Swami Ramananda was a contemporary of God Kabir almost 600 years ago during the Bhakti Era. He used to preach Vaishnav religion until he realized the truth that Almighty Kabir is the creator of the entire universe and the grandfather of Shri Vishnu, Almighty Kabir is the Supreme God.
This article will highlight certain transitional incidents that happened in the life of Ramanand Ji which are unknown to people.
The following will be discussed.
Note: References have been taken from books Adhyatmik Gyan Ganga, Gehri Nazar Gita Ki, Garima Gita Ki, Kabir Parmeshwar, and Suksham Veda all written by Jagatguru Tattavdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
Ramananda Ji was a virtuous soul whom God Kabir took refuge in Satyug when he was a Brahmin named Vidhyadhar and in Tretayug the same soul was Vedvij Brahmin who had served God Kabir.
Gail-Gail lagya phirun jab tak dharti aakash||
God Kabir says he remains with His dearest soul whoever comes in His refuge even once in a lifetime and ensures to emancipate him/ her.
In Kaliyuga again the same soul of Vidhyadhar and Vedvij was Ramanand Ji who was born again as a Brahmin. God knew well that if this time his beloved soul would not come into His refuge then his precious human life would be a sheer waste therefore, God Kabir did a divine spectacle to take his beloved soul in His refuge.
Moving ahead we will know what was that divine play.
600 years ago Almighty Kabir descended on a fully grown Lotus flower in Lehartara pond in Kashi, U.P., India. When he grew 5 he played a divine act by acquiring the form of a 2.5 year child and went to Panch Ganga ghat and lay on the stairs. Swami Ramananda, 104 years old sage used to go every day in Brahma Muhurta to take a bath. It was summer and dark. Ramanand Ji was going downstairs to the Ganga river when his foot collided with the head of child-form Kabir Ji. God started crying in a divine-form act.
Swami Ji was humble and felt the agony of a crying child hence, immediately bent to console him. While doing so the one Tulsi bead Garland that Swami ji was wearing fell and got in the neck of child-form God Kabir. Swami Ji put his hand on the head of the child and said ‘Son! Say Ram-Ram. You seem to have lost your way. I will send you to your home in the morning. You sit and wait here. Then Swami Ji went to Ganga to take a bath. Child-form God Kabir disappeared from there.
Once a disciple of Ramanand Ji named Vivekanand was preaching. He was glorifying Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva as immortal-eternal. God Kabir was aged 5 and was listening to his sermon. God said to Vivekanand that he was preaching wrong and that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in the cycle of birth-death whose evidence is in Durga Purana and Shiva Purana. Vivekanand did not agree and asked who his guru was. From where has he gained this wrong knowledge? God Kabir said 'Ramanand Ji is his guru, the same as he is of Vivekanand’.
Listening to this, Vivekanand got furious saying ‘Swami Ramananda is a Brahmin and does not make disciples from low caste (weaver) like yours. When the same was asked from Swami Ji he denied it and told Vivekanand to bring child Kabir, son of Neeru and Neema to him.
At that time, untouchability and caste/religious discrimination were at its peak. Swami Ji does not even see people of other low castes directly, leave aside making them his disciples. He had put a curtain at the door of his hut from behind which he used to talk with people other than Brahmins.
When Child Kabir was brought by Vivekanand, Swami Ji asked God Kabir his caste and God replied (as respected Garib Das Ji has written)
Jaat humari Jagatguru aur Parmeshwar hai panth||
Das Garib, likhat padhe Mera Naam Niranjan kant||
(Gita 15:16,17 tells about three Pursuh/ God, Kshar Purush, Akshar Pursuh, Param Akshar Purush)
Ramananda Ji used abusive language for God calling him ‘Kujaat' but God behaved well like a decent disciple. God explained about the eternal world which made Ramananda Ji think that if the child is confidently saying He is God then he must listen to Him. Also, Ramananda being the virtuous soul knew well that God can come in any form therefore, after the discussion, Ramananda Ji told him to wait outside till he completes his routine worship (Nitya Niyam) for his respected deity Shri Vishnu Ji.
Swami Ji started the mind-worship of Lord Vishnu in which the idol was given a bath. It was worn clean clothes. All ornaments, Tilak etc were put and finally, the crown was put on the head which symbolised the end of daily ‘Karmkand'.
That day Ramananda Ji did the imaginary worship but forgot to put a Garland of one tulsi bead (Kanthi) to Lord Vishnu and put the crown. Then he realised his fault and repented because after putting the crown it cannot be unworn that day else worship gets fragmented. Ramananda got highly distressed and started apologising to his revered deity Shri Vishnu Ji that which sin of him has arisen today that had led him to forget such an important step of ‘Nitya Niyam' and that his worship would not be complete if Garland was not put.
