Satguru Purush Kabir hain, chaaron yug prvaan |
Jhoothe guruva mar gaye, ho gaye bhoot masaan ||
Because of absence of Tatvgyan, devout souls express a doubt that God Kabir, in form of a weaver, has come in Kashi in Vikrami Samvat 1455 (year 1398). How can this (Dhaanak) weaver of Kashi be the Supreme God KavirDev in the Vedas?
In this matter, it is requested by this servant (Sant Rampal Das) that this same Complete God Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir), even prior to the knowledge of the Vedas, was present in Satlok, and has also Himself appeared in all the four Eras to impart His real knowledge. In Satyug by the name 'Satsukrit'; in Tretayug by name 'Muninder'; in Dwaparyug by the name 'Karunamay', and in Kalyug, appeared by His real name 'KavirDev' (God Kabir). Apart from this, He appears any time by acquiring different forms and after performing His leela (divine act), disappears. God-loving devout souls are unable to recognise the Supreme God who has appeared at that time to perform a divine act because all the so-called Maharishis and saints have described God as formless. In reality, God is in form. He has a visible human-like body. But God's body is not formed of the union of vessels made up of the five elements. It is made up of one element of light. Supreme God appears here whenever He wishes; He never takes birth from a mother because He is the Originator of all.
Let us know in detail what evidence do holy Vedas provide. The following will be discussed
At that time He had explained the (tatvgyan) true knowledge to Garud ji, Shri Brahma ji, Shri Vishnu ji and Shri Shiv ji etc. He had also tried to explain Tatvgyan to the great sage Shri Manu ji. But Shri Manu ji, not accepting the knowledge of Supreme God to be true, remained firm on the knowledge of the Vedas heard from Shri Brahma ji and on the conclusions of the Vedas derived by him. On the contrary, he started ridiculing Supreme God Satsukrit ji that you are imparting all opposite knowledge. Therefore, he gave Supreme God Satsukrit an alias name Vamdev (the meaning of Vam is opposite; for example, in Hindi the left hand is also known as 'Vama' i.e. Ulta/opposite hand, just as right hand is also known as 'Seedha haath')
In this way, Supreme God KavirDev ji, who had come by Satsukrit name in Satyug, used to explain the real knowledge to the sages and the worshippers of that time. But the sages (Rishis) did not accept it. Instead of 'Satsukrit ji' they started calling Supreme God, Vamdev.
For this reason only, it is mentioned in Yajurved Adhyay 12 Mantra 4 that Vamdev Rishi correctly understood the real knowledge of Yajurved and explained it to others.
This evidence is also in Yajurved Adhyay 29 Mantra 25 and Samved Mantra no. 1400, which is as follows -
Samiddho adhya manusho durone devo devaan yajasi jaatvedH |
Aa ch vah mitrmahshchikitvaantvaM dootH Kavirasi prchetaH || 25 ||
SamiddhH - adhya - manushH - durone - devH - devaan - yaj - asi - jaatvedH - aa - ch - vah - mitrmahH - chikitvaan - tvam - dootH - Kavir - asi - prchetaH
Translation: (Adhya) Today i.e. in the present time (durone) wickedly in the body-like palace (manushH) the thoughtful persons engrossed in wrong way of worship (samiddhH) the lit fire i.e. the current way of worship opposite to the scriptures which is harmful, in its place (devaan ) of the gods (devH) God (jaatvedH) Supreme God SatPurush's real (yaj ) way of worship (asi) is. (aa) kind (mitrmahH) the Supreme God only who is the real friend of the living being (chikitvaan ) healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti (dootH) in the form of a messenger (vah) who brings (ch) and (prchetaH) who imparts (tvam ) Himself (Kavirasi) is KavirDev i.e. is Supreme God Kabir.
