Why Did Ramrai/ Jhoomakra Take Shelter of Sant Garibdas


Ramrai/ Jhoomakra hailed from Punjab. A state famous for devotion and the servile spirit found in people. This article will describe the true story of devotee Jhoomakra who was the worshipper of Lord Vishnu prior to coming into the shelter of respected Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj who made him eligible to attain Satlok.

Based on the following let us know how Jhoomakra met Sant Garib Das Ji and what true spiritual knowledge he obtained which made him the worshipper of Almighty Kabir.

  • God Kabir met child Garib Das
  • Sant Garib Das Ji met Jhoomakra
  • Sant Garib Das Ji preached Jhoomakra true spiritual knowledge
  • Garib Das Ji explained Jhoomakra path to reach Satlok

Ref: Nectar speech of Sachhidanand Ghan Brahm, Suksham Veda

God Kabir Met Child Garib Das

Almost 250 years ago, Almighty Kabir met Garib Das Ji when he was a 10-year-old child in his field in the village of Chhudani, district Jhajjar, Haryana. Garib Das Ji was the only grandson of a millionaire Landlord, the maternal grandfather who owned 1400 acres of land. He was from a Jaat community.

Journeying across all higher realms of Brahm Kaal and familiarising him with the status of demigods of Brahm, God Kabir took pious soul Garib Das Ji to eternal abode Satlok, gave him true spiritual knowledge, granted him true salvation mantras, then sent back the soul into the body. Thereafter, familiar with God's knowledge Garib Das Ji started preaching about God and penned down his experience as an eye-witness and created an invaluable scripture ‘Sadgranth Sahib (Amar Granth Saheb)'.  It is the pious fifth Veda, called Suksham Ved which contains the nectar speeches of Sachhidanand Ghan Brahm.

Sant Garib Das Ji Met Jhoomakra

At that time, one of the disciples of respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj went to Vasiyar village near Ludhiana city in Punjab State. One early morning the disciple was sitting in a quiet place near a Pond in a small jungle (vani) near the village and was reciting the path of ‘Brahm Bedi' as scripted in  Sukshma Veda. One rich farmer, owing 800-900 bigha land whose name was Ramrai nickname Jhoomakra belonging to the Sikh community from the same Vasiyar village,  near Ludhiana was passing from near that place and heard the devotee reciting the speech of Brahm Bedi. The people of Punjab are very fond of the speeches of saints and highly appreciate them.

Note: Someone who is fickle-minded, is a bit cynic is often called Jhoomakra

Ramrai was highly influenced by the nectar speech. When the disciple completed ‘Nitya Niyam' Jhoomakra asked him 'Whose wonderful speech is this that you are singing? It is attracting me. I have never read it in Guru Granth Sahib’. The devotee told about his revered Gurudev. Then Ramrai/ Jhoomakra asked ‘Is your Gurudev alive or has he quit body?’. The devotee said ‘My Gurudev Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj Ji is still alive. He has spoken about 24000 amazing speeches. Then God-loving Ramrai got curious to meet such a great man. He was wandering for God.

Jhoomakra/ Ramrai went to Chudani village from Ludhiana to meet Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj. Ramrai had an imaginary picture of Sant Garib Das Ji as one who would have long matted hairs, a long beard, wear saffron/ yellow clothes, apply Tilak on his forehead, carry a Tong, disc, maze, would have pierced ears and wear earrings or might be bald,  might have smeared ash on his body means would be in some special attire. This is the outfit of fake sages of Kaal who do all tantrums and tell unscriptural devotion.

When he reached Chhudani village in the house of Sant Garib Das Ji early morning, Garib Das Ji was not available as he had gone to his fields. Despite being a millionaire, Sant Garib Das Ji was absolutely down to earth and he used to work in his fields. When Jhoomakra inquired from a few disciples sitting in the house about Garib Das Ji they said ‘Garib Das Ji has gone to his fields but they have no idea when he would be back. It's his wish when he wants to return? ‘.

Curious Jhoomakra/ Ramrai went to meet the great man as he did not want to wait to meet Garib Das Ji. As told he was going towards the direction where the Persian wheel was installed near the fields of Sant Garib Das Ji. On the way, he met Garib Das Ji. He asked him ‘Where could he find Garib Das Ji? ‘. Garib Das Ji did not introduce himself when Jhoomakra inquired because Garib Das Ji (God Kabir)  was an all-knower. He knew well Jhoomakra's imagination of a Sant which does not match with his appearance because of which he will get distressed and might leave. (God) Sant Garib Das Ji wanted to take his beloved soul in His refuge and tell him true spiritual knowledge and do his welfare.

