How Did Gorakhnath Ji Became a disciple of God Kabir?


Spiritual powers gained through meditation/ severe austerity in Kaal Brahm’s world are inappropriate for the attainment of God.  History certifies about renowned sages/ saints/ Naths etc. the same.

All those great men/ seekers who had several powers surely became famous but did they really achieve the sole purpose of human life with the practices they used to perform is a big question? Are the existing religious practices in Kaal Brahm’s world correct? Let us analyse.

In ancient times, India well known by the name Jammu Dweep, witnessed the birth of several perfect men, sages, saints, Nath, Mandaleshwars, etc. These great men were steadfast devotees who did everything to attain God. They performed such devotion that is highly praised and is scripted with golden letters in Indian history.

Listening to the true account of such steadfast devotees and reading about their struggling lives to the God-loving dear souls, the devotee society gets highly inspired to march forward to do the same devotion meaning struggle to attain the sole purpose of human birth which is: attaining God.

The perfect man Gorakhnath is one of those great men about whom we will discuss in this article who performed devotion, gained accomplishments, did several miracles and became famous but remained deprived of attaining emancipation. So what went wrong with a great accomplished man like Gorakhnath?

This article aims to highlight several hidden facts about Baba Gorakhnath which are unknown to the devotee society till date. Knowing those true incidents will surprise the readers.

Let us know all about Gorakhnath based on the following

  • Brief About Nath tradition
  • Who is God Gorakhnath?
  • Who was the Guru of Gorakhnath?
  • Who was the revered God of Gorakhnath?
  • Is the mantra chanted by Gorakhnath certified in holy scriptures?
  • Why is Gorakhnath famous?
  • What are the powers of Gorakhnath?
  • Gorakhnath revived his Guru Machindranath
  • Gorakhnath converted a mud hill into a gold hill.
  • Gorakhnath was the Guru of Gopichand and Bharthari
  • Gorakhnath’s disciples Gopichand and Bharthari did a miracle
  • Gorakhnath’s powers failed to blow the conch shell in the religious ritual of Yudhishthir in Dwapar Yuga
  • God Kabir ruptured the arrogance of Gorakhnath
  • Gorakhnath failed in a spiritual debate with God Kabir.
  • God Kabir converted fish-form Gorakhnath back to his original human form.
  • Sant Garibdas Ji mentions Gorakhnath in his nectar speeches
  • Gorakhnath will be reborn in the next Satyuga
  • Why did Gorakhnath fail to attain salvation?
  • Is God Gorakhnath worshipable or God Kabir?

All excerpts as evidence have been taken from sacred books written by Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

  • Kabir Sagar ka Sarlarth
  • Adhyatmik Gyan Ganga
  • Gehri Nazar Gita Mein
  • Kabir Parmeshwar
  • Yatharth Bhakti Bodh

Brief About Nath Tradition

The beginning of Nath tradition (Nāthasaṃpradāya) is very ancient. This tradition got its proper expansion from Gorakhnath. Gorakhnath is considered to be the founder of Nath literature. According to Gorakhpanti literature, Adinath himself is considered to be Lord Shiva. Nath sect or Shiva sect of Hinduism is a religious sect popular in India whose Ashram, Maths and temples are established in Gorakhpur city in the state of  Uttar Pradesh, India named after Gorakhnath.

Guru Matsyendranath/ Machindranath was the one who carried forward the tradition of Shaivism in its true form. Apart from Shiav, the Buddhist, Jain and Vaishnav monks also came into their tradition. The supreme masters of the nath tradition are Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath.

Ref: Mukti Bodh, Sumiran ke Ang ka Sarlarth, page no.24

God Kabir resides in the upper realms, in Satlok and as per His law, he comes with speed walking from there in the world of Brahm Kaal and meets good souls and inspires them through His speeches to do true devotion.

In this connection, Supreme God KavirDev met (Navnaths) nine Naths (Gorakhnath, Macchendranatha, Charpatinath etc-etc). He told them true knowledge and showed them the right direction.

God Kabir, Bandichod told his dearest devotee Dharamdas in a conversation that ‘Dharamdas! When I came into the realm of this Kaal Brahm then I found the entire world to be unfamiliar with true spiritual Knowledge.

Due to a lack of true spiritual knowledge Vishnu propagated practices according to his wish considering himself to be God. Similarly, Brahma Ji got Vedas read.  But True Spiritual Knowledge could not be obtained. They continued practising arbitrarily themselves as well as getting it done by others.

Similarly, Shiva sent his messengers into this world and started sects like Giri, Puri, Nath, Aughad, etc. who survived by asking for alms. Hazrat Muhamnad also established a separate religion with Kaal Brahm’s inspiration.  Machyndernath, the guru of Gorakhnath by renouncing his body, entered like a ghost inside the dead body of a King of Singla island and developed a physical relationship with his wife.  From him started the tradition of children which originated from the king's body by the creature of Machchandra in the Singla island.

But none of the above-mentioned have true spiritual knowledge. Everyone is performing religious practices with Kaal Brahm’s inspiration. The person who gains complete Tatvgyan, who gets familiar with the complete God, only makes efforts to get rid of birth and death. He does not aspire of anything of this world (Evidence Gita 7:29). In this way, the Nath tradition expanded.

Who is God Gorakhnath?

Gorakhnath/ Goraksanath/ Baba Gorakhnath/ Tantrik Gorakhnath was a Yogi (ascetic) who is believed to be the founder of the Nath sect in India. He is also considered to be the chief among the perfect men.

By performing arbitrary practices, he gained several powers and did a few miracles which made him famous among people. Amongst the naive devotees, he is considered God which is a myth.

In reality, he was a virtuous soul who did true devotion to Almighty Kabir in his previous human births with which his devotional account increased and he became a perfect man but slipped in between as a result, remained deprived of attaining salvation.

With that devotional earning, he went to Brahmlok, Shivlok and other realms etc located in 21 universes of Brahm Kaal. In this way,  Kaal ruins the devotion of such seekers. Afterwards, such souls are given birth as humans. Now only accomplishments remain. Gorakhnath was such a soul. He was not God. He is still trapped in the vicious cycle of birth and death and after leaving the body (Sthool Shareer) became a deceased ancestor (Pitra) and was sent to Pitaloka.

Note: This truth has been mentioned in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm’s speech unknown to devotee society to date.

Who Was The Guru of Gorakhnath?

Tantrik Gorakshnath is considered to be one of nine Naths. The name of his guru was Matsyendranātha, also known as Matsyendra, Macchindranāth, Mīnanātha and Minapa who is credited to be the founder of the Nath tradition. He followed the teachings of Lord Shiva and was one ‘Mahasiddhas’ amongst the 84 perfect men and Navnaths.

Who Was The Revered God of Gorakhnath?

