True Devotion of Bhumad Bhakt for Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj


The powers of God Kabir are incomparable. The immortal God Kabir possesses infinite powers. All other Gods in Brahm Kaal’s realm possess limited powers and their worshippers obtain 1-2 accomplishments worshipping their respected deity. The story of devotee Bhumad certifies the same.

In this motivational write-up, learn how immense devotee Bhumad's love for his Guru Dev (God) was and what miracle God did for His beloved disciple.

Let’s understand on the basis of the following

  • Bhumad was a Steadfast devotee
  • How did Bhumad Bhagat's field become green?
  • Sant Garib Das Ji brought Ganga for the perfect man Laldas

Bhumad Was A Steadfast Devotee

God-loving Bhumad was a virtuous soul who greatly desired to attain God. There is a place Sarangpur where a special monument of God Kabir has been established. A valuable example has been quoted in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm’s speech about respected Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj whom God Kabir met when he was 10 years old boy, in the fields in the pious land of village Chudani, district Jajjhar, Haryana, India. God came walking from His eternal abode Satlok. Garib Das was grazing cattle in his fields at that time. God Kabir met him and told him about Himself, and later took the pious soul to Satlok where God Kabir Himself resides, where we all souls came from after being separated.

Eye-witness respected Sant Garib Das Ji has penned down glorifying magnificence of Almighty Kabir which has been scripted in Sadgranth Sahib.

Later, Sant Garib Das Ji used to deliver spiritual discourses. Devotee Bhumad Saini from Sarangpur heard the nectar sermon from Sant Garib Das Ji and took initiation. Then Bhakt Bhumad started visiting Chudani every month when Garib Das Ji Maharaj used to preach sermons on every full moon day (Poornmashi). Bhumad Saint was so highly influenced that he used to walk from Sarangpur to Chudani which was nearly 150-200 km. He continued going to Chudani for one year like this.

Once, Garib Das Ji asked Bhumad ‘why do you take so much pain to come so far walking every month? You give a break for 1-2 months then come’. Bhumad said ‘It’s difficult for me to stay'. God said ‘Okay! As you wish'.

How Did Bhumad Bhagat's Field Become Green?

Sant Garib Das Ji had to leave His body cover on Bhadua Sudi Dooj so He told Bhumad in advance that now you stop coming to Chudani. This is my order. Steadfast devotee Bhumad started crying after listening to this order. ‘What mistake did I make? You have stopped me from having your audience.  Then Garib Das Ji said ‘Don’t cry. I have just ordered not to come here. Don’t worry, I will come to your place to give you my audience. Now, I am free from my worldly responsibilities. All my four sons are married and settled. The two daughters have adopted sainthood. I have completed my family liabilities. I have heard you have a beautiful field. Get one hut constructed for me there. I will do my devotion and you will have my audience'.

Devotee Bhumad Saini was highly elated and said ‘Everything is yours, Guru Ji', then he returned. Thereafter, he waited for Guru Ji.

On the other hand, Sant Garib Das Ji left the body cover in 1778 on Bhadwa Sudi Dooj.

Note: In the village Chudani a monument of respected Garib Das Ji is built which is famous by the name ‘Chatri Sahib'

It was six months of waiting for Guru Ji and Bhumad's health deteriorated by crying for the audience of his Gurudev (God).

On the other hand, the fields of Bhumad dried up. The insects infested the entire field. On 'Basant Panchami' just after six months, respected Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj came to meet His beloved disciple in the same body. He was aged 61 at that time. Sant Garib Das Ji said ‘Sat Sahib'. Bhumad fell at the feet of his Gurudev with tears in his eyes. Garib Das Ji said ‘Arrange a hut for me in your field (Bagh). I will not be able to stay at your home.

I need a lonely place to do my devotion'. Bhumad said ‘Guru Ji! The field has all dried up. Garib Das Ji said ‘It’s okay, you arrange'.  The hut was constructed. After one week when Garib Das Ji sat in the hut the entire dried-up field converted green. Everyone was amazed to see it. The whole village came to see the miracle. Highly elated Bhumad used to glorify his Gurudev to all visitors that my Gurudev is a perfect man. He has several accomplishments.

Note: This true incident occurred almost 200 years ago and evidence has been taken from Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm's speech.

Thereafter, many Hindus and Muslims became the disciples of Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj. Devotee Bhumad was childless. God wanted to do welfare for His beloved soul and, therefore, did not entangle him in family affairs. Hence, Bhumad even converted his house to an Ashram. Few followers of Sant Garib Das Ji reside there even today.

Sant Garib Das Ji Brought Ganga For Perfect Man Laldas

God Kabir says in His nectar speech

Ek Siddhi bahu chole dhare, ek siddhi ni tatv vichare||

In Sarangpur there was a perfect man named Laldas. He used to go to take alms door to door. He had an accomplishment to multiply and appear at several places at one time. He became famous just because of this one power. His daily routine was to go to the Ganga River in the morning to take a bath and return by evening. One day Laldas got Ill.

Respected Sant Garib Das Ji used to visit him and explain his true spiritual knowledge. But that worthless does not use to believe at all. Laldas got so severely ill that he could not go to Ganga to take a bath hence, got tensed. Garib Das Ji noticed his worry and assured Laldas that the next morning Ganga would come near him. He need not worry.

The next morning, Garib Das Ji went to meet Laldas and as promised he waved his hand. A fountain burst automatically and Ganga water started flowing there from below at a short distance. Then Laldas took a bath.

Note: The same Ganga is flowing there even today at a distance of 100 feet from the Ashram of Laldas.

Although Laldas was the eye-witness he suspected that it was the original Ganga or Garib Das had fooled him. Garib Das has brought an ordinary river with his accomplishment but claims it to be the original Ganga.

That day one of his disciples had returned after taking a bath in the original Ganga in Haridwar where he lost a pot and a dhoti. Both flew away in heavy water flow in Ganga water. He told about this to Laldas. Sant Garib Das Ji was also sitting there and heard it and said to that disciple of Laldas that your pot and dhoti are in Ganga here. Here, it's the same original Ganga flowing as in Haridwar. When Laldas saw both things then he finally believed that the Ganga brought by Garib Das was the original Ganga and Sant Garib Das was truly a supreme power and no ordinary man. Yet he did not accept the knowledge of Garib Das Ji. He died without taking shelter in Sant Garib Das Ji.

Note: This is how Brahm Kaal deceives and does not let souls believe in God Kabir.

It has been mentioned in Sacchidanand Ghan Brahm's speech

Aur Sant Sab koop hai aite jharita neer||

Dadu agam apaar hai ye dariya sat Kabir||

Several perfect men possess few accomplishments but God Kabir possesses infinite powers. He is the root/ source of all powers. There is a huge difference between the water in a well and that in a huge water reservoir. The point is Almighty Kabir is all-powerful.

Note: A big temple in the name of Laldas is being built near the Ashram of Sant Garib Das Ji at a distance of 300-400 feet in Sarangpur. Laldas was the worshiper of Lord Vishnu.

Sant Garib Das Ji stayed there for 35 years in the same form. The knowledge of Supreme God Kabir is such that brings unity amongst society therefore, both Hindus as well as Muslims became His disciples in large numbers.


God Kabir says in His nectar speech

Jo Jan Meri Sharan hai taka hun mein das||

Gail-Gail lagya phirun jab tak dharti aakash||

Bhumad Bhakt was God's beloved soul for whom God did a miracle by converting his dried land to green. God also brought Ganga for Laldas but he still did not believe. God Kabir is Omnipotent, Omniscient.

Whoever has blind faith in God, his welfare happens in the same way like devotee Bhumad.

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