The childhood friend of Lord Krishna, Sudama (or Kuchela/ Kucela) is well known for his righteousness and honesty. Believed to be the devotee of Shri Krishna he is a glowing example of true friendship. In Hindu mythology, a very sweet bond of selfless love has been portrayed between Lord Krishna and the disciple Sudama.
A special mention is found where Shri Krishna blessed pauper Sudama with a beautiful palace, but in the light of true spiritual knowledge told by Supreme God Kabir Himself mentioned in Suksham Veda the answer to the most important question as ‘Who built Sudama house?’ is found which certifies that it was not Shri Krishna but Almighty Kabir who did this miracle.
God Kabir does everything but he never wants Himself to be glorified hence, highlights demi-Gods of Kaal’s realm like Shri Krishna alias Shri Vishnu. God does such spectacles to keep intact the faith of devotees in devotion till the specified duration arrives when the whole world will come to know that God Kabir only is the doer and no other deity. He is the ocean of happiness and blesses his dear souls trapped in Brahm Kaal's web.
Let’s know what is the truth behind making Brahmin Sudama rich based on the following
Lord Shri Krishna and Sudama Brahmin were class fellows. During their education time, both had close friendships. After completing education Shri Krishna became the King of Dwarka. Sudama Ji used to host by performing his traditional work, ‘Karmkand’. He truly was a Brahman. He used to lead his life according to the scriptures. But even the sages did not have the real knowledge of the scriptures.
In this way, he used to practice arbitrary things which were devoid of facts stated in holy scriptures that were told by Gurus due to which no benefit was happening to him at present.
Shri Sudama Ji does not use to take money or any other material by misleading the host. He used to only take food and money for his family in case it was necessary. For a few days, no one came to get the ritual done. The whole family had survival issues.
Sudama Ji’s wife said that your four sons are small. They are distressed because of hunger. You say that Dwarkadheesh, Shri Krishna is my friend. He is the King of Dwarka. You bring some money from him. He will not deny you because you say that during the education phase, he was your best friend. He used to come along with you to home and used to eat food together.
Sudama Ji said that 'a Brahman does not beg. He can take Dakṣiṇā or Dakshina/ honorarium by doing his work (Karmkand). Shri Krishna is not even my host. Therefore, my head will be lowered. If the friendship has to end then tell the friend that help me. Sudama Vipr cannot commit this mistake and can die of hunger.
It has been written in scriptures that whoever has not donated or done charity in previous births remains pauper in the next birth. Sudama said 'I might not have donated anything in previous births. Therefore, I am poor. I cannot get money. His wife stood with his four sons in front of him who were trying to snatch one piece of bread from each other that she had hidden which was left over stale at night. Misrani had thought that the stomach of not even one would be filled. To which child shall I give? Therefore, she has hidden. One son found it, others were snatching it from him.
Misrani said that you ask and bring for these children. Seeing that scene Sudama went to a lonely place and started praying to God and had tears in their eyes. 'O God! What days am I seeing? I did not find a true guide in my previous births due to which I did not donate. O God! I cannot see these children hungry. Either kill me or take away these four’.
Ref: Sachhidanand Ghan Brahm's Speech.
In the meantime, Supreme God Kabir Ji came acquiring the form of a host and went after giving dry ration (wheat flour, rice, pulses, sugar, clarified butter, salt-pepper, clothes for children). The Brahmin’s wife immediately cooked food and served it to the children.
In the meantime, Sudama wiped his tears and went towards the Kitchen, the children were eating food. On inquiring he got to know some devotee had come and had donated these things. Sudama Ji asked ‘What name did he tell? The wife said that he told his name 'Damodar'. Sudama Ji stressed his mind and then found there was no host by the name of Damodar. There was no such person by that name even in the city. Along with that day, the ration was for three days for the whole family. The wife requested again that you go and bring something from Shri Krishna. Then Sudama said ‘Yes'. But he had in mind that I would go and come back but would not beg.
