Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj 75th Avataran Diwas / Incarnation Day 2025


Whenever the cosmos faces a crisis because of increasing evil and there occurs an imbalance of Dharma, at that time, the Divine descends in material form to empower the good and destroy evil and restore the cosmic balance of the forces of good and evil thereby, the establishment of righteousness and peace on earth.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 7 and 8 states

Yadaa, yadaa, hi, dharmasya, glaaniH, bhavti, bharat,
Abhyutthaanam, adharmasya, tadaa, aatmaanam, srjaami, aham ||7||

Paritraanaay, saadhoonaam, vinaashaay, ch, dushkrtaam,
Dharmsansthaapnaarthaay, sambhvaami, yuge, yuge ||8||

Meaning: Whenever there is a decline of ‘Dharma’ (righteousness) and uprising Adharm (unrighteousness) then only I (Almighty) send my Avatar/Incarnation who appears to protect the virtuous souls and destroy the wicked, and to give the path of devotion, a scripture-based direction, I manifest age after age and perform divine spectacle and establish righteousness.

Almighty, the creator of the entire universe, has descended from an immortal abode to this deceased world and is playing divine spectacle in the cover of great enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. 8th September is the auspicious day when every year Avataran diwas (the day of incarnation) of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj (Almighty Kabir) is celebrated across the globe.

The following will be discussed

  • Sant Rampal Ji 75th Avataran Diwas 2025
  • What is the Meaning of Avatar/Incarnation?
  • How is Avataran Diwas Celebrated?
  • Avataran Diwas 2025 Celebration: Live Event
  • About Enlightened Spiritual Leader Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Sole Aim of Avatar/Incarnation – Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Prophecies About Divine Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Prediction by Almighty Kabir About Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Sant Rampal Ji's contribution to Social Upliftment

Sant Rampal Ji 75th Avataran Diwas 2025

8th September 2025 is the 75th Avataran diwas of Jagatguru Tatvadrashi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, the incarnation of Purna Brahm/Supreme God who started His spiritual journey on 17th February 1988 and breaking the shackles of social hypocrisy has put millions on the path of spirituality. He is predicted by famous foretellers to be the last messenger who will bring the Golden Era under whose leadership India will become the World Guru. This article will provide a vivid description of the Savior of the World Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. Stay tuned and go through the article completely.

Moving ahead, first, we will understand the meaning of Avatar/Incarnation.

What is the Meaning of Avatar/Incarnation?

Avatar means the embodiment of the essence of a superhuman being manifested from eternity into the temporal realm to establish righteousness, means to eradicate the burden of suffering souls from the evil forces ruling this deceased world. The incarnation or the manifest embodiment of some noble supreme soul equipped with spiritual perfection is a regular phenomenon on earth that happens in all ages. The Divine Descends, that is, makes an appearance from infinitude into the mortal world.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the same Divine incarnation of Param Akshar Brahm/Satpurush/Shabad Swaroopi Ram/Akaal Purush who provides the true path of devotion which is in accordance with all holy scriptures, under whose guidance the Golden Era will commence as predicted by famous foretellers.

How is Avataran Diwas Celebrated?

8th September 2025 is the 75th Avataran diwas of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. The auspicious day is celebrated across the globe where the nectar speech is showered through spiritual discourses with whose grace ‘present life and afterlife of the souls’ gets secure. He guarantees to emancipate all true devotees who perform Bhakti remaining in the rules of worship laid down by Him. A 3 Days Path of Holy SadGranth Sahib (Amargranth) of Sant Garibdas Ji is recited. Grand community meals-Bhandara is organized where everyone irrespective of caste, creed, religion relishes free and delicious food. Blood donation, organ donation camps are organized, dowry-free marriage, that is, Ramaini is organized. 

Avataran Diwas 2025 Celebration: Live Event

Watch the Live Telecast of the Program on the 75th Incarnation Day (Avataran Diwas) of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

On the occasion of  Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's Incarnation Day (Avataran Diwas), a grand event will take place from September 6th to 8th, 2025, across 11 Ashrams: Satlok Ashram Dhanana Dhaam, Sonipat (Haryana); Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana); Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana); Satlok Ashram Shamli (Uttar Pradesh); Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab); Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab); Satlok Ashram Baitul (Madhya Pradesh); Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan); Satlok Ashram Dhanusha (Nepal), Satlok Ashram Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi) . This event will feature continuous recitation of AmarGranth Sahib (Path Prakash), a Grand Feast, Campaigns Against Dowry, Blood Donation Camps, Massive Spiritual Gatherings, and a Spiritual Exhibition.