Gorakhnath was the worshipper of Tamogun Shiva/ Shankar similar to all Giri, Puri, Aughad, Kanpade, Nath etc. and used to believe Supreme God to be formless means Alakh Niranjan/ Jyot Swaroopi. He used to raise the slogan of ‘Alakh Niranjan’. He used to believe ‘Alakh Niranjan’ to be the same all-capable God.

God Kabir Sahib greeted Gorakhnath in one hymn as  ‘Avdhoo’ means those seekers who wrap around their private parts with a loincloth or a small cloth and do not wear any other cloth on the body.

Such seekers in the Saint's language are called ‘Avdhoo’. Out of sheer ignorance and being confused, earlier people used to call such an attired person an ‘Avdhoot’.

However, during the debate held between him and God Kabir, he was observed wearing clothes in full body. It was after his defeat in a debate that Gorakhnath accepted Supreme God Kabir as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and took his shelter. Then God Kabir told him

Gorakhnath! Tera Jyot Swaroopi Alakh Niranjan dharta dhyan hamara||

God Kabir is the God of Gods. He proved to Gorakhnath by narrating true spiritual knowledge during the spiritual debate that whom you admire as Alakh Niranjan means Jyot Swaroopi Niranjan is mortal and is just the owner of 21 universes. He worships me and directs in Gita 18:62 to go to the refuge of the Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm). In Gita 18:64 he says that the supreme God (KavirDev) is my venerable God.

Note: Due to ignorance Gorakhnath could not differentiate between Shiva/ Shankar and Shiv’s father God Sadashiva. Both are separate gods. Considered Shiva to be the supreme God and used to worship him which was taking forward the Nath tradition/ Shaiva sect as guided by his Guru Matsyndernath.

Is The Mantra Chanted By Gorakhnath Certified In Holy Scriptures?

The most astonishing aspect of worship is that we have accepted the directives of a few religious leaders or perfect men to be the guiding factor without ever trying to verify if their religious practices match the authentic directives of our traditional foundational scriptures. Baba Gorakhnath used to chant one mantra ‘Alakh Niranjan’  which is another name of the owner of 21 universes means Brahm Kaal about whom he was also unaware. He used to practise ‘Chanchari Mudra’. He gained several accomplishments with these practices.

No holy scripture certifies this mantra and these religious practices. All this is arbitrary and against the injunctions of the holy scriptures.

The only mantra to be chanted by seekers is Om-Tat-Sat (coded) certified in pious Srimad Bhagavad Gita 17:23 which is decoded by an enlightened saint whose identity has been told in Gita 15:1-4, 16,17. Any other mantra chanted by any devotee is useless since salvation is attained by chanting this 3 word-coded mantra. 

Ref: Adhyatmik Gyan Ganga book on Page no  45

When Gorakhnath Ji took refuge in God Kabir he abandoned all these arbitrary practices and used to chant ‘Satnaam’ (a two-syllable mantra) after receiving it from God Kabir Himself.

Why Is Gorakhnath Famous?

Gorakhnath is famous for his spiritual powers, the accomplishments he gained by worshipping Lord Shiva. He could do several miracles with those acquired powers which made him famous.

Note: Accomplishments in seekers are the reason for their downfall since they remain trapped in the web of Kaal and fail to be liberated. An accomplished man becomes arrogant. Gorakhnath is one example.

What Are The Powers of Gorakhnath?

Gorakhnath used to do devotion to Shiva with which he gained several accomplishments. As already stated, the perfect man Gorakhnath was famous for those spiritual powers with which he performed various miracles in his life. Moving ahead, a few of them will be discussed.

Also, this article aims to prove that these accomplishments are a hindrance in the attainment of God because these powers make seekers arrogant which is not liked by God. God is attained to seekers with a servile spirit hence, Gorakhnath failed to attain the sole purpose of human life which is doing true devotion to the Supreme God by taking refuge in the enlightened saint and getting rid of the vicious cycle of birth and death meaning attaining emancipation.

  • Gorakhnath with his powers could fly in the sky. He was proud of his devotional achievement but his powers fused in front of Almighty Kabir then he realised he was just an ordinary person.
  • Gorakhnath with his accomplishments converted himself to a fish and hid inside the river but God Kabir made him Gorakhnath (Human being) and took him out of the water.
  • Gorakhnath Converted a mud and stone mountain into a gold mountain.
  • Gorakhnath revived his guru Machindranath.
  • With Gorakhnath’s power and blessings, his disciples Gopichand and Bharthari made the mud pots converted to gold pots.
  • Gorakhnath did a miracle and made water flow from a dried land during the drought crisis in Maghar.

All these miracles and much more will be discussed here in detail.

Gorakhnath Revived His Guru Machyendernath

It has been mentioned in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm’s speech

Nau lakh Nanak naad mein aur 10 lakh Gorakh teer aur lakh dutt sangi sada charno charch Kabir||

Gorakhnath, a great and perfect man is considered to be the most powerful and accomplished man in words. He had done miracles to such an extent that once when the King of Singhaldweep died, the guru of Gorakhnath Ji means Machyender Nath from his village entered inside the body of the King and under the inspiration of Kaal he maintained a physical relationship with his queen from whom he had two sons. After that another person, another Nath, sarcastically challenged Gorakhnath that if you truly possess accomplishments then save your Guru. He is involved in the nonsense activity in Singhal Dweep. Gorakhnath Ji went there.

Before that, someone told the queen that at present some accomplished soul is inside the body of the King. The original soul of the King has left the body and has gone. Even the existing soul can also leave the body at any time. This accomplished man has left his body in some cave. The queen wanted the body of the King no matter whichever soul may be inside the cover hence, the queen ordered the servants to search the body of the saint or any human being in the cave or anywhere and burn it to ash. The servants searched everywhere and finally found the body inside a cave which as per the order of the queen they burnt there itself. The queen got relaxed. Then Gorakhnath Ji went.

As per the order of the queen Gorakhnath Ji (any sage/ saint) was not allowed to enter inside the palace. This announcement was made and the servants were given strict instructions to follow. The sages/ saints had also foretold that there is one Gorakhnath, the disciple of Machyendernath who can take him out from here. The queen had alerted the security guards around the territory and at the entrance of the Palace gate that no sage/ saint should enter.

Then, a son was born to the queen from a husband-wife relationship with Machyendernath whose birthday was to be celebrated. A choir was to go from outside.  Gorakhnath had to go inside the palace but was not allowed. He then used his powers, causing one of the choir's drummers to experience diarrhoea.

The condition of that drummer became pathetic. The members of the Choir got worried about how they would perform in front of the King. On non-performance, they will be liable for punishment.

Gorakhnath asked the reason for the worry of the Choir members and assured them that he would take the place of the drummer since he knows well how to play the drums. They tested Gorakhnath and approved seeing his performance. The whole Choir along with Gorakhnath Ji entered the palace.