Ref: Mukti Bodh book written by Jagatguru Tattavdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, Chapter Sumiran Ka Ang, Speech No. 106
Garib, sangi Sudama Sant they, daridar dariyav। Kanchan mahal baks diye, tandul bhent chadhav।।106।।
Respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj has mentioned in this nectar speech that merciful Supreme God Kabir blessed pauper Sudama and gifted a beautiful palace in reward for the rice that God ate. Let’s move ahead to know what happened.
Sudama's wife insisted too much therefore, finally, Sudama decided to go to Dwarka to meet Shri Krishna
Earlier it was the tradition to prepare some sweets at home while going to a relative's place. In place of that, Sudama’s wife roasted three handfuls of rice, meaning 250 grams and tied them in a corner of the devotee's sheet. Sudama Ji reached Dwarka in the evening on the third day.
Important: It has been mentioned in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm’s speech
Sau chhal chhidr mein karun apne Jan ke kaaj||
God Kabir plays several spectacles for His beloved souls. The further narrative is in this connection,
Shri Krishna went out to some relatives' house along with 10-20 bodyguards on the Chariot before Sudama’s arrival. Almighty Himself assumed the form of Shri Krishna and sat at his place and told guards that today I do not have to go anywhere. Sudama’s clothes were shabby, he was wearing torn shoes, he reached and stood in front of the gate of the Royal palace of Shri Krishna and asked the doorkeeper to permit him to enter inside. Then the doorkeeper asked for his introduction. Who are you? What is your name? Where have you come from? What is the work? This is the palace of the King. Whom do you have to meet? Sudama Ji introduced himself. The doorkeeper said ‘First we will take permission from the King, if the permission will be granted then we will let you meet.
The gatekeeper told the entire introduction then Shri Krishna (God Kabir) left the throne and came running barefoot and hugged shabbily dressed Sudama Ji and made him sit on the throne. Then he washed the feet of Sudama Ji with his hands, bathed him, gave him new clothes to wear, and arranged a variety of food. Shri Krishna (God Kabir) ate the rice with interest that Sudana Ji had brought. A lot of eatables were kept on many plates for Sudama Ji like Halwa-Kheer, many vegetables, and bread.
Sudama Ji was reminded of the scene in his house where there was no food for the evening at home. The children are sitting hungry, they might be crying. They must be saying ‘Mother-bread, Mother-bread’. How can I eat this delicious food? If I won’t eat then Shri Krishna will know that I have come to ask something.
Therefore, he took one bite and started eating slowly and slowly. He started spending time licking his fingers repeatedly. But Shri Krishna's (God Kabir’s) eyes were on the lotus face of his friend. He was seeing all the gestures. He said ‘Eat food, friend Sudama! Why do you lick your finger? Sudama Ji ate two pieces of bread and ate Kheer-halwa just for name sake and sat after washing hands. Shri Krishna asked, "Are children and Bhabhi Ji all well? Is sustenance going well? Sudama Ji said that:-
Teri daya se hai bhagwan, humko sukh sara hai। kisi vastu ki kami nahi, Mera theek gujara hai।।
God had understood that he is a virtuous soul, he will die but will not demand. At that time, he requested Sudama Ji to rest in another room and called Vishwakarma, the main engineer from his Royal Palace and gave him the complete address of Sudama Ji and ordered him to build a beautiful palace for Sudama. God also told Vishwakarma to take lakhs of rupees and keep it in the house of the devotee. This work should be done within a week. Vishwakarma Ji completed the work in six days and gave the report.
It has been mentioned in Suksham Veda
Tandul vipra ko diye dekh, rachi Sudama puri akekh||
The point is if donation-charity, community meal is done with reverence then Supreme God Kabir surely rewards the host.
Sudama Ji used to ask every day to return but Shri Krishna would specially request and did not let him leave. Sudama left on the seventh day. From behind even God Kabir left.
Afterwards, Shri Krishna returned. When people asked Krishna where did you go just now? Shri Krishna said ‘I had not gone anywhere, rather I just returned’. Then people said ‘Who can understand your play? This is how the matter got settled.