Gloomy Ramanand was deep in thought when Child-form Kabir said from outside behind the curtain ‘Swami Ji! Open the Knot of the Garland and wear it on the idol. You will not have to take out the crown nor will your worship fragment'.
Ramananda was shocked hearing this how the child could know what was going on in my mind? Why am I sad? What wrong happened to my Puja today?
It is said
‘Brahmin soi jo Brahm (God) pehchane||
No one is a Brahmin by birth. A true Brahmin is one who identifies God. Ramananda Ji understood this was not an ordinary child but God Himself who could read minds. Immediately, Ramananda came outside his hut, removed the curtain
‘dodi parda door bagha'
and hugged Child-form God Kabir in front of many disciples sitting around without even thinking about what people would say.
The body of God was as delicate and soft as cotton. Swami Ramananda did not bother that people would think Ramananda being a Brahmin hugged a Weaver, a low caste boy. But Ramananda was happy to identify God Kabir.
God's glory has been mentioned in the nectar speech of Garib Das Ji Maharaj. Ramananda Ji says
Mun ki Pooja tum lakhi ye mukut maal parvesh||
Garib das gati Kaun lakhe Tera Kaun varan ke bhekh||
Ramananda Ji said, 'God how will people believe you are God? In which community are you in? Although people around passed sarcastic remarks to Swami Ji.
Then, Ramananda Ji asked ‘How do you call me your guru when I have never given you initiation? Then God reminded him of the 'Panch Ganga Ghat' episode where he told the 2.5 year old boy to chant Ram-Ram, thus, became his Guru. Then God Kabir showed him another form of the same 2.5 years old child lying on a cot nearby who later merged into child-form God. God also told about the ‘OM' mantra and one bead Tulsi Garland which Ramananda Ji gives at the time of initiation which God was already wearing. Finally, God told Ramanand to remove all your 'ifs and buts' and get your welfare done as I (God) have come for you only.
Ramananda Ji boasted about himself getting into meditation. God said ‘Alright, let’s see till where your concentration goes?’ Ramananda Ji was a child celibate, now aged 104. While performing meditation he used to reach only till Trikuti.
Yog Yugat pranayam kar jeeta sakal shareer, aur Tirveni ke ghat par wahan atak rahe balbeer||
Ramananda Ji could not go beyond Trikuti. Ahead of Trikuti there are three paths and Tirveni starts. God Kabir in child form was along with him. When Ramananda Ji was stuck at Trikuti God Kabir said ‘after death you will go to the left side and the very first stoppage will be of Dharamraj, the Chief Justice of the realm of Brahm Kaal where your account will be taken. He immediately sends the worshipper to the realm of whichever God he had worshipped all through his life. It’s an automatic system. The right path goes to the place where selective sages reside. Not everyone is allowed to enter this region.
God further said this straight path is 'Brahamrandra' which can never be opened by any of your mantras. Ramananda Ji still tried but his efforts went in vain. God said ‘I have Satnam. Its chanting immediately opens this 'Brahamrandra'. God chanted Satnam and the door opened.
God Kabir showed all realms of Kshar Purush to Swami Ji. Journeying through several realms far beyond earthly comprehension God Kabir then took Swami Ji to the realm of AKshar Purush and after crossing the 12th door both entered inside Satlok.
There, Ramananda Ji saw the highly illuminating supreme God enthroned on a Royal throne. Child-form God Kabir started waving flabellum over God sitting on the Royal throne. Ramananda Ji thought child Kabir is the servant of Supreme God. In the meantime, God sitting on the throne stood and merged with the 5 years old child-form God Kabir. God said
O Swami srishta mein srishti humare teer||
Das Garib adhar basun avgat Sat Kabir||
Then God Kabir sent Ramananda Ji back in the body.
When Ramanand Ji awakened from meditation he saw God Kabir sitting in front of him in the same child-form. Swami Ji said
Bolat Ramanand Ji suno Kabir Kartar||
Garib Das sab roop ke tum hi sirjanhaar||
Duhu thore hai ek tu, Bhaya ek se do||
Garib Das hum tarane tum aaye ho mugjo||
Tum Sahib tum Sant ho, tum Satguru tum Hans||
Garib Das tere roop bina aur na dooja ansh||
A 104 year Ramananda Ji said to a 5 years old boy (God)
Tum Swami mein baal buddhi, ye bharam Karam kiyo naash||
Das Garib nij Brahm tum mera ho gaya dradh vishwas||
Then God Kabir ordered Ramananda Ji to play the role of his guru because this decorum is a must to be maintained else, the messengers of Brahm Kaal, means fake religious gurus will stake during the middle generation of Kalyuga, during destined Bhakti Era (when Kalyuga will pass 5505 years) that Kabir Ji also did not make anyone guru, so there is no need to acquire anyone as Guru.