Guru Machyendernath inside the body of the King considers himself over-smart and was sitting along with the Queen and two sons on the throne। The Choir was singing, and playing instruments. Gorakhnth was playing drums ‘Dum- Dum- Dum’ and said ‘Wake up Machyender, your luck has been ruined. Get out of here, wake up Machyender, your luck is ruined’. The soul (Machyender) immediately got alert and said to the queen ‘Keep this drummer a servant in our palace’. Then Gorakhnath reminded his guru ‘What you used to preach? Human life aims to quit worldly pleasures and remain focused on devotion, focus to attain God. Instead, you are diverted and trapped in a fake materialistic life. Come out?

Guru Machyender said ‘How can I come out? My body has been burnt. Finally, Machyendernath left the body by the power of Goraknath ji. There inside the cave, the ash of his body and bones were still lying (which according to Hindu rituals are released into Ganga river). Gorakhnath gathered the ashes and bones, creating a body identical in age to Guru Ji's previous form by his power. He then placed Guru Ji's soul within it, reviving him.

Important: This is a huge and dangerous Kaal’s trap. Gorakhnath was considered a great ascetic based on his accomplishments that he revived a dead even after the body (cover) was also burnt.

Respected Garib Das Ji Maharaj says

Shabd Mahal mein siddh chaubisa, Hans bichode bisve beesa||

In Kaal’s realms, the demigods possess only eight accomplishments at the most.

Note: 24 accomplishments are gained by seekers who perform true devotion to Almighty Kabir which if used, ruins their devotion. Such seekers who quit true devotion get trapped in Kaal’s web and misuse their power of devotion. Stored devotion is so much in such seekers that they can do several miracles. They become famous like Gorakhnath Ji but fail to attain emancipation.

Gorakhnath became famous for the powers he had stored in his devotional account in earlier human births.

After reviving his guru both Guru Machyender and Gorakhnath left that place.

Gorakhnath Converted Mud Hill Into Gold Hill

Machyender took some gold coins with him in a bag out of greed thinking they would use them in organising community meals. On the way, both stopped near a well to drink water. Machyender said ‘Gorakhnath, hold this bag. This contains 2 kgs of precious gold coins. Keep these carefully. When Machyendernath was drinking water from the well at that time, Gorakhnath threw all the gold coins into the well. Seeing this, Machyender got annoyed

Gorakhnath said ‘Gurudev! You have become a Raajrishi. You are no more a ‘Brahamrishi’. There was a small mountain nearby. Gorakhnath converted that stone and mud mountain into a gold mountain with his power and told ‘Guru Ji! Pick as many as you want.

Gorakhnath Was The Guru Of Gopichand And Bharthari

Gorakhnath predicted the dishonesty of the wife of King Bharthari to him during their meeting in the forest while the King had gone hunting. Initially, Bharthari did not believe Gorakhnath since he was too possessive for his Queen but later she was exposed and found guilty. It was then that King Bharthari was completely broken. He renounced the materialistic life, his Kingdom everything and became the disciple of Gorakhnath.

Similarly, Gopichand, the nephew of Bhartari also took shelter in Gorakhnath on the will of his mother. Both Gopichand and Bharthari were God-loving pious souls who wanted to get rid of the vicious cycle of birth-death. But due to ignorance became the disciples of Gorakhnath who wasn’t God but was simply an accomplished man following whose method of worship they also gained powers but remained deprived of their aim of attaining salvation similar to their Gurudev Gorakhnath since that wasn’t correct and true devotion proven in holy scriptures.

Gorakhnath’s Disciples Gopichand And Bharthari Did Miracle

Reference: Speech no. 36-38, Page no  117-120  Chapter Pativrata ka Ang, Book MuktiBodh

Garib, Gopichand aru Bharthari, Patibrata hai doee। Gorakh se Satguru mile, patthar paahan dhoee।।36।।

Garib, Barah baras bisambhari, Alwar kila chinayee। Satguru shabdon bandhiya, Amar Bhai hai taahin।।37।।

Garib, Satguru shabd na ulanghiya, jo dhaari so dhaar। Kanchan ke matke bhaye, Nistari gaya kumhaar।।38।।

As told above, Gopichand and Bharthari were two devout souls who took refuge in Gorakhnath. Bharthari was the uncle of Gopichand, both were Kings. Both were focused on their devotion and aimed to attain salvation. It has been said that the devotee must adhere to every word of his gurudev to attain success in the path of devotion.

Bhai jo guru vachan pe datt gaye kut gaye phund chaurasi ke||

Gopichand and Bharthari following the instructions of their Gurudev Gorakhnath Ji worked as a stone-carrying labourer in the construction site of King’s Fort in Alwar, Rajasthan and completed the task with complete dedication. Gorakhnath told both of them to work free as labourers and do some other job for their survival. Gopichand and Bharthari worked with a Potter to dig mud and prepare mortar for making pots. In return, the Potter used to provide them food both in the morning and evening.

Potter's wife wasn’t of good sacraments and was too miser. She used to give very little food to be shared among the three (including her husband) which wasn’t enough to satiate them and they used to remain hungry. But both were dedicated to the words of their Gurudev and without complaining they happily continued working in King’s fort for 12 years.

Devotees Gopichand and Bharthari used to chant the mantra that was given by Gorakhnath while working. When the construction work finished and the time came for them to return, both of them bade farewell to the Potter and his wife. They blessed the baked pots in the oven with one hand and together said

Pita ka hait Mata ka kuhait|

Aadha Kanchan aadha rait||

After they went, Potter and his wife took out the pots from the oven and found all the pots were half of gold and half of mud. Then both husband-wife repented that Gopichand and Bharthari were some perfect men. The wife cried badly that if she knew before she wouldn’t have misbehaved with them. She would have fed them delicious food and would have satiated them fully.

It has been mentioned in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm’s speech

Sir saunpa guru dev ko safal hua yo sheesh||

Thus, Gopichand and Bharthari got success by obeying their guru Gorakhnath and attained immortality to the extent which was entitled to be obtained with that practice by having firm belief in their guru Gorakhnath. They did not find any fault in the instructions of their Gurudev and did whatever Gorakhnath Ji asked them to do. Therefore, it has been mentioned in Sukshma Veda, book ‘Yatharth Bhakti Bodh’ nectar speech no.41 on page no 116.

Gorakh Dutta jugadi jogi, naam Jalandhar lijiye |

Bharthari Gopichanda seejhey, aisee diksha dijiye ||41||

Note: Gopichand Nath is one amongst Navnaths (Nine Naths).

Respected Sant Garib Das Ji has told in one of his nectar hymns that the true Guru/ Satguru is Almighty Kabir by taking whose refuge seekers attain emancipation.