Translation: Today i.e. in the present time, the fire, i.e. the harmful way of worship opposite to the scriptures, set wickedly to the body-like palace of the thoughtful persons engrossed in the wrong way of worship, in its place, is the real way of worship of the God of gods, Supreme God SatPurush. The kind Supreme God who is the real friend of a living being and who in the form of a messenger brings and imparts His healthy/sound knowledge i.e. the true bhakti, is Himself KavirDev i.e. is Supreme God Kabir.
Meaning: When the Supreme God appears, at that time all the Rishis and saints, abandoning the injunctions of the scriptures, are guiding the entire devotee community by arbitrary way of worship. At that time, KavirDev i.e. Kabir God Himself comes becoming the messenger of His Tatvgyan i.e. healthy/sound knowledge.
Bhadra vastra samanya vasaano mahaan Kavir nivachnani shansan |
Aa vachyasv chamvoH pooymaano vichakshano jaagrvirdevveetau ||5||
Bhadra – vastra – samanya – vasanH – mahaan′ - Kavir′ - nivachnani – shansan′ - aavachyasv – chamvoH – pooymaanH – vichakshanH – jagrviH – Dev – veetau
Translation: (VichakshanH) Clever people (aavachyasv) have already said through their speeches that do as we preach. Instead of telling the way of worship of the Purna Brahm, those clever people by directing towards the worship of other gods, in place of nectar, (pooymaanH) pus from a boil i.e the worship of others {like, ghost-worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Shankar) and worship of Brahm-Kaal} (chamvoH) are respectfully making sip; at that time to end the wrong knowledge opposite to the scriptures (bhadra) the supreme-happiness-giving (mahaan Kavir ) Supreme God Kabir (vastra) in body in an ordinary attire i.e. {the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. Chola means body. Like, if a saint dies, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, (samanya) acquiring another body made up of lighter mass of lights [tejpunj] similar to that of His body in Satyalok (vasaanH) by living like a common man and staying as a guest for a few days in this world (nivachnani) the true knowledge by means of his Shabdavali1 , Kabir vaani etc (shansan ) by explaining (Dev) of the Supreme God (veetau) hidden wealth of Sargun-Nirgun knowledge (jagrviH) awakens/brings awareness about.
Translation: Clever people through their speeches have already instructed that do as we preach. Instead of telling the true path of the way of worship of Purna Brahm, those clever people by directing towards the worship of others, in place of nectar, are respectfully making sip the pus from a boil i.e. worship of others {like, ghost-worship, Pitra-worship, worship of the three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Shankar) and worship of Brahm-Kaal}. At that time, to end the wrong knowledge opposite to the scriptures, the Supreme-happiness-giving Supreme God Kabir, acquiring another body made up of lighter masses of lights (tejpunj) similar to His body in Satyalok, appears in a body in an ordinary attire {(vastra) the meaning of 'vastra' is 'attire' - in saint language, it is also called 'chola'. 'Chola' means body. Like, if a saint dies, then it is said that Mahatma has left his chola}, and by living like an ordinary man and staying as a guest for a few days in this world, explaining the true knowledge by means of His shabdavali, Kabir vaani etc, brings awareness about the hidden wealth of the Sargun-Nirgun knowledge of the Supreme God.
Meaning: For example, in Yajurved Adhyay 5 Mantra 1, it is said that 'AgneH TanuH asi' = God has a body. Vishnve Tva Somasya TanuH asi = That Eternal God has another body for nurturing, in which He comes into this world as a guest for a few days. He awakens the God loving souls sleeping in the sleep of ignorance by Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge). The same evidence is in this Mantra that Supreme God KavirDev i.e. God Kabir changing His appearance and acquiring appearance of an ordinary man appears on Earth, and "Kavirnivachnaani shansan" i.e. recites Kavir Vaani, by means of which, brings awareness about the Tatvgyan, and the clever men who are called Maharishis at that time, on the basis of false knowledge, in place of the nectar of the scripture-based true sadhna, are respectfully making sip the pus of baseless way of worship i.e. are making others do baseless worship. At that time, Supreme God, by Himself appearing, grants the knowledge of scripture-based way of worship through Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge).