A heartfelt request is extended to all brothers and sisters to kindly attend the festival with their families, relatives, and loved ones on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's Incarnation Day, and become witnesses to the revival of eternal religion and human values.

The Direct Telecast of this grand event will take place on September 8th, 2025, at 9:15 AM on Sadhna TV. Additionally, you can also watch the direct broadcast of this Special Program on our Social Media platforms:

  • Facebook page: Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Youtube: Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • Twitter: @SaintRampalJiM

About Enlightened Spiritual Leader Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Director of Satlok Ashram, Barwala, district Hisar, Haryana who is providing true spiritual knowledge of God Kabir which is according to the injunctions of holy scriptures. He was born in a farmer’s family on 8th September 1951 in a small village called Dhanana in Tehsil Gohana, District Sonipat, Haryana, India. His Father’s name is Bhagat Nandram and His Mother’s name is Bhagatmati Indro Devi. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has four children. (In fact, all creatures, humans are the children of Sant Rampal Ji Aka Almighty Kabir). He used to work as a Junior Engineer in the Irrigation Department, Haryana Government and continued service for 18 years.

His spiritual journey started on 17th February 1988 after becoming the disciple of Kabir Panthi guru Swami Ramdevanand Ji which is celebrated as “Bodh Diwas” every year (since, this day, His spiritual birth happened). Swami Ramdevanand Ji selected Him as His Successor in the year 1994 saying “There will be no other Saint like you in this whole world”. He gained true spiritual knowledge, since then His life has completely changed. He resigned from His job in 1995, which was accepted by Haryana Government vide resignation letter dated 16/5/2000, No. 3492.3500. He delivered spiritual discourse door to door from 1994-1998. Soon thousands of devotees took shelter and in the year 1999 the Ashram in Karontha, district Rohtak, Haryana was established. He is completely dedicated to spreading the true path of worship across the globe with which souls will be emancipated.

It has been mentioned in Suksham Veda, that is, in the nectar speech of God Kabir Saheb

Jo mm sant sat updesh drdaavae (batavae), vaake sang sabhi raad badaavae |
Ya sab sant mahantan ki karni, Dharmdas main to se varni ||

Aiming for the welfare of the whole of mankind Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj despite facing hardships at every step from various fake religious leaders, contemporary sages, and saints have succeeded in reaching masses and making a place in the heart of every devotee who is doing true worship as told by Him through spiritual discourses and are getting benefit every day. To refrain devotees from listening to the true spiritual knowledge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, fake media and religious gurus highlighted His name and created a negative image amongst the masses. But true worship provided by Him has changed the lives of millions of devotees across the globe who have risen from swamps to happiness and comfort ― be it health, financial stability, family bonding, and so on ― hence, all the efforts of fake gurus went in vain. Only a complete saint who is the representative of Almighty possesses this quality as certified in holy scriptures. To know the true identity of complete Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj everyone must read the linked Article.

Sole Aim of Avatar/Incarnation – Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

The souls have been trapped in the cage of butcher Brahm Kaal from ages and are suffering day and night. Almighty Kabir is the Savior who descends in every age aiming to liberate His dear souls from the web of butcher Kaal. Sukshma Veda provides evidence for the same.

Satyug me Sat Sukrit ke tera,
Treta naam Muninder mera.
Dwapar me Karunamay kahaya,
Kalyug naam Kabir dhraya.

Almighty has descended yet again and is playing divine play in the form of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj whose sole aim is the welfare of the whole of mankind. He has incarnated to liberate suffering souls by imparting true spiritual knowledge so that they may land back to their ever-happy native abode Sachhkhand going where birth and death finishes once and for all, and souls never come back to this mortal world. He disclosed the hidden secret of the creation of nature or the universe as per religious books. Sant Rampal Ji’s spiritual knowledge is unparalleled and unprecedented following which devotees gain all benefits; be it financially, health, or spiritual enhancement and even life extension.

God Kabir says in nectar speech

“Manush Janam Durlabh Hai, Ye Mile Na Baram Baar |
Jo Taruwar se Pataa Tut Gire, Bahur Na Lagta Daar” ||

The sole aim of human birth is to do true worship of the creator of the universe and attain emancipation. God-loving souls are, therefore, requested to listen to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj take refuge and get their welfare done.

Also Read:  A Complete Biography of Jagat Guru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Prophecies About Divine Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Great foretellers named Florence, Chiero the astrologer from England, Jean Dixon, Mr Charles Clarke, and Mr Anderson from America, Mr Vegiletin, Mr Gerard Crise from Holland, Boriska the astrologer from Hungary, Dr Zulvoron of France, Famous French Astrologer Nostradamus, Professor Harare of Israel, Shri Anandacharya of Norway, Shri Tulsidas Saheb from Jaigurudev Panth, Mathura, and many more have predicted about great Chyren Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj who would bring ‘a new civilization’ that would spread in the whole world.