Jat kundal oopar aasan hai, Satguru ki sail suno bhai| Jahaan Dhruv Prahlad nahi pahunche Sukhdev koon marag naa paai||

Narad Muni niratay rahe, Datt Gorakh se ko suchcha hai|

Badi sail adham sultan kari, Satguru takiya tuk ooncha hai||

Almighty Kabir’s abode is up above in the eternal world where great devotees, perfect men and sages like Dhruv, Prahalad, Sukhdev, Duttatrey, Gorakhnath etc. could not reach due to the unscriptural devotion they performed in spite, they gained fame being steadfast devotees. To attain God the seeker must do scriptural devotion under the guidance of a complete saint/ enlightened saint.

Gorakhnath’s Powers Failed To Blow Conch Shell In The Religious Ritual of Yudhishthir In Dwapar Yuga

Almighty Kabir descends into the world of Brahm Kaal in every Era and meets his pious souls. In Dwapar Yuga, God Kabir played a divine spectacle in the form of Sage Karunamay. Acquiring the form of his beloved disciple Supach Sudarshan God blew the conch shell in the assembly of Yudhishthir when he organised a great religious ritual and a grand feast intending to rid of the sins incurred during the Mahabharata war as he used to get nightmares. This was done on the advice of Shri Krishna. With the power of God Kabir after he ate food the conch shell produced a loud sound in the presence of great men, Mandaleshwars, sages like Vashist, Markandeya, 9 Naths including Gorakhnath, 84 Perfect men, and even Lord Krishna.

Perfect man Gorakhnath ate food but his powers were insufficient to blow the conch shell. All dignitaries failed in the same since their practice was arbitrary. This impossible task was accomplished by God Kabir who proved accomplishments in Brahm Kaal’s realm are merely eye-wash and deceit hence, useless. Gorakhnath was only an accomplished man and not God. What God can do no one else can do. So instead of gaining powers and wasting precious human birth the seekers should aim to attain emancipation.

God Kabir Ruptured The Arrogance Of Gorakhnath

Ref: Kabir Sagar, Chapter summary of Veer Singh Bodh on page no.202

600 years ago supreme God Kabir had descended in Kashi as an infant on a Lotus flower in Lahartara pond. A childless couple Neeru-Nima found Him and did God’s upbringing. At that time, God stayed on earth for 120 years and preached true spiritual knowledge. He did several miracles and gave relief to many people in different ways. He had 64 lakh disciples at that time.

One amongst them was Bijli Khan Pathan. Once a serious drought condition occurred in Maghar. There was one Aami river that used to flow near Maghar which also dried during drought due to which life became difficult for the residents. Both the Hindus as well as Muslims tried all possible ways and means to come out of the water scarcity crisis be it performing religious practices seeking shelter from various sages/ saints trying occultisms and so on but all efforts went in vain.

King Bijli Khan Pathan got to know about Saint/ God Kabir and he makes the impossible possible. He can only provide relief to the people of Maghar in this time of crisis. On the request of Bijli Khan Pathan God Kabir Ji departed to Maghar.

At that time, Tantrik Gorakhnath had high popularity in Gorakhpur, a city near Maghar. After death, he became Pitra (deceased ancestor). In Pitralok, Gorakhnath got worried that another saint might become popular in his area therefore,  he acquired the form of a sage and came down on earth and sat Beside a dried out lake under the tree which was on the way to Maghar from where God Kabir Ji had to pass.

God Kabir is all-knowing. He knew with which intention Gorakhnath had come. To get benefits from God one must have complete faith in Him. People at that time, weren’t considering weaver Kabir, the complete God. They were of the view that in case sant Kabir was not able to resolve their issue then they would approach the perfect man, Gorakhnath. Therefore, God made a spectacle.

He praised Gorakhnath to Bijli Khan Pathan saying ‘Gorakhnath will resolve your issue. He is a great saint. Bijli Khan then requested Gorakhnath Ji to solve their issue of water scarcity. Gorakhnath Ji went inside the dried-out lake inserted his Trident into the earth and took it out. Immediately, water started running out from that hole. Soon the lake filled with water then the water stopped.

God Kabir said to Bijli Khan Pathan ‘See, the great man was sitting so close to Maghar and you went all the way long to Kashi to take my help. Now, your problem is resolved, No?’.

King Bijli Khan said ‘No Lord! This much water isn’t sufficient to satiate even our cattle at one time. Lord, you shower mercy, kindly get it rain here. Then only we will be satiated’.

Gorakhnath got furious listening to the request of Bijli Khan Pathan to God Kabir because he considered himself to be all-powerful and denied accepting anyone else, especially Kabir Sahib, to be more accomplished than him. According to him, no one can do any miracle since the people here do not have enough virtues left. There is no chance of rain for another 2 years here. He said ‘Try, if anyone can cause rain here’.

Then, God Kabir Ji proved His divinity to the people of Maghar by causing it to rain heavily. All the water bodies around got filled with water in 2-3 hours. Then the rain stopped. The people of Maghar felt a sigh of relief, they rejoiced and came to see God. They fell at His feet. Gorakhnath’s arrogance ruptured and overconfidence of him being all-capable fused. After this, he went away.

Then God Kabir preached to the people and told them that their way of worship was against the scriptures. All must perform devotion to the Almighty. Several people became disciples of weaver (God) Kabir.

Let us proceed and read another account of Gorakhnath and God Kabir in which the debate/ spiritual discussion was held almost 600 years ago between tantrik Gorakhnath with God Kabir in which God revealed true spiritual knowledge which left Gorakhnath Ji stunned. He accepted his defeat and became the disciple of God at that time,  who was playing the divine spectacle of a 10-year-old child.

Gorakhnath Failed In Spiritual Debate With God Kabir

Ref: Adhyatmik Gyan Ganga on Page 39, Kabir Sagar Ka Sarlarth on page no.444.

Once Gorakhnath Ji observed that Swami Ramanand Ji was highly propagating the Vaishnava sect in Kashi and the Nath sect was shrinking therefore, Gorakhnath Ji came to Kashi city for a spiritual debate with Swami Ramanand Ji. Swami Ramanand Ji was believed to be a famous Saint of Kashi and the knower of the four Vedas. He had made 1400 sages his disciples. He used to send them to various places to propagate knowledge. At that time, Almighty Kabir had acquired Swami Ji, His guru.

Well! In reality, there was no need for God Kabir to make anyone His Guru but God Kabir knew well that in future people will question that Kabir also did not make anyone His Guru therefore, there is no need to acquire a Guru. Keeping this viewpoint, God Kabir made Swami Ramanand Ji his guru.

One day a disciple of Tantrik Gorakhnath went to the Ashram of Swami Ramanand Ji to meet him. At that time, Swami Ramanand Ji was preaching spiritual knowledge to his disciples. The disciple of Gorakhnath invited Swami Ji for a debate with his revered Gurudev saying ‘Gorakhnath Ji is a perfect man. No one can beat him in spiritual knowledge. He has sent me to convey the message for organising a debate with you. There is one condition Whoever will be defeated in this debate will accept to become the disciple of the winner along with all his disciples.