Sant Garib Das Ji Preached Jhoomakra True Spiritual Knowledge

Sant Garib Das Ji was coming carrying a bundle (Barota) of Sorghum seeds (Jowar), fodder for animals on his head. Jhoomakra came along with Garib Das Ji to his house. Seeing their respected Gurudev few disciples did respectful obeisance,  few prostrated, one devotee took Barota from Sant Garib Das Ji and put it on his head. Jhoomakra/ Ramrai was wondering seeing the respect devotees were giving and thought he is a rich person therefore, people are giving him due respect. He asked ‘Who is he? ‘. Someone said 'he is great Sant Garib Das Ji'. Ramrai was shocked as Sant Garib Das Ji was found to be dressed in a simple dhoti-kurta and turban which was an attire opposite to his imagination of a Saint.

He was disappointed and thought ‘It's amazing! Digged the mountain and found a rat that too dead One. Who appointed him a Saint? He is just an ordinary man from a rich Jaat community, just a farmer like me.  What a fool I have become. I was so wrong.

Sant Garib Das Ji allocated a few responsibilities to devotees sitting around like arranging water for him to take a bath, few to arrange food and so on. All went and started doing work as instructed.

When Sant Garib Das Ji took a bath he asked Jhoomakra to help him in tying the knot of the belt of his dhoti (Adbandh) he wanted to wear since his fingers were injured. Jhoomakra was shocked to hear his name. ‘How do Garib Das know my name? I haven’t told you my nickname'.

Garib Das Ji (God Kabir) deliberately called him by his nickname because Ramrai was fickle-minded. Ramrai tied the knot of the dhoti but it crossed the body of Garib Das Ji and knotted to the dhoti itself. He tried the second time yet it crossed the body and knotted the cloth. The third time when Jhoomakra was trying then Garib Das Ji said ‘Jhoomakra, I am like you. Why aren’t you able to knot the belt of dhoti? ‘. He was shocked and looked upwards towards Sant Garib Das Ji.

At that time, Sant Garib Das Ji showed him the form of Lord Vishnu who was his revered deity. He saw Sant Garib Das Ji was now wearing a Peacock feather, holding a conch shell, maze, and disc. Immediately he realised his mistake that he considered Garib Das Ji to be an ordinary man like him. He prostrated and apologised for his mistake.  When again he looked at Garib Das Ji he found Him assumed in original form.

Ramrai thought since Garib Das Ji called him by his nickname, he was impressed and since he is the worshipper of Shri Vishnu Ji therefore, it might be his imagination. He settled his mind thinking that Garib Das Ji cannot be God. But He has some power therefore, the dhoti crossed his body and the cloth was knotted.

Then Garib Das Ji asked him to sit. He preached Jhoomakra for 2 hours. Sant Garib Das Ji told  Jhoomakra the entire creation of the universe and gave him true spiritual knowledge.

Hum Sultani Nanak tare, Dadu ko updesh diya||

Jaat Julaha bhed nahi paya wo Kashi mahe Kabir hua||

He told about God Kabir as it has been mentioned in pious Shri Guru Granth Sahib on page no. 24

Fahi Surat mulaki vesh ye thagwada thagi desh|| Khada siyana bahuta bhaar, ye Dhanak roop raha kartar||

In Raag Tilang Mehla 1, on page 721 it has been written

Yak arz guftam pesh to dar gosh Kun Kartaar l Hakka Kabir kareem tu beaeb Parvardagaar ll

On page 731 it has been written

Neech jaati pardesi mera, khin aavey til javey, Jaaki sangat Nanak rehenda, kyunkar maunda pavey||

In this way, Garib Das Ji told the magnificence of Almighty Kabir. Then Jhoomakra said ‘Maharaj Ji, no one has delivered me such spiritual knowledge till date'. Then Sant Garib Das Ji explained Tattavgyan through a nectar speech.

Sab Gita ka mool hai Rai jhumakra. Sooksham ved samool suno Rai jhoomakra.

Tattva gyan koi na kahe Re jhoomakra. Ye Paise upar naach suno Rai jhoomakra.

Kotyo madhya koi nahi Rai jhoomakra. Arbon mein koi garak suno Rai jhoomakra.

‘Gark' means one who is complete in all respects means saturated, Who has complete knowledge, complete mantras and is authorised by the Supreme God. Such Sant is found rare in trillions.

The same has been told in Srimad Bhagavad Gita 7:19

Bahoonaam’, janmanamam’, ante, gyaanvan’, mam’, prpadhyate,

VasudevH, sarvam’, iti, saH, mahatma, sudurlabhH ||19||

Meaning: The knowledge giver of Gita, Brahm Kaal says ‘a rare person worships me after many births,  otherwise people continue to worship other gods only and that saint who says that Purna Brahm is everything, is found very rare. Complete emancipation is attained only by complete God/ Paar Brahm/ Satpurush and not by Brahm and ParBrahm.