There will be peace and brotherhood all around and a new civilization would be based on spiritualism which would originate under the leadership of a great spiritual leader from India born in a rural family. The great spiritual leader would have a very large following of the common people who would convert materialism into spiritualism. India under the guidance of the great Chyen (Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj) would lead the world in religious, industrial, and economic terms and only His way of worship will be acceptable to the devotees in the whole world.

Nostradamus has predicted that the great Chyren, the middle-aged (55-60 Years) nobleman belonging to the Hindu community will come in light by the year 2006 who will bring Golden Era and will provide scriptures-based true worship that will sway ignorance and whose fame will reverberate beyond Sky. He will liberate souls from the Devil and will make them attain Supreme peace.

Recommended: The Prophecy of 'Nostradamus' about Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Evidence from Holy Scriptures About Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Avatar/Incarnation of Lord Kabir about whom holy scriptures Vedas, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita- Chapter 4 Verse 32, 34, Chapter 15 Verse 1-4, and Chapter 17 Verse 23. Holy Quran Sharif - Surat Furqani 25:55-59, Holy Bible, Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib provides sufficient evidence. Bhai Bale Wali Janam Sakhi mentions that the Supreme Saint will be from the Jaat community and will deliver spiritual discourses from Barwala, Haryana (earlier in Punjab). All this evidence exactly gives instructions about Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.   

Prediction by Almighty Kabir About Avatar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Ref: Pious Kabir Sagar, Chapter Bodh Sagar, Page 134 and 171

It has been mentioned in Holy Kabir Sagar, that is, Sukshma Veda, which is the nectar speech of Almighty Kabir that ‘when Kalyug will pass 5505 years then His 13th Descendant will come to impart true spiritual knowledge and would establish peace by eradicating unscriptural knowledge and false religious practices. He will be authorized to grant true salvation mantras to seekers (evidence Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23). All souls will quit evil and become virtuous and will glorify the Avatar of Lord Kabir.' Kalyug completed its 5505 years in the year 1997 and the same year Almighty Kabir met great Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and permitted Him to grant name initiation to pious God-loving souls. Evidence of the same is in the nectar speech of God Kabir

“Paanch Sehs Aru Paanchsoo, Jab Kalyug Beet Jaye |
Mahapurush Farman Tab, Jag Taran ko Aaye” ||

That great Purush is none other than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, the Avatar/Incarnation of Satpurush/Lord Kabir whose Avataran diwas is celebrated every year on 8th September. 

Sant Rampal Ji's contribution to Social Upliftment

Spiritual Leader Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has made a great contribution to the social upliftment as well as eradication of evils of dowry. The disciples of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj do not give or take dowry in marriage. A 17 minutes Ramaini is recited which bonds the couple into a relationship. Evil social practices like consumption of intoxicants, bribery, corruption, female feticide have all been nullified with the true spiritual knowledge provided by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj. No disciple consumes all this stuff and does true worship because they have gained knowledge that the sole aim of human birth is to do true worship which is scriptures-based and attain salvation. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has exposed every religious hypocrisy prevalent in society and has shown a true path of worship with which millions of followers are leading a prosperous life.

Since 2006, Fake religious leaders and Politicians are constantly harassing Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj since they do not agree to His preachings and say He is misleading devotees which is incorrect. The fact is due to the true spiritual knowledge of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj souls are recognising their real God and the business of fake gurus is coming to a standstill. Even Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has been sent jail two times because He is telling us devotion according to Scriptures and exposing fake religious leaders to save his souls from the web of Kaal and to provide them complete salvation. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is fighting tirelessly to take His souls to Satlok. He is also running a dowry and drug free India campaign for social reform and removing all kinds of discrimination from the society.

Let us dive deep and elaborate the wonderful job that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is doing as a Social Reformer. Following are his aims.

To Eradicate All Kinds of Intoxication from Society

Great Enlightened Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is doing wonders as a social reformer. Intoxication has rooted deep in society. Although the Government is trying its best to root out this evil of consumption of intoxicants like drinking, smoking, drugs etc but all their schemes are getting in vain in spite of spending millions. This is the outcome of lack of true spiritual knowledge amongst people. The disciples of Sant Rampal Ji are familiar with true spiritual knowledge and have understood the ill effects of consumption of intoxicants because it is a great hindrance in the attainment of salvation and every devotee of Tatvadarshi Sant has understood the fact that the sole purpose of human birth is to do true worship and attain emancipation. They are not carried by these useless attractions hence quit intoxicants and focus on true worship to attain salvation.