Even in the following mantras of the Holy Rigved, the characteristics have been given that when that Supreme God comes to this world for some time to perform a divine act, He acquires the form of a child. At that time, that Supreme God is nurtured by (adhanya dhenavH) maiden cows. When He grows up in a divine way, He utters the Tatvgyan of His attainment and of going to Satlok i.e. of complete salvation through (KavirgirbhiH) Kabir Vaani by means of poems, because of which He is known as a poet. But that KavirDev is Himself the Supreme God who lives in the third abode of salvation, Satlok.
Let us understand in detail through these mantras
Abhi imM adhnya ut shreenanti dhenavH shishum′ Sommindray paatve ||9||
Abhi – imm′ - adhnya – ut – shreenanti – dhenavH – shishum′ - somm′ - indray – paatve
Translation: (Ut) Especially (imm) this (shishum ) appeared in child form (somm) of the Supreme Eternal God (indraay) through comforts i.e. development of body through nourishment (paatve) for the development (abhi) completely (adhnya dhenavH) a cow who has never been troubled by a bull i.e. by a maiden cow (shreenanti) is fostered/nurtured.
Translation: This Supreme Eternal God, who has especially appeared in child form, is nurtured by a completely maiden cow (who has never been troubled by a bull) for His development through comforts i.e. development of body through nourishment.
Meaning: When the Supreme Eternal God while performing a divine act, acquiring a child form, appears by Himself, at that time a maiden cow itself gives milk by which Supreme/Complete God is nurtured.
Shishum jagyaanm hry tam mrjanti shumbhanti vahinmarutH ganen Kavirgeerbhi kaavyena Kavir sant somH pavitrm atyeti rebhan ||17||
Translation: Supreme God (hry shishum ) in the form of a human child (jagyaanm ) appears intentionally and His true spiritual knowledge / Tatvgyan (tam ) at that time (mrjanti) with purity (shumbhanti) utters/expresses (vahin) who blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God (marutH) devotees cool like wind (ganen) for the group of (kaavyena) by poetic insight, through poems (pavitrm atyeti) with lot of purity (Kavir Geerbhi) Kavir-vaani/speech i.e. through Kabir Vaani (rebhan ) recites by addressing loudly (Kavir Sant somH) that Eternal God i.e. SatPurush alone in the form of a Saint i.e. a Rishi, is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet).
Translation: Supreme God intentionally appears in the form of a human child and at that time utters His Tatvgyan / True spiritual knowledge with purity. For the group of devotees cool like wind, blazing in the fire of separation for the attainment of God, He utters poems with poetic insight by calling out loudly Kavir Vaani i.e. Kabir Vaani with a lot of purity. That Eternal God i.e SatPurush alone in the form of a saint i.e. a Rishi is Himself KavirDev. But because of not recognising that God, people start calling Him a Kavi (poet).
Meaning: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that Supreme God KavirDev by appearing in the form of an extraordinary human child, explains His real, pure knowledge to His hans souls i.e. devout followers by means of His KavirgirbhiH i.e. Kabir Vaani (speech) as a poet by addressing i.e. uttering through poems and proverbs. He Himself is SatPurush Kabir.
Rishimna ya rishikrit′ swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam′ Trteeyam′ dhaam mahishH sisha sant′ somH viraajmanu rajti stup′ ||18||
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that (ya) the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child (kavinam ) of famous poets (padviH) attaining the title i.e. plays the role of a saint or rishi, that (rishikrt ) composed by the God appeared in the form of a Saint (sahastraneethH) thousands of speeches (rishimna) for the individuals of saintly nature i.e. the devotees (swarshaH) is the provider of happiness equal to that of heaven. (sant somH) appeared in the form of Rishi/Saint, He is Eternal God i.e. SatPurush only, that Complete God (trteeya) third (dhaam) of the lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok (mahishH) very firm Earth (sisha) establishing (anu) after, in a human-like form (stup ) in a dome on a high hillock-like throne (viraajmanu rajti) in a bright material form i.e is seated in an effulgent human-like visible body.