Swami Ramanand Ji got highly worried listening to this because he knew well that these Nath sages are equipped with several accomplishments and the public will declare them the winner on the basis of their accomplishments due to which the sole purpose of debate will be defeated and I will have to become his disciple.

Swami Ji expressed his worry to God Kabir Sahib who told him not to worry and let’s participate in the debate. On God’s assurance, Swami Ji reached along with a few of his disciples to the place as fixed which was at a distance of 500 feet far from Ganga river.

Debate Between God Kabir and Gorakhnath

Ref: Kabir Parmeshwar book on Page 115-122, Gehri Nazar Gita Mein page 563-572, Garima Gita Ki on page 292-297, Kabir Sagar, chapter summary of Agam Nigam Bodh on page 39 (1729) - 44 (1734)


Once Gorakhnath (a perfect saint) came to Kashi (Banaras) for a spiritual discussion (knowledge debate) with Swami Ramanand Ji (who was the Guru Ji of Sahib Kabir). Kabir Sahib had also reached there along with his respected Gurudev Swami Ramanand Ji. Swami Ramanand Ji sat on a higher seat. Kabir Sahib (complete God) in child form sat at his feet like an obedient devotee. Gorakhnath Ji was also sitting on a higher seat and had buried his Trident in the ground near his seat. 

Gorakhnath Ji had said ‘Ramanand! Have a discussion with me’. Complete God Kabir Ji in child-form said  ‘Nath Ji, first discuss with me, later talk to my gurudev.

Yogi Gorakhnath pratapi, taso tej prithvi kanpi।

Kashi nagar mein so pug parahin, Ramanand se charcha karhin।

Charcha mein Gorakhnath Jai pavai, kanthi tode tilak chudavai।

Satya Kabir shishya jo bhayahu, Yeh vratant so suni layahu।

Gorakhnath ke dar ke mare, Vaishno nahin bhekh sanware।

Tab Kabir aagya anusara, Vaishnav sakal swaroop sanwara।

Sau sudhi Gorakhnath jo payo, Kashi Nagar shighra chal aayo।

Ramanand ko khabar pathayee, charcha Karo mere sang aayee।

Ramanand ki pehli pauri, Satya Kabir baithe tis thauri।

Keh Kabir sun Gorakhnatha, charcha Karo humare satha।

Pratham charcha Karo sang mere, Peeche mere guru ko tere।

Balak roop Kabir nihari, tab Gorakhnath tahin vachan uchari।

Gorakhnath Ji said you are a child Kabir. From when did you become a Yogi? You were born recently means you are a small child and want to debate with me (Gorakhnath). What is your age? When did you become a recluse (Saint)? Gorakhnath Ji questioned

Kabke bhaye vairagi Kabir Ji, kabke bhaye vairagi।

To this God Kabir in child-form replied

Nath Ji! jab se bhaye vairagi meri, aadi ant sudhi laagi।।

Dhundhukar aadi ka mela, nahi guru koi nahi thaa chela।

Jab ka to hum yog upasa, tab ka phirun akela।।

Dharti nahi jad ko topi deena, Brahma nahi jad ka teeka।

Shiv Shankar se yogi, na they mera jadka jodi sikka।।

Dwapar ki hum Kari phavdi, Treta ka hum danda।

Satyug meri phire duhai, Kaliyug phirau nau khanda।।

Guru ke vachan sadhu ki sangat, Ajar amar ghar pavai।

Kahe Kabir suno ho Gorakh, hum sabko tatav lakhavai।।

Sahib Kabir told Gorakhnath that since when he became a recluse. At that time, Sahib Kabir was dressed like Vaishno saints similar to that of Shri Ramanand Ji. A Sandalwood tilak on the forehead, wearing a cap, holding a bag, coin. He was carrying a shovel (which is made of wood in the shape of the English letter “T” for singing hymns) and a stick (wooden log).

God Kabir has told in the above hymn that when there wasn’t any creation (Kaal’s creation) neither there was any creation in Satlok then I, Kabir was in Anamilok and there wasn’t anyone else. Because Sahib Kabir had only done all creations in Satlok with His word power also He (Satpurush) did creation in Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan Brahm’s) realms.

God says ‘When I used to reside alone. When there was no earth, know my presence since then. Brahma, who created the body of Gorakhnath and his guru Macheynder Nath etc. all creatures weren't even born. Since then I (Kabir) is in-form as Satpurush.

Innumerable Satyug-Tretayug-Dwapar and Kalyug have passed in front of me. God Kabir said that I have obtained an immortal-eternal house (Satlok) remaining in the words of Satguru. Therefore, have told true spiritual knowledge to all beings that after taking initiation from complete God following the instructions of Satguru, by remembering and chanting the mantra of the Supreme God one can escape from the vicious cycle of severe crisis from birth and death.

Listening to this Gorakhnath Ji asked that you are of small age, which means you seem to be a child

Jo bujhe soi bawraa, kya hai Umar hamari।

Asankh yug pralay gayee, hum tabke Brahmchari।।

Koti Niranjan ho gaye, Parlok sidhari।

Hum to bhai Mehboob hai, sada Brahmchari।।

Arbon to Brahma gaye, unanchaas koti kanhaiy।

Saat crore tere Shambhu mar gaye, meri ek nahi palaiya।।

Kotin Narad ho gaye, ye Muhammad se chari।

Devtan ki ginti nahi hai, kya srishti vichari।।

Nahi boodhaa nahi balak, Nahi koi bhaat bhikari।

Kahe Kabir sun ho Gorakh, yeh hai umar humari।।

Satguru Kabir Sahib Gives A Description Of His Age To Perfect Man Shri Gorakhnath

Innumerable Eras of the Holocaust have passed, I have been present since then means I am imperishable. Millions of Brahm (Kshar Purush means God Kaal) have died and been reborn.

God Kabir describes the age of Tridev to Gorakhnath about which he had no clue.

Age of Lord Brahma

The age of one Brahma is 100 years. One day of Brahma = 1000 Chaturyuga and the same are nights.

Day-Night = 2000 Chaturyuga

{Note – In one day of Brahma Ji the reign of 14 Indra gets complete. The reign of one Indra is of 72 Chaturyuga. Therefore, in reality, one day of Brahma Ji is 72x14 =1008 Chaturyuga and the same are nights, but we assume it to be 1000 Chaturyuga only}

  • Month = 30x2000 = 60,000 Chaturyuga.
  • Years = 12x60000 = 720000 Chaturyuga.

Age of Brahma Ji 

720000x 100 = 72000000 Chaturyuga.

The age of Vishnu Ji is seven times more than the age of Brahma Ji -

72000000x7 = 504000000 Chaturyuga is the age of Vishnu Ji.

The age of Shiv Ji is seven times more than that of Vishnu Ji -

504000000x7 = 3528000000 Chaturyuga. When 70000 such Shiva die then one Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) dies.