To Provide Salvation to the World by Providing True Devotion

The whole world in Kaal's world is misled and is performing arbitrary worship which is useless since seekers do not get any benefit with unscriptural worship. Sant Rampal Ji as social reformer is doing miracles by providing scriptures based worship with which even things which seem impossible are getting possible and seekers are getting innumerable benefits which is increasing faith in Him day by day. His target is to spread true spiritual knowledge to the whole world because He intends to liberate all trapped souls from the web of butcher Brahm Kaal and provide them all comfort in an eternal world called Satlok which is their native place.

To Eradicate Caste Discrimination from Society

All creatures residing at present in the 21 Universes of Brahm Kaal are the children of one God. Due to ignorance we have been divided in different religions, castes, and creeds. We have forgotten our happiness giving Father (God). Great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji is uniting people across the globe through spiritual discourses which transform humans and their soul purifies and they understand that we are all same and children of one God hence should not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion or caste.

To Bring Moral and Spiritual Awakening Among Youth

The education system prevalent as on date is moving youth away from spiritually and the only motive left in front of youth is to get materialistic benefits and become a millionaire. This is due to lack of true spiritual knowledge. Great enlightened Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj as a social reformer is imbibing high moral values amongst youth through spiritual discourse with which they are understanding that their human birth is highly precious and should not just be wasted in accumulating materialistic wealth rather they should aim to accumulate devotional wealth which will go along with them in afterlife.

Together with efforts for essential survival in Kaal's world they should not forget the sole purpose of human birth which is to do true worship and attain salvation. The children and youth disciples of Sant Rampal Ji have high moral and spiritual values. This wonder is the outcome of true spiritual knowledge which Sant Rampal Ji is providing through spiritual discourses.

To Root Out Evil Like Dowry from Society

A girl child is a blessing of God for every family. A daughter is the best gift which parents can ever get from God. But due to wrong tradition and practice in Kaal's world this fact is being ignored by people and they consider a girl to be a burden since they have to spend high on her marriage. This evil practice of dowry prevalent in society has become a curse to families specially for poor ones who cannot bear the high expenses of marriage of their daughter. Great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has done wonders in eradicating this evil from society. His disciples do not give or take dowry in marriage. The marriage is done in a very simple way in 17 minutes by the recitation of God's speech known as 'Ramaini'. There is no pomp and show in marriage and the couple is blessed by God to lead a happy and prosperous life, do true worship and attain emancipation.

To Establish Peace and Brotherhood in Society

Kaal's world is full of miseries. No creature here is happy. There is chaos all around. People are ready to war even for very little - little things. Great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj through His spiritual discourse is spreading the message of peace and brotherhood across the globe and building a strong society.

To Create a Clean Society by Eliminating Social Evils

Several social evils like dowry, bribery, consumption of intoxicants, adultery etc are prevalent in society. People do all nuisance out of ignorance. Great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji imbibes high social and moral values in people by providing true spiritual knowledge with which all social evils are being eradicated and His disciples are leading a comfortable life. His aim is that the whole world should quit all social evils and lead a simple and happy life. This great transformation across the globe is possible with the spread of true spiritual knowledge which is an easy task for the great enlightened saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

To Eradicate Corruption

Corruption has rooted deep in society. It is like a termite which is slowly ruining society. Murder, theft, bribery etc corruption are all due to ignorance. Bollywood contributes a lot to increasing corruption. The disciples of great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj do not watch movies, do not play music,  do not dance. They lead a simple life with high social and moral values and are far from any kind of corruption.

To Eliminate Hypocrisy from Society

The disciples of great social reformer Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj are humble and generous. They are pure hearted. They do not cheat anyone because they have understood that such acts are not liked by God and their sole aim is to attain God. All disciples are far from any kind of hypocrisy be it religious or social. They all worship according to the prescribed method told in holy scriptures and religiously follow prescribed rules of worship. This is the outcome of true spiritual knowledge which is being spread through spiritual discourse by Him.


“Acche din pache gaye, Satguru se kiya na het |
Ab pachtava kya kare, Jab chidiya chug gayee khet”

Identify the Messiah/Avatar, the Savior of the world Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj well on time else there will be left nothing except regret.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj tells

“Our Race is Living Being, Mankind is our religion,
Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, there is no separate religion”

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, the World Victorious Saint is the Avatar/incarnation of Lord Kabir and has descended to diminish iniquity spread all around, to remove ignorance and liberate trapped souls. Take refuge and make the best of your human birth. Attain Emancipation, attain God


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