With the power of His true spiritual knowledge Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has crossed every ocean and reached different parts of this globe. Although He is known to everyone for His authenticity, in spite of this He faced a lot of criticism in His initial days to bring out the truth in front of us. And in that course He successfully converted every stone thrown at Him into a milestone. Let us get into depth into the life history of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.
The following will be the highlights
(1951-1988): Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj was born on 8th September 1951 in village Dhanana, Tehsil Gohana, District Sonipat (Haryana). After completion of His diploma in engineering He was appointed as a Junior Engineer in Irrigation Department of Haryana Government. By His birth He was observed to be religious and God loving. As a result of which He started worshiping God early in His life and for 25 long years (upto 1988) He continued to worship Hanuman ji and Shri Krishna. And considered Shri Krishna ji to be the supreme power.
Because of His God loving nature He used to visit various temples regularly including the famous Hanuman temple in Salasar village of district Churu in Rajasthan. And used to meditate and recite Hanuman chalisa seven times a day. However in spite of doing such devotion His desire to attain God wasn't met.
In His search of attaining God He used to discuss the process of attaining God with various priests and sages. In that process one day He met 107 year old Swami Ram Devanand Ji Maharaj. And upon having a discussion about each other's religious practices He found that whatever He has been doing till now is against our Holy Scriptures.
At first everything said by Swami Ji appeared to be illogical to Him but upon studying the Holy Scriptures by Himself He found it to be correct. Following this He took initiation from Him on 17th February 1988 for attaining God. And since then this day is celebrated as Bodh Diwas of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.
This year 38th Bodh Diwas is being celebrated. Let us know the highlights of this great event.
The 38th Bodh Diwas of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is being celebrated throughout the nation and abroad. And He is celebrating this observance in His 11 branches of Satlok Ashrams. The celebration will be a four-days celebration from 17th February to 20th February 2025. The celebration shall include the following:
The names of the branches of Satlok Ashram are as follows:
Satlok Ashram Dhanana Dham (Haryana)
Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana)
To get the location of the nearest Naam Diksha (initiation) Centre you can call our helpline number 8222880541. And to order a free book “Gyan Ganga” and “Way of Living” written by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, you can Whatsapp your name, full address, pincode and mobile number on our whatsapp number 7496801825. Else if you want to download pdf books you can visit the publications page on our website Moving ahead let us further know more about his constant efforts to spread true spiritual knowledge.
(1988-1994): After taking initiation, He wanted to spread the word of God Kabir to the entire globe. For this purpose He used to take willing devotees to His Guruji for taking Naam Diksha (initiation). And soon devotees started to grow in number. Seeing His willfulness for salvation He granted Him with Saarnaam (mantra to salvation). And one day in the year 1994 Swami ji called up Sant Rampal Ji in front of various devotees and ordered Him to give initiation since then and asked everyone to accept Him as their Guru. Being unexpected, initially He became afraid but Swami Ji calmed Him down by saying:
"Don't worry, I will always be there with you, the Supreme Power is also there with you. And there won't be a Saint matching your capabilities in the whole world."
Upon the increase in the number of devotees it was becoming difficult for Him to manage His job and obey the orders of His Guruji at the same time. So He decided to leave His job in the year 1995 by His own will after serving them for 18 years. Along with this He took another major decision to leave His family and home in the hands of God Kabir and devoted His entire life thereafter to obey the orders of His Guruji and spread the word of God Kabir.
Because in this cage of Satan where everyone is found to be mugging up Satan's worship, He felt the need to empower the world with the wealth of true spiritual knowledge. And that's why He took some major decisions like these.
(1995-1997): Since 1995 till date Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj didn't stop to reveal the identity of Supreme God Kabir to this entire globe. Amidst these He had to struggle a lot for this cause.
(1997-2006): Kabir Saheb came and met Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj on Vikrami Samvat 2054 in the month of Falgun (1997) at 10 am and ordered Him to grant Saarnam and Saarshabad to the willing devotees. Since then He narrated spiritual discourses from Kabir Sagar and other Holy books to make people aware about His real Tatvgyan. And correspondingly disclosed the mantras of salvation to the capable devotees.
(2006-2008): He was sent to jail twice for speaking the truth. Firstly because of the incident of Karontha in 2006 in which He exposed the foul points in the book Satyarth Prakash written by Dayanand Saraswati and consequently allowed the public to make the decision whether it is acceptable to the society or not. But upon getting exposed, corrupt Arya Samajis attacked Karontha Ashram in the year 2006 and under false allegations they sent Him to jail. But He was released from jail in 2008.
Note: The honourable court has now released Him from this case with all due respect.
(2008-2014): After returning from the jail, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj continued to preach the truth through His spiritual sermons from His Ashram at Barwala from the year 2008.
Then the Barwala incident happened in 2014 as a result of a clash between Him and the Haryana Government when officials asked for money indirectly and He denied to bribe them. As a result of which false cases were made against Him and inspite of submitting His non favorable medical report He was asked to come to court. Following this a date of 20th November 2014 was settled between Him and court. But the Haryana Government attacked Satlok Ashram Barwala on 18th November 2014 to seize it.
Innocent devotees were ruthlessly beaten and 6 of them succumbed to death because of the expired tear gas used by police officials. While Sant Rampal Ji along with 30 other devotees were sentenced to life imprisonment in case of murder by District Court, Hisar. However He was released of these fake charges on 29th August 2017.
(2014- Present): Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has been in jail since the year 2014 till present under false allegations but by the grace of God Kabir His true spiritual knowledge has successfully reached different parts of the globe. Today He has 500+ Naam Diksha centers around the globe and crores of devotees are doing worship as given by Him to attain desired benefits. His devotees after the year 2014 have multiplied to more than 100 times. He left no stone unturned in bringing up the truth behind the reality of Supreme God Kabir to us.
The great Enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj should not be mistaken to be just an ordinary person. He is Almighty Kabir presently disguised in the cover of Sant Rampal Ji playing divine spectacle for the welfare of whole mankind. Soon the whole world will witness this fact. It is an advise to all humans that take His refuge and get your welfare done.
Question: When did Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj get the orders of giving initiation?
Answer: 1994
Question: Does Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj demand money for giving initiation?
Answer: No, Initiation by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is free of cost
Question: Who is the guru of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj?
Answer: Swami Ram Devanand Ji Maharaj
Question: When did Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj establish Satlok Ashram?
Answer: He established Satlok Ashram at Karontha in Rohtak district of Haryana in 2000.
Question: Who is managing the branches of Satlok Ashram?
Answer: Everything at Satlok Ashram is being done under the guidance of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj only.