Note: It is mandatory to acquire a guru in the path of spirituality to attain salvation.
Guru bin Mala Pherte guru bin dete daan||
Guru bin dono nishfal hai chahe pucho Ved Puraan||
Finally, Ramananda Ji with tears in his eyes, as a gesture of love and respect accepted the order of Almighty Kabir and played the role of his guru while doing devotion as told by him and quit arbitrary devotion of Shri Vishnu Ji. Here, God says
Ramanand se luksh guru tare shishya ke bhaye, aur chailon ki gintee nahi jo pad mein rahe samaye||
Important- Almighty liberated the soul (Ramananda) by making him his guru.
Pipa Thakur was a Rajput King of Gagron, (Nagaur), Rajasthan. He was a steadfast devotee of Goddess Durga until he became the disciple of Swami Ramananda Ji after Swami Ji himself started worshipping God Kabir.
Ramananda Ji used to move with the group of his disciples to several places to propagate the worship of God Kabir. Doing so once, he went to Giganore, where he preached King Pipa Thakur not to do devotion to Goddess Durga since she is not the provider of salvation.
Initially, devotee Pipa Thakur refused but after Goddess Durga herself gave him an audience and accepted the truth that she is incapable to end the cycle of birth-death then Pipa's soul awakened. Thereafter, he became the disciple of Swami Ramananda Ji along with his wife Sita. Both husband-wife took initiation and did devotion of Almighty Kabir with which their welfare happened.
Tantric Gorakhnath was a worshipper of Tamogun Lord Shiva. He was disappointed that the Nath sect was shrinking whereas the Vaishnava sect was expanding as Swami Ramananda Ji was highly propagating it. Gorakhnath came to Kashi city and challenged Swami Ji for a spiritual debate. He sent a messenger to convey this message. He put a condition that the loser of the debate would become the disciple of the winner along with all his disciples.
Swami Ramananda got tensed with this proposal hence, discussed the same matter with God Kabir who told him to accept the challenge. God Kabir told Gorakhnath to debate with him first, later to talk to his Guru Dev Ramanand Ji.
Gorakhnath thought this small child was ignorant and that I would quickly defeat him. In turn, God Kabir defeated Gorakhnath in a spiritual debate. Gorakhnath finally accepted Kabir as God.
Although Ramananda Ji accepted Kabir as God and did not differentiate people based on caste anymore yet he did not accept Muslims to be also the children of the same Allahu Akbar Kabir. Hence, God made a spectacle.
Sikandar Lodi was the ruler of Delhi. Once, he suffered from a burning disease that could not be cured by any medical practitioner of that time. Neither any occultism worked. Then he got to know about God Kabir so he went to Kashi.
In Kashi, he went to the Ashram of Swami Ramananda Ji to meet God Kabir but Sikander Lodi was not allowed to enter inside the Ashram since Swami Ji used to hate Muslims. Swami Ji spoke Ill about Sikander Lodi which made him furious hence, Sikander Lodi forcefully entered inside the Ashram and cut the neck of Swami Ji with his sword. Swami Ji died.
God Kabir hits many targets with one arrow. The murder of Swami Ji was a planned action of God Kabir who wanted to prove to Swami Ji that a devotee should be far from vices like jealousy, anger, and pride.
When Sikander Lodi killed Swami Ji then both blood as well as milk started oozing from his body. Sikander Lodi got scared that he had killed the guru of Kabir Ji therefore, he will punish him and will not shower blessing. He will not cure his disease.
God Kabir is merciful. He is the ocean of happiness and forgives even the grave sins of his true worshippers (Yajurveda 8:13). When God Kabir came into the Ashram Sikandar Lodi apologised to God Kabir for the sin he committed. God said ‘The murder by you of Swami Ji was destined'.
God cured the burning disease of Sikander Lodi merely by putting his hand on his head as well as revived Swami Ji.
Swami Ji asked God ‘why both blood, as well as milk, came out of his body when he was killed. ‘. Then God told him about the vices still prevalent in him which means he is still not a true devotee. To attain God the soul needs to be pure and far from vices. Thereafter, Sikander Lodi also became the disciple of God Kabir.
Almighty Kabir is the God of Gods. There was no need for Him to make anyone his guru but he made Swami Ramananda Ji his guru to keep intact the guru-disciple tradition. This was essential to be used during the destined Bhakti Era in Kalyuga which is going on now as 5505 years of Kaliyuga have passed as per God’s commitment to Brahm Kaal. This is the prime time when God will liberate millions and trillions of souls.
God Kabir has incarnated presently and is playing the role of Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in his cover. Everyone must acquire Him as their guru and do true devotion according to His instructions to attain salvation similar to Swami Ramananda Ji.