Further, Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj explained to Jhoomakra the path the soul needs to follow while moving from Nabhi Kamal to reach the 12th door means to reach Satlok which is scripted in Sadgranth Sahib in chapter ‘Ath Jhoomakra'.

Garib Das Ji Explained Jhoomakra Path To Reach Satlok

Ref: Sukshma Veda, Chapter ‘Ath Jhoomakra’ on page no 670.

With His divine power, Sant Garib Das Ji showed Jhoomakra the complete path the soul needs to cover to reach the immortal world Satlok starting from Nabhi Kamal which is behind the tummy button in the backbone (Merudand). 

From there the soul moves ahead through a very narrow nerve called  ‘Banknaal' like a tunnel which is a long twisted nerve. This 'Bunknaal' is of several types and is separate from all individual bodies (Sthool body, Subtle body, Karan etc).

The creature has to go beyond this twisted long nerve ‘Bunknaal'. Then the soul crosses from the 'Sushmana' nerve/ door which opens by practising 'Pranayama' (inhale-exhale). The heavy gate opens by practising the salvation mantra provided by Satguru. This enhances the love of the soul towards the Supreme God which is an indication of successful devotion.

In the absence of dedication and trust the soul might get distracted and quit devotion and may fail to attain salvation. Therefore, one must keep chanting salvation mantras till the last breath.

 Here, God Kabir says

Kabir, mun ke mate na chaliye, iss mun ka ke vishwas||

Aur sadhu jab lag dar ke rahe,  jab lag Pinjar swans||

Further, Sant Garib Das Ji tells Jhumakra about the eight qualities needed by the soul to attain salvation. Gradually, the soul starts experiencing the divine power within. Few seekers get an audience of various demigods of Kaal, they see their light but none is the Supreme God. The difference should be understood as that of a difference in bulbs of different watts (zero, 100, 1000, mercury light etc.) and tubelight. The seeker mistakenly considers it a great spiritual achievement which is a myth. The brightness of Brahm, Par Brahm, Paar Brahm/ Supreme God Is separate. The Supreme God is highly radiant and the soul needs to move upwards to have His audience  Attaining Paar Brahm is ultimate.

In these nectar speeches, Sant Garib Das Ji is explaining to Jhumakra about only three realms. Then Garib Das Ji tells about supreme power and chants Sarnam, and Sarshabad. The seeker has to do ‘Sahaj samadhi'.  On reaching 'Trikuti' the divine power/ God ‘Ram ratan' can be seen.

Sant Garib Das Ji tells Jhoomakra to concentrate and develop a relationship with that ultimate power. That complete God/ Satpurush is in Satlok. Garib Das Ji glorifies the magnificence of the eternal world Satlok to Jhoomakra. Then Jhoomakra questions Garib Das Ji ‘Maharaj Ji! We knew only till Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. You have told much beyond them about which we were ignorant.

Then (God) Sant Garib Das Ji says

Poorab desh humar hai rai Jhoomakra, koi na Jane bhed suno rai Jhoomakra||

Gagan mandal mein rehet hai rai Jhoomakra,  bin dehi ka dev suno rai Jhoomakra||

Garib Das Ji said that God resides in Satlok attaining whom the soul attains complete liberation. Jhoomakra asks ‘Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga are also powers? ‘. Sant Garib Das Ji said ‘Yes, they too are powers but are of only three realms. The soul here will continue to suffer his karma.  Birth-rebirth will continue. Salvation will never be attained. Ramrai said ‘Four liberations are attained'. 

Garib Das Ji said ‘the fourth liberation is the attainment of Brahmlok/ Maha Swarg/ Great Heaven means attaining the realm of Kshar Purush. Such seekers get absorbed in Brahm Kaal (Brahmleen). That soul stays in Brahmlok till great destruction/ Mahapralaya. This is the fourth liberation. When his duration of fourth liberation will finish the soul will be reborn in this deceased world. This vicious cycle will continue. Then Ramrai asks ‘Maharaj Ji! Is there a solution to this?’. Garib Das Ji talked about attaining Satlok which is the residence of Param Akshar Brahm/ Satpurush who is the creator of entire universes. His authority is on everyone. He only is worshipable. He is the destroyer of sins and provider of emancipation.


Jhoomakra was a pious soul whom (God) Sant Garib Das Ji took in refuge at that time. At present also supreme God Kabir has incarnated and is performing divine play in the body of Jagatguru tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. It is advice to all God-loving souls that take his refuge, obtain true salvation mantras and become eligible to attain salvation and reach to Satlok exactly similar to that of Jhoomakra.


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