Param Akshar Purush/ Satpurush/ Shabad Swaroopi Ram God Kavir Dev, the creator of entire universes decends in this deceased world and meets his steadfast devotees, provides them true spiritual knowledge and grants true salvation mantras with the intention to liberate his deerrest souls who are trapped in the web of butcher Brahm Kaal. Almighty Kabir is the liberator and is called ‘Bandichor’ because He cuts the bondage of deeds/Karmas of His beloved souls who want to get rid of the vicious cycle of birth and death. The Omnipotent God can do anything and everything for His firm devotees. He does miracles, provides relief to depressed and troubled souls. Since nothing is impossible for God therefore, the blessed souls arise from troubles by the grace of God. Thereafter, they remain firm in their loyalty. Here we would read account of few great devotees of God Kabir whom God met and did miracles and provided them relief at the time of crisis and made possible what otherwise seems to be impossible.
Dhanna Jaat was a poor farmer from Rajasthan. God Kabir performed a miracle for him by producing Jowar seeds from gourds (Tumba) that grew from pebbles sown instead of Sorghum seeds.
Saint Ravidas, a devout contemporary of God Kabir Ji, followed the teachings and principles of God Kavir Dev, which transformed him into a steadfast devotee. God's blessings had a profound impact on his life.
Jiva and Dutta were two Brahmin brothers devoted to God Kabir. God turned a dry branch green, proving that a true Saint can make the impossible possible.
Pipa-Sita, belonging to a royal Rajput family in Rajasthan, had a longing to attain God. After abandoning arbitrary worship, they sought refuge in God Kabir. God manifested as Lord Krishna and left a ring as proof of their divine encounter.
Maluk das, a village Chaudhary, became a firm devotee of Satpurush after God Kabir's intervention. His story emphasizes the abandonment of materialistic comforts for the pursuit of supreme happiness in the abode of God.
God Kabir transformed the arrogant numberdar Chaudhary Jeeta Jaat into a firm devotee, revitalizing the village and blessing troubled individuals. This highlights the importance of true worship in human life.
Dadu Dayal Sahib sung the magnificence of God Kabir after attaining true salvation mantras from Him. He joyfully resides in Satlok now, showcasing the liberation achievable through God's grace.
Vibhishana attained salvation due to his submissive nature and devotion to Almighty Kabir Ji. Despite being offered the throne of Lanka easily, his humility and surrender as a true devotee paved the way for his spiritual liberation.
In the Dwaparyug, God Kabir appeared in the form of Sage Muninder and blowed the Conch during the Pandavas' Ashwamegh Yagya. This act validated the power of true way of worship and ensured the success of the Yagya, honoring his steadfast devotee, Supach Sudarshan.
Arjun-Sarjun were devout Muslim brothers devoted to Allah Kabir. Their faith wavered after witnessing a divine event involving Kabir Sahib and a prostitute. Their spiritual welfare occurred later in life, after seeking refuge in Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj, regaining faith through the grace of Satpurush Kabir Sahib.
Prahlada was a devotee known for his unwavering devotion to God Kabir. Despite facing difficult circumstances, he was saved by Almighty KabirDev due to his true devotion.
Narsinh bhagat, originally a miser millionaire, underwent a significant transformation into a devoted follower of God Kabir. His entire wealth was squandered in pursuit of attaining God, eventually leading him to become a pauper. God Kabir intervened in his life, saving his honor on various occasions, such as providing dowry for his maternal granddaughter's marriage.
King Mordhwaj, in an attempt to attain heaven, ripped his son Tamardhwaj at the sage's behest. However, he was ignorant of the fact that attaining heaven is not the sole aim of human birth. This story underscores the importance of understanding deeper spiritual goals beyond mere heavenly rewards.
Gopichand and Bharthari were steadfast devotees of Shri Gorakh Nath Ji and faithfully followed his instructions. However, lacking the refuge of a true saint, they remained deprived of attaining complete salvation, only achieving entry into heaven and still being caught in the cycle of recurrence.
While Dhruv's journey to becoming a king is inspiring, the Suksham Ved suggests that attaining heaven is not the ultimate purpose of human life. Instead, it emphasizes the pursuit of the eternal world, Satlok, as the true goal for humans. This highlights the distinction between worldly achievements and spiritual enlightenment.
Q.16 What is the untold story of Tantric Gorakhnath?
Gorakhnath was famous for his miraculous powers like flying in the air or acquiring the form of any being but very few people know that Almighty Kabir defeated him in a spiritual debate and nullified his accomplishments after which he became the disciple of God Kabir.
Q.17 Why couldn't sage Shukadev attain complete salvation after listening to the true spiritual knowledge from Lord Shiva?
Lord Shiva is not the provider of salvation. He himself navigates in the cycle of birth-rebirth. Salvation is attained only after taking refuge of an enlightened saint. With the true spiritual knowledge that Shukadev obtained from Shiva Ji he could only attain Heaven and not the eternal abode, Satlok which is the residence of Supreme God Kabir.
Q 18 What is the significance of the story of five Pandavas?
The story of five Pandavas signifies that all beings remain a prey to Kaal by performing arbitrary worship. All beings are merely puppets in his hand who play their role like a character in any movie which a director plans. Life on earth is all fake and beyond reality. The five Pandavas were only a character in the movie ‘Mahabharata' as pre-planned. All of them wasted their precious human life and suffered in hell for the sins they incurred.
Q. 19 How was the life of Swami Ramanand Ji transformed after quitting arbitrary worship?
Swami Ramanand Ji was blessed to have met Almighty Kabir who showed him Satlok, gave him true spiritual knowledge after knowing which Swami Ramanand Ji understood that “Kabir is God”. Hence, he quit arbitrary worship of Lord Vishnu and did true devotion to Almighty Kabir. He played the role of the guru of Kabir Sahib on God’s instructions.
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Ayushi Sharma
I've previously encountered some of the stories mentioned in the article, but some don't seem to align with what I've read before. Which of these should I consider accurate?
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we value your engagement with our article. While you may have come across various stories about these well-known devotees, the narratives in our article are backed by evidence and authenticity. These true stories are sourced from the Suksham Ved and the direct speeches of the respective devotees themselves, as presented in our article. Therefore, you can trust and believe in the authenticity of our content. For further insights, we recommend delving into the book 'Gyan Ganga' and exploring the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.