A great destruction occurs in a universe at a time pre-determined by the Supreme God. Here, 70000 Shiva die means one Sadashiv/ Jyoti Niranjan dies. It's one Era of ParBrahm.

One day of ParBrahm is of one thousand Eras, the same are nights. One month is 30 days-nights, and one year of ParBrahm is of 12 months. The age of ParBrahm is 100 years but he also dies. Brahm i.e. Jyoti Niranjan dies one day after ParBrahm. After 100 years of ParBrahm gets complete, the conch shell blows and all the universes are destroyed. Only Satlok and three realms above it remain.

In this way, God Kabir said that

Millions of Jyoti Niranjan have died and my age hasn’t been reduced by even one moment which means I, in reality, am the eternal man. Other Gods whom you worship taking their shelter are mortal. Then how can you become immortal?

Arbon to Brahma gaye, 49 koti Kanhaiya। Saat koti Shambhu gaye, mori ek nahi palaiya।

See here, who is an immortal man?

343 crore Trilokiye Brahma die, 49 crore Trilokiye Vishnu and 7 crore Trilokiye Shiv die then one Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal Brahm ) dies.

God, who is said to be Kshar Purush (mortal) in Gita Ji chapter 15 shlok16, he is also called Brahm in the same Verse who is called Akshar Purush (immortal) is ParBrahm. Akshar Purush also gets destroyed. Even a crore of Kaal will destroy then all Brahmand will also be destroyed.

Only Satlok and the above realms will remain. Achint will create all creations on the order of Satpurush. The creation of Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush will restart. This is told in Gita Ch15:17 that 'Uttam Purush (complete God) is someone else who is called immortal God. That complete Brahm is Satpurush Kabir Saheb Himself. Only Satpurush is eternal-immortal God and His Satlok (true abode) is imperishable which is called eternal abode. By doing His devotion the devotee-soul attains complete liberation. Then he never dies.

Kabir Sahib said that this achievement is obtained by the chanting of Satnaam which is received from His enlightened saint/ Satguru. Then the seeker receives Sarnaam. The seeker by remaining in the prescribed rules of worship all through his life (till the last breath) should chant all three mantras (Gita 17:23) OM which is of Kaal and Tat-Sat (indicative). Then the permanent place in Satlok and Satpurush is attained.

Imparting true spiritual knowledge to Gorakhnath, God Kabir further said ‘Crore pious souls like Narad and Muhammad have taken birth and have died. Deities aren’t even counted. What counting can be done for the creatures in human bodies and other creatures?

I (Kabir Sahib) is neither old nor a child, I remain young which is symbolic of God’s power. I am in front of you in the divine-form body.

This is how God Kabir explained about His age to Gorakhnath Ji

Kabir Saheb said:

"Yeh Gorakhnath Siddhi mein phula. Aur tune taman haandai phoola.

Yeh jantar-mantar yog na bhai. Aur kaal chakkar jam jaura khai||

Bhram bhakti na bhulo bhaai, Tum ho jam ki firdi maahi||

Aaja Gorakh sharan hamaari, Ham taarai nar aur nari||

Gorakhnath mein sabha ka guruwa.

Gorakhnath Said ‘tera vachan mohi laage kadva’.

Kabir Sahib Said,

‘kadva lage so mitha hoee. Hamari baat samjhe soi||

Listening to this description, Shri Gorakhnath Ji flew with his accomplishments and sat over Trident that was buried almost 7 feet in height and said ‘Kabir, if you are so great, come sit parallelly to me (almost 7 feet high from the ground) and then talk.

Listening to this Kabir Sahib said  ‘Nath Ji! You have come for knowledge debate and not for drama. You come down and give an actual devotional message in front of the entire devotee society.

Shri Gorakhnath Ji said ‘Don’t you have any power? You and your Guru Ji are confusing the world. Today you will be exposed, else come and sit equal to my level’.

When, in spite of repeated requests by Kabir Sahib, Gorakhnath Ji did not listen, Sahib Kabir showed his power. A reel of raw thread (kukdi) in which 150 feet-long thread was wrapped was there in the pocket of Sahib Kabir. He took it out, held one end and threw it in the Sky. The entire raw thread unrolled from the reel (Kukdi) and with the power of God Kabir it stood straight and firm in the air.

Sahib Kabir flew in the sky 150 feet above the ground and sat on its end and said ‘Come Nath Ji! Let us discuss sitting equal’. Gorakhnath tried to fly above but fell down.

Just as the clock doesn’t function when put near the magnet similarly, the accomplishments fail in front of the Supreme God.

When no effort of Gorakhnath Ji became successful, then he understood that Kabir was not an ordinary child  (devotee or saint). He is surely an incarnation of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.

Then Gorakhnath Ji requested Sahib Kabir ‘O the supreme man! Kindly come down, have mercy on your servant and introduce yourself. Which power are you? From which world have you come? Then Kabir Sahib came down and said that

Ref: Kabir Sagar, Agam Nigam Bodh page no  41

Avdhu avigat se chal aaya, koi mera bhed maram nahi paya।।

Na Mera janam na garbh basera, balak hai dikhlaya।

Kashi nagar jal Kamal par dera, tahan julahe ne paya।।

Mata-Pita mere kachu nahi, na mere ghar dasi।

Julhe ka sut aan kahaya, Jagat kare meri hansi।।

Paanch tatav ka dhar nahi mera, Janu Gyan apara।

Satya swaroopi naam Sahib Ka, So hai naam humara।।

Adhar deep (Satlok) gagan gupha mein, tahan  nij vastu sara।

Jyoti Swaroopi Alakh Niranjan (Brahm) bhi, dharta dhyan humara।।

Haad chaam lahu nahi more, Jane Satnaam upasi।

Taran Taran abhay pad data, Mein hun Kabir avinashi।।

Sahib Kabir said ‘Hey Avdhoo Gorakhnath Ji, I have come from an immortal place (no one knows that secret Satlok). I have myself appeared acquiring an infant form with my power in Kashi (Varanasi) on Lahartara pond on a Lotus flower. I was found by a weaver couple, Neeru-Nima, who brought me to their home. I do not have a mother-father neither do I have any wife. My name is Kabir, which is the actual name of that Almighty.

Your Jyoti Swaroopi whom you call Alakh Niranjan (formless God), that Brahm also chants my mantra. I am attained to that seeker who chants Satnaam means he only knows about me correctly. My body is not made up of bones-flesh and blood.

Glorifying the magnificence of Satnaam Kabir Sahib says that the basis of Satnam one goes to my original place (Satlok). Indicating to other seekers God Kabir (KavirDev) Ji is saying that you keep chanting this mantra (Satnam) which I have told you. Becoming eligible to go to Satlok by Satnaam and after obtaining Sarnaam the complete liberation from birth-death is attained.