Translation: The narrator of Ved, Brahm, is saying that the Supreme God, who coming in the form of an extraordinary child, attains the title of famous poets i.e. plays the role of a saint or a Rishi (sage), the thousands of speeches composed by that God who has appeared as a saint, are provider of happiness equal to that of heaven to the individuals of saintly nature i.e. to devotees. He, who has appeared in form of a Rishi/Saint is Eternal God i.e. SatPurush only; that Complete God, after establishing the very firm Earth of the third lok of salvation i.e. Satyalok, is seated in a saint form in a dome on a high hillock-like throne in bright material body i.e. in a humanlike effulgent body.
Meaning: It is said in Mantra 17 that KavirDev acquires a child form. Then, He grows up while playing a divine act. Because of describing the Tatvgyan through poems, He attains the position of a poet (kavi) i.e. people start calling Him Kavi; in reality, He is Supreme God Kavir (God Kabir) only. The nectar speech composed by Him is known as Kabir Vaani (KavirgirbhiH i.e. Kavir Vaani/ Speech), which is comforting like heaven to the devotees. That same God establishing the third lok of salvation i.e. Satlok, is seated in form in a dome on a high throne in a bright human-like body.
In this mantra, Satlok has been called the third Lok. Like, one is lok of Brahm which is an area of twenty-one brahmands; second is lok of ParBrahm which is an area of seven sankh brahmands; third is the Ritdhaam i.e. Satlok of Param Akshar Brahm i.e. Purna Brahm.
Kabir Sahib is the supreme God who is never born. He is self proclaimed. He always appears by Himself in all four Eras to impart true spiritual knowledge to his beloved souls and liberates them from the trap of Kaal. In Kalyuga almost 625 years ago he incarnated in the whole body as an infant on a lotus flower in Lehartara pond in the holy land in Kashi, India.
Kabir is only God and none other. He is the creator of the entire universes.
God Kabir comes in every Satyug in this deceased word by the name SatSukrit.
Kabir Saheb, the Almighty Himself has arrived and is playing divine spectacle in the cover of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj who is from Haryana, India.
Kabir Sahib descended in Satyuga and was renowned by the name SatSukrit.
Kabir Saheb was never born. He is self proclaimed. Although he comes here on earth in every age from His immortal abode Satlok.
God can be attained by doing true worship which is in accordance to holy scriptures. That true devotion is granted by the enlightened Saint. With the power of true salvation mantras obtained from Tatvadarshi Saint one can easily find God by His grace.
Pious Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 tells the real mantras (indicative) about attainment of God Kabir which are granted by the enlightened Saint. Today Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only true spiritual master who is granting the true worship of attaining salvation, attaining eternal world Satlok, thus attaining God Kabir.
Almighty KavirDev met Pious soul Nanak Dev Ji, gave him true spiritual knowledge, took him to Sacchkhand, granted him true salvation mantras and liberated him. Respected Guru Nanak Dev Ji has glorified God Kabir in his nectar speeches and has told that Satpurush Kabir as a Guru blessed him. He is God.
If you have any query regarding the above content, please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Akriti Sharma
How can you say that God mentioned in the Vedas is Kabir? There are many places where Vishnu's name is mentioned in the Holy Vedas. So, Vishnu Ji is the almighty God, and Kabir Ji was also a steadfast devotee of Vishnu Ji.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we appreciate your engagement with our article. We understand your concern regarding Vishnu Ji. However, what is true cannot be hidden from anyone, and everyone should accept the truth. All the characteristics mentioned in the Holy Vedas about the Almighty God are performed by the Almighty God Kabir Ji. All the proofs regarding this are also provided in the article. To gain a deeper understanding of who the almighty God mentioned in the Vedas is, we recommend that you read the book "Gyan Ganga" and listen to spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.