Sudama was wearing new precious clothes. On the way, he was thinking that Krishna was asking me if something was scarce, couldn’t he see what my condition was? It came to be true that friendship is maintained between people of similar status.
Meanwhile, wild people (Bheels) surrounded him and said, "Give us whatever you are carrying. Sudama Ji said 'I do not have anything'. When Bheels searched they found nothing. They snatched and took away the precious clothes of Sudama Ji and left him naked. Sudama Ji got this punishment of distrust.
In the evening, after sunset, Sudama stood under a tree in darkness at a short distance from his hut which was on the path to Dwarka. He saw the hut had been uprooted and thrown away. In place of that, a luxurious two-storeyed palace has been built. Sudama Ji got distressed that someone even uprooted my hut, grabbed it and built his house. Do not know where my children and wife would have drowned and died of hunger. What have I to do to remain alive? I will also end my life by taking Samadhi in the river.
In case the family would be alive then they must be suffering from hunger. I will not be able to see. He was about to go from there. His wife was standing at the palace door waiting for her husband. She thought that Vipr Ji might not think bad by not finding his hut. Therefore, she was gazing standing on the path to Dwarka.
At the same time, she felt one person standing in the dark. Misrani took a lamp and quickly moved towards that side. Sudama Ji started seeing from behind the tree, "Who is this woman? Where will she go with the lamp? Sudama identified his wife in the light of the lamp. But she has come from the palace. What is this matter? Sudama Ji said to extinguish the lamp, I am naked. Bheels snatched my clothes on the way which Shri Krishna Ji had prepared for me, all were precious new ones. Panditani extinguished the lamp. Sudama asked, ‘Who built this palace? Who uprooted our hut? From whose palace have you come? Have you started working as a maid?
Panditani said, "O Swami! Your friend Krishna has built this palace. Thousands of workers came on the fourth day after you left, and along with themselves, they had brought stones- bricks, lime, food and money on bulls. They completed the construction work in six days and went. Come! This is your palace.
When he entered the palace it was filled with grains and money. The material was for the entire life. Panditani asked ‘why were your clothes removed? You had nothing, you had old clothes. What will Bheels do with them? Then Sudama narrated the whole incident and also gave information of his cheap thoughts that came from the friend that Krishna was asking from me isn’t there any shortage of any substance at home? Is sustenance going on well? I had said that ‘everything is going on well by your grace.
There is no scarcity of anything. The subsistence is going on well. The wife said ‘You won’t demand, he knows everything. He understood everything. Sudama Ji said ‘Yes, he understood everything. Therefore, he snatched my clothes. I was pondering that 'See! The friend was asking me, "Is everything all right? Is there a scarcity of anything? I thought that he didn't know seeing my condition that is the condition of a normal person. It is rightly said that friendship is maintained with people of similar status. I had just thought this and at that time my clothes were snatched. Then Misrani said that you were examined, but you failed here, you were given a shock. Now see the wonder of your friend. Your children's clothes are like the King's. Four soldiers are guarding all four corners of the palace.
It has been said in Speech No. 106 that
Sant Sudama Shri Krishna ke sangi||
Meaning:- The friend was very poor. By eating his rice he (in reality God Kabir) blessed him with a golden palace free. (106)
Ponder:– (Assuming that Shri Krishna gave the palace to Sudama as per folklore, in the absence of true spiritual knowledge)
Krishna was the King. It is no big deal for a King to provide this much help to his friend. A minister of a State can easily provide this much help to his friend.
Almighty Kabir blessed a pauper Muslim blacksmith Tamerlane the kingdom for seven generations just by eating his one bread. Tamerlane (Taimurlung) became the King in the same life. It has been mentioned in Sachhidanand Ghan Brahm's speech
Roti, Tamerlane (Timur) ko deenhee, tatey saat Baadshahi leenhe||
The empire was huge. From 1526 to 1707 Babar till Aurangzeb ruled Delhi.
Special Difference:– The suffering of birth-death hasn't finished neither of Shri Krishna nor Sudama. Both will go into the life forms of other beings in their next birth.