I, the eternal God Kabir, have told you this ‘Taran Taran Pad’ (method of worship). No one knows this Satnam mantra. (Evidence in Kabir Sagar, chapter 36, Agam Nigam Bodh on page no. 41)

Then God Kabir tells the truth to Gorakhnath Ji about being trapped in the web of Satan Brahm Kaal., ‘O Pious soul! You are in the trap of Kaal, Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan). Do not know how many times you have been born. At times you suffered in 84 lakh life forms. Now, Kaal would have destroyed your devotion of four Eras (in Kaliyuga), had you not come to my refuge. This Kaal is the owner of 21 universes. He is cursed to eat one lac human body (even deities and sages), and creatures every day and will produce 1.25 lacs human beings daily.

In this way, 25000 are increasing every day. To keep them set correct and to let them suffer their karmas, he has made his laws and created eighty-four lakh life forms. He enters these 25 thousand more generated creatures into the bodies of other creatures like there are bacteria in blood and air etc.

Adi Maya (Prakriti Devi) is his wife. Kaal Brahm/ Alakh Niranjan produced three sons Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva with her husband-wife relation. He has made them his companions. He has given the task of creating bodies to Brahma, nurturing to Vishnu and destruction to Shiva.

First, he makes them perform austerity then provides them with accomplishments and on this basis he gets his crooked intentions fulfilled. At last, when they become powerless he kills them, roasts them on Tapatshila and eats them. He creates another three sons before and keeps them in a coma. When they grow young he makes those new souls conscious and gets his work of creation, preservation and destruction done. In this way, he is running his (Kaal’s) realms.

Kabir Sahib said ‘The complete God is above all of them. Consider me to be His (God Kabir’s) incarnation’.

Gorakhnath believed that there is some power who is the Lord of the Lineage.

God Kabir Converted Fish-Form Gorakhnath Back To His Original Human-Form

Arrogant Gorakhnath wasn’t accepting his defeat easily and further tried to examine the power of child-form God. He said ‘Kabir,  Look at one more power of mine. Saying this he started moving towards the Ganga River. The crowd of spectators also followed. The Ganga river was around 500 feet. He jumped into it and said ‘Search me. Then I (Gorakhnath) will become your disciple’.

Gorakhnath became a fish. Sahib Kabir took the same fish out of the water and made him Gorakhnath in front of everyone.

Then Gorakhnath accepted God Kabir as the complete Supreme God and became His disciple. He took Satnaam from God Kabir, did true devotion and abandoned the practice of obtaining accomplishments.

Sant Garibdas Ji Mentions Gorakhnath In His Nectar Speeches

Ref: Yatharth Bhakti Bodh book Speech no 101 on page no.150-151

Nath Jalandhar aur Ajaypala |

Guru Machyender Gorakh Bala|| 101

Respected Sant Garibdas Ji glorifies a few sages, Nath, devotees who used to do Kaal’s devotion and were quiet like sage Narada, sage Kumbak, sage Markandeya, sage Rumi etc. Jalandhar Nath, Ajaypal Nath, Machyender Nath the guru of Gorakhnath Ji, Abraham Adham etc. who did devotion and got their welfare done.

Speech no.72 on page no 147-148

Gorakh Dutt digamber bala| Hanumat angad roop vishala|| 72

Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj has glorified Gorakhnath, Duttatrey, Hanuman, Angad etc. in his nectar speech stating that he respects these great men and that he remembers them since they have demonstrated several powerful deeds in their lives which are examples even today. Sage Vashisht, sage Vishwamitra, sage Durvasa, and sage Chunak are a few more names whom he glorifies.

Speech no.5 on page no.194

Roti hi ke hai sab rang, roti bina na jeete jung|

Roti mangi Gorakhnath, roti bina na chale jamaat||5

Meaning: If there is food to eat then everything will look good like a car, bungalow, bank balance, son, daughter etc. If there is no food then nothing will seem good because life is in trouble. The battle can also not be won without food. Even Gorakhnath, the accomplished man also ate food by asking (alms) thus, saved his life.

Gorakhnath Will Be Reborn In Next Satyuga

Ref: Sukshma Veda

Gorakhnath preached knowledge to 99 crore Kings and made them do devotion after renouncing their Kingdom. But both of them were not liberated, neither Gorakhnath nor those Kings.  Shri Gorakhnath Ji came in the refuge of Almighty Kabir who granted him the Satnam mantra. Even he could not be liberated because he could not quit the joy of fame gained from his accomplishments. He did not receive Sarnaam. Gorakhnath will be reborn. He will remain a Celibate in Satyug. He will rule Delhi for one lakh years and then will retire. But he will be able to do devotion in this same prime time of Kalyuga provided he gets a Satguru. Else he will attain salvation by the special grace of Supreme God Kabir Ji in human birth some other time. God provides devotion like this intending to liberate his pious souls.

By not receiving the complete solution everyone remains trapped in Kaal’s web which destroys their precious human birth.

Why Gorakhnath Failed To Attain Salvation?

In Srimad Bhagavad Gita it has been mentioned that Karmyogi is superior to Karm Sanyasi. The word ‘SaankhyaeH’ mentioned in Gita 5:5 means devotion has to be done based on true spiritual knowledge and not by renunciation.

Gita Ch 5:5 says that ‘By doing sadhana according to the injunctions of the scriptures the place which is attained by the Tatvgyanis, that same place is also attained by ordinary persons i.e. Karma Yogis after taking initiation from Tatvdarshis. Therefore, one who sees Gyanyog and Karmyog as one in the form of result, he only sees the reality; which means he actually knows the path of bhakti.

Gita 5:6 says ‘Contrary to this, Karma Sanyas/ renunciation of action because of being doing sadhana opposite to the injunctions of holy scriptures leads to only misery, and a devotee who has sadhana following the scriptures attains God promptly. A Karm Sanyasi becomes proud of renunciation.

It has been clarified in Gita Ch 5:7 that aforementioned, both types of Sanyasi become proud of their renunciation and practice. Arrogance is a big hindrance in the path of attaining God means all practice and devotion of an arrogant person becomes futile. God is not attained.

It has been said in Gita Ch 5:2 that Karmyogi is better than Karmssnyas. For example, Dhruv, Prahalad, King Ambresh, and King Janak were household Karmyogi practising without scriptures. Shri Nanak Ji, Sant Ravidas, and Sant Garibdas  Sahib Ji were householder Karmyogi practising following scriptures.

A Karmyogi does not have arrogance. He is scared of his mishap and respects the saints.

In this context, Respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj has said

Gorakh se gyani ghane, Sukhdev jati jihan। Sita si bahu bharya, Sant door abhimaan ।।

Meaning: God Kabir Ji is the creator of all creatures. He is the true well-wisher of everyone in the form of Father-mother, brother and friend.

God Kabir Ji had told the real spiritual knowledge to Shri Gorakhnath Ji in the debate. With that knowledge, Shri Gorakhnath Ji inspired 99 crore Kings to do devotion and made them recluse. But Gorakhnath Ji did not have the complete path of salvation due to which he could not attain complete salvation. By that time he was famous as completely knowledgeable but remained deprived of attainment as a saint meaning he could not be liberated.

