.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Komal Pandey
So, after reading this blog, I came to know about the new name of God, and it's Kabir. Alright! But the question is, if all the scriptures of holy religions state that only God Kabir is worthy of being worshipped, then why are we so divided by religion and caste? Why are our religious gurus not giving us information about that God?
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, you appear to be quite curious about these matters! It's a fact that God Kabir is the only God and the only one worthy of being worshipped. Now, concerning your question, it's important to note that many religious gurus lack knowledge about God and the correct way of worship. They often misguide innocent people and play with their faith and emotions. However, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has already provided clarity on these topics. We kindly request you to read the holy book 'Gyan Ganga' for a deeper understanding. Thank you.