Tamerlane held the kingdom for seven generations and also attained salvation. Understand this much difference in help. Like, one a State Minister provides help and the second the Prime Minister provides help. Consider Kabir Ji means Satpurush as the Prime Minister and Shri Krishna (Shri Vishnu Ji) to be the State Minister. Yet, the ongoing matter is of devotion. Kabir Ji has said that:-
Kabir, jo jaki sharna basai, tako takee laaj||
Jal sonhi machlee chadhe, beh jate gajraj।।
Ref: Jeene Ki Raah book, written by Jagatguru Tattavdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
Respected Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj has said that:-
Garib, nut, prerna kanjar sansi, mangte hai bhathiyare।
jinki bhakti mein Lau laagi, wo moti det udhare।।
Garib, jo mange so bhadwa Kahiye, dar-dar phire agyani।
Jogi jog Sampoorn jaka, mangat na peeve pani।।
Meaning:- ‘‘Nut” These people used to show some games in public. Like, climbing on a long rod without inserting it into the ground which used to be a unique and tough work. After the game was over they used to beg for money in a bowl from the crowd of people present there watching the game. Similarly, people of other castes like kanjar, sansi, and Bhathiyare used to beg for money, and grains (wheat, Bajra, Gram) by showing their art.
If a Yogi means seeker also shows such accomplishments and accumulates money and grains then his practice is not true. Had he been a true worshiper, he would have made disciples rich by granting them blessing-form pearls which are separate from the fate of a seeker in a gift-form from his side. If a saint begs door to door then he is ignorant. He does not have scriptures-based practice, He is not a saint but a shameless.
Yogi means the worship of that seeker is considered complete who does not ask anything from anyone. An example in this context is told that leave aside a thing, the seeker does not even ask for water to drink.
Sudama Ji stayed with Shri Krishna for one week and then left but never asked for money. He knew well that:-
Kabir, bin mange moti mile, mange mile na bheekh|।
Mangan se marna bhala, yeh Satguru ki seekh।।
Meaning:- Supreme God Kabir has also told that whoever does true devotion of complete God, should never demand. God becomes angry by asking. He does not even get alms. If that seeker has trust in the Supreme God and will not ask then God will fulfill his desire means will give precious things like a pearl as well.
A complete Satguru provides this teaching that a person must die alive. It’s better to die than beg. The meaning is not with committing suicide. Here the meaning is to curb desires and live like the dead.
Note:- Now, As per the common belief that Shri Krishna built a palace for Sudama as it’s written in Krishna's name. Regarding the merciful Supreme God, it has been mentioned in Suksham Veda
Kare karave sayeyan mun mein lehar uthaye||
Dadu sir dhar jeev ke wo aap bagel ho jaye||
Shri Krishna was the King. He ordered Vishwakarma Ji and got a palace constructed within a week after understanding the situation of his friend and also gave him a lot of money. Sudama Ji remained firm on his righteousness and Karmas due to which he got benefit. He is called a Pandit. One who asks is called shameless, this is the definition of a Pandit.
Important: Neither Shri Krishna nor Sudama was liberated. The sole purpose of human birth was not fulfilled.
Almighty Kabir is the doer. He is to be attained with true devotion.
Garib, Jo Mehndi ke paan mein lali rahe samaye||
Yo Sahib (God Kabir) tane beech hai khoj karo sat bhai||
Like, the Henna leaves are green. When they are grinded the hands become red. In the same way, it is said that
Iss maati ke mahal mein||
This means inside this body, God will be attained like this. Though God Kabir is not visible. If the seeker will do true devotion to God Kabir and chant the true salvation mantra, serve, and donate, then God will appear/be attained.
Sudama Ji believed Shri Krishna to be all-powerful because of the wrong notion of the golden palace and worshipped arbitrarily all through his life therefore, remained deprived of attaining God/ salvation.
Very Important:- God Kabir is attained by taking initiation from Satguru. Today, Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only living Satguru on earth by taking whose shelter seekers will attain emancipation.