Is Gorakhnath Ji Worshipable Or Supreme God Kabir?

Brahm Kaal describes his worshippers in pious Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 26,27 that ‘if a worshipper of mine i.e. worshipper of Brahm simultaneously also worships Shri Brahma Ji (Rajgun), Shri Vishnu Ji (Satgun) and Shri Shiv Ji (Tamgun), then on becoming familiar with the Tatvgyan for attaining the Supreme God, he transcends the three gods (gunas) for the attainment of the Supreme God i.e. immediately withdrawing his faith from them, engages in true worship, unadulterous devotion i.e. by having full faith in one Supreme God only becomes worthy of attaining Him. He does Jaap of the mantra ‘Om-Tat’-Sat’ mentioned in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23.

Like, a student completes Class 10th, B.A., M.A., joins some course and gets a service, gets employment and becomes happy. So for that, he obtained a matric education after which he got entrance in the course. He got the status of education till matriculation. He isn’t the service provider.

Similarly, in Verse 27 he says ‘Because I am the (first) stage i.e. introduction of that immortal Supreme God, and the nectar, and of the eternal worship and of the absolute bliss i.e. that God is also attained through me.

The same evidence has been mentioned in Gita 18:66 where Brahm Kaal says ‘Relinquishing all my religious practices in me, you go in the refuge of only that one unique i.e. Complete God. I will release you from all the sins. You do not grieve’. 

This proves Param Akshar Brahm is the supreme God and no one else, not even he (Brahm) himself. Then leave aside Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Gorakhnath used to consider Shiva to be the supreme God which was a myth.

Yogi Gorakhnath was only an accomplished man who used to chant one mantra ‘Alakh Niranjan’  and practised ‘Chanchari Mudra. Then Sahib Kabir provided him Om and Soham mantra and brought him out of the trap of Kaal.

The knowledge giver of Gita says in Gita 15:4 that when one finds the Tatvdarshi sant mentioned in Gita 4:34 and 15:1 after that one should properly search for the supreme place i.e. Satlok of that Supreme God. Having gone where, devotees do not return to the world, and the Param Akshar Brahm, from whom the ancient creation–nature has originated. I also am in the refuge of that Eternal Purna Parmatma. One should only do devotion to that Supreme God with full determination.

As mentioned, the entire description proves God Kabir is only worshipable. He is the provider of salvation. Gorakhnath is not God. He shouldn’t be worshipped


God Kabir who took Gorakhnath in his shelter 600 years ago has descended yet again in the holy land in Haryana state, India. He is none other than the great enlightened sant Rampal Ji Maharaj preaching true spiritual knowledge. He is granting the complete course of salvation. Everyone should take refuge and get their welfare done. All must perform true devotion to Almighty Kabir and attain salvation.


FAQs : "How Did Gorakhnath Ji Became a disciple of God Kabir?"

Q.1 Who was Guru Gorakhnath?

Guru Gorakhnath was a highly respected spiritual saint and a disciple of Kabir Saheb Ji. He is credited with popularizing the Nath tradition. He was a Shiva worshipper and believed in the mantra "Alakh Niranjan" which is also a name for Kaal Brahm, the god of 21 universes.

Q.2 What is the relationship between Guru Gorakhnath and Kabir Saheb Ji?

Guru Gorakhnath initially followed the Nath tradition, worshipping Shiva. However, after a profound debate with God Kabir Ji, he realized Kabir's supreme divinity and became his disciple.

Q. 3. What is the lineage of Guru Gorakhnath

The lineage of Guru Gorakhnath is as follows: Guru Gorakhnath's Guru is Matsyendranath, who is considered to be the founder of the Nath tradition. Guru Gorakhnath's revered God is God Kabir, who is the supreme God of the Nath tradition.

Q.4 What is the Nath Sampradaya?

The Nath Sampradaya is a Hindu tradition that emphasizes yoga and one should worship Shiva and only Shiva. Guru Gorakhnath is a prominent figure in this tradition.

Q.5 What is the significance of the debate between Guru Gorakhnath and Kabir Saheb Ji?

The debate between Guru Gorakhnath and Kabir is crucial as it revealed Kabir's supreme divinity. It marked a turning point for Gorakhnath, leading him to accept Kabir as his God.

Q.6 What are the key differences between the teachings of Guru Gorakhnath and Kabir Sahib?

While both were spiritual leaders, their core beliefs differed. Gorakhnath focused on the Nath tradition and Shiva worship, which can't provide complete salvation, while Kabir Saheb Ji emphasized his supreme divinity and the path to complete liberation.

Q.7 Is Guru Gorakhnath a god?

No, Guru Gorakhnath was not a god. He was a highly realized soul who followed the Nath tradition before encountering God Kabir Ji.


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Devanand Giri

I deeply respect Kabir Sahib Ji, but Gorakhnath is an immensely powerful Saint, and his miracles are unparalleled. These extraordinary acts are beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans. Therefore, it's not accurate to say that he wasn't a divine figure. In fact, Gorakhnath is regarded as a representative of Lord Shiva, and we revere him as a God.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your thoughts on our article. It’s true that Gorakhnath was a powerful Saint who performed many remarkable miracles. However, performing miracles alone does not define a Complete Saint. The path of worship followed by Gorakhnath Ji offers certain powers, but it does not lead to complete salvation; instead, it keeps one bound in the cycle of birth and death. Also Gorakhnath Ji was not a God but a Saint who attained some powers through meditation and worship of God. On the other hand, Kabir Sahib Ji is the Supreme God who provides the true path to complete salvation, ending the cycle of birth and death. It’s worth noting that after realizing the immense power and truth of Kabir Sahib Ji, even Gorakhnath Ji took initiation from him and became his disciple. For more in-depth information, we recommend reading the book Gyan Ganga and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Mrityunjay Kumar

Sant Gorakhnath's power is incomparable, and many temples in Uttar Pradesh are dedicated to him. Even places like Gorakhpur and Gorakhnath are named in his honor. In my view, Sant Gorakhnath was even more powerful than Kabir Sahib Ji.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we value your opinion on our article . While it's true that Gorakhnath Ji possessed great power, he was not more powerful than Kabir Sahib Ji. In fact, after realizing Kabir Sahib Ji's divine power and losing a spiritual debate, Gorakhnath Ji sought Kabir Sahib Ji's guidance and became his disciple. Just as there are places named after Gorakhnath Ji, there are also places dedicated to Kabir Sahib Ji, such as Sant Kabir Nagar in Uttar Pradesh. However, the true measure of a complete Saint is not the places named after them or their miraculous powers, but rather the path of worship they teach, which leads to complete salvation. For further information, we suggest reading the book Gyan Ganga and exploring the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj available on various social media platforms.

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